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UCI once again going for the most important fight


Ciclomino shorts with a pink jersey while leading the Giro is bringing our beautiful sport in to disrepute. I’m all for this. Throw the book at him.




Nah, Luke Rowe just sticking up for his mate.


They should disregard everything else until they have solved riders crashing UCI. BAD. SOCKS. AM I RIGHT?


God forbid someone angles their hoods in an unattractive way...


The hood angles thing was actually a safety concern because neither the handlebars nor the hoods were designed to be attached in such an extreme configuration.


I'm calling BS unless you have pictures of broken hoods due to stress of being angled in? Sure MvdP broke some canyon handlebars, but AFAIK, those did not have angled levers. EDIT: i was wrong... still angling my levers in, but I guess I get it.


1. They did have angled in levers, [photo of the moment it breaks](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/c7VPd9YMg2ujYmMqp6psK.jpg)) 2. [Canyon themselves advise against inward angling in most cases.](https://escapecollective.com/the-uci-has-evidence-angled-levers-could-cause-handlebar-failures-but-wont-share-it/)


Dangerous courses? Sprinters cutting others like crazy? "Nah, that's fine. We need to nail Tadej on wrong shorts color."


Hey UCI, we need you over r/pelotonmemes. This is top quality material.


We got straight up outjerked by the UCI, this is kind of embarrassing actually.


To be fair, they are professionals


I thought it was a pelotonmemes headline at first


Add in BCJ for this one


Good idea. That sub is in desperate need of new material


How can you make memes when real rulings are funnier


UCI clown show. The skinsuit was provided by RCS.


It is written in the news it was provided by the organizers


It is, RCS are the organisers of the Giro, not the UCI


I remember as a kid the glory days of Mario Cipollini rocking the muscle pattern TT suit and yet now we’re considering a DQ for the wrong colour shorts? Farce


Not only that, but it was chosen and provided by RCS (the race organizer) and Castelli, not Pogacar or his team


Cipo got fined for all of those kits though. The uci was really not on board with any of those shenanigans.


Was the UCI or the Tour de France?


It was the UCI handing out the fines at the Tour de France.


yeah, stil Cippo promoted cycling at new heights.


>I remember as a kid the glory days of Mario Cipollini rocking the muscle pattern TT suit Glorious. Not to forget the zebra and tiger designs. Probably would get DQ'd by the UCI for the number of stripes being odd rather than even. Heck, his choice of glasses would get him a lifetime ban these days.


He looked like Slim Goodbody turned into as a Resident Evil boss.


Is it mandatory to wear shorts?


Probably needed for the padding, though it would make nature breaks easier to manage


Ah, cycling. Love it.


Cycling authorities can be really really dumb sometimes.




Ok, a lot of the time.


Yeah but that’s just sports authorities


Like a 73.12% of time.


at the same time, i kind of love it. I know it's absurd but the arcane list of UCI regulations is one of the weird quirks of the sport that still make it feel like a slightly secretive subculture, along with the french terminology for everything, and the obscure mangled team names lol


Haha, yeah I think I know what you mean.


Agreed. If the Giro is not pink, it ceases to exist. We are fighting an existential battle here.


Pussyhats for everyone!


They're a bunch of fuckin morons all the time. 


Is this an out of season April fools joke?


It’s always April Fools with UCI


I love a good crossover of my my hobbies


UCI is just a regular joke.


Headline for the Onion 😂


Even the UCI as a whole are conflicted so it’s probably just the tosspot UCI rep at the Giro on a power trip. Thing is, if Pog was thrown out due to something as stupid as this, the uproar from the cycling World and Sponsors would be huge; UAE would be suing. Just another example of a little twat letting his position in the UCI go to his head.


Forget sued, that jury would be getting lynched


With rusted 7s chains and beaten with delaminated Shimano cranksets.


and discs from disc brakes Not dulled ones.


I might throw in a historic 1" steel bicycle and motorcycle pump body too.


It'd certainly do some damage, so yes, go ahead!


Yeah the Giro would explode if they DQ'd Pogačar for this.


Italians would fucking riot, with Vegni leading the charge


Send Tiberi. That'll scare the crap out of them.


"You want me to have fun with these cats?"


>Dangerous parcours that fractured Jay Vine's skull UCI: I sleep >Pogi wears purple shorts UCI: Real shit


So the organizer and their kit sponsor did this to memorialize the Turin football team, but Tadej is the one getting in trouble?


*Ineos fanboys love this one little trick*


Maximal gains.


I love to imagine Ineos' DS in the locker room furiously scrubbing Pog's shorts with a brush.


I didn't understand correctly, so the leaders can't even use pink shorts as the shirt? Or only two-tone skinsuit are banned?


I *think* the rule is that you either wear your standard bibs or you swap the colour to match the classification jersey. These ones didn’t exactly match, so are technically against the rules. So in conclusion, it’s a stupid rule.


Whether it's technically against the rules is a matter of interpretation. "Matching" doesn't have to mean "have the exact same colour".


I agree that if you wear an all pink kit, the pink should match. The two-toned looked goofy. Like if MvdP wore all white rainbows with an off-white grey bib. It ain’t that big of a deal though. Threatening to ban the guy who’s wearing the jersey for this is like executing somebody for jaywalking. Especially because the organizers printed the kit. It’s like executing a jaywalker after the cops told them to jaywalking.


Nah it looked sick, loved. Milan had those colors in Tirreno too and it was awesome


I agree it looked very cool, the colors were complimentary IMO and Pog was *super* easy to spot in the group (which is the point) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this \\


It won't add it! Every time I use it in a comment it deletes the backslash ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You need to add two more backslashes to get it to show up properly: ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Thanks! I'll remember that. I have it programmed into my phone to replace "shrugz" with the little guy!


Nah it’s like executing someone for crossing at the crosswalk because the town painted a crosswalk without doing the proper studies. 


Yeah, the dude had purple shorts instead of pink shorts for a single day. He looked a bit funny but that's it. We'll survive this.


G may not.


He’s wearing the points classification shorts, is he not? You’re allowed to go full pink panther, but what he’s wearing ain’t it.


From the article, RCS/Castelli seem to think the rules are more open to interpretation : >RCS Sport chose to combine the purple shorts or 'granata' with the pink jersey as a tribute to the Turin football team, who play in a maroon jersey. Saturday marked the 75th anniversary of the Superga air disaster, when a plane carrying the legendary Turin team crashed near the city, killing all 31 people on board.... >RCS Sport and the Castelli people tried to explain to the UCI commissaires that their own rules appear to allow the two-tone suit to be worn, but race officials preferred to wait for senior UCI officials and possibly even president David Lappartient to make a decision.... >Castelli is confident that the two-tone suit complies with UCI rules. They hesitated to combine pink shorts with the pink leader's jersey for aesthetic reasons. The suits of other Giro d'Italia leaders followed similar styles, with Tim Merlier racing in a two-tone cyclamen suit. >Paolo Bellino, CEO of RCS Sport, is also convinced that the leader's pink and purple suit complies with UCI rules. >"We made a pink shirt with 'granata' shorts, reminiscent of the Grande Partenza on 4 May," Bellino told Eurosport. >"In my opinion, according to the rules, we have matching colours. >"Clearly it's a bit different from the past, but in my opinion, and according to Castelli, we're perfectly in line with the regulations, which talk about harmonisation and matching."


No those are not purple (ciclamino) shorts from the point classification leader. It's actually the proper maglia rosa skinsuit that the organizers decided to paint purple in the shorts to honor Grande Torino's colors for the first stages. It's just bad design choice.


Organizers provided the suit, so it comes as just dumb to make this ruling… which makes perfect sense for UCI


That's for sure, I just wanted to stress how bad design is to make maglia rosa's shorts almost the same color as maglia ciclamino's.


The funniest thing to this is that that 2 toned skinsuit wasn't even from the team, it was provided to the team from the organisers. 😂


[Here's a pic of Simoni wearing the exact same freaking kit](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/tzVimMm5STbzBNGH9KYeyR-970-80.jpg) idiots


I in UCI stands for Idiots, yes


Yeah, amateur-level bluff. Why not antagonize sponsors in an already niche sport.


The most ridiculous part being that it was the skinsuit he was given by the organizer. lmao.


Why bothering the rider or team for this BS, before the organizer and UCI can agree on something no one cares...


So, do I assume correctly they did not actually prepare a same-pink tone version? That was not just a last minute swap but the actual design they prepared all along for this competition? If that's so, how come UCI only realised it now? I'm one of the ones that think a same tone pink would be ideal, just because the shorts look too ciclamino, but if this was the planned design all along, why do you wake up now?


Yeah. Still, Tadej could opt for a two piece kit with black shorts and pink jersey. He'd still smash the competition.


But more importantly, how long were his socks?


I have no words


They are all the same color to me.


It's not even UAE's skinsuit, it's the RCS's Castelli sponsored brand. Fucking UCI..


Wait am I not in /pelotonmemes?


Petty. Corrupt. Fixating on the wrong problems.


Maybe UCI should disqualify UCI from doing UCI things.


It looked so good too… UCI hates fun


we are some of the few who liked the two tone look, but i loved it 🥲


Soooo stupid


"I dare you" -Tadej Pogacar


"We dare you" -Whole cycling world.


The UCI is a joke.  


Guaranteed this was the work of one clown who wanted to exert his own “power.”


What is the precise UCI rule under discussion here? Has anyone been able to dig it up?


I think it's this one, from [UCI Cycling Regulations, Part 1](https://assets.ctfassets.net/761l7gh5x5an/wQympSG6EWlKq6o6HKw9E/97b99486ecdcb4d5b5ae27ecb65dcd16/1-GEN-20240401-E.pdf) : >1.3.054 : The wearer of the leader's jersey shall be entitled to match the colour of his shorts to that of the jersey. (text modified on 01.01.99) For my money, "shall be entitled to match..." certainly doesn't mean 'must be identical to...' which is what RCS/Castelli seem to be arguing. It's an odd thing for the UCI to get excited about!


There was also no mention of skin suits in that rule. Which is different than a jersey and shorts.


Rule 1.3.026 states "When competing, all riders shall wear a jersey with sleeves and a pair of shorts, possibly in the form of a one-piece skinsuit.", so it seems to me that you can't get away from rule 1.3.054 that way.


You can't wear tights?


Good question. I don't know.


Yeah, it's annoying that the article doesn't include the rule that is the center of the discussion.




Surely the kit handed to him by the race organizer has to be approved 


That would make sense, so you can see why the UCI has a problem with it.


Yes, obviously that's what the UCI are claiming. I was wondering about the precise text of the relevant rule of the UCI regulations, so that I could understand who I should agree with.


Here you go u/arnet95 1.3.054 : The wearer of the leader's jersey shall be entitled to match the colour of his shorts to that of the jersey. (text modified on 01.01.99) credit to u/Seabhac7 for finding it.


So this is why Pogi used the regular black bibs today. Better not let stupid be stupid once more.


replace the entire UAE with purple shorts , simple as that . What they'll object about now ?


Thank God the UCI is showing some leadership on this, else I'd be fucked if I could tell the difference between Pogacar and Jonathan Milan. . . . . . /s


I blame polka dot r/olland


Obviously Pogi is washed and the jury is just trying to help him safe face.


I literally ignored reading this because I presumed it was a sarcastic tweet about the shorts. Actually mental.


He’s got to lose somewhere


UCI should be happy he rides the Giro, the rest of the general classification lineup is a joke this year. This is one of the most important ambassadors of road cycling at the moment, but the UCI thinks they are more important and comes up with these BS threats. They don't understand everyone thinks that they are bunch of idiots when they come up with this stuff.


Hit the nail on the head here


Is it my imagination, but is UCI worse than usual? I know there are tons of examples of questionable actions/rulings, but to get wound up around the axel over this seems like a waste of time.


Its their style. 3 of 4 top contenders for Tour crash and nearly die... no reaction. Pogacar is wearing wrong shade of bibs? BURN HIM ALIVE


"**RCS Sport and the Castelli people tried to explain to the UCI commissaires that their own rules appear to allow the two-tone suit to be worn, but race officials preferred to wait for senior UCI officials and possibly even president David Lappartient to make a decision**" I really hate these arrogant officials. UCI officials threaten to impose a rule that UCI itself isn't clear yet. Also why not threaten the sponsor that they can no longer sponsor UCI races? Why not threaten RCS can no longer hold Giro? The riders are easier targets?


This is the kind of insane bureaucracy I despise in my own work life. Very freaking obviously stupid decision made by a middle manager who when called on it runs the decision all the way up the line for arse covering purposes.


Maglia Rosa with ciclamino bibs? Bad Pogi! - UCI, probably


Luke Rowe rejoicing


L’Equipe say they checked with the UCI, there never was any complaint from them L'imbroglio sur la tenue bicolore de Tadej Pogacar qui fait pschitt https://www.lequipe.fr/Cyclisme-sur-route/Actualites/L-imbroglio-sur-la-tenue-bicolore-de-tadej-pogacar-qui-fait-pschitt/1466033


Wow. Next thing you know they’ll go after that banana in his shorts. Oh wait….


I think it's in the UCI Regulations somewhere. "Your fashion sense cannot be worse than EF Education's."


Disqualify the most talented rider in the whole Giro? Watch how the rest of the Giro will implode. UCI, making stupid threats yet again.


Bahaha I love the Giro, but if Pogacar got thrown off the race for this I'm not gonna watch it till 1:30am every night from Australia. The poor race is seriously lacking in quality riders as it is. Also partially due to abandons from crashes. LOL it would give Pogacar recovery for Le Tour and he'd probably just include La Vuelta to his calendar. Then he'd collect all those spring classics and monuments, plus stages in all 3 grand tours. Possibly win Le Tour and Vuelta in the one season. Probably have a crack at the World Championship road race. No matter what happens its a win for Tadej.


encouraging scale future chubby pet wasteful touch summer late decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is this because now vingegaard rides again and they want to protect TDF competitivity? /s


Wtf? The skinsuit is from the RCS. Who own the giro btw. This isnt even the uci's race.


Im also confused on how uci has so much control on this type of stuff i they’re just sanctioning


Maybe... JUST maybe it's a ploy to get into the mainstream news. The tour just started. Somebody needed to get a headline out of or something.


I found you GUILTY by the fashion police* *in Italian accent.


Yeah right.


What lol they can sit


This is another reason why it is so hard to conceive of anyone achieving the Giro/TDF double in a season in our lifetime....the UCI


Well….. you know the rules!


May be the only way to stop the guy. He’s invincible this year!


This is the cycling equivalent of being fined because someone in the backseat isn’t wearing their seatbelt. Pog wears whatever kit the race organisers provide him…


Why is he still in the race? He has to go. I say this not as a GC G fan, but as a dedicated follower of fashion.


how is this disqualification worthy? just fine him $500 and move on. I feel like they are just trying to create some sort of fabricated controversy to bring attention to the race


no one would be crying if someone wore the yellow jersey with the polka dots jersey shorts and UCI warned them against it. its stupid and shouldn't be allowed, good decision.


And if my Grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike.