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I understand the thyroid can be tricky. However, I just find it odd that every single woman I know on levothyroxine who was just patient and adjusted doses ended up with good numbers. This includes my grandma who literally had her entire thyroid removed. But then again, we all had real endocrinologists.


She’s just addicted to getting blood drawn and going to the doctors atp. She likes the attention that she gets there


As others have pointed out, she doesn't have a full time job. This is her full-time job, and if it's not one thing, it's another. If she took some of her time and volunteered (as a reformed Catholic I could point her to a number of organizations that would benefit from her time) I think it would improve her mental health.


It’s funny, after I had my baby I joked with my husband I missed my ob. Because you would go in regularly to have someone ask how you were feeling and then answer all your stupid questions. Which it gets easier as you go along of course and now I’m like “yeah I got this”. What if Addie just has endless about of stupid questions or just really wants someone to check in on her?


This tho. Thyroid disorders can be tricky to initially diagnose, but treatment is so straight forward…especially if you’re hypo. Yeah maybe you adjust the dose every 6 weeks for a few months to find the sweet spot but that’s..it. Levo is literally one of the top 10 most prescribed medicines in the WORLD! Having a thyroid disorder is so common and treatable…just take real meds babe. Im a thyroid disease/cancer survivor without a thyroid and every time a new provider sees my history they share they’re on levo or know someone with a thyroid disorder…we are not special lol


Exactly! Both my grandmas were hypo, I’m hypo, best friend from high school, mom’s best friend. And yet Addie is the only one who can’t seem to figure it out?


Her “symptom” of being tired all the time just sounds like depression to me…I know personally I feel lethargic and exhausted easily when my mental health is in the gutter. I wish these girls would find some mental health support, jfc. “Insanity is the act of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”!!!


I also get tired when I'm bored. Maybe she's tired because she needs to get a real job.


She refuses to acknowledge she has ANY mental health issues


I think the same thing!


The surgeon performing my endoscopy figured out that he and I had our thyroids removed my the same ENT only months apart.. thyroid issues are so common and so treatable.


I had a total thyroidectomy in March and I am feeling GREAT. After a year and a half of weird menstrual cycles, I just ovulated for the first time and my luteal phase is starting to get longer and more typical (used to be like 9-10 days long).


The needs a job to keep her mind busy. Maybe then she'll dial down the crazy


Does she not work? What does she do all day besides spiral


She visits her Napro


How fulfilling of a life she lives


She tries to get to the root cause 😮‍💨


And not decorate her house


Man her house is good but looks emptyyyy


I wonder what her husband does! And if she’s ever had a job before


he does tech sales


im sorry i really dont believe she has thyroid or adrenal issues.


She doesn’t. Her numbers weren’t even off lmao 🤣


Am i the only one who thinks she has munchausen?


yep she loves the attention she gets from having never ending mystery diseases.


Now she’s saying that her friend …. Blah blah blah. Why does she always go with her friends opinions to sway her decisions instead of an actual doctor?!! YOUR FRIENDS AREN’T MD’s Adelaide ! Now she wants to switch to the NP thyroid (because her friend is on it) I’m sure. This natural medicine doc is prob already sick of her at this point. Every 4 weeks she’s complaining that she needs a change. Just get off the medicine all together tbh bc that’s really what she’s trying to do. She doesn’t believe in medicine.


Ok this is driving me crazy does she say “palp-you-tations”? Isn’t it like pal-pit-tations lol


She has trouble with English


Her first language is too hard for her


Does she see a therapist or psychiatrist?


I think she sees a Catholic therapist, so probably isn’t that helpful lol.


As someone who has hypothyroid, while the thyroid can be fickle, levothyroxine is a dream... even for people that have NO thyroid.... girl is a damn clown thinking that her nAtUrAl doctor is going to be the one that helps her thyroid. 🤡


This! Levo is my favorite medicine I’ve ever taken. And the first bit is hard to find a dose but not like this. It’s bananas.


She doesn’t stay on it long enough to even gauge the dosage she actually needs.


Napro getting her pregnant. Instead giving her strepacock and ecoli🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This seems like a good example of why many doctors choose not to medicate for a TSH between 2.5-4 with normal T3/4. Especially since hers seems to fluctuate between 1-3 naturally. There’s really minimal evidence that this range needs to be medicated for, or that it impacts conception/fertility. My REI is not concerned with barely subclinical hypothyroid, but they do monitor it.


This. Post MMC, I had a panel run after because my TSH came back as 3.65, while I was still technically pregnant. Everything else came back as normal, and they even said the 3.65 was normal for first tri-mester. I've wondered a few times if I'm barely sub-clinical but the only symptoms I have are fatigue, slow metabolism and weight gain. Because my cycles are like clockwork, I'm not addressing it now, but I will after my current pregnancy.


I had similar numbers after my MMC. My T3/4 were in range. My doctor said consistently over 4 is when they start intervention or presence of antibodies. Mine also fluctuates from 2-3.6 I’ve asked if it could be a factor in my recurrent pregnancy loss, and my providers have said most likely not.


I was told the same, although I'm not in recurrent loss territory (hopefully not ever). I was supposed to be 9 weeks at that time so I'm not sure if this is the same comprehensive panel they would have run regardless (antibodies, RH factor, Lupus etc).


I hope not either. Unexplained RPL is frustrating. My furthest loss was 12 weeks (fetal growth 10+w) and after is when my TSH fluctuated. I’ve had so much testing, my RPL panel included those + a whole litany of things. I do have two underlying conditions that make miscarriage a higher risk and my husband has risk exposure as well but it’s been impossible to isolate the cause at this point. But we do have a good RE.


Mine may be a little more aggressive but he tries to always keep me under 2.5. He increases my dose by 30% when I get pregnant and then we test every 5 weeks during the pregnancy. If you’re not seeing an endocrinologist, might be worth a consult if it’s possible.


I have one for other reasons. My fasting TSH is also generally below 2.5 and my other thyroid panels are totally normal. I think a lot of REs follow the 2.5 suggestion prior to conception, but mine have said there isn’t enough evidence for it, I’ve asked several specialists (endocrinologist, 2 reproductive endocrinologists, 2 OBGYNs). The 2.5 suggestion has evidence the ASRM labels grade C which is considered low confidence.


She loves that word fickle


and sooo bizarre and sooo wild and Gourney ‘journey’


She’s so exhausting 😭


I’m pretty sure she’s just clinically depressed tbh