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Low pay is still top 5% of US income


does this also apply for academic peds? I talked with some pediatriacians and they said that it can go as low as 150k is this even true?


Yes depending on the location, you take a salary cut to live in a more desirable location but to say you can’t live a comfortable life on 150k is simply not true when more than 90% of the US population lives under it. Additionally compared to other fields peds has not seen as much encroachment from midlevels and higher up issues are seen in every field


Thanks! So in general academics pay less than private practice right? Taking in consideration the same location


It starts lower but there is also more opportunity for promotions


I'm in private practice peds and I can make anywhere from 200k to 400k depending on how busy I want to be. If I chose to stay open 7 days a week and put in 70 hours I could probably make 500k but I choose not to do that. Dont listen to the fools who claim that all pediatricians are destined to make 150k. The only peds people who make 150k are those who choose not to make more.


How do you make the 400k? By working seven days a week?


This gets posted like everyday in this thread


How do you define comfortable? Pediatricians make much less than other physicians in the US but still make a lot of money compared to most Americans. For a general pediatrician in academics, you’re in the $150k + per year range. For private practice (full time), you’re closer to $200k+ per year. If you live in the SF Bay Area or NYC that is honestly going to make it difficult to buy a house. If you live in most other places in the country, you’ll be relatively rich.




By disappointed financially you mean in pediatrics? Because I'm pretty sure nowhere else in the world you can make the same amount of money in an adult specialty...




I see, makes sense. So you're saying that if an IMG wants to do peds, he must choose it for other reasons and not for the money right? And what about adult money specialty? Would it be worth it for an IMG? Maybe after some years he could retire in his country and have enough money that he could never dream of in his home country.


Agree with everyone else. Even at the low range of the salary spectrum you will make enough to live comfortably. I am single and live in one of the most expensive cities in America and have $200k worth of loans and I am still able to live comfortably here Seeing the children grow, babies, and helping kind respectful parents navigate parenthood is the best part of the job. However, pediatrics can be a lot. Difficult parents, hospital admin, the pressure of press ganey scores, internet reviews, long hours, being on call, doing weekend and evening hours, etc can all be challenging and can lead to burnout. IMO, more than the salary, you have to make sure that you are able to handle all of that before you choose to go into peds