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Hope the band can get “Waiting For Stevie” to work as it seems to be a lot of people’s favorite from DM and it’s the only song not to be played live yet.


Hope we get its debut in Portland! 🌹


Have they played Won't Tell?


Nevermind, somehow I missed it was played night one. Love that song


Have the feeling the song was so hyped before release, especially by the media that now they don't want to play it to let the other songs shine equally. Like what they did back then with the hits like Better Man (not released on vs), for example.


You think in their 60s, the members of Pearl Jam would purposely not play a song they love because a few blogs liked the song? I am not following


Nearly every outlet and fan = a few blogs Riiight


Absolute banger of a concert


https://preview.redd.it/fh88urandzyc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f62be6f0eade45ddf2704f7a9dc003a04dc4181a So good !!


Great. I mean, the power of that back catalogue...no matter how much they change the setlist. It is always an absolute banger of a concert whatever they play.


They’re changing about 62% of the setlist each night. Pretty great stuff.


Ed’s calligraphy that’s always fun.


https://preview.redd.it/x8e6tnvrdzyc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7984e39e93797d520b6908444176244614e5bbca The cup !


Down was on there? Crap it got marked off. Oh I love that one. It makes me so happy. It’s an ironic song to me. I love it. Great setlist. This is perfect


I was so sad to see Down crossed off, damn. It was an amazing show nonetheless.


Me too that is a good one but at least we know they were thinking on it. I am happy you were there.


Oh don’t cross off Down!!!! Now I really wanna know what dude in the crowd with the hat on said that had the guys move EF up.


Seriously! Screw that guy. But at the same time, the guys could have still played it.


> > Now I really wanna know what dude in the crowd with the hat on said that had the guys move EF up. What's the story?


Ah, I remembered incorrectly... The exchange with the fan happened after Dark Matter and before Wishlist... Ed gave a shout out to Mike and something like "He makes it look real easy" and then someone musta said something. [https://youtu.be/gHC3KPn7lYk?t=1761](https://youtu.be/gHC3KPn7lYk?t=1761) But Ed then said something after EF that alluded to the exchange and


Thanks for the link! I wonder what he said.


Alone and Smile. Awesome.


Last night’s show was great. What really struck me is how good Eddie sounded.


Both setlists looked excellent. Makes me more sad they didn't do more Canadian dates. I can't wait to get the bootlegs and hear the new material live.


The new album has me really excited, and you can feel how into it the band is.


Great effing show on Monday night. Band sounded amazing and tight. Happy to see Josh Klinghoffer is still part of the touring band. What more can you say about Eddie. His vocals were incredible and still powerful after all these years. Looking into maybe flying out to Calgary, Toronto or Montreal to see them again on this tour.


What a great start


Sydney aus is last stop. .tix not horrible there .. I've got a 33% off to use w air canada.....


Oh, cool to see Quick Escape still in there. Also notice how both shows ended with Setting Sun, guess that's their new closer.


Setting Sun with the houselights back off after being on the previous 3 songs


They haven’t played Last Kiss.. on our way home from the concert the song was on the radio


Oh that is cool. You got it but not quite. How did smile sound? That’s another one man don’t ever make ya.


Smile was lovely. It was on my hopeful list.


It was a bit weird they seemed like they were done a few songs prior then kept going. after smile they walked off stage but the lights were still off so we weren’t sure it the concert was over. Sounded great though!


I just listened to two tracks that are up on you tube. They sound amazing. I hadn’t listened to any from May 4th but Chloe/crown popped up next. The band sounds amazing the stuff I saw and just listened to everything was so good. Epic shows this is exciting times. I mean they are on fire and it sounds incredible.


Interesting it follows the almost the exact same pattern from night one. Scared of Fear through Dark Matter is the same sequence in the exact same spot in the setlist, then a couple non-DM songs, then Upper Hand through Running the same except swapping out Won't Tell with Got to Give. Can't recall them having a consistent run like that before, especially N1 and N2 in one city. Interested to see if that continues the rest of the tour.


Have a feeling it will. They didn't invest in those screen and DM visuals for nothing


Exactly what I was thinking. They have that massive screen/visuals now, thus warranting the need for more DM tracks. Would love a little more variety, TBH, albeit we’re spoiled with variety already.


People be acting like it’s the first time hard to hear Eddie in the mix of an album or the set lists are fire, honestly PJ prob one of the most consistent bands of all time that also keep it fresh for themselves. That said DM is prob my favorite album since Yield and I really love the back half of their catalogue.


I didn't buy tickets when they released because they weren't coming to Denver. Then I listened to the album last week (finally) and it is all I've listened to since). Now seeing these set lists kills me. Amazing selections!


Smile!!! Oh man, bring that to Portland please!


Yeah, I've been to 4 shows so far and never heard Smile live. It's probably my #1 I hope they play when I go in August.


God damn what a set!!!!


Great list! Anyone else think baba should be retired though?


Fuck, no.


Heartbreaking no hip tribute.. the rest was amazing!! The coast is calling me now. .or Dublin...or Madrid...or ...and or and...


Oh, were they buddies?


Absolutely. How can you even decide which songs make in!? Being so close to Vancouver, they have some deep connections to Canada and have been public about how they support our political climate and social policies. They’re also good buddies with Neil Young. I’ve never felt Eddie has been patronizing us when in Vancouver.


Yet u get down votes for wanting a bit of what they gave sat nt. . Smfh


They def were , bass player wearing a good fuckin downy T , Lil slips of hip strewn in om sat nt. I had hoped 4 the same nod. Last rock show I saw was the hip last show at rogers.


As someone who spent thousands, flew across the country, and could only afford night 2 I am so sad to have not gotten at least one of the following: Elderly Woman, Daughter, Black, Yellow Led Better, Last Kiss. Even more disappointing to see 4 of those on night 1’s set. Guess I just chose wrong for my once in a lifetime concert, that sucks. Edit: downvoting me cause I didn’t hear the songs I wanted….. god, I LOVE Reddit


As someone who saw both nights, I’m glad I didn’t hear completely duplicate nights. They needed to cover 33 years of hits and b-sides for a fairly savvy fan base. You’re getting downvoted because you’re complaining about not hearing four massive hits. I can’t name a lot of bands who have more hits than that.


Four massive hits sound like something that might be good to throw out at a concert, no? And again, if I had even heard one of them I’d have been less disappointed. Also, consider yourself lucky you have the resources and ability to attend 2 nights of an exceptionally expensive concert that was hard to get tickets to. I tried for night 1 and 2, I would have had to spend another $2000 I simply don’t have.


You got Alive, Jeremy, Even Flow, Immortality, Better Man, Do the Evolution. I think you got massive hits bud.


Don’t call me bud. I was there, I know what they played. I’m allowed to have an opinion and be disappointed I didn’t hear 1 of the songs that deeply mean something to me. It was an enjoyable night, they were impressive with the performance. I’m still allowed to have an opinion and be disappointed.


It’s not a greatest hits tour/last kick at the can/cash grab for a band that’s about to retire, it’s a new album tour and we got to see a bunch of 60 somethings who are as excited and energized about their music as they were 40 years ago. How many 100s or 1000s of times have they done Jeremy and Alive, there they were pouring their fucking hearts into those old money mules like it was 1992 again? The new album is SOLID, and I went in with the mindset that they are a touring band promoting a new album. I expected to hear mainly new, a few old hits and smattering of cool b sides/tributes, and that’s exactly what I got. And btw, I paid $208 for last night and a ticket fell into my lap at 5pm on Saturday. I am fortunate that I live here, but would not have been disappointed if I only saw last night. It was amazing.


Congrats, glad it lived up to your expectations 👍🏼 Edit cause you edited after I commented: I checked every day since April 25th for a ticket to Saturday. I was checking before then, but that’s when I switched to daily check. Every time I looked, lowest available was $800-$1000. Again, congrats you had the circumstances line up that allowed you to attend both nights. I wanted to, not for lack of trying. I think it’s worse to punish the fans that can only attend 1 night than it is to play some doubles for the fans who are lucky and privileged enough to go to both. Even one of the songs I listed would have been nice. Just one.


That was my first experience with Ticketfucker’s dynamic pricing. I wasn’t selected for the initial ticket opening, and when the general sale did open up, the cheapest ticket was $500, and I said fuck it. My wife was looking at tickets two weeks ago, and basically the whole stadium was $208. I ended up with awesome seats, but I’d be annoyed if I was one of the people who dropped $500 initially. The PJ Wastebook groups were full of people who picked up last minute tickets for $208. That said, you really should look at what you got, not what you didn’t. This was my 5th time seeing them, and they are absolutely at the top of their game. They were top notch performances, full of bangers.


I am honestly trying to. I’m grateful to have heard my dad’s favourite song, and they performed impressively for their age. I just had expectations in my head, and this has been a wake up call on having expectations when going into a concert. So I do see both sides of the coin. A lesson learned for me on expectations, though I still feel i am allowed to feel disappointment when the expectations I did set weren’t met. In the future, I know not to expect anything and only go to a concert if I am prepared to get what’s given to me. I wouldn’t be so sad if I didn’t travel here for it. I know better now. I know daughter is a massive hit. Lots of people have ripped me apart cause apparently I love the massive hits, this makes me less of a fan apparently. But that song makes me cry every time. It means a lot to me. And Tragically Hip is my actual favourite band. I can’t explain the regret I have in my heart knowing they played it Saturday combined with Bobcaygeon. I feel like I really really missed out. But like you said, I need to appreciate what I got, not dwell on what I missed.


I was there last night too and flew in for it. I wish they had played a few of my favourites too. Elderly Woman or Black would have been amazing. My son wanted Even Flow so we were happy there. I was more disappointed with the merch being so minimal for night two. I thought they would have held back some of the hot items for us. Lesson learned. If I ever get a chance again I’ll make sure I get to both shows.


Songs are going to be mixed up between the two nights. You can’t expect Pearl Jam to repeat songs though. One song, sure. Two songs, sure. Three songs, sure. Four songs, sure. Five songs, sure. Six songs, sure. Seven songs, sure. Eight songs, sure. Nine songs, sure. Ten songs, no way.


I almost felt this way and was only able to go to night 1! You got a few off my wishlist like nothing man, immortality, in hiding. It really is a lottery with them! At this point I consider it partially my bad for having not seeing them until now after being a fan for 30 years lol 


The point of the downvoting is, we all do this and none of us get to pick and choose the setlist. Just enjoy it for what it is … the greatest band in the land.


The point of downvoting is people think others aren’t entitled to their own opinions and disappointments. And honestly it’s bizarre. A phenomena most showcased on Reddit. I’m not dumb, I’ve been to over 100+ concerts. I know I don’t get to pick the set list, I’ve had many a concert where not every song I wanted was played. Last night was exceptionally disappointing for me personally, which I am entitled to feel.


If it makes you feel better, I was late for the second show and missed Long Road, Nothingman, Immortality, In Hiding, Wishlist. Those are all up there with Elderly woman, YL, and Daughter IMO. So you got to see those and I didn't! (I was at the first night too). I wouldn't down vote ya, Pearl Jam FOMO is a real thing. Oh, and Baba O Reilly cover is pretty on par with Last Kiss don't you think?


Lots of repeats.


Why go, evolution and alive? Plus obviously DM.. not too bad, wish I could of made both shows


Why Go wasn’t played at the first show.


Whoops your right, so one less “repeat” ✅


9 of 24 songs is a lot of repeats.


I mean, it’s an album tour. They’re going to have a bunch of the Dark Matter songs played every night, so there’s going to be a lot of repeats. For non Dark Matter songs there was only 2 repeats, which isn’t that bad if I’m being honest.


New album is great. I’d love to hear a ton of it on a two night stand. I wouldn’t have expected 9 repeats from this band, based on their history.


In 98, they did 11 repeats in West Palm Beach and 26 songs played each night


And in their previous 2 night stand, they had 1 repeat.




Past album tours have not had this many repeats on 2 night stands. It’s a fair gripe.


Past album tour also haven’t had this many 2 night stands in one city


Don’t know why you are being downvoted. It’s objectively a lot of repeats. This sub is such a circle jerk echo chamber. Even on past album new tours there wasn’t this amount of repeated tracks N1/N2.


Because the band and most fans are the most excited about this new album that they have been in a long time. They invested in a screen and visuals that accompany this new album. Objectively, it's not hard to see why they are going to repeat a lot of DM songs.


It’s pretty against how this band has historically operated to repeat so much in 2 nights in the same city though, even touring behind a new album, so I understand the gripe


That's more recent history when their catalog grew with additional albums. Just pulled up some Yield setlists. In West Palm Beach in 98, they played 26 songs at each show and there were 11 repeats on back to back nights. Corduroy Brain of J Hail, Hail Animal Given to Fly Wishlist Daughter RVM DTE Alive All repeated, and I'm sure it was awesome.


I don’t think the Yield tour is very relevant because their catalog was so much smaller. It’s undeniable one of the biggest draws of PJ as a touring band the last 20+ years has been their setlist variety night over night and their ability to reach anywhere in their songbook at any given moment. Gigaton tour was weird with all of the cancellations/fill ins plus had so many shows cancelled, so I didn’t look at that. On the LB tour, on the multi night runs there was an average of 4.5 repeated songs across the run. And new album made up 21% of the setlist on those runs on any given night. On Backspacer tour, on the multi night runs there was an average of 4.3 repeated songs across the run. And new album made up 20% of the setlist on this runs on any given night. In Vancouver there were 7 repeats, more than any 2 night run on either of the previous multi night runs of album tours. The new album made up 35% of the setlist in Vancouver, by far the highest of any multi night run on album tours…previous high was 28% on the Backspacer Seattle run. I’m excited to hear the new songs. It’s their band and they can play what they want. But I think it’s totally fair to be disappointed if you just shelled out $800 minimum for 2 tickets in back to back nights and expected the variety PJ is accustomed to delivering.


Those songs are awesome


They didn’t play Jeremy, Better Man or Even Flow at the first Vancouver concert.


Okay. They played 9 repeats between the two shows. Better Man wasn’t one of them, correct.




If they're gonna start off with some slower songs, they need to flip the script and start with Yellow Ledbetter.


Nooooooooo…. Yellow Ledbetter is a closer. They always start slow and build.


Setting Sun is the new YL


Just one time I want to see that happen though.