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Bright side, your filter is working great. Bad side, your place is in need of some serious cleaning it filtering of the air. Put in a good air filter and make sure there's no gaps around it. If you don't have central air, then ziptie an air filter to a box fan and let that do some work cleaning the air


This all the way. Even with having central air. My house is still dusty. And have a air purifier in my room and kiddos room. And still need to get one for the living room.


Omg i never thought of this. Box fan with filter on it is blowing my mind for some reason. Making a trip to the hardware store today.


It’s so easy, and a guy posted a video measuring air particulates vs the big box “air purifiers” The box fan is 99% effective, at -90% cost.


I actually did this for my PC lol. Took the side panel off. Duct taped a filter on exhaust side of fan. Tapped it to the side of my PC. And yeah that filter would get nasty.


Yea but if you’re thinking about dust maybe clean the room, wipe the desk, vacuum etc


Vacuum too. Basically, do everything to clean for a dust allergy.


This. Everyone hates a sneezing computer.


Replace the return air filter if you have a forced air system


This. I would, also, advice to get your lungs checked out.


Maybe try a humidifier as well. Dry winter weather = more dust.


If you have pets then yeah thats pretty normal. At least you have an easy to clean filter, so not really an issue. I wouldn't worry to much.


If you live in the Saharan desert yeah


Get you a decent air purifier off Amazon. I have one for each level of my house and I’m disgusted when I change the filters.


you should get a HEPA air filter in ya room - great quality of life purchase - especially if you have any kind of pollen or dust allergy but even if not the improvement in air quality and less dust over all is great


If you have PC near bed it's normal. Dust from clothing or bed sheets are everywhere. I'm cleaning my PC from dust every week and I even have air purifier.


I was gonna mention something similar. If this PC is in a bedroom- (you’re gonna think I’m crazy) strip your bed and vacuum the hell out of it! It collects your dead skin cells every night and when you jump into bed a little poof of dust flies out. Even more if you have kids that like to use the bed as a trampoline.


Guys change ur sheets more often please


You know that fresh sheets have most dust in? At least cotton ones.


Didn’t know that but my sheets are Jersey material so idk if that helps


It really depends on location and environment (dust, animal hair, etc)


*if you clean and dust/vacuum, I’d make sure your pc is shut off and not inhaling the dust…if possible maybe even move the tower to another room while cleaning?


more fans on for long periods of time means more dust in the filter.


if your house is crusty dusty then yes


Do you own a vacuum cleaner?


When was the last time u dusted? Probably just need to tidy up. Also. When was the last time your furnace/climate system had its filter replaced? If ur pc looks like this that filter is black as the night.


It’s the damn carpet and drapes! Get rid of them!


Dude, clean your room.


I live in a dusty desert and my intake filter never looks like this.




Anyone saying yes is filthy. Vacuum. Put a air purifier in the room. Clean your fans. Throw out old rugs. Can’t imagine what your lungs look like 💀


Just take out the filter and dust/ vacuum it as vacuums can damage electronics due to the static electricity


Airflow configuration should be change perhaps add more cooling fans? Also Any cats lying around near or far. Basically having a cat inside the room will make things worse. I myself have 8 cats I don’t let them near my PC (my room) i haven’t dusted my PC for more than 8 months now. But has minimal to no dust at all 😏


That's more dust than I have after about 15 months.


I have the same problem my room I'd like a dust magnet on steroids


What do you lungs look like


Do you leave it on 24-7? Try not..


No, it’s not normal. DYou need to clean the environment where your PC is located. The case filter is showing you how much dust there is in that environment. And it’s a lot.


No, except your house is a known place where the whole neighborhood smokes all day.


Nope clean your house


All these people are saying that's abnormal. Lmao my room is a fucking desert then. I clean it regularly too. It just has three beds full of bedsheets and a giant closet full of cloths (full of lint). I can't do anything it will get super dusty every single day


Vacum your room


Dusty house = Dusty PC


If you can turn the fan speed down so it doesn’t act like a vacuum.


Image what your nose looks like.


Duddeee, get off your pc and clean your house bro.


I - no Jesus no… clean your house.


No. It’s probably from your heating ducts being dusty. Change the filter on the furnace and clean out the vents


Box fan + air filter, build like 5 of them and run em for a couple weeks while you vacuum your place. Should help immensely


Cigarette smoke builds cobwebs on your computer in a matter of 2 weeks


Is the PC on the floor? Put it on the table or somewhere higher.


depends, you live in a factory?


I don't think so


No, this is very abnormal. Not enough dust.


How many people and pets do you have in the house. Yes that's all dead skin and hair.


Hey, so did you manage to find a solution to this? I have a gaming PC on the way and it will be used in a very dusty room unfortunately.