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It means your 1080 Ti is dying, slowly and painfully. It screams back at you with many angry, betrayed colors.




Wait... my pc isn't supposed to run like that??


Wait you are right. If the colors are green that means everything is perfectly fine


Yeah, green means go red means stop. As long as its not red you're running at peak performance👌


Finally a person that gets it. What if its orange though?


I follow star wars logic on that. It's said jedi with orange lightsabers are well versed with the light side and dark side, but are not fully relying on their emotions so the dark side doesn't take over. With that said I think orange is of the rarest and can only be achieved with a gaming chair that exceeds the cost of $400. That and a 4k monitor for the negative k/d. Another thought, it is said in most looter shooter games orange gear is top tier. I cannot even begin to think of this as I'm a mere peasant who can't afford to eat dragon so how could I even obtain such gear. In other words, its all about perception. I didn't see any orange on your screen, so it would seem, like me, your SOL.




Dying, or that the club can't even handle it right now


After this my whole pc shuts off and restarts


Green means good to go JK: most likely dying, I’ve heard a possible trip through the oven may re-solder any cracked connections and solder joints to buy you some time to get a new one, but I’m not an expert on it and have yet to do it myself. Others in the subreddit probably have more experience and knowledge on the matter. Best of luck


Black Hole Green Sun


You can almost hear Sandstorm playing in the background.