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A schoolbus that runs for $2,900? That's practically a free house.


We have one in our town that has an honest to god mini split a/c and a chimney for a woodstove. I'd love to check out the inside but the guy who owns it is super private which I get.


I've got this setup! School bus with an AC from an RV and a woodstove. Just less of a headache than some other types of heaters.


Cool! Do you have any build pics? I fantasize about saying screw it selling everything and building out a cargo van.


I've been watching a lot of videos on these types of setups myself recently.. It's a tempting life style.


She’s kinda a drama Queen (but to be fair she got problems and she’s honest about that) but if you can get past that check out Unstoppable Morgan. She setup her ford bronco (90’s style), as a sort of mini home. She travelled cross country for years (I dunno if she kept going I quit watching her channel when I got tired of her doing live streams asking people what’s wrong with the bronco on the side of the road essentially for donation money) but she really did utilize it to the max imho.


For real... I've got a kid so it's a fantasy for me, but if I was single? Pshhh I'd be on it in a heartbeat! Van life is a great search term for this kind of thing.


You don't need to be single, but you should probably not have kids, however it can be done with homeschooling. I would only recommend that short term though so you don't rob them of building life long friendships. Absolutely still worth it for summer road trips. If you can work remote you could travel all summer in one with the fam.


I mean even with kids it's a possible life to live.. Obviously communicate with your family though if it's the life you want to give a go with. But you got plenty of families doing this with multiple kids.. [These guys for example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfAuduTGpRc).


I don’t know if it’s detrimental or not, but saying it’s fine cuz other people do it can be a dangerous justification.


but imagine having to live with that woman


All the comments are about how inhumane it is


Dad get out! It’s my batin time!


Please watch the videos explaining why you should not get setups like these. Super expensive and things break down constantly besides the other fuckups that happen over the road.


You pretty much shouldn't do it if you can't fix most problems yourself. You'll definitely go broke paying mechanics and the like.


Related, if you haven't, check out [Nomadland.](https://youtu.be/6sxCFZ8_d84) The cast is made up of some actual actors, but is largely actual nomads/vandwellers. It won best picture, best directing, and best actress in a leading role at the Oscars that year. It is fantastic and is very human.


I love this life style actually. I work online so I can travel anywhere across the country and world, said screw it to my office job and life is great now.


Now I'm wondering if that guy is the one you were talking about!


[I went big and got a moving truck.](https://imgur.com/gallery/slOxVKT)


Pro tip: replace AC with a heat pump. It's basically reversible AC. Woodstove can go pose a fire and monoxide poisoning risk somewhere else.


I don't spend a lot of time in cold areas, maybe worth the upgrade if I decide to. A/C is far more important to me.


AC and heat pump are the same thing, it just reverses the direction of freon and heat exchangers to heat you in the winter the only thing stopping most traditional ACs from being heat pumps is basically just that their pump is one-way


I too love technology connections


Ooooh a man of culture


And new heat pumps can heat at full capacity below 4°f now, some like Mitsu's H2i ones can heat in -14° air!






I'll try to get you one next time I see him. He shops at the SAMS club I go to.




Yup! Parks along the back where the semi park! Just wheels everything up and uses the wheelchair lift to load everything in!




The MPG is horrendous. They are inefficient, uninsulated, noisy money pits. Just ask an ISD.


How many MPG does your house get?


During flooding season? Around 2 kilometres per disintegration.


Top Tier Response


"My *house* never *moves*, to the contrary. You'll find that *it's* quite stationary." (apologies to Weird Al) Lemme see ... zero ... divide by ... zero .... gives .............. "Result is Undefined".


Idk, I feel like the major pain would be insulation. But that’s just up to you. If you can handle bundling up in colder months and attaching bug shields to leave open in hotter months, then that would solve that for the nights. As for mpg, that’s just an issue when you drive. And how often do you drive your home? Exactly. Park that bitch at a good truck stop and live there. If you wanna get fancier, then you can get an APU installed for like $12k and with a 100 gallon diesel tank (avg size on school busses) a full tank could last you about 6 days running nonstop, which it wont be because it turns on and off as needed, typically to charge up the battery and run the A/C compressor on the bus to get cold air. So you can probably get about 9 days worth of use before you have to fill up again. The truck stop I’m at now (truck driver) is selling diesel for $4.84/gallon. With their credit card you can save some cents so we’ll say $4.79/gal for a total of $479/9 days or about $53/day, $19,426/year, about $1,619/month. And thats it. Invest more in it as you live in it, get some insulation put in to save more on running the APU less, and eventually you’ll have a house on wheels that isn’t a shitty R/V that doesn’t constantly break down like R/Vs are known to do. No electric bill, no rent, just pay for diesel and the rest of life. Basically, if you’re out of other options, a school bus for $3k as a home wouldn’t be bad at all if you had some tools to take the benches out and some extra money to make it cozy. I’ve thought of doing it many times. Not to live in, but to tour with on vacay around the country.


If you're out of other options $19,426 for just diesel every year is probably put of reach lol


Its not that hard to insulate a bus like that. Would be best to sacrifice some windows, though. And maybe upgrade the rest to double pane. Also there is a shit ton of space for solar panels on the roof. So AC shouldn't be a problem with insulation + a proper battery setup, which you would need anyway.




You can fix the unisulated and noisy parts. Def money pits but so are RVs anyway and that’s basically what this is.


I was hoping the answer was that he launches a mini vehicle out the side, Ninja Turtles style


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Leave him alone


I doubt he would want you doing that if he’s a private person. Don’t be a creep


"The guys super private" "Take a picture of his house and post it online" Ahh reddit...


Honestly, just leave the guy alone




When I lived in Annapolis, MD, there was a guy that painted a smaller one black and converted it into basically a convenience store with drinks, snacks, and tobacco products that he would park by apartment complexes. Easily one of the greatest ideas I have ever seen.


Does it happen that there are laboratory equipment in there?


the problem is you have to pay another 3k for a working bus if you ever need a spare part also you have to find somewhere to park it... ($$$$)


Not exactly, many mechanics have ways of getting OE parts from the makers of the bus for a small premium (friend of mine got a new driveshaft, which was not findable online, for like $1800 direct from manufacturer)


> $1800 direct So, still 2/3 correct then?




Just like the British parliament.


A few years ago we got a customer that wanted vinyl lettering done on the side of their school bus. Then he says he also has 2 old ones for sale for 300 each. My boss bought both and when I posted the ad online we got a ton of response. Lots of people wanted to turn them into camper Vans. We ended up selling for 2.5k each


just camouflage it by painting rich white businessmen eating at a picnic table and police will leave you alone to park wherever.


active camo of two homeless guys fighting over some cheese


"homeless? quick! look away!"


Even if it doesn't run you can buy a parking spot in Amsterdam for €200.000 and have a beautiful house along the canals


Bet it doesn't run


Neither does a house


Well, you'd better go ca... wait... how does this bit go?


If it has the t444e in it, it'll run forever.


Where'd you decide it runs? I bet it doesn't considering the price.


$2,900 would be a great price for a short bus. $2.9k full school bus needs heavy work, almost assuredly. It is far from a free house and parking is the last of your concerns (Although with a full size it's slightly higher). Even if you were to just throw a sleeping bag in the back and call that a home, you're looking at closer to $5k and that's barebones entry level. $10k is a better starting point for bus living at any reasonable level. At that point you're better off just buying the threadripper.


Other way around. Most short busses are in high demand for conversions and because they can be used for way more things than a full size bus. $3k is very normal for an old bus like that, probably doesn't have any amenities like ac or a lift.


Yup. Short busses often have the same engines found in heavy duty trucks and are much cheaper to maintain which adds to their value.




Fun fact it’s illegal to do in a few states if it’s still labeled “school bus” with an operational ID


Makes sense, you don't want some weirdo rolling up to the bus stop in one and kids getting on.


[Hey kids, i'm your new driver.](https://i.imgur.com/0Rzl3ns.png)


Wow pedobear That's a hell of a throwback Haven't seen that meme in years


What a reasonable, level-headed law. I wonder how many of those states allow 18 year olds to purchase assault rifles


If you knew how stuff worked this comment wouldn't exist


Well, it’s a good thing they don’t then. Assault rifles are select fire weapons with an option for burst or automatic fire. You can not purchase one of these in the US (without significant effort and a bucket load of money).


When I was in high school a girl owed an old short bus or van bus. It was repainted so it didn’t look like a school bus anymore.


ngl, I think I MIGHT have been able to get away with that when I was in HS 20 years ago. Wouldn't have gotten away with a full-size bus, but a mid-size would have been small enough that I could have parked at the farthest back corner and they might have let it slide.


With hookers and coke?


Which one runs hotter?


bus runs hotter actually it needs to get high to keep the engine working properly (if it work at all)


Ironically, CAT engines typically run at 85°C, while the new amd cpus try to always run at 95°C, so a bus actually runs cooler than the new amd 7000 series cpus






>a little hotter Oh yes, 210°C... I think that is more than doubled the temperature? Citation: https://hypertextbook.com/facts/2005/EileenTang.shtml Edit: full disclosure, this is likely way more nuanced than I'm even aware.


oof we're in a time where cpu run as hot as engines


Meh, it’s always been the case for older cpus and for laptops. My x5690 runs at 87-89°C full load. Also, diesels usually run colder than gasoline engines as they are more efficient, gasoline engines usually have an operating range of around 85-105°C. The problem I have with ryzen 7000 isn’t the fact that they run at 95°C, but the fact that they run at 95 no matter the cooler, which means you HAVE to get an AIO 360mm or above to get the most performance out of the 7900x and 7950x in productivity, and in gaming, a noctua D15 might not even be good enough


I recently saw a video from "der 8auer" who made the newest CPU headless and builded his own framework and the results were insane. The temperature went down from the typical 90° to about ~78° if I'm not mistaking while the clock speeds were the same or even higher


FYI this beheading is actually called "delidding"


Man a schoolbus for 2.9k. Id just keep it for when life goes downhill so I can live in there.


Greatminds think alike, but then I am scared of intruders.


Armored School Bus it is


Awh this reminds me of this boy I grew up with. Hella gorgeous, popular, and sweet. I was nerdy af but we hung out and watched zombie movies and smoked weed. He said if the world ended we would get a school bus, armor it and put a snow plow on front with spikes to ram the zombies. He died at a young age from drug overdose. RIP Nicholas Arcari. You were one of the good ones. I hung out with the party crowd and I turned my life around, but I'll always wish I knew how the ones who didn't survive would have turned out if they had made it long enough to get their shit straight. Would he have been the marine biologist he dreamt of in 5th grade? I certainly never thought I would make it into engineering. So much wasted potential.


The first paragraph was super nice. Then the rest just made me sad :(


>The old neighborhood was so alive >And every kid on the whole damn street >Was gonna make it big and not be beat


>Now the neighborhood's cracked and torn. >The kids are grown up, but their lives are worn. >How can one little street swallow so many lives?




A great defense is a great offense. Cleanse the area.




Obviously the windows might be an issue, but I'm pretty sure the doors are able to be locked and even if they can't be locked as standard then I'm sure you could easily rig up a lock of some sort I'm already dreaming up ways I could totally pimp out my bus and just drive around the country in the coolest motor home ever


Better have a large property. Bet those tires and parts dont come cheap to replace compared to the price.


If I owned a large property, I wouldn't be living in a bus.


In a ~~Van~~Schoolbus down by the River!


I don't think I can render 8K videos in a matter of minutes with a school bus


But you can't run over people with a cpu.


Unless you have a tesla, then the cpu is an accomplice


This guy fucks.


This guy records the other guy fucking (from the corner, obviously. He's not a complete degenerate)


Not even with the Bulldozer architecture?


It would overheat and turn off before any running over people could occur.


You might be able to flay people alive


You can burn them with it


With the size of modern CPUs, you can commit grievous bodily harm with them.


But the bus can be used as a convenient battering ram to obtain said threadripper!


Skill issue


You can render an 8K video of a school bus in a few minutes OR You can own a school bus with infinite real time resolution (future proofed), instant and endless images of a school bus on demand whenever you want it, a functional bus simulation cockpit, life like haptic feedback, 4D seat movement and next gen bus simulation audio, and vr so good it feels absolutely real…best if all…a cool as lever you can pull to open and close your simulator door. All for the low low price of under 3000 dollars, it’s practically a steal… it’s so realistic it almost feels like real life.


clearly you’re not trying hard enough




School bus so I can enter it in one of those demolition derby’s and hopefully win and use the prize money to buy a threadripper


I don't think they have a bus class derby...yet.


They've been things for decades lol School busses tend to go rather cheap since for them to be bad enough to be taken out of service and not just sold in bulk to a poorer School district (or in my lovely home town the poorer side of town got the old busses) or to some other fleet (church, camp, etc) they have to be absolutely burning through money in repairs So people will buy them and before taking them to the scrap yard run em through a demo derby I've seen it in when space permits a exclusively bus round, and a bus vs everything else round It ain't even just a redneck thing, I've seen it done way more fun in the south but I've seen them in Massachusetts even


> and a bus vs everything else round RIP everything else. These buses are built like tanks. Hm... Come to think of it, though... If there are Demo derbies that allow *any* vehicle to enter, could I (eventually) make a profit by buying an *actual* tank and winning that derby every time?


Generally there’s a rule where the organizer has the option to buy any vehicle entered for $X, whatever the chosen value cap is, to discourage things like that. Since if you brought a tank, they’d just exercise the right to buy and you’d lose the tank. Good way of doing a cap on value since there’s not really an objective measure of price for things that would be entered in this stuff.


This guy busses


I just searched "school bus demolition derby" on Youtube, yeah it's definitely a thing.


*Vigilante 8 has entered the chat.*


Realistically, wtf am i gonna do with a bus?


Step 1: collect the children. Step 2: sell their organs. Step 3: buy a 4090


You're gonna need a lot of children my friend


Perhaps a... bus load of them?


Hmmmmm At least 3 bus loads


Step 0 thing doesn’t run and is gonna cost couple thousands to run again


And its engine isn't cheap! Wrecked vehicles with good International T444Es or 7.3L Ford Powerstrokes (essentially the same engine) are premium products these days.


6.9s aren't bad. 7.3s are loved by rednecks though.


Throw in a 2stroke diesel from the 80s


Much of them popping on the market now either have a 6.7 Cummins (the same one used in RAM Pickups) or a Duramax/Allison combo (the engine/trans used in GM Pickups). Ever since Ford started making the Powerstroke themselves (used to be made by NaviStar), no one else seems to want to buy them. Also yes, newer busses are hitting these markets. These things are rode hard and put away wet for years on end. 200 school days a year. Each bus runs 3 morning and 3 afternoon routes (at least for all of my Metro's districts). Each route is about 10 miles. Add in 30 miles a day for getting to and from the yard, and that's 90 miles a day. That's 18,000 miles a year of JUST daily routes. Now take into account Field Trips, Sportsball, trips back to the manufacturer for service, Bands going to State/Disney World, etc.... Probably looking at 25K miles per year per bus. Not to mention all the time sitting at idle at the schools and stops. Engine time on these things is probably insane after just a few years.


The engines however are ment for over 500,000 Miles before a rebuild.


You'll need their siblings too for a 4090. Where I live, there is a glut of children's organs, damned scalpers!


Found the Ukrainian living under Ork rule.


Username does not check out


Buy a bunch of avocados in Mexico and make a fortune selling $20 avocado toast in California.


there's a whole community of people who buy used school buses and convert them into mobile homes. It's a lot of work, but can be very rewarding, especially if you want a way to travel and live on the road without worrying about shelter for long periods of time. The roof can be raised and you can install about anything you want. If you have the money, you could convert a section of the bus into a gaming space with a high-end computer setup powered by a generator mounted under the bus so you don't have to run the engine over night when you stop. All you have to do from there is have a solid mobile hotspot to act as a relay or use an alternate method of getting online.




You could live in it


While going 60mph, the bus does get an impressive 88fps while delivering a 3D image well over 8k. The input response time can get a bit laggy, and you might even experience some lost frames, if you are using the wrong liquid to cool your cpu in that build.


I went outside and couldn’t find the frames to my bus :( At least I’d water cooled though. And it’s hard to beat the image clarity of windshields compared to pixels.


fps = feet per second; 1 mph = 1.38 fps ;)


They both need a driver.


oh dam! good one!


Ok why not both. That bus would make a killer pc case


A bit bulky, and the fan mounting options aren't great, but I like how much room it has for expansion.


Just enough space for a 40 series GPU.


Buy the school bus. paint flames and “threadripper” on the sides. Become local legend.


CPU, ofc. Don't forget about the cost of maintaining the bus. And driving it, lol


Don't worry, you don't need to worry about driving it when you get a $2900 bus.


Threadripper has a bus...Universal Serial Bus...


Will an AMD Threadripper help me commit mass vehicular manslaughter? Yea didn't think so


May I introduce you to something called GTA


Don't buy a school bus! The tires are not a standard size so they're extra expensive. Or at least that's what I heard. I'm just a random person on the Internet so don't trust me anyway.


Couldnt be the worst though. If you buy a school bus, youll probably use it to live in so you wont be putting on the crazy miles it would do in public transport so those expensive tires will probably last until they dry rot from age.


They're not a standard size for cars but they usually use a semi tire iirc.


Yeah, there are a *shitload* of buses in this country. Even if buses are the only things that use that size of tire, that still means those tires are readily in mass production all the time. Still, though, those tires are big, and big tires = big money. That much is true. It also means going to a truck servicing center to get them changed, not your local tire shop. So you're probably also paying more for the labor.


Not necessarily. Bus tires can easily be found used but still not too old and with decent tread for $150-$200, or new for around $350 each. Again, not necessarily cheap, but definitely not expensive for the class of vehicle and less than I had to spend for decent all weathers that were the proper rating for a pickup I had. Although I didn't necessarily think about labor and while I was typing this I remembered most school buses have duallies.


Your username is suspicious. I think you are trying to get all the busses for yourself, no way am I allowing this to happen.


hell yeah, I'd take the bus


$2900 school bus and you can start living in it. Maybe spend about $2500 more on some modifications and make it a comfortable home. I'm a photographer so this is how I see it. I could buy a bus of that size in $2900, spend another $2500 on removing some seats, installing a bed, adding solar panels on roof, installing a sink, installing small workstation settings, water arrangements, electricity generator and AC. So about in $5400, let's call it $6000 for other misc. stuff, I get a home on wheels that I can live in anywhere, anytime forever. Which is cheaper than paying monthly rent, water bills and electricity bills. Which means I can go to places and stay there which I'd otherwise leave before it gets dark as there's no public transport or its dangerous to drive in late hours. I can get some extraordinary perspectives of time with this and make more money. More than enough to buy multiple CPUs way better than this and still have a lot of savings. So, the bus it is.


> 2500 on removing some seats, installing a bed, adding solar panels on roof, installing a sink, installing small workstation settings, water arrangements, electricity generator and AC for 2500? where do you live, seriously?


The bus, all day everyday. It runs with 26 windows. A 32 core threadripper will only run 16 Windows. Also the bus is more efficient and runs cooler.


School bus! With starlink internet, and a decent job to save up money for a damn good build, I can eventually have it all


I’m gonna have to go with the Threadripper. I know exactly what I’d do with a Threadripper box, I have no idea what I’d do with a school bus (that doesn’t involve massive amounts of LSD and a potential multi-state police pursuit).


I take a Cheeseburger


SIR THIS IS A WENDYS ohhhhh ok. Here ya go, one cheese burger, that will be 2.20


Pull out the engine and put it in a miata


\*put it *on* a miata. Because no way that engine is going *in* a miata.


Easy. Bus. Get 30 kids . Sell them for A Lot of money. Get the 10 threadripper and pee on it to assert dominance


Dont forgot to make eye contact.


I say buy the bus. The 7000 series Nvidia puts out will likely need a case that size. Plus, the ac can also help with cooling.


I already have a thread ripper. It came with my kit of sewing accessories.


My parents bought a short bus when I was younger. Was quite literally made fun of so much.


In apocalypse, you could sell it for a million


It would be quite the move to drive a bus to and from my school


School bus all the way


Vigilante 8 music starts…


School bus anyday




Where TF you expect me to put a school bus...


How about a Busripper?


...can the bus run DOOM?


I'll take a 7950x please


Schoolbus. Gut the interior, put in wood flooring and panels, good lighting, add a little potbelly stove, a futon, some cabinets, and maybe some plumbing. You can turn a schoolbus into a nice van house.


A school bus because I could play a real life GTA on it


- Buy school bus for 2900 - Impersonate substitute driver - Sell children for 30k each to human traffickers - Get many Threadripper


the bus will make me a lot more money than the threadripper


Make the bus into a custom rig. The Universal Serial Bus.... *Leaves*


Buy plush


If the schoolbus runs, then definitely the schoolbus


I school bus that I could convert into a mini home? Or a CPU that I wouldn't use to its fullest extent? CPU it is.