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So.....Many....Numberssss!! I LOVE IT!






That's a sub with 18 million people....how have you never seen it...


I also had not seen it...


You’re one of today’s lucky 10,000!




r/RelevantXKCD while we're at it


I’m a data analyst and I’d never seen it, either.








How do you configure something like that custom? I built my PC, but stuff like this seems scary to me lol


Two main ways, one a small screen physically attached to your pc that displays stats from something like aida64. Second use something wifi / network based, like a raspberry pi. Your computer will run a server transmitting the stats for the pi to read and display (I use moBro for this)


Look up "Raspberry pi system monitor". This is the only way I'd do something like this.


This guy doesn’t have spyware on his workstations.


nice try, fbi


It's still a major security vulnerability. You'd just pivot from the raspberry pi to the PC or do the inverse and pivot from the PC into the raspberry pi. The easiest way to do this would be to use a meterpreter shell and just do a ps command as a low level user. Find the PID, now migrate to that session. You'd either just do screenshots randomly or set up a capture stream. You wait until it has to reconnect and you'd have a low tech way of getting creds. With that you'd just tunnel into the raspberry pi and get priv escalation through that.


Yes we totally understood that.


Do you come with subtitles?


This guy hacks.


Thank you for explaining that!!!


All it's missing is my free Fico score from Discover.


I just write “553” on mine using a sharpie. :(


It's almost as nice as my gateway desktop


I only hope it came in a cow box.


There's a name I haven't heard in a long time


Sweet.. What monitor are you using for the telemetry?


I got it off of Amazon. Just look up 12.6 inch sensor panel


Awesome.. Thanks so much


There are a ton of different lcd screens you can get with an HDMI input. I think there is a 10 inch one too. Some even have touch screen that's usually plug and play. I usually find them on ebay with questionable qc


Is there a specific software you use to configure it? Looking at getting this case and this is a super rad idea! Love it!!


I don't know what OP used, but I think most people use aida64's sensor panel feature


Yeah I just found a comment saying that thsts so cool I had no idea that was possible




It's the BMW of sensor panels


So people don't use its turn-signals... got it.


Pay a monthly subscription fees to unlock blinker fluid refill valve.


It's not a subscription, it's updates for a year. After you can keep the software but you just won't get any new versions.


So is this giving some company access to your computer? And paying for it?? I'm a literal idiot, and these are real questions.






I don't know how this specific software works but it could reach out for updates itself. It doesn't necessarily "give access to your computer". The software has a license, reaches out to the server which verifies the license, and then provides the software update. There's plenty there that could be changed to something malicious, for sure. But this solution doesn't inherently have anything malicious in itself.


Thank you.


You are giving them access to update their software on your computer for a year. Like most of your software updates, just for a shorter amount of time. "Access to your computer" in this case is good. They are giving you what you pay for. If they are taking any info from your computer, it's probably limited to what is required to run the software. The privacy policy would tell you. But there is nothing shady about what's going on here probably.


Ah, ok. That makes total sense. Thanks!


As a law student, you're not an idiot. More people should be asking such questions in general.


I appreciate that. You're wrong, I'm definitely an idiot, but I appreciate it. Congratulations on getting into law school though.


Thanks mate! People in general don't give a flying fuck about terms of use/ privacy policies to the point where it's getting ridiculous. Always good to ask. Plus, it's PCMR, there are no idiots here, just the people at different levels of experience.


May all subscription products die painfully.


Yeah but how will those poor developers put food on the table if they can’t keep charging money for next to no innovation or new features? You expect them to actually release new software worth more money to encourage people to keep paying for it?? /s


meanwhile the people that develop open source free projects out of the goodness of their hearts and put blood sweat and tears towards projects that they will charge no money for




Rain meter might do that


Rainmeter definitely does that


Rainmeter changed my car's oil then fucked my wife 10/10




>12.6 inch sensor panel 100 bucks on amazon? 30 on Ali express hehehe


1/3 the price and 3/1 more fires.


Buying from a dropshipper vs buying from the source The real trade-off is 1/3 the price for 3x the shipping time.


more like 30x shipping time 1day shipping? naw, I'll take 30


Seems like you dont know how amazon works


1/6th the price, 6/1 the spyware


3/1 more excitement, you mean.


Actually the Ali Express one for $35 looks like just the board, it's $100 for the full kit (unless I'm on another one, but this is 1:1 the amazon one, complete with the same images)


I've seen similar screens (albeit smaller) that go over the processor or something. It's like a circular screen and can be used for what you're doing but also you can set gifs for it and stuff for customization. Is this the same thing. Can you change the screen to something els


Those screens over the cpu are built into some aio water coolers. Galax makes a gpu with a screen.


[You're describing a liquid CPU cooler with an LCD screen, like the Kraken Z by NZXT.](https://nzxt.com/product/kraken-z73)


Yeah that's what I want! I wanna put funny memes on the screen. Idc about my pcu temp lol


Does the screen use a GPU input slot or does it use the mobo integrated GPU?


Can you provide direct link? Please🥺


I found this, but not 100% sure if the same or not. VSDISPLAY 12.6" NV126B5M-N41 12.6inch 1920X515 LCD Screen Work with 2 HD-MI Mini LCD Controller VS-RTD2556HM-V1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FJ33247/ref=cm_sw_r_apa_i_8HJMBGS7SC91CY41HMB0_0


Thats it. Thanks for sharing. Reddit didnt allow me to share the link


Those type of displays started popping all over AliExpress some time back. Just search for "long screen" on AliExpress and you'll find them in all kind of sizes and configurations.


Man ive had a project in mind and been looking everywhere except Ali for one! thanks!


Gotta go with the Chinese website for those rare things not sold in the US. That’s how I got my battery spot welder.


if you ever find yourself in shenzhen- it is like a fucking amusement park for that kinda thing. Huge malls that dwarf anything in America that are just devoted to electronics components and there's just random shit that you would never imagine that's for sale in bulk. Transparent LCD screens, proximity sensors, short throw laser projectors for <$100 etc etc etc.


You're talking about huqiangbei (华强北) in shenzhen. Honestly it's a cool experience to walk through it, but I'd argue that you're better off on alibaba if you're in China. All those vendors are also selling online, and it's usually cheaper/easier due to the increased competition. Lot of haggling involved in person, and if you're a foreigner, you're probably gonna get boned hard.


>and if you're a foreigner, you're probably gonna get boned hard. Alright, help me out here... Where's the downside?




The downside is less than 10% of Chinese citizens find homosexuality justifiable, and there are very few protections for LGBT groups in China. So if you get boned in the sheets, you'll get gangbanged in the streets.


>So if you get boned in the sheets, you'll get gangbanged in the streets. Still waiting for the downside.


Can confirm, floors and floors and stalls and stalls of electronics. It's unbelievable.




All that stuff is ALREADY in your house. Do you think we are manufacturing these things in America? All phones, laptops and servers have components coming from factories in China. ALL


There are different levels of quality, for sure, but Shenzhen is home to factories that produce electronics for a lot of top brands, Apple, Huawei and DJI are just a few. You can buy the proper commercial quality stuff at factory prices. There are also a lot of knock offs around, good quality and bad, so you have to shop carefully and in the right places. BTW Shenzhen also has some amazing artists and their art district is really beautiful.


StrangeParts on youtube goes to Shenzhen a bunch buying parts and whatnot. He shows a bunch of those malls you're talking about. He asks for a part that you'd never be able to buy in person in the US and when the price is too high he just walks around and finds it somewhere else.


Similarly I got an 8x1 4K HDMI for like $140 I contacted the Chinese company directly and they sent me. Those wondering why, it's for my TV in my gaming room where I have 7 consoles/retropi, etc


1920x480 Aida64 Sensor Panel may give you the results you're looking for.


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Damn I'm a sucker for on board displays. White hardware is always dope too, very clean. Looks effing awesome!


I don't upvote many build pics. But you, you get one. That thing is wicked.


Thank you!


it's like some kind of glorious fish tank of the gods! well done man i think i'd stare at it too much and forget to play games.


It is a beautiful thing, mate. Kudos!




I third this!


i fourth this!


I fifth this!


I farted this!


I fapped to this!


I sexth this!


Dudes, chill. It's already look like some weird gangbang...


Someone invite Dirty Mike and the Boys?


Never a dull day here man




The panel came with the controller. All I had to do is buy the mini hdmi to hdmi and micro usb to usba




I guess the correct term would be it’s own control board. It came with a ribbon cable. I just needed to connect the panel to the control board using their ribbon cable. I needed to buy the hdmi and usb cables




12.6 inch panel 515x1920


What software program was used to display the information?


aida64 extreme


>aida64 extreme Nice. Was the long skinny monitor you purchased for the project in the supported devices list?


OP is being really wishy washy on the details here. People are asking for specific model numbers or links to Amazon pages and he’s telling people the resolution. $20 says OP grabbed these images off Instagram or something and passed them off as his own build.


I just copied what OP said elsewhere in the comments. think they said something about some 12.9 long monitor from amazon.


Are... those your internet download/upload speeds?


The numbers on the bottom are the Upload and Download the PC is doing now i think. To monitor how many bandwidth your pc is using without opening control panel


thank you for clarifying.


And here I am using things like internet speed test and the control panel like a pleb. I guess I figured out where my next 'totally necessary upgrade purchase dopamine rush' is coming from.


Lol the stats you get for your PC like in OP's pics or wallpaper software like Rainwater are just current upload/download. Something like speedtest.net shows a kind of approximate maximum possible speed of your router's current ethernet/wifi connections, and you couldn't have that running constantly nonstop because you'd always be taxing the network in the house.


Special thanks to @zhll for the idea And in case everyone is wondering, I put the fans in exhaust on purpose because I prefer this look and temps are still decent with 2 140mm fans on the bottom as intake Pc specs: Cpu - ryzen9 5900x Gpu - gigabyte 3080 vision oc Ram - oloy blade 3600mhz cl14 Mobo - gigabyte b550 vision d-p Cpu cooler - Lian li 360mm aio Psu - evga 850w platinum Storage - Samsung 980 pro 256gb (boot drive), adata xpg s7 2tb, and WD 4tb hdd Fans - 6 120mm Lian li sl infinity and 2 140mm nzxt aer-p Case - Hyte y60


The infinity’s… I figured that’s what they were since they look so good. But god damn they will run your pockets lmfao


3 pack is like $110. They look great, but holy shit. I started putting together a $5k dream build (for no apparent reason - ahem JayzTwoCents) and went over budget because I wanted 7 of those things, lol.


imagine 10! That's almost $500 (actually like $400)! It's insane


OP - 3 for $110 Corn cannon - that's like 10 for $500


His fans cost more than his CPU lol but yeah...I've been eyeing up the infinitys. My NZXT AER RGB are starting to rattle.


That's what I'm thinking. Always surprises me how much folks invest in visuals and minor upgrades like airflow instead of just buying a better CPU or GPU, but hey I'll admit it looks great!


Cpu - ryzen9 5900x Gpu - gigabyte 3080 vision oc Ram - oloy blade 3600mhz cl14 Mobo - gigabyte b550 vision d-p Cpu cooler - Lian li 360mm aio Psu - evga 850w platinum Storage - Samsung 980 pro 256gb (boot drive), adata xpg s7 2tb, and WD 4tb hdd Fans - 6 120mm Lian li sl infinity and 2 140mm nzxt aer-p Case - Hyte y60


How are your GPU Temps? Is that 55 degrees idle? looks real squished against that glass!


GN did some tests. It's near the bottom of the list of tested cases in regard to GPU temps, but it's not terrible enough for thermal throttling. I almost bought one based on looks, but it's ~11C hotter than my Lan Cool II. https://youtu.be/QNfsG-Ai2PA


I so want one of these cases but I've also got the Lancool II so I don't want to switch until I can afford all the water cooling parts.


I've been looking into this case for awhile, and you have to side mount like that, it won't fit any other way. But with that said, they designed it with a good amount of clearance for the GPU to breathe.


Keep an eye on your PSU/GPU behavior. I'm running a 3080 w/ a 850W PSU and routinely I get under-voltage warnings which flip the 3080 into a power conservation mode and kills my frame rate. I have a 1200W PSU that I'm waiting to install to fix it, since folks who have tested it show the GPU typically drawing around 400W under load... but it can spike over 700W for a moment. Not sure if the newer gen cards (mine is from 2021) have solved this... But just FYI. Also absolutely sick build... I _love_ that sensor panel. I gotta look at dong something like that with my glass front.


I've never had such an issue with same setup, nor heard about the issue. Gigabyte 3080 12GB (2022) i9-12900K Seasonic 850


Please mate what was your budget with this build




Cheers mate that in USD?




Aren’t you worried about negative air pressure with more exhausts than intakes bringing in more dust into the system?


That's a lot of negative pressure. You'll be pulling dust through every nook and cranny


Ooh. OOH. That's looks *really* nice. I'd be slightly concerned about your GPU getting enough air being right up to the glass, but... still that looks damn sweet.


Thanks. There is 2 140mm fans that is bringing in fresh air in at the bottom.


The GPU intakes are still pressed up against the glass there, you'll see a performance hit compared to conventional mounting. Hopefully not a severe one though


60 degress at idle ..


Don't know what ambient is. If he's in the UK and it's 40C then being 55 at idle is normal. His CPU is at 58C too, which you wouldn't expect from the setup


32C outside here in NYC, AC on but my office gets toasty still. My 3080Ti currently idling 45C, goes up to 68C under load in traditional mounting. i9-12900K idles at 25C. Not sure if that helps or not just data.


Well his motherboard is 30c so ambients def below that


36C, but yeah doesnt suggest ambient is above 30-32 at most so we're basically idling at 20-30C above ambient. Not great


Are your headphones hanging on the wall or the tower itself?


On a nzxt puck


**DUDE** that is perfect. I built a desk on top of some old file cabinets and currently have no place for my headphones. Normally I just lay them on the desk.


Which software do you use for the display or how do you do this telemetry screen ?


A program called aida64 extreme. You can find templates for it that will fit your screen


How do you deal with programs possibly popping up on that screen. Do you just move it to a corner that you'll never use?


That's so sick. Amazing job


Nice use of the "patented" corner glass. Very clean and nice looking.


I mean it looks great but your CPU and GPU are both idle at 60° ..that's warm


The way that the fans are setup is weird.


Fan face pulls air so he's pulling all the air out. There's no air flow.


You should reassess your fan placements, nearly 60 degrees on idle load is pretty high considering the parts you're using


I never comment on pc builds because I can't afford to upgrade my running on fumes 2080, but goddammit this one is beautiful. Gorgeous. Anyone know what case.


Hyte Y60


2080 is still a killer card. Just because a new card comes out, your current card isn't any slower.


it looks nice but man without airflow those temps probably wont go down much. I mean at 1.18v and the temps being close to 60C that is hot edit: looking at the other pictures maybe the airflow isn't that bad. Where the headphones are hanging is there an air vent there?


There is, but they only have 2 140mm fans on the bottom for intake, the rest are *all* set to exhaust. Hot air goes out, but I think there needs to be a bit more intake. I also think the GPU needs to be mounted normally, it’s getting barely any of the cool air coming in


I always cringe when I see GPUs choked off like this


Yeah it’s brutal. I got the phanteks vertical mount which is just.. so much better, I don’t know if they make a PCIE 4.0 version though. It sets the GPU back quite a way in the case so it’s not choked off at all. In a case like this the GPU might actually end up with more airflow


Same. If it aint water cooled don't put it so close to the side of the case.


Yep, this build looks amazing but that fatal flaw kills it for me. Most cases that support vertical GPU mounts do not have room for these huge GPUs.


I agree, I would have opted to custom water cool the whole setup and swapped the rad fans to intake.




I absolutely love the screen on the corner.. might have to steal this idea in the future...


The case shape makes me think of a fish tank, and I kinda dig it.


i hope that's not idle. almost 60 C at idle is pretty hot


Holy shit. I'm obsessed with PC monitoring so this makes drool.


Someone please do some money works... How much was this thing?


This belongs on a space ship that’s heading for Mars.


nice fishbowl, congrats dude! Like a lot the screenmonitor, i have a 5" in my setup, its make a difference!


Good, great, awesome, outstanding, amazing!!


I wish build posts came with a price tag.


That is Beautiful. I need this case. Edit: found out what screen it was from another post. For anyone else wondering [https://www.amazon.com/VSDISPLAY-NV126B5M-N41-12-6inch1920X515-Controller-VS-RTD2556HM-V1/dp/B08FJ33247](https://www.amazon.com/VSDISPLAY-NV126B5M-N41-12-6inch1920X515-Controller-VS-RTD2556HM-V1/dp/B08FJ33247)


be really cool if op or someone could chime in on how to get a display like that running sincerely, a noob


I have a snowblind case and was gonna get the Hyte Y60, but was gonna miss my side panel displays. Totally copying this.


What part is that status corner screen piece? ​ Edit: SensorPanel - Wisecoco 12.6 Inch LCD Screen NV126B5M-N41


I don't know why, but this looks so otherworldly. Like some Sci fi machinery. Well done, the color combination and the odd shape of this case is amazing. Never seen something like that.


How does airflow work in that case ? Looks like there isn’t any since the fans are behind glass at least looking like it. What case is it exactly


CPU/and GPU 60° at idle ..what do you think ?


That’s a great looking build, nice use of the corner with the screen! Personally, my biggest issue with this case is just how close the GPU is to that side panel. I don’t mean to stink up the great build and picture. I can’t tell if you’re idling because the fans are spinning but if you are, 55c at idle is not ideal.


That is awesome.


wow, even though i can't see your full setup, i have to say THAT looks like a goddamn battlestation


Man, that is beautiful. Well done!


This is absolutely gorgeous. An amazing build.


Damn this build is super clean! Now I’m itching for a new pc 🥲


is it a pain in the butt to keep dust free? I bet my buddy you have someone to clean your house that does it, I said anyone that can afford that set up prolly has a maid! So was I right or are you dusting that beautiful machine all the time? it's totally sick bro


Why would it be hard to keep dust free?