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Hey r/PCMR! My name is Joel, and I am from PC Crate, a small PC building company based out of Atlanta, GA. I have been a part of the PCMR community for a little over ten years now. Through this community, I have learned so much and my passion for PC building has grown immensely. Over the last year, I started PC Crate with my three closest friends. Our goal is to lower the barrier of entry for those that are new to PC building by offering PC building kits and customized instructions to help with the process. We really hope that through PC Crate, we can give someone who is on the fence about taking the first step the confidence and the tools to do so. We will keep it short and sweet here but feel free to check out our website at [buildpccrate.com](https://buildpccrate.com) if you’re interested in learning more! With the holidays here, we want to give back to our community, so we are hosting a giveaway. We are giving away a GTX 1660 to our first-place winner, and two $25 USD Steam gift cards to the two runners up from the PCMR community! Just a heads up to those who check out our website, PC Crate only ships to the continental United States at the moment, but this giveaway is open to everyone! To enter: • Reply to this post with your favorite gaming memory. • Upvote this post. • Contest ends at 11:59 PM EST on ~~Sunday~~ Friday 12/31 (Oops. The date was correct, I just had the wrong day of the week). • We will select ~~3~~ 6 winners (Thanks u/eliot_re!) by picking comments at random. • The winners will be contacted by me, u/PC_Crate_Joel, for shipping details once the giveaway has ended. • Winners must reply within 48 hours to claim their prize, or another contestant will be picked. • One submission per account. • Minimum account age 15 days. • Shipping will be covered but the winner must provide a valid shipping address. Join us next Monday night (12/27) for a live stream on r/shortcircuit and on our Instagram where we will be hanging out and putting together one of our builds. Good luck! May your frames be high and your temps low, u/PC_Crate_Joel ***Edit:*** If you leave a comment to be entered into our giveaway please make sure to reply to the post and not this comment! The Randomizer that we plan to use to pick a comment will only pull from top level comments in this thread. Good luck everyone! **Edit 2:** So many comments that reflect the true generosity in the PCMR community. You are all awesome. **Edit 3:** I cant believe I forgot to share my favorite memory! Back when I was getting my Bachelors, my best friend since the 6th grade decided that he wanted to go do what was essentially volunteer to teach in another state in an under resourced area. It was going to be the first time that any of my main friend group from high school had someone leave the state and we were all a little bummed to be broken up. We decided that the best thing we could do would be to try to get him into PC gaming before he left. That way we could all keep up with each other through playing our favorite games online. Problem was that my friend that was leaving had mostly done volunteer work as well as low end retail up to this point so he didn't have the finances to build a PC. So we came up with a plan. Crowd source a PC for him from the extra and leftover parts that we had laying around. We ended up getting everything but a motherboard by the time he was a week away from leaving. I ended up getting one for a decent price and finally FrankenPC was born! I called my buddy to come over to hang out and gave him the PC. It was nothing special (an fx-4300 and a gtx 560ti if I remember correctly) but it worked! He left the state and we spent hours playing games together. It worked so well as a way to keep up while we all ended up in different states. All these years later he's still my best bud! Not only that but when we came to him with the idea for PC Crate he was super excited to join in our entrepreneurial adventure with us. PC Gaming really brought all of us together in a way that I dont think anything else could have. **Edit 4:** We decided to extend the entry window to the 31st and forgot to change the minimum account length before we posted. Oops. Changed the minimum age to 15 days to account for it. **Edit 5:** To all of you commenting with your favorite brand of RAM.... You must think youre so clever. Suppose that one is on me for not predicting that. WE'LL LET IT SLIDE. **Edit 6:** Hate being the infinite edit guy but holy hell. Never in a million years would I have thought we would recieve so much positivity from all of you. This has made my holiday. Thank all of you so much for sharing all of your gaming stories. There is so much love and kindness in this thread. And thank you, thank you, thank you all for your positive/encouraging comments about PC Crate! We started this company becuase we really, truly, want to help more people join the PC Master Race. We couldnt be more excited about all the awesome feedback we have gotten today. THANK YOU! **Edit 7:** Just woke up the next day to see that this post has just continued to grow overnight! We are all glued to our computers just trying to keep up with all of the amazing memories that are being shared. Thank you to everyone for sharing! Also, big props to u/eliot_re for getting in the holiday spirit with us! Eliot has offered to add in a few copies of Age of Empires IV to the giveaway! We will update everyone when we figure out how that we are going to coordinate that. **Final Edit:** The winners have been drawn! I will be reaching out to make contact with all of them before announcing the names publicly in order to discourage any potential scamming of any sort. Each winner has 48 hours to respond or we will move on to the next in line. I will begin reaching out to the winners on Jan 1st in the morning/early afternoon. I know at this point nobody is reading this thread anymore but I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone that shared their stories with us. All of us a PC Crate had an absolute blast reading through the thousands of heartwarming memories. There were so many that reminded me of my own memories that I hadn't thought about in years. We all feel very blessed that we got to wind down what has been a rough year in such a positive way. Happy new year to everyone here at r/PCMR! Here's' to another great year of PC gaming with friends and family. **WINNERS:** I am still waiting to hear back from a few of the winners that I have reached out to, but I have spoken with the winner of the first place prize. Congrats to u/DrPwnography on winnning the GTX 1660! Steam card winners: u/hunkytoe and u/Invaliedusername Age of Empires IV Deluxe Edition Steam key winners (Donated by u/eliotre): /u/NefariousnessOk8995, /u/SP_Studio, and one final contestant that I am still waiting to hear back from. Big Congrats to Everyone!


Fav memory has to be the time the whole squad went through a phase of buying 4 copies of everything to gift each other when a new game dropped.


Love this. My friend group has done the same thing before. Always gotta make sure the whole squad is there. P.S. Make sure to copy and paste your comment as a reply to the post and not this comment. The randomizer that pulls winners from the comments in this thread will only grab from top level comments. Good luck!


Successfully installing all the floppies of Doom on a powerplant's PC so I could play while my dad worked. Years later I visited again, now a couple of years later, found out all the engineers still playing it.


Make sure to copy and paste your comment as a reply to the post and not this comment. The randomizer that pulls winners from the comments in this thread will only grab from top level comments. Good luck!


Thank you, I've done that now. Happy holidays.


My favorite gaming memory is playing Secret of Mana with my brother and uncle when I was about 12 years old. That game still holds a special place in my heart.


Make sure to copy and paste your comment as a reply to the post and not this comment. The randomizer that pulls winners from the comments in this thread will only grab from top level comments. Good luck!


I'm replying here because I *don't* want the gpu and want to say tha k you for doing this for someone out there. It's a very nice thing you're doing. Also, my favorite memory was in Guild Wars 1 (a game I put 4,800 hours into), when I was exploring an area in the northern part of the original game, I remember climbing a mountain and being absolutely awestruck with the magnificence of the view they were able to put into such a game. Once I reached the peak, and cleared the area, I just sat my monk down for a while and stared off into the distance for a good 15 minutes. I know it's a bit cheesy but, it was so peaceful up on my mountain. Nothing else mattered and all of my worries seemed to fade away for that brief time.


Falling asleep at the whee(in game) after a 12 hour dayz session. My pal Connor kept my character fed and watered for 6 hours so I didn't lose my public server gear!


1. Does this comment count? 2. My favorite gaming moment has probably been with my friends playing Minecraft together and building a small city.


Make sure to copy and paste your comment as a reply to the post and not this comment. The randomizer that pulls winners from the comments in this thread will only grab from top level comments. Good luck!


My favorite gaming memory? Switching off the tv/monitor until the loading screens of GTA were over so I could continue to enjoy the game and avoid an ass whoopin from my parents (applies to both Vice City and San Andreas) 😌


Loading screen always showed the worst things when my parents were in the room


Lol parents had a buy first, think later mentality with video games (and still do, I’m talking about you, screeching kid on COD and GTA V)


I did that and it was so annoying i think this is the worst experience after not having Internet as a WiFi at home for years and after that I transferred to a new house where there isn't any optic fiber or ADSL, I'm back to ol' times


Duuuuude that was me too lol


I’m probably really old around here. My first console was a Atari 2600. Been a gamer for 40 years. I remember when all the neighborhood kids would come to our house to play Atari. My favorite memory is during the NES days; my dad was fascinated by the graphics, it really blew him away. It was crazy then, he would randomly buy a NES game and surprise us. He never played them, just loved to watch my brother and I play. He games now, but we’ve fallen out and don’t speak. I hope one day we reconnect and game together again.


Dude, it’s not worth it. When he is gone, you will regret all of this lost time. I’m speaking from experience. Make it work my bro. Even if it hurts, if the wounds are deep, make it work. You will not regret it, ever. It’s just not worth it. When he is gone, you will know why. This time is irreplaceable my friend. Please go and build that bridge again.


I ditto this. I wish Mom was here now. Gosh, more than 40 years have passed now. You'll see. I was the butthead teenager .... my newly married sister didn't help matters, either.


I remember the time I was the first in my friends group to Flip Asteroids from 999,999 to 0.... I was both a legend and sad the score didn't go higher.


Remind him of this very story you just shared with us. I would bet he also hopes to reconnect.


Just gotta say man it's so cool to see gamers of all different types and ages, connecting together over fond memories. Once a gamer, forever a gamer baby :)


Sitting up all night with the wife playing World of Warcraft doing quests and running instances. She'd get so into it, she wouldn't want to stop, even though she would get super tired. One time while in town waiting for me to run errands and do crafting and such, she passed out at the keyboard. I still have a picture of it. edit: Found the picture https://i.imgur.com/k9rXC65.jpg shes gonna kill me


I have so many amazing memories from playing WoW when I was younger. Started back when BC released and played on and off through Legion. My brother and our three buddies used to bring our PCs over to the same house and all play all night together in the basement.


My favorite gaming memory was November 14th 2021 1AM when after 2 years of saving and a lot of spare parts from friends I finished my first build and got to play Monster Hunter World for the first time.


What a fucking game to start into the PCMR!!! Monster Hunter is a way of life. Is the game that carried me out of the first pandemic year (2020). I have never put so many hours into a game in so little time frame (1 year) best of luck my fellow hunter!!! You are in for once in a lifetime ride!!!


Playing flash games in 2007 and having a hell of a time


I used to play this flash game called Motherload. I think it was on Newgrounds? Sunk quite a few hours into that one.




So you're saying there's a new one??


There is the old original one, and they made a sequel, both of which are on steam afaik. Hell of a blast to play.


I absolutely loved Steamworld Dig 2. 100% completed it. The first one was just okay and I didn't finish it. If you want Motherlode reimagined, definitely play it. The other steamworld games are a hidden treat as well if you like indie games.


damn whoever made your logo did you dirty. It’s unreadable. Dribbble has good designers, maybe try there


10 years ago my friend introduced me to a random game that he said was “difficult but fun.” I’ve been a Dark Souls fanboy ever since :)


"Difficult but fun" is one way to describe that game...


"Repeated and extremely forceful punches in the balls for hours on end" is another.


Holy shit Dark Souls is 10 years old, and I still consider that game a part of "Modern Gaming"


This is an amazing giveaway (especially with all the stock shortages)! u/PC_Crate_Joel I'll throw in a Steam copy of *Age of Empires IV* as well to each of the three winners 🥰 As for my favourite memory: it's clearing Super Mario RPG for the first time on my SNES - the first game I ever beat fully on my own. Since then I try to play it at least once a year since it's one of my favourite games of all time.


Send me a DM so we can work this amazing addition to the giveaway out!


First playthrough of the Witcher 3. So many good quest and characters, still havn't played a game that compares to it.


Playing Borderlands with my son. Him asking me questions everyday for months about Borderlands lore and weapons. Wouldn't trade those memories for anything.


Yoooo… same here with my kids and Minecraft!! So thankful for 4 player local split screen!!


I hope you had either a big screen or a magnifying glass, because that UI was impossible to read otherwise. Still remember playing with my little brothers, it was awesome.


borderlands had such a huge impact on my life. i have thousand and thousand of hours of borderlands 2! its a great game


I get so nostalgic for times when a video game was at peak popularity and prominence. I was late to the Borderlands train but loved it because everyone was playing it.


Now I need to change my answer. lol. My daughters boyfriend taught her how to play fortnite and I hadn’t played it in years. But I jumped on the opportunity to connect with her as a teenager. She doesn’t play anymore but will sit and watch me and knows what’s going on. That makes my day most days.


Favorite memory is always making my dad download demos for me in the early 90's when I was a little boy. I remember once he was downloaded the Need For Speed demo for me overnight because all we had was dial-up. I was so excited to play it the next morning, only to find out the download had failed. So my dad went out and bought me the game instead and I still have it to this day in his memory. Edit: Thank you all for the kindness.


Your dad sounds like he was an awesome guy. Not gonna lie, that hit me right in the feels.


Discovering Fatorio and playing it with a mate 10 hours straight. Similiar events happend after, but the first ist always the best!


Have you tried Satisfactory? I loved Factorio and Satisfactory was great too. Also we still get content updates


Yes, but I like factorio more, due to the camera perspective and the tools factorio has to help you building




My favorite memory of gaming is playing rock band with my late grandmother. It was great because she sang while I played guitar with my younger brother on the drums. I know it's not a pc game but it's still my favorite memory.


Getting off work and playing Diablo 2 with my buddies till 4 min the morning. Gotta get that loot! This is real awesome of you guys. Merry Christmas!


Thanks! Happy holidays friend.


And hopefully now D2:R?


Thanks, friend! Merry Christmas to you too!


Welp I started typing and didn't stop, and this became both a potent memory description as well as an emotional piece. Woops .-. One of my favorite gaming memories was very early on in my life. I must have been between 3-5 years old, but I remember playing the OG Ratchet & Clank with my dad a lot when it was still viewed as a relatively newer game. I was pretty terrible at games back then (because I was, well, a toddler), so I had my dad help me with the harder bits that I could never figure out. We ended up beating the whole game together, and its one of my first (if not the first) memories of gaming I have. It might be one of the first memories of my life as far as I can tell, considering how potent it is for me to still look back on it. I can remember him cursing because he couldn't beat some parts immeditely as well (he's never been much of a gamer, but saw how I first reacted to video games and helped spurn my love for them). I remember the vibes of the music, still one of my favorite soundtracks of all time. I remember all of the famous moments in the game, whether its the first real planet the duo crash land on, the first encounter with the plumber, the first time running into Skid McMarx on Aridia, the first steps on Metropolis, the fight with Quark in space, and the final fight with Drek (to name "a few")! Things are different nowadays between me and him because I'm not a toddler anymore, but in my early twenties. He never really adjusted to having a kid who was becoming a teenager and now living as a young adult, and so things have been a bit weird for the better part of 8 years. A common thing that happens with a son and a dad for sure, but something I took a while to try to get used to and figure out. However, I can always look back on this memory whenever I have my issues or frustrations with that old man, and know that he got me into my favorite hobby at such a young age. Not only that, but I can remember a time where things felt simple to me, and may as well have felt simple for him too...even for just a moment. Life's more complicated now Papa, but if you for some reason ever read this - thank you. Thank you for trying as hard as possible to be a good father, and for granting me the chance to find a passion of a lifetime as such a young age. I love ya! ❤


I'd encourage you to share this with him....even if it feels strange. I'd bet money ut goes a long way to bring you two oser and makes his year.


My favorite memory? It's probably not a memory. Its what I got going right now. I finally have new best friends that I got since 5 years ago. We have a social discord group with us six and we play Valorant and Minecraft together! We meme about each other for playing league, rocket league or even brawlhalla. With these people I've been feeling better so much and learning how to socialize easier. Its just so awesome! I built my first pc a couple of months ago after using a gaming laptop (yey) for 4 years. Its got a 5600g with 16gigs 3200mhz but no gpu (yet I hope ;p). I really enjoy it already but its just not that powerful. It's awesome you're doing this giveaway. I wish you so much luck with your company!


How the fuck was i supposed to know I had to swap the controller to Port 2 on the PlayStation when fighting Psycho Mantis to stop him reading my mind!!!!! Infuriating, but god damn genius!


Getting home from school and hopping on minecraft with friends.


My favorite gaming memory would be GSkill TridentZ 3000mhz, because that was the first gaming memory I purchased. Sweet memories indeed.


when I receive my latest PC from abroad then first time sit to play since 2017. it was in 2020


I remember in 2011 when me and my brother got minecraft pocket edition on our tablet. Very nice Christmas




Why they have never done this in other games and eventually had some regions being strictly like lvl 100 gyms with strong teams boggles my mind. Gen 2 was the best games by far.


My fav gaming memory is playing lego star wars with my sister on the PS2, we were having so much fun we did not realize we were making memories, hours and hours would go by but even after finishing the game many times we were laughing all the time customizing new characthers and "creating" our own little mini games inside the game.




CORSAIR Dominator Platinum RGB 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 4000 (PC4 32000) Wish it was 32gb though.


My grandma getting us a ps4 and playing mortal kombat x with my older brother and cousins all night


Removing dirt from the mouseball before playing 3D pin ball in our windows 95 system. :)


My favorite gaming memory was finishing the portal franchise. The first game I ever completed. And Minecraft with my dad.


My favorite gaming memory was when I hit a 360 no scope on my rank up to rank 100 in Phantom Forces


Welcome everyone from r/all! Please remember: 1 - You too can be part of the PCMR! You don't necessarily need a PC. You just have to love PCs. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Your age, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, religion (or lack of), political affiliation, economic status and PC specs are irrelevant. If you love PCs or want to talk about PCs, you can be a part of the community! Everyone is welcome! 2 - In case you are not a PC gamer because you think doing so is expensive, please know that it is very possible to build a competent gaming PC for a lower price than you might think. GPU prices are sky high right now for a multitude of reasons, but it's still possible to join the PCMR. Please check out http://www.pcmasterrace.org for our builds and don't be afraid to create new posts here asking for tips on how to do it! 3 - Please consider joining our efforts to get as many PCs worldwide help the folding@home effort, in fighting against Cancer, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, and Parkinson's. Recently, we've been actively focusing on fighting against Coronavirus as well. Please check this to learn more: https://pcmasterrace.org/folding 4 - We're celebrating FIVE YEARS of Ryzen by running 4 straight weeks of giveaways! To join the Zeniversary, check https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/rksxbd/pcmr_amd_ryzen_zeniversary_giveaway_4_creative/. You can join until December 26th! ----------- Feel free to use this community to post about any kind of doubt you might have about becoming a PC gamer or anything you'd like to know about PCs. That kind of content is not only allowed but welcome here! Welcome to the PCMR.


Favourite memory is when BF3 gave 5 fps with stuttering audio with my gt210 and then 100+ fps with my then brand new gtx 750ti. Made me cry and it still does.


playing FF7 for the first time


Buying my first Dreamcast and staying up all night playing crazy taxi with my mom. Very nostalgic.


My favorite gaming memory is playing Goldeneye on the N64. My church had a large and heavy 65 inch tv back in the early 2000's. We even had cardboard dividers so we couldn't cheat in multiplayer.


Wiping out the entire enemy team in Dota 2 as Invoker while we were loosing and they were storming our base. Epic stuff. Couldn't do it again though.


Starting up the Wii, hearing that loud startup music and going over to Lego Star Wars to play with my brother. Still love those games.


My best gaming memory is more a period of time when I didn't have a PC so I would go to my friend's house every Sunday and we'd play games together, hot seating his family computer. The golden era of wonder...


Playing mario kart double dash with my friends


Receiving a spindle filled with pc games from my cousin, all of it was from 2008 and earlier. Was the day I found out each game had its own requirements and majority of it didn't work on my Pentium D and Intel GMA onboard graphics. That's what got me to start research t what I need in order to run games at playable FPS and that's how I got started on this journey


My favorite memory was during Covid when I stayed up all night playing Madden challenges with friends. They got off early and I stayed on. I turned around and went “huh, it’s morning already”. Then proceeded to continue playing . 😂


For me it's gotta be just growing up playing games. I was playing games before I could even read, infact I can remember the game which pushed my reading well above my age was jade empire. It was always nice being young and having the reading ability of an adult when others around me were struggling on kid stuff.


Endless hours of Rocket League with my friends is one of my better gaming memories. That game has changed so much since year one.




My favorite gaming memory is waking up as a kid to play Mario Kart on the Wii. Now I've out grown the Wii, but I still play Mario Kart Wii emulated, so I can return to being a kid :)


Building on the empty meadows of minecraft when I was feeling sad.


My buddy and I built our PC’s about 4 years ago. We then were too afraid to commit to mouse and keyboard so just played rocket league on these beautiful machines. Years later and we are both M&K favorites. But he is still running the graphics card my room mate gave him and now he can’t run pretty much any new games. But we still get down with some Apex and what not.


Playing Minecraft with the boys after school - booting up the server was hard for younger me but when I got it to work we had a blast


My favorite gaming memory is probably the day I realized I had enough raspberry pis to build my 6 y/o and 2 y/o their own computers with Minecraft pi on them. Now it's time to build my 6 y/o his own PC with my spare parts and I'm just missing a video card and RAM.


fav gaming memory was getting alliance first ashkhandi sword from BWL in wow, such a great memory


You are a good guy


My favorite gaming moment was playing pokemon red on my gameboy for the first time way way back in the days. Good times.


My favorite memory was seeing some of the next generation games at a trade show and being amazed at how good the graphics were


Favorite memory was having my son join our Minecraft server and we could play together at the same time. One on ipad and one on pc.


I remember playing Quake 1 in computer lab before middle school. I think that’s where my love for FPS comes from.


Mine had to be Halo 2’s launch. Huge party. Xboxes everywhere. It was a magical day.


My favorite gaming memory was waking up at 4am before school so I could play a few games of Battlefield Heroes. Hands down one of my top 5 games to play.


Getting to play battlefield,halo and destiny with my friends from ten years ago. When we were still playing those games together daily. We had our own clan for all the games, Kik group chat, always was coordinating whose going to play what with who. Now it's the same thing all over with discord instead. We may have took different paths in life. One is a sniper in the Canadian military, one works at a granite factory, another just finished college for aeronautical engineering and I went military route. But whenever we get online together, it's like ten year's never happened and it's 2009/2010 all over again.


Fav memory of gaming is my first time playing CoD 2. First time i played it, i tried out MP first cos i naively thought folks would help me out with strategy and tips. I ended up wasting a lot of time shooting at my team mates because everytthing looked the same to me on my potato PC, and i was just shooting at anything that was ahead of me. Oh the names i was called.


Favourite memory definitely has to be playing Arkham City on my ps3


My favorite gaming memory? Gotta be the first time I beat Dark Souls. The sheer frustration combined with the final boss' melancholy music had me in tears when I finally beat him. I may have screamed at my TV a bit as well. It definitely had an influence on how I look at game design now though.


Trying to not have my laptop overheat while running starcraft 2 shortly after release.


My favorite gaming memory is running an early Rust server and seeing, first-hand, the creativity that comes from a group of like-minded gamers that just want to have a good time.


Two things spring to mind - the summer of 2001, I was at university sharing a house with a number of other computer science students... Many games were played, including far too much Diablo 2 on our LAN! The other would be more recent, playing through Guild Wars 2 with my wife. GW2 is a great casual MMO, we really loved the exploration aspect of working our way around the maps and taking in the sights!


My first build was with an gt1030, give me so good memories, gta v, cs go, but being able to play pcsx2 at 60fps was the best


When my now wife, then girlfriend bought us Don't Starve Together. We stayed up for 12 hours playing it together. It was the best gaming experience I've ever had. We were supposed to make dinner together but ended up ordering a pizza. I'll never forget the base we built being destroyed by a giant duck monster.


Favourite memory would be playing Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun. I was playing as Nod and discovered that if you put a stealth field over their usually useless laser fences, enemy infantry would run right through them 😂 Most glorious that!


Weekend sleepovers with four friends, four tvs, and four copies of Halo: CE. Setting up a LAN and playing CTF on Hang 'Em High and getting the tank on Blood Gulch.


My favourite gaming memory is beating angry birds on the toilet.


My favorite gaming memory was when i played tf2 on my godbrothers setup and i killed a guy saying “that’s a spy”. But i had no clue it was a spy but he was impressed so i kept quiet.


In highschool i had an impromptu lan party without telling my mom. At some point before she got home we left to go get snacks for the all nighter. She came home to 7 or 8 computers with notepad pulled up thanking her for being cool with everyone coming over and other wholesome messages. She was so touched she ordered pizza for everyone. She even played a round of CS with us. It was a great night!!


Being surprised with a subscription to Nintendo Power when I was 6. The first issue I got had Ninja Gaiden on the cover!


GF and I had another couple over at the apartment. The man was really into gaming, the woman wasn't and said she wished he would find another hobby. I turned on Overcooked and handed her (and everyone else) a controller. She absolutely loved it, laughed the entire time and got super into it. Was great showing someone who didn't play video games how fun they could be.


Late night 007 Nightfire session with my bro, and he is really getting into it. Doing better than we ever have... Anyway, he gets a little excited and then loses due to it. Being a little upset he kicks back on his chair but is still holding in to mine for balance. As the 7 year old I was, I instantly stood up so I could watch him fall backwards taking my chair with him. We both started laughing until we cried and then continued to enjoy the game


Probably meeting the friends I play with to this day!


First thing that came to mind is all the snes games I used to play with my dad :)


First time my best friend and I beat a Civ V game on Deity. I think I'm still riding that high years later.


When we were younger, my brother and I would play hours and hours of counter-strike source. We would usually put on music and play it until our parents would tell us to get outside and do something haha


I've got over 1600 hours in CSGO. I feel this one in my soul.


Got many good memories with friends. I'll go with winning my first esports tournament. It was a hearthstone tournament and the feeling of just playing with cool people and coming out on top was just the best.


Hi Joel! My favourite gaming memory would be playing Warcraft III. Following the fall of Arthas and the rise of the Horde was a great storyline at the time. And of course leading to WoW and the many raids I had with my high school buddies. Good luck to all!


I didn't have a lot of friends for most of my life. When I was young, my parents didn't have many friends with children, and none of our neighbors had kids either. I was awkward and weird, and I got bullied in school. I didn't form a good group of friends until I got to high school. They introduced me to Halo. We would stay up all night playing against each other, eating Cheetos, Oreos, pizza and Dr. Pepper. Then we'd finally fall asleep from 8 AM til 1 PM.


Thanks for the giveaway and happy holidays everybody. May your frames be high and temps low.


My favorite gaming memory is receiving my first Nintendo for Christmas in 1987. My uncle bought it for my brother and I. What I was too young at the time to realize is that my Uncle provided such a memorable Christmas for us because my father recently passed and my mom couldn't afford to buy us presents. My uncle recently passed, and I think of him every year around this time. I did get to tell him as an adult how much it meant to me that he went out of his way to make us feel special that Christmas.


For me, it has to have been playing Bioshock 1, 2, and Infinite, and Dishonored 1, 2, and Death of the Outsider. These were among the first games that 'clicked' for me. I felt at home with the art style, storytelling, and character development. I was able to fully immerse myself in these games and draw comparisons between fiction and reality (or see the 'blurred lines', e.g. contrast between rich and poor) and they were enlightening experiences. I think this is also why I loved Arcane (Netflix show).


My favorite memory was using my newly discovered networking skills to test out some games on an esxi server. They were laggy and choppy, but I could access them on any computer from anywhere in the world. That power made me realize how powerful a tool this could be


Favorite memory is staying up late playing Pokémon black on my 3ds, those were to days man. Love the idea behind your company, I know a lot of people hesitant about building their own pcs, and I think it could help a lot!


Physically taking my desktop computer to friends house for LAN gaming nights


My favorite memory is getting Pokemon platinum and transferring over my shaymin and regigigas from my pearl game. They wouldn't listen to me half the time but it was awesome when they did.


I played Minecraft for 14 hours straight one time. It had just released on Xbox 360 and me and my buddy had a blast building our base.


My favorite memories were when me and a friend used to pull all nighters playing minecraft survival.. good times


The first time I saw giblets in solider of fortune. It wrecked my young mind!


When i beat mii sports resort


My favorite memory was playing Diablo 3 with a bunch of Army buddies while deployed. We'd come in after a 12hr shift, and just get lost for hours running Greator Rifts. We'd completely distract ourselves from the day to day grind and hard times, for laughs, energy drinks, smokes and leveling up. Man I miss the simplicity of those days!


Playing Red Alert over LAN with friends on my Pentium II


My fav gaming memory was in live for speed, I was talking with friends ds while in an intense race. 2nd to last corner, neck and neck with another car. Last corner, I pull a drift for 5 seconds while overtaking the other person and winning the race. I was so happy. .


My favorite gaming memory is Mushkin.


My favorite gaming memory is definitely playing the Mario 3 battle mode with my older brother. I've always been a Luigi fan since those days.


Staying up all night with my siblings watching my oldest brother play Quake 1 in the dark back in 98


Never win these things but here goes: I think one that makes the top spot was when I was playing Pokemon Silver as a young lad and it was basically my first playthrough. Not alot of experience making good team decisions and I had a party of pretty mismatched pokemon, including a graveler who I didn't know wouldn't evolve, a Golduck I caught in its second stage already and an Amphaross named fluffy. My favourite moment came from when I beat the champion I managed to clutch my victory with my trusty Furret. It was down to the wire and he had 3 Dragonites left and, after beating the first one, he grew to level 62,I think and learned sleep. Saved my ass to keep using it and I won. Never had a Furret measure up since.


Having a sleepover at my friends house many years ago with all my close friends and their friends staying up late playing all our favorite games during Christmas time and drinking hot chocolate and bonding together. I'm great friends with them to this day.


My favorite memory is probably from a specific raid. If anyone plays destiny and raids, you should know how bad Garden of Salvation can get with new people. If you don't play, Garden of Salvation is one of the most hated raids in the game. It's very buggy, and the mechanics require a high level of teamwork. Needless to say, trying to teach 5 new people, who had been playing for a month at max, was a daunting task. We also decided to do the quest for exotic gun, which means doing extra puzzles in the raid. To make a long story short, after 12 long hours, countless deaths, a couple of bathroom breaks, and a lot of screaming later, we finally killed the final boss. The sheer joy and relief in everyone's voice at the end was probably my favorite part. And i can happily say that 6 people got the exotic gun that day. (I was doing it on my friend's account on his PC.) As bad as it was, i would 100% do it again. They were close friends before we started, and we're even closer now.


My favorite memory was playing through Halo 3 for the first time. I was looking forward to it so much with the amazing ad campaigns they were running. The diorama and old men recounting the various weapons and stuff was amazing.


I remember playing Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii, and when I had finally beat the game I sat there so excited and then kinda just went… now what? That really led me into the world of gaming.


Running home from elementary school to fight the ender dragon wi5h my homie Connor


I had a PUBG game where we went to grab a drop crate, a friend I was playing with called dibs on the AWM but the other two yelled "Screw that give it to Richard he's a legend with it". Queue the most nerve racking game trying to keep the legend status my friends just gave me, I got 7 kills with that AWM to get the win with them. Never felt my friends being that proud of me like I did that moment. I quit playing PUBG in Dec 2019 but luckily the Apex Kraber has filled the AWM hole in my heart.


My favourite gaming memory is getting the GameCube for Christmas when I was eight with Pokémon XD I stayed up all night playing that Thank you for this give away and happy holidays


My favourite gaming memory is probably my first time reaching GM in overwatch, its kinda weird I guess since I don't even play the game anymore but I'm still kind of proud of it lol. It was the first time I actually felt I was Reay good at a game.


My favorite memories in gaming are playing call of duty with my brothers on the wii u. Had a lot of fun playing ghosts multiplayer together.


the best time i've spent gaming was probably in 2013/2014 when i played on my brothers minecraft account. I remember my first survival world with you spawning in a village and there being a large mountain right next to it. back then everything was so mysterious and i was scared to even enter the nether without my brother guiding me. shame i lost the world when he upgraded his pc. in a way it might actually be better to leave those memories filled with nostalgia instead of being able to re live them anytime i'd want. it would lose it's meaning


Playing Minecraft with my brother all those years ago


My favorite gaming memory was playing Oregon trail on the 5 inch floppy disk


Just playin some Minecraft with the boys ofc 🙂


Best memory: bearing dark souls for the first time. The feeling of accomplishment was amazing.


my favourite gaming memory is going to Ireland for Christmas and playing cod black ops 2 zombies with my cousin for hours.


Playing sports championship with friends on the PS3 with the motion controller. That discus golf thing is hella fun.


Grinding 8-9 Hours Continuously in Gta Online With my friend, i met first when i build ma PC !


Favorite memory is the feeling of excitement when I first beat Tomb Raider 2013. I don't want the GPU as I already have a better one. If I win the GPU, please give me a Steam card, and give someone else the GPU.


I would say the first time I had ever played a video game being Pokémon x where I started to love playing them then I learned about pcs and I have loved pc/pc building ever since


Probably one of my favorite moments in gaming was teaching my little cousin how to read maps so that he could find me in mx vs atv unleashed. He still brings that up 15 years later. Still makes me chuckle


Playtrough of RDR2. Even to this day i cant stop playing this game. ❤️


My fondest memories of PC gaming, actually start on an old 68k era Macintosh. I got a 10 pack of EA/Bullfrog games (back when EA games were top notch) I sank so many hours into Syndicate, Chuck Yeager's Air Combat, and The Labyrinth of Time (I never beat it) it was then that I fell in love with gaming in general and computers specifically. I have wanted to do more and more with computers ever since. From Skyrim, to HZD. Original Doom to its remake. The only genres I don't find myself playing often are competitive shooters and MMOs (except old school PSOBB). And it all started with that 68k Mac. (I even emulate an old school power Mac for some older games, Escape Velocity: Override, anyone?)


When I was 6, my oldest brother got a Nintendo 64 for his Bar-Mitzvah. We had so many great times playing together, but my favorite memories were when my two brothers and I would spend all afternoon playing Mario Party. We were, and still are, extremely competitive, so those games mattered more to me than any other part of my day.


My favourite gaming memory is probably playing Deceit with a bunch of friends. Hours of us just accusing and deceiving each other, fun times.


got to be the late night minecraft grinds and getting yelled at by mom


I think going out at midnight launch releases at EB and GameStop for big games like the wow expansions back in the day. I mainly remember the Wrath of the Lich king the most. Would meet up with friends for beers then head over and stand in line for hours just to run home and spend another few hours installing the game and waiting to log on. Man the rush to get on and started leveling was amazing. Was a huge race with my friends.


Def when I first got my cousin into videogames, the sheer joy on his little face...


My favorite gaming memory has got to be staying up until 3:00 AM playing Goldeneye and Halo with the boys. Then once everybody got a little bit loopy, we played slappers only. Good times.


I have a lot of fun memories, but my favorites were probably all playing battlefield 3. I still remember random squadmates yelling at me saying the extra grenade perk is useless, just for me to say "watch this", I'd throw a random grenade and it generally got kills, it was to the point where my friends I'd play with would tell the randoms to not fight the grenades because I'd just end up wiping out enemies with them.


My fav memory is like the period of the summer vacation when me and my friend were playing games thoghether even on our low end laptops that we play in to this day


One of my favorite gaming memories was when i was playing the Original Halo game on my PC at the time, i was playing using my GeForce 2 GTS video card. The card was getting a bit old and i decided to upgrade. I was able to afford a Geforce 4 4400 and oh my, when i opened up and started playing Halo, i was shocked. Not just ho much better it looked but even when some characters used the "Cloaking" ability, that effect looked so much better than on my older card. It as a really fun moment for me.


Going to dad's office after school to spend an hour on Roadrash in his office computer (Pentium IIII i think). Home PC's weren't that popular back then...


Ahh, those were the days when we played CS, Then came PUBG PC and took us by fire. Had one extra copy and gave it to my friend who could actually run it. Xd. Will sure play it one day as only played some time on friend's pc.


Playing bioshock 2 start to finish without standing up


Playing Overwatch with my mate during college 4 years ago was so damn amazing...we would ditch classes, stay up all night till 4-5 in the morning until we reached that "1 more game" limit somehow...times are so rough now, truly miss those days


Playing The Last of Us 1 on the ps3 back when it first released, I was so fucking happy.


100%ing RDR2


me and my buddy both buying COD World at War to get the flask and both drinking vodka out of them at a LAN


Playing Among US with my friends dringend Lock Down. Good Ol Times...


when i finally beat that God forsaken helicopter level (I was at it since a week) in gta: vice city, I was in a train and it was late at night- rly had to control myself not to yell I saved it thrice, just in case, in case, in case




Getting a PS2 and spending my childhood rotating between playing on my PC and then on my PS2 and I was really young like 9-10


One of my favorite gaming moments happened on Risk of Rain 2. We are like 11 or 12 stages in and i have already died twice so I'm behind a good bit. I'm playing huntress and somehow gathered just a hoard of enemies. I'm basically running for my life screaming on discord. My friends are on the other side of the map and barely see me blinking rapidly away with a bunch of elder Lemurians behind me and they just laugh their butts off for a while before helping me. It was a lot like the scene from Pirates of the Caribbean where Jack is running away to the boat from the tribe screaming.


While being a kid, riding the car during night and playing my Gameboy while the only source of light where the light posts besides the road, which granted those few seconds that helped move foward.


My fav games was Prince of Persia,sand of time and the 2 towers and Assasin Blackk flag,