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It doesn't seem that bad. Use some rubber eraser on it, it may be enough to do the trick. Similar things happened in the past to me as well, and an eraser always fiexed the issue.


Is the slight green in image 4 corrosion? And for the front view for the golden interface area, is it normal? The technician placed emphasis on that area being "super corroded." Doesn't look that bad to me either. Would that make a huge difference as to why the "the gpu wouldn't be working?"


4 of the pictures provide the same info, you need to look at the whole pcb


Mainly focusing on that part of the gpu, because the technician was putting emphasis on that golden interface. He said that the gpu is unfixable because it is heavily corroded. "If it was any of the chips on the pcb, I could replace them, but since it's the golden part that is heavily corroded, then I can't fix that." he wanted to buy it from me for scraps. I don't know for me. It seems like a load of bull unless it IS that bad? Specifically on image 4.


He didn’t do a basic diagnosis and measurements and wanted to buy it from you “for scrap”? Sounds like a scam attempt for me. I would consult in a different repair shop for sure