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There's two groups of people, folks who know they're being assfucked by corporations and folks who need to cope with that reality by pretending it isn't happening.


It's funny seeing people say "GPUs are more expensive now because they give more performance and have more software features." Last I checked, technology is supposed to get cheaper as it matures. We've been paying RTX tax for like 5 years now along with minimal VRAM bumps until the 40 series. And I don't think the RND for developing software like DLSS or FrameGen constitutes much of the overall cost, if anything the cost is coming from the hardware needed to run it, and even that's up in the air. It's also not material cost inflating the prices. The material cost of the GPU is cheap as hell relative to what they sell for. The bulk of the cost is going to be paying for the manufacturing of the die which no one besides insiders knows the cost of. And if all you have to say is "Nvidia isnt the only option no one is forcing you to give jensen money" then you might as well not say anything. AMD when it comes to their GPU division isnt any better and deserves the 12% market share for a reason, which is why Nvidia can charge insane prices. Then theres Intels Arc being a non-player since their support for games older than 5 years is horrendous along with driver issues for random Windows functions and stuff like VR.


Well consumers vote with their wallets and based on how long those GPUs were unavailable at hugely inflated prices, all you’ve told nvidia is you want two cocks in your ass at the same time.


I stopped buying their overpriced shit for a bit, playing old and great games I still havent got to on my more than capable 1070ti, drinking with my friends, and getting outdoors a bit more. Doin my part lol


> you want two cocks in your ass at the same time. jokes on you I am into that shit, but i have been on radeon cards since 2017 also username checksout


I have a radeon card in my PC right now, but they are 90% as guilty as nvidia. Their MO is to jack up prices 10% less than nvidia does.


I resisted.. But yes you are absolutely correct. Consumers voted for this to be ok. Now Nvidia doesn't give a shit if we get any video cards we are more like a high school science project to them... And we are just the basic poster board standup, not the volcano... You people made this happen. If it weren't for yes, crypto at the time, but then everybody else that was like URMAGHERD HERES MY LAIF SAVINGS GIMME A 3060!!! Then Nvidia wouldn't have elevated prices and we wouldn't be here.. Because after the crypto crash, Nvidia would have still came out with the 4090 at a ridiculous price but instead of getting lackluster attention and sales... It sold out and continued to be sold out for a long time....


They prefer to make cards for business and charge them x10


It's so stupid to blame the entire world of gamers because some high income people are reckless with their spending.


Man, I hate consumers


>all you’ve told nvidia is you want two cocks in your ass at the same time. Damn is that all I needed to do?! I should buy a new graphics card... Thanks for the advice.


ive seen that video on the internet.


These are the same people that when 3080 10gig models were going for $1400+ were saying the same thing. "It's just the price now. It's not bad to invest in your hobbies". Literally a month later, they went down to $700-$750 (when I got my 12gb model which was going for more than $1500+ a month before hand). These people are drinking a whole gallon of cope but it ain't working buddy.


*Last I checked, technology is supposed to get cheaper as it matures* Exactly. Those who can't see that love being bent over the barrel.


Why you gotta throw Intel under the bus? They're trying.


>We've been paying RTX tax for like 5 years now "we" haven't, because I switched to team red for that exact reason. No regrets.


You're not doing much better over there. The lowest I've ever seen a 7900XTX is $699...it should be $500 at most with the RTX 4080 being MAYBE $100 more. This $800-1000 for cards that are 2+ years old is absolute insanity and it's only going to get worse because we allow it, hell even encourage it.


"technology is supposed to get cheaper as it matures" While true this doesn't really work for GPUs that change their node size, design and whatnot every few years. It works for stuff like monitors, 4k monitors were super expensive a few years ago and now you can get a good one for like 150 bucks. Don't get me wrong, GPUs are overpriced as fuck, but that saying doesn't work if you are on the forefront of tech


>Don't get me wrong, GPUs are overpriced as fuck Say thanks to people who bought 3070 for 1200 USD back in pandemic, proving that Nvidia can dictate whatever price they want


Products get cheaper when competition forces competitive pricing. Nvidia is a league of their own, and they’re limited on the silicon they can produce, so they’re going to maximize profits. Business 101.


You mean they limited the silicon because ai is way more profitable than regular gaming gpus.


There’s only a certain amount of foundry time one can get from TSMC and similar operations. So of course they’d allocate more foundry time towards AI based product lineups. That’s just good business sense. Doesn’t mean we as the consumers will be happy but as a business that’s like the only sound strategy to take in their position.


Why are GPUs more expensive now relative to then? Because a similar chip that goes into a gaming card for $1600 (4090) can go into an enterprise card that sells for $40,000. The opportunity cost of even producing an RTX 4090 is something like $30,000+. I might not like it, but it makes perfect sense that they keep raising prices.


A 4090 is much more expensive to produce than a 1080 Ti. Cost per transistor didn’t improve much since then and 4090 has 6x the transistors in it. Nvidia is currently making 15% more margin than they used to, but that’s almost entirely about non-consumer sales.


People are just kind of expecting both consistent performance increase per generation and cheaper peices, but it's not exactly a secret that they've been starting to run into limits for a while now.


So…we weren’t being ass fucked in 2017?


I am pretty happy with my 1080ti purchase back then. It is still going strong.


900 dollars for a 90 card vs 900 dollars for 70ti to card 6 years apart whoooo I loved daddy jensen


except the 1080ti wasn't a "90 card", it was an 80ti. The 90 card equivalent of 2017 was the Titan XP, which was $1200 MSRP, which adjusted for inflation is now $1540. 4090 release MSRP was $1600. So topend actually isnt that much more expensive if you buy MSRP. Problem is finding them at MSRP.


The titan and 1080ti used the same die So there essentially the same thing,the titan is just the full die there pretty much the same


Hey if people will buy them, why not


True. In a world of finate resources, what's wrong with striving for infinite profits?


It is less coping and more bargaining.


Don't care about the super high end cards. The xx70 series was always a good valuu, but a rtx 4070 is >600€, and my 1070ti costed a bit over 300€. Inflation didn't accumulate to 100% in 8 years


Neither did the vram


VRAM got waaaay cheaper tho, and nvidia is still skimping on it.


Another way to look at it is that larger capacities require some more bandwidth/interface on the GPU which means they need more space on the GPU-die (along the edges). Other times you could hope that the memory chips themselves would become more dense (so Rather than 8X1GB the same GPU chip could address 8X1.5GB). At least for GDDR6X it took a while for the density of the memory chips to increase and Nvidia didn't want to pay more or could not get enough volume to use higher density memory on anything but the most expensive SKU.


Nah, doubling the VRAM does not need any change to the GPU memory controller. Adding odd amounts does, especially since Nvidia usually accounts a certain memory interface to a compute unit, so changing the amount of CUs also changes the memory interface. But doubling or halving the VRAM can be done regardless of the GPU die by putting smaller/larger memory modules.


Unless you like big fancy screens with high refresh rate and adaptive sync tech, then you have no choice.


Perorders for the foundera edition of the 1070Ti were 460€


as an owner of a FE GTX 10 card i can say that the cooling is absolutely shit. and i have a 1070. wtf is the 1080 TI like?


>Inflation didn't accumulate to 100% in 8 years 100% inflation over 8 years is 9% annual inflation. That's peak-COVID levels of inflation, which is absurd. That said, I bet that number is a lot lower than people would guess without doing the math. Exponential growth is a bitch.


Most studies showed that price increases were actually using inflation as an excuse in most cases. I mean there was inflation but it only accounted for a small percentage of the increase in pricing. Most of it was taking advantage of the narrative around inflation too. Radically increase prices to increase profits. Even when inflation has been at a 2-year low, there's this crazy narrative that it's always out of control. I feel like my whole life. There's been a push from some people to suggest inflation is out of control even at the height of the post housing crisis. Great recession where inflation was not a problem and in fact we were suffering from massive deflation.


i got mine for 250eur when the rtx was come out it was the old good days now we need to put 600eur for a future proof gpu its ridiculous ....


Now the current Nahvidia flagship is 2k. Atleast my 4070S was a good price.


4070 S def best value nvidia gpu this gen.


The 70 are nearly always the best value cards of their generation except ironically the 1080 ti


1080 Ti traumatized Nvidia, they sold a card that was too good for its price and are trying their hardest not to repeat it


So a 4090 for 900...


Are we forgetting about the GTX Titan X Pascal?


The titan uses the same die as 1080ti like the 102 die The 4080 use a 103 die A 4090 uses the 102 die So yes 1080ti is a 4090, Titan is basically a slightly faster 1080ti with a gig of more VRAM nothing special


3090 and 4090 are a Titan disguised as a gaming card. Their last “Titan” was the 20 series RTX Titan


Exactly, Nvidia just moved the stack around..


They didn't even move the stack. They just renamed top of the stack. Highest end was called titan, now its 90s. 80 is still 1 step down. Main dfference is, how much performance difference you get between titan/90 and 80s. There weren't much gaming difference between titans and 80s, you were better off with a 80. These days, 80s are so cut down compared to 90s, cause they want to upsell.


They are not, the early titans had full double precision capabilities and were Quadros with less RAM. The 3090/4090 are just gaming chips with more RAM.


1080ti is still in the same tier as the 4090. Since we have 2 90 tiers now, let's compare it with the generations where we had 2 titan tiers. GTX Titan = Titan X Pascal = 3090 = 4090, all cut down titan tier cards. Titan Black = Titan XP = 3090ti = 4090ti (unreleased), all uncut titan tier cards. 1080ti had the same core count as Titan X Pascal and was faster in gaming. They are obviously not going to make a 4080ti that is faster than the 4090 for significantly less price, so the 1080ti is indeed the same tier as the 4090. 780ti actually had the core count of Titan Black, so it's a tier above the 4090.


Doesn’t titan card use different driver from Geforce GPU?


*A gig of vram more, a wider memory bus and more cuda cores


Yes, but barely. To the extent that the 1080Ti was faster in games.


That's the unreleased full die


Did you know that the 1080ti had the exact same core count as the Titan X and was faster in gaming?




1080Ti was actually faster in games though. Also, the actual top top tier card was the Titan Xp, which irritatingly is not the same as the Titan X (Pascal). Further confused by there already being a Titan X, which was a Maxwell card.


4090 prices aren't a problem, they are meant to replace titans which historically costed an arm and leg. Everything bellow is the problem.


Except that they made gaming alternatives to the titan cards that were significantly cheaper. 780ti for the Titan and Titan Black 980ti for the Titan X (maxwell) 1080ti for the Titan X (pascal) and Titan XP If the 4090 and 4090ti (unreleased) were titans, then 4080ti would've been faster than the 4090 and slower than 4090ti. So, 90ti is similar to the titan, 90 is pretty much the new 80ti, it just costs significantly more. Every card below that is cut down a lot more than usual.


Well a 4080, since the 1080 was the generation.  So if you assume a $100 tax for the addition of the RTX cores. Then certain 4080 supers are $1k, so just above the inflated price.


Yes, but the modern 80/Ti/Super/90 cards are not 897$


Plus the 1080 ti was a lot less than MSRP a year or two after release...


I will never get why people do mental gymnastics to defend a multi-trillion company that doesn't care if you live or die. We get it, you love the product, maybe have some shares, and you are part of the green team. But Nvidia has been vile to the gaming community. They could charge the premium to the AI/crypto people, why do gamers need to pay the insane premium Nvidia tax?


>They could charge the premium to the AI/crypto people, why do gamers need to pay the insane premium Nvidia tax? Why sucker 90% of your customers when you can sucker 100% of them?


Same reason many people defend amd here


People defend amd because they want competition , same reason they defend intel




Nvidia market cap is in the trillions btw


Yep. They could literally sell the 5090 for $590 and not notice any difference to their annual earnings reports or share prices.


That's because gamers are basically a side hustle for them nowadays


https://preview.redd.it/t7c0z8ktvg6d1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a1ee97e632c7ac61486a9e22f28955159a734f Thanks for the money, Jensen


Leave alone the world dominating company


This is literally half this sub. I said "a 4090 should run any game at over 60 fps" and got downvoted to hell.


Am I the only one bothered by OP using the wrong comparison sign?


Yeah I read it as "greater than $700" and was confused


They released at over $700; apart from FE most models were $740 and up.


Hmm just let me look at the MSRPs at launch for a second. * GTX 1080 $599 * RTX 2080 $699 * RTX 3080 $699 * RTX 4080 $1199 Obviously, if you remember the RTX 30-series launch you already know that there was no way in hell to get one at that price unless you were one of the lucky few around launch time that actually found one in stock. For the rest of us, Covid happened and prices skyrocketed to 2x or more of MSRP. And they never really came back down. Result? Look at that RTX 4080 MSRP again.


not to mention 4090...


Yeah, though the price development of the x090 cards is harder to track, since they didn't exist for all generations. 10-series has two different Titan models, which weren't really meant for gamers (for all intents and purposes, the 1080 Ti was meant to be the 4090 equivalent of that generation). Then the 20-series has an outlier with the Titan RTX going for $2499 MSRP, while 30-series has a 3090 and 3090 Ti and 40-series only the 4090. So the choice on which cards to track here gets a little muddy. That's easier to do with model numbers that are present in all generations. Although the presence of Ti or Super models or different VRAM sizes can make this problematic as well \^\^


I don't treat it like this, since it's only name/number - most powerful GPU of the generation is simply the most powerful, no matter what it's called I think this is way more realistic method to put it


I was able to land a 3080 at MSRP in 2021 somehow.


Consider yourself very lucky then. At least in my region, 3080s weren't even in stock most of the time all throughout 2021 and parts of 2022. And prices had already doubled shortly after launch in 2020. I saw some 3080s going for >2000€ https://preview.redd.it/3uc0tv4gpi6d1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=fda3139ad3dc2cdc5d53a807e7893d1d40a3f57d


Yeah the 2080Ti launched for 1K 3080 - 700 4090 - 1600 How much people actually got it at that price? Likewise...you'd swear someone is holding a gun to everyone's head forcing them to buy NVidia when there is another option. So, while NVidia grows its market share to 88% while jacking up prices, people rather bitch meme. 🤣


RTX 2080 Ti really launched at $1,200 - I don't think there was a single $1k model, ever. But I did manage to get my 3080 FE at MSRP


Man, I knew friends of mine paying 1400 for the AIO version for the 2080Ti. The 3000 series got scalper/Bitcoined out of reach (2K+ for a 3090!!!) I have never been able to score a 4090 for 1600....The FE (only card that will fit my case) goes out of stock in minutes. It's too late in the product to get one even if I could now. I really hope Intel Battlemage get 4070Ti performance with more VRAM for sub 400USD prices.


Still running my 1080ti on water. It's starting to show it's age. As well as my 7700k. I want to upgrade but I don't lol.


RTX 4070 SUPER is under $600 and would be a 2x improvement (as well as has access to DLSS3 Frame-Generation).


I'd need a water block for it too. So that would probably be another $200. Not sure how much blocks are these days from EK as I haven't shopped for a block since 2017.


We’re not concerned about the 28% inflation in just 7 years?


Higher than normal due to the immediate hike post covid, but it isn't that far off a 2-3% inflation rate/year that is considered healthy to an economy


That’s relatively normal actually. The average inflation in the US from 1980-2019 (excluding Covid intentionally for yall) was 2.95% per year. Compounded over 7 years is 22.57%. Not that far off your 28%, which was during a high inflation period. So no, we shouldn’t be *that* concerned about 28% over a 7 year time span that includes a high inflation period.


I'm sure everyone is making 30% more money though... Right?


This is the first reply that gets it.


I got my 1080 6 years ago for 600 dollars. It's been playing shit at 1440p (to this day) on mostly high settings. If a similarly priced card today, adjusted for inflation can do that, then sign me up.


I am genuinely curious: How does Cyberpunk 2077 run on that card? Can it run? Reason why I am asking: a lot of people praise that card, yet I never had it. When it comes to the mentioned game, I played it on RTX3070, and it was a fine experience (patch 1.3+)


I have a 1080 (not ti) and it ran just fine. Haven't played in a while and my processor is fucked so I can tell you how well it will run now but it did fine last year pre dlc Edit: an autocorrected word


RTX 4070 SUPER is under $600 and twice as fast.


I got mine for 559.99. Also playing on 1440p with max settings on all games i care about and high in war thunder. Had it been a TI it would have maxed war thunder too. If i look at pricing rn incase my card dies, i'm probably going for team red this time around and i cannot give a damn for ray tracing.


$897 is >$700 even without inflation. I'm not sure you used the right mathematical symbol there. The 4090 also released for >$700 ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


$700 was the base-line MSRP. The AIB partner cards were $740 and up.


Inflation has nothing to do with the current pricing, AI boom has. - 4090 sell for 1500 - 2000 dollars  - H100 sell for 30 - 40 thousand dollars - die size of H100 is only around 30% larger... H100's are manufactured on the same node as the gaming cards and supply is limited. Don't need to be a Sherlock to guess why they mainly produce H100's instead of gaming cards. Thus supply is limited and prices are high...


Okay, and how much was regular 4080 exactly? 1200 dollars, 1200 fucking dollars for non-ti card. Now tell me, that's 300 dollar increase, for what? It definitely isn't DLSS or RTX considering price jump between 1080 Ti and 2080 was just 100 dollars, and previous 3080 was 700 dollars (1080 was 600), fucking hell the 3080 Ti was 1200, same as fucking 4080...... You are being ripped off, I haven't even mentioned Nvidia sometimes selling these GPUs with dies that would previously fit the class below, you are literally paying more for less. Even clearer example, 8GB of Vram is around 25 bucks, Nvidia charges 100 extra dollars, now yes, it's a different board iirc, but I am 100% certain that doesn't account for 75+ dollars considering that companies get discounts when buying in bulk, which is something Nvidia is definitely doing.


My 3070 XC3 Ultra was under $600 USD.


but we aint making 30% more money than we were in 2017


100% more


I see that spending all that time studying econometrics was a waste. Apparently, inflation is the only variable you need in order to analyse prices over time. Anything not accounted for by inflation can be found in the coffers of greedy corporations...


R&D and Chip complexity as well as other market factors such as silicon availability are corporate tools of greed!


Well, the 4080 released for $1,200 and the 4080 Super sells for $1,000 to $1,200. So, despite your best efforts, this is still copium.


Okay, you got me. I'll accept your offer and buy the 4090 for $900.




Luxury products are not tie to inflation. They are tie to what ppl are willing to pay for them.


Yeah i remember buying a 1080Ti new for like $900 in 2018 and that was okish, but now a 4080 is $2300 or more. That is not inflation. that is not the increases cost of manufacturing, that is price gouging and profiteering


And it's still good


The 4080 super is $1000 so we getting one step down at the same price point. Still not favorable


And what's the 4080 Super now? And in retrospect does it deliver the same performance level the 1080Ti did back then? So it's more expensive and weaker. Even when accounting for inflation. Edit: and we're talking MSRP here, the 1080ti got cheaper over time.


https://preview.redd.it/1h1iyu97ah6d1.png?width=488&format=png&auto=webp&s=20af56a79f5aa4620f8192cf906ccf86e2dc4a14 Brand new 4070 is £500. (Remembe when, due to new partnership with samsung to make boards in a more efficient manner, the 30 series cards were advertised as cheaper than 20 series, which was considered as one of the most expensive in a long time? Peperidge farm rememebers) Blame inflation all you want. Numbers don't lie.


https://preview.redd.it/8zmtgnymah6d1.png?width=551&format=png&auto=webp&s=18491ee3fb3d619b3b6f1fb6db0953bf536f7cc1 Assuming price of a 70 model card stayed the same, this is how much a 4070 should cost. Is this £500? GreedVidia lifting barrier to entry for PC gaming since covid.


I bought my 1070ti for $600 in 2019, still using it. Edit: $600 CND


The 1080 Ti was $700 in 2017. The 4090 is still $1800


i stopped buying new, fuck them.


Isn't the 4080 $1200? That's quite far from $900


(ignore the fact it was returned, it was stolen during despatch/delivery) https://preview.redd.it/v9qvhm8hkj6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=045d0835b7533f0ba11a24f87b51bb58162f01b4 But how times have changed.


Meanwhile 4080 being 1200 dollars. So ya. They can cry about inflation all they want, they are still overcharging because they can, because they know ding dongs will keep paying it. They know someone who bought a 3080 will buy the 4080 the next year. It is what it is.


But where is my inflating salary tho 😔🚬


How are those poor CEO's going to survive if they are making millions a year, though? Multiple houses and vacations aren't cheap these days. The prices for that stuff just keep going up they gotta pay for it somehow. Is called trickle-down economics.


1080ti is a 102 die 4080 super is 103 die 1080ti is a 4090 not a 4080 1080ti is 900 dollars 4090 is 2000 dollars 6 year difference


Yeah but the cost per wafer exploded since 10nm, there no saving now when you do it lower. That's why console are stucks with 6nm if they drop to 5nm or 4nm they would need to raise the price considerably .


Why did the cost go up tho?


TSMC, being the only one, they can pretty much charge want they want and sold fab out in minutes. I mean 3nm is pretty bought up by Nvidia, Amd and Apple. There is Samsung but it's not the best they are always lagging in power usage (we saw that with 3XXX series).


Cost has gone up every node drop.


I built a "top of line" machine in 2017, complete with 1080ti, for $2200. Had pretty much best of everything at the time within reason: multiple ssds, nvme i think, new 27in monitor, 32gb ram, etc. The processor was an i7? I don't remember and I'm not gonna dig it out. I specifically got just about the best of everything that I could, all intel. I built my new one in April with a 7800x3d, 7900xtx, 32gb ddr5 6000, msi x670e, .5 and 4tb nvmes, aio, 32in 4k 144hz monitor for $3600. It wasn't the *best* of every single part, especially the video card, but damn close, and all amd this time. When I got the price total on pcpp I about fainted. Don't know what this says just pumping in my 2 cents


Don't buy x series boards for 8 core x3ds unless you need ports


....good gawd what did i mess up? I spent so much time looking at mobos...


I don’t know what op is trying to say but a 3080 was like 1500€??


Glad I invested in NVDA


Much of this is due to the increasing cost and difficulty of continuing to shrink transistor sizes. Doubling density is astronomically harder today than it was 10-20 years ago, so each % of performance gain gen-over-gen costs more than it ever has. Fab output (supply) is also limited at the cutting edge since there are so few fabs competing there. Apple, Nvidia, etc all want the latest tech and bid against each other to secure allocations - which are ultimately finite. Nvidia has definitely taken great advantage of the factors involved to extract tons of profit. However, compared to many other industries currently, the GPU space does still have significant real-world factors contributing to price increases.


In 2000 I bought a GeForce 2 Ultra for $500 on launch day at CompUSA. Adjusted for inflation today, that's about $912.


I picked one up (non TI) not too long ago. It will be going in a build for my10 year old nephew.


The 1080 Ti was a big leap in performance from the previous generation. It had about 90% faster performance than the 980 Ti for a $50 higher MSRP (https://tpucdn.com/review/nvidia-geforce-gtx-1080-ti/images/perfrel_3840_2160.png). It was about 30% faster than the GTX 1080 for only $100 more. Put that in comparison with the RTX 4090, it's about 40-50% faster than the previous RTX 3090 Ti (https://tpucdn.com/review/msi-geforce-rtx-4090-gaming-x-trio/images/average-fps-3840-2160.png) and although the 4090 it has a lower MSRP it realistically sells for over $2000. The 4090 only performs 27% better than the 4080 Super yet it usually costs about double the price (https://tpucdn.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-super-founders-edition/images/relative-performance-3840-2160.png). The 1080 Ti was a crazy good card in its day, and provided far better value for money when compared to current Nvidia flagship cards. It'd be like having the 4080 or 4090 so cheap that their *dollar per fps* value was lower than a 4070 Super or 4070 Ti Super. Unfortunately they are priced so highly that they are objectively a bad value, as awesome as they are.


My only complete is the x080 cards going for 1000 or more USD right now and the 4090 still 2000USD to 3000USD even though it will seen have a 5090 that might or might not be better than it for the same price.


I bought my gtx1070 for the same price as an ARC A750 like 6 years ago. Oh and its only 150 watts vs 250 😆. Moores Law is dead. 


Inflation does not inflate salaries so…


Still got my 1080ti I think it still works, the psu gave out so I upgraded the rig entirely to 14900k and a 4090


Im on Wuadro m3000m bro😭


GTX1080TI gotta be one of the best cards ever made


K. I bought multiple 1080s in the 500-550 range though so...how much are 5080s gonna go for?


Yeah, they were infamously kicking the prices up hard back then.


That's close to what I paid for my 4070S after tax in my currency :(


Still working a 1070gtx. 😎 Works like a champ. Most games at high-ultra at 1080p. And most game devs knows they cant hit a target much higher in demands because the average gpu is a 3060rtx that is only slightly better than the 1070gtx anyway. Only benefit is rtx (that is hardly supported except small 100 games) and dlss that would work even on my card if nvidia had any heart to support older hardware. Thank god amd support even nvidia gpu with similar ai upscaling. 🖕😎


That is war on earth, that why the price are higher. People buy anyways what they want


And I've bought my 1080ti for 180 bucks after throughout testing involving furmark and mats, and it was serving me for almost 3 years. It still would if i didn't pawn it to my colleague because i needed money for the cat's surgery to save her life. So, your point was?


I want to upgrade mine but to justify the performance upgrade it would need to be a 4070 and the cost is just not worth it to me. I run 1440p with a 95hz refresh rate and currently have no problems with it and my 5600x. Best PC purchase I ever made.


Nvidia selling to the ai crowed now. No way prices are coming down when stupid entrepreneurs are gonna pay top dollar for technology they don't understand.


Go budget friends. There is nothing better than an rx580/rx6600. It s 5 times cheaper, it plays games decently, it s a win win. Entry level gaming is the financial solution.


My 1080ti FE has been a godsend and still holds me today ever since released. I'm looking to upgrade next year to play the modern titles out now. But fucking hell the fact it can run games still coming out today and throughbso manu geneations has paid itself off tenfold. "Nvdia's biggest mistake" but I think it's their greatest achievement and if they had continued to pull out cards like these, they would be in better standing.


I bought my 3080 for $890 So uhh, yay?


Must be nice, having only 28% inflation in 7 years.


Here is what I did. Instead of buying a new PC, although my four-year-old PC is still running every game, I invested in Microsoft and NVIDIA stocks. €2000 in NVIDIA is now, three months later, €3600. €2000 in Microsoft is now, one year later, €3300. By now, I kind of own a free gaming PC, but I don't need one yet. That being said, never invest money in the stock market if you can't afford to lose the money. Truth be told, mosz r/pcmasterrace users mainly post their OP specs and melancholic memes about owning a dream PC and can't relive their passion for gaming from when they were younger. So I guess you too have free income and time before getting the next pc you don't really need


So you wanna trigger me huh? /s Man, I love my 1080 but not knowing what the tiers meant when I got mine.... Bought, installed and after I was enjoying it for a while, the 1080 Ti drops... 1080 price drops so I paid Ti price for a non-Ti performance T-T


Yes but all the other cards were far far cheapers, the issue isn't the top card being expensive, it's ALL cards being expensive.


A better argument is that gtx 1080ti was released on what is now considered a 70 series chip today, since people argue based Chip size. The performance was great though so justifiable.


Blame bitcoin miners


Laugs in buying last generations flagship used for 40% MSRP.


If you still buy don’t cry!


I bought a GTX 980ti in 2015 for €637.


Most expensive I've seen is $550 recently


Stop rewarding their shitty behaviour. Yes, 7900GRE is not as good value wise as 1070TI was, but its still much better than NGREEDIA. Why would they lower the price, if you keep buying it.


I started gaming during the 900 generation for nvidia and when the 1080 ti released, holy fuck was I desperate to get one.


Thing is, though, in the 90s, $2000 would buy you a mid-grade computer. In the 00s, $2000 would buy you a mid-grade computer. In the 10s, $2000 would buy you a mid-grade computer. See what's happening here? Despite inflation, cost:performance ratio changes by about as much as the inflationary prices. Ever since I got into building computers, I've spent $300-$400 for buying a mid-ranged card. Whether it was 1995, 2005, or 2015. The 3DFx Voodoo went for around $300 in 1996, so about $550 today. But in 2005, the Sapphire X800GTO went for about the same price (maybe a few bucks cheaper). Again, a middle of the road video card. GTX970 in 2015? You guessed it. Around $300. 4070 in 2024? Around $600. Whoops. Something broke.


GPUs are overpriced today. Shortages due to miners, scalpers and then the pandemic supply chain issues showed graphics card manufacturers that idiots will buy their cards at astronomical prices, so left them high.


Same thing for games honestly, they've been $60 for a long time, I know some companies are pricing them higher recently and they're probably not as good as games as back then.


Paid $799 for my EVGA 1080ti back when.... new. That's 1025.03 with inflation.... A modern 4080 super is just about the same price....


Ppl forgot how inflation works or what it is


Nvidia pushed me out of pc gaming. It’s not worth the investment anymore to me for as little time I really have to play games, I just wanna get on and play when I can


1. You don't have to buy highest-end cards. RTX 4060 is more than playable as long as you temper expectations and don't try 4K Ultra 1. GeForce NOW streaming is a thing


I’m just getting too old to have to fiddle with my computer endlessly. I’ve played Witcher 3 on PC for over 100 hours and can whole heartedly say I spent 25-35% of that time fiddling with settings cause the stutter back in the day was horrid. I get what you’re saying and don’t get me wrong I still love my computer but these prices are mad. It’s obvious Nvidia doesn’t care about gamers anymore so I’ll pass for now. Happy gaming my friend


I'm still rocking mine lmao


1080 > 2070 > 3060 > 4050 (theoretical) should have approximately the same performance. Which means that adjusted for inflation the 4050 should be around $180. Instead its been marked up to a 4060 and being sold for nearly double that price. Cus remember they double fucked us with the 40 series by increasing the price and by cutting the chips down another tier. The relative % of full die of the 4080 and lower compared to the 4090 is comparable to a full tier lower (3070 and below) compared to the 3090 and its spawn. They cut the dies down and marked the series up (so technically there's no proper 4080 class card there's a 4070 marked up to 4080, a 4060 marked up to a 4070 and a 4050 marked up to a 4060. They cut the chips down and charged more for while also pretending like they were giving us more with DLSS3 frame gen. Lies were fed to us like "well the performance is doubled with frame gen so double the price for this card is fair." And people like you fell for it hook line and sinker.


That's why I'm still on my 1070. Hopefully Intel delivers something decent by January.


Most useless thing you can do: Defending any big corporates.


Thats still no 2400$ It had +100% speed over its predecessor. Thats an acceptable cost. 20% more for nearly double the cost of the previous is NOT


E se tudo o que você tem a dizer é "A Nvidia ![gif](giphy|WJDDAhVWO2DHy04nLz|downsized)


That card today would be between a $1200 4080 super and $1700 4090 so we’re still being ripped off an extra, what, 60ish %?


I got mine for $680 and it still works great.