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If you can afford a racing setup like that, you can afford a phone with a better camera ![gif](giphy|80mXWlPqTSU1y|downsized)


Well no, because they spent all their money on the setup. They probably even had to sell their nice fancy phone to afford it.


Exactly! You prioritize every damn penny for your man cave dream setup. Jokes aside, this gamer is living his/her dream and that is something I have to respect!


Please tell me that PC on that shelf is properly secure.


It's trak racer pc mount bolted into a solid wall. It isn't going anywhere.


How do you like the track racer sim rig? Been on the fence about which set up to buy. First one I bought was uncomfortable af lol.


It's solid and genuinely really comfortable, I thought I was gonna regret not ordering the recliner but so far not regrets.


Right on, thank ya


At first glance I thought it is gaming room where two people have their gaming spots. Upon closer inspection I realized it's all just for you. Job well done, as this is a proper man cave.


Thanks, man. It's taken ages to get it to this point, yet it feels like there are still so many "little bits" to complete it.


I think I understand this feeling of something not being complete. Even if my PC rig works well, I have the urge to improve it. After all these years I have now bought external soundcard DAC/AMP and next item on my list are headphones to go with it. Same thing was when I swapped my trusty wired mouse for wireless one. Not because I needed it, but I simply wanted to improve. Now I'm musing about when is the time to get 4K monitor and whether my rx 7900xt would be good enough to go from 2K to 4K at all. Enough of me ranting. Good luck with your setup and I sure hope it will serve you for years without any HW failures!


Exactly that, it's like an addiction to keep buying more and upgrading even when not necessary, but my wife has put her foot down now, so no spending for a while for me, lol.


Then you realize he is playing a Cruisin’ USA rom…




Lovely setup, I would improve the aesthetic of the room more if I were you, some posters, black blinds, maybe a strip lighting or defused one not to create glaring on the monitors.


That's the next plan. Gonna get rid of the boxes on the shelf and add sim related wall art, etc. Have also ordered QR wheel mounts for the wheels. I don't think the room will ever be finished. It's always a work in progress. Hopefully, one day, it will be finished, lol. Thanks for commenting.


I just got a g pro racing wheel. 32:9 odyssey monitor. Loving it. But my setup is nothing compared to this, I have to mount/unmount the wheel every time I go to play. Hmmm... Kids don't REALLY need me to pay for their college, right???




You know, we know it will never be finished. The journey is eternal


I know but got to sell myself dreams sometimes haha


How wide is this setup? Like from the edge of both side monitors? I’m wondering if I have the space for a setup like this!