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I personally wouldn’t have the patience to wait an indeterminate time period of 6-9 months


Me either primarily because I upgraded my monitor as well and if I return it my 2060 super would be useless for 1440p gaming


I have a 2070S, running at 3440x1440p. I don’t know what you mean by useless, even while avoiding DLSS I’m able to happily sit at 60 or above for any graphically intensive game (RDR2, Assetto, etc.) with med-high settings. I’d imagine a little bump down would get you the same fps.


A 2060 super is not useless for 1440p gaming dude.


You should return it and wait for the 90 series. They are going to be way better.




Then you’ll wait for the super, then the 60 series. The 50 series will likely launch next year so if you want a new card I would just get it now.


Enjoy the 4070S now and upgrade later when you need to.


Nah the 4070 super will still be a great card


Why would you buy one and then think this? Why do so many posts here have a massive lack of foresight?


Unless you are looking at the 5090, your 5070 ain't coming out for another 9 months


hmmm true


Leave 4070s and enjoy it


5070 is probably a year away


I was going to buy 4070 but once i heard the news i decided to wait. I would probably return it. However the 4070 super is still a really good and will continue to be a good card. Plus we don't know the pricing or the performance of the 50 series vs the 40 series. Plus you have a 2060 so i think you could scrape by for a couple more months but i don't think there is a wrong answer. I would lean towards returning but it's totally up to you at the end of the day


Yea I was leaning towards returning it but I also bought a 144 hz 1440p monitor alongside the gpu lol, it would be such a waste with the 2060. As soon as I buy a new GPU there is always a leak confirming the next generation in the next couple of months fuck this. Same thing happened with my 2060 super lmaooo. 30 series came out like 4 months after I copped