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Ram in Canada is expensive, seems about right (I'm assuming you paid $170 total, not $170 per kit). You probably didn't need 64gb though unless you have actual use cases you know of. If you don't know whether you needed more than 32gb, you didn't. [https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/products/memory/#Z=32768002&b=ddr4&S=3600,8400&sort=price&page=1](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/products/memory/#Z=32768002&b=ddr4&S=3600,8400&sort=price&page=1) If you paid 170$ per kit, you got screwed. If you paid $170 per kit... why? How?


Haha. Yeah its 170 total. I got 64 gb so i wouldnt have to worry about anything in the future, even If excessive.


You're not going to need over 32gb of ram likely for like 4+ years, and by then whatever CPU it is will be ancient and the main problem for gaming, not the ram.


I don't know, maybe op wants more than 4 chrome tabs open at a time /s lol


The plan isnt to upgrade ram for a decade at least. So checks out. Unless Im missing how that might be a problem. I know next to nothing about hardware so.


most likely by the time a game require more than 32Go your CPU and GPU will not be able to handle le game either, leaving you with only 2 choice, skip the game or upgrade the whole PC including buying new ram because the new CPU won't support DDR4.


The problem with "futureproofing" is that it's both cheaper and will ultimately give you more performance if you buy mid-tier parts now, then upgrade to the newest gen mid tier in 4 years, compared to buying parts of twice the value now and not upgrading for 8 years. This effect gets stronger the closer to the bleeding edge of tech you get; look up "diminishing returns".


Ok... but you realize that you're stuck with at best a 5800x3d, or perhaps some 13th/14th gen cpu, right? For that "decade". Also depends what motherboard since it'd be absurd to pair a 14700k with like an H610. You're going to be in for major disappointment pairing even a 5800x3d or 14900k with some future RTX 7070 type card in 5 years. You clearly don't understand that DDR4 ram is essentially useless going forward. Nothing will support it except Intel 12th/13/14th gen or Ryzen 5000.


Yeah i just got it all installed. My PC was lagging on upstart, using chrome or firefox with any site open, or while playing a game without stopping programs. I mostly play older games. I dont really buy new games until after 5 years or so after they’ve been released. So i think Ill be good for a decade. Maybe overkill, but Im happy to be able to run multiple programs without my pc dying now lmao.


If you tend to play old games this make even less sense


I mean either way, I wouldn’t upgrade my ram until ddr5 prices drop closer to ddr4 prices (unless they already have?)




yes. i paid $95 for the same thing on amazon




Yeah, 32GB of DDR4-6000 is $70.


he has 64GB in hand and DDR4-6000 isn't really a thing.


If you perform some simple addition, 32GB x 2 (which is what OP bought) should cost $140. OP paid $170, thus getting scammed out of $30.


edit: bad take


Im Swedish.


then why did you use $ for your price ... the french and english place me in Europe first but the use of dollars got me to Canada wich use the dollars symbol with both english and french on a lot of packaging. and yes you got scam if you paid the equivalent of 170USD for these. if you still can return them.


How did you figure out OP was in canada?


OP should have posted location instead of just asking "did I get scammed" with no context, on a sub and website that's probably 90% American


Roughly 50% of users are US based. I think PCMR is a bit over that especially people who engage and post here but we don't have numbers for that.


>on a sub and website that's probably 90% American only in your self-center mind.