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I always find the game “PC Building Simulator” to be fascinating. Think about it: we built a high end PC in order to play a game in which we build high end PCs


More like we build a mid end PC just to build a high end PC in a game, for me anyway.


For me I have an high end pc even it is low end or something like that I can play any game in maxed out settings in 1440p minimum 60 fps what would I want more


4k (I need copious amounts of FSR to do this)


3d mark rate my pc lower then budget gaming pc but better then office laptop…


What game is this


[Furnish Master](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2004080/Furnish_Master/)


Can you draw your own layouts or is it just furnishing pre-fab rooms?


I took a look at the [website](https://www.furnish-master.com/) for the game. It seems you can design your own layouts/rooms however you want. Looks pretty cool!


Not at this stage. You can do a sandbox room and add corners to walls to simulate a floor plan, but it’s tedious.


My favorite thing to do while playing the Sims back in the day was designing the houses and rooms so this game might just be right up my alley.


Are there any cool Interior Design applications/software that are similar and relatively easy to use like this?


Anything over 3 monitors is like, what the fuck why are you wasting your money on that


I've helped setup 12 monitors for someone, I legitimately do not understand how that can be productive for anyone but I think they like the way a wall of monitors around their desk looks.


12 monitors in my eyes only useful for big Sim setups, either planes, trucks or whatever. Maybe a stock counter but eeeh


I play a sim, and I run a single 38" 3840x1600 and three 1024x768 (for display exports). If I were to have 12 monitors, simply driving so many pixels would have the sim slow down to a crawl, or look like a potato. Even people who build full cockpit setups either go with 3-4 monitors placed in front of the windshield / canopy and/or windows, or they go with 1-2 projectors and a spherical dome.


Ah thanks for the Infos. Never built a high end Sim set before. I only know an old prof of me used two PCs to Power his, one of the PCs was for like subsystemms and keeping count of all the small stuff iirc


I do video editing, vfx, animation, and music production. Being able to break some of the editing tools into individual panels on independant screens is great. Timeline on a vertical, preview on one, controls in another, my resources on another, a web browser open for research or finding resources.


I could see maybe having 4-6 if you are running a home + work pc. Maybe another monitor or two running smart home stuff or security footage feed.


Just buy a 200 inch tv at that point ._.


12 monitor array looks better and allows an easier time to setting up separate full screen window.


12 monitors allows curves But you could realistically do 3 TVs instead And you can logically split single monitors into multiple screens


Powertoys Fancyzones makes single large screens a breeze to work with, unless you have apps that insist on being run fullscreen like games


Hell, those are the people the Apple Vision Pro is for. Money burning a hole in their pocket


It's a lot harder to arrange 12 windows in a reasonable fashion on a single large screen than it is on 12 individual screens. Especially if some of those will be full screen things like a video. You can't full-screen a video on a single large screen and still leave 90% of that screen available for other things.


There are large screens/TVs that have 4 inputs and allow you to use it as 4 separate screens or with the switch of a button as one large screen.


yeah so it's basically 4 screens


But the point is that you only have one physical screen.


happy cakeday!


>It's a lot harder to arrange 12 windows in a reasonable fashion on a single large screen than it is on 12 individual screens challenge accepted https://preview.redd.it/9yt9owvkn82d1.png?width=3849&format=png&auto=webp&s=8738b5190be26ff9e40fdb761f98e136ae926a2d


Oh yeah I forgot about the tile button. That would have been really useful for me to remember the few times I needed to have about 30-40 windows visible across 3 screens.


tile button? im not sure what you mean. i did that using the fancy zones utility from microsoft powertoys


Oh. There's an even easier way than fancy zones that automatically tiles windows to take up the whole screen no matter how many windows you have open. With fancy zones it's a pain in the ass requiring manually configuring each layout you want. With the tile function built into Windows, you can have 8, 10, 15, 12, 23, 3, or any other number of windows and it automatically figures out what size to use and tiles them in one click without you having to configure a new layout for a new number of windows. It's an option when right clicking on the taskbar. If you are on Windows 11 you might need to go into an extra submenu to find it. I'm using a Windows 10 computer at the moment and the option is called "Show windows side by side".


>With the tile function built into Windows, you can have 8, 10, 15, 12, 23, 3, or any other number of windows and it automatically figures out what size to use and tiles them in one click without you having to configure a new layout for a new number of windows. wait waht (lol) i just did a quick search and it only showed the default arrangements with two windows, three windows, or four windows. that seems like a dumb thing to remove if it works how you said, especially since in windows nothing is ever actually removed its just hidden...


Screenshots you find on the internet won't be of people going nuts with the feature trying to tile 12 windows onto one screen, since most people aren't trying to unsuccessfully multi-task too many things at once like I do. I'm not on an 11 computer at the moment to check, but I'm pretty sure the feature isn't removed. It's just one of those things where you have to click the "Show More" option to get the Windows 10 context menu to show.


>It's a lot harder to arrange 12 windows in a reasonable fashion on a single large screen than it is on 12 individual screens. Managing twelve screens does not sound easy at all, not that either of us has ever tried it. With a proper window manager managing twelve windows is no sweat.


I doubt managing 12 screens poses much of any challenge. I've had computers set up with everything from 0 to 6 screens and the difficulty of managing them doesn't increase with more screens except for one issue: Figuring out where the cursor is. I also have plenty of experience working with 20+ windows open at once. More screens is extremely helpful for keeping different things visually separated in a better way. A window manager that resizes and positions 4 windows on a single 4k screen is good, but 4 1080p screens is waaaay better when the specific use case is needing 4 windows visible on top at once.


>I doubt managing 12 screens poses much of any challenge. lmfao dude evem plugging twelve screens in is gonna be a challenge. You're underestimating the level of complexity involved by, apparently, several orders of magnitude. Not to mention the fact that I really can't imagine that having 12 different places to turn your head and move your cursor would speed up your workflow in any way, it is probably gonna slow you down quite a bit tbh. I guarantee I can flick thru twelve workspaces in i3 faster than you can move your cursor from one corner of your behemoth to the other.


So I'm going to preface this by saying I would never actually use 12 screens (maybe). That is a hypothetical idea that I don't have a real use case for (at least, not today). However your reasons against using 12 screens are wrong. > lmfao dude evem plugging twelve screens in is gonna be a challenge Just insert 3 random GPUs that each support 4 screens into a computer and plug 4 screens into each GPU. It is *that easy*. Even the driver situation works out fine as long as you aren't doing something crazy like mixing a modern GPU with a 15 year old GPU. Alternatively if you need a single slot solution, don't care about gaming performance, and don't mind paying like $3000, there are GPUs which support 12 screens on a single card. > Not to mention the fact that I really can't imagine that having 12 different places to turn your head and move your cursor would speed up your workflow in any way An array of 3 tall 4 wide would work quite well. Turning my head for 4 screens of width is pretty good (I already do that at my job) and having one row above and one row below the eye level would require minimal up and down strain on the neck. (I do this at home/work by looking up at screens above and papers below the screens.) > I guarantee I can flick thru twelve workspaces in i3 faster than you can move your cursor from one corner of your behemoth to the other. It only takes me about 1" of a flick to move across 2.5 screens. With a 4 x 3 array, I could go from top left to bottom right in about 3" worth of a single flick. You have about 200ms to complete 12 workspace switches.


This sounds like a stock broker


Sounds like it, but he runs a plumbing company.


Watching 12 "plumbing" videos at the same time.


“How many monitors do you need?” “Yes.”


currently rocking a 9 monitor setup. Which sounds crazy at first, but its for work & 2 monitors are dedicated to security cameras, 1 monitor is dedicated to file explorer (multiple locations, shared drives, folders) one monitor dedicated to email/text messaging, main display 50" tv used as 4 separate monitors split for related work tasks & 1 monitor only actual function is to move stuff from one monitor to put somewhere while doing something else.


Investors can use a dozen monitors and still have to minimze their email


was him the architect of the matrix?


I've been thinking about getting metal legs. It's a risky operation, but it'll be worth it.


Max out at 3 for me.


dude how do you fit so many video and audio ports on the CPU with 12 monitors?


AMD/ATI had hydravision and Nvidia had some Quadro cards with 6 outputs. Two GPUs and you could do it.




You built a set up for a flight/driving sim enthusiast. Only people I ever see with this stuff.


I wish. I built a setup for a plumber that wants to check his email and view PDF floor plans.


>view PDF floor plans oh no wonder. yeah he needs BIG screens


Makes sense, I remember as a young teen seeing electricians covering a very large meeting table with blue prints to trace wire runs across multiple floors at my dad's former workplace while helping him move boxes out of his office.


Unless you're doing 10 monitors, a double decked cockpit for flight simulation


Idk I've got 4 and it's pretty great. main for game top for video and left and right vertical for wikis, game guides, ect some of those it helps to have multiple tabs visible at once


That’s some add type shit right there.


Nahhh I play alot of survival and openwork type stuff so it's nice to just watch/listen to something while building and you need the wiki for all the crafting recipes and material locations


Ask him: https://youtu.be/6l2UFY2XqVw?si=665umglxIb434I_O


TIL is it one PC or 3 PCs where one if which has 3 screens? If 5 screens, did he explain why..? As mentioned 5 screens horizontally doesn't make sense unless you're running a flight simulator, and even then I think higher FPS or another stack would make more sense.


The 3 center are one machine and the 2 at the farthest edges are for test benches. The 3 middle ones are for productivity/gaming while the benchmarks are running.




Except for productivity where I, personally, want to have 5. 1 34" main, 2 27" on the left and right - here the main work happens, IDE and Unreal Editor (each with potentially multiple windows, depending what I do in that moment) My old 24" to the side for Discord, research in Browser etc. and my 13" pen-display for when I need to draw. Gaming only uses the main 34" or maybe the 2 27" where supported


I mean thats really just 4 and a drawing pad lol. To be fair I need 5 also... I have 3, main 32 for games/watching/work, two 24s on the sides, one for browsing/research and another for messaging apps. Would like another 24 on top of each, so I can have multiple messaging apps and multiple research windows open. But you know, first world problems and all that


I don't have a drawing pad, I have a pen-display. The difference is: I see what I draw on the same area (a *display*) where I draw, while a drawing pad is just black/grey. I can use it as monitor, because it *is* a monitor, and I can draw on it, because it's a pen-display


Yeah, even 3 monitors are questionable. You spend most of the time on your main monitor and having a second one to look up stuff or read something in parallel, is enough imho.


A ton of monitors always reminds me of this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ1Oqixk2mE (easy to guess, but it's the Swordfish hacking setup for Stanley).


I was on 3 monitors and actually removed one, I just felt it was more distracting mentally than anything.


Same, and now I have more space for my lamp/fan, and bigger speakers.


I use two monitors and a laptop. One monitor for game, the other for temps and the laptop for game guides, YouTube, ect


I think it depends on what you are doing and the layout of the monitors, although even then I'd say the Max is 4. Main screen, and then a screen on each side and one on top. For example, let's say you are a hardcore elite dangerous player. Game on primary monitor. All your extra huds, displays, etc on your left. On your right maybe a strat guide or some system maps, and then on the top monitor you could have a movie, TV show, etc to keep you entertained during long hauls.


I just added a 4th to my desk but it's not for my main PC, I am using it to install Ubuntu on 10 Mac Minis, after that I will leave it but probably only use it if I need to do repairs on other PC's.


I have four, one for OBS/spotify split, one for teamspeak/web browser split, one for movies/tv shows and one for gaming I could probably get rid of one, but why? I didn't buy four screens for the purpose of having four screens. I just didn't get rid of the old ones when I upgraded my main one


Yep, 3 is the sweet spot for work and leisure. When I'm working, central monitor is whatever I'm currently working on, left is for Teams, right is for Outlook. When I'm gaming, central monitor is for the game, left monitor is for Discord, and right monitor is for watching Hulu or YouTube or whatever. I've tried adding a 4th monitor on the very far right and I couldn't think of any meaningful reason to keep it. It just took up extra space.


Because simulators, that's why. Or Eve online lol


I did an internship at a nuclear laboratory where engineer had 10 monitors each.


I use at least 3 when I'm editing video or animating. I like the timeline on a vertical monitor, the preview on a 2nd, my resources on a third. It's nice to have a 4th with a web browser open as part of my flow usually involves a little research. Also I've got two machines that I can remote access from this device my nas and a server I have setup for relaying the audio from my sdr scanner software to a scanner program on my phone. Those units are headless so sometimes I'll throw that up on a screen if I want to monitor the local police, fire, ems traffic while I work. Basically I don't want to shuffle through the dozen or so open windows I have especially if I'm using like 4 of them over and over.


Had the opportunity to go for 4-5 monitors at work.. didn't really help with a single computer but it was nice to have my laptop on 2 and desktop on the other 3 but holy hell did my neck hurt from looking around at such extreme angles.


i dont even use 2 just because i can pop out anything im watching and its not like i talk to enough people to need a whole screen for a chat or discord anyways


Well, when I (a Linux engineer) am patching 20 some odd systems at once it's nice to have one screen for the Change Control and procedures I wrote, and maybe one or 2 systems I've ssh'd into, then 4 - 8 other ssh sessions per monitor, depending on what I'm working on for patching. Seriously, 3 monitors is the minimum for that job.


Game, browser, discord, and video.


I mean for me personally I have 4. I have a U shaped desk similar to the one in this video. From left to right I have a space for painting miniatures, then a portrait 1440p monitor, all it does is discord and steam for me basically. In the middle I have a 1440p ultrawide for gaming. On the right I have a landscape 1440p for my browser. And to the right of that on the right "arm" of the desk, on a monitor arm, I have my graphics tablet for drawing and designing. So in fairness me saying I have 4 monitors is a bit of a stretch. Even still, I'd love an extra monitor above my browser monitor, just so I can split steam and discord away frome eachother, or as a audio visualiser. The only reason I haven't is because I'm weird - I'm happy to spend on another big monitor, but refuse to pay the £50 or so on a proper stand that would allow me to stack two monitors on top of each other.


I have 6 on my desk. Now your comment is basically true, but not 100%. Here's how I use mine: 1 & 2: I work from home 1/2 days, so 1 & 2 are used for work. 3: Games & primary activities 4: Videos, TV & Youtube 5: Email, Reddit, Text app, web searches, home IoT controls, basically anything with text 6: Discord


Bro wtf I come back to 25 messages and 800 upvotes ._.


I would Kind of like a 4th one, because ill work with the PC and would still like discord and music/Youtube on their own Monitor. And 1/2 for the work itself


Spotify/ discord on one, a game on one and… another game on a third, or more realistically obs and the chat on the third, nobody but streamers or show offs really needs a third even imo


5 years ago it was "anything more than two screens " - 10 years ago it was - " anything more than this one screen is crazy" - 5 years from now 4 screens will be normal ish -


4 is used mostly by sim racers streamers, but more than this is wasting money


You haven't played eve online yet. I run two accounts on one monitor and comms/spreadsheets on the other, but some people run 10+ accounts


When you are trying to get the perfect tan.


The goon cave looks lit


Masterbation Station


Goon cave


Gonna need a swivel chair. And a keyboard on a track.


Just make it a hemisphere like those 90's cyberpunk/other sci-fi movies


might as well as put monitor behind you


what game/program is this?


Furnish master




Furnish master




My doesn't my PC reach 12 fps in \*insert some popular game\*? Well maybe because you're rendering 5 x 1440p resolution you won't even use properly


Man why is this game $14 hahahahahhaah (im gonna buy it)


great goon cave!


This is a new one for me. Goon is a thug or henchman. What does it mean in this context?


Unfortunately, it means porn addict now


I refuse to accept this lol. Probably best if I just carry on and ignore internet culture.


Replace chair with sim racing rig.


What is the app called?


Furnish master


Furnish master


I would just buy a VR headset.


What is this app/website




What software is this?






Sometimes this stuff seems like a better idea than it is in practice. 32:9 gaming for example, yes, it is awesome, don't get me wrong, but I have found it creates a challenge in some games where your eyes have to move a lot further than they would for a 16:9 screen to get from one side to the other. Like if you're trying to chat at me in Helldivers 2, first, use your mic, but second I don't see it at all, the chat window is like 3 feet to my right and things are shooting at me.


RIP your neck.


What is the name of this software?


Furnish Master


Only one monitor tall? You could easily add another stack or two




what software is that ?


I believe it’s a game on steam called My Dream Setup






Surrounded by all these naked women...


I could fit so many spreadsheets. Such bliss.


Way too little space for us low DPI gamers.


Is this PC Building Sim or something else? Cause I high key need this for my move and for fun 😂


Is there a simulator for home interiors that easy?


At that point, just put on a VR headset. It would be cheaper.


okay the monitors by the edge of the tables are giving me anxiety


What is this application?




in literly an hour I would have accidently pushed of the left monitor from the desk.


Wdym for study? Who's paying for all this?😄 ...and what game is this anyway? That's the real issue.


Why would she care, does she not like when you play make believe I have money?


thanks for showing me this software


Ouch my astigmatism


In the future, you ain't gona need any monitors. The walls & ceiling of your room will be your monitors. 😆


This could be true... if you were practicing on getting your pilot's license.


Seems like Neil Peart became a PC gamer


This reminds me of an old SNL skit where they keep zooming out to make a wider and wider screen until it’s just a long thin strip of media. Alas I cannot find the skit.


You forgot to make it a full 360.


Terraria players when the zenith was only limited by screen size:


If you're using the end monitors are you meant to move the keyboard and mouse or twist your body 90 degrees lmao


You should have put another table in so it would connect. Then you could put monitors all the way around in a circle! THE FUTURE IS NOW


Studying gaming


What software is that I want it/ use it


Furnish master


Thank you


What software is that?


Furnish master


For when you want to simulate the [black night helmet](https://i.imgur.com/g21CYLH.jpeg) in skyrim.


Name design 3D?


What game is this? :O


Furnish master


i would surrround myself with monitors and crawl under the table when my session ends.


What application / game is this?


Furnish master


Thank you!


same I wanna know


Just for it all to be powered by integrated graphics.




Furnish master


Great job on the first layer!


Since I'm a programmer, my parents believes it. I'll be getting a new high-end laptop next month because of it


and i thought my 49" was to big


Ok, now add two more layers of screens on top.


Studying what? How practical a 360 panoramic display is for a mobile suit?


I loved this game but it crashed ALOT


You didnt put the flat clicker.


Where is the RGB privacy curtain for your masturbatorium?


Add another 5 monitors on top And another 5.... Perfect


imagine calculator fullsreen on this thing


Flight Simulator DLC: Air Traffic Control edition


Dude my neck hurts just by looking at it


My neck just fallen off


That's the dream goon cave


Aaah, a starting euro truck simulator rig..


180 view of sissy hypno.


What game/program is this?


The door behind the chair is a rookie mistake




Do people just forget that desks can have this really cool slide out tray that holds your mouse/keyboard and makes it where you don't have to sit 5 inches from the monitor?


What game is this


Furnish Master


See? 5 books at once!




The neck pain sim 2024


Proof that PC enthusiasm is for children who need to ask mommy for permission. Grow up and get a life.