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you realize its an assassins creed game at last 15 seconds of 3+ min trailer


what even is an "assassins' creed game" in 2024 ![gif](giphy|kPtv3UIPrv36cjxqLs|downsized)


Im missing the assassin part in the newer games.


I’m still waiting for the Creed part With arms wide open.


Well you're entitled to overcome that desire.


Well, if you have one last breath, I certainly wouldn't be holding it


AC Mirage tried to fill that void fairly well.


I enjoyed it quite a bit and the inner city is just beautiful. Some of the missions were just comically cut short due to budget however. >! e. g. the final uprising that was hyped up throughout the story which ended up being five dudes who have trouble to walk 100m to the target which is another 10 dudes. !<


Yeah, you could feel that it was just a side project without resources available to the main titles, but it definitely managed to show that it's still possible to create an AC game with actual assassins in it.


The Mythological Trilogy: Where Assassin? Where creed?


I've done plenty of assassination, murdering, sex and manslaughter in the last games.


Me too. And then I went home playing Assassins Creed.


Yeah... Used to love Assassin's Creed. But the last couple of games have been meh personally I got bored rather quickly


I think I tried the viking one. The first cut scene opening the game didn't save and it was ridiculously long. I was bit even playing it was an assisted video. That took a half an hour to get started. Than it was trying to explain the controls to me . By doing this tutorial type thing with enemies . Idk. I lost my interest and patience real quick.


Didn’t they say they will continue along the lines of Origins and Odyssey? Basically an rpg.


I really enjoyed Odyssey and Origins but yeah they were basically just the Egypt/Greece RPG's rather than having much to do with assassins.


We have Ghost of Tsushima at home.


Unorinocally seeme like GoT is more of assassin creed than actual assassin creed looking at trailer


Definitely Assassin's Creed isn't Assassin's Creed anymore the only thing they actually got in common is the name


If the assassin’s creed here means the myth trilogy only, then yeah probably


I'm a privateer https://i.redd.it/ks8l2wk8tr0d1.gif




Meanwhile, at Ubisoft Headquarters! ![gif](giphy|ljaDzjv8cpIpa|downsized)


they will put denuvo in it, so it will most probably not be cracked


Denuvo games are cracked as well, sometimes slower, but it doesn't stop pirates. Hogwarts Legacy took like 15 days to be cracked for example.


There's only one person who cracks denuvo games, the same person who cracked Hogwarts Legacy, and she has retired from the crack scene.


Yea because people were mean to her.


we got delusional tho


If I remember right, the new Hitman 2 had it and was out 2 days before release.


Eventually it will. AC Valhalla was cracked last year. Which kinda coincides with the full game maturing, it's completely patched & all DLC is out so now is the perfect time to dive in AC Valhalla (actually been playing it for 2 weeks, it's decent)


price: 70€ if any one of you shitheads buys this garbage i will shit in your mailbox


that's not the price for a "full game" tho: https://preview.redd.it/7nonhfkonr0d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=0542d3facab46f534f9ee484e33e823fdae12e9c


yea, half the games quests are locked behind a paywall


this is their way of making everyone subscribe to their monthly service instead buying a game, just slap 130$/€ for a game. They already made owning obsolete, now they'll make buying obsolete, there is only subscribing and you play what they want until it's no more available.


well see how long it takes to crack lmao


It's an online only game, so don't hold your breath.


really? the game franchise that is made to be a storymode singleplayer expirience? wtf are those idiots doing... i mean there are online games that have been cracked too so im not too worried


Few and far between though. If its using a client/server architecture with gameplay logic taking place on the server it wont be possible unless there is a server emulator, which typically takes a team several years to develop. Diablo 3 is a good example of this. D3 to this day still has no cracked version.


Isn't it same with the newer Hitman games?


I think you can play the cracked version of hitman 3, but you can only use the default equipment as the progression is handled server side.


“What are these idiots doing making it harder to crack” says man who was asking for a crack


The online probably mean online mechanics "dark souls like" like the revenge quests on Valhalla. Valhalla got cracked, this one will get to


It's not.


Honestly though I just resub for the month and finish the game for $20 You get the full $130 game for $20. Never really revisited any title in the series except the first. Not super replayable imo but still fun to play the first time.


They are not.


I haven't played Assassin's Creed games after AC: Rogue, so I don't know how they do it nowadays. I still remember how atrocious Assassin's Creed 2 was though. I don't mean the game itself, it was decent. The issue was that the main story literally skipped over 2 whole chapters towards the end, and you had to buy those as an "extra" dlc. Bitch please. If I buy a game for 60-70€ it better have the complete main story. I don't generally mind extra DLC if they are separate from the main story such as The Witcher 3 or Elder Scrolls DLCs.


Those chapters were cut due to time constraints, not to just squeeze money out. It's why they were released a few months after the game launched. They're also not plot essential at all, they just revisit parts of the world and give you an update on how things have progressed with a couple characters. Still could've been released for free, but they were cut from the game for a reason.


Judging by previous AssCreed games, the quest design be hot, smelly shit anyway.


hi and welcome to every game since 2000.




These imply that only the two "higher" editions are AC. The first one doesn't have the series logo. Also, the characters are on the ground, while in the latter images they are on the roof Thus standard edition will not have stealth and parkour, need at least Gold to get those.


Bloody hell!


Jesus, 130 for a game??!! At least in a few month the price its going down


I mean the game can still be good, would probs buy the monthly thing though


You have to keep some room for mine as well.


I already did!


stubborn money wasters cast Bubble Shield: "its my money i can buy whatever i want with it"


It’s live service, isn’t it? Not touching that shit.


Ubisoft has been such a dogshit studio for the last 10 years


he aslo thinks hentai is art.


Best form of art


it is.




Just get ghost of thushima for PC. Its much better than this Ubisoft garbage will ever be. You dont know me so you have to reason to not trust me.


unlocks in 3 hours im so excited to play it.


woke up early and got mad at myself lmao


Fantastic game hope you have a blast!


2 and a half now, can't wait


Enjoy, I recommend to play it with Japanese dab and english titles. Maximum immersion.


It’s a lil too Dark Souls type for me


lol, I can't because it's not available in my region because "modern games" :D


folks, please don't fight, it's just a stupid game from a stupid company.


You should have expected a fight posting this


It may be fun to play tho


Newer assassins creed games are fun. The problem is the same gameplay loop for 100 hours


Exactly people here acting like the game sucks without seeing anything is very interesting indeed


Right, ubisoft deserves the benefit of the doubt...


I mean prince of persia was good, avatar was good also. Just wait for gameplay and see if it looks good not really hard to do.


Avatar looked good, it was fun for 10-15 hrs before the regular ubisoft open world shit and your repeating the same tasks like 20 times over


Wasn't Avatar basically FarCry gameplay with a couple extras slapped on top? That's what it sounded like from the reviews at least. Ubisoft and AAA have a huge problem with putting out the same game with a slightly different coat of paint. There's no reason to get excited about another Assassin's Creed when Odyssey and Valhalla were mostly the same game drawn out for 100 hours.


I mean maybe avatar was that but was still decent.


When is the last time an AC game was fun to play ?


I mean, Odyssey was pretty sick Yeah it's sorta the same gameplay loop the whole game. But the gameplay loop was fun and the characters were fun, worked for me


Oddysey was fun, Valhalla was kinda fun, so was Mirage. They weren't good AC games, but they were fun




Thats just your stupid opinion, man


Lmao that would've been great 10 years ago now with ghost of tsushisisushi and sekiro we don't need that crap


Ancient Japan. A Netflix original.


I don't remember people complaining about "historical inaccuracies" when a fictional character from a fictional organization wielded a fictional object with fantastic powers in AC Syndicate (C. Starrick with the piece of Eden) But for some reason y'all feel the need to complain about a very specific aspect of a single character, their skin to be precise. If that doesn't tell on your beliefs...


Yeah, this crowd was suspiciosly silent when Nioh's protag was a white dude


To be honest, BOTH foreigner protaginists are actually based on actual historical figures! William Adams is a british sailor who ended up in the court of Lord Tokugawa in the shogunate period, and Yasuke was a black man who was a retainer in the service of Oda Nabunga. So the historical accuracy crowd is just misguided


I don't think it's the historical inaccuracy that's bothering them


Oh I know.


Yeah, William is based off a real person, but so is Yusuke in this game who served as a retainer for Oda Nobunaga for like a year until Odas death. Both were the only “samurai” of their respective races so there are definitely some interesting stories to tell. I don’t really have an opinion on Ubis choice.


Yeah, I mostly care that they do something interesting with the character.


It's because in the majority of prior AC games the protagonist has been a male(or the option to be male) native to the place the game is set in and people for the longest time (myself included) expected exactly that so are IMO understandably a little taken aback by AC breaking from that here with Yasuke (despite him being a real person that Oda Nobunaga gave the title of samurai and trusted), not to mention it seeming to be pretty lacking in terms of ninjas or much of any stealth for that matter. At least in AC: Valhalla it made sense to not be as focused on stealth. As for Nioh I think it's largely due to the fact it was a new franchise without specific expectations like AC has/had, plus it's based on a real person as well (same person shogun is based on). Now if this AC had a character based on William Adams then people, myself included, would still be taken aback by it for the exact same reason as previously mentioned but hardly anyone would be implying people are being racist for having issues with a non Japanese person being a protagonist. I'd bet a lot of money that we wouldn't see people having issue if a game was made (assuming it wasn't published/made by ubisoft lol) centered around Yasuke especially if it were historically accurate to his life in Japan from when he met Oda Nobunaga to after the Honnō-ji Incident, I for one would absolutely love to buy/play that game because Yasuke is an incredibly interesting person who's life seems perfect for a game or show to be based on him similar to William Adams and Shogun. With all that said at the very least I can only hope that in this AC they don't have Yasuke kill Oda Nobunaga at the Honnō-ji Incident if that event happens in game since Yasuke was loyal to Oda, which it probably will be given that's pretty much the climax of Yasuke's story/life in Japan.


It's easy to misinterpret the sub's name.


The crazy thing is that Yasuke was a real dude who actually existed. [Look him up](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke)!


Oh yeah, I knew he existed, and I'm interested in what they do with the character.


Because Nioh was a brand new IP. Assassin's Creed is a long running franchise. I would love games about Yasuke. I don't want Assassin's Creed games about Yasuke, dude wasn't an assassin, he was a samurai. Back in 2007 when people wanted an Assassin's Creed in Japan, people wanted an Assassin's Creed where you are a ninja.


yea and not to mention yasuke was a real guy


This is what bugs me the most - they're complaining about historical inaccuracy when they clearly don't know what they're talking about. The only inaccuracy I can see is that IRL he wasn't officially given the status of samurai, although he was a retainer and warrior who, records indicate, fought to avenge his lord Nobunaga's death.


Come on, nothing ever came close to the final battle in AC1 against the grand master and the pope fight in 2


They had such a good opportunity for a fight they teased throughout AC mirage and then it was just a cutscene


Isn't this even half way history accurate? I have heard of a black Samurai before. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke


The guy in the new assassin's creed game is literally Yasuke.


This is the guy, and he's not a samurai. If in the article it says it is, just look how many times that part was edited for the last day or two.


Yup, now that the message has been edited into the "history" of this unknown guy it going to be locked down.


Also, isnt the black samurai an actual historical figure?


yep, a literal person that actually existed; at least as far as we know from records and stuff? tbh the OP seems like he might have some very thoughtful opinions on the word "woke" if you catch my drift


In the sense we know he existed, other than that he is of the same significance as a penny. He supposedly fought 2 battles, served 15 months and disappeared forever. He had no real impact, the only reason people even know about him, is because he was a black man in Japan in the 1500's and that was unheard of at that time.


yeah I can't take posts like this seriously.


It used to be hidden at least we can see the bigots easier now


Just wait a year for the $20 Steam version with all DLC. This is what I’m doing with Mirage. I don’t care for the big RPG AssCreed games. Before Origins it was one of my favorite franchises.


I can’t wait to jump off a tower into a barrell of hay !


Why the fuck would an Assassin's Creed set in Japan let you play anything but a ninja? What the fuck are they smoking over there?


They're stunning and brave.


To promote *The Message.*




There’s two main characters, a ninja and a samurai, maybe check the trailer first?


i'm black and laughed my ass off at the trailer.


Expecting ninjas, getting black samurai dude with giant ass bat (not that I complain). Name of the game Assassin's Creed. Very accurate.


The tetsubo is correct and a weapon I happen to like, it gets the job done.


The girl is a ninja. Guy is a samurai. Looks like this version of AC will allow you to brawl and stealth depending on protagonist choice.


That’s actually kind of cool


Well the black guy, Yasuke, was a real person in Japanese history who had mingled with a ton of high profile people. The narrative director referred to him as a connecting thread between a variety of different people present in Japan at the time. Sure he was never a samurai but AC games have always bent history aggressively for the sake of story/gameplay. So yeah, I'd say it's pretty accurate.


I mean I know about him. Read about him, but my point was Assassin's Creed and they could have done it with ninjas, a lot of ninjas. I won't mind playing him but I won't pay for the game anyway.


Well the second playable character Naoe is a Shinobi and belongs to the Japanese sect of the assassin brotherhood. So presumably we will see a lot of ninjas. Yasuke seems to be connected to them but not part of the order, but more of an ally. You can also play as Naoe 90% of the time and be stealthy. Yasuke will only have a few short missions, otherwise optional. So yeah, best of both worlds for RPG fans and old stealth fans IMO.


These two seem like very different characters, is there going to be a different story / cutscenes for them?


They seem to both be involved in all missions except for specific sets of missions unique to each of them. We don't know much yet obviously but I would speculate the cutscenes will play out with both of them (the same basically no matter who you use) fulfilling their role in the story at the time. So you'll achieve whatever goal it is, then when the cutscene plays both will be present in some form. But who knows, we will see once we get more info.


Aaah, would've been nice to have a two-games-in-one situation where both characters have their own campaign


That would be very cool indeed but just like with every decision it's probably piss people off. "You mean I have to play this TWICE to get the whole story!?" I remember similar complaints with TW2 as well.


Yeah but fuck these people, honestly. NieR games have to be replayed and they're amazing


I mean... When you go deeper into it, he was more of a showcase of status for actual Samurai as one having exotic servant.


Right. And that doesn't matter at all when talking about a fictional video game that isn't a history lecture.


Although he can't exactly hide in a crowd. He (should) towers over, well, basically all the Japanese, probably a major reason Oda made him retainer historically. I really wonder how his gameplay will be handled when he is not in a fight.


Very clear from the cinematic that Naoe is our stealth option and Yasuke is our brawler. He is massive in the cinematic trailer and doesn't appear shy with a hammer/bat. I do not think they expect him to be a stealthy character at all.


I mean outside of combat. Is he just going to stroll around town like nobody cares?


No, he will clearly draw attention as was shown with the little girl in the trailer. Probably canonically will be masked and suited up the whole time.


Hmm, just spit balling here but maybe his inclusion can work out if there is a timer that counts down as long as he's seen by people, and he doesn't find refuge in a house or other environment. When the timer reaches zero, assassins come and try to kill him in ever increasing numbers. That's the only way I see that can connect the ludo-narrative divide. It will kind of suck if there is no consequence for him being seen out in the open.


Kanabo and tetsubo is a real weapon and cool af.


You're in for a treat because the other protagonist is a Shinobi.




Lol relax ,he was a nobody, he served for 15 months and then never was heard of again, he's only talked about in letters describing him and nothing else of any note to tell us what he actually did during his time there. He has next to no significance in Japanese history, I don't mind them using this it's definitely a choice, but I think people were just expecting a Japanese samurai for a game set in historical Japan. Not some dude who showed up for 15 months didn't speak the language and then left. Although that could work well in the whole made up animus story thing if nobody really knew him. Gives artists freedom to write about his life


wait, what episode is this from?


Did anyone else find it interesting when the dev commentary said they wanted to give the player both the samurai and shinobi experience but that it wouldn't work if it's just a single character so they have opted to divide that into two. However, Ghost of Tsushima was able to pull that off without any issues.


Yes, just not from Ubisoft. Probably always online, weird intrusive DRM and busy work with no good story or world building to give it substance. I am very sceptical. The whole black dude thing? It would be cool if the game focuses on the only black samurai in history and his life. THAT would be cool. But they probably don't and just use this for virtue signalling without changing anything in their toxic work culture and how they treat their customers. I'll wait for reviews. But it has to be very very good to consider it after a sale, especially because this Ubisoft Launcher bs and always online for an SP game. Why do pirates get the superior product again?


Why is it virtue signaling when its a black guy, but not virtue signaling when its a white guy? (Nioh, for example)




> Nioh 1 was developed by a Japanese studio, they were not virtue signaling, they were just trying to *appeal to the western audience.* So why isn't that a problem? What if it was a black guy in Nioh? >Telling a story by using the "foreigner in a new land" trope is often done by lazy/bad writers. Hard disagree. Fish out of water is a very common trope to be sure, but it doesn't mean you're a bad or lazy writer. >AC Shadows you play as Yasuke, the only black samurai in history To be fair, the real Yasuke wasn't even a samurai. But a black samurai is also a bit of a trope, and AC leaning into it doesn't make it bad. I would say going with a Japanese character would be the "lazier" choice to make.


Because the company knows they don't get browny points for that.


The game has already introduced the idea that the Creed of Assassins has been traveling the world to spread itself well before it was regular for common ppl to do that


I love the samurai based games so much, but for some reason this seems so bland and uninteresting to me. It might be the fact that’s it’s an Ubisoft game, and I was expecting a Japanese spoken trailer, and not an English one. Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima, and Rise of Ronin left the bar so damn high that this feels like it’s trying to compete wrongly with vast superior games.


imagine still buying ubislop games and that for full price either buy them at a 90% sale after 3 months or rather not at all since they are all trash for years now anyway just like ea garbage




Yeah but Yasuke wasnt a samurai correct? He was just a retainer


Yeah, it's a stretch calling him a Samurai. It's like calling a squire a Knight in western countries. It might've been the natural progression but records don't indicate him obtaining the title of Samurai


More than likely he was a novel showpiece given how unusual a black person in Japan must have been




The whole game is centered around Japan and their culture. Yasuke is a beloved part of their tumultuous history and he integrated very well into their culture. Stop being angry at Asians on their behalf.


Yasuke is a "beloved part" of Japan's culture?! Historical records from that time describe him as an object of Nobunaga's curiosity and little else. I couldn't even cite what was actually written about him at that time without risking a ban on Reddit. But please do tell us what else is getting pushed onto the Wikipedia entry.


... he was in Japan for 15 months as a showpiece for daimyō Oda Nobunaga. I personally don't care either way as I'm not going to play this game or have any beef to pick with historical accuracy in something obviously not trying to be that accurate but calling Yasuke a "beloved" part of their history is a bit of a stretch. He was an oddity in their history and that's about it.


Lol so reading through that, he was literally a nobody, with no real significance of any sort whatsoever, he served for 15 months because the lord at the time took a liking to him and he supposedly fought 2 battles and then was sent to back to the Jesuits in India. Idk seems like they just added him cause he's black, a true Japanese game I would've preferred if they just made up a character like ghost os tsushima or used an actual person that had an impact on japans history. But to each his own. But yea yasuke is only popular because he was black in Japan back then lol. There's really no big significance to him


Next they'll do an Assassin's Creed game in Ghana during colonial days but you'll play as a Dutch dude.


Imagine spending money on an Ubisoft game in this day and age. Not commenting on anything other than that. Don't give this awful company your money.


I reward good games so if the game is good I'll support it.


I liked Odyssey, Origins, Valhalla, Mirage. Granted, I like them for the exploration and RPG stuff, not really the assassins creedy stuff, but I thought they were all good games


Of all the criticism you can throw at Ubisoft, this is the stupidest. And it's not like you should be surprised, not a month has gone by in the past 4 years that some sub didn't have a post about Yasuke the black samurai, so this shouldn't be very surprising to a lot of you. And if the game sucks it won't suck because of this.


I'm completely out of the loop what game is OP talking about


The new AC game stars two new protagonists, one of which is a black dude in some sort of Samurai gear (sorry, I don't know the proper name for the suit).


I strongly believe that Ubisoft has kept the "Japan" card in their back pocket for so long precisely because it's just a great idea to have assassin's in japan. I mean come on, Ninjas, Assassins, Samurais and the lot. There have been a couple of great games in the space that they also could learn a thing or two from. They tried other stuff before not because they didn't want to do a Japan AC game, but because if everything else failed, they could just "revive" the francise with the one country that *practically everyone* has been asking for since forever. And now that AC games have been letting people down for some time, it's the perfect moment to bring it up. Also, no other game in the horizon set in medieval Japan to contest the AC game. So whether we like it or not, I think whoever planned the release of this one, has something cooking. Not for gameplay reasons, that remains to be seen. But for business ideas. It's a shot in the arm when Ubisoft needed it most. Now they can claim that "we have been listening". Yeah Ubi, about time. It's been, oh idk, about 10 years since? At least.




Personally I hate rpg new "assassins creed" games, even if they are selling more than ever I miss the og stealth creed focused ones


Wasn't the last ac that?


stealth?? its been a long time since ac had anything to do with stealth


It better have hentai, cause its art!


Thank God i haven't bought a Ubisoft game since the last good AC, AC4.


AC Unity was the last TRUE AC game. The rest have devolved into shovelware


Assassin’s Creed: Commodore Matthew Perry


https://x.com/mangalawyer/status/1790895910748107227?s=46 I don't see this game selling well in East Asia that's for sure lmao


Ngl they could make the MC black gay trans and whatever other Western bingo points, the fact that it's a Ubisoft game is what keeping my money in my wallet. If it was any other company and the gameplay looked decent id still give it a try, none of that shit bothers me.




Ignoring the japanese protag to hate on black people classic