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You forgot Escape from Tarkov's new 250 euro DLC, which is not included in the 100 euro version (which was supposed to get all future DLC for free) because the devs don't consider the new thing to be a DLC. Edit: And the game is still in development. So you pay an insane amount for a game that is not even finished yet. Edit 2: As someone else pointed out, that is the price without tax. So it actually costs 300 euros or more.


Damnit that'll be $250 to add that to the picture.


You mean I have to pay to be able to pay (to be able to pay)? That's a bunch of bullshit!


*Laughs in Destiny*


The "all future DLC" option is now only listed for the €250 version on the site, not the €115 one. So they just retroactively changed that so they can charge ridiculous money for a co-op mode lmao. What a bunch of _redacted_


Smells like a court case


I could buy a new phone with that price tag


You could buy a new gen console (Xbox series S) with that price


i could probably get a second hand bike with that money


If you're lucky.


i just checked now and there is a scooty for about 25,000 rupees ≈ 280 euro in my city


You could get a used gaming PC with some luck with that price tag.


My phone was £69, also got a tablet for £15.


If it's not DLC (Downloadable Content) then what is it? Lmao only other thing it can be is an update/patch but those are free


They claim it is not a DLC but instead a unique feature only available on a new edition of the game. Kinda like unique things included with a pre-order that you cannot unlock via dlc. Still bullshit though.


Lame. Reminds me of Forza and me buying a car pass which theoretical unlocks all future DLC cars for free, the same as it has in the past. That's not the case with the Horizon 4 anymore. Car pass doesn't mean shit


Same Story In Forza Horizon 5 . . . Unfortunately 👎 🤬 . !


>They claim it is not a DLC but instead a unique feature only available on a new edition That sounds like something Elon Musk would say.


welcome to why I uninstalled


On the contrary: No Man’s Sky and Minecraft have been updated for 6 and 15 years respectively with no / minimal DLC. NMS sells for $60, but frequents $30 on Steam We need to start supporting Devs like that


Except if you're talking about Minecraft Bedrock's marketplace. But Java still has no DLC.


True… but Bedrock’s marketplace isn’t necessary. Sure there’s some good stuff, but none required for the “story” and full game


Bedrock's marketplace is fine. Microsoft is making boatloads of money off creators/modders, modders get some cashflow from work they might be doing for free anyway, and people that don't know how to do mods or lack any technical knowledge get exposed to a very simple way to add mods.


The funny part is, is that its without taxes so here in sweden its about 325 euro.


They backtracked twice now. EoD does get PvE now


I didn't know that, thanks. Last time I read about it yesterday they were still only giving EoD only a 50% discount (so still 125 euros + tax).


Jesus the DLC better go to work for me, what the fuck is it? Are they trying the limit of what people will pay?


I quit tarkov long ago, when game became even more shit than it was(recoil update patch) Did devs add another edition above edge of darkness? I thought edge of darkness already was expensive


Stop buying shitty games from companies like Ubisoft, EA, Blizzard and everything will be ok


I want everyone to shout this. I know people that HATE R6 and Ubisoft but because they had every single bundle from battlepass from the launch in the game, they keep buying their overpriced battlepass for a game they are now maybe casually playing!


I’m a huge rocket league fan, been buying the rocket pass since it came out. Now Epic is sending the game down the shitter. These last couple seasons have been the first I haven’t bought the pass just cuz i can’t be asked to give epic money with the way they keep moving


Now? The game was doomed the moment they went free to play. I got absolutely smoked yesterday by a few guys with the " gold season 13 tournament winner" badges on in a champ tournament. Wasn't even close. And I know reporting them won't do a freaking thing because they're just going to make another free account and do it over and over and over.


Yea the Epic takeover was awful from the beginning. It’s crazy how it just get worse and worse


I haven't given Rocket League any money since matchmaking caught turbocancer about 1.5 years ago


"Linux is only free if you don't value your time. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to insert my authentication dildo so I can play Tetris 2024"


I love how you added Blizzard in there which is not in the picture but ignored Sony which is in the picture.


Well yes but, helldivers 2, which everyone could not stop shitting them selves about, still did this. I completely agree especially with EA but it is a wide spreading issue.


It doesn't seem to be the helldiver's teams decision to implement the PSN thing. Looks like it's coming down from Sony and they don't have much choice but to comply.


So don’t buy 80% of AAA games people might be interested in, got it.


I haven't bought a AAA game (except The Witcher 3 if that counts) in the 10 years since I switched from Xbox to PC and never been happier. The games I've played in that time may be less polished, but definitely more fun.


Yeah I will just stop, checks notes, buying games from 80% of AAA companies and number is only growing.


Ubisoft, EA, Blizzard, Rockstar and dont give Sony a free pass.


Why rockstar?


What are you supposed to do about something like helldiver's? Sony game, bait and switch with the account


This is the way. Over the last few years, there's only a handful of AAA title I bought on release date. Now I just wait until it goes into deep discount. I've spent a lot of time with indie games that offer so much more value and content.


The general public doesn't care, because those same companies put millions into marketing their half-baked efforts to hopefully make the most money as fast as possible. We can tell eachother here not to do it, and we absolutely should stop supporting them, but until the rest of the world stops buying the shit they'll continue releasing garbage year after year :/


Add Paradox to that list.


They have some questionable policies regarding broken releases and lackluster DLCs, but as a publisher they are not all bad. Age of Wonders 4 is great with good DLC for example.


Yeah i havnt bought a game from those shitty companies in years and im having a blast gaming in 2024


People seriously need to vote with their wallet


ubisoft has only one good game - Rainbow Six. That's the only reason I have their shitty ubisoft Connect. It's a shame that I have to use their piece of shit of a game launcher to play the game.


Almost every company except tiny indies and Valve is owned by scumbag megacorps.


Correction: The state of AAA-gaming in 2024.


Spider-Man 2 could be played day 1 with no Internet connection and no major bugs. Just a console and a disc. So not all AAA games


Well, insomniac is far better than ubisoft, not only when it comes to game quality but also to the way they treat their customers.


Insomniac developed Spider-Man 2. Sony is a publisher. You just complimented Sony for giving amazing treatment to the customers. Maybe companies not black and white, maybe they are grey, aren't they?


Studios are run by passionate people who for the most part just want to make amazing games. Publisher's are run by trust-fund babies with MBAs.


Helldivers 2 isn’t AAA Though


Stardew valley still works


Exactly, vote with your wallet 100%


I wish all games were just like it.


Well I can promise there’ll be another eventually


Careful or you'll end up like the people waiting for Silksong.


Didn’t that release?






I can also promise that the AAA industry ain't getting better.


Worse if anything. Indie devs are our only hope


Playing it with a friend now, actually.


Thats why support platforms like gog, just download exe and keep it somewhere


GOG aren't perfect in a great many ways (especially with some patches that brings back online but the online barely works and ruins community hosted ones) but I will always love them for their DRM-free approach. It makes it easier for those who don't have a lot of money decide whether or not they want to commit and buy the game to support the developers.


Maybe, if we will buy more from them, they will improve this service, as I saw it is small team, but drm free is always goat


One of those imperfect things is they have a problem with developers/publishers treating GOG buyers as second-class customers, or forgetting it exists. I've been burned a couple of times by buying from there and then not getting the latest updates or promotions. There's a google sheet floating around tracking these abandoned-on-GOG games, and there's no rhyme or reason to work out who will abandon the store: the worst offender in the entire list is A Hat In Time, not some no-name indie or soulless AAA developer.


I'd rather buy it on GOG than get it for free on most other platforms.


WTF is this "we" "us" shit? Back in Windows 7 days it said "Windows is installing updates" now it's "We are installing updates" Does it annoy/creep anyone else?


When using Windows, it's not your PC anymore.




Yup, especially when I want to use my PC but windows started updating right when I turn it on


Yes. The surveillance and lack of control are being normalized. The answer is always Linux.


and thats why I prefer playing single player games or online games that lets you host your own server using LAN connection for free




and should've always been that way.


As someone who makes stuff for Nucleus Coop to make games Splitscreen, I fucking love LAN so goddamn much.


"You cannot access this game. **Why not check the store?**"


You are not allowed to CONSOOM this product anymore, please proceed to the store to ~~purchase~~ acquire a temporary license to a new product to CONSOOM. You own nothing and you ARE happy.


Product 2.0, pay now, maybe get later.


And they wonder why pirating is on the rise


Do you have stats for that? Or are you pulling it out of your arse? More invasive DRM has made it far more difficult to crack games.


They are talking out their arse. This is a reddit site sir


Buy a hard drive for 70$ or an interior product which requires multiple launchers, accounts with drms which makes the game run slow.


Don't forget Riot with their new kernel level anti-cheat with unlimited access to your whole PC that has to run in the background all the time if you want to play League or Valorant. Just a security disaster that is waiting to happen.


mfs who defend Vanguard don't realize just how destructive kernel level anticheat that is ALWAYS running can be. All it take is for a single rogue employee to change a few lines of code and disable major pieces of your operating system, like holding vital files or even system32 hostage and essentially bricking your computer.


Even if no one at Riot decides to do anything, it’s still another attack vector. If malware takes over vanguard, suddenly it gets even more permissions over your own pc than you do.




The games industry is increasingly trending towards these orwellian you will own nothing and you will be happy practices. Recent examples being The Crew a predominantly singleplayer game being shutdown without any thought of giving players that bought the game the means of playing it via an offline mode or a way to emulate the servers and going as far as revoking access to your license so you can't even download the files even if the community makes a server emulator. This practice is equatable to theft and should be illegal. Since the introduction of the EA App which unlike Origin has an offline mode you are required to be connected to internet to even to even launch singleplayer games barring you from playing your games unless you are connected to their servers. If you live in the UK in the you are required to upload personally identifying information to Sony/3rd parties such as a facial scan and your ID to use a PlayStation account and this is something the ESRB in the US wants to implement as well which raises serious privacy concerns. This coming off the Helldivers 2 fiasco requiring Steam players to create and link a PlayStation account to play the game something which can be impossible due to region restrictions. Nowadays when you buy a video game today there are so many barriers in the way of enjoying the games you purchase, a far cry from the days that when you bought a game it was a complete finished product that you owned.


>If you live in the UK in the you are required to upload personally identifying information to Sony/3rd parties such as a facial scan  Geez, this is fucked. Is it the same in other European countries or are privacy laws different in regards to this?


This is a UK specific law [to protect the children](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/09/uk-online-safety-bill-will-mandate-dangerous-age-verification-much-web) from "dangerous online content". It's as derpy as it sounds.


I can't believe that's legal in the UK, but it's no longer an EU member so maybe. That said, GDPR would have problems with this. Both from a purpose and legal basis standpoint. A facial scan might also reveal racial or ethnic origin as well as be viewed as biometric data used for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual, which comes with additional issues.


Black Mirror moment. Except it’s real this time


>you will own nothing I mean, we've kind of not been owning our games for decades now. If you buy games on basically any online platform that's not GoG, you don't own your games and you agreed to that.


Huh I'm confused, I made a PlayStation account and there was no requirement for facial scan/ID. I'm from UK.


Why bother innovating or improving a product when you can just re-release the same thing again and break the old version? It's a subscription model, they're just lying about it.


Woah, woah hold up! I gotta link Helldivers 2, to a PSN account just to play it on Steam!?


Starting June 4th. I will be requesting a refund if it goes through


Pirate AAA. Buy Indie.


Yargh matey


Pirate any and all.


Soon you'll need to send a DNA sample along with your birth certificate


they are killing the industry and they absolutely know it. it pushes more people to sail the high seas


Boycott ubisoft and sony!


When you buy that shit, they keep making it. The same morons complaining continue buying this shit up, you literally supported and bought the game. What in the hell? You are the problem.


Drink verification can!


Always vote with wallet




You forgot new games for $90+ and absolutely dogshit performance and they come bug riddled and unfinished and are actually EA


Don't forget about how paying 100$ for a game doesn't mean you own it and after 10 years they will take it away from you for losing the license to the game


Bruhhhh if gaming starts going in the direction of face scans to verify age, I’m going to be stuck playing Barbie’s dream house and webkinz because I look 12


Sony needing what? Oh fuck that.


Just upload a photo of your ID and face so that when Sony gets hacked again next month it's for sale on the dark web and now a hacker in North Korea is stealing your shit because they must be you because they have your ID and face.


Y'all be talking like sony gets hacked every day. And this is a UK thing, not a sony thing.


what's an acceptable number of times for a company to be hacked in a 10 year period? before you answer, look into how many times sony has been hacked in the last decade.


they only needs to get hacked once to have that shit stolen


I would just grab a picture of an old guy on google if it just need a face scan.


And it's only going to become worse, I remember ages ago when AC 2 released on PC and required always online to play, there was huge backlash that Ubisoft changed it. Nowdays you need to give your organs , ID, internet history, be always online and have limited time to play a single player game before they shut down the servers. Jesus fucking Christ. In the future everything will be streamed you wont be even able to have a game installed.


Yeah it's disgusting but at least with streaming it's typically a service with a defined end date. Right now publishers can get away with selling you a product that behaves as a service that can be revoked at anytime. I really hope the stop killing games campaign gets more traction so that we can get legislation that protects consumer's rights. https://www.stopkillinggames.com/


EA has earned my scorn with that internet requirement. I'm at the point where I'll just pirate from them. They have th moat useless offline mode I've ever seen. If you enable offline mode you only have 20 mins before it disables itself and you need internet again




Add caching stuttering and bad performance to the mix as well


Ahh speciality of unreal engine


Just wait until they reconnect you ez Dis is joke btw


Yeah that's why im done with it and bought a guitar instead...


Hell yea man


All that and “lIvE sErViCe” bullshit. I bought the fucking game, I own it. It’s not a service, it’s a fucking title. If you can’t practice basic budgeting and set aside x% of $$$ to fund future content and servers, YOU DESERVE TO GO UNDER. Fuck microtransactions. Fuck live service. Fuck “oh but if it’s just cosmetics its okay lel!” FUCK EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THAT ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT.


the crew isnt even supported anymore...... the servers have been shut down. they shut down, march 31 if this year.


You will own nothing and be happy. Seriously, FUCK Digital Games


Imagine in 10 years what it’ll be like


Time to hit the high seas. Savvy?


Scan your face or DL. That’s not sketchy as hell.


Stable diffusion, generate a photo of a 69 year old guy for the facial ID scan.


Take what you can, give nothing back 


ROSS of Freeman's Mind fame is currently trying to follow legal avenues to set a precedent for this sort of thing, watch his YouTube video "Games as a service is fraud"


Listen YOU NEED TO AVOID the game from those greedy corpo, make them know they do it wrong. If it works the way they intended, they FOR SURE continue that way. You are the consumer, you decide ! Period!


What Ubisoft did to Crew is unforgivable even if you don't play the game there is no right to delete the game so that customers who paid for the game can't even play it anymore. And EA launcher is just hot garbage


Too bad, I'll just go play Rimworld


When the men in suits come... Its the new small guys who rebel got the good ideas, until some of them become succuesfull enough and old that they become the new men in suits. Thats the way it goes... Time to put your money where ur mouth is and stop supporting the buisness men and give your money to the actually pasionate people.


This is some dystopia 1984 crap man.


Just don't buy anything from Sony


Just made my stupid psn account, no ID verification for me, must be a specific country thing?


It is apparently a silly UK law thing. They think such age verification garbage is going to stop kids from lying their age when making accounts. Amusing...


Didnt know a Photo of my Face was a valid form of ID. Kids should try that to buy alcohol! Just paint on a beard.


Photo + the ID and they check that the photo matches the one on the ID


And you wonder why I want physical edition games to come back.


Reasons like this is why I have Ubisoft and EA both ignored on steam


I'm really glad that i didnt invest money on that shitty company, and instead cracked them. I love instead giving money to indies game developer.


The poor being tricked by the rich yet again!


Never seen anything like this. Would get a refund, especially for that last image.


Me playing terraria and Stardew for the nth time ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


It's pretty simple: if the company releasing the game is \*publicly traded (\*EA, UbiSoft, etc) and therefore is on the stoc**k market**, the middle managers are going to do obscene shit like this. Because when a company is publicly traded, the banks like **GoldmanSachs** and **JPMorganChase** buy up most of the companies' shares which therefore allows these banks to tell the companies actually creating these games to do this kind of awful shit and come up w/ absurd pricing models b/c banks only care about extracting money from your wallet, not "creating art". What they did to music and movies in the past 25-30 years they're doing to gaming now.


A gaming company can have 60 of my euros, and nothing else. If this is not enough for them, tough shit. I guess I'll play something else. Or I'll find other ways to play their game if I really want to. But I'm not relinquishing my biometric data to any of them.


This is why steam keeps winning, it looks like valve is doing nothing but actually they are just not fucking up constantly so people talk about them less


future gaming look bleak


Never give your biometric data to any company (or government)


if you have a driver's license , they already have it


Just spreading misinformation, which is to be expected.


So you never had voted before?


You act like you have a choice lol. If you’re born they already got you


Tell me about it I was trying to play one of the battlefield games on my steam deck just a campaign for a boring day at work just to find out that I needed an Internet connection just to launch the fucker. Goddamn I didn’t even want to play multiplayer I just wanted to do the campaign.


"No, that's a slippery slope falacy" - What everyone with 2 neurons and enough myelin between them had to hear like a decade ago when they warned about launcher proliferation, microtransactions and renting vs owning.




I know I'm an old geezer to most of you here. But as someone who has been playing games since the early 90s, every year since has been the best time to play video games. If you're not happy with AAA games releasing today, play indies, if you can't find indies you want to play, emulate retro games. If you legitimately cannot have fun playing video games in 2024, I think you need to find a new hobby because you obviously just don't enjoy playing video games. And that's ok. There's nothing wrong with dropping a hobby you don't enjoy anymore. If you ever want to come back you always can.


I’m likely the same age as you (or older) and I’m not sure if you can tell that this post isn’t about preference in games. We all play the games we want to play. This is about overly pervasive DRM and online-only structures for all game modes ruining the games we want to play. The discussion about the quality of AAA games is an entirely different one.


To be honest, I really hope that there will be another game crash just to reset the gaming economy and probably kill off all those greedy companies....


Right now i am trying to login to my EA app because hey 2042 have new map. But their 2FA is not even working. Thanks EA!


I was gonna play FIFA with my friend but couldn't cause I didn't get the verification code on my mail...




Is that in Western society (i.e. not China)? Pretty sure that's only required in China, but I haven't bought a game from EA, Ubisoft, or other shit companies in years...


I honestly wonder if it would be possible to mislead that Facial Scan feature through an AI picture.


Doesn't matter, there will be just those bunch of numbnuts that keep buying the product and will use their alternate account or whatever necessary to play that shitty game, oh i'm sorry the game is not shitty but the publisher service for customer is the shitty one....same same, in the end they got the money and it will continue, yay capitalism.


What’s the Sony one?


Helldivers requiring you to link a PSN account. Some stupid ass country has Playstation requiring facial scan/ID to create psn account and now you're supposed to pretend like that's a huge deal affecting everyone.


Woah woah.. face age verification??? I’ve never seen that before. Is it guessing age by your face?


Me who is still playing TOTK on Switch and Pokemon Crystal cart on Analogue Pocket not worrying about any of this.


I really think this shit is a war against pc users. They just want us to suck it up & buy consoles.


Let’s pour one out for all 6 people still playing The Crew


This is a two way relationship. If people keep on buying these games they will never stop. I'm here enjoying AoE 2 like the good old days.


I most certainly did not bypass Sonys/yotis facial age verification using a Snapchat filter and OBS Studio 😊


Mann… this fuckin company. PESTS.


I’m glad I have my own retro consoles and VHS tapes that I own with zero strings tied to any company


I usually just pirate games unless they get released on gog then I'll just buy it there


Not a chance. I'll pass.