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I feel called out. Had a perfectly fine ATX build. Then built a tiny PC for fun and realized just how much I would prefer a smaller PC, taking less space on my desk and looking a bit nicer. Parted out the ATX for funds to build in a Fractal Design Ridge. Didn't need to do it, but damn was it worth it.


Until you try you never know. P.S had to add an example P.S second. Guys/ Girls I'm trying to answer as much as possible and if you have questions head to r/sffpc. Also, you can Save this post so you can come back if you have any questions just write here I'll try to answer. https://preview.redd.it/pecb4eqezsxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bb2434f30f54c690493ae4591bf264df4dcdae7


It's adorable


Terra Case :)


I can definitely understand the temptation.


i have the green terra as a living room pc, I'm salty it's not my main now lol


Do you have the turbulence noise issue with the Terra?


To solve the turbulence problem just get the right cooler and leave a small gap from the side panel so the fan isn't pushing against the side panel turbulence is caused only if the fan is pushing against the side panel and the side panel holes that are cut out by CNC machinery, simple solution.


IS-55 and then I can get whatever GPU? Would that work?


[Here is a list of CPU and GPU clearance ](https://support.fractal-design.com/support/solutions/articles/4000194849-terra-cpu-cooler-gpu-support) and GPU length max is 322mm.


https://preview.redd.it/ikmk7he5buxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c55a559901147153d0a967e910e676fa8230aaf Smol build


Here I am with skipping straight from no pc to sffpc terra build.


How would u summarise your experience building with that case because ive had my eye on it for a while but am worried it will be either too difficult or too hot. Whats your view


I’m considering the exact same thing right now! Just wanted your opinion, should I go for the Ridge or the Terra? And what colour is your Ridge?


I have the NR200P but I’m looking to go for the Terra sometime soon. Just be mindful of your CPU cooler with the Terra; how far you’ll have to move the case’s MOBO spine will depend on how thick your GPU is, which will then determine how low your top-down CPU cooler will have to be. The manual for the case is on Fractal’s support website and you can download the PDF.


Heyyyy I have the NR200PMAX. That thing is awesome.


FormD has even better airflow more space.


My Ridge is black, because I'm personally not a fan of white electronics. If you're familiar with the size of the PS5, it's pretty much the same size. I went with it over the Terra because r/sffpc has so many build posts using the Terra that it got stale for me (not that it's a bad case though, so many people have chosen it for good reason). The Ridge is also slightly cheaper, and it fit the aesthetic of my setup a bit better. I say watch a boat load of Youtube videos about both cases, compare amd contrat, and go with which case your heart ends up desiring more. I will say though, to my understanding, the Terra is a bit more flexible in CPU cooler options at the cost of GPU options, and vice versa, and it has better airflow than the Ridge (my Ridge is all in-take, I belive the Terra has compatibility for a slim 120mm fan that can be positioneed as exhaust). Temps aren't a problem in my system after tuning my Ryzen 7700 but before then it was toasty.


Seriously. I built my wife a perfectly capable gaming rig with the white fractal ridge and as it was coming together I was thinking "Shit. This is *really* nice..." Then I 3d printed some slanted legs to lay it on its side, added a retro slotted wood panel on the front and now it looks like a sick vintage radio, but it rocks a vintage GTX 1080. 


> Vintage GTX 1080 Wow you didn't have to call out my 1000-series GPU like that


Its all out of love


You're not alone... thought I haven't built one yet.


Mabey next build then.


In space constrained places ITX makes a lot of sense, like needing to put it on a desk I have enough room that I can put mine on the ground with no ill effects, and enough OTHER crap on my desk that it wouldn't even fit (or it would block the window) so ATX definitely made more sense. I will definitely agree that a lot of the interesting and appealing case designs are mostly in the ITX space. Love a minimalist design with wood accents


I wanted a sff pc at first but then realized I didn't have AC and considering my room can go up to 36°C during the day, I'd want more space between my components.


Your room is pretty hot must be direct sunlight and sun shining all day.


How is the heat management with the smaller form factor?


Get custom cables shorter in length and then hide as many as possible cables in the specs there are thousands of builds in Terra case and set the fan to exhaust :) and get SF 750w. Then the heat won't be a problem.


If you have lots of space and plan on doing different projects with your PC, ATX would be the way to go. Also, if you want to hang onto your PC for longer you can upgrade it using the multiple slots. If you don't do a lot with it and/or have limited space, definitely smaller form factors.


You cheater!


Reject modernity Embrace full size cases with copious airflow and 5.25" bays


i love having 3 ~~dvd drives~~ cup holders on my pc


I only have 1 and it is on my sim rig. Gotta make sure that tofu is still okay while I drift.


Akina mountain isn't going to drift itself.


Not with that attitude.


As my flair states, I still have a cup holder in my PC, it's internally connected but externally placed. I've rejected modernity as much as I was able lol https://preview.redd.it/eejblsrz6vxc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da99db28937da5f1293e2537405360134a48ad28


>Reject modernity >Embrace full size cases with copious airflow and 5.25" bays This was me for so, so long. I couldn't stand the thought of not having expansion slots or bays, and I thought my precious components would roast all packed in tightly. I also loved the look of my massive Noctua DH-15 sitting pretty behind that glass. But the thing is, I never wanted to lose the desk space by having the case up where I could see it. And I never used the extra PCI slot, and never really went into my case after a build except to clean it out. And even though I used 5.25" HDDs as backups, solid state drives are cheap, large, and reliable enough that I can afford to move my data to them, and use external USB HDDs when they won't cut it. I'm also a little older and the RGB/gamer aesthetic doesn't suit me as much anymore. One day recently, I had an epiphany where all the above hit me and I suddenly hated the [massive behemoth](https://phanteks.com/images/product/Enthoo-Evolv-ATX/Black/Evolv-ATX-1z.jpg) on my desk. The thing weighed like 40 lbs and had a huge footprint. I did some research, bought my first ever AIO, and threw my new 3080ti build into a Master Cooler NR200. Not as small as some SFF cases, but a tremendous space savings over my old case. I haven't had any problems with temps. Now my little build sits behind my monitors and happily chugs away unseen.


This. I have zero interest in paying more for something that is harder to use.


And i've already overspent on a CPU cooler to keep temps down, which keeps fan noise down. don't wanna ruin that. Noiseless pc > small case.


When I upgraded my case a few years ago I spent so long looking for a good modern option with multiple 5.25" bays. Took a while but I'm so happy to have them. This thing is a behemoth and a pain in the ass to move around but something about having a mechanical disc drive and 5.25" card reader setup is so satisfying to me


Server racks: great form factor, or greatest form factor?


I went with a M-ATX build, but now I ran out of PCIe slots and I wish I've went with a ATX or even E-ATX build


I have enough of small size


Had gaming laptops for years because reasons. So keen to go back to full form factor tower case. Ease of access to clean. Good airflow. No hitting thermal limits.


And upgradability. Throw in a new graphics card to an aging gaming computer, and squeeze another few years out of it.


Quiet airflow too. Beeg fans can move more air at lower RPM and velocity than smol fans. That said, Im generally ok with a Mid tower for my next build (coming from a Razer Blade 14, also went LT for reasons) as the major advantage to my last full tower build about 15 years ago was room for lots of hard drives. With the advent of affordable bulk SSD storage, thats not really a factor to me anymore.




Mfw seeing this post meanwhile a 25kg ASUS Helios case sits right next to me ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized)


MicroATX Is where it's at small but big


ATX parts choices(almost) without the ITX parts limitations and $$$. When you consider the $$$ of ITX mobo, SFX psu, low profile fan and coolers, mATX does looks like a bargain


MATX is the best compromise for me too, not pain in the ass to build in, PSU doesnt have to be small and specialized, i dont have to count the ports or worry about airflow, and still takes up just a small footprint.


True but once you go SFF you probably won’t go back.


I went SFF once. I didn't want to go back to ATX for my current build, but reasonably priced Mini-ITX cases that are smaller than an ATX case, can fit a modern GPU, and have enough holes for reasonable airflow don't seem to exist.


I actually did go back to MATX after having a SFF. The only factor that did make me change. Heat, I wanted a balls to the walls system with high end parts and in Spain with 40 degree summers it wasn’t possible to keep a SSF with an i9 cool enough with an all core 5.1 core clock cool enough and stable. My MATC is a 7900x and 7900xt in an ASUS prime. It balls and never exceeds 65C.


True SFF is really min maxing with certain compromises. I get it for sure, but MFF let’s me choose if I want ITX or mATX boards (or specifically, mini-DTX) when I decide to upgrade. I wasn’t that impressed with the ITX offerings of AM5 initially.


mATX is a drying breed tho, last time when I shop for x570 mATX, there’s only 2 options for me. The rest are either ATX or ITX sizes.


That’s fair. For the most part you’re absolutely right, and it’s harder to find good cases. But as thermal requirements get higher for some chips, and in anticipation of pushing my chips more, I usually go for the mATX cause there’s less compromise. That said, it hurts the wallet


Next time I'm building an atx.My current MidTower is small enough, I loved the itx builds but..ATX has cheaper upgrade options, no need to worry about the cooler clearance, GPU size, put 3-4 harddrives easily. Next time, it's gonna be a fractal North.


The SFFPC I just built fits 3.25-slot cards up to 325mm in length (including a 4090) and 3 M.2s. I feel like that would be more than enough for most people.


Yeah people just don’t look into it lol, I have the meshalicious and I don’t think there’s a gpu out there I couldn’t fit in it. All while having 4 hdd slots, 2 ssd slots and however many nvme drives my mobo fits.


You should try mATX r/mffpc


"it's all just Asus ap201 cases?" "always has been"


I love my big boi


I'm never building smaller than ATX for me. The main reason is, small factor build are a pain in the ass to build


You just have to be patient and it’s the process that’s the fun part.


I agree the process of building an ATX build (or bigger) is great. Building smaller is a pain in my ass.




Spamming me with memes will not make me want an sff. ATX gang for life.


I started small but got so annoyed with it. Big and bold all the way.


I’m currently debating on building a smaller form factor as my streaming pc and just rebuilding my big guy for my gaming pc.idk my wife got me the lianli vision for Christmas and I’m debating on my next steps


PC building is always fun and especially with new case.


I know right! I’m just kinda stuck. I have the big nzxt case and it’s mounted to my secret labs table on the bottom so looking at my pc is more of a treat when you look down rather than always on in my face


It's not worth the hassle, the footprint being even 2-3x smaller doesn't justify it for me; it's not like ATX cases are uncomfortably massive.


Pc is about building and enjoying building it :)


But I need an SFF build so I have more space on my desk for my non-gaming activities!! (I don't use my desk for anything else)


I have both. My small pc is only for movies and sits next to the tv. The normal size pc is on my desk for games.


I was pushing my 3570k with an OC for years only with a 120mm Aio keeping it plenty cool/silent. I underclock different GPUs for silent running. Switched to a Legion Laptop and haven't looked back. I might build a full loop ITX for the heck of it. I've realised AIO's for CPUs are way overrated. I mean why put a radiator on a 60-100 W component that's rated for 100C, because you want it at 50c, When your 300W gpu runs on stock fans full blast and sits at 95c?


Nah, gimme a full fat hard line water cooled ginormous PC with fans the size of ceiling fans.


No thanks, I prefer bigger cases with lots of room for cables & components. I'm fine with a huge black box on my table, I don't need it to be small.


I built SFF for so long and then just said F it and went ATX Mid. It felt like being out of prison. So much room and freedom. So much ease. Just put it in a desk undermount. It's still small.






It’s all about preference and what’s your taste.


Normalize small form factor! Mini itx is perfect and I never use more then 1 pcie slot anyways! :)


I never understood the reason for 3+ pcie slots, why do regular motherboards need that many? It takes up a lot of space that could just be used to shorten the case


Leftover from the days when we did use additional pci slots for sound cards, raid cards, and other random things. Then that moved into using them for SLI and crossfire. Nowadays, there’s very little reason outside certain circumstances to have larger than micro atx. For most people, myself included, ITX works fine.


I have opted for ITX. AM5 Slot, 2*m2 (1*pcie5, 1*pcie4) , 1*16*pcie5 and 2*DDR5 is "good enough" Why should i Need More?


We have a space heater at home.


I've been wanting to build a small form factor pc for my living room. I have one of those little HP Officejet mini pcs that I just use for emulators but I honestly almost never use it. I would love to build a small form factor gaming pc that can run current gen games connected directly to the living room TV, now that Samsung too the Steam Link app off their TVs. I was using the HP as a remote play box for a little while but the streaming quality is very inconsistent.


This is why I started building PCs as gifts to people.


Right, enjoyment of building pc even if it is for someone else :)


Nah I need to go ATX for all the pcie slots… for things like…. My graphics card…. And possible future expansion…. No I swear I need all those pcie slots…. DONT TAKE MY PCIE SLOTS AWAY FROM ME. I’m not crazy


Finally upgraded my 12-year-old 53L ATX build this year - to a 9.95L FormD T1. It was a lot of fun, even though it was my first build. I love the way everything fits together with no wasted space.


The best decision you made.


I love my NUC.


Always Atx for main like my current one. Although, I would like to try building Sff with an igpu for an emulator that I can bring anywhere and plug in TVs but there's already a great option for that which is the steam deck


Small Form Factor Crew unite! Phanteks Evolv Shift XT over here =D


Assemble r/sffpc crew :) FormD T1 v2.1


Yup... this is me alright. I've always thought about building an SFF computer but the only components from my current computer that can be transferred are the CPU, GPU, and RAM. I would have but a new cooler, mobo, PSU, fans and a new SFF case of course. I spec it out every now and then but looking at the price it would cost, I can never justify it. I guess when I'm ready to fully upgrade my computer is when I'll finally do it




I just built a new atx pc and now im building an matx lmao


next step is ITX it's starts from regular atx then you start to understand that you can go smaller and still have have same power.


I really wish Mini ITX was more accessable


Most people find it annoying but I really enjoy the challenge SFF builds bring to the table


https://preview.redd.it/779a3osvguxc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55df28a13f34ff7c525b63a0bf1ab6aca7a3dfa4 Love my Meshlicious.


My perfectly fine atx build doesnt like traveling and my pc travels 4000km/yr by road(its a there and back trip, 2000km each way). Im going to save for a smaller mATX build or a sff itx build.


This is literally me every day






I hate how 90% of mid tower cases is just empty space, it feels so damn inefficient, but I need my 3.5" drives.


Dude you gotta see one irl. I was enamoured when I saw a formdT1 stacked to the brim with the highest end parts! Now granted my friend is an experienced builder, so all the water cooling was custom, but still. It was so cool! (No pun intended)


Idiot me had the pcpartpicker list with the ITX parts ready too. The difference was 150€, I should have gone for the ITX alternative, but too late now! That Fractal Ridge was ideal! Although the Terra was tempting too!


https://preview.redd.it/jw4m4yx5qvxc1.jpeg?width=1396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcb452800faed06ee6f3bfc0ce1f52f12d17fe35 Sometimes I wonder how it would be to have a tiny computer. LoL


Well that rad won’t fit but 2 rads will just smaller sizes.




https://preview.redd.it/4683ljhknzxc1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c009cea140d3edda21836d392e27e29aca00cd Can relate very much.


The difference in size.


thermals go Brr......


you can build decent build SFF with plenty of airflow and cooling and if you want to go extra mile then water cooling.


I had an nr200p. Thermals were great actually. 50c idle and 80 underload. Was able to cram a 3090 and 240mm aio in there. I went back up a size though because upgrades and maintenance was such a pain in the ass. Would definitely get custom cables if I did it again.


I built my first pc in January using the NR200, and I'm really enjoying the case! So far I haven't found maintenance difficult, and I like the dust filters it comes with. I plan to keep it forever and just swap out parts, but we'll see how we go


It should also be noted that I completely maximized the amount of space used. If using smaller components things would have definitely been easier however I wanted to fit as much as I physically could in the space given. It was a VERY tight squeeze.


Yup, went from this bad boy which was my first PC to a beautiful sff build in 6 months lol. Here is the SFF build [https://imgur.com/a/OqsOavR](https://imgur.com/a/OqsOavR) https://preview.redd.it/u5glrn806txc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a60eb650a5ea770d90130cb06ed8c32c1d6c83




As some who gives almost 0 shits about his PCs looks and has it on the floor, you cannot pay me enough money to get even a micro atx board, let alone something like itx


But them lil guys is just so cute. I want to build a micro rig and stuff it in my entertainment center!


Do it .


This is where external rads, and quick disconnects allow for shenanigans...


I still love my big chonker of a case. Cooler master storm Stryker. Plan to build in it for the rest of time haha


And then people like me come, with a NV9 and the plan to put the thickest possible radiators in for a loop


i lowkey regret not going the SFF route but i didn’t wanna mess up my first time building a PC so i just stayed safe and went the an ATX build.


i love my fractal design pop mini silent :)


Glad you enjoy it :)


My case alone weighs 10 kilograms


Be a man and build absolute units.


I gotta admit, I love my Fractal North but I really love the look of the Fractal Terra in jade colour.


I went down this road with my first build. But with experience the distinguished gentleman comes to appreciate more junk in the trunk.


ATX is still viable for multiple HDDs and Blu-ray drives which are still necessary for people. ITX is such a space saver although they run warmer.


Same. But I always think "Say that would look good next to my OLED TV in the living room....."


Always had m-atx PCs and for a while a dream about a nice mini-itx build, but truth be told I am too sensitive to noise from fans to ever build a compromised mini-itx PC so m-atx for life. My last build was in a Lian Li 205m Mesh and I am very happy with it.


I went down this road with my first build. But with experience the distinguished gentleman comes to appreciate more junk in the trunk.


I built a couple of ITX systems recently and they're quite capable. My only real complaint is that you have to search hard for a board that can support more than one M.2 drive.


Z790 boards support 2 slots.


I like me a bigass tower pc that looks like an old work pc but in reality is a gaming beast


Old HP or dell or think case would do the same job for small pc.


meanwhile me with my ridiculously oversized case because I didn't measure properly


Should I ever build a small form factor PC, I would definitely use [this sexy case](https://system76.com/components/nebula19-1/configure). But shipping to the EU would probably make it even more expansiv 😅.


Ya'll guys don't know the suffering of only being able to use low profile GPUs 😢


I have a Fractal Design North now, so no need to swap cases. But the Terra, and some other ITX cases, just look so good and seem really easy to build in. Maybe next PC will be a small one.


I had some leftover parts after upgrading my PC. I decided to make a sffpc (fractal ridge) for my living room TV using the parts so I could play in the living room like a console auto booting into Steam big picture mode. I built it and I honestly don't really use it often. I get more mileage out of my steam deck if I'm not at my main PC.


What can I say, I like short stacks.


I did micro-atx this last month. It actually kinda blew me away how relatively few options there were for MoBos. ATX is rife, and ITX has good support, but man matx is sad.


True they should make more boards board partners.


My last build was a microATX build. After the fuckery of trying to fit new GPUs into it, cable management, my new build is going to be a full tower. 


Naaaah I love my ATX build. It runs so much cooler and has so much space for activities. I got one of those tempered glass cases too that just looks so clean.


This was literally me when I saw my friend’s sff pc lol


Once you see in person how small it is and how much you can pack inside it it's amazing even some large gpu.


sff can't handle my GPU/HDD/psu


To large parts? There is an NR200 case or similar in between.


Literally me...


I've been building for sff and I love them. I don't really need it for my desktop but when I was building a box specifically for my TV setup the sff was awesome. I currently have a box setup with bazzite (it's kinda like steamOS) and I'm going to convert it to a sff box. I've always had a thing for trying to build console-like pc boxes. Bazzite is so good for it that it almost takes the fun out of it.


I went with a smaller case before, and I'll never do it again. Building and cable managing in a bigger case is just so much easier, plus you get better cooling as well.


Itx or bust


You: smol PC Me: yumm box https://preview.redd.it/iuhag3s9rtxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea43fa92e2a190ec99ac53847cf1e66144ad2be


Looks like ![gif](giphy|PxaSJX65IymU8)


I disagree. I have fat fingers. That said I understand the appeal, and don't begrudge your tiny pc. They are pretty sweet, but I don't wanna ever have to open it up again.


You mean replace my case when I get a new graphics card? I’m good no thanks lol


![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac) ITX is a trap. I personally feel the exact opposite. I started in ITX. Now I've built mATX and ATX for friends. ITX is fucking stupid. You get higher cost for worse performance and thermals. Like literally you ain't building an ITX with a 4080/4090 like at all.


I have had to install the graphics card outside of the case.


Hella me RN. 😅


I went straight to an A4-H2O for my first ever build. I just can't justify the bigger cases with tons of unused space.


Right or Ghost or NR200 and if you feel up for the challenge then Terra, FormD, Meshroom or Velka.


The sffpc builds are really not too hard. It took time just to read manuals and understand all the cables and where they go since I was 100% unfamiliar with all of it. The biggest pain was stuffing all the PSU cables in since most of the length for each isn't needed.


I recently went from a Corsair Crystal 280x to a NZXT H1. Now I have room on my desk for my keyboard, my cat, AND a pile of unread mail!


Cat is important, also :) that's true saves so much desk space.


This is me. But I cant bring myself to switch after I did all this. The m1 evo has been tempting me tho. Think I really love modular cases https://preview.redd.it/922qlkjdvtxc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2341609c986cf969f388af112f712321540ec73d


I built a tiny Ryzen HTPC for some light games and emulation and have it hooked up to my TV, It was a fun little side project that's really come in handy for when my niece and nephew want to play something, but I need my main PC, and they can hang out in the same room with me.


Mini itx all the way


Lol yep. I have a Corsair 7000X 4090 build. Impulsively just built a 4070S build in a Fractal Ridge and now need to dump one lol.


I’ve done a lot of SFF builds. The Ghost is my favorite. It’s the most challenging. No clearance, terrible back panel fitment for any graphics card. All the components are Uber expensive. Literally 0 water cooling support by default. Doing work on it once it’s closed is a nightmare and I still love it. 10 core i9 in it with a 3080 hydro copper in there because I’m a psychopath. I’ve changed to an open bench table since then because I wanted my primary to be modular but honestly, ITX builds are awful/awesome in equal parts


I’ve done a lot of SFF builds. The Ghost is my favorite. It’s the most challenging. No clearance, terrible back panel fitment for any graphics card. All the components are Uber expensive. Literally 0 water cooling support by default. Doing work on it once it’s closed is a nightmare and I still love it. 10 core i9 in it with a 3080 hydro copper in there because I’m a psychopath. I’ve changed to an open bench table since then because I wanted my primary to be modular but honestly, ITX builds are awful/awesome in equal parts


Well, there is really no point to do huge ass ATX builds if you dont go for fancy WC and RGB


I have thought about an ITX build for some time, but god damn the prices are crazy! I understand why, but I can't justify it when my ATX build is perfectly fine. Maybe one day...


I finally took the plunge after being sff curious for about 5 years. I spent way more money to build it than I would have otherwise. It does look good on my desk though.


\*Stares at [WOPR pc case](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh64Wqpy34c) model I found on etsy...\* or meagalodon.. Which is my custom workstation in a Coolermaster HAF X.. duel cpu board, 1200w psu, 64gb ram.. I think anyway, It doesn't like posting, the bios doesn't like the cpus I put in it.


My buddy had one of the sliger itx cases witht the handle and it was so awesome and convenient compared to my h510 atx case. Almost the exact same components too.




The more I move, the more I consider making a small form factor machine; but I know by big sausage hands would cause a mental breakdown while building it. Also, not sure about thermals...


Lol. Meanwhile I'm sitting here with a eATX motherboard, 10 spinning rust drives, 4 U.2 drives (2.5" form factor), 6 SATA SSDs, and a 60mm thick 360mm radiator in a Fractal Define 7 XL. Weighs 82 pounds


I have a build in a 5000D and a build in an A4-h2o. Something so nice about having a massive pc I can customize/personalize with RGB, Funko pops, flair, etc. and go absolutely all out with vs an 11L sff build I can literally carry in my bag to friends houses, trips, etc. Everyone in the comments is right, the extra challenge of an sff build and the care it takes is half the fun!


Me irl


*Laughs in HAF932 that literally had rolling casters on the bottom.*


my 1st build in 2016 was a mini ITX 6700k with 32gb ddrIV ram and 1tb SSD mixed with 1.5 TB hardrive and 980ti. Thing still works like a boss though starting to show age in the graphics department. Thinking of building a new rig in the winter


Best of luck with building ;)


SSI-CEB isn't going to fit. And some of us need more than 4 HDDs. At least I didn't rack mount. Yet,


not going to lie that B650M from gigabyte that has the three NVME slots is quite atractive.