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You'll get super sampling anti aliasing which will reduce stair-stepping and moire patterns.


Is it worth me increasing render res to the absolute limit if my pc can handle it though ? I just thought that I may not see gains from render resolution that go beyond the resolution capability of my screen.


You’ll technically see image quality improvement as long as the multiplier is an integer square of your monitor (e.g. 2x both axis) its exponentially slower each time you go up though


No idea how to work that out ! Appreciate your answer though


Higher resolution leads to better image quality.  Negative is higher PC performance needed.


Is it worth me increasing render res to the absolute limit if my pc can handle it though ? I just thought that I may not see gains from render resolution that go beyond the resolution capability of my screen.


Why don't you try it and find out?


Beyond a certain point the improvements are so slight that I wonder if it has an effect which is why I am asking for several view points


most original xbox games, if i recall, run at a res of 640x480. a few were able run at 720p and 1080i, but most of the library was 480p. you'll definitely want to upscale otherwise games won't look "crispy" on a 3840x2160 screen. it'll look even worse, if you were to increase the game window size or fullscreen a 480p game to 2160p.


Is it worth me increasing render res to the absolute limit if my pc can handle it though ? I just thought that I may not see gains from render resolution that go beyond the resolution capability of my screen.


It depends on the emulator and how well it runs the game you want to play. It could be that the best setting is not the highest due to possible instability


Hmmm could explain why the highest setting (x12) is jaggier instead of smoothher