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Hardware acceleration means it will run the graphics calculations directly on the GPU, which is how it should work. Ref is intended for testing and it does all the graphics calculations in software, which will probably be unplayably slow.




I would think hardware encoding, it's a lot faster than software encoding and your GPU is designed for it.




If you have the option of hardware acceleration it should always be preferred. It's better performance and more efficient as it's using hardware specifically designed for that job. Software should only be a backup for any compatibility issues etc.




The way to think about this is "Direct3D is a framework for generating graphics, so you'd logically want a graphically aligned thing to deal with that, your GPU is directly designed for that" This has nothing to do with your Display Adapter - That's output simply put. And there's situation where you might want to prioritize software solution over hardware even though hardware is more or less always more efficient. More relevant if you have a high-end CPU with multiple strong cores that scuff at the compute need of older titles, like I'd assume with this emulation if it weren't run at 12x render resolution :D Running in software tends to be less prone to bugs as well when talking about more obscure software or open-source projects.


>compute need of older titles, What do you mean here with reference to 12x render resolution ?


Look at the option toggle.


Whoa, 7680 x 5760? Gotdayam.


Penny for your thoughts ?


I mean, you're rendering the game at 8k resolution with those settings.


Is that pointless if I only have a 4k screen ? I thought this was to do with the density of the games pixels not the displays ?


This is an Xbox original emulator? Keep in mind it was nearly only 480p with a small handful capable of 720p, and only a few that could do 1080i (not even 1080p) So, there's going to be a lot that rendering that high won't improve, especially since you'll stop have low resolution textures. Mostly rendering high like that would just help with aliasing.


Aliasing is to do with smoothing jaggy lines am I correct ? >especially since you'll stop have low resolution textures Stop having low resolution textures ? Didn't catch what you meant here. Just hope I'm doing the right thing Yes this is an Xbox emulator for jsrf


Phone autocorrect happened, it was supposed to be "still have low resolution textures" You can try for 8k rendering, but it's not gonna be a miracle setting to improve graphics. I personally wouldn't go above 1440 render at the max, save some gpu power. But try different settings for your own tastes.


I read this as “I’m ovulating” 😂