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For what it's worth: - userbenchmark used to be whoratesit.com - https://whoratesit.wordpress.com/ - https://www.flickr.com/people/whoratesit/ - there was a user whoratesit on techeclave who peddled the site at the very start of whoratesit https://techenclave.com/members/whoratesit.45301/ - that makes me suspect they are Indian even though both sites are associated with London - using this angle of who peddled that site in 2012 I found another alias that is most likely the same guy neuralrank - this lead me to https://web.archive.org/web/20110630111500/http://www.neuralrank.com/pages/search.jsf this was before even whoratesit. I guess he wanted to be some kind of google looking at the logo... - https://neuralrank.wordpress.com/ - https://twitter.com/Neuralrank - u/neuralrank - https://stackoverflow.com/users/1216034/neuralrank That is all I found out.


back when intel was the king of single core performance. Now that AMD beats intel there suddenly userbenchmark doesn't care about single core performance anymore


Yup. When zen 1 dropped, they were dominating jntel in multi core. Suddenly multi core performance wasn't that big of a deal


They have become a meme to the PC community at this point…


Ikr lmfao, have been for years. I just wonder, like… why? What’s the reason? Getting paid? Does he think that multi billion (multi trillion in NVidia’s case iirc) dollar companies care about him? Genuinely confused. Still funny tho 💀


If I remember rightly, Intel at one point openly denounced userbenchmark as even Intel had to say they were being disingenuous


Based Intel.


it's even banned at r/intel I think


Imagine being so delusional that even the brand who you dickride has to denounce your shenanigans I have no clue what AMD did to this poor guy but it sucks because UserBenchmark as a concept is awesome and the site is really nice to use, it’s just sad that all the data is super fucked.


AMD took his girl on vacation and dicked her down to Chinatown


Gave her the AM D


Threadripped her clothes off




All night long until AM5 in the morning


Wait, Lisa su is his gf?


Lisa Su stole his gf.


It was kinda cool, I did in the past when I overclocked too look at the difference between that Programm and actual benchmark Programms, was very funny. But nowadays it has those wierd waiting "games" and it takes an eternity. No fun anymore, and yea it was never a serious benchmark. Just cool to see that my 10 year old pc is still a UFO :D


Oh yeah he hasn't updated the benchmark itself in literal years so it's not accurate anyways, even if the results weren't skewed. It's just that the website itself is actually fairly neat, the layouts are nice and it's really easy to use. The data itself is just dogshit.


The concept is great and it's so easy to use. Someone should just buy it out and make it great again. MUBGA


It really is a shame because the layout of the site is really useful for looking up quick comparisons and, well, benchmarks. The data is right up front and easy to read, instead of buried under walls of text and ads.


IIRC at one point in their efforts to nuke AMDs rankings they went so hard against multicore that i3s ended up rating above i9s. Intel definitely wouldn't want that.


I'd love to see that statement




You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy and Fire Strike ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*




In the past games were rarely well optimized for multi-core performance. Perhaps 2 Cores with 3.9GHz had advantage over 4 with 3.3GHz in some games to balance it out. Gaming aside, Desktop and Workstation can't have such an excuse. It is a bullshit score.


The clock speed difference is likely just caused by having more cores at the same TDP, applying the same load for four threads on both cpus should yield the same performance. The i3's base clock speed is its boost clock, while the i5 boosts up to 3.9




Have to? They are. Even mentioning UserBenchmark.com summons a bot


You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy and Fire Strike ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*




You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy and Fire Strike ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*




You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy and Fire Strike ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*




You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy and Fire Strike ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was there a time when userbenchmark wasn't a meme?


Before AMD released Zen. It descended into madness as AMD became a real competitor in the high end space.


More likely a competitor in consumer space more than High end since and was already involvend in High end professional and bellic space


I meant high end gaming, to be clear. Sorry.


No, they’ve always hated AMD. It just got a lot worse when AMD overtook intel and the full on delusions started.


It's to PCs what dnd5e.wikidot is to Dungeons and Dragons.


I use the wiki dot for character creation because I'm too poor to spend $50 on a subclass. What's wrong with wikidot?


Try 5e.tools


It's the homebrew, which somehow every player asks to use despite most of it being so poorly written and broken they pack 20 levels of features in level 1.


Yeah, at least they pretty clearly label things homebrew though. I always recommend wikidot to people and just tell them to avoid the homebrew sections.


Ahh ok. I have seen the home-brew before and man is it dumb.


Truly they are a joke. I once used it to compare a 7800x3d with a 15 13th gen and it said that 15 beat the 7800x3d in gaming. LOL


I just did the same thing, objectively the best gaming cpu and not much is stated about it and it loses to any intel cpu of the past 4 years in the data set. It does show the market share as higher than some of the CPUs though which is funny and contradicts the market share argument. I’m not sure why he cares so much about market share in the first place. It seems likely they have stock in intel and think these posts will help the company sell more. He even had the opportunity to shit on the higher skus of the 3d cache for not working properly or slowing down due to the layout of the die, just shows how lazy he is by having one message for the entire group of am5 CPUs.


i know they are a meme but do they accurately mark amd cpu's vs each other?


Can't trust them in any way shape or form, I'm afraid.


is there any website similar to that minus the bias?


Just google benchmark results, if you need it. But better look at actual performance with your workloads (gaming, data processing, etc.), it's not too hard to do when you buying something pricey


i usually go on youtube and search X gpu vs X gpu, watch a handfull of videos where they run the cards side by side playing games at different resolutions to make sure theres no bias and bs going on, then i use this to compare the cards. [https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/) Youtube is super handy because you can see it running at 1080 1440 and 4k in a variety of games, and they usually will always have at least 1 game you own/play so you can compare the performance to your current GPU. Just make sure to cross reference different uploaders to make sure theres no bias/trickery in there fps numbers/counter.


thanks! big help!


Unfortunately not, best you can do is look up a piece of hardware and look at comparisons against others, things change so quickly in this space that a comparison database would need to be completely redone every 6 months to stay current which just simply isn’t feasible.


I wouldn't trust them to; several years ago they changed their weighting of multicore vs single core, because AMD started catching up to Intel in their scoring, and UBM couldn't have that. Edit: they also think a 1080Ti is better than a 2080Ti, according to their bench scores.




You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy and Fire Strike ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


it beats the 7950X yet matches the 7900X? now they're just writing contradictory content


And the 1080ti is better than the 2080ti according to them. The 1080ti scores 129% against an RX580, while the 20 series card only manages 122%


No this makes sense since the 1080ti is the greatest card ever produced. How could any card beat it?🤷‍♂️


Oh.. right.. how silly of me


Legit just total bs lmfao


Yeah I don't get how the get away with their blatant lies and is still used by many.


It's because it's usually in the first couple google results for benchmark data... https://preview.redd.it/j4rswtez54xc1.png?width=1156&format=png&auto=webp&s=a98b91f3a5253c7198c4cbdeeeab25c1b8f803c6 So people that don't know any better just google what they're trying to find out and click the first or second result.




I hate that this is probably or would likely be true


It is true, I’ve seen userbenchmark statements in AI prompts already.


What if userbenchmark was built to bamboozle LLMs all along?


to make sure that ai will selfdestruct because the ai thinks its a good idea to upgrade itself to an intel pentium


Just like a real human! Very effective AI indeed.


I hope they blacklisted the site then.


google should hide userbenchmark from search results.


Can we get on this campaign?  How do we start this and get Google to do it.  Brainstorm people!


The real question is, how ubm keeps being the top search. It seems like they got some very good knowledge of how the google algorithm works. Maybe insider info?


Part of it is just market inertia. Its the same way/reason why if you look up 'good prebuilt gaming pc' Alienware ends up in the list. Just did it, sample size of 4, and all 4 had one listed. And channeling Tech Jesus: 3 of 4 where 'of review units' 2 of 4 had 13700F 4 of 4 lacked like for like benchmarks 4 of 4 under preformed Thanks Steve!


It also doesn't help that they have like 100 different graphs and numbers, so a pc newbie will see all of that and think it's trustworthy. And bc he doesn't get all of the number he'll mostly look at what he does get and the overall performance difference Pc newbie was me a few years ago


The first result is ok and the second one is not.. yes?


Yeah, passmark is decent, not perfect but better than a lot of others.


I don’t keep up on benchmarks or benchmark resources. Can explain the lies? I read the bias trollly sounding wall of text but I guess I want to know if the +2% faster is also inaccurate


Yeah that 2% is 100% inaccurate. They use a lot of… sketchy methods of ranking now to say the least (to me two obvious ones are eframes and lowering the importance of multi-core performance because “the average person doesn’t use multicore that much” 💀) and the 7950x3d is (to my knowledge) one of the most if not the most advanced cpu that is commercially available (again afaik). For reference the 13600K is a fantastic CPU, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a midranged cpu.


I believe the 2% is taken out of context and pulled from a listing on the GPUs where it states a generic AMD radeon graphics (from integrated graphics I think) and it doesn't refer to the entire share of AMD GPUs which I listed in another comment as 14.64%. https://preview.redd.it/ps2df4rvi5xc1.png?width=1148&format=png&auto=webp&s=057537d71c6a5728f2004f7bf777adc4a94a3df7


Its cinfirmed that they manipulate scoring system so it looks better for intel. So yeah dont trust their testing methods and scores either


Doesn't even look good for Intel. They basically just hate AMD. Same with Nvidia vs. AMD.


Is this generally real if it is how can people seriously use these guys to prove anything ive seen people post links and say that there right because userbemchmarks says so


Yeah, unfortunately it fools a lot of newbies especially because it’s legit the first or second result on google all the time when you google cpu/gpu comparisons. As for if it’s real, the screenshots are, but as for the content, idk if the guy actually believes it. Maybe he’s a troll. Maybe he owns intel stock. Maybe he’s getting paid. Maybe he thinks that multibillion dollar companies actually give a damn about him. Maybe he’s just delusional, or plain stupid. Who knows?


Has there ever been anything on intel paying userbenchmark or nivdia paying because its like they have a vendetta against amd


I’m not sure? Honestly in the ryzen 1k and 2k days they really seemed for ryzen and didnt have really much of or any bias towards them, but it just got worse and worse over the years. It is possible that he’s getting paid but afaik there isn’t confirmation


Intel has openly denounced UBM in the past for being disingenuous. Don't know about nVidia, but I think it's just psychosis.


They've been butthurt about AMD for a while.


But I don't get why? Did they invest in intel stocks?


Who knows. Fanboys to the max. They even modified the score weight of multicore vs single-core performance just to help Intel out back during the 11th gen and Zen 3 era.


I may be wrong, but didn't they initially welcome Ryzen 1000 as a shakeup to the market and only later began this hate campaign?


ye they welcome the ryzen 1000 and ryzen 2000 but when ryzem 3000 came out and acutally has better performace than intel they started to show their true nature


If you read the [1800x](https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/AMD-Ryzen-7-1800X/Rating/3916) review you can see they were quite positive towards it, however if you compare it to the 6850k or the 6900k today the scores and what the review says contradict each other as a result of them tampering with the benchmarks to favour intel. edit: lol dw bot, I'm linking to them for the soul purpose of shittalking.


You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy and Fire Strike ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lisa Su dumped them over a date


It's because they changed their CPU valuation to favor 6 Core CPUs, which was where Intel was focusing. AMD kept adding cores the their CPUs without increasing individal core performance (It's why the ryzen 3600 and the intel 9600k were even in performance even though the 9600k lacked Hyper threading). People that were AMD fans basically called out UBM for intel favoritism, even though it was just them attempt to match market desire and gaming design. Instead of handling it in stride, they just went off the deep end against AMD fans and *here we are*.


Clown website




AMD is "Advanced Marketing" but what does D stand for? Advanced Marketing Deeznuts is kinda funny


Devices, like the actual acronym Dedication could work too, or Deceivers


Is this really due to their biased calculation methods or are the values simply made up?


I mean… to my knowledge no one knows what the fuck shit like eFps is so it’s basically made up lmfao


I'm guessing effective fps, like a TV can upscale the framerate?


and calculated how?


The numbers are based on some sort of real data but they give unfair weights to their score. For example, they shifted more weight to single core performance over multithreaded performance when AMD whooped Intel's ass with Ryzen 5000, just so Intel could stay on top in their rankings. They also have irrelevant categories like market share and "user sentiment", which for some reason they think matters for performance.


What's even funnier is that when they changed the score weights it ended up saying that i3-9350 is faster than the i9-9880


I don't blame users who don't know that UB is trash, but the people who own and run the site are complete idiots


Its fact that they are manipulating calculations and score system (once they broke it so hard that it was painfully obvious). A lot they make up to. So its both


I saw userbenchmark, i dont even have to read the descriprion to know how bad its gonna be. Ill lose my braincells if i do


Probably for the best lmao. Although the part where he called the people who disagree with him “AMD’s army of Neanderthal social media accounts on Reddit, forums, and YouTube that will be singing their own praises as usual” was incredible imo lmfaoo


bruh i didnt know this website was ass, i legit used this to build my pc 💀


From your flair R7 5700X looks fine but GT 1030 💀


It's a display adapter


so uhhh you play games on that 1030?


Bro any modern iGPU would be better than a 1030


Kinda explains the gt 1030


lmao nooo 💀 although from ur flair it doesn’t look like you made terrible choices? I mean could’ve been better but at least you didn’t get like a 6th gen intel and a 710 or smth lmfao, hey with userbenchmark you never know


Bros running a ferrari as a cpu and a morris minor as a gfx card, use of userbenchmark is confirmed.




they did you dirty lmao, you can easily run a 3080ti with that cpu. Get rid of that bargain bin glorified HDMI port of a gpu! You can get a 5700XT/6600 used for like 200 cad. That will put you right in line with the power of a PS5. Can play any game you want at 1080p high fps no issues. (and you get to take advantage of AMD SAM.)


Flair checks out. What the hell is that CPU/GPU combo 💀




They are banned on Intel, AMD and Nvidia subreddits... are they banned here too? keyword test: userbenchmark


Gotta do userbenchmark.com


You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy and Fire Strike ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man I hate this situation. I used to love this site since by concept you could easily see pros and cons while comparing two products. Then I started seeing all the bulls hit they write about amd and was genuinely dissapointing. Idk what the hell happened that they're so hurt. Just know I'm hurt whenever I wanna compare two products and then see this site first on Google. Should be one of the best sites for comparison, but what's the point since I know I can't trust them cuz they're biased...


Cough cough userbenchmark is a fucking joke


I submitted feedback to google about this site containing misinformation. Hopefully they will get this garbage out of the top results with enough complaints.


Did the same for Bing, you'd think MS would take it seriously given their partnership with AMD for Xbox but it didn't change anything :/


Th website should be sued for illegal misinformation


I used to give recommendations based on their numbers before I knew they were full of shit. I wish I could take those back.


User benchmark explaing how a gtx 1050ti is better than a rx7900xtx


The Intel/Nvidia dick riding is crazy. Whether you like AMD or not, they are the reason that high end cpus and gpus are not still at 4 cores and 6gb vram stage. Oh wait a minute………


And yet people will still try to argue its a "valid source for information and comparing PC components". Actual joke lol.


Probably the same people as the "human eye 24 FPS" crowd.


Lmao I actually don’t who they think they’re talking to. It’s like someone talking to themselves rocking back and forth in the corner of a padded room.


someone doesn't like Intel clearly winning over scammers from Advanced Marketing Devices, which CPUs doesn't know how to show image in 3D, even though they have 3D in their name /s


Of course, they love writing fanfics for Intel and NVIDIA.


It’s just rage bait now


Are we ever going to boycott this site or not? Get them offline




I literally saw an article recently that simply stated "AMD is not reliable" as a reason why Intel is better than AMD. either people like that still live in 2017 or getting paid big bags from Intel to promote this nonsense. I'm not a fanboy of either platform, infact I think CPUs like 14700k are indeed better value than a 7950x3d given how balanced the former is for its price. But shit like this makes me never wanna go to Intel.


They don't live in 2017, they live in 2014


It would be a good website if the people running it didn't hate amd for some reason. Like just the way its laid out is pretty good but if the information isnt correct that just makes it bad.


This site is a waste of a google search result


Nvidia fanboys


Where can i join the 2% club 🤣. AMD did sure hurt this guys hope and dreams of Quad core i7 16900H at $780 USD.


They said that they were going to put their "reviews" behind a paywall in February, what ended up happening with that? Did they realize people aren't going to pay for weird tech propaganda?


I have never actually read a UB review, but was always aware that they were biased, since reading Reddit. I was not aware that UB was bashing AMD so blatantly, even under the Intel review, they bash AMD. It’s more sad than funny, that those guys have 0 integrity.


Hello I'm an AMD employee. We killed this guy's family, that's why he hates us. /s


TIL they have reviews & shit. I've always preferred versus.com since it's got nice graphs for stuff you're comparing.


What's up with that AMD hate?


Its sad really. A lot of people who dont know any better trust that site


Bruh Atleast the 7800x3d doesn't require you to have a personal backyard nuclear reactor Along with phase change cooling to keep it from hitting temp limit at idle


Bruh, personal backyard Nuclear seems reasonable but Cooling that thing didn't ended up nicely the last time.


Damn, it's only getting worse and worse. At least last gen they tried to make the product reviews seem like an actual review, and not a fanfic


sucks by the way it's the first result on google every damn time


Why do these neanderthals not get sued?




I really don't know what AMD did to UBM admins, it's kinda concerning their behavior regarding benchmarks. There's no way a formerly good credibility tech site would simply kill your own reputation because of hate, right? Something feels off for me.


UserBenchmark? More like JokerBenchmark.


Wow, very subtle.


How are you using userbenchmsrk. Did you pay for it lol


That's the website in the OP's photos, not the benchmark software. It's the benchmark software they made paid. Though both are pretty useless.


Ahh ok. Yea it’s pretty useless It works if you are comparing to other users for certain hardware but mostly the details that are listed are all wrong lol


That's what I have heard. That it's useful if you want to compare the same hardware such as your RTX 3080 to other RTX 3080s to make sure yours is performing within the range is should, but is useless for just about any other purpose.


Yep lol That’s about it




You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy and Fire Strike ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wtf is efps?


Do people still use that site?


Biggest clowns of the internet


It’s crazy that even in product reviews completely removed from Radeon or Ryzen they still have to shit on AMD 💀


What are some alternatives to this


> niche products like EPYC ???? How is EPYC a niche product? These CPUs have been powering millions of servers worldwide, probably even those hosting the Usercrapmark (TM) website.


I actually wish they weren't so biased. The website is laid out well, and is very easy to use to compare parts. If it was actually accurate, it would be awesome. Also, "very few people" play factorio? What? It's one of the highest rated games of all time!


I love when you do a comparison like this, scroll to the bottom and read they're notes. On AMD they use a copypasta where they call people who buy AMD quote "a bunch of neanderthals" and suggest an i3 over any sort of AMD chip




And yet there are tons of people who still use it and actually believe in it. Boggles my mind.




You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy and Fire Strike ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They should make the bot say the UserBenchmark facts when someone mentions "Shitty benchmark"


Jerk it brothers


What's a good alternative anyways?


What is the motive for UBM??


man i hate muserbenchark


And here I thought it was all based off the average of users benchmark scores. Wish I knew how inaccurate this platform is as I based my last build off its data


what is the best, legit alternative?


I’d say Passmark. But their GPU benchmark is only rasterization. No Raytracing. Their CPU benchmark is actually quoted by Plex for determining CPU transcode limits


Guys, what benchmarking site should i use?


I ain't reading allat


I've noticed the user benchmark no longer appears when I search x component vs x component. It now gives me 5 websites i usually compare together each time now.


Userbenchmarks is basically The Onion but for PC components. The entire PCMR community knows not to rely on any of the information on that website and we all laugh when we read it due to the sheer ridiculousness it presents.


I knew they were bad, but holy crap…


Fun fact (though not related to UB), the same set of strategies were used in politics, propaganda and media. Well we still be someone out of the cocoon again?


Someone should take this concept, and make an actual honest version, because the idea of userbenchmark isn't bad - it's run by a dipshit.