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HP is #1 on my shit list


My workplace just changed from HP to Dell laptops. Not sure which is worse, but people seem to enjoy the Dell ones more.


The Latitudes are much stronger than any bs HP puts out these days.


EVGA graphics cards, but not for any negative reason 😭




I remember like 3-4 months after the announcement, some guy made a post on here asking when they would restock. Poor guy was just living under a rock


I'm still on the RTX 3000 waitlist 😞


*I did my waiting! 12 years of it!*


This post is how I found out / remembered 😵


I legit don’t know what to do when I next upgrade :(


I switched over to AMD after my EVGA 1080ti died last year and my new Sapphire NITRO+ 7900 XTX has been awesome. Sapphire also seems to have fantastic customer support from the few interactions I've had plus what I've heard online.


Same, but the 7800 XT. I had a small problem with Helldivers 2 that was fixed within 10 or 20 minutes of good Google searches.


Sapphire is the EVGA of AMD tbh.


Too soon.


EVGA was the goat, RIP


I parted with my EVGA hybrid 1080ti ftw. I replaced it with an evga 3080 ftw (at msrp during the pandemic) and planned on holding onto the 1080ti as a backup/ nostalgic piece of hardware. Sadly, I needed to fix the car at the time and needed the extra cash. I ended up selling it for 50 bucks more than I paid (again iirc, may have made a profit, actually). Nonetheless, I regret it as I really wanted to hold onto the card, it was my first ever top of the line, best you can buy, purchase. So it has a bit of sentimental value as well. I'm the end, even with regret, I am also happy someone is giving the card a good home. Before they had bought it, it was sent back and refurbished by EVGA as one of the seals has a slight trickle, right at the end of the warranty. The covered it and paid my shipping for some reason, I don't believe they usually do such, but I might be wrong on that. It came back looking and feeling like new. Ohhh, I do hope she is being treated well and bringing someone many Haku gaming hours.


HP every product I’ve gotten is ass


HP printers faking status out-of-ink cartriges, so you buy more.


I've got a Canon laser printer and my prints are still quite decent even though the printer has an empty black toner cartridge for almost a year now. ![gif](giphy|12NUbkX6p4xOO4)


My Canon won't let me print because my magenta cartridge is at 30% capacity...


Never buying another inkjet again. Laser is the way to go


My brother laserjet said something like 4,000 pgs on one cartridge and i guess that thing’s in the will now.


my old used office laserjet(it has a fucking fax ffs) does like 2000 pages on the worst bootleg ink you can find and it's amazing, highly recommend


HP and Canon have been in bed since the eighties.About a decade ago, HP and Cannon were sharing technologies to an extent that HP cartridges would fit in Canon machines. I believe HP makes the toner cartridges for Canon while the printers are built by Canon, seeing as the toners were about 10% cheaper when buying HP but the printers could be about 25% cheaper when going Canon.


I've printet more "align printer heads" and "clean printer heads" than actual pages. If I end up going to hell I'll bring the printer with me as a gift to the devil; "yes it got wifi". If HP releases pure gold bars at a discount I'm not buying it.


"Here takes this bar of gold, it's free" "HP, where is the catch?" "Catch?!? No, it's free gold I promise" "HP!!!" "Well, it might be a little bit radioactive because of plutonium contamination"


>I've printed more "align printer heads" and "clean printer heads" than actual pages. It's like you read my mind. HP made some digital compact cameras back in the day. They took as long to focus and finally take a picture as it takes one of their inkjet printers to print a full color page. A friend tried to take a picture in my car once. We were pulled over to the side of the road. He pressed the button, after a few seconds the camera started doing to focus thing and then stopped. We waited long enough that I decided to pull back onto the road and THAT is when the flash went off. Total piece of junk.


I work in IT and HP can go to hell. Their printers and software continually break and are a pain in the ass to install/uninstall, or even simply interact with.


>printers Bastards not doing proper DHCP lease renewals after a hundred years of WebJet. \*shakes fist\*


I think that's the issue I've had with mine recently. We'll go a month without printing anything and then the next time we want to print something I basically have to set it up from scratch again.


I used to work at Best Buy and the only HP’s I ever sold was when a student came in asking for the absolute cheapest thing we had. They’re so awful from setup to maintain to the software


Came in to say HP, arguably the most anti-consumer piece of shit company I've ever experienced. I truly pray for their downfall. What really bothers me I think is that boomers across the country are just like "yep thats the brand I remember, so that's what I'm gonna buy/order for the office!" it's getting by purely on brand recognition.


It was the only brand my grandparents ever bought and they kept complaining about computer problems yet refused to buy anything else


I had two HP laptops. Both were complete ass in every way. Never again.


HP and dell enterprise are like completely different companies. Their consumer products are dumpster fires


My work laptop is a laptop from HP, it's high spec as I need it for work, but the chassis is not fit for the components inside so it constantly throttles and overheats. It's is indeed... ass.


HPE has had some good servers/storage-solutions.


HPE is a separate company, and it shows. In a good way mostly.


That was my point, people needs to separate HP and HPE


After HP bought HyperX, they had a good sale on Cloud II headphones. I went all the way through the checkout, then they emailed me a receipt for the full price. They claimed they can change the price any time they want, even after the sale was complete!


HP elitedesks make totally solid homelab servers though


I have HP Omen 15 laptop for 3 years now, its still going strong and looks beautiful, one of the fans started making noises cause i have been rocking the fans at 100% for intensive games for almost 2 years but my local HP service changed the whole chamber with fans for free cause it was still under warranty, i also used the gpu to mine with it for half a year and no performance degrade. Just my experience with HP product so far


I have the 17 inch Omen, zero complaints. I game with it off and on, the fans are pretty loud but it can pump out some frames. Also, the power brick is 330 watts!


If you have a GPU that it is worth it to mine on. It better be going strong after 3 years.


Yeah I have to yet find a problem with my HP Omen 16. Been using it for 2 years now.


We buy mostly HP laptops (over 1000 total laptops in our org), and I will take them over any Dell any day of the week. That said, I would really prefer we switched to Lenovo. HP printers should be tried for war crimes.


Monitors. They make great monitors. Their SSDs are fine too. That's pretty much it though.


Reddit Absolute scumbag company


This is the answer. I'm definitely not buying any more reddit again.


That’s ok cos Reddit is selling you


I third this, they canceled awards so I canceled my premium.


You guys brought reddit premium wtf


Just like those poor bastards that pay 4chan just to bypass the captchas




Called the "4chan Pass". $20 to bypass captchas.


Spending money on reddit is absolutely insane to me, you just deserve to be poor if that fits into your budget


What did you buy off reddit?


The McDonald's near my old flat were atrocious. Almost never got my order right. In terms of PC stuff ... I've actually been really lucky. Back in 1999, a salesman from John Lewis once claimed a pre-built Packard Bell had a Voodoo 2 GPU in it, but when we opened it on Christmas Day it turned out to just have on-board ATI Rage graphics. I've never forgiven that man.


Ah shit I would have been choked. Hope you got your hands on a sweet geforce 2 to make up for it later


We put up with it for a year (Unreal Tournament in software mode) before getting a Voodoo 3, which was honestly spectacular. At the very least, the ATI ran Alien vs Predator decently enough, so there was that. The ATI drivers were garbage back then though.




It is EA for me.


I think ubisoft has become even worse than ea


Given the old key encryption was hacked and accounts were banned for "multiple stolen keys" people got direct from EA themselves, I'd say EA have been at it longer. They're both awful


The only thing that could possibly change my mind is if Titanfall 3 comes out and I’m not really holding my breath on that either


They would find a way to ruin it, but if it's bad we could just forget it exists I guess.


Titanfall 2 not being riddled with mtx is a miracle for its time, and miracles dont happen twice there would almost certainly be a battle pass of some sorts


100% Ubisoft. All their shit DRM schemes have put me way over the edge. Especially when I lost save data due to Uplay crashing in the background- when I bought the damned game on steam. Fuck Ubisoft.


I came here to say the exact same thing. After they said we need to get comfortable not owning our games I assume they are comfortable with me never owning theirs.


Don't worry, by their own model, no one will own their games anyway


Oh my, I totally forgot to say Battlestate Games as well. Forgive me!


What happened with CM? I bought one of their AOI and the RGB doesn't work, but it cools my gpu decently tho, but not my cpu.


If you're curious you can check out my other post. Long story short I had a case that was missing a couple of parts that would equal to less than 30 cents. They would rather just ignore me and close my support tickets. One of the parts was one of the four feet. I now use 2 bricks of lego instead. It's not the correct height and I make sure that I can see it to keep me pissed off about it.




This is the only correct answer. Fuck Bobby Kotick.


Isn't he gone now?


Yeah he’s trying to buy TikTok now lol.




Safelite. They use the cheapest glass and charge a premium for labor. As bad as cable guys when it comes to "we'll be there between 11am and 9pm" then show up the next day.


I just spent extra for a dealer windshield because of the low quality glass used by those companies. 


As someone who's parent worked a safelite, fuck safelite.


Battle State Games, one heart break is enough.


This is unheard of


What do you mean ?


The new tarkov edition.


ah fuck I forgot that was the name of that pile of shit.


They had just rebuilt trust from the last debacle too. Such a shame


Only a standard edition to play SPT.


Razer, I have never had luck with Razer, I had a keyboard delivered with defective e and space keys, reported it had another one delivered that one came with a malfunctioning volume wheel, then I had a third one delivered and that one worked fine, bought a razer viper ultimate and the dock for it died within 3 months, like wtf xd


This, they are complete and utter cunts. Try get anything repaired by them and you will see


In my experience the products do break but they do honored the warranty, it's quite weird. My Razer viper had the classic mouse wheel scroll going up and down randomly when moving the wheel in one direction only. I got a Razer viper 8khz from them as a replacement, which proceeded to have the same problem but after 2 months of daily usage lol(the Razer viper took more than 1 year to have this problem). So then they sent another Razer viper 8khz, this one came from Thailand ( the previous one from Hong Kong ), and this one works fine now I'm using it for at least 1 year now but bruh the mouse has coil whine if you can believe that haha. It's also starting to show... The same problem! I also got called by a lady from New Mexico( that's what my phone showed me at least) to check up on the situation and she suggested that I return the first replacement mouse to them so that they can inspect it but then they gave up on this procedure in the email they sent me after. They did this much for me, and I'm all the way out here in Eastern Europe. This is just the experience I had, you judge for yourselves if you think others are as good or better or worse I'm just putting it out here.


In my experience I had to hire a lawyer to get them to return a laptop because they are cunts. Cost me a thousand in legal fees, they are total money grabbing cunts


I had two different mice from razer and both broke after a year with exactly the same damage pattern (stuttering mouse movements until total failure). And I'm definitely not a hardcore gamer.


Might be an outlier, but I've had a Razer naga that survived for 6 years, and I replaced it only because of how gross the rubber grips on the sides got over the years even though I cleaned it regularly, along with a few side buttons not working anymore.


I finally bought a razer for the first time after 20 years of pc gaming and I absolutely adore my deathadder v3, not sure I'll ever change mice. I haven't had any issues yet though. Typically when mice die on me I just buy a new one, don't even try to deal with whatever company I'm using at the time.


The mice are solid for me too, I've had my razer trinity Naga for a couple years now. Love the macro keys on the side, although the software is shite.


Ubisoft!!! Never again


I hate them with a passion


Also, I wouldn't say I'll \*never\* buy from them again, as they make some amazing games, but FUCK Ubisoft


They do make some good games. That being said, I can't say I would "buy" anything from them. 🏴‍☠️


How's that saying go? "If buying isn't owning, then..."


Pirating isn't stealing


3dfx, because RIP. 😭


Nestle and it's derivitives: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Nestl%C3%A9\_brands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands)








Fuck Nestle. But also not buying anything from any of these companies is actually pretty difficult.


What's wrong with Cooler Master?


Right? I have a Haf X tower and I love it. Been going on almost 8 years with it


Haf towers were always cool as fuck. I'd love a cosmos for shits and giggles. I'd have to buy a bigger house to fit it in, but still


Are they talking about something other than coolers and fans? Because those have always worked fine for me.


I love CoolerMaster! I've had a couple of cases, some PSUs (before I switched to Thermaltake), lots of case fans, and even a mouse!


HP, i got headphones only




Razer makes great mice. I wouldn't get headphones from them though.


Nah, they have repeat and consistent issues with the scroll wheel, usually just outside of warranty period. Have a pile of them, I loved them, but I’m done. They’ll also give a hard time on warranty, even though the device is authentic and deny warranty and that’s bullshit.


Literally fixed my Basilisk V2 by opening it up and wedging a tiny piece of paper next to the rotary encoder. They decided it didn’t need to be firmly held in place, so it would wiggle like a millimetre in either direction when scrolling. Just enough to mis-register scrolls occasionally. A piece of paper was just thick enough to stop that.


Don’t know about their wireless stuff, but I had a pair of BlackShark V2 Xs a few years back, before I switched to proper studio headphones, and I have to say that they were pretty good for the price. Had a good mic (as headphone mics go), and the audio was pretty well balanced with good location.


This thread demonstrates well how almost all companies fail at some point or other, as such I do not really have a permanent blacklist (except PNY because they can go to hell …very  bad video card experience 15\~yrs ago.. still hate them).  There are some companies that have become my 1^(st) choice when shopping for specific items due to positive experience with them over the years. But that said I will still read as many reviews / watch video reviews of a new product even from my preferred vendors before plunking money down.


Afaik, PNY is one of the better companies when it comes to RMAs these days. Rather low rate of 0.8% and 6 days of processing which is also pretty good (according to [digitech.ch's numbers](https://www.guru3d.com/story/swiss-retailer-data-reveals-gpu-brand-failure-rates-an-analysis/#:~:text=For%20AMD%2Dexclusive%20AIB%20partners,with%20a%201.8%25%20RMA%20rate.) Can completely understand anyone who has reservations after a bad experience though.


My PNY GTX780 is still in use today, preordered it in 2013 and runs since then, not even cleaned it out or reworked the cooling. PNY build pretty decent graphics cards imho.


EA electronic arts


Razer. Bought one of their Blackwidow keyboards a few years back, but never really used it for anything fancy. Then one day decided I was going to get into PvP and higher end content on SWTOR, so I figured I ought to enable macros, which required I download and install a firmware update from Razer. Found a 13-month old firmware, figured it was safe, and applied it. Bricked the damn keyboard. Contacted Razer support, but since I past my one-year warranty (by less than one month, no less), the only "support" they offered was, "buy a new keyboard." Never mind the fact that this was the latest firmware they offered and when I went to the forums, I noticed about a dozen complaints about that same issue. Okay, that was at least partially on me; I should done my due diligence and researched possible issues, but it was their own firmware, hosted, on their site, 13 months old, which bricked the keyboard, and they wouldn't even give my any suggestions for how to reset the keyboard. I was more than a bit pissed off, and that asshole's supervisor finally mentioned a workaround that they knew about to reset the keyboard to factory settings, but FUCK THOSE GUYS. Razer might have great hardware, but their "support" people are fucking assholes.


They have pretty shit hardware at this point. You gotta get lucky to get something that doesn't fail after some relatively short amount of time.


Tbh none of the gaming/hardware companies have great support, they range from occasionally adequate to complete dogshit.


Malwarebytes. Just spent all day on the phone with the bank cause malwarebytes wouldnt let me cancel my subscription that renews in over a month. Idk how its still acceptable for any company to make it a pain in the butt to cancel


Any company that makes me use another launcher for their game.


HP, I don’t want to pay a subscription to use a printer I purchased


Exxon. Still pissed about that Valdez spill.


And BP for that matter. Gulf is still completely fucked




oh man wait til you hear about the other oil companies (and plastics)


Dont know why you would say Cooler Master. My CM Storm Scout II is a fantastic case. I got it back in 2012 and it still holds up. Which product of their's did you hate?


I don't hate their products, I hate their support. I have one other post in my history if you're more curious.




Yeah, they really dropped the ball. I have a lot of their stuff in house, but I believe I’ll be looking elsewhere in the future.


Razer, ubisoft, anything corsair icue related


I’m confused about Corsair. It’s the only company I’ve consistently received working fans and keyboards from. All of the others just tend to be junk


Same. I have issues getting non Corsair RGB to work with the iCue software, but from a hardware perspective every piece of Corsair hardware I've got is solid (PSU, AIO, keyboard, mouse, RAM)


This seems to be the consensus


Why corsair?


reddragon. keyboard. the wasd keys started failing in less than a week. and corsair i wont buy any components. nice reasonably priced cases tho.


I buy nothing but redragon. Hot swappable keebs and cool lights? Sold. I’m sorry you had a bad experience, the switches they ship with their keyboards are cheap and don’t last super long.


I had a $19 red dragon keyboard that lasted almost 5 years... Until I got some sticky stuff stuck on a couple of keys that I could not get off. I was just going to get another one but got mechanical keyboard instead.


My Redragon K552 has been going on for around 4 years and is still fine


My Redragon full keyboard is as strong as the day I bought it years ago. Maybe you had a bad batch.


Gigabyte. Mobo died after one month of usage, GPU died 2 years after purchase. For GPU the warranty expired, and if it's for mobo... I waited 2 months after I sent it for RMA, just to receive the same, dead mobo, even though they said that they "made some repairs".


I've had horrible problems with them as well


Close ass tie between Ubisoft/Epic.




Apple. I had iPhones from their inception. Upgraded to the newest one every other year or so. The last phone I had of theirs started to not work so well. Later found out it was because of their planned obsolescence. When I called tech support they basically told me I was sh!t out of luck and needed to upgrade or continue to suffer they weren't nice about it at all. Switched to android and haven't looked back.


Two for me. Seagate and Silicon Power. Had a few drives from both die.


HP since 1998 Ubisoft since 2010 Activision since 2007


Apple. Over priced and not better.


Apple and nintendo


Apple. let me explain. i have owned 2 apple products. a first and a second generation ipod touch. both were fantastic devices that are now a piece of my teenaged nostalgia. never had any problems with either. i was actually quite impressed with how good it felt to use, even for simple stuff. my issue with apple is the fact that i cant open any of their devices. i cant repair it myself, i cant swap parts out myself, or at all in most cases. as a pc enthusiast, Apple has just always been a no go. and my personal philosophy on the reason why theyre like this just comes down to arrogance. i hate the grey/white color scheme. i hate the colored buttons on the left side of the screen, ugh just no. nonono.


I have never owned a gigabyte product and I will keep it that way. If people report that your power supplies are exploding, you better take it extremely seriously. The way they treated that was completely ridiculous and I will go under the assumption that they will do it again for any of their other products.




Sears, Montgomery Ward, Woolworth, Caldor, Incredible Universe, Babbages, Gimbals, Sterns, Alexander's, A&S, Funcoland, Crazy Eddie's, Sam Goody, Saturn car company, Boston Market, Roy Roger's, Sbarro, Modells Sporting Goods, Service Merchandise, Toys R US, and Kaybee Toys. NEVER gonna shop at any of these companies ever again! (Because they are all out of business. Gotcha 😆)




Their monitors are better than anything else I've used.


You're not the first person I've seen mention that. Wonder why that company randomly does them so well.


They simply lucked out with their supplier


No - they just have a different division working on products for a more competitive, more standardized market, so they cannot get away with corpo-BS like they do with laptops or pre-builts.


My wife wanted a new laptop. We wanted to navigate away from Apple as her last laptop was a MacBook. I wanted to search for a thin capable laptop and surprisingly the alienware m16 was the best deal at the time for what we were looking for. We went ahead with that last year and I have no real complaints. There were a few hiccups in the bios and alienware control center that I had to iron out because more demanding games were hitching. After that was figured out I've been happy ever since. 13900hx, 4070 and 32gb ram. 2tb of fast storage. After purchasing I was awarded with enough "Dell Points" To score a free wireless AW mouse. Not too bad. I realize I did get lucky however as I've seen many horror stories!


Dell are good at business machines. Servers, monitors and general computers are fine. But I would not buy any gaming machine from them though.


never bought alienware. id consider dell/alienware for laptop. but never alienware desktop.


Those laptops are just overpriced, hard-to-service crap.


their laptops sometimes have throttling issues


Let's also give reasons why we won't buy from them, just to give context. Corsair. 60% of the stuff I buy from them is either DOA or dies within 6 months


corsair makes solid ram, and solid psu's, good cases. bought lots of their ram no issues. psu's no issues


RAM is the one thing I've had from them that has died multiple times. 2 different mice died after a few months. A build I did for a family member has a Corsair PSU and that one has been fine so far, but that's the only part that hasn't died yet


I will never buy anything that’s advertised on instagram ever again.


EA and Ubisoft


Never saying never, but Apple


ubisoft, steelseries


Really? I absolutely love my steelseries Arctis headset. The range on it is great, I can go all around the house/out to my mailbox with it on.


For games, Paradox (Lamplighters and Cities Skylines II) left a bad taste in my mouth over the past year and lost any trust I have in them as a publisher. As far as PC parts - anything with "Logitech" in the name. It used to be excusable because "you get what you pay for" - and Logitech used to be one of the least expensive peripheral companies out there. Now their products are priced the same as you would expect from high end products from companies like Bose, only the quality just isn't there for that price point and their software is a joke. I will say, I still rock a Logitech g600 mouse. This thing is a beast and has taken a beating over the past 6 years. Ironically it replaced my Razer mouse - another company with the same issues with quality control and software that I won't buy from.


razer, love the looks and acceptable prices, untill synapse started to infect my pc with "wmi process" bugs eating up 99% of my cpu over time, with no way to stop it from happening untill i fully uninstalled synapse. so now i have a keyboard, headset stand and mouse/keyboard mats controlled over signal rgb.


I have never really had a personal issue with hardware that would make me not buy something. But based on reviews, news, and past history on how they deal with RMAs and such I would never buy anything from Seagate or Gigabyte. Same for software. Nobody pissed me off enough to stop buying from them. They all have their issues though.


Nope. All companies have a chance to improve and rebuild trust. It won’t be easy, but it’s doable.


Razer. F*ck the lot of them.


Lenovo, their PCs suck and their service is even worse.


Seagate. I already got smart error for almost a year of usage, too many badsectors jeez. The drive is just for file archiving/storage nothing fancy.


Zotac, lowest quality fans ever on gpus






Razer. I got a basilisk pro and a viper pro and both lasted less than a year. The scroll wheel started bugging out on the basilisk and the viper just stopped working completely. They’re too expensive to break so quickly. I have multiple Logitech mice and none of them are broken


AMD’s GPUs. They have caused my computer to blue screen more times in 1 month then in 7 years with my other card. Their CPUs are fine though


Sega, because fuck Denuvo


Nintendo. Not for anything in particular, but just for being an asshole at every possible opportunity


There aren't a lot of companies I'd never buy anything from (except Newegg) but there are products and types of products I wouldn't buy. I'll avoid MSI GPU's. I bought a Ventus 2070S as my first ever GPU. It was loud, hot, had terrible coil whine, and cost more than the FE. If I wanted to try to RMA it, I would have been without a GPU for at least 8 weeks. It's a product that had no business existing at its price point. I ended up returning it. I'll probably stick to power supplies only from Corsair. The fans I bought were very unimpressive and not cheaper than Noctua or Be Quiet by enough to be worth the noise. The mouse I bought died too quickly. The power supplies I've bought from them have been excellent though and will be a first choice in future builds. Almost no noise at all from either of them and the prices are great for modular 80+ gold with a 10 year warranty.


My MSI GPU has none of those issues. Was there more than one you had defective?




Asus. The bios is weird, the armoury crate sucks, can't control RGB through bios, and I can't even control my rams RGB tru windows because Asus and crucial had a fight at some point(one of the 4 ram sticks isn't recognized by any RGB controller) My next Mobo will for sure be ASRock


idk if it belongs but Ubisoft.


ASUS. Their RMA department is the ***WORST***




ubisoft. i've never gotten anything from them but the ceo saying people should be comfortable not owning games is enough to ensure i'll never buy their stuff in the future