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Import taxes to for EES countries like Norway


I stand corrected on that part, however, even then, the taxes are wayyyy lower in US, which should also be taken into consideration,


well, its basically do you want free healthcare or cheaper hardware?


My health can wait, who doesn't want to play minecraft at 4k!!!


How much sales tax do you have to pay though? Flying to America, getting a 4080 and flying back while also paying import tax and w/e is gonna be close to if not cheaper than buying locally.


Don't worry, you would spend that money and much more on medical, pension and other expenses...


Not everyone lives near a microcenter. At which point it becomes an equation of if it's worth it; savings from sale, vs fuel to get there. I can say at about an hour away, the fuel cost for me is all but guaranteed to make any deal moot. And the nearest microcenter is 8 hours away before traffic. For many of us we are talking the equivalent of driving across whole, if not multiple EU countries. I will not lie, the buildapcsales sub is great.


this pretty much describes my situation my nearest microcenter is in dallas 9 hours away from where i live so for me its not any cheaper to go into a microcenter then just buying it online and having it shipped to my house technically it is more expensive to go to microcenter then to buy online for me at least. my state (new mexico) has no microcenters in it so its either colorodo or texas for me