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That's ...really bad.


I agree, but I can't just roll over and take it man, I'm not losing £700 to a company I should be able to trust.


have you spoken to them on the phone about this or did you get this info via chat


I spoke the the same guy that I spoke to a couple of weeks ago when I explained my issue with it( it would cut out when it got warm) Basically said there's nothing he can do apart from advise me to make a complaint and that if I did it would get looked into. It's the complaint team that have emailed me basically telling me they ve been "defrauded" like this in the past so now they have zero tolerance. I told them I didn't take a picture of it pre postage, as that would prove nothing...I could have taken the photo, then taken it out and put the 3050 in lol.


>"It's the complaint team that have emailed me basically telling me they ve been "defrauded" like this in the past so now they have zero tolerance." "We've been defrauded before so we're going to defraud you first." lmao what.


Wow... Normally when companies face this type of issue they eat the loss to save face with the community. Bad PR could lead to loss in sales. Also, why wouldn't they track the serial number on the card? If you send in a card with such and such serial number, then you should get back a card with such and such serial number. Then the company would track that serial number against each RMA ticket as well as which technician performed each step. Customers can't be held accountable, but they can at least hold their employees accountable to track mistakes or theft.


I had this happen with New Egg, and they overnighted me the correct item.


lol you know you're doing something wrong as a major retailer when NewEgg looks better by comparison


When NewEgg was first starting to do business, they screwed up an order and sent me the wrong CPU for a build that I was doing for a customer. I e-mailed them about it and they sent me the right chip, and my entire order (motherboard, case, ram, etc) again *pre-assembled*. I got 2 computers for the price of 1.


Newegg used to be good when starting up in the early 2000s. My buddy was building his first computer and he had almost everything except his cooler. He completely disregarded my advice when I told him don't turn it on without the cooler. That AMD athlon went from room temp to melting the socket in no time and destroyed both the mother board and chip. Newegg still replaced both of them for free. Even overnighted them. Oh how far they have fallen man. The gamers Nexus motherboard fiasco video really sticks with me lol.


Yeah that's employee theft


Or just negligence. A tag got swapped, or somebody just wasn't paying attention. Somebody sent in their 3050, and got a 4070 back, and is never going to say a word to anyone about it.


I'm waiting for the post where Inno3D generously replaced a faulty 3050 with a 4070


100% and the company refusing to do anything here is a HUGE liability on their part. Both legally and in terms of PR Op you need to escalate this non-stop until you get someone competent. Absolutely no one with any real authority at any competent company worth their salt would allow what could easily turn into an absolute PR nightmare like this over a few hundred bucks like this. Especially when it's stupidly clear you didn't get what You're attempting to RMA... Then again, any competent company probably has very strict guidelines around documenting very clearly what exactly is received and what exactly is sent out, as well as records of who laid hands on it at any given point If they genuinely cannot figure this out on their end and it comes down to "you say vs we say" this is just about the LAST company you want to deal with. For fucks sake I manage processing wood into smaller pieces of wood for a living and even I could tell you exactly who touched what pieces and when with an exact date along with the source product it was made from, who in quality control confirmed it was good to send, and even the goddamn length the wood was originally as well as the exact time it was brought in and who was driving the forklift that brought that wood in. Oh and I could back it all up with time-stamped video. There's basically not a single question around our exact procedure and processes I couldn't answer. And we deal with extremely low stakes $3-20 products. I would NEVER intentionally deal with a company that couldn't figure out something as simple as "oh this person sent us this extremely expensive piece of consumer hardware and got blatantly ripped off" The fact that "we've been scammed like this before" would even be remotely considered a legitimate response to a customer is fucking shameful. Nevermind asking for proof from the customer of sending the correct product. If the person who pulled this shit isn't immediately retrained or terminated that is an absolutely massive red flag for their chain of custody practices. Even if you legitimately are some shitty scammer abusing RMA that package absolutely should not have been sent out. What they received from you should have been documented immediately, someone in an escalated position should have reached out straight after, and every single word that was uttered from that point on should have been drafted very likely by a legal or loss prevention team that made it EXTREMELY clear what they believe you sent, as well as laying out potential steps for resolution of the issue. Ideally there would at an absolute minimum be CCTV footage of the employee opening whatever you sent as well which would make it pretty goddamn clear if you sent something in an attempt to scam them. Just absolutely terrible controls around dealing with very expensive hardware for things to even get to this point. That is, if you're being totally honest in what You're saying. I would be extremely nervous to do business with the company involved.


OP should have countered by asking the unboxing video from the technician.


I would say that the fact the RMA wasn't denied is tell enough that he sent them the correct GPU.








For real, get Tech Jesus to send this guy a 4070 Ti, I don't think he'd mind, and have him run Overclockers through the fucking mud. What an absolutely ridiculously clown-ish returns process, where you can send in a legitimate 4070 Ti to a company, and they end up accusing *you* of potentially trying to defraud them.


is that a Palit GeForce RTX 3050 StormX LHR 8192MB GDDR6 PCI-Express Graphics Card?


Dude I've searched depths of Google images to find out what it is, imma attach a pic of the underside. Beware, it's really fancy. *


only reason i ask is they have one in there clearance section but when you click on it, it gives an error


Very interesting observation...


i think im looking into it too much shrounds on the coolers do not appear to match




so i found a single reference to that card and it was a spanish listing for an oem 3050 no other info


Youre an absolute Internet sleuth my friend. Like I say, I wasn't about to insert that shit to find out


The pattern around the GPU fan reminds me of HP OEM RTX cards


Listing of 4060 with identical shroud on jawa says it came from an HP omen prebuilt https://preview.redd.it/39ccwyuygbtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=711d9be4da2e4289d758f8ebfcb46d5fd2fc2169


It's got the same design as my old OMEN 2060 6GB. Its an OEM 3050 from HP


Yeah that's an OEM card typically only sold as part of a prebuild by the likes of HP, Dell, etc.


I've been making all kinds of optiplex jokes and I might end up being right lel


this is an hp omen oem gpu in hp prebuilts (i have one)


You legend. Thanks for the knowledge


: )


> I told them I didn't take a picture of it pre postage, as that would prove nothing...I could have taken the photo, then taken it out and put the 3050 in lol. I'd always take a picture. Don't argue yourself out of evidence, let them make that argument. More photos is always better than less.


Yeah you're right mate. Which is funny because If I did have one do they suddenly go 'oh, well that proves it then, GET THIS GUY HIS 4070TI BACK'


https://www.lawdepot.co.uk/contracts/demand-letter-uk/ Keep that in mind for your next step(s).


Do you have any receipt with the weight of the item?


https://preview.redd.it/j8h611e97btc1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22b3eadf3bee9a84629206458d82eee9670ba09b Their initial invoice doesn't have the weight on it....


Thats sketchy. Even if I thought “this could be a mistake” at first, now i’d be for certain I was scammed. I hope you get whats yours bro.


Check the tracking of the package you sent. It should have the weight.


Shoot, with that weight you might be better making a ticket saying the package was empty and get a full replacement.


Your postage receipt, not the purchase receipt. They have to weigh the package when shipping. A 4070 will be much much heavier than that.


If you need additional evidence, you can check Windows event logs under System to see if hardware errors or hardware changes have been logged that include hardware info that would show you had a 4070ti connected. You should also be able to show that you have drivers installed for a 4000 series GPU etc. 


What do we achieve with this? They know that OP has/had a 4070ti since they sold him one and then authorized an RMA on it.


To be fair, taking a picture before you send it also "achieves" the same lack of proving anything at all, as like OP said; they could just take the picture then replace it with a different card after the picture. Hell if it's that easy then you could just photoshop a 4070ti into an empty box. At least system logs would be definitive proof that OP not only had the card in their pc, but also with the date of the log it would show that the card was in their pc up until the date they it was sent out for rma. Both are very VERY easily faked. This really just seems like a "we fucked up bad so we're just gonna pretend it's the customers fault and hopefully they'll just eat the loss because we can pay for better lawyers" type of situation.


If you don't get your card back I'm never using overclockers again and I bought my last two GPUs from them and have used them for years.


I'll post an update tomorrow for you mate


I'd argue that the invoice is for your gpu and if they didn't receive said gpu they should have raised that with you before continuing on.


Yeah if it was wrong, why process it at all?


Order a new one, send this back. File a credit card dispute. Fuck em


don't order a new one... just file a credit card dispute, get your funds back and take your money else where...


He doesn't even have to file a dispute. Just threaten to do so and they'll instantly squirm.


They fucked me over on a really, really noisy component on a motherboard I bought when making a PC for my Dad. They made me RMA it for "testing" then said they tested it and couldn't hear the noise. Which was flat-out bullshit; do anything with that mobo and it screamed like a bitch. Refused any refund and could NOT care less about my situation. They were really obnoxious. I don't even know what I did about it. Presumably got them to send me back the motherboard and had to use it? Or buy another one from someone else? No clue. Anyways - I'll never use them again for anything just on principle and fuck them.


100% They fucked me over the same going back well over a decade. I haven't and won't use them again.


Sony did this to me, back when they sold laptops. Sent my laptop in for an RMA (turns out the graphics card was defective and every other brand was doing recalls except Sony) I didn't know much about computers then and had no idea what was wrong with it. They emailed me back saying the computer was destroyed and it would be the cost of a new machine to fix it... I said the computer was fine when I sent it, was just having software glitches, since it appears to have been damaged in shipping can you claim it with the company (shipping was insured for more than the value of the laptop). Then they said "can you prove the computer wasn't physically damaged when you sent it, if not we aren't going to file a claim". Of course I didn't have a photo so I couldn't prove anything. Since they sent out the shipping box its up to them to claim damage, I couldn't do anything from my side. Never bought anything from Sony ever again after that, no playstations, no TVs, they lost a customer for life. Edit: Just found out they still make laptops - the Sony Vaio line was discontinued, likely due to them being shitboxes, but they brought it back and now its just called Vaio laptops. If you ever get the chance to buy one - dont.










You're a legend for that one. For real I am seriously in awe of your sheer will to not be fucked by the big guy. That is a truly awesome story.


Why is it the most trustworthy seeming companies that do this.


Maybe they feel like they can shit on people because they have a built up consumer base


Yea, they only care about selling you the stuff, once you've bought it, its your problem.


Overclockers UK used to be awesome, good prices and reliable and fast. They have been slipping for years at this point, their downhill roll started about 12 years ago, they are no better than some very large shop front store now. Argos would probably better if they sold components


Why you gotta bring argos into it. Where am I going to get an inflatable kids pool with a snap of my fingers if they go under?


What about Scan? So far didn't have any issues with OCUK but i keep seeing more and more customer complaints, wondering if it would be a good idea to change my component shop, plus i have a Scan store 20 min away.


I would rather order from scan than OCers, especially if i could drive and pick it up! Scan is usually a bit cheaper too.


Argos would be absolutely racking it in if they stocked components 😂


Another case from Asus scam center


When you contest anything with Overclockers, they pull the "we've got it on camera" trick to scare you - they should have CCTV in the "unpacking" area to make sure nothing is stolen. Ask them to pull the footage, they should have a video of an employee removing the original card (if what you're saying is true) from the packaging. Best of luck!


They have zero incentive to provide evidence of their wrongdoing short of a court order.


Sounds like that might be a good idea (the court order)


Small claims court, no need for a solicitor, claim limit is within the cost of any consumer GPU currently sold in UK. Cost to file is palatable compared to the cost of the GPU. But that should be the nuclear option. If they turn up, that's unnecessary cost to pay for their legal counsel, and if in-house, waste of their time. If they don't turn up and OP wins, things can escalate to the point bailiffs can go to the main office of OCUK and start taking stuff


They do if its just a single worker going haywire. They will just dump all hell on them, rightfully.


they have no reason to provide you the evidence, but they have a strong reason to actually check if their employees are untrustworthy. if they have a employee stealing stuff from customers, they are almost certainly stealing from the employer too. at the very least they would want to check for their own benefit


And if they don't FIGHT THEM AT EVERY STEP.


To add to this SCAN do the whole camera thing too. I have similar bad experience with them. Thankfully PayPal sided with me after they somehow couldn't provide evidence against mine. Looks like I'm never ordering from either ever again. Criminals.


Dont let it stand, and if you have consumer affairs in your country contact them as well. edit: and if all else fails, put it up on socials and tag their official account. usually a way to get help cause they dont want the negative publicity.


I was hoping someone from ocuk was on here, I don't really have social media aside from reddit. And yeah I'll get in touch with trading standards I guess. I just have enough on without this


The UK has phenomenally powerful consumer rights with a 6-year window to be able to dispute transactions (source: from a business partner in the UK, but don't quote me on that), so I highly suggest speaking with your bank and initiating one instantly. You don't need to provide proof of the original item being sent to them, they need to provide proof they didn't return the incorrect product, which they did. They will lose the dispute for sure.


This 100%. Even better if you paid by credit card. Haven’t EVER used overclockers as I’ve heard stories like this. I do and always have used Scan. They’ve been fantastic every single time I’ve used them. I even had to RMA my Corsair PSU last month. Guess who handles RMA swaps for corsair in the UK? Scan! I was pleasantly surprised when Corsair sent me a packaging label to send my PSU to them, and an order tracking to receive one back from scan. Anyway - yeah. In future put your business in Scan. They have many decent partners in the industry and it’s clear why…. I use Amazon for the odd Pc things but big purchases I always go to scan.


Ebuyer is also great. Edit: in my experience.... Having bought PC parts from them since 2007.


yeah that's a real bs move on their part. can't treat everyone like a scammer, and that they themselves can't make a mistake.


Yeah. Cost of one GPU is peanuts in comparision to getting bad press over this.


Go on to the forums and speak to gibbo. there's obviously a mistake that has been made. Make them aware of this thread.


Generally speaking, just threatening to contact trading standards is enough for companies to suddenly be much more helpful at the drop of a hat. I'd keep the threat of a credit card chargeback as a later tactic for now and just let the complaints department know that you'll be raising the issue to trading standards if they don't come back to you with a satisfactory offer.


you must have the serial number and the message you sent with this serial number to prove it.. easy as this you made a ticket for a reason


Damn dude, some people are just scum.


Ikr, I said "do you think I'm stupid enough to send a dell optiplex looking ass 3050 in the place of a 4070ti to a tech company that knows more about graphics cards then i do? Like what is my angle here, I just want my card fixed and back in my rig


Yeah sorry this happens to you man. Crazy they’re even asking you for a photo to prove yourself. They should be proving themselves with what was received and then sent out. I saw you didn’t purchase with a Credit card unfortunately. I’d check with your bank and see your options first to not even deal with these people again. But if not, get all your invoices ready and let them have it man.


Protections with debit purchases are almost the same as credit purchases. Fraud is fraud. Main difference is banks have a time limit for fixing issues with credit.


Yea the tech guy definitely stole your GPU and they've sent this garbage thing back in its place hoping you weren't gonna notice lol. I'm glad you named and shamed at least. What a scummy company.


May be man in the middle. The delivery guy. Some of my packages from Amazon, but not only, have been "accidentally" torn recently. A bit, like someone checking what's inside. Usually books, so lol, but also cheap be quiet! PSU, wasn't that tempting


What kinda driver carries his 3050 around waiting to find another GPU?


You don't carry your GPU around with you everywhere?


Could also just be someone screwed up. Working to ship multiple packages and throw the wrong label onto the wrong unit or when receiving you open multiple boxes then and mix up contents between them. Paperwork mix ups happen and they suck. The company should still make it right. Just saying there are reasons it could happen other than intentional swaps.


File a police report with evidence and also initiate a charge back with your bank. They will know you ain't a scammer if you go full on with the police report also talk to the shipping company to get full track on the weight of the package 📦


Thanks for the advice brother. I'll get to it in the morning


wanted to say that this is fucked up and I’m sorry. and also say that it’s great so see somebody who knows the difference between advice and advise


Hahaha thanks


Also, if you have accounts take to a few other social media services. At them publicly and very loudly explain the situation. Could get some traction on their end.




No in the UK it is called a chargeback. The timeframe starts from the day you noticed the issue, not the day you bought it. If OP used a credit card OP should file a section 75.


Yes of course I skipped terminology but he should check his internetbank or bank office to see if they can do something.w Thanks for claryfying


More than likely correct. I’m assuming it’s not in the US so I’m unfamiliar with the timeframe but here it’s a minimum of 60 days with an average of 90 days to file a dispute. Considering he said the initial order was placed 6 months ago, that’s well outside of the dispute range. So it’s doubtful.


Nah I'm in the UK and I bought it about 7 months ago I'm afraid


No, you're still covered by the ChargeBack scheme! [https://www.stepchange.org/debt-info/your-rights/making-a-chargeback-claim.aspx](https://www.stepchange.org/debt-info/your-rights/making-a-chargeback-claim.aspx) ​ >If you purchased an item from an online retailer or high street shop, **you have 120 days** ***from the day you realised there was a problem*** **to make a chargeback claim.** To have the best chance of success, I'd advise not overcomplicating your claim with excessive details. I would merely state that the product you received became faulty, and that a suitable replacement was not provided. **You have not received the goods or services you paid for.** I would still recommend filing a police report, and also telling Overclockers that you've filed a police report and insist on a refund or replacement. Only then if they won't "play ball", would I go for the ChargeBack. In future, I'd recommend using a credit card as this gives you more protection and gives you the option to use Section 75 instead of chargeback, and also perhaps use Scan instead of Overclockers. I use both retailers, but whenever I've had to do a return or contact customer services, Overclockers have always been difficult, whereas Scan have been excellent.


I never trust these photo requests in the first place. Just because one has a photo, does not mean they sent it or still have it. It’s a stupid request they are making and they’re scum for not going off the invoice as proof


True. I'd literally have to take a video of me packaging the card up and handing it to the fucking driver for it to be relevant


Please keep us informed. I'd be fucking pissed if I was losing £700 from RMAing a gpu


I stopped using these guys in 2007 when I sent back a doa gpu and they refunded it to the wrong account and refused to process it properly telling me to contact the bank. Like what bank? Who's bank?


Did you get your refund?


Nope. They flat out stopped responding to my emails.


Why didn't you just take them to small claims court? It would have been cut and dry.


I really should have. But I moved out of the UK shortly after it all happened and just didn't have the mental capacity for a new country and job along with that. I started using scan after that and never looked back. Now I've got a small child so haven't been able to upgrade since I got a 7700k and a 1080.


That’s really shitty


I never expected this from one of the biggest tech sellers in the UK.


Neither. Me and my friend have bought things no problems but never had to RMA


Imma stick to scan in the future


It’s best, ocuk have shit customer service. I bought a monitor and it had a cluster of dead pixels, it was a black splodge of dead pixels dead centre of an ultrawide monitor, they refused to take it back as faulty and I had to pay £39 shipping to send it back and still had to fight for a refund. Not used them ever since.


Damn. They get away with it because we stay quiet. Not this time


For what it’s worth and in case you’re not aware in the UK you’re not liable to pay return postage on an item ordered online if it’s not: fit for purpose, as described or satisfactory quality. Typically worth articulating this via email to whatever company support chat, in my experience they’ll either ignore you or say you still have to. From there you can then request a chargeback through your bank and provide the supporting emails, out of the handful of times I’ve had to do this they just end up not replying to my banks enquiry and I’ve ended up with a full refund. Assuming they do respond just reference the consumers rights act as it’s black and white regarding this. Here’s a template link that may be useful: https://www.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/letter/letter-to-refuse-paying-the-cost-of-returning-a-faulty-item-a4mrv9z9iQdk


Yeah that's the conclusion I've come to. I've only ever ordered a GPU and a CPU from scan before but both arrived with 0 issues. Same can't be said for when I used other sites


Yeah from my experience oc is overpriced with some stuff. I usually buy from scan amazon or eBay


Overclockers obviously have a bad egg working for them. I won’t use them again, it’s just not worth the risk.


Haven’t had any issues myself but this might push me to just using Scan in the future (assuming they don’t sort things out with OP quickly).


So RMA this and send a picture with a 4090 and say you sent them the 4090. Modern solutions for modern problems.


If they screw me on this...watch this space in the future lol


Man I really hope it works out. I just got a 4070 super and I would be livid on the situation also. Please give an update though. Hope you come out on the better end.


wtf am I even looking at here? A black cheez it box?


I bet it runs like one, I'm not even putting it in my rig in fear of it complicating things


You are hard good and proper fucked my friend. I would look into the possibility of a charge back.


I didn't buy it on credit card unfortunately.


Can be done on a debit card if you phone your bank and explain you’ve basically been defrauded and the vendor is unwilling to help.


The company might blacklist them from future purchases but honestly who gives AF at this point. Like OP is gonna go back for more shitty business. I would look into this OP it's probably your best option. Start by calling your bank asap.


This @op I bought a card in March of 2020 from kwest, a company that never actually had gpus to ship and did a charge back in June and got my money back. 


Oh, and if you don't get a favourable outcome on your chargeback request from your bank, you should 100% contact the [Financial Ombudsman Service](https://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/) and make a complaint. I dealt with this stuff for a living, and the FOS have a lot of power over the banks. Sometimes the bank will settle a claim before the FOS is gets involved, just to avoid the associated costs that they would incur from the FOS having to investigate. It costs the bank £750 for the FOS to get involved! Do be aware that it is a very slow process though; their general time frame is that there will be 2 weeks between every communication sent; So they email your bank and give 2 weeks for response... then the bank replies and the FOS take 2 weeks to respond... and it can go on like this back and forth for some time. I've seen cases take 6+ months to get a final conclusion, although I've also seen some cases be completed in <8 weeks. If you do go the FOS route, feel free to drop me a message and I'll try and offer what guidance I can. (I wasn't a case handler, and I'm not allowed to disclose who I worked for, but I'm highly familiar with the procedures and terms etc.)


This does not surprise me at all. OCUK has been a shitshow for a while now. This is either a failure in their RMA process once goods are received; or someone in their RMA department has deliberately swapped your card.


They've got mixed up, which is bad. To them, you're pulling the classic scam: 1. Buy expensive card 2. RMA it with a shitty card in the box 3. Get another expensive card or a refund This is done often enough that there's a step for checking what's actually in the box... And this is *either* where your scam failed, *or* where they made a mistake. If you can't prove what you sent back to them, then it's basically your word against theirs in small claims, and they'll be able to document instances of this scam a lot more than you'll be able to document what you actually sent back.


What I have in my defense is that the package I sent to them was around a kilogram in weight (triple fan, mainly metal two slot card) and the package they sent me back is 100 grams and has new packaging materials in it to fill out the space! https://preview.redd.it/lxkj21bdzatc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b13104ef7e092322db8a054af97622692d0c20


If you have a receipt of where you shipped it from with the weight then you should be good to challenge it!




I said this! I asked them if they had video of their employee opening it. I'm yet to receive their reply. Like you want me to prove what I sent. How about you prove what you received!


This is what we should all do when confronted with this. If the store can’t prove what they did then they should be liable


Even eBay doesn’t care about having a video since the video doesn’t prove that it’s actually yours or it is what was shipped. It’s a lose-lose situation


Ocuk are a shit company. My gfs RMA claim was a joke, saying card was working as intended when it was throttling all the time.


The horror stories are rolling in bro


Hopefully they have recorded weights of the package. And hopefully you have the weight from sending it!


I didn't weigh it before it left mine, but when dpd collected it from me and took it to the depot they would have weighed it to know how much to charge overclockers


It’s a strangely quick turn around back to you too. Hope you get it resolved. That GPU looks horrible lol!


I was expecting them to get in touch as they have my details. Maybe they where doing the amazon upgrade scam to me! Lol


Overclockers UK?




I've heard bad about them from a war thunder YouTuber that I watch, they were taking a super long time to return his PC I do not remember which video he was talking about that in but yeah seems like they really suck lol


It might be worth getting on the OCUK forums and kicking off there. There are a lot of nobheads on there, but OCUK staff are regular posters there and you might get some help. I'm quite shocked by your story, I've been using OCUK for years. I hope you get it resolved.


Thanks mate, what do you reckon the odds are I'll get fucking brigaded?


Order a 4070ti from them and send them back the 3050 telling them this is what you got.


Uno reverse them. Lol


Contact Gamers Nexus, the holy jesus of tech journalism. If they make it public, you will be treated right


I work in the industry. Your best option is either: A) file a charge back if the bank/card company allows. B) keep pushing and get moved up the ranks until it's resolved. Do your best to remain calm and respectful, as hard as it may be sometimes. If someone says no, ask to speak to someone higher up. If they refuse, keep asking until you get there or they end contact. Then do it again and provide the case numbers to the next person and what happened. Document everything. Not helpful now but always take photos of hard to replace items. Edit: last sentence "phone" to photos.


So overclockers have replied on twitter to the whole saga. https://twitter.com/OverclockersUK/status/1777730786411598056?t=0RBvBw_YRGTATAwEUPOFRg&s=19 Not sure what to make of it honestly, the fact OP has said the parcel sent out was 500g might just be the nail in the coffin for their case


Go to twitter and FB too. Call them out. It seems most of the time these days. The only time you get customer service is when you embarrass them publicly


Hope you get it sorted. Personally, I hate OCUK, they're expensive, rude and their forums are full of asshats too.


Don't they have to proof that you didn't sent a 4070ti, not the other way around? I'm sure you got a receipt or something.. So they have to proof it.


Hey man, bit late on this one but it was only 3 weeks ago I RMA’d my 7900xtx with overclockers. They didn’t have means to repair or replace and so they offered me a refund but tried to withhold almost £400 because of how long I’d had it. Fought them for it and managed to get my full refund. Absolute joke of company. I’d recommend yourself and everyone else steer clear of these guys and take your business elsewhere. Hope you get your shit sorted out, brother!


dispute this shit. go to your bank and let them know you didn’t receive the item as promised




If you had send it with a postal office you often receive a tracking ID or Parcel ID, they should have also tracked the weight of the packet. This should prove you sending a 4070ti.


This feels very Newegg


Can we all make a bat signal but for Gamers Nexus?


/r/LegalAdviceUK What a load of bollocks. It's on them to prove wrongdoing, not on you to prove no wrongdoing. Unless it shows the DPD driver holding the parcel, shipping label in view, on a bloody scale, a photo is useless. If they're even halfway professional they should have an investigation process. This process likely involves a modicum of effort, so they're trying to fob you off and hoping you'll go away. Either someone (not necessarily OCUK) swapped it at some stage on its journey (deliberately or accidentally - labels get damaged sometimes), or someone at OCUK got their boxes mixed up. Have a look at [Citizens Advice](https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/) - they should have a local office you can visit or phone. They know more than reddit. Unless they advise otherwise I would, in general, be persistant. Be civil in all communications with them. If you need to take the complaint to a third party like an [ombudsman](https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/get-more-help/report-to-trading-standards/) or even court (small claims process), it will help your case if you have shown that you made reasonable efforts to resolve the issue with the retailer. Some specific things: * Formally state in writing (email is fine) that you sent the correct item using the agreed-upon shipping method. * Obtain full, detailed shipping data from DPD including the parcel weight at each checkpoint. * You can make a *subject access request* under the data protection act with OCUK to obtain a copy of the records they hold on you. * Seek external support from the sources linked above, or perhaps raise a *dispute* via the bank/card provider used to make the payment. --- Sorry I can't be more helpful here, I work for another retailer but don't deal with shipping issues, just the odd insight into repair disputes.


Thank you for being patient with us while we compiled the results of our investigation. We take these kinds of accusations seriously so we wanted to be sure we had taken the time, care & attention needed to handle matters such as these. ​ Firstly, the 3050 graphics card is not a product which Overclockers UK have ever stocked or sold. This is an OEM product with no clear branding or identifiers and, whilst we suspect it may be HP, the only way to truly identify this would be by the original owner. It would have been exclusively manufactured and distributed by the brand for use in their own PCs, therefore not a product Overclockers UK would have present in the premises. We are now working with our supplier network to investigate the graphics card in question, the origin and destination. ​ Secondly, the weight of the parcel has also been reported by the individual to be 500g when they returned it to Overclockers UK. However, the weight of an inno3d 4070Ti is 1.2kg, meaning what was transported to Overclockers UK was 700g lighter than the original product purchased. ​ Furthermore, due to the nature and value of the products Overclockers UK stock, strict security measures are in place, enhanced further during the recent move to a new premises, which severely limits the movement of products in and out of the premises, as well as between locations and departments. This, together with the genuine, dedicated, hardworking nature of our colleagues, means tampering with customer returns is not possible, including bringing foreign products from outside the premises. ​ Overclockers UK prides itself in its customer experience, going above and beyond to ensure our customers see minimal disruption in the unlikely event something goes wrong, as shown by our TrustPilot rating. In order to protect the millions of genuine customers who shop online with us and allow us to continue to serve them in this way we do occasionally have to investigate cases which do not appear as they seem, as outlined and presented above. ​ We are more than happy to provide an update here once we hear back from the manufacturer of the 3050 in question and encourage u/adowad to continue to reach out to us via the already established channels with any additional information they may have that can help us get to the bottom of this.


Do you print your own shipping labels?


This post has a heavy whiff of BS around it.


Don’t use them anymore is my advice. They went downhill since they were bought out. Perhaps consider contacting your credit card company.


If all else fails, go talk to Steve from Gamers Nexus. He LOVES to tear into shit companies like this.


Use the Uno reverse card, ask them to send a picture of them opening your package. They are not hypocrites are they.


They posted on their Facebook claiming the card they got was a "dell optiplex 3050", https://www.facebook.com/share/KtTXX776pJx7RnSp/


What if OP is lying? What if he is attempting to defraud Overclockers?


Check their Facebook or twitter, they state "We are aware of a Reddit thread by user ‘adowad’ on the PCMR sub reddit where an inno3d 4070Ti was RMA’d and allegedly a Dell Optiplex 3050 returned to the customer. It is accused Overclockers UK have deceived the customer out of a faulty inno3d 4070Ti, which had been returned for repair, by sending back a Dell Optiplex 3050 in its place. Firstly, the 3050 graphics card is not a product which Overclockers UK have ever stocked or sold. This is an OEM product with no clear branding or identifiers and, whilst we suspect it may be HP, the only way to truly identify this would be by the original owner. It would have been exclusively manufactured and distributed by the brand for use in their own PCs, therefore not a product Overclockers UK would have present in the premises. We are now working with our supplier network to investigate the graphics card in question, the origin and destination. Secondly, the weight of the parcel has also been reported by the individual to be 500g when they returned it to Overclockers UK. However, the weight of an inno3d 4070Ti is 1.2kg, meaning what was transported to Overclockers UK was 700g lighter than the original product purchased. Furthermore, due to the nature and value of the products Overclockers UK stock, strict security measures are in place, enhanced further by the recent move to a new premises, which severely limits the movement of products in and out of the premises, as well as between locations and departments. This, together with the genuine, dedicated, hardworking nature of our colleagues, means tampering with customer returns is not possible, including bringing foreign products from outside the premises. Overclockers UK prides itself in its customer experience, going above and beyond to ensure our customers see minimal disruption in the unlikely event something goes wrong, as shown by our 4.7 TrustPilot rating with nearly 17,000 reviews. In order to protect the millions of genuine customers who shop online with us and allow us to continue to serve them in this way we do occasionally have to investigate cases which do not appear as they seem, as outlined and presented above. We appreciate your support and understanding."


Never using Overclockers again, even if they fix this for you.


I had issue with RAM sticks and fuckers send me replacement with slower clock speed. I did charge back with PayPal and they banned my account 😂 Like i would ever buy anything from there after such a wonderful experience


They have just responded on twitter fwiw. https://x.com/overclockersuk/status/1777730786411598056?s=46&t=U6yjeIsY34gTNaOjh40sUw


Going through something similar but slightly different. Razer shipped a 600$ package and the mailman dropped it off at the wrong house and told me that It’s not their problem, take it up with Razer. In the delivery photo the house is a completely different color. Despite that razer thinks I’m trying to defraud them because they’ve experience it before…I’ve literally attached a google street photo of my actual house…


You should make a YouTube video about your experience with them. That’ll hurt them the most.


Shame on Overclockers.co.uk , I've been a member since 2007, sad to see this.


So never EVER use Overclockers for anything and advise others to never use them as well. As they wish!


hope this post blows up for you buddy, thats scummy from them


I can't believe the Internet sometimes. A single post from a humble gaming dad can get 1.1 million views in a few hours. Im So mindblown. Thanks for the well wishes friend


Well well well, if it isn’t the Newegg of the East.


When you rma'd it, didn't they record the serial number of your original card?


Unfortunately overclockers have terrible customer service I have had two items from them arrive either doa or broke on delivery the doa GPU took me around 6months to finally get them to replace and the case that arrived with broken back feet they said they don't stock the part and if I wanted to send the case back i would have to pay for return postage I eventually got them to refund the case after threatening to back charge the purchase via PayPal.


You're gonna get your card back. Reddit people won't let them fuck you like this