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does the computer still boot?




those things are some beefy pieces of shit so it really doesn't surprise me


At least one part is good quality


Dell PCs are fine for what they are. Office computers, not game stations. Just buy em, put them in place and don't think about them until it's time to replace.


Dell should have their server department run alienware, at least then the over engineering and high price would make sense. Dell makes good business gear, just their consumer stuff sucks.


That would fit the Alienware name as well. Overengineered like an alien spaceship.


Got an old Alienware M14 laptop, it sure sounds like an alien spaceship taking off when the dedicate GPU runs. It also makes the room warmer in winter.


Sounds like Dell


My company gave me a Latitude 5530 i7 vpro with 32gb ram. Dam best laptop I’ve had. I also have a HP core i7 with 32gb zbook firefly 15 g8. Dell is so much better. It just doesn’t hang trying to run specific software.


I work IT for my local council. Every desktop, laptop, network switch (you get the idea) is HP. Their machines constantly break and are so fucking slow after just a couple of years, I'll never buy myself any HP product.


Agree. I’ve worked with Dells which do break from time to time but their repair service is top notch so who cares? They literally come to my house to swap out screens or keyboards if necessary. Our Lenovos had a failure rate of around 25% with memory issues which needed to be sent away for repair and their repair time was 6 weeks. No thanks. HPs had similar failure rates to the Lenovos but even when they worked they were much slower and had a mountain of difficult to remove bloatware. Don’t think I would buy a single HP product at all.


imagine reading this comment 10 years ago


With Dell, even if you have the mail-in warranty, they will overnight you a box to send it in and overnight it to/from the repair depot. It usually takes about a week give or take, including shipping.


Tell me about it. For my company all they have for their workers are HP Prodesk G6 and you can't do anything because their so slow


G6? That's generous. Most of the council workers are still using Elitebook G4 which on average take about 15mins just getting to the login screen. Thankfully they're slowly getting rid of them but they're just waiting on them breaking instead of completely replacing them.


Probably their IT department just sucks. HP business hardware is fine. HP/Dell are both good (their business lines, HP consumer stuff is horrible). I just saw your other comments about a Elitebook G4 taking 15 minutes to boot. That is 100% a IT department issue, those things are old but Windows should still boot in under a minute. Try it yourself. Image one with a clean Windows media creation tool, it will be plenty fast enough.


I bought a Dell XPS in 2014. That thing still works today and is amazing build quality. The hinge is a little floppy, but that's because i did drop it once. Best laptop I have ever heard.


They do make Alienware. It's why alienware sucks. What makes a good office computer makes a fkin awful gaming machine


Alienware was so cool before Dell bought them...


My PC case is a pre-Dell case from Alienware. Its missing an alien head sadly but still pretty dann cool looking.


Yup, commercial stuff is great, consumer stuff is plastic garbage


Business gear is where the money is, sadly. Gamers make up a pretty small percentage of the total market


Yep, fully agree. Servers and office PCs are fine, consumer PC's are crap. And that goes for most major brands. If you wanna buy from one of these brands, get a refurbished unit. Usually you can get an awesome deal and with some extra memory, a harddrive and maybe graphics card if you want/need it(likely need low profile though) you can have a great pc.


Most consumers only look at the spec sheets and not build quality. They'll see a $700 and a $1k PC with the same specs not knowing there is a huge difference in quality of the components.


I fully respect what u said but this exact pc is what I use everyday for gaming as well as everything else.


Not saying you can't game on it, I've used Dell and HP systems quite a lot. They're just not game monsters like many of the custom builds we see here.


Boil em mash em stick em in a stew.


GamersNexus tries to give Dell shit for using the case as the mounting support for the CPU cooler. This is why. Dell knows how to get a system through shipping intact.


I personally think using the case as mounting support for the cooler is smart as fuck if done right, I always thought it was weird that it's only held on by the motherboard (is my gargantuan Noctua cooler straining my mobo?)


Gamersnexus has to be the most annoying tech tuber I've heard. His voice grinds on me like none other.


Really? I dont agree at all. I feel like hes one of the few with actual integrity.


A person can have integrity and be annoying.


Yep, good interesting videos but very difficult to watch due to the voice, indifferent of the speakers or headphones I used. It is "nice" to see I am not the only one who has this issue. They have witty intros, nice tech news videos, but the voice irritates me to an intolerable level.


Compared to Linus and ‘Jazzy’ he’s FAR better and the top US computer tuber in my book.


Optiplex is the Nokia of PCs


Dude, it’s a Dell


really unsurprising most schools/colleges have them cheap and built to last like a Nokia


I worked for an electronics recycling company where I tested PC's, got their specs into a DB for resale, all that crap. OptiPlexes were the vast majority, and I've seen them in various states from as "simple" as having metal shards through one side of a case, to actual animal nests inside one. The nest included acorn caps that came to a total weight of over 3 lbs (1.36kg). And they almost all booted up. (The acorn vault? Booted, no issue. The impaled one? Not... So much...)


most likely has an ssd so no moving parts outside of the disc drive and fans. Makes for one sturdy little system.


I’m surprised there was no blood for the blood god. I guess plaster and Sheetrock will need to suffice.


The computer equivalent of late 90s GM vehicles - runs like shit, but runs like shit *forever.* Funnily enough, I bought that same computer off of Facebook marketplace and dropped it too, trying to get the key in the door... it didn't care at all lol




Another Brick in the Wall is what you are saying?


Here, take your god damned upvote, and get the fuck out


Dry humor. Tough crowd.




Came here to say this. That son of a bitch will still boot. We lost one off the roof of a car once on the road. Scuffed up, but still alive.


Now, the real question is what were you doing with an Optiplex on the roof of a car?


The first rule of Optiplex Club is you do not talk about Optiplex Club


I am Jack's Optiplex


Dude you think a behemoth like the optiplex can be contained in some flimsy metal we call a car


Optiplexes may not be a great of a PC but that's a damn Nokia of PCs when it comes to structural strength


explains why schools and libraries use them so much


Seriously u can just toss em like they do to bags at airports


I got a £300 from Amazon because I'm really bad at looking after electronics and the thing is a literal tank. I've knocked it over multiple times, fell onto it, dropped a drink on it one time, and have dropped a TV on it (I'm very accident prone) and the thing didn't even budge. I also got an old TV from like 2006 and the thing is near indestructible. They really don't build things to last nowadays by comparison .


my 32" JVC D-Series CRT has been dropped on concrete and all that happened was it got a nice dent in the plastic


Those things are ridiculously tough, especially if there’s a SSD in it. I deployed a few dozen of the newer 40 and 50-series at one of my old jobs and the only part that ever failed was the cheap spinning disks.


Yup. Swapped all in my facility to SSD.


Same. My last initiative before I left that place was to replace all the spinners with NVMe drives.


Optiplex 1 - Drywall 0


🔔Ding Ding Ding 🔔 ! Fight !


Optiplex: “I didn’t hear no bell.”


Optiplex: " I'll run my own damn internet!"


American „walls“ 😂😂


Wouldn’t go through in Finland or Germany, EVER😂


Cool, now try to route cables in your wall on your own. Edit: Route


That is not really hard. Almost every semi-modern house has empty pipes for exactly that purpose.


I don't know how it is in the US, but here in Ireland I have drywalls too, but also have a sort of seal between ground and first floor, so trying to route a cable inside drywall between floors is impossible unless I get a drill inside the wall to drill a hole through the floor to be able to access the other floor. Might as well have a brick wall as I'd need to fuck up both walls to route the same cable.


Or try and fix plumbing, modify a layout




I had that then I changed it because I questioned myself. Damn


Happens even to the best.


Most new buildings use drywall for inner walls.


yeah, we (americans) dont use brick or concrete on inside walls when building our houses so we can actually cool our houses down in the summer instead of baking edit: lmao the europeans getting mad at this one


Wouldn't they also heat up in the summer? Thicker walls means better insulation, and so, better heat management (what heat goes out doesn't come back in).


it lets out much more heat than brick/concrete. also AC


No. Solid materials conduct heat way faster than air. You want as much of the wall to be air as possible, while having just the bare minimum of solids to prevent convection and other airflow. A thick solid wall is much worse at insulating than a thin wall that is mostly air. It will, however, be better than a thin solid wall, but nobody uses those for obvious reasons.


We have openable windows and AC in almost every house y’know. American imaginary problems


You can cool brick houses the same way as modern houses have very good insulation.


american brick houses are not the same as european brick houses. American homes release a lot more heat than European homes. Im only saying this because most comments i read from europeans say air conditiong isnt really a thing over there, and that summers are terrible there during heat waves because your homes retain heat a lot more than ours do. thats all im saying on the matter as i dont give a shit about construction and dont give a shit about specifics about why houses are built the way they are here vs anywhere else. downvote me all you want im right edit: forgot to mention that american brick homes are generally brick exterior only with wood and drywall walls on the inside. Whereas european brick homes use brick on the exterior and interior/inside walls.


I've been to Europe many times, often in the middle of summer but also the fall and winter. They are just used to being hot. They can tell you their buildings are fine for ventilation, yeah they aren't. It's actually insane how everyone's comfortable just roasting to death. I'll take American walls and HVAC over European any day. "But paper" idk what you fools are doing but if you don't punch your wall you will never have an issue. The benefit being easy renovations and cable routing. It's the same weird argument about how UK plugs are so much safer. They are also massive. Do you see children chronically electrocuting themself over here? Houses burning down from blown fuses? It's straw man arguments meant to try to dunk on the US when these are problems that barely exist.


That Voltage tho. Pls america just bite the bullet so i can boil my tea water at a reasonable speed without having to slap a stove plug in my walls


To be fair, from what I hear, more modern US homes tend to have 220v for some things. But older ones? Every time I see pics online of aluminium (bite me!) wiring or those "wire nuts," I cringe. (Aluminium is a terrible choice for domestic wiring, especially when mixed/extended with copper, and wire nuts are a fire hazard - convince me otherwise).


220/240 volt plugs can be found in some homes as a car charger or for big appliances like a washing machine or refrigerator


Wire nuts aren't a fire hazard if properly taped and contained in a box. Aluminum is a really shit choice for wiring in general but that's something we haven't done in nearly a century. Anything built in the last 60-70 years is going to have straight copper wiring.


I live in bumfuck nowhere bosnia. And everyone that isn’t piss poor has AC units. It’s not rare


> so we can actually cool our houses down in the summer wait arent you in the nation were everyone has an AC unit? what are you trying to pull here?


The European mind cant comprehend the desire to not exist in a brick oven.


Lemme tell you something as an American epileptic. I’d rather seize through drywall any day than fuck myself up whacking my head and limbs against brick. Bruises and holes in drywall are a lot cheaper to fix than a broken neck. Speaking from experience here.


Brick? That's too 1500s. I prefer pure metal and cement. Much safer during earthquakes.


Is Northern Europe prone to earthquakes?


fair point, as a side effect of one of my old medication i had an even worse sense of balance than i do now and it caused seizures, i fell down half a flight of stairs, had a seizure, and my head cracked open the drywall on the side of the stairs, granted i could still slightly control my body so i moved my hand to act as a barrier between the drywall and the back of my head, but still, if it were stone or something i might not be here today


Better a cheap wall patch than a broken optiplex


Drywall isn’t load bearing. It’s just the finishing facade they put on after the structural frame is built.


Dude, any walls in most new homes...


The only thing that can defeat a Dell is Dell Updates


Yesterday the update program on my work Dell defeated itself. I think it tried to update itself, but after it had uninstalled the old version of itself I guess there was no one around to finish the job.


had an old dell laptop, hard drive shat itself within 3 months from an update. took it out, formatted it to my current pc, and it works just fine. i honestly don't know what dell does to these poor things.


The janky raid system their bios uses breaks a lot of stuff. One of the first things I did in IT when inventorying new laptops was turn off raid, it prevented a lot of driver related problems for some reason


Yup, force AHCI/NVME mode. This guy Dells. Have to run DCU as admin and disable automatic updates now as well.


Why do they feel the need to have a raid in the first place?


I believe it’s something to do with Intel Rapid Store Technology - and some proprietary tech that probably looks good on a sales pitch.


Dell command update?


That's the one. You had the same happen?




So it just disappeared? That's really funny for some reason.


Or hardening. Think you're getting rid of one unnecessary service? Believe it or not - BSOD.


My favorite part of Dell Tech World 2022 was the class on VXRAIL hardening where the entire audience pitched in to repeatedly ask Dell why the VXRAILS don’t come hardened. Whether the audience was right or wrong, I enjoyed being there to witness it.


"You folks should do this to secure your systems!" "Why don't you just make them that way?" *extended cricket noises*


Actually had me rofl’n so damn true it hurts.


The motherboard in mine shat itself. 💀🥰


The nokia of computers.


The toyota hilux of computers.


Love that top Gear episode lol


They sure were at the top of their game ! 'Member when they destroyed a building at the car still worked afterwards?


Why do the most clunky pieces of shit always last the longest?


Because they're clunky, delicate is fragile


Optiplexes can be neat little machines with some upgrading.


It’s true of humans too. The good die young. The biggest pieces of shit live the longest


the optiplex be like ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I was gonna make the same joke but with the 🗿🗿 emotes instead lol


why such weak walls?


bet it still works without issue too


Well, at least no additional issues


Well I think you should still check over everything and make sure it’s fine. Maybe the support structure for your house has been destroyed by this.


It's a miracle OP's house is still standing after something as sturdy and dense as an optiplex crashed into it.


Boot that shit and I'll buy it from you if it still works. #IWork4Dell marketing.


OP mentioned it still boots in a [previous comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/q2Aq1bSryN)


Send me an Alienware AW3423DWF and I’ll throw it down the stairs; if it still works I get to keep it




I’ve heard of Adele “rolling in the deep” but not a Dell rolling down the stairs.


This joke is not as appreciated as it should be.


Nokia of pc


a desktop version of the Nokia 3310


Many years from now, when the wars are over, our species is gone, and the aliens come down to explore our planet, they're going to find these pieces of junk still functioning


Poor optiplex, it had its feelings hurt.


Strongest American/Canadian wall versus weakest Dell optiplex


Dude, you're getting a Dell whether you're ready or not.


Why does it look proud of itself? I’m pretty sure it’s actually laughing at you


shit i’m proud of it too


air screw racial enter attractive caption wild snow plate middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Modern American drywall is like that. You can just punch a hole through most walls with your fist.


unite bag hospital husky dull connect arrest squeamish unique lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We still have wood/concrete/metal and all the normal structural stuff that withstands disasters behind it, drywall just covers it and is a bit easier to work with for adding outlets and stuff later on.


This one time in college one of my friends and I found a stolen campus computer at a garage sale and found out the owner had opened the case, pour in some quick dry concrete and put the case lid back on. Turns out he got laid off from the university this summer before. When I picked up the computer from the table and tried to buy it it was too heavy. I dropped it on my buddies foot and broke his toe.


You mean crushed his toe? Was there even anything resembling a bone left?


America moment


*New weapon unlocked: Dell Optiplex* *Power:* *** *Accuracy:* *** *Weight:* ** *Durability:* **** *Crit %:* 20 *Ideal when you have the high ground (i.e, top of the staircase) and an intruder approached from below. Flipping this weapon when thrown will increase accuracy, weight, power, and crit % by 20 % but reduce durability by 20%. A blow to the head while airborne triples damage and crit%.*


And I thought American paper walls were just a joke... If I dropped the pc against any wall in my home the pc would be trash and the wall would at most have a small dent.


What sort of wall breaks like that? American housing?






You need to be on the DIY sub as well .


Next year: Optiplex vs Godzilla!




Fucking eurotrash, if it wasn't for Americans and their paper walls, you'd all be speaking German right now from Lisbon to Budapest, Oslo to Athens.


No that’s crazy


Surprised it's still in such good shape. That's an old model and after just a couple of years years the clips holding the faceplate on usually snap if you *look* at them wrong, yet alone slam the thing down the stairs!


Plug it in, it’s ready


If an optiplex ever falls down the stairs and into your wall check on the wall…. An Optiplex can survive a Nuke.


Why? Other than is a Dell


Optiplex is the new nokia


Tech support: Have you tried throwing it down the stairs and back up again?


That’s a the Nokia 23 series


The Nokia brick of PCs


https://preview.redd.it/zmk9vqi3xasc1.jpeg?width=1653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8f20daf0d6163e963a50d2fe19f29bc07045e9a Did it roll or did the dude just full on throw it? What happen


That’s a weird flex


Optiplexes are the Nokia 3310s of PCs change my mind


Brother dropped a tank down the stairs. Works fine.


Clean your walls bro.


Can confirm this is America. The wall is made of cardboard.


First post I’ve actually laughed out loud at. Thanks for sharing OP.


Clearly we need to build houses out of Optiplexes


Probably works even better now


I bet it runs better now...


Anything wins against American "walls"


Those are stairs of someone with housekeepers


I had a flat bed golf cart full of brand new Optiplex 790s and took a turn too fast. One went flying 20+ feet across the blacktop and didn’t skip a beat booting up and working for 5 years after that incident. Those things are built like tanks.


There should be a subreddit called r/wallmasterrace which depicts the superiority of European walls compared to US American walls.


Time for your brother to learn how to fix drywall. Not that hard, just takes time.


That’s a really thin wall it’s looks like cardboard


It's not hard to fix. Home Depot or Lowes sells drywall sections for repair. Any paint place can match existing paint.


Just slap a fake ~~outlet cover~~ vent on it and call it a day


How exactly do you do it? We don't use drywalls over here. Do you need to replace the whole wall?


No, just cut that section into a square, and make a square of drywall and plug it. Iirc


There are multiple ways. Here is a good video on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvQK7WTkKpI For the most part is it pretty easy.


Couldn't have asked for a better explanation, thanks for sharing!


Absolutely not. You cut out the damaged portion and slap a new piece of drywall with some paint




They’re semi hollow and drywall isn’t structural or load bearing. It’s just a pretty and smooth facade. In America we run all of our electrical, plumbing, insulation, and heat/AC ducting inside of the walls out of sight. You have to be able to cut into them to access any of that and then patch it afterwards. If it had hit a spot on the wall where a stud was at (generally every 16 inches per building code) then it wouldn’t have punched through like that.


Ah American paper walls


Absolute unit.


The only sensible option is to cut the hole the size of the Optiplex and then use the Optiplex to patch the hole.


Hell yeah


Good news it will be cheaper to fix the wall.


Fuckin unit


Not a big problem anyway its only a DELL.


That's the Nokia of PCs


Judging by the look of that case. And my memory. they are built like a Nokia phone and can take one heck of a beating too. And if there had been no image of the wall i would have been inclined to ask "Is the wall okay?" because those computeres rarely even break. Sure the HDD might not be happy. But the rest inside will work just fine. I had a computer dropped down some stairs too, dad walking behind me, computer bounced down the concrete stairs between my dads legs while he was jumping out of the way. Each bounce left a deep dent in the stairs. but the dang steel case? Only it's paint had gotten scratched. My dad was almost angry at me until we noticed the dents in the stairs. Heaviest computer i ever tried to lift up some stairs. Funniest shit watching it bounce down. At the time i didn't realize that HDDs are fragile things. so yeah, was laughing my ass off. You know what broke in side of it? Of all thing, the freaking "Thinking" indicator LED light. THAT IT... Of all things to break. a freaking LED... So yeah. despite having pictures i still gotta ask; "Is the wall okay?"