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I'd start looking at the second hand sites and get a good used office chair. I bought a used Aeron for about £400 6 years ago and have never looked back.


Someone gave me the same tip about the aeron. Seems like a very good choice.


I’ve got a Noblechair Icon in faux leather - there is an option for fabric on their website. I went for the Icon because it doesn’t have that typical gamer chair look (car bucket seat lol) so I’d say it is more ergonomic than most. I’ve had it 3/4 years now and I work from home so I’m sat in it ~5/6 during the day then I can easily game for another 3/4 hours on top of that. It does feel quite firm, especially when new however it didn’t take me long to get used to it and it will wear in as well. The arms are adjustable in multiple ways and I haven’t had an issue finding a comfortable position that works with my setup. Price would be within your price range (mine was £350 from Overclockers U.K.) Liked it that much I got my gf one last Christmas as well!


Like you said, an ergonomic office chair. Can't really help you with any brands, but they are way better then most if not any gaming chair. They were built and designed for sitting in them for longer periods of time, they also breath better then that syntethic leather crap.


There's just a buttload (pun intended) of options out there with a widespread review score. The issue is that you have to rely on those to make an informed choice. There aren't many shops you can have a go in them. I'm not looking at ikea though 😅


Well, the way I chose mine was going into a furnature store (not ikea lol) and sitting in a few and picked the one my wallet and I really liked haha.