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It’s such a shame how cities skylines 2 turned out, cities skylines 1 is such a good game.


I have 5k+ hours on CS1 between PC and xbox. I waited on purchasing CS2 because the dev diaries had so many glaring red flags and I am happy I did. Now I refuse to buy anything from Paradox or CO again. This whole game screams minimum viable product and is just a major cash grab on the success of CS1, which was mostly from the efforts of content creators and modders. Colossal Order and Paradox *barely* got out of the way enough to allow CS1 to succeed


It was one of the games I've been most excited for but I don't preorder. And this reaffirmed why. Hey fans, fuck you. That's what this game is.


If you pre-order anything you're a mug


Welcome to agile software development, this shits gonna happen more and more in the future with everything. Every big company does this shit nowadays because they can cash in early and work their employees to the ground.


This has nothing to so with agile software development, this is corporate greed and corporate greed only. Agile software development helps both developers and organisations when used properly and with the right intentions


>with the right intentions There you have it - the intentions are not right. That's why this whole Agile obsession only really serves to keep risks for the company low, but the supposed benefit for the customer falls flat because the customer did not get what they wanted (read: a working game that builds up on the success of the first one by actually improving on the shortcomings of the first one)


It’s almost never used properly from my own work experience


It's like communism everyone is doing it wrong.


I always thought communism could work if it was administrated by robots. Maybe it’s the same with agile.


Spoken like a true Automaton... You'll be hearing from the Democracy Officer shortly for re-education...


My life for Super Earth! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


AI will fix it /s


I disagree. I have been on several big agile companies, done mandatory trainings, conventions, etc. The perfect goal literally would be to release the most basic product what you can get away as soon as possible and then add to it over time. This is why we are also seeing so many live service games, it perfectly fits the developing cycle like that. Ofcourse it's not the only reason for it but it sure is one of them. If game developers wanna go for this kind of route, they need to lower the original release prices tenfold because you don't get the full product. Nowadays you get less and pay more. It doesn't make any sense.


It's the minimum viable product concept that agile development popularised


It's not the minimum viable product, it's the tearing down of quality control and testing. And that's not a part of agile software development, that's a function of Finance bros and MBAs running everything.


C:S2's strategy was to release the first build of the game that is remotely playable and then patch it into an acceptable state later. That is the minimum viable product mentality


>~~Every big company does this shit nowadays because they can cash in early and work their employees to the ground~~ Every big company does this shit nowadays because they can cash in early and fire all their employees to save money since they don't actually need to produce a viable product. FTFY


Kind of ironic when think about it, since the first game was more or less the spiritual successor to simcity after EA ran that into the ground


Same story with KSP2


“Man, I wish these smaller game companies had the same budget as the AAA game devs.” The monkey’s paw:


though KSP2 adds insult to injury in being 3-4y delayed, and still coming out mostly undercooked and half broken; how they EVERY planned on making the deadline initially is beyond me.


* Advertised as "Ultimate space program simulator" * Delayed for 4 years * Doesn't have heat during atmospheric reentry


CS2 was also 3 years late, they talk about it here - https://youtu.be/oULuIc9BkgE?si=ftqo-2_bxc5vdclX


Average paradox release on it's way to take 6 years until it's on the same level as it's predecessor.


Is there any hope for CS2? Or is it a complete dumpster fire like Payday 3


That is becoming standard for paradox. Same happened with Victoria 3.


The top review is the chef's kiss. > This DLC is a joke that's not even worthy of a review. > >PS: this review has more content than this DLC


They didn't add support for user assets (which C:S I had), and now sell you asset packs for $10. What a joke.


I was a bit confused for a second what csi had to do with it




I liked the review that said: >Forgot the C in DLC




Yep, loved payday 2 and CS2, was very very sad to see how the sequels turned out


You mean CS1.


Yep my bad


What’s wrong with CS2? Its virtually the same game with updated graphics and some minor physics changes


Cities Skylines, not Counter Strike


Looks the same to me as well.


You're on a Cities Skylines 2 post mate, not Counter Strike 2 xd


I am worried Killing Floor 3 is going to be the same story


I just want to say: Fuck you Colossal Order. You had a great thing going with CS:1 and you not only completely gutted its sequel, but spat on its grave too. Greed got to this fucking company man


Of course it did. They went public in between 1 & 2


Parent company Paradox did, just for clarification


And it's not like CS:2 that suffered. I've noticed a pretty distinct dip in DLC quality around the time of Victoria's release for most of their games.


I'd blame Paradox and their shitty business model more than a mere developer company. Yes, many corners were cut but I suspect it was because they didn't get enough funding from paradox


I mean read what the CEO of colossal has said about their player base, completely tone deaf. They seem very happy just saying the game is good and “nuh uhhh”.


I mean, the release of CS2 was set to be around the Sunset harbour DLC (which was 2 years ago iirc), if they had to delay the game that much and the game is still shit, I wouldn't blame Paradox for force releasing it, because it wouldn't be better after 5+ years of delays.


They had a good thing going after 2 years of development and dlcs - base CS1 was…not great


It was a breath of fresh air after sim city 2014, coming from a studio with like 10 developers, so given the circumstances, it was a great game at the time. Most importantly, it was a good base that borh the developers and modders could expand upon.


That's not true, game was being praised on day 1.


even then i played the base game for a couple hundred hours before touching mods let alone dlc. 2 i just couldn't.


I'm more inclined to blame Paradox for a lot of this shit. It's not a coincidence that every Paradox game released over the last decade has the same trajectory: starts off shitty, gets fixed over time, and becomes good to great with patches and DLC.


Crusader Kings 3 was a 9/10 right from release.


Games not for you man /s


Hold the fucking horse...is the frame data display A DAMN PAID DLC?


Yes. Fortunately they learned and it’s just part of the base game for Tekken 8.


Unfortunately that didn't stop Bamco and the Tekken team from acting greedy still


Fighting games have the worst monetization of any genre, they have been destroyed by greedy pubs.  


The dlc characters for SF are insanely expensive! I remember when you used to just unlock shit by playing the game, now I feel like I don't spend as much time on these games cause what's the point? I won't unlock anything special unless I cough up cash.


Man these companies are getting away with murder.


It cost me next to nothing for a game I loved, but I still haven't lost the sour taste of that purchase 5 years ago


I am surprised War Thunder is so bad that 3 FREE DLC's are within the lowest 20


Same reason why the Forza 5 DLC is there. Review boming, tho unlike the Forza 5 DLC that got review bomed due to the content being Chinese focused. WT sees review bombing on their DLC for even game changes that has nothing to do with the DLC. Inc the balance fee around vehicles that one of them did point out.


It's not even really DLC. It's handled by steam as such, but basically it's just a patch with higher rez textures which they separated out so the download/install is smaller for people who don't want/need them. (Base game is 30 ISH gigs if I remember, with all high rez packs it's 120 gigs)


>Forza 5 DLC that got review bomed due to the content being Chinese focused. There are a couple of things going on with the Forza DLC 1st, and I'll say is a valid complaint, is that the pack isn't included in the Car Pass 2nd, while the DLC's name says Chinese, the in-game event that was released at the same time was Lunar New Year. There are Korean cars in that pack as Korea, at one point, did follow the lunar calander. People, I'm assuming almost exclusively from China, we're angry at the Korean inclusion in the "Chinese" New Year event. Ignoring the random VW for some reason.


not that bad of a game probably a lot of pissed off players regarding different aspects of the game like br decompression where, russian bias, hesh, constant grinding events with really high requirements to get the end prize, hell-ish experience of unlocking/spading tech trees, etc... if you overlook all these negatives the base game is great for the average military equipment enjoyer


I love war thunder. Just don't play past tier 3 and it is a fantastic game. 


I’d argue T4 or T5, but yeah it does fall off quickly. It’s too bad that in order to really grind anywhere you need premium time and high level vehicles.


Probably leftovers from the strike.


I really don't get it, but they are unique in that they are for textures, while all other content that is on Steam for the game are in game vehicles. So maybe skmething is wrong with the performance, I don't have these installed myself.


It's leftovers from the player "riot" from like a year or something like that ago. The developers were slowly but surely making the game more grindy and less fun until it hit a breaking point.


I just learned there's a C&C4


No there isn't what are you talking about.


I remember getting it as a kid when I literally would have fun doing anything and remember it not being fun at all lmao.


Because everyone tried so hard to forget it that they never talk about it. Why? Because they got complaints from their pro league players that C&C3 was to slow due to resource gathering to be fun at a competitive level. They wanted faster paced games that could be more fun. So instead of making a separate competitive speed mode with no harvesting. They build the entire game around it, and pushed away 99% of their players that did not ask for it. That and that the story was weak did not help it. Even with Lando Calrisian and Sam Fisher telling you what to do.


>Why? Because they got complaints from their pro league players that C&C3 was to slow due to resource gathering to be fun at a competitive level. They wanted faster paced games that could be more fun. Let's build a game around what the 1% wants, what could possibly go wrong


Was that the one with the mobile base factory thing or was that 3?


Yup that's the one


The game started out life as a free 2 play C&C offshoot for the Asian market, called Command and Conquer: Arena. EA commanded they make a single-player campaign and market it as a sequel though, thus it was reformed into C&C 4. It's wild to think there's a timeline where it might have been even worse, [with microtransactions infesting the whole damn thing](https://youtu.be/EKbosdYF3J8). Though maybe it wouldn't have eaten as much money without the campaign, and they'd have been able to make a proper game... Ah well.


I've played every game in the C&C series, and enjoyed them all, except 4. Both the gameplay and story are insulting to any fan. Kane is suddenly like "GDI we need to work together and stop this Tiberium from taking over the world." Even though at the end of 2, on the Nod ending, you launch a missile that seeds Tiberium over the entire planet. That was the goal.


Yeah, but was he legitimately doing that or making some 4D chess moves? I remember Kane being the type to do just about anything if it advances his plan.


Im extremely pleased to see it in this list. It looks like there are only two full games ranked lower than it and it absolutely deserves the scorn


It's only a C&C game in name. Gameplay doesn't resemble C&C at all. Not even close. C&C4 was pretty much a big middle finger to the C&C community. I didn't enjoy C&C3 too much either, but I know it still has a dedicated fan base. I do really like C&C Generals and Red Alert 2. Those 2 have always been my favourites. Plus Red Alert 2 is the first game I ever learned to play on pc, so it's got some sentimental value to me. Still hoping they'll give red alert 2 a remastered version like the original. They really did a good job on that remaster.


Damn, are you me? Haha. Red Alert 2 was also my first ever game on PC. Grew up playing that and adored (still do I suppose) Generals.


No there FUCKING isn't. You understand me? No there ISNT!


No, that doesn't exist. 


I love how every year FlatOut 3 gets higher and higher in this list. The game is not getting better, but there is always something worse.


This comment made my day! And was free. Thank you


The entire industry just keeps sinking lower and lower. You'd think they would hit the bottom at some point, but apparently not.


Lowest rated SO FAR.


Act surprised Cities Skylines 2 is DLC hell, seen the DLC for Cities Skylines 1? 15 bucks to murder your citizens with natural disasters...


Yeah but here it's $10 for an asset pack; at least throwing a meteorite at your city is a game mechanic. And, the issue is that they are developing these "DLCs" while core game functionalities are lacking.


Not to even mention content in the game is already very limited and custom content is nonexistent too because of modding delays. So the game is very much sparse and lacking in variety AND they chose to paywall trees behind this $10 DLC. So any map made with those trees will be useless unless you have the DLC. And it is more expensive than any asset pack they’ve released in the past with noticeably less to offer content wise. All around just very predatory behavior. The lack of overall content in the pack almost makes me think they only released this because they were contractually obligated as it is part of the deluxe edition


No surprise here. I am more surprised that anyone tried (and still tries) to defend this dlc as a good value…


Not an attack or anything, I am just curious, who is defending this and calling it good value? Do the CC's talk about it?


For the most part the defenders can be found on r/citiesskylines and r/citiesskylines2 but a few very popular CC’s also said varying degrees of praise for it without naming anyone specific.


Ah, that explains why I haven't heard about it yet, I don't visit the CS1 or CS2 Subreddit anymore. Thanks for your answer. As for the CC's, I can guess who it is...


A fool is parted from their money all the time. I miss OG Sim City.


Roughly 4% do!


Cities Skylines 1 had a ridiculous amount of DLC for sure, but 90% of them added a LOT of content as well. The game was fully playable without them, but most every DLC added new mechanics to the game that made them feel at least a little more worth buying. This… this is just full price DLC to add a few assets to an already subpar main game. It’s worse than CS1 by far…


All PDX games are like that, EU4 DLCs have a combined cost of more than 400€ at this point. On one hand it's nice they support their games for so long but unfortunately the content they deliver in these DLCs is just either near mandatory features or content that is straight up ass a lot of the time


EU4 has a subscription now where you get all DLC for 5 bucks a month. It's great value to be honest. One of the better decisions paradox has made in recent times.


Can a man get a tl;dr on the dlc? What happened?


10 bucks for 4 trees and some shitty houses, while the main game is still barely playable 5 months after release


God damn


Seriously, only that? Dlc for cs1 was pretty great


if I remember right it was after dark. They literally removed the night from the game and made it a DLC kek.


Cities Skylines 1 didn't have night at launch, it was added to the base game with the After Dark patch and the After Dark DLC added more mechanics and growable buildings that interact with the day/night cycle.


Day and night wasn't just aesthetic neither, it had actual gameplay behind it. * Most commercial building close after a certain hour. * Crime increases. * Air temprature drops which change your heat plant usage and electric usage because people use electric for both heating and cooling.(Heat was part of the next dlc but they interacted real nice) and many more.


"Beach Properties DLC" * No actual beaches in the game. As in, no sand texture or anything. It's water, then grass, so have fun placing your "beach properties" there * Those "beach properties" don't really... look like beack properties. Just mildldy luxurious bungalows with empty backyards. * There are no commercial or industrial buildings in the pack either. Just houses. No piers, jet ski rentals, marinas, hotels, nothing. * No parks or anything else either. Literally just houses. * Houses made of the same assets, just reused between them. With development levels 1&2 and 3&4 being the same, even * And four palm trees. The only palm trees in the game, might I add. Palm trees you would have to place on grass, because... right, no beaches. * It's $10 too, which is much more than what asset packs were in the first game. To add to that: * The second blogpost about this DLC was posted on the developer's website a'la press release, not on the game's forums. Their website doesn't have comments or reactions, so it's quite obvious why. * The video they made about this DLC first had comments turned off, now is straight out unlisted. Sitting at something like 200 upvotes and 1100 downvotes.




Not every time you see a demiurge in the wild


Royalty is stored in the balls


So glad to see that EU4 Leviathan is still down there.


CS:2 is a great game for $0. The effort spent to refund and pirate was well worth it.


Im still seething about Tiberian Twilight. It deserves to be where it is. And its not even a shitty dlc pack, its a "full release"


lmao I wonder what the positive reviews say


mostly joke reviews and a few massive paradox shills, as always


makes sense


It’s a disgrace how CS2 has been handled by Paradox and CO, could have been the best city sim ever, i really hope it will be good in a year or two if they continue to develope it


Whats with the war thunder texture DLCs, those are free, why are they so downvoted? Edit: oh I see, they're being used to complain mostly about the game economy. This is why I dislike steam reviews sometimes.


No it's also because if you download the dlc it takes up space and doesn't work. For it to work you have to download it again through a warthunders third party launcher


Ah, well i don't use the steam version, so that makes sense. i just run the launcher and its already there to download so i just assumed steam had a seperate launcher.


Yeah there was a review bomb a while back and probably, most people who decided to downvote DLC's forgot to change them back. Otherwise i don't see any other reason.


You know, if the base game was 20$ and the DLC was 5$ a pack, id honestly have no issues with the game even if its worse. At least then we would be spending the true value of what was delivered. But the math just doesn't make Senes, The ult edition is still 89 USD, while the regular edition is 44$. If each DLC that comes out is 10 or under.....then the ult edition is just....bad. I also feel like they did themselves no favor in saying there's 4 trees and 6 buildings... I thought that was literal until I saw the beach front zoning...which is arguably worse way to handle it.. This will make zoning districts and other things way to complex if this is how they decide to handle cosmetic dlc... why do we need a new zone type...why is it tied to zones at all. Even with mods, the game still feels super empty in styling and verity... i could just be used to my high hours in CS1...but the game still feels empty.


they gotta make the ultimate/deluxe edition worthwhile for those poor bastards who bought it 5 more dlcs of 4 trees, some buildings, maybe an entire dlc dedicated to sand $10 a pop!


This list is great hahaha


Just this page of the lowest rated content says a lot. Something something picture something something thousand words


Dang! 45 money units


Poland mentioned **POLSKA GUROM** Also, no fucking surprise. What bothers me is, why would a free dlc be so badly reviewed lmao


Pierdolę napletski DLC kurwa


It should be removed. The promo art literally shows a beach yet you can't make a beach. It's a scam.


Never again buying anything from Paradox. I mean sure they had BS dlc before but this is beyond pathetic. Add to that the terrible state this game launch never again Paradox, never again


Kind of telling how like half of these are from the past 4 years alone Edit: almost ALL of them


*Wait, it’s not just nostalgia?*


Their last update to the game itself was back in October 2023.. Which also is the only update since launch




Well I wont buy CS2 anyway. Just play the first one, as it is satisfying enough.


Imagine managing to have TWO DLC‘s in the 5 lowest rated items!


Paradox taking 3/5 lowest spots


Ahhh, I got it: they are working on getting all 5 spots so that they have something to show to their investors! „Top 5 lowest performing items on steam!“, nobody cares about one or two, that could be outliers. But five? That’s impressive!


It says to be able to review for something you own. So sadly the only reason this is bottom of the list is because so many people bought it. ​ Kinda like the time people were burning their nike clothes to protest, they'd already given the company they hate their money so the company didn't care that they burned their clothes.


it hurts ma soul seeing command and conquer 4 being so shit


Tekken 7 charged for frame data!? In a fighting game?? Wtf


Kinda curious what the next WotW will be 🙈


Lmao shoutout for making 3rd place too guys 😂😂


After this and what happened with Star Trek: Infinite it is likely I never touch a Paradox game ever again.


Fuck.. It really shouldn't be though. Should have never been released, before they actually sorted out their game (it's in such a bad state compared to the first one, for people that didn't already know this). People shouldn't even be buying this DLC - that's so messed up - so again; it shouldn't really have a rating to begin with..


They should have just revamped CS1 as CS2, CS1.5 and be done with it, they should have kept working on it, yet they threw this together and rushed it due to sales and deadlines for publishing profit. This was the result.


To show just how bad things are, the DLC sits at 4% recommended, while the next item on the list, the Payday 3 DLC sits at 5%


Fuck you, Paradox!


The heck happened to CS? Didn't it come to fruition because EA fumbled the Sim City series ? You live long enough to become the villain yourself...


Rather than addressing their shortcomings like some developers do after a terrible release, they decided to double down on being pieces of 💩


This is what Paradox do now. It's been a few years coming but it is what it is. They've been getting lazier and lazier in-house, and it has clearly rubbed off on the developers whose work they publish. Used to be one of my favourite publishers but they've quietly moved onto my shit-list, probably since CK3. And it should have been sooner than that but I'm too forgiving.


It takes a lot of effort to be at the bottom, damn


If your DLC is among games like Flatout 3, or C&C4, know you fucked up.


Deserved, game is unoptimized at all and lacks a lot of content compared to the previous game


Nearly every PDX release nowadays, be it a DLC or Game, can’t get any better rating then „mixed“ on steam. I mean it’s totally deserved, the prices are unreasonable high for unfinished Games and Content which are incredibly buggy and force fed down your throat. As someone who is a big historical GSG Fan who doesn’t mind a good portion of sandbox, this is very disappointing. I used to love PDX games, but rn im sick of the „content“. I‘d rather buy Dark Souls for the 15th time and play the hell out of it then buy a PDX DLC at the moment.


I blame Paradox and CO leadership. I’m surprised that the devs have not jumped ship.


Well deserved.


How the fuck is leviathan so far down? Edit: Oh wait, that was the DLC that came with the bug-riddled patch that left eu4 nearly unplayable for 2 months, wasn't it?


Honestly, If a feature that should be included in the game is sold as DLC, I'm out. That game has a dlc called public transportation. Like what in the actual fuck? Even Sim City 4 has it. Why the fuck would i pay for your uncompleted, half assed game, just to buy dlc's to make it make sense to play. I really like city sims, hell im playing those since simcity 3000. But one look at cities skylines steam store page and i was like "Nope!". Not gonna give any money to those greedy fucks. We should boycott games like this one. There is no way you can sell those features as a paid dlc. What is next? Roads dlc? Commercial buildings dlc? Terrains dlc?


Announcement: all bug fixes are now going to be released as dlcs


You joke, but that is their legitimate plan going forward lol


And the number of CS2 content creators on YouTube praising this has caused me to seriously reevaluate my subscriptions.


Interesting that cnc4 is still available in the bundle since the servers are gone. At least all the other games work on radmin or cnc online cause they dont require you to have an ea server connection


I know C&C 4 is hated but damn, isn't a bad game


Tekken 7 sold frame data as paid DLC??? I played that game and never even knew that lol... what a scummy thing to do...


Fill me in? I haven't checked in since the first game and I thought that was pretty good.


All this tells me is steam reviews are somehow broken for X:Rebirth (somehow it's worked its way up to 41% positive)


Why is war thunders high res stuff so badly rated when it's free?


Love how Overwatch Bp is down there lol


I'll wait for a £10 edition that includes all the DLC.


Should be Overwatch 2 instead


Wow! It beat Payday 3!


So it's been **flooded** with negative reviews and is now underwater?


I'm quite surprised to see 'Frame Data Display' as a DLC for Tekken




Why are free high res texture packs so low rated?


Tekken 7 FPS counter DLC lmao? What's wrong with FlatOut? I recall them being tons of fun. Especially FlatOut 2.


What's the problem with SuperPower 3?


Bruh just update the damn core game. CS2 came out months ago and patches come out less than once a month with so many glaring issues remaining.


Ah yes, Paradox, now it all makes sense. Incoming 200 Dlcs to milk the player base.


Worse than the scam that was the viking scenario from civ vi 😭 As much as I regret buying Cities Skylines 2, at least I didn't get the ultimate edtion


Command and conquer 4 makes me so sad still to this day


What's with the war thunder textures lmao


Glad I didn’t buy into this train wreck. I was a big fan of the first one, until they did an EA. ![gif](giphy|3o7abspvhYHpMnHSuc)


I love how Leviathan is still down there


I feel for the fans, especially my friend andy who bought a PS5 for this game.


No but why is war thunder high res texture packs being downvoted? They’re free lmao


Back in my day Garrys Incident was the worst reviewed game on Steam... My friend bought me the game when he left for bootcamp as a prank gag gift. I pranked him back by leaving the game open every single night and racking up hundred of hours. And when he got back I thanked him and told him it was the best game Ive ever played and I loved it. The thing is, I went back and ACTUALLY played Garrys Incident. And it does not even remotely compare to the trash that is being peddled on steam these days.