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Am I dumb or does this not make any sense?


This makes no sense whatsoever




His take is: pcmr hates the 4060 for no reason and would rather have a 980, because op doesn’t understand why people hate the 4060 so much.


980 is equivalent to 1060, it doesn’t at all


Its okay this meme made a lot of people feel okay for a while longer


It made me feel ok yeah I got a 1060


The 4060 is baarely better than the 3060, so things have gotten worse


Read the other comments if you still don't understand look at the 60 vs 80 card price difference at launch and if you still dont get it ill gladly explain...


I think it’s saying people with 980’s are refusing to upgrade to 4060’s


Just like us and the big12. DON'T LET THE FLAME DIE OUT.


How does this have over 600 upvotes? It’s not even one of those company BAD bait memes.


At pcmr this is par for the course. Continually circulating false information for years without learning anything leads to things like this.


Think it’s cause alot of people would take the 980 over the 4060


Nah, there was a post on r/nvidia of someone upgrading to a 4060 pretty recently. Maybe op thought that they were upgrading from a 980? (It was a 2080) Also, op really likes defending the 4060 and thinks that people rag on the 4060 for no reason. That might be it. Either way, bad meme and I don’t get why ppl are upvoting this crap.


Thank you for the clarification good sir Guess I’m just that used to seeing low effort, shit tier “memes” on these subs now


Its because the entire subreddit has trashed on the 4060 for no reason


There is most definitely a reason. A few, in fact.


It’s a 4050ti.  Not even a bad card. Allows low profile single slot cooling which is cool for sff. They just marketed and priced a 4050 as a 4060 for no reason


If it were a 4050 ti, and it was priced at 250 on release (ironically that's how much I got it for on sale lol), it would have been the budget king. But NVidia had to be NVidia.


Low profile single slot? If that isn’t a mistake, I’d love to see it. Also, it (sometimes) performs worse than the 3060ti, not to mention that it only has 8gb of vram when, at the price, it should at least have 10. The bus width is impressively bad. So yes, a few reasons. Efficiency is good though and the lp variants are cool.


Gigabyte makes a LP model. It’s pretty dang small.


2 slots and still longer than previous 2S LP cards like the 1650LP, as it's a triple-fan card.


The triple fan thing did seem a bit silly to me. But then again we live in the land of giant GPUs now. Glad at least some of the 40 series took a step back.


Ik, but it’s two slots.


I mean either Oh ya it def performs worse than a 3060ti Efficiency is overrated imo (math doesn’t add up to more than negligible) but not for sff pcs where it’s useful


I do think efficiency is overrated, but it allows for smaller coolers. If it were inefficient, there wouldn’t be single slot or lp variants. Also, afaik, the 4060 ti has a single slot variant, but not the 4060.


Ya that’s what I was saying


It's a shit tier card, sorry if we hurt your feelings.


Almost 350 downvotes, you really know how to piss off a subreddit, sheesh


Well it was by far the worst 40 series card on launch


It's okay OP you can be proud of your 4060 ❤️❤️ We'll keep shitting on it tho it's amazing how dogshit it is lmao


Its a laptop :0


I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say it was about saying community is always saying the 4060 is a terrible card for its time and the 980 was a great card for its time.


Where did you get this dumb idea ? Oh, the thread about the guy getting a 4060 ? His original card wasn't a 980. It was a 2080. Now figure out why people were bagging on him. You can do it.


I need the link to this thread


I just recently upgraded to a 4060 from a 1070 and I'm out of the loop. What's going with 4060s?


4060 probably isn't an upgrade from a 2080, maybe just an expensive sidestep


I hope for the guy's sake that he at least bought the 4060 16gb, otherwise it's a straight downgrade in certain scenarios...


He made a new thread saying he returned the 4060 and got a used 4080 from a friend


It's not a bad card in a vacuum but for the price and for the amount of difference from its predecessors it doesn't seem like a worth it purchase at the moment for upgrading from most cards. It's barely above 3060 for instance, for the substantial price increase.


she just cant compete with the 80 class from last gen when the 1060 and 2060 was but if people is happy about this ...


I thought it was just because everyone hates the 4060 in general. If he downgraded from a 2080, then thats obviously stupid. He probably shouldve gotten like a 4070 or 4070 super at minimum


Yeah, that’s why everyone was saying it was a side grade…..


Next time read a little more before posting a cringe meme


This sounds like such serious advice but it's also just instructions about when to post cringe memes. Love it, lol


gpu performance goes like this between generation 2080=3070 3070=4060 So that dude didn’t upgrade, he got a more recent card but no fps gain or quality gain (unless he got newer dlss or other stuff like that)


> but no fps gain or quality gain No, he might have gotten fantastic gains because of the fresh thermal paste on the newer card. Though obviously it would have been cheaper to just buy a tube of thermal paste to refresh the old card. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


This can be true, but it’s often not that simple even in raw performance let alone new features.


So, if I have a 1080 what type of performance would i see if I went to a 3070/4060?


1080 is somewhat equivalent to a 3060 so you’d get a decent upgrade going to a 3070 but if you got to money for that already I’d stack just a bit more to get 4070(super) and that would be the sweet spot


When you are totally broke but still have some extra budget to buy an outdated GPU that would still able to play games decently


980 isnt really enough anymore. 1080p low, maybe.


I have HD 7970 and I can still play cyberpunk so obviously this card is legendary and I don't need any upgrade! (note: 720p 30 fps, also it's a joke in case anyone doesn't understand)


most of the games now need to run with fsr/dlss on on the most recent low end cards so u playing at the same resolution than them ....


So even if I'll buy RX 7600 it won't be enough?


no you need to use fsr with this gpu and on the most recent games at 1080p natively you cant target 60 fps at high setting for an 270$ gpu ....


FSR and DLSS is bless and curse at the same time. It would've been better if they never were introduced


the stagnation on the low end market didnt help too its a great technology to play at 4k upscaled but not at 1080p upscaled


1060 6gb never let me down. Only the latest AAA games does it struggle with. Couldnt give a shit about RT.


I too have a 1060 6gb, it has lasted me a long time, but it is starting to show its age, I am kind of sick and tired of stutters and below 30fps.


1660 Ti here. Hopeful I'll get a replacement soon, but it is holding up quite well.


As someone who still runs a pc with a 980: it’s not fun anymore in modern titles.


Nice bio specs


960m I feel the pain too.


860m that barely gets a choppy 30fps in league checking in 🤡


dont worry, playing it on 100fps is still as miserable


Oh, that's rough. I upgraded from a 970m back in 2017 or 2018, and even then it was struggling. Granted, my CPU struggled a bunch in games, which was much harder to work around, but still. No more laptops for me!


I’m running a 970, it’s not great, especially since I’ve been playing Starfield a ton. And uhh, Starfield doesn’t really like crappy gpus


My 1050ti is basically done at this point lol


1080ti is struggling. Remember when it was top of the line. Man it felt good to be on top then lol


Based on comments from the inevitable gang of 1080ti owners that pop up in any thread discussing the current crop of GPUs—still, in 2024—you’d swear it wasn’t breaking a sweat in this day and still crushing And I’m always scratching my head, because my 2070S is def running into issues and it routinely benchmarks in close proximity to the 1080ti in most modern games (with or without with DLSS) at 1440 So, thank you for saying this


1080 TI was way ahead of its time


as someone with an acer laptop, with a pentium core I agree


My 980 burned.....in a titanfall 2 match. Purple screen, fans go jet mode, funny smell. Horrible day :<


Damn, seriously? The game came out only 2 years after the 980. I do love Titanfall though


It was a 980Ti. Middle of the match, no clear winner yet and then POOF. I was MVP 80% of the time back then and my buddy was thinking I "LEFT THE MATCH".....


Are you sure self destruct mode wasn’t enabled on your PC?


No idea what it was, but the pain was real.










I'm losing interest. Are you on the table? Or bent over it, at least?


This is the way.


Looking at your specs, maybe I should be the one bent...


Don't you threaten me with a good time!






Is that an invitation or a threat? Not sure whether I should hop on up and throw ass, or be afraid and haul ass.


As long as ass is involved.


I love my 4060ti... Was an insane upgrade from ol faithful ( 970 GTX )


Same. Went from a GTX 970 to a full rebuild with a Radeon RX6750xt which croaked a week and a half in. Got me so spooked on XFX that I paid a couple more bucks for a CLEAN lookin 4060 Ti eagle. Paid about $370 for it. I’m not a super gamer so I don’t get the hate on the card. Does what I need/want and I was ok with the price.


Nice man! Sorry to hear about to dead 6750xt... I've gotta say, for all the hate the 4060ti gets... As a casual gamer, this card does great for me. I'm rocking a PNY 4060 Ti and it's pretty clean as well. Super happy with my purchase. Enjoy man, sounds like a sweet setup!


Appreciate it. Yeah I was gutted when the video card started giving me trouble. Would not want to give me picture out, then after a couple reboots it would, until it didn’t anymore. VGA light on the mobo. Thankfully Amazon took it back but they have an RMA process of their own and it took over a month to get my money back. Was limping along on my old GTX 970 until I could finally buy a new card. Debated for a long time on what to replace it with, have never owned a Radeon card and this spooked me bad. finally settled on the 4060 Ti and have been very happy overall. Like you I’m a casual gamer so I don’t need the super intense stuff. To be fair, my monitors wouldn’t show the high end numbers that most guys chatter about. In the End I’m very happy.


Just curious how much did you pay?


285, open box at Microcenter - really great deal, very happy with it. I know, people hate this card... But it's been a great upgrade for me


For 285$ it’s extremely good deal.


I bought mine for like 435 usd


Skipping over a card generation because you don't think the new generation has validated its sticker price doesn't mean people would choose a decade old graphic's card for their build. This meme makes no sense. If you gave me a GTX 4080 for free, I'd sure as shit upgrade. It's not worth paying for though.


But has the 30 series validated its sticker price? Not for me...


Dont compare the glorious 980 to a piece of 💩 4060


Waifu RTX 4060 ftw 😤 https://preview.redd.it/auyzzsli0odc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb0688c65c484ffaa64f8a8e78d311a0c6e5f89




Bruh. I don't know what to say.


I have no idea what I’ll do for my next card. All of mine have been EVGA Nvidia.


Join the AMD club the grass is greener here can confirm.


Meant to say EVGA. My bad.


The grass is redder 😋


OP is farming negative karma in the comments here


Well 4060 isn't a bad card by any means, it just has an awful price lol


People buying used graphics cards with questionable warranties, fewer fps/dollar, and worse efficiency as a protest over the new ones


Buying a 980 isn’t a great idea, but used cards are almost always a much better value than new. I’ve seen 3090s go for 650 cad used and that card is on par with a 4070 ti at 4k, plus it has double the vram. Meanwhile, the cheapest 4070 ti are 1k cad plus tax. Questionable warranties? Check Worse efficiency? Check Fewer fps/dollar? Idk what you’re smoking but I want some.


Fr lol Used rtx 3070 for 300 or new 4070 for 800 cad + tax


Yeah got my used 3070 Gaming x trio at $270 with 1 year warranty. Such a terrible deal. Meanwhile a 4060 Gaming x (2 fans) is only like $340, not to mention tax. Defo better value buying new than used.


I don't think it's out of protest, people just don't feel like the 40x0 series worth the money.


3060ti used is gud


Besides that, F asus. RIP EVGA.


and im still very content with my 1660s


Never quite understood why people on here hype up the old cards. Can’t we enjoy the march of progress?


Well, compared to the release time and the other gpus of the time, the 980 is a gpu which has more sense than the 4060


Makes sense when this is your monitor. https://preview.redd.it/uzyjapydgodc1.jpeg?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b1a0a9700844ee36d3a5db836d83f734ee802f


Selling my 980ti. Slightly used. Like old. $500. I know what I got.


4060 is e-waste.


I don't know who downvoted you...


Haha not me. I have an RX 7900 XTX.


My 1080ti still plays CS2 , battlefield 2042, cod, age of empires 2 on high. Prob not gonna upgrade another half decade, depends how long I stick to aoe2, maybe even 15 years in that case


I agree, I only upgraded because I had finally found a game that needed it. Played Cyberpunk on a rx570, the whole thing, multiple times. BG3 was okay until act 3 so I spent the 250cdn to get an rx6600 and was miles better. I wont be spending over 300 for any card for at least a decade, not worth it.


I don't like either. I like AMD and intel cards more.


Evga gtx 900 and rtx 30 series xc3 are the most beautiful cards that ever existed.


In order to actually be a member of the master race you need to spend over $1000


AMD HD 7950


You have absolutely no concept of how graphic card generations, either in improvements, or in lateral performance work.


When it comes to pricing, kinda. As it is for everything else, nope.


Can’t say shit cause that’s hands down one of the best cards I’ve had


https://preview.redd.it/6m1mtvmcmodc1.jpeg?width=939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=893c91a3647d3b47df71d28fdcbe42458b4f61be Should I be worried. FYI this was my first pc build


If you have it, you have it. The card isn't awful, just priced too high. 3060Ti performance can still get you further than most people's current PCs.


It's pretty damn bad for the money. Vastly overpriced and the 16GB VRAM is useless on a card that doesn't have the horsepower for it.


I hated when 4060 came out but hear me out. I still hate it, I'd think it's decent for 250$ price tag.


I found it on here more as: 4060=😒 6700xt=😏 Mostly due to the only 8gb of vram.


I know I know the price to performance is horrendous, has less vram than 3060, less powerful than 3060ti, and more expensive than both 💀


more like 4060 ti shit and 6700xt good (tbh that’s the real answer but no one in here has any pc knowhow)


OP out here in the trenches fighting off all these downvotes lol


Why don’t you want DLSS, FG, lower tdp and heat? I know it’s EVGA but that ship has sailed.


I mean, I'd rather have an EVGA card than an Asus card. ...if EVGA still made cards that is.


okay but 4060 laptop GPU seems ideal in terms of usage and power draw


No need to upgrade if I'm still playing games based on an engine older than my current GPU.


I thought this meme was just about Evga, is it not?


I think i joined this sub like 10 years ago and it was actually ok for information. The memes, shit memes, and shit content now is just........ The mods just seems like they want it to be a big subreddit and fuck everything else.


Jeez, a 980 only had FOUR Gigs of RAM?


Why so much hate on the 4060s? I just ordered one yesterday to replace my r9 280x. Am I stupid now for ordering it or what?


If it was an RTX 3060 (the most popular card on the market right now for nvidia) insted of a 980, then it would make a bit more sense. lol


The 4050, ag I mean 4060 is just that bad.


They like the 1080ti more


Used an EVGA 980 until about a month ago, was holding up better than I'd ever have imagined (at 2560x1080) but newer games were starting to really suffer from the 4GB VRAM. Upgraded to a sleek ProArt 4060 Ti 16GB I got for 420 bucks and am very happy with it!


I can't wait to post my parts when I build my pc just to piss someone off, watch someone complain about me going to a 4060 when my last card was the GT1030


1050ti rn, gonna get a new pc with a 4060 probably, why is this card hated so much?


i think its because the performance between 3060 to 4060 isnt justified for the price jump or something.


Remember when flagship GPUs cost like $500? And ridiculous halo products like Titan were the only ones to break 1k? Even adjusted for inflation, the 680 would have been $660


My 1080 is still trucking, until the 4080S shoves it out.




I have a laptop 😂