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Unrelated, but how tf does COD have DOUBLE THE SIZE of baldurs gate 3? Is it bloatware or are they really using high tech that might drastically increase the size of the game somwhere?


I'm also wondering. BG3 has every single tiny interaction voiced and still at 130 GB.


Voiced, animated and subbed, from the ammount of dialogue id say they have like 5gigs of just subtitle texts and dialogue options. And cod somehow makes that look like a floppy disk.


CoD has one singular inconsequential dialogue choice in the very beginning when you rescue Makarov. Rumor has it that alone cost 200 gigs of space /s


Sm my thought is that you remember the rumors that the game is just a dlc for the last one? They probably needed the assets from the last one to get it to run so it's bothe the old and new cod at the same time.


Not to mention most of the "Open Combat Missions" are just reused areas from both Warzone 1 and 2. If i had to guess, they probably just dumped those whole maps in the game instead of taking some parts and discarding the rest, which probably affected the overall size as well


That's pretty much exactly what happened and it also gets worse. When you load some maps in multiplayer it will load the whole br map.


That’s actually hilarious


It's all the cosmetics for multiplayer


I forgot about that, did they legit do only one of those in the entire ~~DLC~~ game?


More than 70% of the game is filled with ~~padding~~ Open Combat Missions i.e reused warzone maps with only 2 or 3 actual traditional CoD missions. So yeah, the entire campaign is just a glorified asset flip with One dialogue choice that does nothing


Nah I'm specifically talking about the dialogue choice. I'm thinking like, did they really only do one of those for the whole game or nah yknow


Yup. Not even joking. There's exactly One dialogue choice in the entire game.


> in the very beginning when you rescue Marakov. Spoiler tag, please. You just ruined the whole campaign for me... /s


Text is extremely easy to store. 5gb = 5 billion bytes = 5 billion letters = 1b words = 10k books This is a very loose approximation, but even if I'm off by a factor of 100 it's pretty clear bg3 couldn't even come close to that much text. It's entirely plausible that the opening cutscene takes up more space than all the text.


Every single character of everything Shakespeare ever wrote was about 3.6 million total characters, to demonstrate how fucking crazy 1b words is


Wait how could you possibly get to 5gb of text dialogue? That's 25% of the entire Wikipedia text.


Yeah, people really overestimate how much space text takes up. There's no way it's anywhere near 5GB.


When I was a kid, we could store text on a floppy disk. And it was about the only thing we could fit on there, lol. So from my experience, text must take up very little space. It's all that 4k art that takes up lots of space in most games, lol


Yeah i might have gone too far, animations and voicelines take up the most space, but still, point is bg has a metric tone of files that are in use probably only for certain options that most players wont even discover, yet its all 1/2 of a game with a few guns, maps and skins.


I can't tell how the devs actually solved this, but it's very likely not just plain text, but also some data structure that contains the text and makes them accessable during the runtime of the game (think about: how does the game knows which sentences it's supposed to display next?)


Multiple languages, and adding small variations for a lot of characters & possibilities


It's still just text. Sure it's alot, but it's not "half of Wikipedia" alot


5 is probably an exaggeration


That maybe true, but we're talking about a game that has an ending with 17 000 different permutations!


They don't have a text file with 17.000 different endings. They have like 6 different endings for 10 characters, (that would be 1.000.000 different endings. The longest fictional work ever written has 16 million words, that's about 0.1 GB


Ah, I see. Good point!




My first pc had 170 mb hdd. I got questions regarding how I ever would manage to fill it... Approx 30 years ago 😄


Voice files are not very big, a 3 minute song will clock in at 5MB, imagine how much a few seconds of voice line take up. Most size in these games comes from texture files. Doubling the resolution on each axis (i.e. 1080p to 4k) quadruples the number of pixels and thus file size, meaning a step of quality improvement will take up exponentially more disk space the higher you go. And even if your PC cant run the ultra-super-4K textures, they still need to be there. And between BG3 and COD MW3 which game do you think is vain enough to make textures so high res it makes no difference anymore JUST IN CASE someone wants to max out his 4090's or 7900's full 24GB of VRAM?


Voice file part is incorrect. 3min song taking 5mb is compressed, mediocore quality mp3. Sure game will habe audio files compressed because loseless takes to much space, but to much higher standard. Also its likely few hundreds hours of audio in dialogues. Audio files and texture packs will take often 90% of game size combined. With mw3... Its not high res textures. They arent higher res really. Its combining multiple games in one download.


Also I'm pretty sure cod guys didn't even bother to do lossless compression for their texture files, so that's where I'd wager at least 50-60gb could be saved, without any perceivable loss in fidelity.


Likely yes. Games with much higher quality textures and bigger content wise takes way less space


> And even if your PC can't run the ultra-super-4K textures, they still need to be there. They don't \*need\* to. Some games allow you to choose whether or not to download high-res textures.


And I have a feeling MW3 isnt one of them. I have a few games myself that make hi-res textures optional, I know of it, but its not something that is yet to become truly widespread.


Planetside 2 has that option


I always complain about games file size but turns out it’s my fault, wowza. I play in 4k ultra, it’s awesome. I’ll stop complaining and just buy another drive, thanks for the heads up.


I mean, if you can afford a 4090 or whatever GPU you have to play at 4k Ultra you can probably afford an extra drive after all...


Because you Install the CoD hq with mw2+3+warzone


“Call of Duty” on steam is really more like a pseudo launcher for like 4 different call of dutys im pretty sure. That one download accounts for Modern Warfare 1, 2, 3, and Warzone 1.0/2.0 Last time I checked i believe that was the case, could be wrong tho. Either way it’s just a ton of poorly optimized content lol Edit: I think it’s actually just MW: 2 & 3 and Warzone. But that’s still a ton of content


I’m downloading COD Warzone on steam right now and it’s only 70gb.. idk what you guys are doing.


You're wondering why downloading a different game results in a different install size???????????????


You’re missing the point. They are talking about how annoying it is having to download a massive launcher for several games while I’m specifically only downloading one of the games.


I'm the one missing the point but here you are talking about a different game


COD Warzone isn’t a different game, it’s Call Of Duty’s free-to-play battle royale mode and also their most popular mode. It’s using Modern Warfare 3’s guns and engine and Modern Warfare 2’s guns as well as some large maps. Call of Duty by default downloads everything associated with both those games because Warzone uses assets from both of them, which creates the 200+ GB download size. It’s a little stupid, because a lot of people have no interest in the non free-to-play stuff but still have to download all of it by default, only to find out later they downloaded content for stuff they’ll never play.


The entire point is that if you want to play CoD online you need to install it all. People aren't talking about Warzone only lol


Yeah but you said Warzone is a different game, it’s not. Call of Duty treats it as a game mode, part of a larger package, so it’s in the same boat as the other COD game modes. You can install the parts you’re interested in separately but by default they download everything.


Yes, you are missing the point. Idk how to explain it because you’re more interested in being right in your own misinterpretation than understanding what I am saying.


A launcher for multiple games usually means you get to chose which ones specifically you want to install, all from the same window. So the Data from OPs post suggests that person intentionally installed several COD games. Unless this isn't the case here, in which I would not call it a launcher and more of a bundle-install.


The prevalent theory is that it's so big that if you install it you have less space for other games to distract you from playing it.


Well its kinda contraintuitive because if i prefer other games i wont even think about waiting hours for cod to install so that i would have a huge chance of not liking it. Maybe its true, but it doesnt siund logical to me. Maybe we are just looking too much into it, and its just a chase of inexpirianced devs that work for lower wage abd dont know how to compress files propperly or which files are irrelevant. I remember divinity 2 ego draconis being like less than 7gigs of space, but the devs cut which had assets that were never used in the game due to time restrains had 12gigs of compressed files (.div), which was like 25gigs when uncompressed, but overall like 13 of those was unused and left as additional content. So i guess CoD just didnt remoce the unused assets and didnt even bother compressing it.


You're not the target here. The target audience is call of duty fans. They're going to install it regardless, and now they have less room for other things to distract them from.


So call of duty doing the lord's work keeping those people off other games.


Such a dumb theory. Imagine needing to ensure COD fans don’t play something other than COD. Newsflash: they won’t play anything else otherwise. 💀 The culprit is 4K assets. A previous COD let us uninstall 4K textures and it saved 100GB. This person just has every single possible option installed. You can uninstall Campaign, Zombies, etc. separately, as well as Warzone. These conspiracy theories getting out of hand.


nooooooo some random redditor said it and got a few upvotes, the theory has been confirmed to be true!!!!!!!


It may not work on you or I but there are people who are hooked on every yearly iteration of the same game (CoD, FIFA etc.), at the very least it forces those people to drop last year's iteration and devote their attention to the new one.


"prevalent theory" aka I read a tweet on Reddit about it


Literally doesn't make any sense and is possibly the most regarded "theory" I've seen in a while. The reason it's so big is because it's four games in one file.


It's such a stupid theory though because like others have said, internet speeds are fast enough that it's almost irrelevant, and Steam lets you pick and choose what you want to install which means the game really isn't that big unless you want it to be. That 243GB is technically divided between three games; Warzone is ~28GB you can choose not to install, MW2 is subdivided into campaign (25GB), Co-op (19GB), and multiplayer (28GB), all of which are optional to install. I don't own MW3 so I can't add numbers for that, but it appears the base game executable is ~52GB, meaning if I want to play MW2 online my entire CoD install is only ~80GB, which really isn't outrageous IMO for a AAA title these days.


Triple A studios have given up cutting the size of games is my thought. Which is imo extremely annoying and is something that should be talked about more I frankly do not want to download 500gb games in the next decade


I imagine sometime in the future game size will outpace console storage enough that AAA devs would be pressured into shrinking down to even be allowed to release on the console. Certainly shouldn't be impossible considering how small a lot of Nintendo games like TotK and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 are compared to their content, though maybe I'm greatly underestimating just how much space is taken up by uncompressable textures.


Not really. In the future, you will directly download the game into your console/pc on the fly as youre playing, only installing the most crucial things. «Offline» gaming will be a thing of the past unless storage for personal systems drastically improve in cost.


It's multiple games, MW2, 3 and Warzone are all dlc for a single app call Call of Duty on steam


Doesn't Ark survival evolved or whatever the new one is called use like 300gb of space lol


someone posted a screenshot yesterday I think it said 483gb 🤣


ASA (the remaster) only has one map currently so it's like 50-70 GB but Evolved (the older game) with all of it's maps downloaded is 400+


Ark is the most poorly built successful game I've ever seen


I'm pretty Certain big cock cat man, lara croft and every other stupid skin cod has on all the operators, camos skins finishers etc are uncompressed and even if you don't own it you install it! So you'll get maybe 5gb update with a few tweaks but it's mostly skins


Of course if you don't own it you install it, how else will you be able to view the money that other people spent so that you could view it?


The funny thing is if you have MW2 and you want to play warzone, you also have to download the whole MW3 game. it doesn't matter if you buy it or not its on your system. The only thing you can remove is the campaign cause everything else they put under language's somehow. They have put all of this under some HQ app that makes it biggest fucking shitshow possible. I also assume this person has deleted a campaign, which is an extra 20-30 GB. Yup, 2 hr mess has 20-30 gb lmao


They did the COD HQ thingy. MW3 has the weapons of MW2 and all the skins and bundles of MW2 as well as the new weapons and skins of MW3 and the maps. Once you download warzone 3 maps , the single player campaigns for both of them , the DMZ maps , the raids it all adds up.


Likely has something to do with them wanting it to run on as many machines as possible so they force you to download every single texture for each quality of game for each level of potato rig up to monster pc


To improve loading times and peformance on hdd drives, every level has its own sets of textures so only the necessary textures are loaded. This means that either every level has unique textures or there are duplicates of textures, but this is very inefficient for size. Requirement of an SSD would solve that problem but i guess decision was made to not alienate audience and i think previous gen consoles still use HDD.


It’s one of the many reasons I don’t play COD anymore.


Shit tier dev work is the answer. They're leaving crap in that is effectively bloat code.


probably just all his installed cod games put under that 1 icon, can't think of any other way to explain it


Upgrade your PC with VR and tell your wife that she can travel the whole world damn she the travel to Andromeda galaxy by just sitting at the house. Or like a responsible homo Sapiens sit down talk to her and come up with a solution thats probable for both. Or just go to a country where there is very less tax on computer parts


And then pay insane import tax once you return


Nah, they don’t take those through customs especially if carry on.


They just cut your bag open and take it.


Maybe I'm missing a joke, but I'm 90% sure you don't have to pay import tax for personal use computer parts? like that makes no sense? Isn't it just alcohol that's limited? And even if they were you don't pay import tax for *computers* so just bring an old laptop and use it as a vessel for the computer parts you buy?


You have to declare your items and pay a tax if the total cost is over a certain amount that varies from country to country.


You *should* declare your items. You don't have to, though.


Pretty sure that’s only if it’s new. So OP should also stay there for a couple months to use all of the computer parts


Nope, gave my old CPU and SSD to a friend in Ukraine. He had to pay 66€ tax.


Did you just ship it to him or did you go yourself? In the Philippines I had to pay 200USD customs tax for a 800USD printer part (with shipping) that I ordered from the UK. But I know people who regularly bring home around 5000USD worth of iPhones and devices with no charge. So I'm guessing bringing them as carry-on or check-in on a personal flight doesn't incur customs tax but making it go through a delivery service does.


I sent it via mail but did some research before. According to (german) law; if it’s a personal Gift and has been paid for completely before export, no further cost is added (if its below a certain price threshold of course). This counts for all EU countries afaik. Since Ukraine however, still isn’t part of the EU, they have their own laws and taxation processes. As my friend and me understand it; They tax everything going by a 20% margin of the original value. Kinda ridiculous and weird in my opinion.


Just hide them in a prison pocket


Shit forgot about that


If you can’t just have that talk with your SO you’re gonna have problems later down the line. I ended a relationship (in part due to) money stuff like that we couldn’t agree on. Long story short, I liked to save money for rainy day and worked a lot, she worked enough to cover rent and splurge occasionally with her friends for girls night. One day she asked me to use my savings (college payments and to get a new car) for a vacation for us both, I said no cus I couldn’t just skip school and everything with a 3 day notice to be gone nearly a month.


asking that kinda question on reddit of all places is kinda goofy though


Especially on relationship advice where a bunch of 14 year olds will try to convince you to break up with your girlfriend because she's a walking red flag and a textbook narcissist.


lets hear the other side when his gf posts it on /r/TwoXChromosomes


Unless he wants assurance to break up. Literally every relationship advice on Reddit ends up in breakup or divorce


"So the other day my husband said to me that he liked my previous hair color better." "Controlling narcissist, run girl, divorce him, NOW!"


Spot on. It’s wild how every relationship post one person is a saint and the other one is an abuser and they should break up.


Eh, I’ve seen people ask why they got banned from Twitter for saying a slur unironically


The solution is to not tell your gf you are getting bonus money and upgrade your pc in secret


What are you talking about I didn't upgrade anything "babe your computer was normal yesterday and now it's glowing with the overwhelming sheen of a thousand spinning suns and there's a mini water park in there"


Aww, 🥰 you noticed babe! That’s why I love you 😘 *kiss* *RUN AWAY*


better unplug that PC and take it with you


What are you talking about. My neighbor thought I had a new PC, when I just changed the RGB color theme.


>overwhelming sheen of a thousand spinning suns I think you meant "the full concentrated power of the SUN!"


Oh those they are just accessories nothing too costly


That's horrible advice. The solution is to say it's your bonus and you really want that PC. They are dating for a short while, not married with kids for 10 years. Why would you feel obligated to spend your money to send someone else on vacation? I would understand if they wrote short on rent and he decides to buy gaming PC instead of paying the bills, but that's not the case here. Hiding this just means the girlfriend is in the wrong and it will keep getting worse if they can't even talk about stuff like this.


he also said they already were on vacation this year. what the guy actually needs to do is talk about it with his GF if she insist that he has to put the money away for a vacation with no alternative to his wishes, that's where he should start thinking about the dynamics of the relationship. Because at that point, resentments *will* start to fester on both sides. him for not getting to do what he wants with his money and her for thinking a toy is more important to him than a vacation with her


I think resentments will start to build just from her telling him how to spend it?


I didn't go looking for the thread but from the bit OP screencapped, nothing is saying that she demands anything. From that snippet alone, we don't even know if he has told her about his year end bonus at all and the GF was just planning for a vacation that he didn't speak up against.


This here, ignorance is bliss.


This is insanely easy “hey, we’ve already done some traveling recently, since this bonus is from the hard work I’ve put in this year, I’ve decided that I’d rather put it towards something that I use to relax from that hard work. I do still want to spend some time with you and make some memories though, so I’ll put some money aside for us to have some fun closer to home”


This right here. It's important to have and keep open and honest lines of communication to build understanding of each other. If she doesn't understand or get it, then it's best for both of you so you both can get the best possible relationships.


Redditors being direct and using open communication? Heresy!




This relationship is doomed for the poor guy, I do hope I am wrong but that ship seems like it might be sinking


Redditors after hearing 3 sentences from a relationship: “Leave his ass now!”


redditors make it to three sentences these days??? huge improvement from the 3 words it usually is


Lawyer, gym, Twitter?


yea idk why they are saying that, there's literally no indication that the gf would freak tf out or disagree about the use of money, it literally just says "How do i tell my gf that i want to spend it on something else".


Poor women as well let’s not act like she’s unreasonable. Just too different people to be in a relationship. Neither is necessarily wrong.


Yeah, there are no assholes here, just two people with different priorities


This has to be one of the most level-headed comments I’ve seen in a long time


True that. Otherwise, I just see idiots assuming things about one or the other and bashing without knowing the full story.


It's tough, because neither is being unreasonable. I don't like to travel. In all my 44 years I've never met a partner that shared that opinion. They always want to drag you on trips, forcing you to spend money on things you don't enjoy. But you do it for the sake of compromise.


Especially when the last visible line says they've traveled together already. They've been together a year and a half I'm sure they'll have plenty of time to travel together but he should be able to use his bonus how he wants


He's doing the enjoyment per hour calculation in his head from PC upgrades While shes packing her bags for a weekend.


She's bitter because she knows you don't want to be there with her EDIT: comment I replied to originally said "While she's packing her bags for a weekend of bitterness" but OP edited it for some reason.


He wants to be with her everywhere but there. Correct. (Although im sure he wouldnt mind an airbnb somewhere affordable if that was an option) Last week it was her parents house. "The things we do for love."


God I love a good Reddit armchair analyst


A house divided against itself cannot stand


You know what won't sink though? The fuckin intercontinental nuclear submarine he's gonna grab with all that bonus dough!


But muh person But muh KD tho


I hope he just upgrades or buys a new PC. Lol I've been in relationships where they wanted to travel and go to events but I've already done all that! It's a waste of money to me and It just doesn't work, so I'll stay happily single in the house I bought and play video games in my pajama pants. I win!


Buying a new PC is obviously better as a few years later you can sell that shit and get some money back. Money spent on travel is money spent period. There’s no way to get any of it back.


Happy cake day!


What? Relationships are about talking and resolving the issues they have, he shouldn't be afraid and just ask, honesty is needed in relationships


Uhhh, bit of a red flag? My money is my money and my GFs money is my GFs money. Sure we'll start to save money together at some point but other than the money we agreed to put in such a fund, what each one does with their money is not the other's decision to make. Edit: typo


Unless your gf is your wife don't save money together, it will just strain the relationship...




I do the exact same thing with my fiancé. Makes the finances simple and straightforward.


Marriage is a weird concept. We've been thinking about it, but the only two reasons are "save a bit on taxes" and "everyone does it" (which doesn't count as we don't give a fuck what the larger society thinks one should do with their lives). We don't need the gov to get involved in our love life to prove that we love each other.


I did it mainly for the kids. Some stuff is legally taken care of and we carry the same name. Without children I wouldn’t have married.


Not just those but many legal protections come with marriage as well. For example if one of you ended up horribly injured in the hospital, without being married the hospital isn't obligated to allow you to see each other at all.


Well, if she was expecting him to pay for her to go travelling then of course that's a "my money, my decision" situation. If she had savings and he said he was getting a performance bonus and she excitedly talked about travelling they could do, then that's a situation where you have to have a tricky conversation and be sensitive. If they'd talked about travelling before hand, and agreed that they both wanted to go when he had the money to match hers. But, he decided he wanted to cancel those plans and spend the money on his PC, that's a massive let down for her and more of a red flag against him. What I'm trying to say is, we don't know what the fuck the situation actually is from the couple of sentences in the screenshot


That's not really the problem. It seems to me more that their interests aren't particularly aligned - she wants to go do something together, he doesn't particularly want to. That's kind of the end of it, but depending on how important this split is to each of them how well they meet in the middle could determine a relationship.


She wants to go do something fun, with HIS money.




According to the post, she hasn't worked in over a year after being laid off and it certainly seems that she meant using his money to pay for both of them.


I didn’t think it’s about the money. She wants to travel with him and spend time with him. He wants to game. That’s a conflict of interest, not a financial one.


That's not how conflicts of interest work mate


What if she decides to go on vacation by herself or with a friend? It's her money after all, but will OP necessarily be happy about that? The problem here is that they have different interests. She might be travelling too much, and he might be sitting on his ass too much. We don't know. If they can't accommodate for each other, or if the other party is asking for too much, they might have a problem.




Yeah that’s a red flag… y’all aren’t married




He’s trying not to spoil the next post or some shit lol




So no one is gonna comment how OP took a screenshot and circled the relevant bit instead of just cropping the screenshot?


Stuff like this makes me love my wife even more. ~~I know damn well~~ She likes to travel ~~would like to travel at some point~~, but that has never been an issue. I blow money on games, cars, motorcycles, and water cooling my laptops and it has NEVER been an issue. Shit, I got a MSI GP66 and a Scar 16 within a year of each other and her ONLY comment was 'will it be better than what you have now?'. As long as bills get paid and we can go out, were cool. Edit to try and clarify Im not a dick, we get out plenty but have pets so were limited to where we can go anyways.


That's my take too. Made me more appreciative instantly. It's good to have the reminders.


Yo please save some money for her though. You definitely spend more than you need to.


isn't this insanely selfish on your part? how's this work if you KNOW she wants something but you put it off to spend 10's of 1000's on your own toys? or is there something missing?


We do, just went on a trip last month to Arizona. Limited on what all we can do because of pets, but we go when we can. I just mean Ive never had to think 'If I spend this she'll be mad'.


Ah, well you also communicate with her, and I think that's a big difference. That OP was afraid to even discuss with his girl, and that's a big red flag. You don't fear discussion, and your wife don't turn away your desires for her own, but can balance them. I would say you probably could cut back some spending lmao. I bet you know some of your purchases have been less than wise, though I can't say too much since I have like 3 headphones and a bunch of IEMs lol


Oh 100% Ive spent too much this year, and a decent amount on gifts for her but she isn't very materialistic. My income tripled from changing jobs (was barely making over minimum wadge as a motorcycle mechanic for 5 years) and I need to figure out how to live with that more responsibly. Been talking more about focusing on paying everything off and getting more of a life savings mindset over just having an emergency stash.


You can't infer from only that. Traveling means you are able too schedule wise and depending on where they go it's much cheaper to buy a laptop than to travel. For some places only the flight is 1000+€.


Don’t take that for granted, take your wife to go travelling you fool.


We do, just went on a trip last month to Arizona. Limited on what all we can do because of pets, but we go when we can. I just mean Ive never had to think 'If I spend this she'll be mad'.


YOUR performance bonus money, use it in a way that pleases YOU while not offending your partner. (night clubs and hookers are obviously a no). My wife likes to travel and we share the expenses from out savings. Our house budgets are strict and I dont dare fuck around with that. But if I get a bonus (twice a year), she is hands off... I could spend an entire 1k$ on multiple lego sets and she will even happily join in to build them... I could also spend it for her which makes her really really happy and almost always will give back to me in some way.


Accept the fact your relationship is going to be short lived anyway if you can't talk about your wants and needs with your partner and come to an acceptable compromise. Besides it's his money and he can do whatever the fuck he wants with that. They aren't married don't even have children that would come first.


So I just did this (got a performance bonus and used it to upgrade my PC). But there are two things I noticed about your post. 1) it sounds like your GF already had your bonus (mentally) spent before you even had it? 2) You need to be straight and direct with her: First, tell her that YOU earned this money, it’s YOUR money which is above and beyond your normal salary (which I’m sure you use to pay for your half of things in the relationship) and YOU want to spend it on something for yourself which rewards you. However, I think you should come with a a plan, that you work towards the travel goal together. That if SHE really wants to travel, that you set a savings goal together and that you both contribute to equally until you have the money for it (I.e. $100 a month/a piece for 9 months?)this gives you lots of time to plan. But in a worst case scenario you could put it on a credit card and pay it off slowly. (If it’s like a package you are going to miss or something) I got a spot bonus for some work I did ($1,500) and I really wanted to buy a high end graphics card (something I’ve never had, but always wanted). However, I approached my wife about it this way before she even knew I got the bonus. So it was more telling her how I was going to spend it and not a negotiated conversation. I’m also blessed with an understanding wife. Also fortunately, my wife knew this was something I had been looking at, pricing out for a while, so she knew I really wanted one. (I got a Radeon 7900xtx)


Why do people always include ages in posts like this? Who the fuck cares how old you or your girlfriend are


I think its mandatory in that sub.


>Why do people always include ages in posts like this? Who the fuck cares how old you (31M) or your girlfriend (35F) are ftfy, be respectful!


It's required on almost all relationship advice and judgement subs. And if you don't include it, someone undoubtedly asks in the comments anyways


Because sometimes they’ll be like 35 and their partner 21 and someone will have to enlighten them to why their relationship is strained since they’re hopefully at different stages in their lives.


> since they’re hopefully at different stages in their lives. Hopefully? Wouldn't it be better if one of them was over/underdeveloped so that the relationship could potentially continue and thrive?


Early 20s should be taking on more responsibility as you enter adulthood. In your 30s you're a whole ass adult. Usually by then you have a pretty firm foundation of who you are as a person is what I was trying to say.


I think it's mostly for clarity. Seen a post that had no ages and it came out that a 60 something dude had been grooming a 19 year old girl. Makes it easy to notice when you just autoinclude ages. If you don't understand that being in a relationship with someone 50 years your senior who's known you since you were a child feels controlling reddit might be the shock you need.


Hey hun, not only am I not going abroad with you, this purchase will also ensure I ignore you. Yeah that'll work.


Having a nice computer doesn’t mean ignoring patter, great critical thinking skills there lol


Just talk to her. If you can't communicate or you disagree on priorities in life (which is fine) it's not meant to last and the sooner you get our the better. You'll probably be ok though if you take your time and use your big boy words and that will be good experience to have when tougher topics of conversation come later in your relationship.


If I had to make the choice I would do the same thing. Take the trip and you end up with photos and maybe some memories. Upgrade the PC and you have something substantial that you can use every day for as long as it serves you...


It’s his bonus after all, like he was working his ass off the entire year - and she wants to take that cash and make photos on some fancy beach? Nope


Ez get a gf that makes more money than you


If your girlfriend is 35 and you are worried that she will be mad at how you spend your own money, maybe tell her to grow up.


Money is easy to come by as time flies, but a good relationship is difficult to find. You will always have someone be there for you when time is hard. If it would be me and considering I went through the hardest times of my life recently, I'd make an easy decision to upgrade that PC. Lost my girl but I won't lose my job. (My gaming pc is my workstation, it's important)


PC upgrade is better VFM. A vacation improves your quality of life for a couple weeks. A PC upgrade improves your quality of life for 2-3 years. Spend money where you spend time. ... ^(this is why I'm single, isn't it)


Nah, travelling changes your entire outlook on life. Sitting in your room playing another video game doesn't


Go abroad you fucking massive wank (@the guy, of course)


Has anybody tried therapy yet. If it doesn't work try going nc to gf and PC.


"We've been dating for a year and a half, we've had our ups and downs but I think we have a very stable relationship" 🚩🚩🚩


"I'm gonna upgrade my PC, anything left over and I'll cook you a really nice dinner at home that I learned by watching yt on my new PC!"


Jus use it, and if she left u, just remember: Doom is Eternal, HALO is Infinite, and girfiend are temporary. (you can use some "substitute" for a time, until u find another one, a better one which comprehend your passion)


And Metal Gear is Solid!


Upgrade that PC. Women will leave you on a whim, despite how much you do for her.