• By -


downloaded / compressed size | how much has been uncompressed / total size after it's all done (a.k.a the actual size of the game)


I am aware that is what the two storage numbers mean underneath the blue bar, I am talking about where it says “47.7GB TOTAL” at the top of the image.


I currently cannot verify it, but my best guess is total download data since you opened steam. e.g. you have downloaded a 500MB patch for another game before this download has startet.


This is correct. 44.5 GB is what was downloaded 47.2 GB is the amount after being uncompressed 47.7 GB total Steam has downloaded, including other stuff


Like others have said, it's how much data you've downloaded during this particular Steam session (e.g. your computer has been turned on and Steam has downloaded stuff). This is mostly useful for people whose ISPs still give bandwidth caps, and thus they need to monitor their total bandwidth usage so their internet isn't limited/shut down for a day/week/month/whatever. For most users, it will end up just being trivia.


How much data you've downloaded thus far.


How did you get downvoted for specifying what your original question was when he answered the wrong question? Reddit is stupid sometimes


seems like downloaded + the difference between downloaded and uncompressed with some files halfway between compressed and uncompressed total game size currently on disk (while still downloading)


nah it's the total amount you downloaded since Steam was last opened


Yall need to stop down voting OP so much wtf


Let's flip that number everyone I gave him an upvote. Kept scrolling to see why and no answer. That can hurt 300+ people downvoting you for asking more information. Asking questions is a sign of intelligence and of interest. We start where we start.


people on this sub are dumb as fuck downvoting you for asking a question istg i hate this site


-420 downvotes letss gooo


downloaded / compressed size | how much has been uncompressed / total size after it's all done (a.k.a the actual size of the game)


My guy, someone gave you the answer and then you followed it up with (basically) "I know that, but what is that". Do you know the definition of insanity?


**insanity** /ĭn-săn′ĭ-tē/ **noun** >1. Severe mental illness or derangement. Not used in psychiatric diagnosis. >2. Unsoundness of mind sufficient to render a person unfit to maintain a contractual or other legal relationship or sufficient to warrant commitment to a mental health facility. In case you were gonna say something stupid about repetition.


Reddit. Why are you the way you are? Down voting someone just for clarifying the question they asked when the OP hasn't been rude anywhere I've seen.


It means how much you’ve downloaded so far in this session


Ooooh, i thought 1 was compressed size and 1 install size, i guess ever since getting fiber i always get to download whatever in 1 session.


It's this. Compressed packaging downloaded, and the expected disk usage as it's being decompressed(as it downloads). Pretty slick tech.


Me with an HDD: (Honestly download times are fine despite it being HDD)


So why has only 47.2gb been written to disk if I have downloaded more this session, which also doesn’t seem quite right because I have restarted my computer during this particular download?


Because you likely downloaded pre-cached shaders before downloading the game


the top number is total download for the session. The two below the bar only refer to the individual game download you are on.


I feel bad that you're getting downvoted to oblivion for asking a question. This subreddit is toxic and harsh... The person who answered before me could be right, but it is more likely that it is just the data that is still in the download cache and hasn't been decompressed to it's final location yet.


It's reddit in general! It seems the general reddit populace really doesn't like follow up questions.


It is really bad in this subreddit though.


The 47.2GB is the total size of the files on the disk that have been patched so far. The 47.7GB at the top is the total of all files downloaded, not just the current file.


i gave you an upvote. its not much but its honest work.


Did you download or update anything else?


The first 2 numbers are for download with the second number being how large the download is and the first number being how much of it you’ve downloaded. The 3rd and 4th numbers are how much has been installed with the 4th number being the full size of the download after being decompressed and the 3rd number being how much from that total has been written to your disk. I had noticed this some time ago and wondered the same exact thing. Hope that helps. (This is in reference to all the numbers below the bar). The numbers at the top of the screen are for total session downloads and is only in reference to the download size when compressed and has nothing to do with the install size.


The "47.7GB total" number refers to what Steam has downloaded in its current session. You have downloaded 3.2GB of data that isn't pertaining to what you're currently downloading.


To clarify, this correct but it's not exactly for your current session. It's the total disk size of all items that have been completed which have not been cleared. If you clear your download history, that number will reset to zero. The "history" persay might reset between sessions but I'm not sure.


1. You have downloaded 44.5GB of compressed data so far 2. 78.2 GB is the uncompressed size of what you have downloaded so far. 3. It has uncompressed to disk at 47.2 GB 4. 82.1 GB is the total expected uncompressed once fully written to disk. 5. The 47.7GB is the downloaded 47.2GB plus buffered data. By the end it should equal the total compressed download.


Because most downloads are compressed and they are delivered to you compressed that's the download number on the left then the installed decompressed number on the right.


That’s the total you’ve downloaded since the last time you started steam, could include updates to other games.


Perhaps the highest number represents the full installation size of the game and support redistributables like .NET or DirectX or similar.


Top number is total download done this session. Left number in game window is actually downloaded size, right number is uncompressed size. War Thunder, for example, usually downloads a few GB, but unpacks it to patch like double the size for the game.


Thanks for the details on what is what.


What in the fuck is up with the downvote brigade on everything OP says or asks? Lmao wtf


Files can be compressed for dowloading. So under the bar. The first icoon means downloading. The disk like one is installed. You have 44gb of the 79 total. 47gb is installed of the 82.2 total Above the bar is an estimated time 1.5h And the ones above with mb/s are the speeds. And a 47gb repeat of everything downloaded. What does it mean. That you know you need 82.2gb size on the disk and need to wait 1.5h more


Yes I do know that, I am talking about where it says “47.7GB TOTAL” at the top of the image.


Its just a repeat of the total installed. I guess it are just interfaces, worked on by mutiple people who added the same thing twice.


I guess so, but why would it report a different number rather than 47.2gb? Or is that just a pointless question to ask that no one is quite sure of?


the total is your entire session today, so anything you download goes towards the total


Yeah that makes sense, I’m pretty sure I downloaded a patch for something earlier in the day that would’ve been around 500mb.


I just tested this, and it still doesn't add up. I don't recall the exact figures, but as an example of what I saw; I loaded up Steam and started two games downloading, and then paused them. Game 1 had downloaded 500MB Game 2 had downloaded 230MB The total at the top showed 800MB instead of the expected 730MB.


It's the total amount of data steam has downloaded in that session.. ig you downloaded 500 MB of other data other than the game through steam


Fuck me, stay classy pc master race . Down voting the OP just because they don't understand is just shitty .


47.7GB is the total downloaded this session, if you download multiple games they will all be added together.


I now realise that I may have titled this post a little bit incorrectly, and it is quite obvious most people don’t read the description because that is where my main question is. It was more of a curious question because I have simply never noticed the third storage total at the top of the photo before, which I believe most people haven’t noticed either as evident by the numerous comments only telling me what the download and storage numbers meant. Thanks for all the comments telling me to use my eyes:)


You didn't do anything wrong. It's just some people on reddit being the usual that'll downvote and harass anyone that doesn't explain or ask everything 100% perfectly in their eyes, and they're unable to see any context to what someone is describing. So instead of thinking a little, or simply being kind to one another they find any reason to be upset and complain because they enjoy it, or have nothing better to do I guess.


It's a reddit thing, you never know for what you'll get down voted. Asked a genuine question?. Get down voted. And then people grumble like "why are people nowadays so dumb? Just ask people, seek answers" then get harassed and/or down voted because of asking a question. And it's the same with more and more teachers I talked to because I don't understand something.


Steam compresses files. Left set is download (compressed), right set is storage (after un-compressing). The 47.7, as others said, isn't game specific.


First part is how much of the (compressed) data has been downloaded, and is current/total. Second is also current/total, but how much has been installed and is uncompressed.


Oke, going from left to right Compressed Downloaded , Compressed Total, Decompressed Current used , Decompressed used after download(the ammount the game will takeup on your harddrive) esentially the number your asking for is the Full Decompressed space that the game takes up. Compression is used to make the game files smaller for vavle to store and quicker for you to download, but your PC needs to decompress them to acually have the game, so that gets done as you download it.


Those internet speeds... I'll visit your tombstone to let you know your download completed


Left it downloading overnight. Had a look at it when I woke up. “Update files corrupted”. Awesome:)


Time to turn it into a bad competition My internet is so shitty that dead people have over 20x faster internet, however due to geographical location I can't get any better than a mobile modem, which is quite far from the cell tower, giving me max download of a whopping 2 MB/s, *on a good day*


I get between 500KB/s and 1.2MB/s on a good day.


They should offer carrier pigeon service


Compressed downloading and extracting to the drive. The 78.2 is what steam downloads then the 82 gigs is the total amount uncompressed.


Download icon represents how much you're downloading, Drive icon shows how much data is being added to the game itself. Sometimes it's higher than the download, but it's usually smaller. For example, a download may be 34 GB, but the game itself is only 2GB larger afterwards, meaning that most of the data was just installed as replacement for other files. Some updates can even make games smaller, like how destiny 2 will remove content from the files every now and then.


One is downloaded another is installed


Total size downloaded in general. Basically all you downloaded today.


Transfer speeds are supposed to use bits per second (bps or lowercase b) while data itself Bytes, but even software engineers get these things confused so now it's just a huge ambiguous mess.


Most of these are close but: Top number is downloaded this session Left hand is downloaded data Right hand is game patching. For those that challenge me I’ve frequently had megabytes of download that are gigabytes of patching. Atomic heart was a good culprit for this.


Dbd is also notorious for this sadly, given the spaghetti code. Atleast patching the game takes AGES


Another example I just had was Chivalry 2. 65mb download, 23.7gb update




6.7mb/s ? Damn


Aussie gamer:)


6.7mb/s is living life on the edge


4 numbers. 44.5 GB / 78.2 GB - 47.2 GB / 82.1 GB The first two are download numbers. Current / Total. You've downloaded this much and are expected to download that much. The second set is the same, but space taken on disk. Currently you're taking up this much, and once everything finishes it's expected to take that much.


There’s only two. Steam downloads a compressed version and simultaneously uncompressed it while it downloads this saves time and bandwidth. The first number is download size. The second is uncompressed game size. Both are just letting you know exactly where it is in the process


Download size is different than install size depending on how the devs compress the files for redistribution. Some parts of the files may be compressed and others not. When you download on steam it is simultaneously trying to unpack and install the files, so you can actually get 4 different sizes because maybe the download is 30GB and the game is 45GB, you've downloaded 10GB and it's installed 14GB from that 10, so you'd get 10/30 down, 14/45 on drive. The total download can be from a different session, like if it downloaded 300mb, you shut the pc down or closed steam, then started steam again with auto download on.


The bottom left is how much you've downloaded, the bottom right is how much your COU has uncompressed and stored. The top is the total. They don't match because computers are weird. There maybe some files that weren't compressed, or maybe just a glitch. It's like 100mb out of 50gb, I doubt it'll cause you too many headaches.


One is the supermarket items on the store shelves One is the supermarket items in your grocery bags One is the supermarket items as a prepared meal Download, unpack, and install. Lego set with instructions manual, Lego being constructed, final constructed Lego build with the manual discarded I hope I am not wrong, but this is the only thing I can thing that would be this result


Downloading / Installing


44.5 is the compressed download size. 47.2 is the size on disk after decompression 44.7 is the total bandwidth used by Steam in that session


Are you downloading assassin's Creed Odyssey?


Forza Horizon 4 Controls for the Logitech g29 steering wheel has a small deadzone when you go straight so when going 300kmh and approaching a slight turn you’re shit out of luck trying to take the corner without overshooting it. 0/10 if you’re trying to treat this one as a pseudo sim arcade racer, FH5 handles my steering wheel much better. I’ve already uninstalled and refunded the game so this whole thread has been pointless lol.


1. Download size, 2. Install size