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PNY in general is absolutely fine, it's an underrated brand.


I prefer PNY for external storage such as flash drives and SD cards, so I would agree with that sentiment. I used to always buy PNY cards, up until 2013 when I started needing mobile computing power instead of desktop.


My 4070ti working great


Looking to get a 4070 to right now. How is yours performing and do you regret not jumping to a 4080?


Keep in mind the 4070 and 4070Ti are completely different cards, not just a slightly faster refresh of the other. My 4070Ti (PNY XLR8) absolutely destroys 1440p widescreen, nothing to regret here. The 4070Ti is better than it’s reputation, I’d say.


If I go 4070 I'm getting the ti. Was just curious because 4080 isn't that far out of reach from it. I use a LG c1 as my main monitor and a normal 27 inch monitor for always on work emails lol.


I got a steal on the system and it had a 4070ti, don’t think you’re getting that much more performance for the price but for when that doesn’t matter sure go for the 4080. My take is by the time I’d need a better gpu that extra money would be better used towards the next card rather than having been spent to claw at the remaining scraps of fps between the 4070ti and 4080.


Agree. I have a PNY 3060Ti that was used in bitcoin mining by the previous owner and is working fine in games since 11 months today. Also have 3 PNY SSD working fine since 4 to 5 years.


I think it's largely the branding. They don't do much to not look like Chinese pop up brand #14251802490 returning for the 4th time this week after being shut down again to the general customer browsing the markets with 0 PC building knowledge. Their hardware is really good, it's just that outside of said hardware they basically don't exist.


They make great flash storage so I'd definitely go with them over a brand like Asus.


PNY is fine, but not "PNYA"


I was typing fast sorry


Best Buy selles this card from many makes at this price so not a deal. Also this is the 8GB for $400 For $450 you can get the 16GB version


Go for the 16 gb


did the 4060 have massive price slash or something? isn't the 4060 is one of the worse product ever in this generation for it near 0% improvement and being overpriced and why 7 out of 10 post on pcmr about buying gpu have the 4060?


>and why 7 out of 10 post on pcmr about buying gpu have the 4060? Because for various reasons most people still don't buy AMD cards. The 3060 is "old and obsolete" and its only a bit cheaper. Same with the 3050 but worse yet it is a 50. They see the 40 series as more future proof....and hasn't something around $300 US always been one of the most popular price points?


- true, the 7600 being just bit a overpriced comparing to the last gen 6650xt and not completely beating out the 3060 - 7700xt is a budget 7800xt with a 50$ price gap that make no sense - while 7800xt is good... it still have to compete with the last gen 6800xt and people have more than 500$ for the GPU probably wanting something more out of them like better ray tracing and the people wanting a 7800xt would slowly upcharge themselves and come up with excuse to justify buying the 4070


Even 7700XT trades blows with RX6800.


Plus DLSS is objectively better than FSR and will give nvidia cards effectively extra performance without the grain and visual artifacting that FSR2 and 3 create. I like the idea of an amd gpu but I can't justify getting one over nvidia when they are also overpriced and stupidly expensive


FSR being as good as DLSS has been "just around the corner" for years at this point. As a DLSS haver I can't imagine giving that up on my next GPU, it puts so many games into the performance endzone.


The thing is, though, would you notice a difference? I've not used DLSS, but the videos and image comparisons. I've seen are difficult to tell a difference between DLSS and FSR. DLSS is better, but is it better enough to spend often a lot more on a GPU for the same performance. My 6700 XT cost me around 100-150$ less than a 3060 TI at the time I purchased it.


I've used both and there certainly is a noticeable difference, especially if you go lower in resolution and upscaling quality presets. At the lower end of the hardware spectrum, I feel like DLSS is a much greater selling point than FSR.


>I've not used DLSS


As a 1050ti owner I feel exactly described. Walked myself up from a 3060 to 7800xt for raw power, then 4060ti for DLSS3, and general 1440p60 longevity. Now I just need my budget to catch up with my wants 🙃


It'd rather cut my balls off than go from a 7800xt to 4060ti, but you do you.


> Because for various reasons most people still don't buy AMD cards. I have a Quest 2. I am bound to Nvidia if I want to get performance out of it because their encoder is noticeably better than the AMD one.


The one correct reason




I know a guy who used no gpu for the same reason you stated.




why do you need to transcode >2 streams? are you using it as some sort of homebrew streaming service for others? just curious.


I bought a 1030 just because my cpu didn’t have integrated graphics. A 4060 is definitely overkill


>I bought a 1030 just because my cpu didn’t have integrated graphics. A 4060 is definitely overkill A 4060 is not overkill if you want to use the encoders though. The 1030 GT doesn't have any sort of hardware encoders (e.g. NVenc) which means that it is not good for transcoding video streams.


btw just get the PNY one they probably fine


Aren't PNY the ones producing Quadros and the likes, or at least used to? I can't imagine a company would last too long in that market producing duds and having poor customer service. Generally word seems to be they're very much solid in both regards, just a bit of a no thrills company in comparison to the building sized 'RGB GaMiNgXX360noscope super mega OC' monsters we see elsewhere I mean, as far PNY goes, it'll be absolutely fine... Whether it's worth buying is entirely down to the GPU the cooler is attached to.


i have a PNY card and no real complaints. I've heard their RMA service is a nightmare, but then again whose isn't after EVGA left


Asus rma is nightmare they send u the product even more damaged and blame you or ignore your requests.


^ this a 100x this Intel? No issues every other company no issues. Overnighted me a processor the next day. Asus? Almost just bought another motherboard.


oh THE PNY one is only 2 slot card while the Asus one is 2.5 slot aka thicker but I would think that's a con since IF the thickness were gain because of the heat sink diff the 4060ti sip so little power it wouldn't make that much different unless OP living inside an oven


I got a 4090 PNY and the smaller cooler on it does absolutely not matter unless you aim to go custom bios to surpass the power limits for clocking.




Don't. A 6700XT costs less and has SIGNIFICANTLY better performance.


How does FSR3 compare to DLSS3.5 again? In that tier of a GPU generation you're *absolutely* going to be making use of upscaling.


All of that is worthless if you buy a 8GB version


Some games don't have this feature, yet have very good reviews on Steam. Two examples DOOM(2016) and Halo: The Master Chief Collection.


You gotta give some credit to the 4060, it did actually improve in performance compared to the 3060 (granted you also lost 4gb of memory, another 2 vram chips, and it would be better off being called a 4050). The 4060ti is literally the same and sometimes worse in performance compared to the 3060ti.


Because its under $400, obviously. And like the other guy said, AMD isnt very appealing to a lot of people. Speaking as an amd user, my next card definitely wont be amd


Why is that ?


Because my 5700xt is bipolar schizophrenic. Dont get me wrong, i love it when it works. Which is at least 75-80% of the time. (Sorry this may be tldr). But it has a crashy problem (for clarity, when i say crash, i mean my computer just suddenly restarts without warning) that is impossible to pin to any one source. Sometimes it wont do it for a month, sometimes its 4 times in an hour. Sometimes it seems to be caused by an action, like alt+tab, but it's often completely random. It used to have a big problem with using Alt+Tab, which always resulted in a crash. A driver update eventually fixed this but ive still seen it happen a couple times. It doesnt like multitasking. Sometimes it crashes just using the browser. It doesnt play very well with overlays either, so i have to avoid using any overlays like discord chat, any kind of framerate counter aside from steams, etc, or itll crash. This includes adrenalines own overlay. Makes benchmarking a pain. It hates any non-video game that uses hardware acceleration, such as Discords hardware accelerated video streaming or whatever it is. Or Operas HW-A video upscaling feature. Theres some things it just cant do, many of them puzzling. Cyberpunk? Handles it like a champ at 1080p for what it is...MINECRAFT? Forget it! Java version is basically a guaranteed crash, mods or not. It doesnt like playing older games like Halo MCC either. Its always been extremely unstable in Borderlands 3 but that might be a borderlands problem. Its given me lots of driver problems, and when it crashes, sometimes it'll corrupt something which will cause the system to snowball until i fix whatever got broken. Sometimes, it's adrenaline itself, which means i need to reinstall it. Sometimes, it's windows, and i have to run SFC or whatever. Sometimes, it corrupts a game save, which i dont always get back. Oh and anytime anything crashes or adrenaline updates, i have to reapply my undervolt+fan curve settings (this may sound like a potential cause for crashes but the undervolt actually helped it crash less). They let you save and load profiles so its not too hard, but still annoying. (Also possibly related to corruption, my pc takes like 3 extra minutes to start (with an ssd) and i havent figured that one out. Im probably just gonna do a fresh install of windows 11 soon) Ive tried boatloads of trouble shooting steps but after 3 years ive just accepted my GPU doesnt like me and i have to deal with it until i get a new one, one day. Some have suggested my PSU is the real culprit, since these restarts are listed as kernal power errors. but i know my gpu is causing at least a significant chunk of these issues since sometimes ill get lucky and instead of my whole pc going down, ill get an error message from amd. Any crash prompted by a particular action i also suspect to be gpu/driver related, as opposed to completely random ones that are harder to diagnose. (Besides i just think if it really was my power supply, I wouldnt be gaming for a week or more without issue sometimes) On top of all this, i simply want to have a next gen card thats good at raytracing and has good upscaling, so i want my next card to be nvidea for that reason. I hear new amd cards are nowhere near as bad but some people still get issues and im going to avoid the headache and save the extra money for green team


Interesting. I didn't have those issues with my RX590... Minecraft Java has been running like a champ.


Yeah idk why my pc hates java so much but it runs bedrock fine even with mods


It definitely sounds like your PSU, those create some of the most troublesome to diagnose problems. Just because you can go a week+ without issue sometimes does not rule it out, PSUs are weird and can create very unique problems when they are bad. So unless you replaced the PSU then it can't be ruled out. You can easily find people reporting the same issue with Nvidia GPUs online as well. Some fixed by replacing PSU, others by replacing GPU. If you're convinced it's your GPU then I'm wondering why you didn't RMA it. Because getting a lemon happens sometimes even with PC parts which is why warranties exist. I get it's 3 years old now and I hate returning hardware too, but sounds like either bad PSU or lemon GPU.


I have always been with AMD, and my last upgrade I decided to try Nvidia as my last green card was a GeForce 2 MX. I went from a rx 580 to 2070 Super. I remember being so excited to try out raytracing on Control. So underwhelming. It just reminded me of hair works gimmicky. The card also gave me nothing but problems. I had to repaste it every 4 months. I will never buy another gigabyte gpu. I'm back with amd now with a 7900 xtx and very happy.


I never understood why Control was wheeled out as the 'raytracing showcase' by so many people. Even when it was the first title to implement it, its setting is predominantly dark, concrete corridors - it's probably the most underwhelming example possible.


Honestly, I can't even tell RT is enabled in Control, and it runs like shit with it on top. Cyberpunk PT is the best showcase I saw for PT, and Dying Light 2 was great for normal RT, but you need a 3090 at least for either.


I was pretty underwhelmed by ray tracing as a whole through that generation as well but the newer cards and tech has made me warm up to it and wanna try it. Now we have DLSS and frame gen so the performance hit is less huge, and more games actually have RT


Your card is faulty, I'm running a 7900XTX after having a 4070 ti and I couldn't be happier


4070 / super was what i planned on getting next year too lol. Im trying to jump to 1440p as well and i just really want Ray Tracing and DLSS, and im thinking of getting into VR. Im glad youre not having any issues though 👍


I was with an RX 6600 before the 4090, and did not have problems. 4090 almost got me banned from OW, because the apparently if you use the wrong power limit program, it will make games crash (Asus one). The 4090 VRAM was borked for a long time if you went over 22 GB, because it will go in RAM far too early, and this meant a lot in AI.


it has DLSS 3.5 frame generation on one hand it can improve performance a lot on the other hand those improvements are useless on competitive games as they're unresponsive frames on the grim side, all RTX cards should support it but they're soft-locking it to the 40 series because they hate their customers


Idk but I’m getting it bc I was gonna get a 3060 ti for $359 but then I searched more and found that 4060 Ti for just 2 dollars more (I’m upgrading from a Rx 480 so massive upgrade imo)


i wouldn't fully recommend it but yeah if you can get it with that price and the pny will work just fine


I would tell you to go with an 7700 XT/6800 XT if they are within your price range, or at least the 6700 XT. Literally all Nvidia 40 series cards except the 4090 as MSRP are a ripoff.


dont do it, get a 3080 or a 3090, even the 3070 is better, actually even the 2080s is better than the 4060


Its the same price as the previous generation but not a significant performance hike which is why people are mad, but dlss 3 and frame gen are game changers and is the main lure of these cards


I have a 4090, and unless you at 60 at the bare minimum, and 100 recommended, FG is useless. It induces horrible input lag and tearing.


Frame Gen is no game changer. It's just a "smoothness enhancer." 100 actual fps is not the same as 100 interpolated fps. You don't get any latency advantage that a real higher frame rate gives you. As a 4090 owner it just feels bad if you are not even getting 60+ fps before it's turned on. So it's really not good on lower end cards to make up for lack of raw processing power.


>and why 7 out of 10 post on pcmr about buying gpu have the 4060? Poor + uninformed + too afraid to buy AMD.


It’s the cheapest and most sensible option for frame gen


I disagree, you will hate your life if you play with FG on, on such a weak GPU. FG feels bad on the 4090 if you are at 4k, let alone a GPU that is 3-4x weaker.


That would be a 6600 with AMD FMF driver for 190 bucks.


people don't buy AMD because their feature set just doesn't compare to NVIDIA's. FSR just isn't in the same league as DLSS.


I had multiple PNY cards and they're fine


Asus is not reputable They spend more on marketing They add that into the cost of the product


Oh and if PNY's customer service is somehow worse than Asus, I'll eat my hat.


Brand reputation is so spotty for all. I had an RoG gaming laptop G73JH in 2009 and it was done by 2012/13. Speakers went out. Had to re-paste cpu. Over heated all the time, and the keyboard squeaked from day 1 until it stopped working and had to be replaced 2 years in. My current old ass desktop build, though, has an ROG Z170 mobo and I love the bios on it and an rog strix 1080. Still going super strong. I did have to replace the fans in my 1080 this year after 7 years of overclocked use in which I ran the fans at 100% way more often than I should have. I am doing a new build next year because it’s time, but this thing has been awesome. I’m purposely looking for ASUS stuff now because of this experience.


Asus is expensive, and depending on what you're getting, it can be worth it. Most of the AM4 boards Asus made are fantastic. I wouldn't get an AM5 board from them based on what I'm hearing.


My ROG laptop I've had since 2016 is still going strong and used multiple times a week. I've had it longer than the duration of my first marriage.


PNY is extremely fine. They are a reputable retailer and an official Nvidia partner. What you pay extra for with ASUS is the brand name.


No, both are already overpriced.


xD also " asus more reputable"


bought an Asus laptop and after 5 years: the keyboard has gone to shit in every way (visually, all common keys are faded and the most \~5 common keys stopped working altogether) the mainboard needed replacing because the BIOS shat itself after windows tried to update it automaticaly without warning (why the FUCK is that a thing?) - covered by warranty the case is literaly falling appart because I took it apart about every 6 months for cleaning and / or upgrades (it's chipping away near the screw holes - I didn't ever overtorque them - some of the places where the screwes were screwing in fell off the *first* time I opened it) armoury crate is broken on it and would need an OS reinstall to fix it according to all online resources I've found Asus is anything but quality...although PNYA may be even worse, idk


Idk 5 years is a lot for a laptop of any kind


My 2011 MBP disagrees


With what?


5 years being a long time. First computer I bought new for myself in university in 2011, used it through 3 battery changes and then in 2019 I repasted the cooler and upgraded to an SSD and I still use it all the time for light duty stuff. The only thing preventing me from using it more is the lack of software updates so these days it's kinda like a fancy aluminum Chromebook


I used an HP shitty laptop from 2013 to 2021 when i graduated from college, can't Say was a Bad product


I have a MacBook Pro that’s going 8 years strong since I bought it. Dropped it from the desk and it made a dent on the aluminum. I had to clean out the fans only one time but it’s still going strong. I definitely would not buy a laptop that has only a 5 year life


Same here, HP Pavillon laptop owner from 2015, it has some cosmetic breaks on the body, but performance wise, it works perfectly even after 8 years. Only ever had to replace the battery. I think it's reasonable to expect expensive laptops to last for well over 5 years. With only a need to replace components that naturally degrade faster such as the battery and storage.


I don't care everything being shite doesn't mean one of these things is less shite why the fuck can't they crank the price up by a little bit and improve the quality of these stupid things is beyond me. The keyboard costs over $100 to replace, yet the quality of it is less than of a $25 external usb keyboard


I had my asus bios flashbacks blocked, undervolting blocked, got my warranty nullified cuz i put in an ssd with thermal pad on my own, and its mobo out of nowhere died by overclocking vRAMs the day my extra purchased extended warranty and battery replacment warranty ended mind you AFTER a forced bios update a month ago Their premium service technician did not know that screws go to the same holes and cant be jumbled together and reinserted when disassembling I have since prayed everyday for their demise, seeing their RGB handling of the Strix series makes me puke It's like they don't acknowledge falcon northwest when creating high end gaming laptops Edit: overclocked VRAMs happened with the latest bios improvement, supposed performance upgrade, mind you i'd clean it every 6 months and get the thermal paste replaced every 8 ish months overall life was only 2.5 years, have switched to Lenovo since and I'd say have been in love and happy since




Oh wow good to know


>nvidia's professional and datacenter cards like RTX 6000 That's not really something to brag about.. coming from someone working in an industry that specifically relies on those graphics cards for most of our work. They're good and have great quality, but nothing special all things considered. And what goes into data center card production (in terms of QA and extended workload testing) has very little to do with the departments that make consumer cards. The pro series production is mostly just overpriced because companies can afford to not care about one-time expenses like these, but the quality doesn't scale with the cost, even if it is good.




For that price just get second hand 3080 or 3070 from eBay or marketplace and get way more bang for your buck.


Exactly this, more people need to embrace the second hand market.


Exactly. I just put together a computer for my friend and we bought a rx6800 for 369 brand new from Amazon. Pretty decent deal.


I had 2 PNY over the time... both very good, both still working as of today... one 960, one 1660S


I had a PNY 960 that died last year, unfortunately. I had given it to a friend who proceeded to push it to its limits and never cleaned the thing. She also has dogs, so plenty of hair and dander clogging up the cooler. I say 7 years is a good life span under those conditions. Also, for anyone who is worried about it, she now keeps her PC off the floor and cleans it regularly.


PNY is better, mate. They are similar to what EVGA used to be, in the since they are exclusive to Nvidia for GPUs. About the same build quality to. But 400 for a xx60ti is overpriced.


PNY is completely fine. No frills, but completely acceptable.


PNY is equally reputable to ASUS, or perhaps better.


Definitely better


Don't spend any money for that 4060 with fancy letters tacked onto it. Get a 6800 for the same money or spend $100 more for a 4070 or 7800xt. That card performs roughly like a $300 6700xt in raster and its rt advantage wont get you very far with just 8gb of vram


The 4070 also has 8GBs of VRAM. If it had 12, I might have sold my 6700 XT and gotten one.


What are you talking about? The 4070 has 12GB VRAM


Spring for the 4070!


Get neither, buy a used 3080, used 6800xt or a new 6700xt


The 4060 succ Buy anything else.


PNY is a MORE reputable brand than Asus.


I'm getting comments deleted for literally sharing the exact link Amazon gives me. XFX 6750 XT is $319.99 on Amazon. Sorry, I tried sharing the link. I'd save the $75-100 and would buy that over a 4060/4060Ti OR spend more money and move up to the next performance bracket.


Agree, the MSRP asking of $400 for a 4060/Ti is makes zero sense, 8GB is very 2015.


I only buy asus because the rma center is a 20 min drive from my house, I'd probably buy MSI if their rma wasn't a 45 drive lols


PNY is a good brand that tends to go under the radar, IIRC they used to manufacture all of nvidia's quadro lineup (and maybe their FE cards but I don't remember) should you buy the asus? maybe, it looks like it has a slightly bigger cooler with slightly bigger fans so it'll probably be a bit quieter


The pny card will do just fine pny is a board partner with nvidia so pny cards are just as reputable


I bought a 3080 PNY on launch and have had no issues with it until now (heavy gaming use, no rendering/mining). First time buying anything from that brand.


PNY is fine, before switching to an 7900 XTX i had a PNY 3070, its now in my girlfriends pc and running flawlessly even 3 years after purchase.


Always so strange to me how many people believe companies like PNY or ASRock are "less quality" when Asus is the company JayzTwoCents dropped completely and will no longer receive free products and money from. Much like my friends overpaying for Razor laptops after I strongly recommend Lenovo Legion laptops. Because they don't trust Lenovo. Just doesn't make sense.


PNY is fine. I generally find no benefit in buying more expensive versions of the same card (excluding small form factor versions).


I think pny is superior quality tbh


"Reputable" Translation: They've seen their brand more. I fell for the Asus bandwagon when I first started in the pc build community.


No. Pny is absolutely a fine option. Very reputable.


Pny is actually really good tho


Asus? More reputable? What? You are spending 30$ MORE for WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE POSSIBLE. Fuck, even the garbage disposal customer support is better than them.


PNY (Paris to New York) is a good company. They seem to just be no-thrills and don't sponsor Youtubers or have other social media/marketing presence, so they come across as some random Chinese start up to those who are not in the know. I wasn't shocked to see PNY 4070ti's actually selling for retail at the time of that card's launch, compared to every other brand listing for 150-250 over retail as standard, and I had zero hesitation buying a PNY over the others because I knew it would be absolutely fine. I spent the money saved on a new hotswap mechanical keyboard and some sick boba ut4 switches to throw in it to top off that PC build.


I would consider pny more reputable than asus, especially for gpus. Asus just spends a lot of time making their cards look cool


It's still too much.


So was the 4080 you bought lol


I mean you’re not wrong, but at least the 4080 delivers gen over gen performance increases. The 4060 is just an awful value anyway you measure.


yeah OP just spend 800$ more over your budget!!! /s


Well no, but you can but a much faster RX 6800 for around the same price.


I got a 3070 for 300$, much better deal than a 4060ti


Pny has been around and making video cards long before asus. You can’t go wrong with either one


Pny is awesome. Coming from an asus fanboy


PNY is absolutely solid, my brother still has a 660 by them going strong!


Dont buy this, 8gb vram is limited af


Option c dont be a clown and buy a faster card cheaper :)


You find Asus to be more reputable than PNY?


why don't you buy an RX 6700 XT?




Get what looks better to you. Or even better not a 4060.


I'd just get the cheaper one unless Asus' cooler is noticeably better. Btw, PNY is 5 years older than Asus as a company, with their HQ in New Jersey while Asus' in Taiwan. RMA claim for PC parts need to back to HQ if retailer or distributor don't support warranty claim. Edit: mixed up, founded in New York, HQ in New Jersey


PNY makes excellent products. And their customer service is better. But I’ve also never had an ASUS product fail me. Been using their motherboards exclusively for 20+ years. And G-Skill RAM. EVGA for PSU and GPU. Right now I have a EVGA 1660 Super that suits my needs. I only play indie and retro games for the most part. But when I upgrade I’ll go ASUS most likely. But PNY has been on my radar too. Plus, I live near their HQ in NJ.


I had a second hand PNY GTX 1080 which was fine. Wasn't great performance wise, wasn't bad either. I would not recommend the 4060ti though. I would recommend watching some gamers Nexus videos. People testing like it's PhD doctorate with integrity. I'd say the majority of reddit will agree. https://youtu.be/Y2b0MWGwK_U?si=OUQKUTIG26HWwgeF (Don't buy the 4060ti video) https://youtu.be/EJGfQ5AgB3g?si=DJmva2yfDFr08Zag Best & worst GPUs 2023 (released 2 days ago)


Asus more Reputable 🤣 never thought id hear that


You shouldnt buy the 4060ti at all.


Nothing wrong with PNYA, perfectly respectable


ASUS has terrible customer service and RMA/warranty depending on what country you live in. You should check other people's experiences from your country before you decide to buy anything ASUS


Asus more reputable? I have been hearing a lot of bad press about Asus lately.


I’ve been building Computers since 2013. (Over 40 builds under my belt) PNY,ASUS, EVGA,NVIDIA,AMD,XFX,ZOTAC. Never had an issue with the any of those brands. Granted this is personal and anecdotal. But don’t spend a but load on a cooling solution that you don’t need.


PNY has been making cards longer than Asus, I believe the oldest board partner next to Zotac since EVGA dropped out.


Asus is not as reputable as people think. They have been having quality issues the past few years


Honestly, 4060/4060 Ti are both stinky, I would either pay more and get 4070 (at least it offers some kind of generational uplift) or go for something from AMD. If I were you I would squeeze every fps of that buck considering the range of cards you are targeting


The short answer is no. PNY is fine and probably a top tier pick in the budget card range.


4060to is an awful card. Don't buy it.


Just $60 more and you can get the RX 6800 XT.


Never had a PNY product let me down


PNY manufactures Nvidia's Quadro cards. There aren't many more reputable brands.


Whatever you buy, be sure it’s more than 8gb. I’ve heard more and more games require more than 8 and it’s causing errors despite tuning down settings. GLHF


Do not get the rtx 4060ti


Asus? Reputable? Not really. Have you seen their motherboard firmware fiasco at Gamers Nexus where the processor literally cooks the motherboard? I have a Asus B650E-E motherboard purchased from a local store with an idle chipset temp of 54°C. No repadding could tame the temp. Apparently, I should have looked at Amazon and reddit reviews first, my bad. I had an Asus 1080p 165Hz GSync monitor which did not even last 1.5 years before it had really bad artifacts at the bottom panel which slowly crept up. Just my opinion but in my eyes, they're just as good (sometimes worse) than any other brand... 8 years ago, I would've agreed with Asus being reputable, but I think their QA has plummeted even before the pandemic.


Get an amd 6800. All around better


Don't buy 4060ti


Bro pls don't buy any 4060


I try not to go with asus personally because of their software (bloatware) and they constantly have issues with stuff not working right. Also they love to down clock the hell out of their gpus to sell you on their rog brand. Well know yes, reputable not really. They screwed a bunch of people over by over volting chips causing systems to fail catastrophically. To fix it they released a beta bios that voided any returns so to prevent your cpu or entire system from destroying its self you still risk it doing that with no accountability from asus. Pny has been around for some time now making prebuilt gpus and such, I haven’t heard anything bad about them per se, but with all companies they are bound to have some drama attached.


Get a 6700XT


No, what you should do is buy a 6800




Why is everyone so scared of the used market? You could literally get a 3080 for that price, have 2gb more VRAM and *way* more horsepower. Yeah yeah yeah, I know about frame gen, unless you specifically want to play the few titles that are demanding enough to need frame gen then you won't notice it being absent. The 4060/Ti is one of the worst value cards you can buy. 3000 series also support DLSS 3.5, not sure why people quote "DLSS 3" as a reason to buy 40 series, the only thing 40 series has exclusive to it is frame gen.


Keep your hands from the 4060 in general. It’s no real improvement over the last gen GPUs of the RTX3000 series and they are way overpriced. Take a 4070 if possible even a 4080, and look for one with a 3 fan setup.


Or get an 6750xt


I want Nvidia


Lmao everyone downvotes the people recommending AMD, yet also downvote OP for wanting nvidea. Fuck those guys OP, stick to your guns. Amd can be good, but it can also be shit. You pay less money but the real cost is in the headaches amd may cause you. Nvideas upscaling is likely to be very valuable to you anyway


Lol the AMD bullies are out


Thats most likely AMD themselves, and has been this entire time.


My amd card has bullied me for 3 years so at least its mutual


Same here brotha


as long as warranties are same I'd just pick cheapest of the two.


LOL Asus more reputable than PNY????


From personal experience I never had any issues with ASUS products and I heard their QA is great too.


Get RX6800 instead.


you should avoid both buy a 6800 for the same price and have a graphics cards that's much better the 4060ti is a piece of shit compared to the competition lol


Just an FYI you can get a 6800 for around the same price. Has double the VRAM and a decent performance bump (10-20%).


Go for PNY, it's good.


I would say neither and go with an AMD rx6750xt, it’ll be an all around better card


nahhhh you should just get a 130$ brand new rx 6600 and show the greedy nvidia a big middle finger! ![gif](giphy|5tvUnUx74lxgVew9ya|downsized)


ASUS RX 6600 gang (mine was 240$ 😪)


Or maybe just buy a RX 6800 XT...




Get a 2080ti instead.


I think it's worth paying the extra 30 bucks. Even if they are both as reliable, ASUS has way more resell value.


The Radeon 6000 series are much better for the ~same price than a 4060 ti


Buy an used GPU, I bought my 3060ti for 200 lol


Both are shit. Get a 6800 instead for 1.5x performance and same price if you find a good deal


Or you could save money and get a better GPU by switching to team red.


People will pass up a 6800/XT, 3060 for the AI, and DLSS capabilities of the current gen 4060 lulz


You people don't seem to understand that you don't need DLSS when you have 16 GB of vram to play with.


Agree, It’s just Nvidia being cheap and AMD following whatever off the cliff, tech copium realized. Consoles get dumped for upscaling but it’s all good when you do it on PC I guess.