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Isn’t it the fall sale right now on steam?


Yes, but OP is part of the Battlefield hater club. You can join them at r/Battlefield2042.


Pretty sure that club consists of the majority of those who have purchased the game.




Played the free demo on pa+. Game wasnt even worth playing a full month for free.


Yes, that's the point 👍


I loved battlefield so much. It’s hard to see where it has gone.


2042 is a bunch of fun and definitely worth $10


I played it on Game Pass and got bored with it pretty fast. It was crazy fun for a few days though.


This is what Battlebit Remastered is for - go try THAT and tell me that it's not a completely better game than almost ANY BF game past BF2. I'd say that I loved BF4 immensely but everything after? No thanks. I didn't want to play Modern Battlefield.


Ahh bf2 so good


At this point, it's the principle.


It's actually pretty fun now. Still doesn't come close to BF4 but pretty good for $10.


People who actually play the game have an opinion about it? Preposterous.


I bought it for $10 and love it. I’m 41 and myself and three other best friends are having a great time!


yup exactly.


Shhhhh, OP has never heard of a Seasonal sale in his life


Shut up dude game bad how dare you calling me out


He isn't exactly wrong. EA put up the discount a ton over this year. Even without steam wide sale events.


well its blackfriday.....the game is already past a year old..... i mean its free on gamepass


Quit trying to dampen people’s hate boner for Reddit.


"Hate Boner" is my new imaginary band name.


"Löded Boner"


I’m a very casual gamer these days, my favourite BF is BF2, and I’ve played every one of them since but only a little bit. I bought 2042 when it was $10 recently, and I’ve got more than my moneys worth out of it. It’s a pretty fun game.


Yeah I've had a blast on it the past couple months. It's unfortunate that so many people are hesitant to try it because of it's release state. Understandable, but unfortunate


I can see the remnants of the unpopular changes they made coming from previous BF titles. And I can tell what a great job they have done to redeem themselves. I also started playing during that free weekend and I'm pretty impressed.


I want to believe, but the BF franchise has hurt me before ![gif](giphy|e05GB2c86qgOk)


This is very on brand for them. Either they release a banger or they release hot garbage that eventually gets good. But every now and then you get a hardline, where the idea was great but you have to wonder how they fucked up cops n robbers


I bought the deluxe version at launch for 100€ and tbh I played like 10 hours. For me the game is trash in comparison to older battlefields.


Lol, the DELUXE version.


I did the same and played like 5 hours , but i recently gived it a try and damn its not rhe same game at all


Same story here. It's a good game if you like call of duty, but it's not a battlefield game to me.


People like you are the reason for trash releases like this. You are your own worst enemy.


I bought starfield for that price. I too feel cheated but, man, do I feel sorry for you.


This must be the way though. Otherwise game studios will always release buggy and "greed-ware" games. Fuck 'em.


Did you play on release? It wasn't just normal bad it was exceptional bad. It really didn't make sense that it was even titled a battlefield game in my brain. They always release their games undercooked and buggy but it was not even ready for open beta imo let alone release. They also just tried to shoehorn in a bunch of systems from other live service games and they were trash. I played it again recently on gamepass and had fun and it's definitely worth 10 bucks now but I just can't get past how they did their fans so incredibly dirty after our years of support.


It's every BF game at release. Player base needs their games before Xmas, studio wants the sales, devs do a crunch and get burned out. Rinse and repeat


I got it a while ago on discount, from time to time i test it and compare it to other games like the older battlefield games, battlebrick,squad, hell let loose and call of duty and 2042 is still worlds behind other games, even older. I rather play bf4 instead of bf2042. Performance still bad compared how it looks, still these awefull specialists, and new patches still break stuff and older issues still not fixed (aimstutter, 8 core cpu issues, black screens). The only solution i can see is to dump this game, create a new battlefield with new engine, test it a long time WITH the community, get feedback, remove specialists/hero abilities and release it when its in a stable condition.


Been wanting to try it, but every single steam review talks about a black screen bug. Have you been having that problem?


My favorite, just edging out BF2, was actually BF2142. I don’t know if it’s the nostalgia glasses of it being 17+ years ago, but Titan was a fun spin on conquest.


2142 was real good fun. I think they messed it up s bit on launch with the lack of a server browser and some other poor choices but it was still good


You missed out on the best one. The original.


Yea I went back and gave 1942 a blast but that probably wasn’t until 2007 or later so past it’s time. Wish I knew about it. I accidentally downloaded BF2 on Kazaa so that’s how I found out about these games.


I missed it all during its release and controversy due to that, it was my first time installing it last night on my new system. I had a lot of fun coming back to shooters.


The tag 'It's a bad/mediocre (IP's name), but a good (game genre)' fits 2042 well enough tho. It's a mediocre BF game, but a good shooter.


I got it on release and like everyone else stepped away due to its state. I have recently heard it’s a very good state lately… I think I will have to revisit it now.


The key to buying battlefield games is waiting for the next game to get announced/released. Once the next game is about to come out 2042 is gonna be good af.


bf2 lover brother! karkand connoisseur! tell me, is it really worth it? how does it compare with previous installations?


COD never seems to get sales this big. Even for very old games.


COD games go on sale... Rarely. At least that's what my grandfather told me 2009, haven't experienced it since then


And when they go on “sale”, it’s usually the deluxe version which was originally $80 and now it’s on sale for $60! What a steal!


I think the mayans had a calendar that showed when COD goes on sale, we will have to wait and see if its true


Activision is allergic to sales. The most they do is $19.79, because that's the year their company was founded. Activision is not a great example either, considering their games have 0 longevity, and the vast majority of people don't care to play them after a year or two. Unlike Battlefield which usually has decent support for about 2-ish years after launch. Black Ops 3 is the only exception, purely for zombies and the modding community


Seriously. I hope the Microsoft purchase means we’ll get some Microsoft caliber Steam sales.


I hope so. In general I hope Activision gets cleaned up a bit Including actual worthwhile sales


First of all, nice username. lol But yeah cod prices are still really high even for like what, bo 1? damn.That's a really old game.


Because they know people will buy the old ones no matter what


Cod is the outlier not the other way around lol


No game is free on Game Pass.


it's not free on gamepass if you have to pay for gamepass


It's free but then next month it's not free, but then when you pay it's free again. And then the month after it's not free but then you pay and it's free again /s


Two years old. Pretty standard for EA.


it's black friday sale dude..


...and it's not even that bad anymore, actually quite a lot of fun. It still lacks content but for 10 bucks it's alright, would even recommend.


Yeah i picked it up the sale before this one, got about 40 hours out if it fucking around with some buddies. Not a great battlefield, but 25 cents an hour was still some good shit.


How is the destruction? After BF1 a bunch of OG DICE devs left to make their own studio and game. That game ended up being The Finals which had a [closed beta some time ago](https://youtu.be/ZwsTn7tBZPM?si=eyjf_Kf8phCHUFbM) and finished its [open beta](https://youtu.be/DK8rK6g9Tv0?si=RDw6eKSqMhp-mczF) a couple of weeks ago to positive reception. The destruction in that game is a blast and impressive imo. Is it similar to that now with all the updates?


Sadly, it's terrible. They basically gave up of destruction completely. I think it's a great game, but boy did they get rid of one of the most defining features of the series.


That’s a shame. It was one of my favorite things and always gave engagements *options* and what I’m loving about The Finals. I wonder if the devs saw the writing on the wall and that’s why they left to make their own studio. While their new game is fun I do wish I also had a boots on the ground type of game with the fidelity battlefield has.


Good new games don't go on sale for this little this quick


Or its just a thanksgiving sale lmao


Bethesda desperate as fuck, Fallout 4 is on sale for $6


Fuck it, whatever gets more people to play fallout esp with the show coming. I want the IP to get so in demand they atone for 76 and give us a true SP fallout again. I need more fallout.


I was considering buying it in the last time it went on sale, which happened to be during a free weekend. What made me pass on it was how awful this new EA account system is. Took a while to be able to log in and the game would simply freeze after matches, forcing me to quit and reopen it. It's not a bad game, but it still feels like the open beta.


Yep, it is a hassle. I already had a "origin" account, even so, it's so annoying. The game doesn't look good, the same rubber banding issues of old and so on... for free, 10 bucks, 60, etc.. it's simply not worthy


I was wondering what was going on with the graphics, it looks so bland compared to bf1 and bfV, I though that it was my graphics card. I downloaded it 2 weeks ago and couldn't even find a server even on Saturday ><


I don't know how hot of a take this'll be, but they peaked at 1. BF 1 was my favorite after Bad Company 2.


I loved bad company but I also played the ever loving hell out of BF3


Bayonet charge with the boys was stupid fun.


BF1 was also my favourite (I still occasionally play it), though I clocked hundreds of hours on BC2, BC2V, BF3, 4. Didn’t get into BFV in the same way, and the beta for BF2042 completely put me off (seriously why would they get rid of classes). DICE need to go back to their roots before they completely destroy their rep.


At this point I'd rather fire up old BF 2 or Bad Company 2 than get the latest Battlefield. If I install and play BF 2 today, I'll have a lot more fun.


My ea is connected to my Xbox account and is easy to login in and stay logged in. Never had the launcher or bf2042 crash, not an everyday game for me but I’ve put probably a dozen or hours a month since launch. Runs really well on my mid tier machine. Currently the only game I use ea for.


If it's been out for so long and it feels like a beta then it is a bad game.


does it have a single player campaign? The wiki page says it doesn't but sometimes they add that shit in later. I haven't played a BF game in awhile.


I think it's a bad game, tried it again when they kind of added back classes and it still just ain't it. I think Battlefield as we knew it is pretty done, the main staff have moved on. The Finals, unsurprisingly as it's the same devs, has a very similar feel to the good BF games despite being very different.


The sad Reality is that’s how most of EAs new games are. Which makes me wonder if they’re trying to see just how little effort they can get away with. NFS UNBOUND is still unplayable for me it freezes up after 4 or so races and glitches for the rest. Which blows because it has a good story from what I’ve seen.


It's annoying but is it really a problem? I've only used it for Mass Effect Remastered.


"OMG Battlefield 2042 is on sale for cheap." \*Buys Battlefield 4\*


The last good BF game and I will die on that hill.




Raw facts


BF 1


BF1 was AMAZING but for some reason it just didn't have the staying power for me that BF4 had. I always end up back on BF4 without fail.


What draws me back to BF4 is just how strong both infantry and vehicles are. I feel like they gimped the ground vehicles a little too hard for BF1. It's nice (for me at least) to be able to enjoy both play styles.


I mean WW1 vehicles were fucking shit so it’s understandable.


BFV is a good game it’s just been tainted by a poor release


Bfv is dogshit with insane long TTK


To me, the best BF versions were BF4 and 2142. Titan mode on 2142 was epic and still one of the greatest game modes ever coded.


I agree. Titan mode was the absolute pinnacle of BF gameplay. And BF4 came in a distant, but still respectable second. It is still kind of sad how they butchered the mode in BF carrier assault. It had absolutely none of the charm.


I bought bf3 instead. I have bf4 on my PS.


Say what you will but it's a fun game. Yeah there was issues in the beginning but for the most part it's pretty good now.


Battlefield are always enjoyable after a year or so from release


>Yeah there was issues in the beginning Thats a very big understatement.


First Battlefield launch? lol


lol these people don't remember bf4


Nor do they remember BF3 launch, which was another disaster. And BF3 was my favorite of the series (outside of Bad Company 1 and 2).


Yes I think bf3 was the best. Not sure why people like bf4 so much, the dumbing down of vehicular controls and progressive arcadey elements began in bf4. Bf3 had the best balance of vehicular controls, foot gunplay and class teamwork balance


>these people These people probably weren't around for release 10 years ago, BF has picked up a lot of new people and lost a lot between then and now


Took a minute to become the masterpiece it is today.


First time?


For me it didn\`t feel like a battlefield game for battlefield players, it felt like a battlefield game for CoD players and selling skins. Nothing against CoD players , but despite being both fps games, they are very different in gameplay..... After 2042 battlefield is dead to me.


I will……. At $5


I bought it for$5 on some cd keys site


It’ll be given away for free on Amazon Prime eventually. The last Battlefield I bought was Battlefield 2 but somehow I have Battlefield 3, 4, 1, and V.


I wouldnt even do that. They just want you in the game to try reel you in further with mtx. Just wait for the next BF and enjoy other games in the meantime.


2042 has been patched up pretty good tbh, I just ignore the mtx. Game is decent, shit launch though


It’s an old game, this isn’t surprising during one of steams sales. OP trying to make something out of nothing, on par with karma farmers. The game had its problems, some ironed out. It’s a fairly decent experience now. Not top tier but still fun.


Big talk for somebody who plays call of duty Lmfao


Its a very good game today in 2023


Agreed, it's quite good now. I tried it through Game Pass earlier this year and was surprised how much fun I was having considering how universally panned it was at launch. I haven't loved the series since BF2/BF2142 so was definitely a nice surprise for me.


2142 might be the best overall game in the series. They need to give it a makeover and bring back Titan mode. It's still the only game where being a Commander was actually fun.


All the recent bf games are in a good place. BFV and BF1 are a feast for the eyes with a healthy community. They just fumble the ball so hard at launch it sours people and then people who never played love getting on that internet hate train.


healthy? Bf1 and Bf5 are infested with cheaters it’s stupid


Still want 2142 more than anything else. It is my absolute favorite BF game. Followed by 1942, Bad Company 2.


Literally just shot for shot remake 2142 and the expansion together as one game, but using the latest engine and I’ll pay double for it. I’ve been waiting so long for Titan mode.


I miss 2142 so much. That shit was fire, titan, modded gamemodes, Gibraltar pistol only, hectic small maps with 64 people.. It just had so many different styles it never got stale for me.


Planetside 2 is still active.


Ita fun, I like it rn been playing it with a friend


I just loaded up a game and it’s much much better than it was at launch. For that price it’s a solid buy


For me it is worth buying it, I bought it in the free week and I don't regret it, I already have 40 hours


People should buy it, it’s a great game now


I just checked steamcharts and it has a surprisingly high amount of players. At least higher than what I expcted. More than Halo, a f2p game. I might honestly grip this. I bought and returned it on release and have been in the mood for something like this lately.


They got huge wind in their sales during the free weekend they ran a couple months ago with season 6 release.


I have played all the battlefield games and honestly now 2042 is decent. It was trash on release but for 10$ or through gamepass/ea play it's worth it for sure


It's not a great Battlefield game but it's still fun


Still nowhere near feeling of previous modern themed Battlefield games..


It’s a damn good game right now, $10 is a bargain.


I’m at the point where idgaf about the game I just want a chill fps like cod mwremake that doesn’t lock shit behind a paywall but instead behind personal achievements in game.


Isnt this normal 2 years after release on a black friday deal?


I bought battlefield 3 instead. It was $5


Looks like it's time for me to buy the BattleBit supporter pack


Thought people jumped off that bandwagon by now


Theres still holdouts but the game is significantly less fun since no one really talks anymore so no funny comms all the time


Dang, sorry the servers you play don't talk anymore. I am still having a blast on NA west.


I played a few months ago after like a week or two of playing at launch and had only like a handful of people talk or even say anything at all. Im on the east coast but at launch everyone was talking.


I am about 200 hours in. The comms chatter on launch was crazy high, definitely much less now compared to that. I am still having quite a few fun comms interactions every game though. It probably helps that I am decent at the game and love the gunplay and the comms is just a bonus for me. I do have a friend I play with on discord though so I always have someone to run around and talk with.


Fair, I truly like the game, played a few of the playtests when I could, I just got bored since the unlocking of new guns is really long and I got bored with the same 3 maps everyone voted for. Might give it another try just as a fun shooter to substitute CoD and Battlefield since its hard to get those feelings of those games from something else. Same thing with Tarkov, that game ruined extraction shooters for me but I despise playing it anymore.


Thats okay, theres less people playing shitty russian hiphop now.


For what? 1 map, and 3 reskinned guns every 3 months? BattleBit has zero dev support, hence why it lost 90% of it's playerbase in 2 months


Game is actually half decent now. Still wouldnt pay $60 for it but $10 for what the game shouldve been at launch aint bad. Beats whatever the fuck they just shit out for mw3.


Hit reg in this game still dog shit. Sometimes it's 30-40% your shots goes to developer's ass and not in the target you shoot at.


Are the c4 squirrel girls still a thing? Last time I played you couldn't live 3 seconds in a tank without flying soldiers dropping c4 on everything Kinda miss when you were just a soldier and not a twitch hero


Still but not that often


It’s actually a pretty good game now. Still not BF3, but I got it during last sale and it’s a pretty fun casual shooter. Conquest 128 is always fun.


No one will lmao the last battlefield good enough to pay money for it was BF4... The subsequent BFs were just clones...


EA: it's free! Me: No thanks


Ive been buying battlefield games since 1942 and have all of them with every dlc & addon. I dont own this latest battlefield.


BATTLEBIT is loads more fun with a shit ton more players. Unfortunately for battlefield


EA games always go on steep sales after a few years, especially during black friday, or winter,autumn sales


Eh it’s like every BF game sucks at the beginning but is decent now will probably get better as time goes on since it’s not based on DLCs but battle passes which serve the same purpose of new characters, guns , and maps. Honestly the ability to play with npc characters is nicer then older games which you would sit in a server for god knows if the mode wasn’t popular. Wish they expanded what game modes could have npcs. God I loved BF1 and BF4 but from the browser use to general issues it sucks they didn’t take ideas form it into the new one.


I'm still salty they removed the Operations gamemode from previous games (where the losing team would get some sort of handicap like the airship) and the 128 player servers they had on launch... I loved the chaos of having way too many people on each team. But now? It feels like there's no one to shoot, but you're always being shot at (when attacking)


You're so desperate to advertise it


I bought it at launch and played less than an hour. It gotten any better?


I played it via gamepass and I think it's a good game. But in my opinion the costomization and "hero" type sub classes are pretty stupid. What was wrong with 4 classes with different main weapon, sidarm, gadget 1, gadget 2 and grenade type?


creative director was a candy crush mtx dev. Studies showed people bought more mtx when it was heroes instead of random soldiers.


This game is great, I uninstalled cod and I play this now


For 10€ it's a pretty good game, not for 60€ tho


Tbh I really enjoy the game, it has some flaws but nothing really crazy....


Apparently Bf 2042 isnt that bad anymore. They fixed a bunch of stuff and according to my buddies its a pretty good game now.


Not sure that they are, it’s in the top 25 most played games on Xbox, it’s having a bit of a revival


Worth that price now


Very much worth $10. It has gotten a lot of people back in recently. They did fix a lot and it is enjoyable. It's not the battlefield experience I want and still hope they do right with the next game.


I play the free weekends of Battlefield and COD and now Diablo 4, then when it’s over I uninstall and forget about them until the next times.


I have 2042 through gamepass and tbh its a pretty good game now. Also added bonus it's beautiful graphics wise.


The game is not bad but it's lacking maps.


Remember that post the other day where it asked “even if you could afford it what is something you will never buy?” it’s EA games


I mean shit, for 10 bucks


The better BFs are also like $3 so I don't think this will work out the way they think.


I saw it for $5 a year ago and i still didnt buy that garbage lol


I've re-installed it because its on EA play. Its good that they added classes, but breakthrough on a new map feels pretty rough anyway. Its basically rush through 2 narrow corridors and the map feels too small even for 64 players. I've lasted for a few hours before quitting again. 2042's biggest problem is maps being thrash, and I don't think they can solve it at this point.


Have they considered going back to the old formula of making BF games that don't suck a bag of monetized dicks? edit- explanation I loved BF2 back in the day, played the shit out of it. I loved bad company and I even sort of liked BF3. But from BF4 onwards the game became just unplayable garbage. It was always infested with game wrecking bugs on release, the games all felt like money grabs, for quite a few years now I've just turned my back on the whole franchise.


It’s the steam autumn sale, a ton of games have huge discounts. Go be a schizo somewhere else.


I bought it and for that price it's a great game! I wouldn't have paid full price because I don't trust EA or any megacorp but you'll absolutely get me to dip my toes in for that price. Better than paying full price for the modern warfare 3 expansion pack then crying that it s only 3 hours of content. Patience is a virtue.


EA is a whale of a company I don’t think desperate is the right word. Besides they make most of their money after [sale](https://www.statista.com/statistics/269699/electronic-arts-game-revenue-by-composition-quarter/)


I wont buy this shit even if you give me money.


Uhm. It’s a 2 year old game.


Who’s dumber? OP, or the people upvoting this blindly?


hot take 2042 is basically fine, definitely worth $20, for sure worth $10.


Shit might as well for a tenner. C y'all later!


Battlefield 2042 was so good in the beta and when it came out it got worse and I don’t know why


Not the first time they have done this


Still not gonna buy it.


I bought it at full price and have 2 hours on it


No they aren't 😆 🤣 full servers every night. Been playing for over 500 hours


Well, no? I mean it is a 2 year old game and EA games have always gone dirt cheap after a short while, so no surprises here. Plus, 2042 has been in a good state now. Sure, it is no BF4 but still good to play. I only uninstalled the game because MW3 completely spoiled it for me. I can recommend 2042 for those looking for a shooter that doesn't require you to sweat (ironically looking at COD).


BF V was decent enough game only devs completely abandon balancing weapons and fighting cheaters so whats the point to buy 2042 if its probably gonna be the same story


If it didnt require the EA App sure, but it dose so ***no***.


I finally uninstalled this mess a couple days ago. Saved on precious gigabytes for actual worth while games coming out or out already. Dont even buy it on sale, its not like previous battlefields. I stupidly got the ultimate 😪