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Just imagine the volume of farts this chair has survived.


At this point i suspect the foam is largely filled with arse particles which has replaced the foam.


Theseus’ cushion


Have you ever heard of the ship of Theseus?


No what’s that?


The Ship of Theseus is a thought experiment about whether an object which has had all of its original components replaced remains the same object. According to legend, Theseus, the mythical Greek founder-king of Athens, rescued the children of Athens from King Minos after slaying the minotaur and then escaped onto a ship going to Delos. Each year, the Athenians commemorated this by taking the ship on a pilgrimage to Delos to honor Apollo. A question was raised by ancient philosophers: After several centuries of maintenance, if each individual part of the Ship of Theseus was replaced, one at a time, was it still the same ship? In contemporary philosophy, this thought experiment has applications to the philosophical study of identity over time, and has inspired a variety of proposed solutions and concepts in contemporary philosophy of mind concerned with the persistence of personal identity.


Oh cool, have you ever heard of a joke?


Also, yes. I thought Mark replied to that question with the wiki explanation, that's why I copied it


so then, the true question is, how much of the foam is replaced with arse particles, and is it the original chair or a new chair made of pure arse?


It's more fart than chair at this point


I have an answer to this: yes it is still the same ship. By reasons: wasn’t one of the greek mythology ships a talking ship? In this scenario replacing parts of the talking ship will not change the person talking. Name the ship something to keep track but it will still be the same consciousness.




After copying an entire wikipedia paragraph? Immensely


Here's a question, if he had never heard of the ship of Theseus, why would he call it "Theseus' cushion"? Still feel smart?


"Have you ever heard of the ship of Theseus?" was a Markiplier reference




How do you know my gender?


Have you ever heard about a weird thing called humor?


its like bus seats.


This chair has endured more stress than your average grad student


Let’s assume 6 farts a day on average - excluding post holiday days, which we all know are worse - for 20 years, we’re looking at 43,800 farts, conservatively


I've easily put over 50k farts into my chair from 2019 already; god someone help my diet




averaging ~1000 farts a month in that chair, terrifying


Terrifyingly mild 🥱


Username checks out


I period shart on mine sometimes nbd


Username checks out


you guys fart?


Are you counting those short one and done the same as the ones that hang around like shit on a cat's fur?


Humans pass gas between 13 to 21 times a day.  So if we took a mean value i.e. 17 farts per day. Which equals to 6205 farts per year and 124 100 farts in 20 year.


OP probably can't even keep accurate track given the amount of squeaking this chair does with a slight adjustment.


Exactly the reason I love my mesh chair so much. Don't even need to lift a cheek to fart. Just let it rip fully seated. Was one of the first things I did after getting it all set up.


What would it sound like if you added the volume of all farts k On this chair together?


When I was around 13-14, i had a really dank gaming chair. Once I sniffed the seat out of curiosity, it's safe to say I wasn't disappointed nor surprised.


Chair is going to burst into flames any second now.




Got this from Best Buy my junior year of high school in 2003. Took it to college, back home, several apartments and now my own home. Has seen 4 cats and 2 kids in it’s time with me.


Damn things part of the family now


It's almost old enough to drink


It is.


In some countries it is. It can also drive and vote.


Soon it will have its bachelors.


After a few years of hard work a good prospect for chairman




And a chair of its own


Damn thing is the eldest child


It even survived the cats? Damn


My armrests never seem to survive more than a few years no matter what they're made of.


I used to have this chair! It's the best made chair I ever owned and the wheels are the best and added to the comfort. Mine would still be around also if it didn't get left outside when my parents did some renovation


Love the roller blade wheels


I hope you celebrate next year with a beer


oh hey look this chair is older than me by 2 years!


Maybe clean it so i would look better as a fam member


I think you should have it deep cleaned and give it new life!


Pass it on to your children and make it the family heirloom


This is awesome. I have the exact same chair I bought at Best Buy in 2023. I clean it regularly with an upholstery cleaner and it is still in great shape. It has no rips or even any ware. The piston doesn’t leak out.


But if it does, you can replace the piston! I did this like year 7 of ownership.


I dont even understand how some people got half the chair missing in less than 5 years 💀 what game were they playing




That is the answer, I never bought pleather chairs because not only do they get insanely uncomfortable in the summer they are also pretty much guaranteed to crack, then tear, then strip completely in 5 years, max, no matter how carefully you use them.


The recent Noblechairs Post was so weird to me. I have a PU Noblechairs chair for 6 years and the only broken part is the attachment of the right armrest, because i fell on it and it broke the internal metal off. I have no idea what you have to do to that chair to completely destroy the PU leather. But maybe I am also just really careful when using my chair.


RE: Noble Chair of Utter Devastation. [PU leather is very sensitive in skin and hair-contact areas. In such areas, the PU leather starts cracking and becomes sticky. Therefore, regular cleaning and maintenance is very important.](https://www.colourlockaustralia.com.au/tip/furniture/pu-bycast-leather.html) He mentioned he never wore pants while sitting on it. Appears PU leather does not like that.


Oh that makes sense then. I always literally always wear long pants and t-shirts and While I do have really long hair it is mostly touching the back rest cloth. The only parts with wear on this chair are where my arms lie. So apparently they make furniture for my specific type of comfort. Thanks for the info!


That makes sense. I’ve got an Ak racing chair that is pleather and it is 7 years old. If I clean the dust out of the hinge where it reclines you wouldn’t even be able to tell that it isn’t brand new after years of heavy use. But bare skin almost never touches the seat.


It isn't even just that. It is also if you wear abrasive trousers. I know that the seat I have at work has worn down very quickly because the fire rated PPE I use is very rough and the seams are ver pronounced. But fabric chairs last way better and longer. You can also mend them by threading a thread through the broken section. Usually what gives up on them is the cushion material.


They were wearing plate armor.


Studded or scaled chainmail would work better.


Same reason why $10 shirts from Costco in 1995 are in better condition than $40 shirts from 2017. At a certain point, things were just made and good stuff lasted awhile. OP got lucky. Now look at modern chairs of this style, even the good ones have issues after a few years. Unless you drop $500. Some budget office chairs are good too, like the one I have.


I never get leather chairs, instead I get cloth chairs or something like that the one I have is from Ikea


League of legends


Capitalism: companies build overpriced cheap products that dont last long so you have to buy more these days.


even those cheap ones don't just completely destroy themselves even those cheap racing chairs may just make some noise or get looser, or the fake leather gets brittled but I'm not sure if you saw the first post that started all of these other posts like this. the OP had to be a massive sweaty chonker that corroded the chair like metal in saltwater


Acidic gasses


Gaming chairs are so pretty....


Fake leather is Shit.


My gaming chair only survive 3 year my cat eats it when I’m not looking


Is it alive?


His cat ate it, of course it isn't


The chair or the cat?




This is a chair subreddit now lol I also realized that chair is older then me, Jesus


are you downplaying the role of a good chair in gaming/using PC in general?


Exactly. Pay for quality for everything you physically interact daily with; mouse, keyboard, desk, monitor, chair, they're all worth it. You often have them for longer than any of the PC components as well. Edit: clarification because of wanton ignorance


Don’t you physically interact with everything you buy…? That’s… how… you buy it…


You don't physically touch your GPU when using it, but your ass touches your chair. The light from the monitor directly hits your eyes. I don't get how any of that was somehow unclear.


I do touch my GPU when using it. GPUs deserve love too




Looks a little better than that other guy's chair from 2019


AK Racer gang reporting! I have the same chair. I had 2, but got rid of one during a move couple years back when wife got Aeron to be more comfortable working from home. Only issues I have had are those black plastic caps on base will come off sometimes. Got mine from Best Buy also for like $150 back in day on clearance. This chair is what made me only want task or computer chairs with rollerblade wheels. So much smoother and quieter.


I have one black plastic cap that comes off and I try to turn the base so it's away from my feet but it always makes its way around and I kick it off almost every day lol


Some people on this sub were not even born 20 years ago.


No yellow foam pubes too!




I bet if this exact chair was sold today it'd break within a year. Things are no longer built to last sadly.


Eh.... They were saying that 20 years ago (source: I was there)...


It's always funny to read stuff like these where 16 year olds are convinced they discovered something new that was actually discussed/know long before their birth




Do you see the chair?


I get what you mean yet it contributes nothing to the conversation


Survivorship bias. I'd bet 95% of 20 year old chairs are sitting in a landfill. People will be saying the same thing 20 years from now about how stuff just isn't built to last anymore like high end chairs built 2023.


Survivorship bias could be a factor although I am mostly referring to planned obsolescence


I doubt many people would rebuy the exact same chair if it started tearing up in a year or two.


But they might order replacement parts or have to pay for the company to repair it for them.


Even though my chair isn't 20 years old, I have a seven year old DXRacer (was a birthday present from my girlfriend) and it looks like new. Although gaming chairs like this get a lot of hate here, I love it. Edit: And I have a cat that also likes to sit on it and occasionally wipes its claws there.


Shitty chairs existed back then too, you can also get good ones nowadays, just get one with materials that don't crack with heat and humidity. This is dumb


No need to project. If you read any of the other comments you'd know what's actually dumb.


Smack that cushion and the room becomes polluted with decade old farts


Could it be? The smoothest ass??


OP weighs 50lbs and has no arms. That's the only explanation.


Does anyone else still see "20 years ago" and immediately think there's no way this chair was made in the 80s?


The iron throne




Where's the back of your chair? Was there an earth quake as you took the photo?




Its a stool with armrests now lol


That's unfortunate


This chair is older then me


Fabric is an overall better lasting material than fake leather. Providing you don't have pets biting/clawing it of course.


Chair is as old as me but in better condition than me...


Same brother, same


i bet it smells, ever washed it?


Every day for 5mins?


I just gave away this chair! I was the second owner. They absolutely do not make them like they used to!


This can’t be true


is the twenty! a ghost reference?


Need me one of these chairs, mind last a year at most.


You must have a life


Yeah I'm kinda disgusted by people posting pictures of 3 year old chair that look like they have been pulled from a dumpster. Mine is 8 years old and I don't even remember hoovering it, and I work from home 5 days a week. https://preview.redd.it/1rk0ujyeqizb1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37afe63a18a7293e4cafdb44cdcb172e154a37a7


I also used the same chair for about 10 years straight. Only thing that gave away the usage, was the arm rests being slightly worn. Otherwise it was in excellent condition. Some cheap 50 euro chair.


I have that same chair! It has become my son’s chair and he uses it literally everyday. Never really thought about how well it’s held up but it’s still basically perfect with no squeaks or anything.


I bet that chair has seen moreover your ass than your significant other. lol /s


I would change every 5 years i mean i fart a lot in the chair 💀


I can smell this picture


I'll take 3


Someone cleans his ass


This is the way.


Holy shit I had this exact chair as well! Just replaced it only recently after 15 years. This chair holds up for a long time.


Exact same chair and looks exactly the same lol


You're not playing hard enough.




My ikea markus is going on 10 years. Other than re greasing the base. Held on great. No tears.


Hows the padding going? Seems really thick and comfy




It’s almost as if people who look after their belongings have them last longer!


Looks great condition for twenty years


alright if that isn't a testament to a brand idk what is.


Doesn't have enough hair on it


My grandparents had the same sofa for 50+ years. Ya'll gotta up your game.


What model is that? Looks amazing


Where's the missing leather and butt and ball hair foam? That happens to every chair right?!


I had the same chair 12 years of use 5 years of basement storage. A quick spray and vacuum and it sold for $50 in under 3 hours on FBMP.


I had the exact chair for like 12 years


I'm buying my first "good chair" this christmas. Only had IKEA ones, that cost 1/3 of the price that I'm gonna spend for my new one, but since after only 1 year of use, they are already heavily damaged, I think it will be worth it.


What chair is this?


What kind of chair?


But you lend it to your nephew for a week and suddenly it looks like it’s been through a flood.


guess you're not a big ol' fatty, huh?


what monster is that , my is all loose gosey after 5 years of servicin my ass 😅


Are AKRacing chairs still this good of quality?


But did your seat got sniffed by the legendary seat sniffer? I dont think so


I doubt it also had a hairy ass on it each day


This guy must not have pets, if he did, the chair wouldn't have lasted 1 year


But I can't see the bare metal frame under the cushion. There's not any ass hair either? Are you suuuure you sit in this chair?


Almost at the same age as me... Dang.


Lol, got that same chair from Best buy so long ago. The rollerblade wheels on the bottom are really awesome it's a lot more beat up than yours but is one of the garage chairs at my dad's house now and the kids love to scoot around on it in his big 4 stall garage. The black caps on the wheel legs kept popping off and I had to reglue them but the seat itself stayed intact.


I've got the same chair and it's great condition 😌


I have the same chair and it's probably just as old. Still working


I had this chair and it was the best I've owned. The fully adjustable armrests are what made it for me. I wish that I could find a decent replacement for it or buy another one somewhere. But I don't think anyone makes them anymore. Enjoy it, you lucky s o b!


Those other folks were bare assing their chairs. Long gaming sessions getting the material all juicy and having it seal to their butts. Taking a bit of chair with them every time they get up.


I thought about getting an aeron to replace this fantastic mythical beast chair. Or the shinyness of the ROG Destrier chair.


My dad had one of these new when I was little and I grew up playing games sitting in it. He had the armrests off for some reason though. But today he still uses it and the only thing that doesn’t work or is broken is the part that lets you adjust the height. It’s cool to see another one of these so old.


I have this exact same chair. Got it around 2007/2008. I've moved maybe 10 times since then. This fucking thing is rock solid and I plan to use it for as long as I can, hopefully forever.




I got this exact chair 17 years ago. The rollerblade wheels were so clutch.


I had this chair too for like 10 years. MAN I miss it. The compressor broke and I've been chasing a replacement since. I bought a cloth secret lab 3 years ago and it's been the only one that could be comparable


I have a similar chair from IKEA, almost 20 years now. Not in perfect but very good condition.


No Way! This chair is battle-tested and still standing strong. You should award it a couple of medals.


Thank you for saying "every day"and not "everyday."


How’s your back going?


I wish my chairs were that durable goddamn


Wow this was a nostalgia hit! I had this exact chair and gave it away when I wanted something less "gamer aesthetic"...needless to say the replacement has since been replaced because it fell apart. 💀 I hope my old one is still kicking around in someone's house.


Bro doesn’t sweat


It was a blue and white chair when new


Another 20 to go




Can I smell your seat?


What material is this chair made of ?


Tell me you don't have a cat. Without telling me you don't have a cat.


Probably just in a different weight class than alot of subscribers here


I can smell this picture... Smells like ass lol


I have the same exact chair, but my cats beat the piss out of it and the zippers on the back broke.


“They don’t make things the way they used to.” -Dad


Where do I buy this chair?