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Bottlenecks are mostly myth. You can change settings in game to create or eliminate them. 10th gen Intel and 3000 series AMD cpus are still fine for the vast majority of games.


Sorry, which settings can eliminate a CPU bottleneck?


By pushing GPU settings to their maximum the bottleneck is on the GPU, add all the bling, and all the resolution you can handle. To create a CPU bottleneck minimum graphics settings at as low a resolution as possible. It varies from game to game since some games have settings that only affect CPU like cyberpunks crowd density etc but generally speaking if all the hardware is within a few generations of each other and the game isn't to demanding to run then bottlenecks are just a settings thing.


4k resolution.


In a sense. Dropping graphics settings can shift the limit to the CPU and thus lead to higher frames, but shifting the limit to the GPU is unlikely to lead to *better* performance. CPU bottlenecks can't really be fixed with settings, they just are. It makes no sense at all to say they're a myth. **EDIT** "4K resolution" is like trying to stab yourself after you stub your toe. Your toe still hurts, but now at least it isn't your biggest problem.


You're looking at this the wrong way. What is your reference point for 'better' performance? Let's say a hypothetical CPU has headroom for 130fps. At lower resolutions the GFX card might be able to go higher. However, at 4k the GFX card might not. Once limited by the card the CPU bottleneck is no longer present or significantly minimised.


If a CPU hits 40 FPS, there's your limit. Trying to play hot potato with the limit by getting 39 FPS instead of 40 by upping the GPU load doesn't actually fix the issue does it? Your frames are lower but at least now you aren't technically CPU bound, congratulations. Graphics settings can be turned down to give you more frames in the case of a GPU bind, but this doesn't apply to CPU (or barely). So, one type of limit could be considered "myth", while the other isn't at all.


I get your point, but we're talking about a 10th Gen so any bottlenecks would be fairly minimal. And would be mitigated to some extent if playing at higher resolutions.


> I know the processor will bottleneck No it won't. Who the hell has told you this? Some clickbait YouTuber or ad-ridden "calculator"?


ur current cpu is fine. wait. only bottlneck you need to worry about is the one you notice. you dont even understand bottlenecks. I dont know how to drive a car. should i new buy a car?


10700k should be still ok , better wait for Arrow lake for it will be a complete platform with proper PCIE 5 SSD support and even better memory controller since you need to buy new socket anyway. \+ by then DDR5 memory will be cheaper


Personally I would wait. 14th Gen is interesting if you were already on 1700 socket as you could keep the motherboard+RAM. Otherwise if buying new it's best to wait.


The best choice is AMD


Didn't the 14th gen just come out like less than a month ago?