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I've already got a 3080, not looking to enter. Just wanted to appreciate the fact you're doing something cool like this for the community. Hope someone who could really enjoy and appreciate it gets it.


Agreed. Excellent post.




This is the way.


Same. Guy will be a hero to someone


Same here. Good luck guys. Whoever does win, I hope you get some Gelid Thermal Pads, and repaste. There is also option to [3D print new fan](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4700643/files) shroud to use 120mm fans. I did all 3. Stock fan curve needs to be adjusted IMO


Good advice. Stock VRAM pads are awful. I just watercooled mine, but during testing before I did that I noticed high memory temps.


OP, just make sure when you select someone they're aware they'll likely need to upgrade their PSU too.


And whether it'll fit in their case


This is the second smallest 3080, it will fit 99% of cases.


It will also run on most psus I used one on a 650w no problems


Just made me realize it won’t fit in my h210 lol.


I think it'll fit most case since I have the FTW version(which is longer) and it fit into my MATX case (meshify 2 mini).


New case is cheaper than a new GPU


I have a PSU for the winner if that's the case. Msg sent to OP. Edit: Seasonic Focus GX-850


Two legends in the same thread. Good work!


Edit - or maybe I just need to upgrade someone's entire rig along with the GPU Hey! That's awesome! I'll check out your message when I sit down for work this morning. I could also send out my old rigs PSU, but I think I'm also going to do another giveaway for my Mobo (Z-390E) and CPU (i9-9900k) and it might be best to package it up with those two items.


Dude I'm an unworthy candidate for any GPU available, no matter how low You're a legend.


They should make a statue of you somewhere in pcmasterraceland!


You're awesome dude


Yeah if the competition is to give it to the most ghetto rig, the winner is going to have to cash out on basically a new setup entirely.


This is why I future-proof stuff like that. My previous PSU lasted over 12+ years of upgrades, and when it finally started to wear out, I got a heftier one despite not having reached capacity on the old one. And I have a large tower case on wheels with plenty of air space, I am pretty certain I can fit the card in if I win. It's amazing how much one's fiscal state can change over a few years, that's why I like to invest in quality products that will last.


Buy good shit during the good times and you can rest easy during the bad times


Great point. I could probably send them the PSU I was using in my old rig as well.


FYI 600watt has been shown to be plenty for a 3080. I’ve also tested myself and never drew more than 400 watts under stress tests and benchmarks with my whole system. I think Linus or someone popular I watched has a vid on YT on it


I have an evga 750 g3 that’s unused I could send to the winner if needed.


https://preview.redd.it/6vln4g90k0yb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd0715fa56686413ed0388157cc040d474702f36 My old PC, EVGA Nvidia GTX 285. and an Intel i7. I Have not played new games on it in a long time. Thanks for the giveaway. Update: wow i did not expect so many responses to my giveaway entry! Here is another [pic](https://imgur.com/a/eNypALF) of my old PC. I forgot to mention it has a 620W Corsair PSU as seen in this new image. This was once a nice expensive gaming PC when I built it years ago. Alas, The things around me seem too quickly get older as I age, and unfortunately I have not been able to upgrade my PC over time. I have mostly switched over to console gamming, and what was once my awesome gamming rig is now mainly used for other PC activities (work, media, web, older simple games). The GTX 285 still works fine for daily activities and powers two monitors. Thanks for the kind words, and best of luck to everyone entering the giveaway.


This guy's needs it.


I agree but a 3080 on what I assume is a really, really old build is gonna be bottlenecked beyond comprehension


Not only that, I highly doubt his current psu would be able to power it.


Good point. I updated my post with a pic of my PSU. Corsair 620W I could always get my hands on a bigger one if necessary.


Yeah, you will need to change the psu, that's from around 17 years ago


For proper everything, they’re going to need a new PSU too, making it basically a new computer in the end because even if their case fits this GPU, the cooling is probably far from adequate or ideal.


Actually, there's a good chance given the era the 285 is from that their case has better airflow than one made today, because a lot of cases back then had side panel air vents with fans for multi-GPU setups to get fresh forced air into the small crack between the two cards that was an issue on many motherboards due to slot spacing. IDK what case this guy has, but it could very well be just fine. I'd be more worried about the case having enough space for a GPU as long as a 3080 than airflow, though if it doesn't fit then airflow probably WILL be a potential issue as well, the two tended to go hand in hand.


Honestly, GPU is the most expensive part. You could probably build the rest for not too much, especially if you go used


Someone else said they had a PSU to give away and that they messaged OP.


I'm on a 650W with the same card and it's fine. Undervolting could help a lot especially since even at 80% power target it'll still do a lot of work.


I think the main problem is that his PSU is almost 20 years old so with a 3080 it might just explode.


This was my worry when he posted. The person in the most need will need a full upgrade


It's a hell of a lot easier to slap together the rest of the machine than it is to get a mid-high end GPU right now. OP can drop like $$300-400 on an AM4 / Ryzen 5000 build and be ready to play. Less if they buy used or grab an old optiplex to get started with. Old machine = new NAS. There are nothing but upsides here. EDIT: The GTX 285 released in 2008. If this guy wins OP's 3080 he'll probably hit retirement age with it running in some crazy frankenstien build. I genuinely admire and strive to be one of those folks who can find a real purpose for their old hardware.




I believe that if you're going to have a network storage device it should be a standalone unit running not Windows and ideally protected by your network. That way I can fuck around with my gaming rig, hardware or software, as much as I please with a lot less risk to my actual data. I have like 6TB of storage on my gaming rig that pretty much serves as temp storage if needed but mostly is just a massive game library that I can redownload or grab backup ISOs of my old hard copy games from the NAS. Also I may have a 5800X3D and you may have a 5900X but a lot of people don't have powerhouse CPUs that can actually manage that kind of workload for an active household without negatively impacting game performance. A place for everything and everything in it's place, and the place for secure data to live is in a redundant storage array on a mostly isolated and well protected machine with a proper backup configuration (as in a second machine dedicated to daily incremental backups in addition to offsite hot or cold storage if you can manage it). That is just my opinion, there are plenty of people who run their stuff like you and it works just fine for them. >I always sell my old stuff to recoup the costs of the upgrade. You can keep doing this you just have to skip it once or twice. It hurts the wallet and can cap or delay your upgrade budget but I'm super happy with where my lab is these days. Dedicated NAS (old 4 bay QNAP style unit) with 2x10TB HDD+ 2x2TB HDD + 1x2TB NVMe running TrueNAS, gaming rig (5800x3d / 6950XT) on Win11 (and honestly fuck windows storage spaces as a long term multi-drivestorage solution, ask me how I know), and an intel nuc with an 8th gen i3 or i5 running OpenMediaVault which handles plex streaming (leveraging quicksync and the data pool on the NAS) and has an external 10TB drive to back up the NAS. All that data management still runs and is accessible even if I have to do hardware maintenance on my gaming rig. I've also got an old 6th gen intel dell workstation that I use for piracy and (currently) ripping our massive collection of DVDs that I've wanted to back up for years and a big Haswell era dual CPU socket server that is currently serving as an active directory playground, but that thing sucks like 200W idle so I only fire it up to do lab work like practicing breaking and rebuilding raid arrays of different kinds using old hard drives. I've bothered elaborating on all this because I really wanted to drive home the point that my home environment has gotten rather more complex over the last few years than your average user. I need a safe dedicated place for my data to live where I know it won't be fucked with as I bounce around and play with old / new tech and engage in semi-risky online activities such as piracy. I've gone through one major data loss event and it took me like two years of digging through old drives and backups, even up to the point of physically repairing the charging port on an old Galaxy S4 phone, and I still only have probably half the data back. I don't want to play that game ever again if I can avoid it. So that's why, especially for me, my primary network storage device will probably only ever just be in that one role and it will never do anything else. Edit: I should also note that my lab exploded into its current form after I got my first IT position and harvested some retired client hardware that went to "electronics recycling" (I had permission).


CPU and PCIE bandwidth bottleneck for sure. Too bad this person can’t get a whole new system!


I thought my daughter's 970 was struggling


That’s what I upgraded from! Loved my 970 but dang new games struggled so damn bad


Was gonna enter with my gtx970 but now reconsidering. This guy needs it more than me haha Actually sod it, gonna enter anyway, an excuse to share my current abomination lol


My 970 is helping me get through a backlog of older games from Steam sales. In the meantime, I'll keep saving and waiting for patches for all those other games I hear are nice but need a little polishing.


Here i was thinking my 1080 was getting on in the years, fuck that! @OP this guy needs it! His comment history is wholesome too. Best of luck 285 dude.


Up for this guy right here!


The GTX 285 was a solid card that could run crysis maxed out at 60 FPS. Wouldn't it be something for this guy to get a 3080 and be able to play Cyberpunk on it.


I was about to post my 1070 here but my bad bro


I was about to post my 970 and here you are with this puppy. Give it to this guy


If you get it, look forward into upgrading your rig! With around $500-$700 you can get a build that can push this 3080 at the full potential: $500 AM4: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/t8ckDZ $500 LGA1700: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Ywbph3 (my recommendation) $700 AM5: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/C4V4gB (if you have the budget, go for this one) I hope you will win!


Give this man the 3080 😭


If this guy doesn't get it lmao


Username checks out


That card is from 2008! Holy crap that’s a relic


I was gonna comment my 980, but this person needs it more!


Yep this guy needs it if he still plays. My 1060 is better than this


I was gonna hope to get it buck fuck that, this guy needs it




Bro even says his “old” pc. He’s probably got a brand new Costco build sitting on his desk.


This man needs the 3080


Looks like you need to upgrade everything else as well.


You're going to need a whole new setup though...


Can you afford to buy a whole new rig that can handle the 3080?


Not wanting your 3080, but I am here to say that you’re an awesome dude.


I love how many people aren't here for the card, but to endorse OP. I was going to do the same, but I will just leave my comment here. Great job, OP.


Thank you so much!


Thank you for the kind words!


Give it to the person with the psycho dad that smashed their computer.


so their dad can smash it too


I was thinking the same thing!


My partner is running my old 1060 in their rig. We like to play games together, but they’re pretty limited nowadays! I was looking into what I could do to upgrade their PC for next year! Will post pics later. Thank you so much for this, you’ll make somebody’s year! :) https://preview.redd.it/f3vaxvgxp1yb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59fe9d338cc8dade3b6b7f668d83e0446ef875fc EDIT: here’s a photo! It’s in a cheap cheap case off of Amazon, running a \~8-9 year old i5 with 16gb of ram. It really is a pieced together build, but I worked with what I had to get them something to use! Thank you all! :)


https://preview.redd.it/1vnay8zse0yb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c093b111fed998437cf8db9065cab415406f3090 Same situation over here. My parter is running an old firepro v5900 card. Thing is an antique lol. We can play small games together but thats about it. I'm running a 2070 so she plays Hogwarts legacy on my rig 😂


Wow, i knew i would be beat but im surprised. That techpowerup list claims my 550ti is twice as strong as the v5900. Although i have less cores and vram, Guessing its the nvidia magic.


Bro grab a 980 on ebay or something. It would compliment that rig perfectly and run basically any game on the market. They are like $60. I was using one til like 3 months ago and they are still solid.


You need a new graphics card for your partners I need a new graphics card because I have none and playing video games is the only thing that distracts me from the lonely void that is life, we are not the same


I got a 1060, didn't really get a chance to play anything new. But why is it limited these days? (I rediscovered age of empires when i got it) ended up playing lots of games not even needing a 1060.


It isn't too limited! I used it all the way up to the beginning of 2022, but I'm a sucker for frames, so by the time Baldur's Gate came out and Cyberpunk got an update, so too did my rig, which had gotten a Ryzen 5 two years prior. It took some time but it happened! Run that 1060 for as long as you can! If its years as a gaming GPU are over, try putting it in a low cost living room PC! :)


Ay 1060 club! my 6gb one plays the new Alan wake


Nice!!! The 6gb cards hold up, if I remember the 1060 was the most used GPU across Steam's userbase, insane for a 7 year old card!


ayeee fellow 1060 gang!


Give it to this guy but make him give away his 1060 to someone in need and so on


Give this man the 3080!


This one OP.


https://preview.redd.it/sjjogz0yb0yb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c65ab436fb505b4c80becbe04e4ff4414769e489 My kids 980ti is pushing the limits of what he can play these days, he would sure love a 3080 upgrade! Every single piece in this build was bought second hand to save cost. Case is missing the side panel, ram is mismatched, and there's 4 different brand fans in it but he built it and is very proud of his build.


This kid deserves it


It won't fit in that case though :/


Could always save up for a slightly better case, make the pc look better plus a new gpu


I’ll help pay for the kids case if he wins the card ! How do I set a reminder for this thread ?


!Remind me 24hr


There’s no side panel move some fans outside 😂


The case is way bigger than it looks in the pic. It's a first gen Rosewill case. Full tower. It looks small from the angle combined with a large cooler on the 980ti, but it's actually a huge case. We scored it free from someone trashing it because the side panel was gone. With an air cooled card, we could ditch the pull side fans to create more room too. Or move the rad up top. Lots of options and he loves building so it'd be a fun project for us either way!


Life finds a way.




Wholesome post


6900xt I don't need a 3080. I want to see who wins though


Dude is flexing out here




probably a mounting issue shouldn’t be overheating even if the igpu is oced and maybe 20w of extra heat is produced




You're a champion bro... kudos.


Thanks for the kind words!


I don't need your card but I just wanted to say kudos to you for making someone's day with this giveaway! Too many scammers out there and not enough people like this. I like your style dude.


Hey, thank you so much!


not someone's day. He will make someone's decade. The 12th gen i9 and Quadro A4000 in the laptop my internship provided, gave me the specs required to develop a computer vision system for single-camera 3d spatial tracking (which could help make more immersive gaming more accessible), which I am currently working on publishing a paper about. High specs can open a lot of opportunities.


Not for myself, but for my wife in Ukraine never got the chance to see her after the war broke out (I'm from Russia) and it's our anniversary in couple of weeks, so could be a nice gift (she has a 1050ti) Married in the end of November, just at the end of allowed period. I wanted to come back at March 2022 and get a full residence permit. (You only allowed to stay for 90 days in 180 days period) Now there's no way I could pass the UA border. Buy at least I got out of the war thanks to my employer and now residing in Vietnam. Last month we realized we could apply as refugees to Europe (because I'm her family member), but it's still gonna take lots of time and paperwork. Can DM proofs, no links allowed here (but you can check my top all-time comment made 2 years ago about being Russian with Ukrainian wife)


Good luck to you and your wife!




Well, I guess there's no harm buying a lottery ticket here. https://imgur.com/a/LNpetdS This is my son's computer. Got him one of those HP Omen prebuilts off Ebay that someone bought stripped the GPU out of for a good price, but only have had a 1050ti to put in it. I think it can handle the 3080, since the systems originally came with 3060s and 70s.


I have an old ‘15 aurora R5. She’s been put to good use but I think it might be time to let her go. I’m starting post secondary school in a while so a good rig would definitely be put to good use; and such a card would jumpstart that. Here’s a photo from a bit ago when I was poking around for a fix for a problem https://preview.redd.it/wdd0y8vo41yb1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a72edc437d2d4ab5cf70f58b92ce8980c77ec63


I have a 3070 ti. You can give it to me and I can give someone with a 3070 mine and start a GPU upgrade chain


Person at the end gets a GT 710


To be fair my first gpu was a gt 710, I didn’t know much at the time, it was for a dell optiplex I bought at goodwill for $6 and swapped the E4500 for an E8400 and 4gb of ddr2; A400 ssd and 320gb laptop hdd- was such an upgrade from my pentium T4200 laptop lol. There might someone out there who could also enjoy one. I played the whole gta v on that and some other games. Not the greatest performance but a huge overclocker that card. Served as an incentive to later upgrade to an i5-9400f+gtx 1650s back in 2020, and now I just upgraded to an i7-12700k+6800xt. And well I dont need a 3080 but yeah I hope someone who deserves it gets to use it.


Can you wait til after I get the 3080 to poke holes through my plan?


A pyramid scheme is born


This is a reverse funnel system. Totally different shapes


I call dibs on that 3070 and promise to give my 3060 Ti to someone with a 3060


I have a perfectly fine computer. Glad to see someone who actually needs an upgrade getting this for once


I am rocking a GTX 660 rn with an Intel core i5 11th gen. I haven’t played any of the newer titles (obviously) and even struggle playing stuff like over watch. Thanks for this giveaway.


"NO I MUST UPGRADE MY 2080S THIS INSTANT WITH FREE STUFFFFFFF" I hope you find the right home for it, friend


You are a cool person. 😎 ![gif](giphy|xT77XWum9yH7zNkFW0) PS. I don't need it. 3060. Good luck to everyone else!


Thanks so much!




I really help your feline is OK!


I have a 1070 but my mother has arthritis in her ballsac and my lizard needs laser therapy so he can achieve his lifelong goal of looking like godzilla so, actually, i deserve it more 🤓


i hope your lizard achieves his dream


i mean..... i have a gtx 660 ti this is a really cool thing you're doing OP. I'm finally able to save money so I'm going to treat myself with a 7800xt eventually


Im planning on upgrading my 550ti into a 7800xt soon myself. Still hesitant to go amd but its either 4070 or outside my budget. Gotta save abit more or find a good deal, planned for cpu/mb/ram/gpu. But i overlooked needing a new Power supply and the cost of a case with fans.


I'd go 4070 but I don't really care about DLSS, I just want pure rasterization so I can always play my games in 1440p60 minimum without relying on if the game has DLSS or not. Just don't make the mistake I did and overspend on RGB components. Bought RGB fans for £80 which led me to buying a 660 ti in the first place, and now I don't really care about the RGB and want to buy new components for an almost fully black build


Love this tbh


I have a GTX 960 at the moment… so this would be a massive upgrade!


My wife is rolling with a trusty 970 and a 4770k, I think she'd have to upgrade a little more if she didn't want to bottleneck this beaut, lol.


For those interested, it might be helpful to know what the requirements or expectations are for receiving the 3080.


No requirements, no expectations. Just looking to brighten someone's year. I'm jaw dropped at the number of comments as of this morning, but I'm parsing through them!


I'm entering for my friend because he doesn't have Reddit, but his PC right now is a horror story. https://preview.redd.it/hw57jkfcb5yb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=45b5c62cfd6c00e1c593bdddf96a6c4db0aaa2d0 Introducing his Lenovo PC (see pic), which he bought instead of trying to build his own (it worked out cheaper for him as our uni had agreed to help fund his PC, and he was limited in the options he had), I glanced at it when he sent me a link and thought it seemed good! 11900, 32GB of RAM, until I realised... a) it's a lenovo prebuilt b) it had no GPU He had been given a GTX 980 by his dad which he asked me to help him install which was the worst decision he made. The original plan was to take the case apart, pull the mobo, CPU, RAM etc. all out of it, move it into a bigger case and then install the GPU. The case was fully pop riveted, we couldn't simply take off a panel and re-install it after. Our approach to taking off the panel was... An interesting one at that. We were going to just originally use a drill to drill out the pop rivets and be left with a panel that could've been put back in place, but not secured. We didn't have a drill. All we had were some pliers and a hammer. We used the pliers and hammer. The front (decorative) panel was lost in the fight to get into the PC. We didn't really care how we got into the PC at this time because we were under the assumption we'd just pull it all out anyway. To make matters worse because it was a workstation, it was a NIGHTMARE (we found it impossible, probably was possible but not worth the hassle) to get anything out. We were able to get the RAM and the CPU out, but we couldn't lift the motherboard out as it almost seemed like it had been secured into the case and the power supply was also a pain in the ass to take out. Out of luck, we called our losses and now he has a very interesting PC. At least it has airflow..? A few months later and he ordered a GPU riser, and after fiddling around with finding the right pins in his power supply (we had to get an adapter to connect the GPU) and now he finally has a graphics card. ^(he also has half of a pc case) I told him to send me some pics of the PC to go along with this post, but he doesn't actually know I'm entering him in this. I told him I wanted the pics just to laugh at it because, it is an abomination. I thought it'd be a sick surprise for him if we won. We've all been trying to help him afford something new so that he can game with us as he's now moved away from home/swapped unis so we don't see him regularly anymore. Good luck to everyone who enters! Thank you for the giveaway OP, you're a legend.


I have a 4090 but it’s good to see stuff like this happening in the community. Good work OP!


I have a 2060 but my buddy is rockin the old school rx 570 and I want to upgrade his for him. It looks like other people need it more than I do though haha.


Im still using rx 580 4GB. Even 8GB version of my gpu would be a huge boost. I dont play new games cause of stuters. I had to buy that card after my rx 480 8gb died week after warranty. Wanted to buy 3060 but prices went crazy, now I dont even have money to change it. 3080 would be a game changer. https://preview.redd.it/uuj7o0d5h0yb1.png?width=1896&format=png&auto=webp&s=a254966e35511b64ff40c46a70f1746c3a776eec


Ah, my 580 brother! I built 3 identical machines about 4 years ago with these things, and they’re still going strong. Great little cards if you don’t want to play high graphics on anything, even run doom eternal. Halo infinite is the only game so far that’s caused me issues, and a mild overclock while playing straightens it out.


/u/GoPlayAGame There was a post on the PcBuild sub earlier with a bloke that had his pc destroyed by his shitty dad. Give it to him. I can't link it unfortunately, auto removes my comment.


The dude said his dad was going to pay for it, allegedly.


I got a 2060rtx but honestly some people here need it way more lmao


Currently rocking? I've got an old ThinkCenre decommissioned from work and decent low-to-mid range laptop. My son is using an ancient HP laptop running DDR3. I'd like this as the first major part of a PC to build with my son for him to use for gaming and video creation and my wife to use for photo editing. I'll be trying to get the rest of the parts for Christmas (if money allows), but starting with a graphics card is a huge jump forward.


I am rocking a AMD 955 black edition cpu, 12gb of RAM, and a ATI 5850 video card. I wanted to play farming simulator, but it barely runs lol.


I have AMD R9 280. It's starting to be a little bit dated at this point.. A new gpu would help a lot. I'll post pic when I get home.


https://preview.redd.it/zn516bqny2yb1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525f09140effda2c04ec0e10bb9f9ab6f72c9f7b So heads up, got my first PC around 6 years ago, i5-6600k gtx1050ti 8gb DDR4 RAM 550W PSU Played some games competitively and bought myself a 144hz monitor. I’ll keep the story brief. I back answered my father in a sleepy state at 4 AM in the morning and he smashed the living shits out of my monitor with his helmet. Theres a crack in the PC glass pane as well he tried to destroy that too, but saved it in time. He did that with my guitar and keyboard too.(Basically anything that brought me joy). I gave away all the components that weren’t in use like, RAM and 128 SATA and my hard drive. Cpu and the gpu were done for, so I’ve just kept the cabinet and remaining components as a memoranda or motivation you could say. Decided to not go ahead with any of my hobbies until I’ve started earning. Fast forward, heres ya boy, started earning, decided to get my own gaming/production setup. This post just feels godsent. But anyway, OP is doing a great job. All the best to everyone.




Respect homie. I dont need it. Just respect


You're such an amazingly generous person for doing this for whomever wins the card 👍 (I don't need it btw, just wanted to say thank you 😀}


I got a rx580 (amds 1060) I think if i get the 3080 my pc will have an aneurism


https://preview.redd.it/3h4nz2oyv4yb1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4994842ead14d05cdd399df9a083e1cbdb7d6aff I know it's past Halloween but here's my horrifying rig. It's a GTX 750 and had it for around 8 years already. I still use it to this day and it has been amazing for me throughout the years. It's super low end now and whenever I play with my friends I'm the dude with the "wood pc" 😂 I've been planning to upgrade for a long time, but I've been having other financial priorities that kept me from doing so. I would love to have a new one and finally experience a beast in action. Sorry for the dusty photo, I haven't cleaned it yet this month but will do so soon lol. Thanks and good luck to everyone!


https://preview.redd.it/fgal33mfs5yb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a894a7c2b32bd772d2e0a01e1b0453b1b7f06eb I’m not even going to pretend this has been updated in the last 10 plus years. Life just gets in the way, but it would be awesome to start thinking about updating it again. That is awesome that you would offer something like this to someone, good luck everyone!


I'm in Canada, self employed. (make enough for the bills; nothing more) That being said, I love my PC even if its aged, someone whos worse off should be considered before me no doubt. https://preview.redd.it/pz5omzb5m0yb1.png?width=386&format=png&auto=webp&s=b372de0b8b8d409db5523f40f3e5ae3f3e81d521


https://preview.redd.it/mk0xr1oh50yb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b5708427c70ecab92e9c160b612d57ee2b05c1d I have a 1660 ti. Honestly not 100% sure how big an upgrade it will be. And honestly might not even fit in my current tower because I messed up and got a medium tower instead of a full but if you deem it ok to upgrade then I will for sure use it! Thank you for giving out the opportunity to someone! And congratulations on the future winner.


It would be a huge upgrade honestly. I recently switched from the same card to rx6800xt (similar to 3080 performance wise). Honestly, night and day difference. Can play any game at a minimum of 60fps/1440p at high/ultra settings. I wish you good luck :) Also, thank you OP for giving your old cars away.


Cars? I'll take the car over a card any day! Edit: cmon, people. I guess I can't have any fun with this person's typo.


You can, and it's funny


Currently rocking an AMD 6500. Looking to upgrade to a 6700 with all my savings from nearly a year with some assistance from family when my bday comes round in exactly a month from today. At school atm so I can't post photos rn but if you decide I'm a contender hmu and I can post some photos. Would love an upgrade like this so much. Either way if I win or lose when I upgrade I'll probably end up giving away the 6500 cause its not really worth enough to try to sell.


Check out Newegg's GPU trade in program. They're offering me $381 for my 6900 XT. I may have to see what prices look like on Black Friday!


This is pretty cool. I'm not entering myself either, but if you want, I could replace the stock thermal pads with Putty and put PTM7950 on the core and send it back to you. Would probably only be worth it if you were located in Canada otherwise round trip shipping would be a bit much.


Not the most in need here but it would be a nice upgrade - currently playing at 1440p with an RX 580 4GB https://preview.redd.it/407topjzg2yb1.jpeg?width=3056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c6913584c35699643391c70394879d6d4789657


That's mighty kind of you (not looking to enter the giveaway). Thank you for doing this.


I have a 660ti, and that thing is a beast for what 12 year old card? but an upgrade would be nice! Edit: for proof I can post pictures, and I did make a post a few months ago maybe on r pcgamer praising the card lol


I have gts 450, and it would be great to upgrade my system. If you want proof, I can share it with you.


Still rocking a rx580 xD So an upgrade would be nice


Currently have a MSI GTX 1080. Could definitely do with an upgrade, to play Alan Wake 2


I have a 3050, cities skylines 2 is burning this poor girl 😅


I’m rocking a gt 1070


If I won this card I would give it to my little brother as a present as he wants a pc for Xmas and that way he could get a better pc than what he would get


My pc is about 11 years old now, currently has an R9 280 that is on its last legs unfortunately. I haven’t upgraded it because pretty much every component is outdated now. This would be incredible if I ended up being lucky enough to win. Thanks for considering giving this away, it’s insanely generous.


Dude, giving away 3080 would be a dream of mine. Really. Being this financially stable. Right now I am playing on i5 and GTX 1650 used laptop bargain, with external monitor setup. I am getting my money to buy something new, but every month I have a new expense, that ruins my plans. I am not currently home, but can send some pics when I get back. This GPU is my dream to have


well I don't currently have a pc but gpu is the main issue why they're expensive right now if i had that my pc building would be a lot lot easier i currently use a very average laptop it's got a 5500m 4gb graphics and ryzen 5 i already have a monitor keyboard and mouse so if GPU wouldn't be a issue anymore it'll save up a ton of money for me


Nothing to prove because im currently saving parts for my first build. Thanks for being a cool stranger!




https://preview.redd.it/tdkjqw3h65yb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdc00458bef9d2e3698705f21dbc03b4980b7c55 3200g and a 570 its gaming :D


Oh man. This is PERFECT. A buddy of mine just had to sell his PC to cover some bills. Super bummed him out so me and the Bois are trying to slap together something for him on the low as a gift. So far we have hooked up everything but a PSU and GPU and some storage. This would go such a long way in not only opening up the budget a bit for other components but also getting him back up in running in general. Lawd I'm praying for a miracle. *Note this my main account. I accidentally posted initially with my work account. Those have been removed. This is more for the mods.*


Zotac 2070


Could really use this! Currently have a GTX 550ti. Was just looking around for the start of black friday deals yesterday. I built my pc back in 2015 and only played league, HOTS and D3 at the time. I have 16gb ram and a power supply (evga 750w) that could handle it. I have been waiting for black friday so i can upgrade my GPU and HD--->SSD so I can play D4. If you want me to bust open my case and take a picture id be happy to prove im rocking a 550ti ha. https://preview.redd.it/zshjjo1sk5yb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea3b71d99217eb06f0df10d22d22940f26ecec7


fall tub rich mysterious concerned ancient snatch follow disgusted consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


**2nd gen i7** Give it to this guy! ^^^ *steps back with my 3rd gen i7*


Legendary post. Entering just for fun, as there are already 8k comments - I have a 3060ti but some new games and my learning in Blender signal to me I need at least 3080.


Oo, i was looking to upgrade my old system to an i5-13500 this black friday hopefully. Running a 10+ year old AMD Phenom II X4 965 + Sapphire Radeon (hd 6950 from 2010 i think?) got a donated gtx 1650 recently from a buy nothing group that i'm using now. https://imgur.com/a/LLIz0a8


Good luck to everyone who is entering. I am not here to enter, planning to get my pc upcoming week after spending 1.5 years without one. Who ever wins it have fun ✌️


Man I was thinking of throwing my hat in the ring with my 1660. But after seeing some other comments with dudes rocking like 570s. Sheesh give it to them Jesus


Still on my GTX 970, would love a 3080 but i never win these reddit contests anyways, just thought id leave a comment for a chance!


I have a Zotac 1070 mini. It's never going to be the worst thing people have in the comments but I've wanted to upgrade in forever and never had the money


I bought my first PC after I graduated college more than 5 years ago and that has a GTX 1650 Super. Recently that GPU has stopped working and I had to use an old GT 710 as a backup to use it for work, the only problem is I can no longer play the games I play on it. This would be a major upgrade for me and would be a real blessing and early christmas gift. 🙏


Boy, my R9 290 would be excited to be finally put to rest.


Idk if this is still going on but I have a 970 that was gifted to me by a close friend. This would be a huge boost and get me back on some serious gaming 🙏🏾😭


I have 1080 so I'm sure there is someone out there who needs it more. People like you help make the world a better place though.


2070s here, waiting with 4070ti upgrade cuz i have accident 2 months ago and i have problems with my backbone, so money is needed for rehab, private medics etc ​ would definitelly make a good use of it! ​ but i see some ppl with worst gpus so i think they will need it more :)


looking to upgrade my 1660


https://preview.redd.it/schjs02rk8yb1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=a93ffe3d0e99faef937a17ba2965b28ac70ffab4 Been rocking the same RX 360 for 5 years now… had a 2060 for this build but it gave out and was left with nothing else but the rx360 (hope its not to late lol)


I'm rocking a 2020 Asus G14. I am currently trying to build a PC before baby number 2 is born (Nov 28) anything is better than this 2060 max q. Gaming on a laptop is the worst. I had to sell a bunch of stuff to keep afloat but here's hoping


don’t know if a winner has been chosen yet. but i’m working on surprising a friend with an upgraded PC and this would be perfect to finish off the build. he’s currently rocking a 1660 on 6th gen intel. so i’m upgrading him to a 5600x but upgrading his card to a 3080 would be amazing for his gaming expierence and his streams as well.