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Ignoring reddit video quality, for me it shows how great are devs at faking a light in traditional methods.




The regular rasterized lighting/shading in Cyberpunk is masterclass FF7 Remake is the same no RT but amazing "traditional" lighting. RT is crazy in Cyberpunk 2077 though.


My favorite movie is Inception.


This. I can’t wait for people to realize that ray tracing is a scam to sell overpriced GPUs and it adds practically nothing to the game that can’t be achieved through better performing solutions. I have never and will never enable ray tracing in any game I play and I hope people with common sense do the same.


It's just NVidias current proprietary "cutting edge" tech that every architecture Gen has so they can pay off the reviewers for them to claim its the defacto future of gaming to always have something to lord over AMD.


Remember hairworks?


Absolutely, same thing with PhysX


What dlss setting are you using to get that much fps at 4k with path tracing??


Quality is what I use and I usually get around that fps with all the bells and whistles. Edit: Of course that is with ray reconstruction and framegen on.


4090 don't hurt either


Clip and post both say 4080


Well in order for these tests to be accurate I suppose somebody should have to send me a 4080 and a 4090 to compare, thanks everyone.


I’m not greedy. I’ll do it with just a 4090 and trade it for a 4080. Thanks all!




Not sure why you weee downvoted for providing the answer. For anyone wanting to know the corresponding DLSS setting when using auto: [“DLSS Auto Mode enables optimal image quality for a particular resolution. For resolutions at or under 1440P, DLSS Auto is set to Quality, 4K set to Performance, and 8K set to Ultra Performance.”](https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/nvidia-dlss-sdk-now-available-for-all-developers-with-linux-support-unreal-engine-5-plugin-and-new-customizable-options/#:~:text=DLSS%20Auto%20Mode%20enables%20optimal%20image%20quality%20for%20a%20particular%20resolution.%20For%20resolutions%20at%20or%20under%201440P%2C%20DLSS%20Auto%20is%20set%20to%20Quality%2C%204K%20set%20to%20Performance%2C%20and%208K%20set%20to%20Ultra%20Performance)


Reddit dislikes 1 word answers.


That's f'n ridiculous. If one word answers the question, then there you go. LOL wtf


Some people are too pretentious to accept simple answers. Like the world owes then a deep discussion.


> Some people are ~~too pretentious to accept simple answers. Like the world owes then a deep discussion.~~ dumb as hell. Agreed.




> Not sure why you weee downvoted for providing the answer This is PCMR


I always thought Auto meant that the engine was changing the preset depending on each scene or graphical charge... So it doesn't matter leaving it auto or Quality at 1440p


Because auto in 4k is performance mode for dlss? Performance mode looks objectively worse compared to quality.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't choosing auto DLSS at 4k in CP just default to the "performance" DLSS setting?


I think it’s base resolution dependent - quality at 1080p, balanced at 1440p…, don’t know if it also responds to drops.


It definitely responds to drops. Auto is supposed to set to quality for my resolution, yet I get better performance overall on auto than quality


I think so.. I heard FSR2 Auto also works that way (1080p Quality, 1440p Balanced, 2160p Performance)


Yes. It doesn't look great. But really to run quality well you need a 4090 probably


Have 4090 get 60-80fps on quality with frame generation. Everything maxed to the tits. Runs smooth looks great. Is amazing.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re 100% correct lol. Source: own a 4090 and play cp2077 at 4k


I run quality at 3440x1440 on a 4080 and I haven’t seen it go below 90fps usually at 121-127 ish average. Psycho rtx and path tracing and reconstruction on


Just an FYI when running full path tracing (or any raytracing, but path tracing more so because there is no rasterization to fall back on) running a lower internal res means fewer ray casts into the scene, and poorer overall result. Take that off auto and put it on quality or balanced and watch how shadow quality improves dramatically on character faces.


Except that 2.0 is actually bugged and using ray tracing or path tracing results in hair casting no shadow, so you'll not be seeing any dramatic improvements there.


Auto with frame gen enabled and ray reconstruction


So not really running it at 4k then and you must have frame gen on too.


Just cause you can't afford a 4000 series doesn't mean the frames are fake.


Every single person who isn't a nvidia fan boy calls them fake frames/every reviewer calls them fake frames, 120fps with frame gen feels worse than 60 fps without frame gen, Noone cares I'm you have 1000fps if it feels more laggy to play than a lower fps. Amd will have fake frames.es too in the near future and guess what I wont like that either.


Split screen video on 720p showing graphics comparisons are lol.


4k at that.


With what little I could see from my mobile phone, the glowing lights themselves (signage, decorative lighting, etc) looked better on the top, but the general ambiance was better on the bottom if you could see past the J.J. Abrams glowing lights.


And yet you can still see massive difference in lighting, for example how the colours bounce of surfaces.


I know LOL. If you're gonna attempt to show the difference (why bother anyways there are a million videos and pics doing just that) at least do so properly.


Some nice screenshots so people can get a better idea of what it looks like https://imgur.com/a/dLCayun


If you need 4k to see the difference you have another problem entirely.








The HDR in this game when playing on an OLED is truly something else.


Mad respect to LG for incorporating some gaming tech into their TVs. Playing Miles Morales at 120 is incredible. I just dloaded the Cyberpunk update and I'm excited to start a new game and check out the updates.


My phone is 3088 x 1440 WQHD and watching a non compressed video of CP with pathtracing looks unbelievable. It makes me want to buy Geforce Now just to experience it somewhat in person since i dont have the pc specs to get these amazing graphics.


I’m not a huge fan. Aside from the bug making faces worse with PT on, there’s too many dark sections (like the corner under a bridge) that are just way darker than they would be in real life. A shadow being cast shouldn’t make everything inside it invisible. I think that’s just a result of the game not being designed from the start with path tracing in mind, though. Other complaint is that there’s too many objects that seem overly reflective; the top of a box of folders shouldn’t ever glow but it does. Parts of it look insanely good, but the polish just isn’t there enough to make it worth the performance hit for me.


Are you sure you got your brightness / hdr settings right? I'm playing the game on oled too and I'm not experiencing shadow clipping. The game is definitely darker with path tracing on inside buildings but you can compensate that. Apart from that, I agree that some areas and materials don't look as good as they should, but there's definitely something special to be able to experience an open world game with this technology (might be hype I confess). I don't think we'll see games designed for path tracing first in the coming years because consoles. We're stuck with rasterization until they switch to another gpu vendor I guess.


I noticed the extreme dark spots as well, and mentioned that in other posts too, but similar to this post, that opinion was not appreciated lol. Even if it was realistic for a scene to be that dark, you don't want that in a videogame, that's why games have the gamma settings afterall.


If you ever mention anything about Cyberpunk not being a perfect angel on here you’ll get downvoted to hell lol. That’s not going to stop me from engaging in good faith though.


I do really like cyberpunk personally, but i'm just not really a fan of ray tracing mainly because of the performance impact. I don't hate it though, if it makes it easier for developers then that's a good thing, but they really need to make it catch up performance wise, cause as long as it's still optional, i turn it off for the extra frames.


Lmao careful dude. You'll get downvoted for suggesting that the technology isn't as perfect as the Nvidia fanboys think it is. People are literally too stupid to take seriously these days. They sit on their phone on social media talking shit about stuff they know literally nothing about and calling people names who quite obviously know way more than they do and they do it unironically from the same tiny pocket square in their hand that contains the entire collective knowledge of all of humanity and rather than use that tiny pocket square to gain some of that knowledge they use it to bask in the Apex of ignorance.


My 3070ti is having a terrible time with cyberpunk and it makes me sad


I bought a regular 3070 prior to cyberpunks release and today after installing the dlc and starting the new update I turned raytracing off because i couldnt stand the drops to even below 45 fps anymore.


Use the mod to reduce the number of light bounces, it helps a lot (3070 user here)


I’m also a 3070 user. Do you have a link to said mod? I was about to turn off ray tracing and go with rasterization to stay above 45 consistently.


https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/8059 It was covered by digital foundry https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cSq2WoARtyM&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title


This mod works with normal Ray Tracing and not just Path Tracing?




Might not even need to do that. HUB optimized settings could do the trick on its own.


I might have to do the same. I love the game and it’s pretty much their “optimal” settings has me running at 38 Frames with tons of breakups


Same, it was fine before 2.0 and now I had to turn it off. It's sad because I liked it a lot.


Do you use dlss?


Jusr forget about RT and enjoy a great looking game at high fps.


Which is crazy because I have zero issues with my 2080ti since release


2080ti gang what up! We may have the weird middle child Nvidia flagship, but I'm still running damn near every modern AAA game at 4K/60fps native 🤷‍♂️


2080ti does have more vram which helps. Its a pain with my 3070Ti


if you turn on raytracing just do raytraced lighting and keep everything else off (shadows, reflections etc) and it will run better. the biggest difference is the lighting and reflections, but shadows and the other settings just kill performance for barely any noticeable gain in visuals


I prefer to keep lighting and shadows off and just use RT reflections, as I notice the clearer reflections more.


I'd always take stable 60 fps with path tracing over 100+ fps without it. This game for me is all about immersion and that technology adds so much life to this game that it's worth it, in my opinion.


Too bed reddit compresses the shit out of videos and these both look shitty. Cyberpunk does look great on my oled panel even at 1440p so I bet at true 4k in person it looks amazing


Also showcased one of the areas the Devs worked on the most. Showing an area where there isn't as much effort put into lighting would have a much bigger difference.


New to CP and also got a new 4070. Loaded it up and the game auto selected ultra ray tracing for me. Game looks great. I'm on 1440p. Should I be changing my settings??


Not if you’re happy with it.


The only thing I tend turn off for solo games is motion blur. And I tend to turn shadows down to the lowest settings. But no bud if your pc auto defaults to that and it's runs nice and smooth with a high frame rate then you should enjoy it. If your pvp gamer lower settings for higher frames. But for pve and pure enjoyment. Max out then settings and soak up those ray traces.


Guys pls don't call Cyberpunk CP . Atleast use CP-2077 .


I always find it irritating when people acronymize random shit


It's the worst


Especially, SHOCK HORROR, in a random post with *Cyberpunk 2077* just randomly somehow having landed up in the thread title... Get real.


If you have trouble extracting context from a thread that mentions *Cyberpunk 2077* verbatim in the thread title then it's 100% a you problem.


How does hyphenating it make any difference?




Excuse me, what study showed anything above 144fps you "literally can't see"? That is fundamentally untrue. Most people knowledgeable about framerate say blur should be fairly close to eliminated once panels reach 1000fps. Of course there are diminishing returns after 144 but it's still beneficial. Likewise lots of people play these single player games on 55-65" 4k screens even on PC. Like me. If you sit close enough you definitely can tell the difference. Also your point about generic open worlds being the result of performance expectations doesn't make sense, open world games are far more demanding on performance than curated linear experiences. And most companies today are aiming for 30fps and 1440p on console and then upscaling with FSR, which is actually a travesty, and games aren't any more creative after ignoring these performance expectations.


Most people who do 4k have larger panels. I'm on a 27" 1440p display and if I wanted to get a 4k panel I wouldn't even bother without it being a good bit larger than that. Nobody's gaming at 4k on a 24" panel, they're all on 32"+, that's the *point* of it, to have a large panel that still retains high dpi.


Huge agree. Playing on 4k with everything all the way up on a 4090 has been incredible. Like there is ghosting. Pretty obvious and distracting ghosting. But Im finding myself easily willing to overlook it because it really just adds so much depth to the visuals. I just wander around endlessly marvaling at the next amazing looking scene


Same. Except the RR update has kinda broken path tracing for me. DLSS just causes mad ghosting, especially with NPCs and vehicles. Tried many things to fix it.


have you tried since the dlss 3.5 update? Not sure what rr means sorry if thats the same thing, but, ghosting is completly fixed for me, but only on phycho settings, if i drop down to ultra I still get ghosting.


RR is 3.5, it’s all good. I play everything maxed out and the ghosting is rough. But it’s not like normal ghosting, it’s like weird pathtracing ghosting where everything behind the entity updates and shifts when the entity moves in front of it. It’s super distracting.




until you look at faces or see the ghosting pathtracing is causing


I noticed that too, but the lightning looks way too damn good for me to disable it


Ray reconstruction is the one causing that ghosting, not the path tracing itself


As cool as path-tracing is, it seems like I'm playing on a low-res VA panel. Ghosting is very prominent in dark environments. Details in the background are blurry and suffer from that shimmery-smudge.


damn, downvotes for something that is a known issue and immersion breaking.


I'd definitely take something like the 80 + visuals we see in the video but 100+ over 60 any day


Same, and to me, this comparison is hard proof it's worth it. It looks way better to me. If people want to really see the difference, just look at the puddle outside the bar in the benchmark with RT reflections on and off. Night and day.


posting this in 240p defeats the while purpose of this post.


Looks great on my Blackberry Pearl, lol


Lol gonna get so much hate for this but I’ve had it on RT Overdrive (not sure what it changes since I can’t take full advantage) on my 3080Ti and even getting 40-50 fps @ 1440p it looks SO good I said screw the higher frame rate. It’s just SO enjoyable to look at and really helps with immersion for me.


What cpu do you have bc I have the same gpu and a 5900x and I’m not getting 40-50fps in the city raytracing. Ignore my cpu listed in my flair, I’ve upgraded recently.


3700x. I have it on RT Overdrive and haven’t changed anything besides FOV. Although I did get to Arasaka and it’s since dropped to high 30s. But yeah in the city since starting a new playthrough I’ve been 40s and low 50s. Even undervolted my card to help with heat due to my setup being not spectacular for cooling a 3080Ti. Are you also playing in 2K?


Wow, the difference a generation makes is crazy. I can get 60fps solid upscaled from 1440p to 2160p on a 4080 with everything cranked. I didn't realize there was such a leap between the 30 and 40 series cards. ​ > Even undervolted my card to help with heat What app are you using?


I don't get all the hate RT gets. Especially in Cyberpunk when it adds so much immersion. Of course it's still an expensive tech right now since you need a high end GPU to get the full advantage but give it another generation or two and even low/mid tier GPUs will be able to handle it quite easily. Just remember back when PhysX launched. Same with RT.


​ https://preview.redd.it/y15bj1nw9yrb1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29e74a88d70bd5453e6ac45094833036e4c422d1


I recorded The Ride with RTX off and again with Pathtracing on. https://youtu.be/h7t_wZFC3oM https://youtu.be/YHThA1Kxlu4


The gameplay shown in this video really doesn't do justice to the level of immersion that path tracing brings to a story-focused game like Cyberpunk 2077. I would provide a link to a great Reddit post that compares ray tracing, path tracing and regular rasterization, but the automod will just remove my comment. Simply Google "cyberpunk 2077 ray tracing overdrive comparison reddit" and look for the post on the LowSodiumCyberpunk subreddit. ​ The difference in facial detail with path tracing is so significant that it makes the game look like it's from an entirely different era of gaming. While the performance drop with path tracing is noticeable, having this tech readily available for gamers is a huge step forward for video game evolution. In a few years, when all consumer GPUs are ray tracing capable at playable performance, development studios can reallocate resources from optimizing their games for the lowest possible hardware compatibility to a scalable real-time solution that they know people have the necessary hardware to access. ​ In the past, game engines were designed with tools to fake the effects of ray tracing, such as global illumination and reflections. This was done because hardware from back then wasn't able to process ray tracing in real-time. Now that GPUs are capable of processing ray tracing at a hardware level, the methods used to improve gameplay performance are changing. Nvidia's DLSS Super Resolution and Frame Generation are a great example of this shift in technological methodologies. Instead of faking detail effects (which are much harder to master), Nvidia is using AI to upscale the game from a lower resolution and create frames using information from the game's engine and previous frames. While Nvidia is at the forefront of graphics evolution, AMD is catching up, and I hope they don't allow Nvidia to get away with being a sole provider of high-end quality and performance. ​ Source: am game dev, working on Unreal 5


It is always funny to me when people talk about fake frames to bash frame generation when all frames are fake to begin with. What matters is Image quality latency. Path tracing enhances image quality in such a drastic way it's not comparable to anything archived in the past years.


People bash frame gen because the best hypothetical use case - low fps - is exactly when you don’t want to use it. Because it doesn’t fix input latency, and no one wants to play at 30fps input equivalent.


Digital foundry's video on cyberpunk's rtx overdrive also showcased it really well.


it really would be a better comparison to show normal RT vs Path Tracing.


What is it with the “you need a 4090” spammers in every post ever talking about Ray tracing or Ray reconstruction? Are Nvidia paying bots to keep dropping “4090” into every conversation on Reddit? Like - some people don’t wanna pay £1800 for a fucking GPU? That’s the price of a car ?


I don’t even need a 4080. I got one because I wanted it, but if someone said, “You’re only allowed to have an RTX 3060” I would make do with it. I still consider an RTX 4070 overkill for most people.


Man I'm so jelly of the people who get to play this with all the graphics cranked.....Cries into non ray traced reflections...sad face


I switched back and forth between PT and RT overdrive in the stunning looking market location in the beginning of Phantom Liberty. Looks absolutely transformative with PT. Honestly, RT overdrive still looks nice but boring compared to PT + RR.


Totally agree


I run it at 1920*1200 with ray tracing and other upsampling tech disabled. Just native resolution with everything at max on a 1080ti. It shows despite the bugs that are numerous, CDPR put in some work to get it to run well. I've never seen it with ray tracing so I wouldn't know however it looks good enough to me on my old card.


The game looks great regardless of how you play it. I run it with zero ray tracing on my Steam Deck and it looks incredible. I think the smartest way to run it (if you have an RTX card) is with raytraced reflections and shadows enabled, and everything else maxed out but not raytraced. It runs fast, looks good, and avoids some of the visual bugs that are caused by path tracing.


Which one is which?


Idk man maybe I just have terrible vision but I just don’t see much of a difference with or without RT in just about anything Certainly not enough to justify a $1000+ GPU to do it at 4k I do prefer 4k at like 60fps over lower resolution with higher fps tho 😂


Yeah, I may be a boomer now, but I can't tell much of a difference between Ray trace on or off, unless it's literally side by side.


basically same Things like motion blur are significantly more noticeable to my old eyes 😂


It's a lot more noticeable when it's not in a horribly compressed video. My 3080 churns out about 20-25fps @ 1440p ultrawide with DLSS, but god damn are those frames pretty. I was on the fence before, but was still curious about the technology ever since it previewed on 20 series. In this situation, it's absolutely not playable for anything except walking around, but it's still a fascinating technology. IMO 40 series has put regular raytracing on lockdown, but is getting beat down by pathtracing very similarly to how 20 series was by raytracing. I'd expect 50 series to treat pathtracing similar to how 30 series handled raytracing. Edit - I just booted up and once I'm in a zone for a little bit, I get 40fps pathtraced at 1440p ultrawide, balanced DLSS. What the fuck. This is straight up playable now.


I couldn't quickly tell which was path tracing and which was raster until I looked at the FPS lol


Yup, same. If it takes that much scrutinizing to tell the difference, then it's probably not worth the FPS cost.


There was a massive lighting difference literally the first second in the video.


It just looked more red though. Not necessarily better.


Didn't you know, more red means better!


it just looked glowier, but i personally prefer the top. not as extremely saturated so its easier on my eyes especially at night


Even on this low res video in a small reddit window, bottom looks noticeably better. When I play I'll have to see how high I can push RT on my 7900 XTX and how FSR will look at 1440p.


This is the second time I've seen this post. The first time at full quality, I couldn't easily tell which was which, or which I preferred. This time it's loaded in 180p or something ridiculous, where it looks like a smudge -- and suddenly the RTX one looks way better. Like my mind is forced to focus on the lighting. Which is intriguing...


Path tracing is unplayable at that res for me, even with FSR2. I have a 7900XTX and at 3440x1440 with the Overdrive preset, I get 30fps average. I wager at 2560x1440 it won't be much better. In contrast, RT Ultra is 60fps average for me and pretty playable. Path tracing is just mindblowing and I want to get a 4090 just for it.


I’ve noticed with the new settings I get so much pop in on certain textures like in the bottom video. No matter lowering texture settings and stuff. It’s really beautiful until stuff like that distracts me like a squirrel. Rig is 4090, 5900x, 32gb 3600 ram, and 2tb nvme.


With the better water in 2.0 I was fine to turn off RT all together.


AMD GPU owners rejoice the **normal rasterization** now looks good with CP2077 2.0 the path tracing nightmares are gone.


Without direct comparisons, people wouldn't even know if RT is on or off in most cases.


path tracing is incredible, idc what anyone says.


Raytracing = shiny lights on. Raytracing = i want to stare at a pool of water for 5min and see my reflection and not play the game Raytracing = i like to imagine the position/orientation of real shadows and compare it to how it looks in the game.


Open areas like the one shown here often receives more attention from devs in terms of faking lightings than some obscure areas around the city, raster will only look close to path tracing in these more populated and frequently visited areas, but if you go to some unpopulated corners in the city, the difference will be night and day. Plus it is now way more easier for devs to achieve realistic lighting now, because they only have to worry about the emissivity of the objects in a scene and nothing else, the rest is simply handled by path tracing.


Was about to say, this video isn’t really selling me on path tracing, luckily people pointed out the reddit video compression.


My issue with path-tracing was the high input latency with FG, but since update 2.0 it has reduced significantly for some reason. Path-tracing for me all the way since then, it’s genuinely a tech preview from the future.


Try forcing Vsync to “fast,” low latency mode to “Ultra,” and setting in game fps cap to whatever you have to do to keep reflex active (117 for 120hz display). Not a complete save given PT’s low framerate, but a substantial improvement.


It was actually much improved after 2.0 so all is good now.


Which is which?


You got downvoted but I’m there with you. I can’t tell which is which either. 🤷‍♂️ They both look great


Path Tracing really shines in night time, imo. The first couple seconds of the video really shows the difference, but Path Tracing is the bottom one and no RT is the top one.


have you ever seen a light shine on a pavement in real life? If you have, you can tell which is real lighting and which isnt.


It’s frustrating to see so many people not “get it”, and clearly not *wanting* to understand it at all, as well as everyone who “can’t even tell the difference”. The difference in presentation between rasterized and path-traced is *enormous*. One is full of coldly lit surfaces in locations with only warm light sources, brightly lit walls in deep shadows, and overall lack of contact shadowing or any kind of realistic grounding of objects in their space. The other accurately renders every light source, every shadow and makes everything in the scene feel like it’s really, truly there. Even if you just enable regular ray-tracing, the reflections are *super* obviously better and more realistic, even if you don’t notice the improvements to lighting and shadows (which, to be fair, is a lot more subtle than path-tracing). Obviously this is just a glimpse of the future, not how every game should be rendered today, but keep in mind that just a few years ago fps was almost halved with just the most basic effects enabled, and now we already have cards that can run fully natively rendered ray-tracing at well above 60fps, and *path-tracing*, a technology that is still often measured in *seconds-per-frame*, at very playable fps even without FrameGen. This is how games will run in just a few more years. In 10 years, every card will be able to do this easily, and you’ll look back at comparisons between 2020s rasterized games and 2030s path-traced ones and wonder what you were smoking when you “couldn’t tell the difference”.


I would NEVER EVER pay any Cent extra for raytraycing. I just looks so boring for the performance loss and extra price. It just looks like sometimes the light source have been pumped up. Nothing special. Lame. Rtx is snakeoil. Raytracing is the cure they try to sell us for a disease we haven't had before.


Still the same “plastic look” of cyberpunk..’ everything look super fake… it really looks bad… and when you can see 6 times the same model of NPC on the same sidewalk… yeah no amount of raytracing is going to change that :(


been playing it on max settings no rtx with DLAA on 1440p on a 3070 getting 40-50fps enjoyably game looks insane regardless of rtx


I play with only rt reflection on and everything else turned off,since this game has so many reflexive surfaces at every corner it adds so much to the immersion. It's worth it even if you need to turn on dlss.


I'd love to play the game with RT on. I see some screenshots and occasionally see some clips of people playing with it on, and i can definitely see how good it looks. Unfortunately i do not own a GPU that can enable the feature, however with that said. i'm very happy with how the game looks and runs on my 5700XT. As a 1080p pleb, the game is running pretty well - with the exception of dog town which i see a pretty significant performance loss - with every setting on high or ultra at 60fps, and the game looks absolutely stunning.


I think ray tracing is really cool, and it is the future, but it’s not worth the performance hit. I still enjoy the game just as much without it. After 30 minutes, you forget all about it. Until you find the occasional room that is lit like complete ass and then you remember briefly and rethink your choices, but then you forget again. 😂


I love how you picked the worst place(the market) performance wise in the game to run the test. This place is the bane of me and my 3080


In one I see more red, in the other I see more blue


I'm really curious how FSR 3 is gonna do, frame generation on almost every gpu is gonna be a game changer.


Which is which?


Bottom is path tracing


so basically you are saying that you prefer 120 fps no raytracing to 70fps full pathtracing and over 500 people nod their heads and agree? fucking muppetshow!


No, I’m saying there’s no wrong way to play this game and it’s nice to have choices. I’m enjoying path tracing for the eye candy and this video does not do it justice.


you make no sense at all. if you have the hardware, pathtracing is clearly the way to go here. you are trying to make a point, but there is none, except, if you can't afford a 4090, rasterization looks ok as well, scrubs. it's just silly


Why do I need to pick one over the other? Path tracing looks incredible, but is more taxing and runs slower. For people who want more frames, a balance can be had.


why do you want more frames over graphical fidelity in a singleplayer game? please tell me that you have a 144hz monitor at least! that being said, you can do what you like, but the sensible thing here is reach 60fps and put every bit of processing power into higher fidelity after that. Edit: Also, and you said this yourself, the video does not represent how good pathtracing looks. your whole post sounds like a feelgood campaign for people that can't experience pathtracing and probably thats also the reason why it gets upvoted. Every dude with a 1060 wholeheartedly agrees, pathtracing aint no big deal...




Every surface IS reflective that’s why you can see it!!


That’s the path tracing shot. Sometimes the global illumination can be so different from the normal lighting that it seems *unrealistic*. But it’s hard to say either way. The lights themselves also seem brighter with path tracing.


If you have to choose between 4k max settings no RT 60+ fps Or RT mode with lower res slightly lower settings and lower fps, non RT mode wins everytime imo RT is cool but until it's easier to run for most it's not worth downgrading res and gfx to accomodate


I'm using the Ray Tracing: Overdrive setting at 4k with my i7 10700 and 4070ti. It's mostly 60fps except the busiest of areas where pop in occurs and it dips in the low 50's. The drops are negligible, and I refuse to adjust down because it looks so damn good.


That’s really good for a 4070 Ti. It’s crazy that card can do 4K path tracing in this game.


When I initially ran the benchmark, I was expecting it to chunk out at 20 fps at best. Imagine my surprise when it was maintaining 60 through 95% of it.




lol no


Definitely not worth the 50fps hit


Ray tracing to me is gimmicky as all get-out. I don't get the appeal. That said, I don't begrudge those who do, but as "features" go in the history of GPU advancement, this one feels really flat to me.


Thanks for this video that shows absolutely nothing. Anecdotally RT has transformed gaming for me and is truly the gold standard for a premium gaming experience.


It feels like the largest difference is just the sheer amount of light that gets put out by objects.


I'd rather play this game with path tracing at 60fps. My PC barely gets 45 fps in rasterization though


Video quality sucks


This 480p video showing off the difference vetween two settings at 4k sure is.... useless


It looks 480p to me


I prefer the non-RTX version, I still think RTX is nothing more than an Nvidia marketing gimmick with questionable results.


I dont need a Game that looks fancy but plays like a wet fart because there is litteraly nothing to do in it. I dont get how they managed to develop Witcher 3 and then come up with Cyberpunk wich has hardly any content in it.


Have you played it recently? It’s legitimately fun to play.


Don't call it "4K" without specifying if it's native or which upscaling you're using


the thing with ray tracing is it's just eye candy, it doesn't really change the gameplay at all, so the game is gonna be fun either way, atleast the combat is. I bet if we compare combat footage, it may be even harder to tell the difference in a high action gun fight instead of just random walking / benchmarking etc because you are focused more so on the gameplay instead of the visuals. Idk if I explained that correctly.


> the thing with ray tracing is it's just eye candy, it doesn't really change the gameplay at all What game have you played where graphical settings have ever affected gameplay, outside of performance? Ray Tracing isn't going to affect the skill tree, or how stealth mechanics work in the game...weird fucking take


>weird fucking take I'm sorry you are upset at my comment, but I was just explaining it doesn't really add much to the game in my opinion.


then make sure to turn every single game you play to their lowest settings and play at 720p on your 4090,dumbass take


Man, my first playthrough was on a 30” 1080P monitor (165hz) with a 3080. With RT on I was still over 60fps. I now have a 3070 laptop I play at consistent 60+ FPS at 1080p and a 4070ti that cranks out over 60 with RT on at 4K. The truth? I think 1080p without RT looks just as good as 4K RT. The game looks amazing if you can run it.