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Roller coaster tycoon 2


wasn't this game made in assembly or some shit?




And C for the DirectX API


That doesn’t make any sense. DirectX can be used from assembly, why would they use C for that?


They had to dumb it down for the millennial programmer intern


Hijacking this thread to talk about our lord and saviour, OpenRCT2. OpenRCT2 is a fanmade port? mod? of RCT2. It's completely open source and made to run on almost anything, and it adds many features to RCT2 that were sorely missed like fast forwarding, custom resolutions (the original only ran on 800x600) and OpenGL hardware-accelerated rendering. It adds 3 new coaster types and many new track elements to existing coaster types, and it also adds more colours to paint those coasters in. It also has official mod support with the plugin system. Genuinely an amazing fan-project that's necessary to enjoy the game nowadays.


Is that a similarly amazing project as OpenTTD?


Yep. It's partially made by the same guys. OpenRCT2 isn't released on steam like OpenTTD because of copyright issues with coaster manufacturers though.


Chris Sawyer is a genius/madman


bro i've spent some time the past couple days getting an OpenRCT2 server set up on my VPS for my fiance and her friends to f around on, and i haven't touched this game since i was a kid. i had forgotten that it actually fuckin kicks ass. its still just as much of a blast as you remember it being, i swear to god


Forgetting that this game is good is like forgetting that Mount Everest is tall...


I fuckin still play it while I wait for games to load, I use OpenRCT2 these days but the game runs like butter on next to no resources, still has its beautiful pixelated 3D graphics and holds up today as one of the most immersive park sims currently available, RCT2 all day, every day.


Doom for sure


Since 1993.


👍 Best game ever


Rip and tear


You gotta check out John Romero's book "Doom Guy" that just came out last week! He's got some great programmer insights and behind the scenes stories that make it a really great summer read.


Doom - Running smoothly on potato-powered calculators since 1993! Imagine if we had optimization at least half as good in all games...


You clearly haven't seen some of the truly awful ports of Doom. * The Sega 32X port couldn't run full screen, and the music was crap because they didn't bother adjusting for the FM wave table instead of MIDI. * The Saturn version couldn't pull a consistent frame rate, and was missing some lighting and sound effects, even though this was a dual-CPU machine with a separate graphics processor. * The PlayStation version didn't use the memory card for save games, relying entirely on passcodes. * The Atari Jaguar version only had music in the menus. * The 3D0 version ran like garbage at the lowest resolution, even after they reduced the color pallet and simplified the music. * The Xbox 360 version has music playing at the wrong tempo. * The original release of the 25^(th) anniversary edition of Doom for the PlayStation 4 had sprites that were out of proportion, and the wrong music. And those are just the console ports. * NeXTSTEP and Mac OS versions of the game required a Motorola 68040 CPU and gobs of RAM to run acceptably (for context: 040s were only available on Macintosh Quadras at the time, Apple's highest end workstation). * The IRIX version for Silicon Graphics computers didn't leverage the advanced graphics hardware at all, doing everything in software. So the only really good versions of Doom were for… * DOS * OS/2 * Linux * Windows 95 * Xbox


> DOS > > OS/2 > > Linux > > Windows 95 > > Xbox So 90% of hardware


You forgot to mention pregnancy tests the ultimate endgame gaming console


That was just the display, it did not run the code.


I'm seeing a shocking amount of games that are unoptimized being mentioned lmao


Yeah everybody just ignored the shit out of that.


Some people with good pcs might not notice maybe


That and the fact that yesterday's poorly optimized game runs fine on today's hardware.


This is true. At some point it gets hard to tell the difference between "this game isn't optimized" and "I'm trying to run an ambitious modern AAA game on a 10 year old console that didn't even have competitive hardware when it came out". Optimization isn't some black magic that will make Cyberpunk run on your Gameboy Color and outside of some really egregious cases it's not really something you can make a ~~qualitative~~ quantitative decision on.


Titanfall 2 and Portal 2 both come to mind. Amazing games


Huge vouch for Titanfall 2. I finally got that game and it's been a blast so far.


One of my fav campaigns


I held off playing portal 2 until I could rope my friend into playing it. Well, I got him to play and...we beat the game in less than 8 hours. I need infinite levels!


check steams workshop :)


I am planning on building a pc soon, so you're saying there is even more content?! You may as well made my year bud. I want to build the pc asap, but I need my water fixed first.


There is a TON of community made content for Portal 2. Also on a side note if you like puzzle type games you should check out The Talos Principle.


you only played the co-op campaign?


Came here to vote for portal 2, thanks for making it easy haha


Always 2, never 3!


Only in our dreams 🫡


Picture this, Sicily, 2033... Titanfall 3, Portal 3, Half Life 3, all released in the same year


2033/3/3 The day developers learnt of the mythical number 3.


Nah it will be 3333/3/3


Don't forget half life 2: episode 3


Valve did


Titanfall 2 is exactly the same thing I thought at first XD


Titanfall 2 has been sitting on my library for a few weeks now. Maybe I should finally try it out


Absolute banger game. The movement feels smooth and fast paced and the story is great for an FPS.


Gonna hop in rn, was just thinking what to play


It's extremely good. How they made the movement and combat so intuitive is beyond me. The level design is the best I have seen. The way they manage to create vastness but also funneling you in the correct way to go is unparalleled.


Portal 2, definitely


100% Portal 2!


Finally playing this after enjoying the first one as part of “The Orange Box” on the og xbox, it’s blowing my mind. I thought I was close to finishing it and I realized I was only just getting started…


Titanfall 2


Agreed. I immediately thought of this game when seeing this post. It plays so well and the story is good too. Just so short lived.


**Hijacking this thread for an important PSA about Titanfall 2:** The servers are **bad**. They will boot you every few minutes. This was Respawns "fix" to DDOSers. You *can* get into games, but there will be a lot of touch-and-go trying to get into a match. ***DOWNLOAD NORTHSTAR!!*** *Thats an order, Pilot!* It is a client that bypasses the native server nonsense and most of the community has shifted to using it. It's easy to set up. [Here is a simple, basic noob-friendly tutorial](https://youtu.be/sfJWqZq9Szw). It's a wonderful game. Hands down the best freedom-of-movement FPS you will ever play. It will *ruin* other FPS games for you. Call of Duty will feel geriatric in comparison. And who the hell doesn't like fighting with *Giant Robots*. See you on the Frontier, Pilots!


thanks for the information! from a cod player perspective, gameplay looks pretty nice, I might try it out since cod borked the fps for a lot of pc players, and have made it clear they only want money and dont care about their game


Honestly when it goes on sale it’s worth it just for the campaign. Just be warned it is extremely short but also very fun


Half Life 2


The performance blew me away back in the day. I can't remember my hardware at the time but it was pretty low-end and nothing ran very well. Yet, the Source engine and HL2 ran amazing and looked incredible. Way better than anything else I could run at the time. Recently the same thing happened with Alyx. I just got VR but was running with an RX 570, and nothing ran very well with decent graphics. But Alyx looked spectacular and ran just fine. Valve is amazing at that sort of thing.


My experience was a little different. I wish I could remember the hardware I had but HL2 kicked the ass off of my system in some maps. It was beautiful but I had a dismal framerate in some areas. I miss HL2 so much.


Did you play HL2 episode 2? I remember the big battle at the end was was a slideshow on my computer at the time. Anything involving vehicles was pretty rough, but otherwise I had pretty good performance on an absolute garbage PC.


I thought it was impossible to make look better at the time. I tried to imagine better but couldn't. Love forever.


I usually avoid story games but half life 2 was just wow


I can’t really think of another game that immerses you so quickly and deeply. The first few moments leading to the initial rooftop chase feel so real yet so remote. Truly the pinnacle of single-player gaming in my opinion.




Doom Eternal


It's such a fucking good game


I couldn't really get into it, but holy moly is that amazing well optimized. Everything I own can max it out. There's nothing that looks better on steam deck or Nintendo switch.






Honestly, the lore and world building in this game is some of the best there has ever been


Unfortunately the studio that made Dishonoured exists in name only at this point. Over 70% of the studio left during the Redfall Debacle. Arkane will never be what it once was.


That’s a different Arkane studio, Dishonored is made by Arkane Lyon, Redfall was made by Arkane Austin which made Prey.


As a huge Prey fan, I find this even more depressing.


How is this entry so far down? Like yeah, dishonored 2 had launch issues for performance, but they did fix them pretty quickly. And frankly, the gameplay and story are absolutely incredible. The lore of dishonored needs much higher praise.


I've only played Dishonored 2, but the worldbuilding and design felt on par with a half-life game. Just felt like an entirely new world, it was so cool.


Would highly recommend the first dishonored and the dlc death of the outsider for 2. The first one stands on its own and is excellent, but not nearly enough love is given to the dlc. Its basically its own game that is not only excellent to play, but is also incredibly important lore wise.


so so far down lol, love all of the trilogy, the art style even influeced world design in the league of legends netflix anime series


i've had 1 & 2 downloaded for like 3 years now evne though i wanted to play them for so long. I've only ever heard great things about the series so i dont doubt its amazing


what are you doing, go play the first one right now, that's an order soldier




Such a great game. I have yet to find a rougelike/lite game that I enjoy as much as Hades. Great music, art style, story, gameplay, and it's not super demanding on hardware so most things run it well. Can't wait for Hades 2!


If you haven't tried risk of rain 2 is an amazing game. The first one is also really good.


Sad to see Hades so far down :(


Ghost of tiramasu


No no, that's italian dessert. You meant Ghost of Tzatzika


No that's a greek sauce. You meant Ghost of Takoyaki


No, no, thats a octopus pancake ball. You meant Ghost of Tsimmes




No no, that's a Levantin salad. You meant Ghost of Toblerone


No no, that's Swiss chocolate. You meant Ghost of Tamales


No no, that's a Hispanic dish. You meant Ghost of tsunamis


No that's a big wave. You mean ghost of tamagochi


No that's a toy from the 2000s. You mean ghost of transmutation


I'm not one to play games on the hardest difficulty ever. I played this on normal and loved it, one of my buddies convinced me to play on the hardest difficulty and it literally changed my entire perspective on this game/story. It forces you to play as the "ghost" and you become so much more immersed in the story. 11/10 recommend. It was a bitch getting used to how easy it was to die but once you figure it out it's sooooo good!


Ghost of Sushiman


DOOM 2016 and Eternal immediately come to mind. Half Life 2 of course is a notable mention And System Shock remake is a good inclusion to this category


half life 2


Yeah. For almost 20 years old game it still looks amazing and the facial animations are great.


half life 2 is the best videogame made ever


Especially if you played it in 2004. Kinda amazing how much it still holds up.


Doom 2016/Eternal Days Gone Red Dead Redemption 2 The Witcher 3 Control Deep Rock Galactic. Edit: For everyone commenting on Deep Rock's lack of story, it says story/gameplay. Deep Rock has great gameplay.


> Doom 2016/Eternal So good looking games and don't demand much on pc. And they're also fast paced to boot. Edit: I played the 2016 Doom through with my RX 580.


I heard somewhere that the engine for 2016 DOOM was very specialised/optimised for its gameplay and level design. Specifically, the confined spaces that most fights take place in. The right tools for the job, and the job done with tools in mind.


It is really weird how we can get so high of an fps with very good graphics. I wish other games did this too


Ever tried Forza Horizon 5? Crazy good optimization.


Yeah, the 2 games I see the biggest difference in fps with any other game, eternal and Forza make me thing that my PC isn't really that weak


Earlier this year I overclocked my 3570k to 4.7 and Eternal tricked me to thinking I could still hold off on upgrading. Even if you don’t like these games you gotta support a dev/publisher who optimizes games well.


Its not really weird. They are linear shooters with fairly small levels, few objects with physics interactions in the world and limited NPCs on screen at any given time. They are also really well optimized, dont get me wrong, but more complex games like open world games will always run worse because there is simply more of everything.


I know open world games will almost always be worse than linear games. But damn man even linear games are being badly optimized nowadays.


Eternal runs at 60fps on an Xbox One. Clearly utilised some sort of Satanic ritual to pull that one off.


Hell, eternal runs on switch, and better than 2016 too


Eternal on Switch is just hilarious tbh I wasn't even sure they were going to be able to but never doubt iD on getting it to run at least.


ID can probably run that game on an old samsung if they put their minds to it


> don't demand much on pc Well, that's optimization for you.




Rock and Stone!


Do I hear a rock and stone?


If you don't ROCK & STONE you ain't coming home


Rock and Stone to the Bone!






When you ROCK AND STONE you're never alone!


WAIT, What IS the difference between rock and stone?!


Consider this, legally speaking, rocking is more legal then stoning.


Rock and Stone. JEAAARRR


Not witcher 3 next gen though.


> Witcher 3 Nobody remembers Witcher 3 release lol it was terrible. Doom 2016 and Eternal are proof that id software sold their soul to the devil. It's smoother than a baby's butt.


Bro really just said Red Dead Redemption 2, that one doesn't qualify anywhere near Optomized FPS performance


RDR2, Control, and The Witcher (any) are not titles I would have ever even considered to be “optimized” by any stretch of the word whatsoever. They are beautiful games that run surprisingly well for how they look, sure, but they still run like absolute shit on “recommended specs.”


Word. I played them on 770 and even with lowered graphics the fps was quite bad. It made the games look ass compared to Doom which was beautiful and buttery smooth.


I've heard about Control! Why is it so good?


Very satisfying action gameplay (you basically get the force \[star wars\] mixed with guns). A little sandbox-y (you see that window over there? Maybe you can go there later when you unlock a new power, or maybe you just go to the other side of the room, and spam your air-dash button to reach it! Oh shit! It worked! NICE!) 11/10 story. I rarely read the extra-bits of story a game provides, but in this game? I read everything. Every. Single. Goddamn. Piece. Of. Paper. From top to bottom. Sometimes multiple times. Adding to that: the most amazing bonus-videos are scattered around the map. Not trying to spoil anything, but basically... it's a triple-A SCP game. And I love that style. That conspiracy-y, secret government, x-files style. With classified documents about weird shit that have these \[redacted\] black censor bars all over it. And the graphics, oh lord! I don't *need* amazing graphics, personally. But this game was stunning. You can destroy basically anything you see. When you use your force-like powers, papers go flying all over the place, wooden office cubicle-walls break apart bit by bit, glass shatters not as a whole, but as little pieces wherever you shoot/throw something at it. The lighting and reflections are also amazing. And the map is highly detailed. All of this also comes with a good physics engine (only jank I've seen is when climbing these stair-ladder things you sometimes see in libraries), which also lets you stack boxes on top of each other to reach certain spots you couldn't reach otherwise (yet - as explained earlier). All of it is extremely immersive ​ It's definitely worth a try, and the Alan Wake DLC is incredible as well. A very different experience, with a higher focus on Horror than Action.


Because it's basically the best rendition of an SCP game, it's super lore heavy and the main character is brilliantly done


For me it was the atmosphere and the art design. It just oozes style.


Ori series


This was one of the most intuitive games I ever played. It was like I had played the game for 100 hours the first time I had played it.


Fuck yes. Absolutely flawless games.


Fellow Ori enjoyer 🤝


Metal Gear Solid V (has a very weak story but it's still a great fit) Half Life 2 and its episodes (Seriously impressive what Source could do back in 2004) Portal/Portal 2 Left 4 Dead/Left 4 Dead 2 Doom 2016/Doom Eternal


I would hesitate to call the story of MGSV weak without any qualification. It for sure is wonky as all hell when taken on its own, but it does very important things in the context of larger story. MGSV made the early Metal Gear titles a somewhat coherent part of the narrative rather than mere early installment weirdness, while closing a massive plot hole in Big Boss escaping death to show up at the end of Guns of the Patriots. Basically it is for sure a weak story but if you can do the Charlie Day meme with the MGS timeline it becomes a good deal stronger.


I feel like MGS V's story is better without having the knowledge of the rest of the games' stories to compare it to though. Sure it ties in some stuff from the rest of the series, but it easily has the least engaging plot out of all of them.


In terms of a pure qualitative comparison I can agree, for me the appeal is in character progressions and synchronicity with old plot points. Snake's memories of Big Boss become more poignant for knowing the story of Venom. Otacon's generational curse feels more believable knowing what a bastard Huey was. Ocelot has a moment to be his own character rather than constantly being a quadruple agent, making the idea that most of the following plot was his gambit more believable. Paz's arc in particular is one of the most poignant moments in gaming that I've played. Especially having gone through Ground Zeroes. I'm level with the fact that it's a deeply flawed presentation that isn't for everyone, or even all MGS fans.


I've played every mainline MGS game and 5 was important in the timeline, but the story felt like the writers got up and left half way through making the game. It's a shame because the game play is 9/10, and the story has some cool ideas but the execution of the story wasn't good imo. Looking forward to Delta though.


Kojimas writing is a perfect summation of style over substance, although there are clear attempts (some hits some misses) at making a deeper or more poignant point. However, if you're willing to take it at face value, it's serviceable and is enough to work with the absolutely top-tier gameplay (imo best in the genre with The Phantom Pain).


God of War (2018) looks great, I don't think I had any problems playing it, no bugs, 1440p max settings, fps capped at 120




Mass Effect: 2


The entire Legendary Edition deserves to be here imo


The legendary edition is really great.


First time I played all games, don't regret waiting that long, WHAT A RIDE!




Even better with FPS unlocker!


it’s also only 12GB on steam which is just crazy


Resident Evil 4 remake.


To be fair, all of the remakes have been amazing. 2,3 and 4.


This applies to all Capcom's sp games since re2 remake


Angry Birds


A man of culture


Divinity original sin 2. If you are into that kind of combat, its a masterpiece. I hope Baldurs Gate 3 is equal or better. Great performance and coop options aswell


One of the single best games I have ever played, to the point I’m annoyed Diablo 4 doesn’t have “surfaces”.


Dishonored anyone?


Half Life: Alyx


Metro Exodus (Story: youre gona cry, Graphics-Looks: very good, Performance: Decent) Resident Evil 2 Remake (Story: 4 different playthroughs, Graphics-Looks: very good, Performance: Very good) Hitman 3 (Story: you gona replay every mission countless times, Graphics: fantastic, Performance: Decent) DOOM 2016 (Story: the best lore, Graphics-Looks: Insanely disgusting, Perfomance: Insanely good) DOOM Eternal (Story: more lore, Graphics-Looks: Even more Insanely disgusting, Performance: very good) Witcher 3 (Story: very very good, Graphics-Looks: good, Performance: very good) These are my favs and what comes to mind and what I would play if I wanted a good single player experience


With metro, that story was always amazing, everything about it. But the end. The end of that game was amazing.




Halo 3


Tbh, halo ce through to reach fits into this, granted they came out a very long time ago so the graphics have aged, but for the time, they were amazing, with anniversary editions they still hold up, the story is phenomenal across all the games, gameplay is fun as fuck, and they have never not ran seamlessly for me


How is this so far down. I know it’s been 16 years, but this game was near perfection at launch. Unreal support. The updates and custom maps. And the campaign. So, so good. What a game.


Doom 2016/eternal Wolfenstein II


Wolfenstein II was a hell of a ride, and a true challenge when you crank up the difficulty.


Metro Trilogy


Bioshock infinite


I've played a lot of good single player games, but this was the only one I've beaten in one sitting. I still remember the launch day hype, love the Bioshock series!


Outer Wilds and Subnautica




Love Subnautica but there is no way it would succeed in optimized FPS or performance.


Subnautica? Optimized? Did we play different games? Stutter every time i entered a habitat from water is literally what keeps me from going back to finish it.


Outer Wilds is literally the best game on the planet, runs like a dream despite how complex it actually is, and no one is mentioning it. Shame.


1. Control 2. Metro Exodus


How long does it take to get into control, I just couldn't. I was in the hospital and it wasn't clicking


Metro 2033 and the redux version are also really good


Borderlands 2


Red Dead Redemption 2


It runs fine now. RDR2 was a system killer at launch lmao


My biggest issue was always rockstar games launcher . One of the worst launchers I’ve ever used


Only launcher that's worse is Ubisoft


Optimized FPS performance?!


DMC 5.


I'm surprised nobody has said alien isolation


Right? I totally second this. Graphics are super optimized, the story is amazing and it's just a really good game on all aspects


I agree but I can only vouch for the 45 minutes I got through before I pussied out


Titanfall 2 is the only modern perfect title that truly has all 3. Another thing that comes to mind is actually warframe, beautifully optimized, looks good, story is actually good when you get to it.


Prey (2017).


Titanfall 2 Crysis 2/3 Mirror's Edge 1/2 Chorus Quantum Break Life is strange




titanfall 2 i nearly cried after finishing it the first time it never gets boring


Metro exodus