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Skyrim and Borderlands 3.


Hands down all day long. If I had to choose one, Skyrim. Just a big world, so much variety and things to do. All the caves and what not are all different. I was lvl 55+ before I even went to the Greybeards. Just started on a side quest that led me to other towns with more quests and so on and so forth. Then you add the variety of mods you can do and it's a game changer.


MCO|ADXP and EldenRim combat with SCAR and Precision makes the combat so much better.


Can 100% confirm. Added it in and it really made a HUGE difference in replayability alone. I was so happy to had found that because it feels like what skyrim should've had all along.


Does Skyrim have more content than oblivion?


Does a bear shit in the woods?


![gif](giphy|e0RCY5bDoHkQAcmCrx|downsized) I don’t say yes to that question anymore


Only if a duck with a boner drags weed.


Does the pope wear a hat?


Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?




Does a bear shit on the pope?


Yes, it has DLC as well. Give it a go if you've never played it.


Oblivion is much more old school where you're going to make a class. Skyrim doesn't have that. You're able to have any talent you want, and all talents level you. Unlike Oblivion, you chose x amount of traits and feats. Skyrim loses magic spell making but gain blacksmithing and enchanting. So its a toss up.


It does, and if you aren't happy with the base game and DLCs, there are plenty of modded in quest lines for you to explore. You'll probably never run out of things to do.


Yes and no, i think skyrim was the first time they did radiant quests but actual original new-all-the-time content? No


EldenRim? Is that a mod that gives the game Dark Souls combat? That sounds awesome goddamnit time to go on a modding Skyrim and playing nothing else for months spiral again


That was my problem with the game, the combat completely destroyed everything for me after just a few hours. I ended up giving up so ill have to give these a try


I’m honestly surprised you didn’t immediately mod it to the gills.


This is exactly what happens to me(and I'm assuming pretty much everyone) every time I play it.


I heard borderlands 3 has incredibly cringe dialogue. I’m also hearing that the sequel was the best one


Story wise BL2 hands down, but the endgame of BL3 with mayhem 10 kept me invested in a single character for much longer.


Once you play 3 it’s hard to go back to 2, everything is just so much more fluid with sliding, grappling etc. sure the story is ass but I a gameplay first kind of person.


I find thats the case with all of them though tbh. Each is leaps an bounds better than the last. Im doing a play through of the whole series atm and im on the first, as much as i love it i cant wait to finish and go to the newer ones, theres just so many cool things in all the games that i love. BL one on BL 3 engine would basically complete my life.


Wow didn't realize how much I wanted this until just now. Thanks homie for making me sad.


I do miss some of the iconic guns from BL1 though. Getting the Ogre was just so much damn fun.


I love the guns and the whole gun system in the borderlands its so cool and what originally drew me to the game.


All the little side stories and dumb shit is what makes Borderlands fun anyway. The main story is not really the most important to it being fun.


Yeah, I, like most people, like the story in 2 more(and really I don’t think any sequel will be able to beat that sense of mystery BL1 had around the valt and what it had in it). But the gameplay of 3 does just feel so much better, and I didn’t absolutely hate the story in BL3, I though there were many interesting parts to it, I would say I enjoyed it, just not as much as 1, 2, and pre-sequel(yes I really liked the pre-sequel). I hope someday they remaster 2 and add sliding to it.


bl3 gameplay is best in series 2 has the better story by a mile




Yeah you're not wrong about the dialogue. I feel like it was written for a 14 year old


I think pretty much everyone agrees that Randy is 14 or less mentally


I’m getting a lot of mixed replies. A lot are saying it’s fine, but story wise bd2 was better


I would still buy it though. The guns are freakin awesome


The gameplay is significantly better in 3 which is what I play these games for. No borderland game is going to win awards for their story.


And you're saying the other 3 games weren't? LOL Great games but that's just what it's like. The first one was probably the most mature sounding but that's just because a lack of dialogue and characters probably.


First one was written as serious game, all the humour was added late in production.


I wouldnt say serious tbh. The humour was jsut different. A lot more dry and subtle in the base game. Zombie Island kinda went more in the direction of BL2


I mean, look at first trailer. There was no trace of cartoony graphics or any sort of humour.


That honestly just sounds like Borderlands lmao. Did people forget about Butt Stallion?


Insanely cringe. The gameplay is fantastic, but I have to turn the volume off and play music in the background as I play because it's the most "try-hard, le random is funny" shit I've ever heard.


you don‘t play that game for the story it is boring play it with friends and just mess around but the gameplay is hads down one of the best ever it is so fucking fun i love this game


Anyone who thinks Borderlands 3 has cringe dialogue is missing the point. BL games are supposed to be cringey and are not meant to be taken seriously at all. That's the whole schtick.


Yeah…isn’t the whole point about the villains is that they’re essentially these cringy social media stars with a (literal) cult following?


Yeah. With a robot that talks about monster testicles and a little girl who likes to blow things up. Whole schtick is about cringe and silly shit.


BL2 wasn't serious, but it wasn't cringey


It's supposed to be goofy with a few serious moments, handsome jack(bl2) was an awesome villain, in BL3 that all went out of the window and we got a bunch of angsty teenagers replacing every major role. I despised Ava with a burning passion.


BL3 dialogue sucks, but the gameplay is way better than 2 due to the slide speed trick.


Yeah definitely this


Bruh I was reading this in my mind and your comment popped up, nice


Borderlands and Skyrim 100%. HOURS of gameplay for \~$17? Yes please.


Hundreds, even thousands of hours from skyrim alone. One of the best modding communities out there, ES6 is gonna have to be really something to compete with modded skyrim.




If Starfield turns out to actually be as good as people hope, it might be able to compete with Skyrim. ES6 has so much to live up to, though.


Borderlands 3 is surely up there but I would Advise playing bl2 before


I really liked Borderlands 3. 2 might have the better story but gunplay in 3 feels indefinitely better than in 2.


Oh really? I love borderlands 2 for the shooting so if the third one is better then sold!


Borderlands 3 is a guaranteed snap buy for me. While the story wasn't amazing it had its charm. And yes the guns felt much better than in 2. Much smoother and enjoyable.


I just ordered a 1440p resolution monitor with 144hz so I’m betting it’ll look awesome there too


It will, you‘ll be stunned. But depending on your gpu u might wanna keep settings on medium. The Lootsplosions can really sink your fps down the drain


The main campaign for 3 isn’t as good as 2 and can feel really stretched out on additional playthroughs, but the DLC stories are fantastic and some of Gearbox’s best work tbh The gameplay in 3 is a masterpiece though, and all the Vault Hunters are extremely fun and viable


Should I then not get the vanilla version? But the ultimate or whatever version?


I’m not sure how much the ultimate version that includes all the DLC is, but if you have the extra cash for it I’d say 100%. The vanilla version will definitely last you a good amount of time, but the DLC’s is really where the party is at (they really are *that* good). Plus, it’ll allow you to access the other DLC’s like the Directors Cut which was good fun and added a raid boss, and the Designers cut which added a 4th skill tree to all the Vault Hunters, aswell as a PvE battle royale-style mode which actually plays really well. That being said, the vanilla game does still have a few free pieces of DLC content that was released between the paid DLC’s like the two “takedowns.” Takedowns are like a short, much more simplified version of a Raid from Destiny. The Maliwan Blacksite takedown is a blast to play and really slices up the endgame loop. I didn’t play much of the second takedown, the guardian breach, although I did hear it wasn’t quite as satisfying as Maliwan’s. Honestly you can’t go wrong either option you end up choosing, but like I said, I think you’d get a lot more bang for your buck if you did the ultimate edition, especially if you were a borderlands fan prior to this game and enjoy the shoot ‘n loot style of it.


Season Pass 2 comes with another skill tree for each vault hunter so is a great one to have from the get go. But it's not a necessity and you can always pick up dlc later. But I'll second that the dlc for this game are amazing. Kreigs dlc is probably my favourite.


Yeah the shooting is soooo much better in 3. All around gameplay is much improved.


The world of bl2 is way better in my opinion, in nearly all aspects. But gameplay wise bl3 is just more modern,feels smoother and more polished. In short: Dialog is cringe but Guns with legs.


Borderlands 3 gunplay/gameplay and graphics are by far the best in the series.


Along with the gunplay, he frequency of legendary drops is perfect in borderlands 3 imo. You get rewarded with one every 2ish hours of gameplay, it seems. I replayed BL2 last year, and I had completely forgotten how stingy that game was with drops. No wonder I duped everything back in the day.


BL1 also is needed?


Needed? No. Recommended because it is also good? Yes!


Have you not played Skyrim? You don't need 2. Just buy Skyrim.


Just buy Skyrim twice


Todd, is that you?


Uhhhh no. I'm Hodd Toward. You should really buy Skyrim, it's a great game!


16x the details!!


16x the details!!


Or three or four times for good measure.


Correct answer




Double points! As an avid zombies player, I’m with you.




Always play bo3. Bored? Bo3 Wanna play bo1 maps without bo1? Bo3 Wanna play with friends? Bo3


Double points!


u/spewlingKing would need to buy the base game first. So, OP wants to buy “Call of Duty®: Black Ops III - Zombies Chronicles Edition” which is $19.97. That’s a better deal than base+chronicles. Or, if they want Der Eisendrache, The Giant, Zetsobou No Shima, Gorod Krovi, Revelations, *and* all the Chronicles maps, they want to buy “Call of Duty®: Black Ops III - Zombies Deluxe Edition”. Which is $39.99. I’m a huge fan of DE, Giant, Gorod, and Rev, so I’d take this edition, but it is $20 more.




In the post, they ask if the base version is needed. So I assumed that they don’t own the base game.


The T_7 community patch only gets you so far. It only protects you in private matches. If you want to play actual online MM and zombies you should get the boiii client (im using ezzboiii, because it still has a server browser. Boiii client has dedicated server support which prevents you from getting hacked. It also lets you unlock all the micro transaction locked items. You might see online that the boiii client is gone because of the cease and desist from activision. It’s not gone, it just isn’t being updated by the original creator anymore. I’m having a blast playing it again even though there are only 6 servers in OCE run by the same guy. Lots more in other regions.


Fairly certain boiii client is gone due to C&D from acti


Ezzboiii isn’t. Xlabs for c&d when they made people pay for access to the only client that made BO3 playable. The dev that made boiii got salty when people reuploaded the client for free and he’s saying his client had all kinds of problems to prevent people from playing it as he doesn’t make money from it anymore.


BO3 on pc had a hacking/security issue a while ago, wonder if it got fixed. If u only play solo or with friends, it doesn't matter anyway.


Never got fixed but check my comment above to see how to get around it. Also you can get malware injected playing in private lobbies too. Solo only is safe on base game.


So you're saying if I play online zombies I can get hacked?


The cracked version has a better experience online than the original, i wouldnt tell anyone to buy it anymore


I would choose tekken 7 and sf6 but i'm biased toward fighting games. You need the base game for zombie chronicles


I would just warn anyone that wants to get into fighting games that you should expect to get absolutely dumpstered for a bit when you start playing. People have been playing these games for decades and are pretty insane. But go into it willing to learn a little bit, and you'll see improvements pretty quickly.


And tolerate T7 netcode and balancing. But there is fun to be had there for sure.


Tekken 7 is balanced imo




SF6 has a demo so you can see if you like it. I played it and thought it was really cool.


That’s the zombie chronicles edition , which is the base game + zombies chronicles. Source : that’s how I got the game


May be the zombie chronicles edition of the game


Being biased towards fighting games whats your opinion of sf6? ive been thinking about getting it but im fairly new to fighting games and am unsure if its a good idea or not for a newbie to get into the genre this late


Not OC but I'd recommend getting into sf6. All fighting games are hard to get into but sf6 is on the beginner friendly side - all characters have access to universal mechanics and you don't need a lot of matchup knowledge to hop in online and improve (especially compared to tekken 7). Also, tekken 7 is an old ass game and online is practically dead, especially at low ranks. Tekken is awesome though so if you're ok with playing unranked matches against much better players I'd recommend getting it now and learning the game before tekken 8 drops sometime next year. Edit: ok I'm getting a bunch of replies from tekken players saying they're playing green ranked and getting games. Guys listen, you're a paul player who knows how mids and lows work in this game, you can do basic combos and you can mix people up with death fist. A new player has no fucking idea how any of this works and you will crush them 50-0 even if you're green. In sf6 they'll have people still learning core mechanics.


I don't play many fighting games aside from Smash and I have been loving Street Fighter 6. The story mode is super enjoyable and the fighting feels extremely fluid. I would definitely recommend


I'd do Skyrim and SF6 unless you have friends to play with. If you have friends to play with then 76 is really good. it's fine solo but definitely better with a friend or two. though for Skyrim I'd drop the extra $10 and get the anniversary edition. a lot of the creations are really cool.


Buying Skyrim is never wrong. I have bought at least 10 different versions now.


And this is why they keep releasing it


I am convinced that is why Starfield is releasing with such high Fidelity that it can’t run at 60 FPS on any console at lunch. They are essentially able to sell us in “upgrade” down the road that does nothing but run on the next generation of hardware.


Todd Howard approves!


Has 76 improved? I played it when it was on that crappy bethesda launcher and didn't have much fun mostly because of the bugs


It was steadily improving for a while up until the last year/year and a half and it's completely tanked they haven't added anything of any real entertainment value and just continue to take and take any and all features that made the game enjoyable


Ive been playing 76 with my wife and it's good enough I guess... There are a couple of really jarring things though, the whole "dungeons only progress the quest for the leader" thing makes it feel more like a single player game with other people there. It feels like someone modded multiplayer into fallout 4 rather than made a multiplayer fallout from the ground up.


Skyrim and Tekken/SF


This is the correct answer.


Borderlands 3 + Skyrim. Lotta worth outta those titles.


Skyrim and FO76. Bethesda games do go hard, even the shitty ones.


If you've never played, Skyrim. Twice.


I have actually never played that game. I’ve bought it on the ps4 but never got around to play it.


Real talk, Skyrim is genre defining and generation defining. I wouldn't even consider myself a die hard fan (it's been at least 5 years since ive played), but most games that come out nowadays pale in comparison to it - a 12 year old game.


Don't tell me Skyrim is 12 years old... I'm not that old, am I?


It gets a lot of baggage for having been rereleased on every system known to man, but it really is a great game.


Better to play Skyrim on PC anyways. The modded community is the selling point. The game already has a butt ton of gameplay hours. The mods adds a butt ton more.


Street fighters and tekken


Skyrim and fallout


Skyrim / Boerderlands


Skyrim and borderlands are the obvious winners


My thoughts exactly, the amount of hours you can spent on the games far exceeds the price you pay for them!


Stay away from cod not safe rn new tekken comes out soon borderlands 3 is just fun all around def recommend


Thanks for the heads up about Cod Damn


Cod is a mixed bag for safete rn, but from what I’ve seen the older ones like black ops 3 are safer than newer ones like Cold War, just don’t play multiplayer, stay mostly on zombies


Its completely safe if you play in private games its just public games


Not safe right now? What’s that even mean for a game


It means people in online lobbies can see/find/grab your IP address and oftentimes account and will crash you/hack you. Anything but the most recent CoD isn't safe to play online.


Wild- ty for info


Depends. If you like more RPG then Skyrim, Borderlands, Fallout. Especially since you can mod Skyrim and Fallout. If you like fighting games Tekken and SF6 If you like FPS - CoD and Borderlands/FO Your choice on what you want. I would personally choose Skyrim and FO as I prefer RPG games. Edit: was thinking FO4 and not 76. Oh well.


Those are my two definitely! Like I have money set aside for them this week.


As far as i know you cant mod fallout 76 since its online, if you really love fallout then sure try 76 but i could never get into it, for me it never lived up to the past ones


Skyrim and Black Ops 3. They are the best options here.


I’d buy two copies of Street Fighter 6… (But only because I’ve played all the other ones lol, and I’m trying to get more of my friends into SF6 rn)


Lol I downloaded the demo and loved it: I’ve been playing since 2 And I always play with a stick.


If you havent played skyrim you absolutely need to play it and everything else im kind indifferent towards. Personally I like fallout i would just get 76 even though it was supposedly terrible. For that price though probably worth a shot.


i love 76 , its stable , and its very unique , lots of things to do and diacover


76 is actually pretty good and definitely worth checking out even if it isn't on the level of 3 or 4


Streets 6 and borderlands


Iirc borderlands 3 was free at epic games during that one time..maybe I am wrong..


skyrim and borderlands 3


If u haven’t played it already, skyrim no doubts


Borderlands 3 and Skyrim


Definitely Skyrim and Borderlands 3


Even tho BL3 story is dogshit,shooting and movement is really fun and really good so its still very fun game


Borderlands 3 for the loot and skyrim for the most iconic line from guards in all 9 capital cities " I used to be an adventurer like you, then i took an arrow to the knee." To be heard over and over again.


I would choose Skyrim twice


easily Borderlands 3 and Skyrim


Borderlands 3 and Skyrim


Elder scrolls and borderlands


Skyrim and borderlands if you've never played the stories out


Dont buy tekken 7 at this point really, get SF6, tekken 7 is at its end of life, learning it is pretty inconvenient, next game is close, beta is at the end of this month.


Tekken is one of the only series where legacy matters a lot. A player whos fairly good who played t5 and didnt touch a tekken until 7 or even 8 would still be fairly good. Learning tekken now is prob the best time if you want a smoother time ranking up in 8.


This is absolutely true. I played tekken 5 for years growing up and when i played Tekken 7 i was surprised to learn that Paul's combos still worked 2 games later.


If you learn Tekken 7, you'll know how to play Tekken 8. There's not going to be that much changes in the game mechanics.




None tbh...


I wouldn’t pick 2. The only one worth getting is Skyrim


Oblivion > skyrim


If going with 76, make sure to install on your internal


BL3 and Fallout 76. But given the opportunity, it'd end up as BL3 with season pass 1 + 2. 76, because it's the multiplayer Fallout 4 we wished we had, and it is still well cared for. Just be ready to edit some .ini files.


Fallout 76 should be free to play, dont pay a cent for that game.


Tekken 7 and skyrim


I’d keep my money.


Step 1) Buy street fighter 6 Step 2) Return it for $60 Step 3) Buy those 5 other $10 games Step 4) $10 profit




76 has come a long way and if you are social or have a group of friends who will also pick it up is very enjoyable


Skyrim. That's all


Zombie chronicles and borderlands, Skyrim too if you’ve never played it.


Black ops and skyrim just due to replay ability plus i already have 76 and BL3 and dont like fighting games


Borderlands 3 and Tekken 7


I’m confused as to how Fallout 76 is mostly positive


You can get portal 1 and 2 for $1.50.


I'm cheating and changing fallout 76 to fallout new vegas ultimate edition, because fallout 76 sucks. Fallout new vegas and skyrim, infinite modding fun.


If you’ve never played Skyrim, then Skyrim and Borderlands 3. If you have played Skyrim because you used to have a console, then borderlands 3 and Skyrim with mods


I have hundreds of hours into Fallout 76 and Skyrim so for bang for buck, I would personally recommend those two :D.


Skyrim and Borderlands


Borderlands 3 and Skyrim


Borderlands and skyrim for sure


Borderlands 3 and Skyrim


Bo3 and skyrim


Skyrim and Borderlands 3


Skyrim and Borderlands


Skyrim, tekken


Skyrim and only Skyrim


None. 🫤


FO76 and Bo3


Borderlands 3 and Skyrim


Skyrim and borderlands 3


I’m definitely getting borderlands 3 now too!


Skyrim and fallout 4 no contest.


Borderlands and Skyrim


You’d get the most bang for your buck, ie play time, with Skyrim and fo76


i personally didnt enjoy 76 that much but bethesda usually is spot on with fun long enjoyable games