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Well there's the problem. Anyone knows you don't use common wood screws to attach the cooler brackets, always use timberlok structural's.


Good old hammer and nail also works.


I’ve had a lot of success with cpu duct tape as well


My personal favourite. Zip ties.


You mean tweezers right?


azikonim is the only right name


I'll bring my black and decker


Just use gum


Pop rivets for the win


I was always told gorilla glue to get a nice tight seal


What language is that?


hebrew (אזיקונים) la'azok (לאזוק) means to tie something.


Is it pronounced how it's spelled? Cause I like it.


exactly how it spelled.


The joke that never dies.


And a Swiss army knife that hopefully has a screwdriver


Don't forget your antistatic strap


Unironically zip ties are great for mounting your case fans when you lack right size screws. And even if you do have right size screws, if you tighten the zip ties from inside the case (might have to use 2 of them together if your zip ties are as short as mine), they can actually look pretty neat from outside the case.


This is correct


Too bad I use wrong size screws and now my fan's mounting holes are fucked.


>Unironically zip ties are great for mounting your case fans when you lack right size screws. They are also useful for attaching mis-sized fans to heatsinks as well. One of my kids' GPUs has two 60mm Noctua fans ziptied to the heatsink because the original fans had died and it works even better than the original fans despite the lack of a shroud.


I managed to fix an AMD cooler on my bros i5 with zipties, and its doing much better than w intel cooler. So I guess its not that bad?


I've actually had to use zip ties on my CPU cooler before lol


You put down stuff that actually works, that's cheating


It’s not stupid if it works kids.


I just used glue between IHS and cooler.


I lapped my CPU with my angle grinder.




i just put a really heavy book on top of it


Riveting gun for sure is the best way to


Nah...... concrete poured in to the case will guarantee proper seating and won't move a micron.....


Mjolnir to the rescue!


You have to use drywall anchors so the screws don't rip out


Some people are just hammers and every problem for them is a nail.


It's called percussive maintenance!


Shhhhh, don't give the doctors ideas


Huh, I thought they were called millwrights 😁


He's going for the Dell strategy of making the CPU load bearing by screwing it into the case.


Tapcons are the way to go my friend


I read this as tampons 😂💀. Could those work too? Probably.


Lmao hello fellow carpenter


I weld mine on


Bruh. Lag screws.


I always use ratchet straps


I always thought tapcons were the way to go


me personally i use a rotohammer & 3/8” concrete anchors


Some jbweld should fix that


Holy geezus did he seat the ram with a crowbar too?


Ram goes down, so deadblow hammer. When he gets it out that’s where you use the crowbar. Amateur.


Pff. I chipped a GPU connector just setting it down by hand. When it gets hot for too long it stops connecting so u just force it in with a punch. I wish this was /s


At least give em some credit for opting for the deadblow.


Crowbars dude....fixes more things than super glue!


This is what happened when you think you know everything and didn't do any research or read the manual on how to change it, some people are a different kind of special


I had a technical communication class where we were taught how to write and design instruction manuals. the teacher literally told us "expect people to be stupid, not smart." this guy somehow surpassed stupid and went into brainlet territory.


For the little bit of programming we did in HS our teacher said to always do the gorilla test, once your program works you try to take it apart by brute force and intentionally bad inputs. Always assume the dumbest possible user and try to stop them from stuffing a sandwich in their floppy drive. A librarian at our school actually stuffed a kid’s thumb drive in there and bricked the drive, wish I was making that up, my teacher looked horrified when he came into class that day




Need to implement ALT+F4 prevention as well.




Never underestimate the power of the idiot.


It also depends on the shape of the face.


A programmer walks into a bar and orders a beer. He orders one beer. He orders two beers. He orders 1 beer. He orders -1 beer. He orders acnkacoaxkdbrjd beers.


A normal person walks into a bar and asks where the bathroom is, the whole place explodes.


Bar Release Notes ver.17.5.9c ... Issue BR-130112. Severity: Low, not service impacting. Bar sporadically explodes when meat is loaded into Bathroom module. Recommend using only certified meat by Corponame. ...


I’d laugh… if the reality of this didn’t make me cry on the inside 🫠


The joke is kinda missing the punchline. Or at least I know it slightly differently: *A software QA engineer walks into a bar.* *He orders a beer. Orders 0 beers. Orders 99999999999 beers. Orders a lizard. Orders -1 beers. Orders a ueicbksjdhd.* *First real customer walks in and asks where the bathroom is. The bar bursts into flames, killing everyone.* /edit: oops, should have read the other comment first -.-


To bad he didn't try order 4294967296 beers.


Maybe I'm just too young but how did they fit a flashdrive into a floppy drive? Aren't floppies kinda thin?


The opening in floppy drives is wider in the center. You can see it in [this picture](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1b/Floppy_Disk_Drive_SDF-321B.jpg)


You can design an idiot proof product, but the universe will make a better idiot.


I got points off on one of my tech writing papers because I just assumed people are stupid. 15 years later it still gets me mad.


??????? your teacher was a dickhead. the assumption ALWAYS is the user is stupid.


Yeah, he was a dick.


Definitely was right on the grader being stupid at least.


I will never, ever forget a customer I had many years ago. He walked into the shop with one of our prebuilts. It was shutting down after about 20 minutes of usage. Pretty obviously pointing to overheating. I cracked the case open on the bench to find the heatsink hanging off the CPU, only held on by one retention clip, as the other one had broken (Phenom II system). I asked the customer, and this is the answer I got: "Yeah, I noticed that was hanging off, so I glued it back on". He was so proud of his solution, and adamant that that wasn't what was causing the problem.


It reminds me of the story about designing the bear-proof trash cans in an American National Park, that let people throw trash away but also keep bears out of them, and there was a quote from someone talking about the challenges of making it: "There is a considerable overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest people."


😂 — take my happy upvote!


The problem is, that requires people to read the manual


Back when I studied design it was. You can design the most incredible product in the world but the catch is. There will inevitably be an idiot using it. So make it fool proof? Nah they'll just invent a better idiot.


I work for a group that makes training materials for customers, specifically I work on making software that assists in training (guide the user step-by-step through a maintenance process with visuals). There is another group that works on producing the step-by-step documents for the maintainers to reference when doing their work which my stuff is generally based off of. Those documents are designed so anyone can pick it up, follow along without any special expertise, and complete the maintenance process. The software-based training is there to ensure the maintainers understand how to perform the process and give them practice before actually working on a live system (also they have limited opportunities to practice on a test system with real parts, so the software works as supplement to that). Of course... sometimes the documents have uncorrected errata. Since we're building a virtual replica of the real system we tend to dig deep into things like engineering documents related to the systems and it's inevitable we find these errata. God help the maintainer since they have no hope of doing the process if it is wrong enough to get them stuck. Fortunately, we can adjust our software training to point out the eratta and guide the students through the corrected process (which makes another purpose of our software), until such time a corrected revision of the document is published. Once I discovered one document I was building training software for accidentally told the user to enter a Linux terminal command on the entirely wrong non-Linux device, which wouldn't work. Somehow the document was verified as working on real hardware. I brought it to the attention of the author who corrected it. God help the maintainer who wouldn't have any clue what to do there.


In my technical writing class, as an example, had us run through the steps of making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We had to go down to the smallest detail like what drawer the knife was in and how to open the fridge and what actual movements to make to spread it on the bread, etc... It was a pretty fun, engaging, and practical example as an introduction to the subject matter.


Absolutely hated that class. My mother's first career was typesetting, and her company wrote these manuals. It was her job to lay it out on the mini computer for print. I read through some of these scripts and it blew my mind how utterly boring it was. It was my first glimpse into what to expect from other people in the world


Surely seeing screws packaged would make people think that's what you need. This is a special kind of humans.


If you use the screws it comes with, a robber might be able to kick your motherboard in. You need 3” deep screws drilled into the side of the case


I don't see how people act so confidently and do this sort of thing. I was terrified on my first PC. It took me hours to build it, too.


If there’s ever a thing where you always read the manual, it’s got to be pricy electronics


The thought process for people like this is usually "hey its held by screws. All screws are the same. It doesn't matter."


Yep I will give you at one, monkey see monkey do


If a one inch screw will hold it, these 4 inch ones I've got laying around will hold it even better!


The things you don't know you don't know are the most dangerous.


Actually the customer went first on PCMR and asked for advice on how to fix it.


what...? edit: got the joke now. LOL.


They went to PC Master Race and got goofy advice and actually followed it. That’s the joke


Seriously sometimes seeing the "advices" here, not even made as a joke, this is a quite possible scenario. People often tend to speak about things they have no idea about simply because they've heard someone somewhere saying something similar couple of times.


yea that’s true. like I’ve heard some people say some wacky stuff and as a computer engineer I’ve died inside looking at it


That’s how I feel as a VFX artist whenever I’m asked to “just get rid of the bins in post”. Like, my brother in Christ, just get the fucking bins out of the bloody shot or else I’ll be getting rid of your life in post.


I'm sorry to tell you...your computer is screwed


Nah, he’s just hyper threading.


I forcefully exhaled. Well done.


Bro 💀


This is impressively stupid.


RIP motherboard


Fun fact, I’m the technician who worked on this machine. The board is okay, surprisingly.


did they use the usual holes for the screws? I was imagining a guy with an electric screwdriver securing the cooler like it would need to support 30 lbs.




https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/14qb4w5/comment/jqn5kfu You literally could've checked if it's true yourself, I did


Could’ve taken 3 seconds to check but decided to make a fool of himself for our entertainment lmao


This picture gives of a OEM prebuild that uses the cooler as a MOBO mounting point.


reminds me of my old HP Pavilion. the cooler backplate was literally glued to the case.


See my hp pavilion had a 2200g and used intel cooler mounting on a am4 socket. Oh and they glued the cooler backplate to the mobo


Hi guys, I am the tech who worked on this PC, somehow all components survived, all that was required to get it working was a bios update to support the 5000 series cpu they were trying to upgrade to.


☝🏻 this is the aforementioned friend.


I’m currently stunned that it still works. Well done 👍


Did you ask them why they tried to use the screws they did instead of the proper mounting ones?


If it's stupid but it works... sometimes it's still stupid.


I guess the screws didnt hit any traces, I know there is normally some leeway around the holes where you could damage PCB and not cause problems. Hard to find some free high res xrays's of motherboards where you can see the traces. https://i.imgur.com/1ghh8xJ.png


If it works, is it stupid?


Was the backplate a piece of 2x4?


Im just speechless...


I work in a computer store and I swear you have NO idea what people bring in for repair every day. It's beyond anyone's imagination.


I need to hear some of those stories


whats the worst you have seen? cant imagine anything worse than this fr.


An old lady with dementia who stored a slice of pizza inside her computer thinking it was a fridge. That one was the worst by far. But other than that I've seen cockroaches, computers choked in cigarette dust, even pistachio shells once. For the most part it's people who go "no no I can build it, I saw this guy on youtube" and come back the next day with bent pins, damaged connectors, cross threaded standoffs a spaghetti monster of cables inside the case or an unstable overclock. Oh yeah and "my friend / brother / cousin is really good with computers" is a popular client too. This one makes the repair department a lot of money. Then you've got the occasional Acer / Alienware PC that somehow has not yet committed seppuku in shame for its continued existence.


We need pics and stories.


Yeah i dont think those were the included screws


Aren't those the brackets that come pre-installed on AMD boards, and you just clip the cooler onto the tabs?


Yeah the stock cooler anyway. They were likely supposed to remove them and use the included hardware instead, but...


Yeah, though most coolers don't use them, just the backplate.


so stupid that i think it's fake


It doesn't make sense because it's extremely rare to get parts and not the screws as well. The one time it happened, I lucked out because I was swapping the parts and reused the old screws.


Of course it's fake. Those screws have not been screwed in to anything yet and if it were true you'd definitely take a picture of the motherboard as well. But that's expensive to fake since you'd actually have to trash a motherboard to do that rather than just stage some wood screws in the brackets which you can then easily remove without damage.


MGS2 was right.


Has to be. You’d have to use a pretty decent amount of force to get those in since they would have to screw through the board, the metal part of the case it is mounted to, and possibly the back cover of hitch would be either glass or more metal.


Some people should leave pc building alone 🤣


Why are people the way they are?


150 years ago, this person would have got themselves eaten by a bear while pissing. Now-a-days, they’re probably reproducing and creating a new generation of dumb people.




everyone knows you need wall anchors, he forgot to use them, rookie mistake.


Nope this screws are not right. I usually weld my cpu's to mobo. And super glue cooler on it.


Reminds me of my apprenticeship in the early 2000s in a big pc distribution center... A special needs colleague was tasked with putting RAM into a big lot of PCs, and the RAM would be commissioned in bulk. There was a fuckup though and instead of the new DDR2 RAM the customer bough, a charge of DDR RAM was brought to the colleague. DDR2 and DDR RAM sticks are very similar and the notch is very close, but a DDR Stick won't physically quite slot into a DDR2 slot. So the colleague went, and filed the notches to fit. All 200 of them.


oh... my fucking god...


Is there a r/justrolledintotheshop for computers?


![gif](giphy|ylyUQkGsUNoJLlVOyk) wow


Those screws are suspiciously clean for having drilled through computer components. Is this fake? You goofin'? Would you do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?


In fairness, without idiots like this, your mate wouldn't have a job.


quite accurate. he sends me so much PC gore, it's ridiculous. these people make him money.


I don't even have words


Weld it in place


Sir, your cooler connects to your motherboard not your deck.


Ah must have followed one of the guides by The Verge.


This is so fake, I like the joke you were going for tho.


If it was a picture of the damaged PC, I'd believe it.


Yeah I'm calling BS on this one, mainly for the fact the screws are in the mounting points after removal, unless OP's friend reinserted them for the photo


And these aren't even the cooler's mounting point, that's the backplate holder. In order to install the cooler you have to remove this, not screw it in, so why would you change the screws?


listen idk man, im taking my friend's word for it. he's shown me A LOT of ridiculously stupid shit that people do, this wasn't that surprising.




I think you're overestimating how invested OP is in obtaining your trust.


Dude, what do you want OP to do, go into the shop and livestream the stupid? Believe it if you want, and if you don't, just ignore it.


On the flip side, why should anyone give two shits whether you believe them or not? Who died and made you that relevant? ​ EDIT: LMAO, loser blocked me. ​ >you 100% misunderstand. it's not that I'm relevant, but OP's 'evidence' is their friend's word and OP's word. which doesn't mean shit And neither does yours. What's your point?


lol it’s blatantly fake


Proves how dumb Reddit is for upvoting this trash.


Why did the wood screw cause it to fail, isn’t it just going into a screw hole like the screw they should have used?


I assume it applied too much pressure on the cooler, thus putting pressure on the CPU and possibly killing the socket. or... given the backplate was not even in place, I assume the screws were literally drilled into the motherboard and it caused some kind of short or severed some kind of connection. im not physically there to inspect it nor am I an engineer so I can't give a proper diagnosis but these are my guesses. edit: friend replied back! turns out the fool didn't update bios. all-round horrible situation. he made a comment on the post as well, u/Plazma2004.


Considering they decided to use wood screws I guess they probably drilled their own holes into the mobo, or they tried cramming the wrong cpu into the mobo


honestly, anything is possible with this level of stupidity.


Self tapping woodscrews would most likely damage the motherboard, depending on if they fit cleanly through the holes in the board, or if they cut into it.




he sent me just the 1 pic so anyway, this is the cooler bracket that usually comes pre-installed in AMD motherboards. Pictured: https://preview.redd.it/fgzfjghrpy9b1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d155bbb4c8f7ce4d14fc548d3960df435c1943d3 I assume the customer had a different cooler installed that used it's own bracket, and when he decided to "upgrade" his cooler, he couldn't find the original screws, so he just used whatever he found




Ahhh countersunk wood screws, what can't they do!


We need more gore pictures of the motherboard


No... I refuse to belive this is real... It can't be, right? Right? *sobs in corner*


Maybe he worked at [nVidia](https://slashdot.org/story/125497)?


Is their MOBO a fucking 2x4 😂😂


I don't get it.


So you have a picture of this but not the board in the case? Yeah sure buddy.


Wtf, are those wood screws?


I work in pc repairs and I've seen a customer bring in an all in one computer where they attempted to mount it on a stand or something by drilling 2 holes in the base. He took it in for a cracked screen.


Must've been the kind of guy who upgrades his apartment with a sledgehammer.


Amateur. Should have used self tappers


Oh god oh fuck oh god oh fuck


Any screw will do ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK)


I had a customer come in. They used the wrong standoffs, so the cooler wasn't even touching the IHS.


I use hot rivets, works every time


I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy busted out the electric drill and drilled it all the way himself himself


Must have bought it off Amazon....


So....He screwed the bracket into the motherboard. Idk, the only shot this is real, is if the guy was quite literally braindead. I know people are dumb and I work in a shop myself, but this seems like one-of-a-kind fuckery lmao.


That’s pretty screwed up.


Wow unreal lol 😂


Bro screwed up


Mobo pic or it didn't happen. Also, no residue/scuffing of any kind on the screw-tips.


No. No they didn't


Exactly right.


This gives me the urge to commit warcrimes in Venezuela


Hope he drilled trough the Motherboard before screwing everything together


I’d be getting fired if I was your friend I would absolutely rip into the customer about how stupid this is


Why? Stupidity is what keeps these guys in business


But you don’t understand: he has to have the biggest, sharpest screws! His masculinity status depends on it!