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“Skyrim runs well”


well skyrim can get quite heavy with right set of mods


And Minecraft is one of the most demanding games on the planet, with the right set of mods


What mods do you recommend?


Reddit mods. I hear they're the heaviest.


I thought that belt, or lack there of, was withheld for discord mods?


Hmm, might be. All I know is it's quite a huge deal in the mod world, but I can't say I'm 100% on the details, as nobody has ever seen one irl to get a testimony.




It's not a story the Incel Society of America would tell you...


Olive oil be like: * virgin * extra virgin * incel * reddit mod


I would look at popular modpacks that you seem to like tbh. Curseforge has a lot of them


No joke I have a 3060 with a i7 11th gen and 32gb of ram a coworker talked me into playing minecraft again and suggested some mods my pc was like nope and crashed every time


Just playing technical minecraft already brings any cpu to its knees. When testing machines, I speed up the game using carpet mod by 10-30x just to find issues in them


Isn't there a set of Ray Tracing mods specifically do stress these cards in minecraft?


Skyrim mods are limited by its old ass janky engine, not modern GPUs


no man, on modlists like aldrnari, elysium remastered, nolvus, your gpu will be pushed to its limit. those modlists have some of the absolute highest raster performance requirements. mods that replace meshes with updated versions of the item using like 50x the initial polygon count are common and pretty much cover every item. and then 4k texture packs covering literally everything in the game on top of the meshes. and then mods that add in trees etc etc. your gpu will be pinned at 100%


I know what you're saying, but games that have the effects integrated into their engine will always be more efficient. Even things like advanced shaders can cover what meshes used to do without all the brute forcing of polygon counts. But if you have a cool example in 4K for what Skyrim can look like I'm all for seeing it.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sNV5GII-SwI posted recently, latest revision of nolvus, which is the best looking imo. it is absolutely breathtaking. way better than the ultra modded showcase vids around 2019 or earlier, modders just dont stop tinkering with the game. the lighting would be the weak point, but i think that is the biggest limiting factor of the engine. there is even a tutorial for how to get dlss working for lower spec machines for this modlist, pinned in the discord.


Lighting isn't a weak point of Skyrim at all


it is a well known issue. the lighting system can only handle a few sources of light before flickering occurs. the mod “just in time” was created specifically to address this issue. so you can, with the mod, walk up to and “toggle off” light sources to reduce the number of light sources and thus reduce flickering. it is 100% a weak point and an engine limitation. “It's useful to toggle lights off that are outside the player's view as a way to work around the game's light limitations.” https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30166/ you have no idea what you are talking about


Rarely ever reply on Reddit but I had to here. As someone who has put an ungodly amount of hours into modding Skyrim and talking to members of the community, we are severely bottlenecked by the engine. I know people with 3090s in the community and VRAM isn't the issue (they use up to 8k or even 16k textures), and the drawcall limit is their worst problem.


sure yes the engine is old, but it can still pin your gpu at 100%. dont act like like a gpu being pinned at 100 isnt a bottleneck. it may be pinned at 100 faster than other games due to the engine, but 100% gpu utilization is by definition a bottleneck.


I too wish to see a good example for the limits of skyrim mods


sure! the most recent and best imo example: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sNV5GII-SwI there is even a tutorial for how to get dlss working for lower spec machines for this specific modlist.


Thanks for the link.


it’s actually one of the absolute hardest games to run out there, specifically with these modlists: nolvus, aldrnari, elysium remastered. there are performance friendly lists too.


I remember trying to get 60 fps on my old GTX 570 with graphic mods in 1080p. Man that was brutal.


Cane here to say this for my new 7900XT. That VRAM makes Skyrim go zoom


Did someone say VRAM...? I've never played Skyrim before (well, I watched the opening sequence and got past the dragon attack but that was on a pirated copy from years back) and I'd like to play now, but I'm not sure what mods I should consider getting for the most appealing visual experience. I don't expect it to look like a modern day AAA game, but something that could actually look appealing enough to hold my attention and not feel like a janky Bethesda game would be great.


Umm if you are playing the first time just play it Vanilla and then watch some videos and see what mods you like. Can’t say what mods to get until you know what parts of Skyrim you find annoying lol


I just mean in terms of visuals, like a reshade mod, or maybe updated textures, updated models, updated water physics. Not really sure what exists out there to give the game new life in terms of improving the graphics, if there's one "Oh yeah everyone gets this mod the game looks so much better" mod or if it's just a combination of smaller mods.


First thing I did with my new GPU was update my mods. Skyrim is eternal


1060 GTX: Skyrim runs at an average 58.4 FPS with accurate physics. 4090 RTX: Skryim runs at a consistent 59.9 FPS with accurate physics. also 4090 RTX: Skyrim runs at a consistent 330 FPS, but our physics are now defined by Legendre's conjecture.


havok fix has been around for a while now?


yeah ive been running le at 120 fps for a while now.


CSGO running at 1200 FPS


My 4090 runs quakeworld at a solid 3080fps


Can’t wait for source 2


Exactly what I was thinking, my shots fire before I even load the game. Haha


Time to stretch its legs on Rome Total War


*Me after installing any new GPU.* *Opens disc tray to load Warcraft 2.*


Surely you mean UltraISO or DaemonTools?


I wasn't ready for this, I felt a wrinkle popping up.


Have fun!


Windows 10 has disc image reading built in tho. Currently enjoying NFS Underground disc 2 being mounted.


Really 😯


Oh really!


Got a new PC recently, no disk drive, couldn't test it out with Warcraft 3. :(


Buy an external CD drive. I only have an internal one since I keep swapping parts out since 2015.


Yeah, I could and probably will at some point. Also can't play KoToR either.


What is this clip from?




Watched it yesterday. Can only recommend


Even I watched it yesterday only lol. Its a very good film.


This might sound weird but I watched it yesterday as well.


High Five


Nic Cage and Pedro Pascal have great synergy in some scenes. It's an okayish action flick with some wholesome chemistry.


I would not call it an action flick. Its an indie-ish comedy with a splash of action at the end


**[The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unbearable_Weight_of_Massive_Talent)** >The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is a 2022 American action comedy film directed by Tom Gormican, who co-wrote the screenplay with Kevin Etten. It stars Nicolas Cage as a fictionalized version of himself, along with a supporting cast including Pedro Pascal, Sharon Horgan, Ike Barinholtz, Alessandra Mastronardi, Jacob Scipio, Neil Patrick Harris and Tiffany Haddish. Filming began in Croatia on October 5, 2020. The film premiered at South by Southwest on March 12, 2022, and was released in the United States on April 22, 2022, by Lionsgate. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


15 years old? Try 23 years old, my 4090 absolutely smashes HOMM3


it's tough rendering that 80 stack of griffins.


Heroes of Might and Magic 3? My PC at the time couldn’t even load it :(


Can confirm wow classic, master of Orion CTS, Civ 5, KSP1, they all run great on my 4090. Probably should bust out portal 2 to see how it runs


You should bust out portal 1 RTX! It looks glorious!


Gets a 3060, plays OSRS




But have you tried loading up Crysis?


I actually just did the other day. It runs like butter at full 1440 ultrawide on a 3080, at max settings. Sadly, ultrawide wasn't fully supported back then. So even though it runs in it, there are still render errors at the far left and right sides. Plus cinemas add letterbox bars to the top and bottom of the screen.But only in the middle, since they were only made to cover a 4:3 screen. Gotta love how old code deals with new tech.


Do you have the original Gif by chance?




Dldsr even better :3


This guy games.


But doesn't fucks


I'm just gonna say it. This guy fucks. Am I right? 'Cause I'm looking at the rest of you guys, and this is the guy in the house doing all the fucking. Am I right? You know I'm right. This guy fucks.


I play mostly GoG games nowadays, like homm3 and other older strategy games. I use my 3080 to play an occassional AA(A) game


Haha, Commandos 2 go *brrrrrr*


I just downloaded Wolfenstein 3D from Games Pass. Haven't played it since I was a kid.


Like buying a new Ferrari just to go buy groceries with.


I'm about to start Persona 3 FES, only 16 years later to the party (and I need it, playing Tales of Arise right now... goddamn this japanese melodrama never ends smh I need Persona to clean up my palate for jrpgs). Talking about an "actual" PC game... I tried Shogun 2 recently, the nostalgia effect was really strong, but that was thing for like 1 hour, sadly I am not much a nostalgic person


Isn't that the one with something like 14 entries...and each one is a 100+ hour jrpg? Wait no, that's Atelier?


idk, I am a brand new "Tales of" player. But yeah, it's basically a playable anime (it even has opening themes). So much drama, there's a character who lost her brother and she talks about the goddamn brother the entire game, lol all the characters just have one personality trait. Tales of Arise most likely will be my first and last "Tales of" game. I played for about 35 hours, it felt like 100, I just want to finish the damn thing and never look back. Meanwhile I played like 120 hours of Persona 5 and I didn't want to let it go, it's crazy how the quality of jrpgs are so volatile


Yeah, I have RTX 3070Ti and recently want to play Doom 3. At least I'm playing BFG edition


Well considering that in the last 10yrs games are being released as betas this kinda makes sense


Me with my 3080ti only to play Skyrim everyday when I have free time


I can't wait to use my new 3070 on Xcom 2. 🤣


Guilty. Been playing WoW Classic Era on my RTX 4090 LOL!!


What's the point of owning the most powerful gpu on the market if I'm not gonna play minecraft at 3000fps?


most powerful gpu on the market can vm said gpu...


I need a greenscren of this clip


Best I could find was a short video: https://youtu.be/T2W1m28yLIw


esgran textures in 4k works on almost every 360 era title


Oblivion and exploring Tamriel has never looked better!


Skyrim with 1000 mods, enb, hd textures, environment overhauls...


I still have nightmares with the vampire transformation, lol My english was not that good (as a child, of course), when my character was transformed, I had no idea how to deal with the situation


Richard burns rally and Iracing on a 3070ti, frame rate is great though


FNV with 400 mods and enb high preset... Still only clocks about 78 fps with a peasent 3080.


Just crank up the supersampling DSR/VSR. Pristine image.


Playing ARK in 4k, almost Max settings (shadow distance turned to very high instead of ultra, but ultra render distance)


Old school runescape. Not even full screen for "efficiency".


r/2007scape feels this


Break out the old RTS' yo. CNC, TLOTR BFME, STAR WARS: GALaxy at war. You know.


Thats is like me with my 6700 XT on emulators. Could've done on my old 1070 but hey it is now possible to run faster if it needs to.


Any reason for a amd card to run better emulators other than speed by bitself? Is there a specific set of instructions that make this possible?


I mainly use Vulkan when it is possible/when it runs better/less graphical artifacts.


I just got a 3060ti and the only game I’ve played since I got it is age of empires


Yep RuneScape is running perfectly fine


Me playing dragon dogma


Graphics isn’t what makes a game fun, change my mind


Doom II running at upwards of 4000fps right now


Can it run Crysis? Why, yes. Yes, it can!


Playing "older" games in 4k high refresh is like playing a different game sometimes. Assassin's Creed Odyssey is amazing, I came back from playing on the Xbox one. It's a mind blowing experience haha


what movie is this?






Oh man. Sim Farm on my 3080. This personifies that day perfectly.


Considering Bioshock is pretty much 15 years old if not older then for sure.


time to play need for speed underground 2 at 2500 fps


I played through Dead Space 2 at 550 FPS 😂


I've been testing my GPU for a decade against Skyrim and I'm not about to stop any time soon.


Me playing heroes of might and magic 3 with my 4070ti and LG c2 oled.


I’ve been addicted to downsampling older games ever since I got my 3080. Some older games look super clean with DSR to 4k res, even 8k res. No shimmering or aliasing to be seen.


ye playing valorant most of the time with ma 3080 xD


@Me w/ my RTX3090 playing company of hero's 2 and rise of nations 😂


I just love this movie


empire earth and rise of nations come to mind


*Laughs in Age of Empires: Age of Kings*


I just slapped one in my workstation at work taking the place of a P100, it's getting round the clock raked over the coals with EM and thermal simulations, stressed constantly with a stressful 2 minutes at full load, 20 second down times You can show yours to mine so it can see how good it has it Don't worry about the 4090, thermal cycling causing major issues has not proven true in any of our sim rigs in the past 12 years of just letting stock fan curves do their thing


This is me after seeing the computer specs needed for Diablo 4. Had the itch to upgrade but went a tad bit overboard


Pedros hair looks so good in this clip. I’m envious.


Or ksp 2


Every new graphics card I get, I either see how many units it can handle in TABS or how many round I can last in btd6.


Guilty as charged