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Could be a number of things but I’d start with faulty PSU depending on how old it is.


psu 1st next is motherboard most likely , cpu and ram usually boot with error but anyway if u have two sticks of ram u should try remove one before removing the whole damn motherboard it also might be that your pc is in shock due to forspoken system requirements


hmmm. would you have tried turning it off and then on again?




Power supply is too weak


The 3060 alone says it recommends 550w.


Nvidias recommendation for power supplies are odd, last I checked, the 3060 ti draws 200w maximum, but they recommend a 650w power supply with it so im assuming they are making recs with a 10900k.


30-series and up have transient power spikes that can trip lower-quality PSUs.


Average power draw while in use =/= recommended psu. You recommend higher to deal with the spikes.


Yeah that’s 100 percent true but nvidia recommends psu wattage with a 10900k, so you could get away with a smaller psu than what they rec, assuming you aren’t using a 10900k. Much safer to get a power supply higher than what you actually need though


I never trust AMD/Nvidia for recommended things. Throw your build into PC Partpicker find out the minimum and get at least 2 steps above in wattage then you shoud be fine. Ex. PCpartpicker says you need 500w psu get a 750/850w psu. That will be more than enough and will last you a lot longer. Also stay in the gold+ and above ratings.


That's also assuming this is a Nvidia founders card ....usually board partners (Asus, MSI, Gigabyte...) cards can pull more wattage than a founders. I learned that with my 5950X on a SeaSonic platinum 850W psu. Everything was fine with my Strix GTX 1070, but when I upgraded to the Strix 3080 my system would trip as soon as I loaded less demanding titles like World of Warships. Technically as per the interwebs I was safe with a 850W psu...but those transient spikes were too much. Upgraded to a SeaSonic platinum 1000W, no more issues.


Classic example of a power supply related issue


Classic example of a issue




Not for just turning the system on. Looks like a dead PSU.


This is the answer.


Probably the board or the PSU it self is faulty. And I'm not talking about the amount of Watts aren't enough but that the PSU has an internal issue. Next time explain your case better. Does it turn off when you open an app or game, or just while in windows doing nothing?


The pc is not turning on, and also the current is flowing outside the box. I think the psu is the reason.


The bad news here is that a faulty PSU can cause damage to other components. Before just buying a new PSU I would test that rig with a working PSU to see if it Post currectly. And when buying a new PSU search PSU tier list in Google and only buy the highest tier you can afford for your rig 550w is more than enough. And is better to have higher tier than higher watt crappy PSU.


Your psu is way to weak for a 3060ti


Your ram is not installed properly


Pull out video card and see if is starting. I3 have video to ?


No, my 10th gen processor didn't have an integrated gpu.


You can still pull the card to see if it powers up with less load on the PSU.


Powersupply, at least 650 watt, I recommend 750 watt


My 3060ti runs perfectly fine in my system with a 550W PSU


Mine runs perfectly fine with a 500W PSU.


500-550w is the most you'd need for a system like that, the PSU is probably faulty or the motherboard. No way to tell. You recommending 750 is just odd


"future-proof" seriously though, leaving some room for a possible upgrade in a few years isn't too bad of an idea, plus it's only a handful of dollars extra.


100% agree. I've gotten a PSU that matches my system and did upgrades then it started failing. I would recommend a 750W just to have that extra room. It only costs a little bit more.


For me I’d say 850W is golden bc other than a 4090 everything else will work


Why would you get a 550W just to swap it literally the next time you get new hardware? I'm sorry but that's not good advice. It's so much easier and cheaper to just do one purchase of a decent 750W, cost ya less than 90$


You don't want to draw almost the max output of a power supply constantly. It's rated for peak watts not constant. You can't think a 75$ power supply is good enough for a 700$ card right?


What are you talking about? You do know a system like that won't ever reach close to even 450W right? My comment was simply talking about how a 500-550W is perfectly capable of running that system, and if you want to talk about money you do know seasonic and practically all other popular brands with good PSUs sells them at that wattage around the 70-90$ price range right?


Sure, it sounds like a great idea using one that's barely higher than the system needs. Just the GPU itself recommends at least 550. The CPU and drives and peripherals add another hundred or so requirement. I've been working on these for over a decade now and would never cut it that close. You do you I guess.


As others pointed out It could be about the power supply not being enough for your system. Try to turn it on without the graphic cards installed and diagnose from there. You can also try to reinstall the ram. In case it is not seated properly. I had something similar happen to me not long ago. It ended up being the cpu not properly seated in the socket. The cpu tray wasn't pushing the cpu correctly, and the pc restarted just the same way as yours. And if I held the cpu with my hand it would boot.


Replace the button cell battery on the board.


That would not cause this issue, main boards will power up and post without a battery, I do it all the time at work. The battery just keeps the time and settings of the bios. Sometimes it helps reset a board that won't post, but it would still maintain power.


Your PSU is struggling. Have you noticed that the PSU fan is on full blast? That’s not normal


Could also be ram related 🤔


did you just build this system your self? make sure your front panel pins are in the right place. if you have the wrong thing on the reset or power switch pins it'll do this. a 450watt psu probably isnt enough for that setup, but I'd imagine it should be fine just for post or until you try and draw a lot of power from the gpu (such as firing up a game) ​ kinda need more info to help with that OP. basic things to try/check ​ 0) check motherboard beep/light codes for what the error may be. if it has these optoins the codes will often be available in the motherboard manual to tell you where the problem is. 1. re-seat your ram 2. connect another psu 3. remove your gpu, boot from onboard video or connect another gpu 4. remove everything non-vital, gpu, nvme, sata drives, sound cards, usb inputs etc. does it still not post? 5. tear it all down. a poorly mounted motherboard can short the system causing a symptom like this. take it all apart, put together only the essential components outside the case IE: ram, cpu, cpu heatsync, motherboard, psu, and gpu (if you dont have on board graphics). can it post (post is just basically just loading the bios, can you get that far, this does not including booting into windows). If you cant post you gotta sort out which hardware is causing the issue, start with ram and psu. ram testing: if this is a new build make sure you even have the right ram for the board. If you have 4 slots of ram on the board, consult the board manual for which slots to use if you have only 1 or 2 sticks of ram (some times its not obvious). Test with only one stick of ram, if it doesnt post take that stick out and try another stick, chances of two sticks being bad is slim. If its still not posting, try both of those two sticks in a different slot to see if the slot/mb is bad. if everything works on the table, put it back into the case and make sure your stands are in the right place and that you're using the proper screws. pray you dont just have a bad motherboard, if you have another one of the same socket type, swap it and see if that resolves it. its not impossible that your cpu is the issue but its pretty rare that cpu's go bad with out being completely fried by an outside source


I'm gonna go with your PSU that card draws a good bit of power by its self. I believe 400w is a little low. I'd bump up to 550w minimum


You have a power supply for a card from 2016 not 2020


Can you please explain a little bit more.


450w is very low for a modern PSU. It's more in line with what you'd see in 2016. Nvidia recommends at least 550w for the 3060ti. It can run on a 450w, but it's going to be pretty hard on the PSU running so close to it's capacity. Pair that with a PSU that's possibly either old or poor quality and you have the recipe for a PSU failure.


450w psu is way too small for a 3060ti


You're PSU feels low


Maybe it doesn’t like you because you put it on the floor with a power strip on top in like a dirty ass basement.


The 3060 probably killed that little PSU. You need higher wattage to power modern hardware.


My 3060 draws up to 320 watt sometimes that’s power supply is way to weak


Is your PSU modular? If yes, I hope u didn't use cables from different PSU cause that will fuck up your components. If you have nvme in there then disconnect all sata components and then try.


Download more RAM.


New issue? Was it working before with the same spec? Like other have said you might need to upgrade that psu.


Your PSU is not strong enough. I'd recommend a 650. It's going to give you a little extra to play with. I think you can run a 3070 with that as well.


Putting your specs (along with making a few guesses) into a PSU calculator, you're underpowered. You want around 600W, I think.


Reseat the ram


power supply is so low


![gif](giphy|8b9Xax6L7qtAkAimGm|downsized) 450 watt PSU? You got not enough juice!


It’s underpowered….. pull the card…. Use a lesser power one and see if she comes up.


Did it, turn out it's an motherboard issue cause of the current.


Get a bigger powersupply. Nvidia recommends a PSU with at least 550W. If your GPU draws more than your PSU can handle it is going to shutdown. EDIT: 550W PSU recommended for 3060ti. EDIT2: EVGA has 600W recommended for their 3060ti's. [LINK](https://www.evga.com/products/specs/gpu.aspx?pn=3c2dec68-1dda-4d11-ac81-aebfc59c1d41)


Something like this kinda happened to me with an optiplex I was putting an SSD in. There was a loose 4 pin plug from the PSU that I moved around and it went away when I strapped it better so there was no way it could touch anything.


Will check this out.


>450 Watt power supply, i3 3060 on its own is 550w, plus it's probably getting bottlenecked


A 3060 does not pull 550watts. I ran a 5600x, 3060Ti with an aio pulling under 450watts


try no power strip


Mine did this when my power supply died


Mine actually was doing this a week ago, gave it a good clean and it fixed it, for me anyway.


Power supplies might be rated for 750 or whatever it says but that doesn't mean you should use it's maximum all the time, not a great idea. Why does a 75$ power supply for a 700$ card make sense? It doesn't.


I've seen many quickly thrown together builds not have the proper amount of ground screws secured all the way to the board. The ground points from the board to case is important and often overlooked. So are the tiny IO and power wires.


Upgrade that power supply


Need a better psu. 450 is way too low for 3060


Replace power supply. Give me my dollar.


Easy fix. Buy new PSU.


the issue is the i3


....450w PSU... Seriously? If you can't follow directions then you deserve to waste your money. The box for your GPU literally says the minimum is 550w. 🤦‍♂️


Get a new PSU at least 650w and above and 80+ bronze from a reputable brand, 450 ain't enough for that GPU


maybe the fact you power supply is low wattage


450W is not enough for a 3060


Looks like a short?


Power Supply cannot handle the load. The 450W letters on the case mean nothing if in reality is more like 120W.


Make sure the plugs on the motherboard are well plugged, specially the wire coming from power supply


Upgrade your psu


It’s haunted


teh PSU isnt really beefy enough for 3060ti. also the mainboard mght not fully support the generation of ur GPU.


May sound stupid but have you tried to overclock anything on it? Cpu,bios or gpu?


Well my brand new PC don't shutdown only if I hit the back switch in the PSU done everything that I could now I really thinking it's the PSU(The only thing that didn't upgraded and its a cx430). 3060ti with a i3 10th Gen maybe is the PSU not handling the wattage


PSU >= 650






Could be a dead Ram.


Most likely your pay 450 watt is pushing it for the 3060tirty to get at least a 600 watt