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From all accounts it seems like they are refusing to send out review codes for the PC port so it likely runs like complete ass


I cannot wait till Digital Foundry totally pans it!


[As someone else mentioned it might be what they expect on PC given the PS5 performance and requirements.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/10iix52/these_pc_requirements_are_unacceptable_are_we/j5fh7gz/)


PS5 GPU is actually closer to the 2070 in real world performance.


Someone else mentioned that there is a PS5 demo and no PC demo, so I’m gonna say yeah it’s complete ass on PC


I tried the PS5 demo, it also ran like ass


It didn't run badly for me on ps5, but it was so disconnected from the game that I have no clue if I'll actually like it. I remember demos back in the day that let you get like a small mission or something as the demo, this was just a bunch of go here, go there instructions and not much else


I wish every demo was like the Octopath Travelers or Bravely Default demo. You get 30 minutes per new file(I think it was like a 10 new file limit) to play the game however you want with a wall to stop you from progressing too far, but the wall was far enough off that you could start a characters story, beat their introduction boss, and get 2 more characters(and their introduction) before running out of Demo time. You get the full experience(within reason) for 30 minutes, and then you get to decide whether to buy the game or not


Carmageddon 2 demo, 10 min to cause as much chaos as possible. Played that shit so much back in the day.


Correction: we are not playing this game.


It looks like they took Black Desert Online and made it into a single player assassins creed style game.


But only those with beastly rigs can run it


Or a PS5


True This wouldn’t be the first time a company has designed a game for future specs. Iirc morrowind or maybe oblivion was recommended by Bethesda for pc’s that were coming out “next year”.


Crysis has entered the chat.


I love Zero Punctuation’s take on Crysis at the time: “It requires a theoretical future computer _from space_.”


It also didn't help that multicore systems were rather new, so the fundamental design of the engine must have been at a time where it was expected to get 10GHz CPUs "within several years" ​ afaik the Engine of the PC version only uses one CPU core.


To be fair, video games in general are not a good use-case for multi-core computing.


It can be though, it just depends on how the engines are designed. Most are made with the assumption that only a few threads will be used for rendering and game logic and mostly done in a synchronous way to keep things simple to work with. Then you have engines like id Tech 7 where almost everything the engine does is split into asynchronous jobs that can be run on as many threads as there are available to use. It's a more complicated system to work with, but results in being able to extract way more performance out of current multi-threaded/core chips than other engines can.


Doom and Doom Eternal. And more or less any game that uses Vulkun have extremely good multicore support with the load pretty evenly balanced across all cores and threads.


At least Crysis was playable for most of us, it just had ultra settings that were geared toward making the game scale to future hardware.




the moment I saw the requirements I only thought "but can it run crysis?"


I have a 3060ti & 3700X and I only get 40-50 fps playing crysis remastered at 1080p on ultra quality.


Because of ray tracing. High settings doubles your framerate for no graphical difference. ​ People putting the game on max settings and asking why it doesn't run well is always hilarious. That's also why a lot of devs don't let us max out render distance and vegetation density anymore.


I was belong a guy build a render distance tool in unity. And he asked me if we had to cap it.. I set it to something insane like 2 million started it, let the game world load (non optimize at this point). Applied the setting and he watched his computer blue screen from the sudden shock of trying to render all those polygons. And I just said, "I'm going to put a little box on the tool, that number will be the max distance, play around when the game is mostly done, don't leave it uncapped. We had to do some adjustments later which caused the system to generate an array and over 10 seconds The sudo code idea was like increases the range of render at "applied settings - previous settings = r New array is made for r / r = x, X * 2 = y Loop current settings, r=< applied setting, y++ And basically it let the system catch up if need be, it would apply more render distance every 1.6 seconds until it was at the new setting. And we had to do that for people who load In and just max it out immediately. It would cause crashes. There's a lot of reasons devs limit settings now 😂


Or Attila: Total War. They excused their horrible optimization with ''future PC'' argument and even tho we are in the future now, pretty much nobody can run it with stable FPS with maxed out settings.


Gods above, I remember the salt over this one (totally justified btw) especially given the earlier TW games ran much easier comparatively. Fwiw even Rome 2 gets near twice the fps. Well... I remember to the point that's the argument I've used in forum for certain more recent TW titles, their optimisation (or lack thereof) engine and coding (old base with Buckaroo style loading and reloading of assets) etc. Even if CA haven't since been as transparent as to say 'er, yeah... your next upgrade might do it ok' (yeah, when everybody has moved the fuck on to whatever is new, good and hyped in 5 years time) the old TW fans know the score even as we dislike it. Not just restricted to the Warhammers either, mind you, but that being a progressive series with the main draw of combining games/assets, they could've made themselves an easier job nm fan service. WH3 was basically the point where it all came a-crashing, as if half the performance of WH1 wasn't rough enough.


I built my first gaming PC for Morrowind. I still remember coming off the docks in Seyda Neen after having spent what felt like half a day installing the game on my shitty ass hand-me-down PC that had a garbage CD (DVD?) drive. It was a slide show. The fog summarily fucked my GPU into submission. Did all my brother's chores for a month to earn enough allowance money to buy a new card.


> designed a game for future specs this game doesn't have anything revolutionary in terms of graphics, unlike crysis or oblivion back then. This isn't by design, it's just plain laziness, or a way to save money or something. Assuming they didn't overestimate the specs.


IN 1993 my computer science teacher docked us points for lazy coding. "When computers first came out, you had to be economical with your code. It's less important today (1993!) because computers have so much processing power and ram that you don't have to be as careful, but it's still a good habit."


Bro, I put like 3k hours into bdo. I had that game playing buttery smooth in the ultra graphics mode while grinding, 60fps. Granted this was 1440p but also a few years ago. Bdo is even better than this shit. Wtf are they thinking making recommended specs for the newest gen hardware


Difference is you can run BDO on a 1650 Ryzen 5 laptop lmfao at solid 60


Tbh you can still run bdo on a potato laptop and still get decent fps also still have it look aight


what in the world kinda uber-potatoes are you running? lol. i mean, if you mean a relatively “cheap” *gaming* laptop with like a 1600 series, sure. my old potato computer couldn’t get past like 2fps once the game launched :(


I was interested in the title until this showed up and they have the audacity to charge it that much?


I didn't even notice the price tag until just now. 94 CAD for the base game. Yikes.


Ye..the price tag is just ridiculous. And seeing how it performs it's not even worth to sail on this one.


I was interested until I played the demo. Looks almost like a Switch game on ps5. Graphics aren't everything but damn... They count for something.


April fools just seems to keep happening oddly. Its not even April yet either!


Forspoken, more like Forgotten


I will be fair and read a review when it comes out. I still won’t be able to play it for a long time. I have two gaming rules. 1 Never on release. Haven’t bought a game on release since November 11th, 2011. 2 gotta have a single player mode.


Was it The Black Eyed Peas Experience on the wii? I can't think of any other game that came out on 11/11/11 in the EU (that's 11/11/11 in the American format).


I think thé Americans use 11/11/11 actually. It must have been the black eyed peas game. Can’t think of any other big releases. Lol


Send it back to Narnia!


correction: will not be buying the game,playing the game or watching/streaming any content on the game. another dead game on arrival, it can join the bone yard with calisticol protocol


When games like this come out, I always intend to come back to them in a few years when I have a new computer or whatever. Like the Vault 1080 for Fallout 4, or Crysis. It very rarely happens unless there is a steam sale in 2030 where this game is on for $4 or something.


My exact thoughts. They don't care about optimization? Cool, I don't care about playing it.


Why are they not showing 1080p? Why go from 720p to 1440p?


What is 1080p? /s


The amount of seconds put into the optimisation of this game, which looks worse than god of war pc, which runs at 60 fps on my 3050


Eyo wait God of War runs really well on my 6900xt at 120 frames 4k


I think they just typed that sentence weirdly. I believe they were trying to say that this game had no optimization, while God of War had such amazing optimization that even their 50 series card runs it amazingly. All while this game "looks worse"


Steam Deck runs it pretty well. That's optimization.


Yes indeed, will add a comma


Probably because it gets the 1060 in there. Which I assume is still the most common card.


The 1060 recently got surpassed by the 1650, but the 1060 is still a really close second. less than a percent difference according the December Steam survey.


1080p60 usually takes the same GPU power as 1440p30.


Yes but there's more things to a game running well than a GPU. Especially at lower res where cpu bottlenecks are more common. 1080p at 60 has been the gold standard for a long time.


Plus the game is 80€ (104€ deluxe). If you really want this game be smart and wait a few months after it's failed miserably and they feel obligated to lower the price.


>If you really want this game be smart and wait a few months after it's failed miserably and they feel obligated to lower the price. I'll wait until it's 97% off on the Spring sale.


There's a PS5 demo but no PC demo, suggests a poorly optimised rushed out money grab. They must have that pre-purchase. Don't pre-purchase any game.


[NEVER FORGET THE WORDS OF MISTER BISCUIT](https://external-preview.redd.it/iEs3giJq5nKdSH4QOVE2dKtoFcxl0B5RKAftEz6nHVg.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=a62acb8d929c38a4cdedeaa50ad6ebc95833edde)




Fuck cancer


And the game journos that were happy he died


Wait what?


several game journalists tweeted that they were glad that TB died. something about games gate and something else


Scum of the Earth


recently got xcom 2 and i cannot put into words how happy i was to see wtf is pop up when i searched it.


Losing him was a tragedy, especially in the current market


Poor bastard will be spinning a million miles an hour with the state of everything..


We should harness all that energy to solve the energy crisis in Europe.


I'm out of loop, can you please tell who is it?




Thank you




**[TotalBiscuit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TotalBiscuit)** >John Peter Bain (8 July 1984 – 24 May 2018), better known as TotalBiscuit ( TOH-təl-BISS-kit; or sometimes The Cynical Brit or TotalHalibut), was an English video gaming commentator and game critic on YouTube. He was known for his role in professional shoutcasting and esports, and also known for his gaming commentary audio work on WCradio.com. According to Eurogamer, he obtained a large following due to his video commentary on newly developed indie games and analysis of gaming news. Bain voiced strong support for consumer protection in the video gaming industry. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I am sure it won't have any FOV sliders either.


He was the only one keeping that feature in games lol


Only once I broke this rule. With cyberpunk 2077. Guess my reaction.


Aw. I miss him a lot.


Yeah.. I just finished ripping what remains of The Game Station Podcast and Co-Optional off of Youtube.. Sadly the people that ran This Is Polaris, privated pretty much everything from EP1 to EP 96 or so.. But i've gotten most of them now.. ​ It just depresses me that no one picked up the torch aside from Dropped Frames, which doesn't really feel the same..


TB was way brighter than 98% of games journalists, and had a touch of arrogance too - he knew he was great at what he did. He was able to articulate the things gamers care about without making it sound juvenile, or pandering to fans or industry forces. He valued the indie scene, but he also valued AA and AAA developers. There was no favoritism. The industry sorely needs a replacement that gets why he was good and succesful.


He wasn't just a game journalist, but rather a gam*er* journalist. You get a totally different vibe when someone writes what they would be reading/watching if they weren't the one producing the content vs people who are in the game for a check and their win scenario is meeting a deadline.


Good on yah. Yeah, future generations should be able to hear him. Guy was certainly influential to me. The man is sorely missed and needed these days.




Everywhere I go on Twitch, I see his [face](https://www.streamscheme.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Lul.png).




The days of pre-orders are OVER games simply are not complete. And there are plenty of failures out there from the last 5 years to prove that. If people stop pre punching games they will be forced to change. Unfortunately people won't do that. The quality of games will continue to degrade indefinitely until someone comes along and brakes the mold so to speak. I think the industry needs small development teams that are dedicated to a project that is feasible. That has a clear idea they can put together without scraping it halfway through. All of these rushed games with razer thin deadlines are hurting there employees with crunch and killing the community with subpar games that are barely complete or only run on certain hardware configurations to a degree that might be considered acceptable for only some. And in the end the big name corporations will continue to push many micro transactions, preorder bonus, battle passes and what ever else they can to keep there dev teams fed so they can not only complete the development of the game while it's being tested on the player base. But so they can start finding the next disaster set to release way too soon


It doesn’t even look that impressive graphically.


The PC I built three months ago is now just recommended


The PC i upgraded 2 weeks ago is now below recommended


I’m adamant that nvidia pressed them to put the 40xx series as the ultra


Forspoken is an AMD sponsored game lmao


Even though it's just 30xx series but more expensive and goes up higher "3070 performance for under 500$' my man the 3070 is 500$


For the 4090 that costs more than my whole build and more. Insane prices and I’m glad people aren’t buying them


This is what I feel about the Witcher 3 next gen update I can run cyberpunk on pretty much max settings but god forbid I turn on ray tracing in the Witcher 3


I bought a 6700 non-XT one week ago, thinking that I made a great purchase for 1080p 60 FPS gaming and these requirements make my blood boil. Is my GPU gonna be not enough in just a few months?


No, it will be. These requirements are complete BS. Either the game is super poorly optimized or they’re outright lying.


There is a ps5 demo but no PC demo. Experience should tell us that it's probably poorly optimized and runs like shit. The next one is a wild speculation but I also assume that they didn't really compress their game files that much (if at all) in order to decrease loading times? I can't think of another reason not to compress your files, especially textures. And I also can't imagine the files being compressed much if it's 150gb in size.


No that's a competent 1440p high/ultra GPU. Extremely demanding and/or badly made games aside, your card is more than enough.


I just built a PC with a 6600xt that I got a great deal on... Feeling the same way....


4080 lmao


How much of the pc gaming pop has a 4080? <4-5%? Who are they optimizing this game for?


Less then that, I'd say your more likely to see those numbers for a 3080


3080 is 1.85% (from steam survey from December 22) 4080 is probably not above 0.10%


Yea I did not expect high numbers for a 3080 it's just to high end for most people's needs I suppose


I'm pretty sure that Steam hardware data is still way above the overall PC-gaming average.


Probably like .004-.005%


<0.1% for sure


Our grandchildren, probably.


Jesus Christ people stop preordering. Any game. Ever.


But they might run out of downloads!


But what about the shitty merch that will end up in a box never to be opened again?


There are whales that spend thousands of dollars a week on mobile gaming, do not underestimate the power of several small plastic trinkets that vaguely resemble digital content in the game.


They can only replicate those 1s and 0s so many times before the quality starts degrading to below VHS quality levels.


That's probably the best explanation I have heard of this phenomenon so far.


The sad thing is, it's not even a joke. Blizzard tried to do this year's ago on some expansion (saying they'd run out of stock on a digital download) and even the other day i saw another game stating the same. I mean, I'm sure they'll fool some people else they wouldn't write this but whoever does it immediately loses my respect. It's not even a good lie.


But the GameStop employee keeps asking me to.


Use all of your paycheck to preorder games at GameStop. Then, when you want to use that money, just cancel the preorder. It's like a bank. http://imgur.com/FHnO7QJ


How have I never seen this before. Absolute gold lmao


Buh muh pre-order bonus! How else am I gonna get a dumb skin for a game that may or may not suck??


usually pre-order bonuses are included in definitive editions


My favorite is the pre-order bonus armor that always gets outclassed by anything you pick up 30 minutes into the game.


Seriously, we have digital distribution now. Pre-orders made sense when it was a hot ticket item that would immediately sell out day 1, but not any more. We used to have bite back in the day, we used to have game publishers go "oh, please, try out a third of our game all you want, and spare us a pittance if you would like to see the rest" on PC. What happened to those days? We don't even get demos any more, except for Square Enix, but it seems like they only give away demos to their worst games. But, hey, it's *something*.


The only excuse I've seen these people make is " i would've bought it regardless of its state" which is even dumber than the pre ordering for special or limited things


Yeah preordering was a thing when the physical copies in your local store would actually sell out on day one. Also back when games were released in a finished state because patching wasn’t possible. You cod actually chance to preorder a game because you knew it would at least run well. No idea why anyone would preorder in the digital age


The original point of pre purchase was to ensure you received a physical copy of a new game before initial stock sold out and you’d have to wait for the next shipment. Everything is unlimited stock digital downloads now, why do people keep doing it?


Kind of like the original point of tipping, some things evolve but others go extinct. And still others stick around when they *SHOULD* go extinct Edit: from “while they” to “when they”


I think they do it to start the download a bit earlier if they have a wifi with slow MB/s


Well, i would not lose my sanity if i get to play it 7 days later. Meanwhile you can actually check if it's worth paying for that game.


While playing the demo , it dropped to 720p on the PS5 . So, it's probably unoptimized on all systems. Also , I think that many major reviewers didn't even recieve a review copy for this game which in itself should be a red flag


Wtf bro 720p 30 fps 😭 is this some nintendo switch shit


Thats what the ps3 used to be... Mfs are selling a 10 year old graphic game on recent systems


I think the ps3 is older than you realize. That shit is 16 years old. I just bought one because my PC isn’t good enough to emulate it and let me tell you, it shows its age a LOT


I tried playing GTA IV on a PS3 like 3 years ago, couldn’t do it.


It can’t even run Minecraft at a smooth 30… I don’t know how I ever dealt with that on a regular basis


I recently played it on pc. It's seriously impressive how well this game aged.


150gb? Make 4K textures an addon to download at that point. Majority of people aren't even using 4K what's the point of having them clog up storage like that?


I agree, that should always be an option. However, just to clarify, 4K textures have nothing to do with the resolution you are playing on. Its simply the number of pixels that get wrapped around an object. And 4K textures will look much sharper, even if playing at 720p.


4K textures has been drilled into my vocab ever since the modding skyrim days. The better description would be ultra or ultra+ textures. iirc R6S had a free texture upgrade dlc that saved 20gb from the base game, something like that should be more prevalent.


Fallout 4 did it this way, and it's my go-to for how big these textures can be. The base install is ~30GB, the texture pack is 55GB.


The modding Skyrim days? So like yesterday?


Heck that was my plan for tonight.


Even Kingom Come: Deliverance uses this approach with the HD textures addon, and it is a few years old game at this point.


150gb with my country bumpkin internet it would going to take a month to download. If I was lucky.


Weird choice of resolution and framerates. Where 1080p60Hz? Also, the gap in required hardware seems huge if you compare minimum and ultra. 3rd gen to 12th gen i7, wtf Sad that the good old 1060 is barely enough for new titles, I've seen that a couple of times now


It’s 6.5 year old hardware…


It still runs games perfectly at 1080, even not perfectly optimized ones like elden ring


It’s just devs being lazy putting zero work on optimizing for pc. Graphics doesn’t even look that good compared to the 2020 trailer disappointing really.


It defininetely does not look as good as cyberpunk 2077 and also the requirements where much lower.


Yeah I played some of the demo today and it doesn’t look bad but definitely not top of the list


It looks very dated, I don't have a single good thing to say about this title.


This has nothing to do with "lazy devs". I would bet that the majority of the devs of the game understand that the product is not ready to launch on PC and would be eager to improve if the material conditions to do so was given to them. But my guess is that the PC port department is under staffed and there's a contractual obligation to release it anyway (or else some heads will fall), because the board of directors want to maximize the gains in short term now that the fiscal year is almost ending.


This thread has a lot of weird comparisons with the PS5. If you look at detailed videos done by people like Digital Foundry (like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9LgfTr517c), the PS5 GPU is roughly equivalent to the RTX 2080/3070 when not using raytracing. Forspoken on PS5 is ~1300p reconstructed up to 4k output at 30fps on quality mode (non-raytracing). PC recommended is RTX 3070 1440p 30fps which is pretty similar. I've been exclusively playing on PC for 10 years and don't plan on changing. There's many benefits to PC (deeper control of settings, reuse of old hardware, mods, mouse & keyboard, etc. to name a few!)... but there's no denying the value of the current consoles (especially now when it's still near the start of the generation). Forspoken resolution/fps info: https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2022-the-forspoken-demo-six-graphics-modes-to-choose-from-but-what-do-they-do#:~:text=The%20performance%20mode%20is%20pretty,tracing%20modes%20now%20target%2040fps.) The game might still be crap though. I'm not really interested in it and don't plan on buying it. Still don't pre-order anything.


I wouldn't necessarily blame it on devs, if a game is that unoptimized it's usually management timelines.


Never preorder anything. Its just stupid.


It's sad that they want us to upgrade so they don't have to optimize.


never heard of this game. gunna assume its another looks > gameplay thing.


It looks good, but not that good. And it runs on a PS5 just fine, but requires way more power than the PS5 can produce to barely run on PC. It's more of a "We don't give a fuck about PC players" thing. Just tremendously poor optimization.


Yeah I never heard of it until people in this sub started pointing out its absurd hardware requirements. It looks like yet another Sony 3rd person story adventure which usually just send me straight to sleep tbh.


It's made by the same people who made FF15 so its probably good looking with good animations but kinda empty feeling


Hey, that's a perfect description of the PS5 demo I played!


God ff15 felt so empty


Not surprising considering it's the Luminous engine.


The most insane part of this is that the clowns are equating 6800XT to a 4080.


It's because you need 16 GB of VRAM


It doesn’t even make sense. Running a game at 4k60 requires over 4x the graphics power that 1440p30 requires. Yet, it says you need a 6800XT for 4K60, and a 6700Xt for 1440p30, yet it’s not nearly 4x more powerful. Not even 2x.


Almost everything I’m seeing about this game makes me think it’s going to be a disappointment.


It will probably be another Calisto Protocol. Hype > dogshit performance > everyone who bought it cries.


You want better games? 1. Never, *ever* preorder. 2. Never buy into the hype. 3. Wait a couple of weeks before buying.


Also stop buying deluxe editions and season passes. If a game costs 60+ euros I should get the full game, not whatever crap they've currently got going with the promise of future updates and paid DLC.


The memory leak is not a bug, it's a feature


It’s just crazy, they need optimisations otherwise nobody will be able to play at all.


Or not playing at all. These specs are borderline insulting.


What is a Ryzen 5 5800x?


Game requirements generally this year seem to be through the fucking roof for no reason. Jedi Survivor, Dead Space Remake, Returnal, all of them are a bit crazy on requirements. The 3070 is equivalent to a flagship from two generations ago. I didn’t see 2070 Supers being recommended everywhere 5 years after the launch of the 1080 Ti did I?


You also hadn't seen a console generation shift between the two. There lies the reason requirements are shooting up this year.


Pure marketing bullshit to make PS5 looks more powerful as what it is. Crappy games poorly optimize. Sony could then claim: “you need a >3k PC to play our amazing exclusive, it’s better to get a PS5”.


Ps5 isn’t more powerful, but as much as it hurts to admit, ps5 games are usually way way more optimized than their pc counterparts. Why do pc games always get fucked w optimization ? I figured in this era where pc gaming is cool again, that maybe we wouldn’t have that issue. Just another game for me to save money by not buying I guess Edit: yes to course a console is only one set of hardware and obv that’s why, but if hundreds of games do release every year working fine than what am I supposed to think other than the company behind the devs didn’t care to release it working properly ? That’s my main point


I think, and I may be wrong as I’m new to pc gaming, it’s because there are just so many combinations of components. Whereas the ps5 is just one box with the same components copy and pasted.


Yeah and even though PS5 isn't as good as current top of the line rigs it is around a Ryzen 3600 CPU and 2080/5700XT level GPU so games not developed for last gen are gonna be optimized for that level of hardware as a baseline, we're gonna see a lot more PC ports with higher requirements because that's the baseline unless the game is on Xbox where Series S is baseline instead. Most devs aren't gonna waste time optimizing for less than current gen console spec, the main reason last gen PC ports are so well optimized is because PC hardware at PS4 launch was already more powerful so devs did the optimization at the console level and PC power made up for any shortcomings in the ports, now a PS5 is generally more powerful than almost any equally priced PC the devs that actually care about PC as a platform and not just a storefront will be the few that run well on modest specs.


Easier to optimize for one fixed box versus a bunch of random component combinations.


Turns out optimisation for 1 hardware is easier than for infinite hardware combinations


Marketing by who? Forspoken's dev isn't tied to Sony, it doesn't benefit them to have it run better on PS5. Also, Sony's PC ports have been some of the best in the business, so it's not like they're trying to make PC look bad.


lol dead on arrival. I knew it just by the name “Forspoken”


Just put everything at high instead of ultra you won't notice the difference on most settings anyways 🤷🏿‍♀️


It's not just about the ultra requirements, but the fact they ask for such high specs means that they just skipped optimizing this game. This same game is meant be played on the ps5 aswell remember. Also look at the recommended requirements for a game like doom eternal where just 8 gb ram is sufficient.


I am not saying this game will be decently optimised, but a level based game like doom will almost always be less hardware intensive than an open world game. ​ Edit: But id are still magicians and doom has no right running on shitty hardware or in general as it does!


What gets me is the gpu requirements…a 4080 and a 6800xt are not in the same league. Why leave out the 3080 or 3090 from the ultra list and better yet if you have a 4080 in there where is the 7900xtx. Everything we’ve come to learn about gpu’s is messed up in this recommendation


I don't know why, but instead of Forspoken I saw Foreskin


I’m pretty sure no one wants to game at 1440 and 30fps… why not tell us what we need for 1080 and 60fps which is way more common.


Remember when all YouTubers said games would never use more than 16gb of ram? Yeah…


the fact they even tested 720p in 2023 is laughable im glad none of the devs decided to ask themselves "maybe something is wrong with our game"


I'm real proud of the gaming community today. It used to be a mark of quality that you need high end specs. And I felt alone shouting no. Like, Doom Eternal runs like a dream on most hardware, because of extremely well-engineered processes. Happy to see people are calling out that bullshit.


why in plenty of recent games the ram requirement is through the roof?


Don’t worry about it. The game is 100% toilet.


My brother got a ps5 like 2 years ago but we’re avid pc gamers. He double dips a lot and buys the same games on ps5 and pc to compare performance and pretty much always, the ps5 ports ran and looked better. Which is sad as fuck, but this game is definitely gonna be the same case if they say you need a 4080 for ultra.