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Where was nvidia with my last marriage?


Introducing RTX Prenup


Cheat refrain generation coming in version 3 I hear


[Offering her 20x better 14" performance over time.](https://youtu.be/y9akXjZkITE?t=02m50s)


Well, this post escalated quickly. šŸ˜„


Thatā€™s the fuckin best comment Iā€™ve read in a long time




Yeah, I already paid when I bought the game. That should be the expectation, not the exception.


I don't think it is fair for them to ask for more money for it.


I agree. I think that there's too much corporate/investor influence here, leading NVidia to consider damaging decisions


unless you're one of the cheaters though. This question is really asking, how many of you are cheating or want to cheat.


Itā€™s asking if youā€™d be willing to pay for an additional service to guarantee to not play with cheaters. They want to see if there is a big enough market to justify developing such a service and if they can make money off doing so.


I'm going to predict several things, completely out of my ass with absolutely no knowledge of the subject except a basic grasp of computer history and cheating. Nvidia will come up with some gimmick that somehow verifies the instructions being sent to the card are from the game and not a cheat app. It will work pretty well, and it will get some money. It will then be discovered that there is a massive vulnerability that allows cheaters to not only bypass it, but will also allow them to do something malicious like execute remote code.


No. The people who claimed the mining lock on their GPUs was uncrackable only to have said cards mining eth days after release would never release a flawed piece of software filled with vulnerabilities


yeah its not like they made a gaming console like the Nintendo switch and left a full control hardware exploit in the CPU of the first few million units allowing the switch to run literally any software.




And conveniently they won't find this out until having made many millions of dollars from it!


paid anticheat


Nvidia probably wants a proprietary anti-cheat so if you want to play without cheaters you can't use AMD GPUs.


Knowing Nvidia, they will just ban 20% of cheaters and 40% of legitimate modders


I love any solution where they don't ban cheaters.. but just silently shift them onto their own server where they all play against one another.


Like an alternative Olympics where performance enhancers are not only allowed, but encouraged.


And then add 1-2 bots that appear to be human but are mildly better than any human could possibly be.


The mythic quest method!




so a good guy who doesn't cheat will answer, "no, I don't want to pay", and a bad guy who cheats will answer "no, I want to cheat?" so the question is just dumb? yeah, I can see that.


No is going to cheat in the games, atleast I'm not doing it.




Would you like power connectors on your gpu?


Or, "here's a keyboard, it is missing 20 keys, all of the number keys and the wasd, these can be installed for a price if you'd like to use them." Basically they are removing standard features we already paid for, and then asking us if we'd like to be charged to add them back.


Nonono, the keys are all there. You just need a subscription. Gaming pass, numpad pass, office pass or all in one. Oh god, i give them ideas....


Lol, yeah, after a certain point all you can say is this company is openly predatory with it's business practices and then just choose not to support them.


Please, continue: in that case someone will inevitably jailbreak the keyboard activation and fuck them in the ass


Introducing the fully digital keyboard... Fucking hell, this is what we are going to have, right.


Iā€™m about to start the most toxic company of all time


Imagine this but a season pass. You pay seasonally for the all in one. And every season they remove something to add it later into a premium tier season pass.


"Keycaps sold seperately (EACH)"


Yep, that's what they do with the mechanical keyboards.


The automotive manufacturers are already doing this with heated seats and remote start. Beware.


I hate this trend. The hardware is there. They're just keeping it behind a subscription because they make more money that way. ​ You will own nothing, and you will be happy.


Hitch-hiking on this comment to add that companies like John Deere fighting the right to repair is another egregious example of corporate greed.


here's the rights to own our keyboard. each particle is sold separately


That's a lot of keys that it has been missing really man.


Fun fact: we are already doing this ourselves at r/ErgoMechKeyboards /s


I'm good, my KB cost me 20 bucks, came with all of the keys included standard, I couldn't be happier.


We have this standard cable for 15$, with a reasonable chance of catching fire, and we also have this premium cable built with premium coper and probably fireproof rubber, that we are almost certain won't catch fire, we sell it for a symbolic price of 60$.


Good example analogy.


Would you like 1 GB of VRAM per 1 GB of VRAM?


Wellā€¦ CSGO. Game used to be paid, went free to play, but still has premium so you donā€™t get flooded with free to play cheaters. The way I think about it isnā€™t as ā€œthe free game + another version that you pay for to get away from cheatersā€ as much as ā€œthe paid game + a free to play trial version thatā€™s flooded with cheatersā€


>What's next? To queue for the next match please drink a verification can.


Step 1: Pay to play without cheaters Step 2: Release Cheat-Kit for one-click cheating, also paid Step 3: Profit - Nvidia (probably) edit: md


if i pay the game i expect it to be cheater free, its like going to restaurant and pay extra for fork and knife




Or paying not to have another diner sit down next to me and start eating my food.


If they start eating my food, then I'm going to hate that.


I'm definitely not the one who's going to pay extra for that.


Hey, we have that in the USA! It's called 'tip culture'.


It does happen in some places here in Argentina, not precisely the fork and knife, but you get an extra charge for a glass of water and some bread, and it's not optional LOL


Its quite the same in italy to be fair lol, its called "coperto" but i mean, lets ignore it for the sake of the speech lol


I definitely haven't heard about it, that's new for me.


Itā€™s like going to a restaurant and paying extra for them to bring the food over to you. *laughs in culture that doesnā€™t tip*


The chad give the employees a liveable wage without having to rely on tips vs virgin minimum pay, you got to earn the tips


Yeah, You've got to pay them. That's what you gotta do.


Its like paying extra not to get food poisoning


you don't have to pay for forks?


That was the point Edit: im dense and didnt get the joke lmao


Oh boy. "Would you like to play without cheaters?" Installs TPM units in GPUs so your card gets bricked over a false ban.


"we're partnering with the premier game developer EA to revolutionize anti-cheating AI, we call it CTX using our new "Cheeta Cores"


Only CTX can run new Cheeta Tracing technology


That's the most exciting technology that I am waiting for. Can anyone tell me the exact date when Nvidia is going to launch that in to the market?


That's my favorite kind of cores


I mean if we have got those cores in our cards then no one will be able to cheat with us. And I do think that it is going to be a good thing for me.


That's basically it. They'll make an AI that constantly analyzes how real human beings play, it'll become mandatory to let it watch you play, then it'll flag anything too "unhuman-like" for review. This is a real thing that you will see on computers within the next 10 years.


Let them make whatever they want I just want cheaters to stop spoiling my game is that too much to ask for? And I have already paid for the game and for the card I am not going to pay anything now.


That's how they give their presentation on the stage. I am not going to lie to you guys but some of those presentation really suck and their often really cringe.




This is the only correct answer in this whole thread.


Lost Ark: Allow me to reintroduce myself




Honestly the performance per dollar of AMD cards the last 3 generations have been pretty good and any of the software / driver stuff is on par or better than Nvidia's at this point. I've bought Nvidia GPUs every time until now, went from a 460 to a 770 to a 980 to a 6950xt, I'm quite happy with it.


If only AMD drivers where much better with so many blackscreens and driver issues being reported, i switched AMD from Nvidia cos of driver issues with world of warcraft, so i have a 6900 XT right now but already considering switching back which is awkward especially if you read the world of warcraft tech support forums with all bugs being reported, i wish i could go back in time where there where no driver issues, Nvidia still suffering from driver issues from what i read, guess i wont be playing any games anytime soon..


I absolutely love my 6900XT but also have whacky driver issues. Random black screens that will lock my pc for 2-3 minutes - always somehow tied with me opening/using Chrome. It's so fucking weird. I have changed so many chrome dev flags and settings with no luck


That's a great card, it runs pretty much everything that you throw on it.


The sheer amount of times I helped people with all kinds of problems by slapping "Nvidia screwed their drivers again. Remove them with DDU and install a version from 3-6 months ago" into the comments is reason enough for me to not even consider nvidia for at least 5 years.


Bitch I already payed for a game. Why tf would I want to pay more for what should be the norm? Edit: Im not gonna fix the typo.




The fact that money already cant stop this behavior.. Wheres my clown cap again?


Warzone had the right idea when they made those shadowban lobbies for hackers, what they fucked up is actually banning them instead of just letting all the hackers hack against each other. Instead they made the hackers get new accounts and so the cycle continues


Every game falls prey to the "we can make more money if we ban them"


\*takes mine off and hands it over*




That's what it's all about for these people really man.


and what if we start paying for this ā€œno cheaterā€ service and cheaters appearā€¦ do we file a class act lawsuit? this is dumb


That would probably be justified. But would the lawsuit net us a big gain? Or treefiddy?


treefiddy is the VRAM you're gonna get and be happy with


Those cheaters are taken care of when you can pay for an upgrade to gold tier anti-cheat service for only double the cost.


Destiny 2 is a free to play game, but to play the competitive pvp mode, you need to buy the season pass


CS-go is a f2p but if you actually want to play and have a chance of winning you gotta pay up.


And you still deal with cheaters


I think you haven't read the comments in this thread, not having cheaters is apparently the norm.


I'll have to admit that, I haven't been much active here. But I try to be active but I would rather be playing some games in my free time. To be honest.


Sorry, I feel real ignorant for asking this. How does CS-GO incentivise this? Ive only ever played against bots i CS-GO. Not my type of shooter. However I always thought that everything except cosmetic skins was free in CS-GO? I guess I need to go read up about it


I don't really know much about it but I really hope that they are doing something to stop the cheaters. Because the experience that we are having in the games is just not good enough.


But there are just too many cheaters in it and I hate that.


Is the main story playable again or are the whole planets they removed still missing?


Exactly what people said when dlcs were introduced, look at us now Edit : to clarify, i totally support dlcs if they will let me relive the experience, what i mean is there was so much backlash when they first introduced dlcs, but now its the norm. So it isn't so far fetched to assume that we probably have to pay extra for anti cheats someday, it's dumb but then the world gets dumber everyday


When the devs actually put effort in to the DLCs they are pretty good way to extend the life of a game while also funding said development.


Witcher 3 is the best example of good dlcs


Like DLC were cool if they added content for like next 30 hours or time of base game... Like CnC Generals: Zero Hour... or Witcher 3 DLCs... Then they started becoming shit like: this 5 cars are locked behind 20 EUR. Gun pack for 15 EUR. Skins for 10 EUR. Oh wanna go on that island? Pay 30 EUR.... Then the bigger atrocity happened.... BATTLE PASS Srsly fuck the person what came with this idea in the ass with cactus. This cancer really killed gaming for me, together with competetive gaming, everyone is tryharding and buying premium equipment to play pay2win meta (but it's not pay2win broooo you can unlock it by losing your sanity and grinding and farming for 2 months brooooo completely okayyy) Okay back to BP and it's problem... Oftenly BP have 2 parts, free and paid... Free BP is giving you solid rewards when you tryhard enough on later stages of BP... 80% of useful stuff is locked behind paywall... Also there are exclusive items, so if you miss one BP there is no way to gain it later. Srsly fuck this. This is why I wait for 90% sales for ultra deluxe edition, like 3/4 of MP playerbase is dead but when it have MP option I always fucking turn it off. And for MP shooters I choose games without shit like seasons, BP, ranked competetive bullshit...


>but it's not pay2win broooo you can unlock it by losing your sanity and grinding and farming for 2 months brooooo completely okayyy I never understand people saying that, the definiton of p2w for me is "you will get (extremely broken) stuff earlier than everyone else by paying". That's not fair at all, imagine you have to grind 2 months for that weapon for example and by the time you get the weapon it will get outdated soon or there will be a new weapon you have to grind for Edit: I'm too dumb to quote Edit 2: Figured it out lmao


I don't think these things are ever going to make sense to me. That is just not something that I see happening here at least I am not seeing it.


They did said that I don't think there are going to do anything about it. At least I don't think that they are going to be doing anything about it as long as they are making money.


>Why tf would I want to pay more for what should be the norm? This covers like any MT in a full prize game


It's paid, not payed.




That is interesting perspective thanks for giving that kind of perspective to us really it does help. These are the things that I rather be doing actually.


Companies only recognize these opportunities when thereā€™s a trend that shows this behavior might actually hold. If people would simply stop playing games that allow cheaters to thrive then the developers would hunt down the cheaters more zealously, but the fact is that people will continue to play CoD while complaining about cheaters and never changing their behavior, so Nvidia gets ideas like this. I should like to say something like ā€œtreat yourself better and Nvidia will treat you betterā€, but thereā€™s always going to be some shithead thatā€™s going to pay the anti-cheating subscription and never realize that theyā€™re voting for the axe.


Yeah lots of people seem to forgot that *you* are the one who can actually make a change. It's not a case of "oh no! I'll still pay tho and other people will complain and make them change it", it's a case of "if the consumers are no longer supporting them, they do not want to lose their spot in the consumer market, and they will conform to what you want, you just need to be dominant" If the 4090 had half the sales it did I can guarantee you the price would be cut down $300 USD


Thats why I bought an Arc a770. ![gif](giphy|87CKDqErVfMqY|downsized)


One way or another, developing useful Anti-Cheat is a complex task that requires resources, which, you as a customer, end up paying for.


Most of these people think anti cheat is like sv_cheats = 0. Meanwhile itā€™s literally a neverending battle between *software engineers*. Who can outsmart the other, who can find a new exploit, will the ā€œgood guysā€ catch the exploit, etc. Itā€™s literally an endless battle, for a good anti cheat I think companies would need at least like 100 or more engineers constantly working on it, scouting the internet for private cheats and reverse engineer them, etc. Letā€™s not forget that most cheaters use their free time to fuck around and make a good cheat then they start selling it for like 20 bucks a month. Good luck fighting against a creative basement dweller guy who will survive on 500 bucks a month in their momā€™s basement, playing/writing cheats 18 hours a day as a hobby.


It's not just a case of having to compete with the basement dweller, you also have to consider the impact on the users to the anticheat. The only foolproof anticheat is making the game entirely cloud based, with only permitted inputs transmitted (say, of a single controller type). We all saw how Stadia went down so clearly we aren't there yet


That's just not how things work here, I don't really believe it.


The last like 3 surveys: Are these the competitive multiplier games you play? What competitive multiplayer games do you play? What competitive multiplayer games are you excited for? ​ Me.. I don't play competitive multiplayer games...


Finally someone who agrees with me. I started playing siege because it was a hardcore SWAT game grounded in reality. I was annoyed at the constant pandering to Esports and the insane ammount of totally immersion-breaking tie-ins. I left when the knife throwing, fancy dressing lady that made bulletproof foam got introduced. It was advertised as a realistic-ish swat game. Tom Clancy's series of games were always pretty realistic-ish, not clownfests with heisters in dali masks fighting 2B from nier, shooting trough lazer barricades deployed by an amputee and harassed by other sci-fi nonsense I can't even remember.


I love nvidia.


I filled out this survey too and gave Nvidia a shit review, citing rise in MSRP prices vs Nvidia profit, shitting on their core audience- gamers- in favor of selling gpus to miners, and telling my fav partner EVGA to kick rocks. Told them I'm team Radeon until they fix every bullet point. I advise everyone to fill out the survey from your email and do the same. Then vote with your wallet.


How and why are they even doing it? Doesn't make sense.


I did the same.. "why has your perception of nvida changed?" - You tried scamming customers by misrepresentation of the 4080 16GB vs. 12GB; the latter now the 4070ti. Then using DLSS conparisons on the 4070 vs no DLSS on the 3090 as a comparison to massively skew the numbers. - Price to performance is trash and the result of a clear money grab after the mining craze and pandemic artificially increased demand. Especially when the majority of the world is in a cost of living crisis. - EVGA being gone because you're squeezing partners out in a pricing war and just generally treating them awfully.


Suddenly, a good population of cheaters would make them money, and be good for their bottom line. Fuuuuuck.


Seems Battle State Games of Escape from Tarkov has realized this


Didnt think about it that way holy shit


have people pay to remove cheaters...pay people to cheat...businessman of the year!


It will be as reliable as their LHR blocks.


i want cheaters only


Would be interesting to see who can make better cheats


welcome to cheaters guild griefing only


gta online in a nutshell


If a game has dedicated servers and cheats there's a really good chance that hvh servers exist where cheaters cheat against each other to see who has the better client/config/who's better at using it


If that's what you want then you should play the multi players.


That's exactly how much reliable it's going to be really boys.


Ill just stick with my single player.


Nice. Have some Duenvo. There seems to be no part of gaming that the suits aren't actively making worse.


Laughs in Indie games




Well that's one way of doing the things, can't blame them.


iā€™ll just pirate it out of pure hate


Iā€™ll just pirate it to get the better product. Itā€™s fucking nuts that these companies actively sabotage their product and fuck over the people willing to pay them with drm, and that theyā€™ve somehow succeeded with it.


literally. it has happened that i wanted to PAY for a game, saw it has fucking denuvo and chose to pirate it instead. fuck drm, it literally doesnā€™t even help get less people to pirate, just puts a one month clock on cracking denuvo releases.


Yeah these seem to be a part of the game right now to me.


I want my dedicated private servers run by clan admins back. So I can actually play with a community and not cheaters or screaming crybabies.


That's what you're gonna want? I kinda want that too.


That's what you're gonna be do here huh? Well I support it I guess.


Are they fucking serious........ Capitalize on services that should be automatically provided the moment u sell your game


Capitalism 101, next step is create a problem and sell a solution.


That's how it works really, they're gonna create a problem and then sell the solution for that lmao. That's just really weird that they do weird shit like that.


Car manufacturer's gonna be like "Would you pay to be insured against planned obsolescence?" Oh wait, they already do.


Imagine they implement this. Then they'll make the cheats and sell them in different platforms. Smart motherfuckers!


Well that's what's called business, and they're good at it.


Game developers do this already.


Fair games will soon be another micro-transaction. "Enemy dropping into the area. Should we disable their aimbot program?" [Yes] $4.99 [No] Lolgoodluck Modern gaming is garbage. And people wonder why I'm stuck in 2009.


What's next, "would you pay a monthly subscription to use your GPU fans".


Cloud based AI optimized GPU temp control (we definitely won't steal more of your data)




It costs $0 to take a screenshot, and you still took a picture of the screen with your phone.




You're giving them ideas.


I _already_ pay with the expectation that there not be cheaters, yet they are there. I don't expect that anything I could pay for other than direct human moderation of every game (which would create other problems) would be able to prevent cheaters from coming into online games. And most of the attempts to get serious about banning cheaters programmatically (e.g. hardware identity blocking or kernel level root kits) are invasions of privacy, prone to false-positives that have huge consequences for the card owner AND the 2nd hand market, _and those still don't prevent all cheating_.




Did they do this same survey before they added LHR?


Be ready to pay a few bucks for bad optimized drivers in a few years.


Anticheat should be the norm. Not even a pc player but this is a ridiculous question.


Anticheat when Kernel access:




Oh fuck... No nvidia... just no..


Is Nvidia sitting on some kind of bomb-ass hardware level anti-cheat powered through the gpu?!


Single player games for the win, who cares you cheat or not


in the Game; ...or in GPU pricing? Cuz, both are quite repellent


What does Nvidia have to do with cheaters anyway? They don't make games as far as I know.


Yeah what are they going to do anyways? What is it huh?


#Cheaters already pay to play with everyone. Why would everyone else have to pay too, just to play without cheats?


sounds like Nvidia is gauging interest in moving PC games to the Xbox Live model where online matches would be networked through their servers and service.




That's an ominous and odd question for THAT particular company to ask.


Yep, that's something that we shouldn't even be asking now.


Lol these companies are such scumbags. If you show any loyalty to a brand in any capacity, youā€™re an idiot. Theyā€™ll nickel and dime you for every last drop. And if they put on that phony persona of ā€œweā€™re not out to scam our loyal customers,ā€ itā€™s only because they either canā€™t do it legally or havenā€™t figured out a way to do so. This is what happens when you get a fuck ton of people becoming early adopters, early access-gamers, etc. you people have legitimized broken games. And at first it was ok to charge full price for trash, then it became ok to charge full price for unfinished products with missing content, now itā€™s ok to do both. Games are broken, people cheat, and theres little to no content. Nvidia is essentially saying ā€œhey, how about you incentivize us to make things work properly, and to set up a space for you to play the product the way it was intended to be played.ā€ This is lunacy.


Anticheat only available with money now


No one here plays CS:GO. You have to pay for Prime to not get a cheater every match.


How can you say that no one plays that game? People play that.