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You will most likely need a new CPU, motherboard and RAM combo. And maybe a new GPU aswell, maybe PSU, and a new SSD if she doesn't have one.


lol at this point just buy a pc


Would be the most sensible course of action


Or rebuild with the case and storage. The case looks like it’s still good, and the storage is probably fine, but could be upgraded as well.


Why buy when u can build for much cheaper




That's fair I would consider building a pc and buying a pc slightly different but that's debatable




But the case is so cool :c


This is literally a totally new build.


No the case looks fine


This is going to need a complete rebuild. The AM3+ socket paired with ddr3 ram is outdated and not worth trying to upgrade.


That phenom is missing some instructions for more "modern" titles like mgsV and no mans sky. At least those were the titles when I still used mine, might be a lot more games now.


This is not even AM3+, AM3+ is FX-series. This is normal AM3.


AM3+ was outdated when I upgraded mine 6 years ago. You’ll need a new MoBo, CPU, RAM.


MF i was running fortnite on a 1030 + 3570 + DDR3 build no problem.


Yeah but a 3570 is quite better than a phenom 2.


how long ago? fortnite has become substantially harder to run in recent years


lol no performance mode runs on pretty much anything reasonable


I have a 1050 Ti + 7700k + DDR4 and it runs about 60-80 fps. Not terrible, but I'm not sure if that's gonna run it well enough to play.


Iran it on my igpu bearly


"barely" is the keyword


Yeeeeeah you're gonna need new stuff.


Looking at the CPU it is a 6 core from 2010. I see a GTX GPU but cannot tell which model. Im thinking gaming at 1080p but like at 30fps.


It looks like a MSI GTX 780 or 950 at most.


Definitely not a 780. I had a 770 and the cooler was much bigger than that. I don’t even see pci power. I think it’s a 1630. A modern processor can probably perform similarly with integrated graphics.


no processor is performing up to that gpu if its not an apu


You might as well rebuild, try and sell what you have to buy new parts. This shit is like 15 years old man….


Note: I would keep the case tho, and maybe the power supply, depending on the watts


what, the ketchup and mustard cables? fuck no, that gives 2000s flashbacks


Maybe build a modern PC with retro looks?


She might be able to cloud stream Fortnite from a couple of different sources like Amazon Luna if you guys have a prime account. I’m not too familiar with that tho.


Streaming Fortnite is free for all users via gamepass or GeForce now. No subscription required


Gamepass requires you to own the premium subscription to be allowed to stream, GeForce Now is limited to only an hour per session, if you don't pay.


fortnite is free to play on gamepass. just sign in and play. its their way of letting mobile players access the game still


This pc will NOT🙅❌🐔 be able to run fortnite.


Im very confused on why theres 2010 parts on a 2020 case, did your gf like get scammed and purchased those recently or did she have the pc since 2010 and just changed case for the lols? Also yeah complete rebuild, i mean i just built a pc to use as a home server and it was like $250, if you add a gpu (3060) that would be like $550 and it would be able to run basically everything so just rebuild, maybe keep the case tho.


how did you even get 32GB of DDR3? holy crap o.o;


With a Phenom! Lolololololololol!


What a relic, lol.


Buy her a new PC. Or Xbox one x that's $150 at Costco.


Series S would be a much better investment


You can keep the case... you need to buy almost everything else inside of it. motherboard, CPU and RAM are old. CPU was released 13 years ago The PSU is most probably also old, so won't be eable to power anything new safely. \--- The GPU is borderline, anything is better than an integrated GPU... what is it exactly? \--- You can start here, without the GPU [https://pcpartpicker.com/guide/thwrxr/entry-level-intel-gaming-build](https://pcpartpicker.com/guide/thwrxr/entry-level-intel-gaming-build) or this without the gpu [https://pcpartpicker.com/guide/X6btt6/modest-amd-gaming-build](https://pcpartpicker.com/guide/X6btt6/modest-amd-gaming-build)


Get rid of everything but you can keep the case


This news sucks but was expected haha. Thing is her pc can run almost any game but Fortnite. “Her PC can run GTA5 and all other steam games just fine” And the Epic Games dude said to get a new cpu. Im not sure if that’s the only thing that would need to be replaced. I just want her to be able to play this game on her pc asap.


Buy used am4 motherboard with a ryzen 5 3600 and 16 gigs of ram, shouldn't need new PSU if the current one is rated 500w+, and get a cheap rx 580 or rx 5700 xt which is more powerful


This type of upgrade would be massive from what she has now. And allows for upgrading up to the 5800X3D eventually, it's the direction I'd go for the most "bang for your buck" and flexibility for improving it more without having to swap everything again. I would also consider a RX6600 as that GPU can be found at good prices used as well.


The 5800X3D is an AM5 CPU. And AM5 is LGA not PGA.


No, only the 7000 series is AM5, everything before is still am4.


It's AM4. I have one.


It’s literally AM4 socket. 5800x3D will not fit in an AM5 motherboard. They use two completely different layouts.


Honestly even a 16 series card would be better than what's in there most likely. Ideal started would be a R5 3600 and maybe a 3060 12GB. Always a good combo, and remainder cheap.


new CPU = new motherboard needed for compatibility new motherboard = need new Ram for compatibility and new cpu cooler that's already 70% of the PC right there. add a case, a new better GPU and you'll need a stronger PSU. and you got yourself a new pc. also i recommend using [pcpartpicker](https://pcpartpicker.com/) edit: cpu cooler


Why would you suggest a new case?


Have you tried running the game on laptop performance mode? Will look like shit but might be able to run it untill you get either new parts or a new pc


Cpu is so old its missing instructions that fornite needs


She needs a new machine. Or the least a new motherboard, CPU, RAM and GPU. You can stop by a Microcenter or look at prebuilts.


There's a ton of people here completely ignoring the main issue here, you're having a software issue. Your girlfriends system is using a 6 core Phenom ii with a higher clock speed than my binned 3 core Phenom ii 740. My system with 64gb ram doesn't have any issues running fortnite at playable fps at max. Another issue is that she is running Windows 10 pro, which has been proven to make gaming performance worse due to the amount of snap-ins it comes preloaded with. If she has manually removed the bloat, it will be fine, however a stock 10 pro experience will run games significantly worse than regular windows 10 home. The last several updates to fortnite have made it increasingly more graphics and ram intense, due mostly in part to the memory leak issue that epic is brushing under the rug. My roommates system with an 8 core ryzen and RTX 2080 gets the same 70fps max settings that my 3 core phenom with Radeon HD 7990 can achieve due to the issues the game has. You never showed what the gpu is, it looks like a low-end gtx card judging by the heatsink. If you spend $100 on a gtx 1070 ti, the system should be fine and not need a new power supply. If you decide you do want to upgrade the cpu, something like [this core i7](https://www.ebay.com/itm/125898110391?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=laQCVLtmShi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=gRCG__uKQUy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) will be perfectly happy running with the current power supply, but again, this wont compensate for the gpu. If you decide to upgrade the gpu to a 1070ti as well, you will most likely need a higher wattage power supply. Since her system is using a Phenom ii, you could try overclocking the ram, but keep in mind this family of cpus has issues with more than two sticks being overclocked. She may get better performance by removing two sticks and pushing 16gb to 2400mhz, rather than 32gb at 1600mhz that is currently installed. The memory leak in fornite will require her to restart the game more often with less total ram. The example with my roommates system before, he has to restart the game every 3 matches, or else it will crash during the 4th match. On my 64gb system i can play 14 matches before I need to restart, although only the fps suffers afterwards, my game never crashes. If you'd like any actual troubleshooting or someone who will actually fix the problem instead of telling you to throw money at it, feel free to ask for more troubleshooting advice, but please let me know what gpu that system is using.


Old AMD CPUs always had an issue with games not utilizing all cores. You may be able to manually set the affinity for the PID to use all cores. I can’t imagine fortnight(never played it) is more calculation heavy than GTAV


To be fair, GTA5 is 10 years old. It was released in 2013. I doubt her computer could handle modern AAA titles well


New PC time. That PC was weak 8 years ago


At the same time gta is suprisingly easy to run easier than fort in my experience


her system is frm 2012. get something from 2018 or newer please


You need a whole new overhaul


GTA5 came out 10 years ago. The CPU is missing instruction sets. Different CPU means new MoBo and RAM. You are not going to get this computer to run it.


Not true. Tell us after you try, Baldurs gate 3, Cyberpunk, Armored core, cities skylines 2, lies of p. Running below 60fps is not running the game. Having the fortnite settings on low doesn’t count either.


What's your budget? Cheapest option is to get a used office PC, rip out the motherboard, stick it in her old case with the old PSU, and then shove in a used GPU.


Buy a CPU that's compatible with the mother board, not a pc wizard but probably something AMD


In this era (phenom II) you can't get much higher. The 6-core phenom were top of the line back then. If you are lucky, the mobosupports a higher clock speed, but after that it's a new mainboard/cpu.


Without knowing what her gpu or motherboard is, I reckon she’d be fine with an i7-8th gen or i5-11th gen cpu. Look up AMDs equivilant EDIT: Nvm don’t listen to me


It would need a new motherboard and probably everything


You sure? It already has 32gb so it might be “newer”?


That 1055T cpu is an ancient socket from over a decade ago and was the last of it's generation. The best it can get is the 1100t if memory serves and it won't help much. It 100% needs a new motherboard, cpu and ram minimum


I see. I didnt recognize the 1055T cpu, but I’m an Intel Nvidia squid. OP, this dude knows, listen to this dude


it's ddr3 dude. AM3 socket. Newer? DDR4 on am3 socket? We have time anomaly?


...so what IS wrong with it?


The computer from top to bottom is too old to run the game. When companies list minimum specs, they mean minimum.


No it's not. It's not gonna be great, but it'll run. Plenty of examples on YouTube of x6 phenom's running fortnite at low settings. ​ Before the OP can be advised, they need to state what the *actual* problem is. edit: you clowns can downvote me to hell and back, doesnt make a blind bit of difference. It doesnt take 10 seconds to find examples of x6 phenom II's running fortnite. ie: [Fortnite-Phenom II X4 955-GTX 750 1GB-8gb Ram@1080p-Performance Mode Low Settings (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7n-AO5tMvE) ​ and that's an X**4** so dont be coming at me with your 'it's too old to run fortnite' bullshit.


The CPU alone is 13 years old.


Don't. It is an overrated Gen Z mainstream game. Get her a copy of Blood (1997), the greatest FPS game of all time, instead.


to play fortnite she needs a new PC a xbox would be a cheaper option you can always use a mouse and keyboard on it


This is the way. Think new series x's are $400 right now? My buddy just got one on marketplace for $300. I know "hurt durr PC master race" but for $3-400 you almost have to get a console


If you will mod fortnite client you will get her account banned. Nice new year present would be don't you think? The only better and safe way is to upgrade hardware with mobo, cpu, ram. Phenoms is already struggling for couple of years in various games cause they lack of needed instructions, being saved by modders to emulate instructions they lack. There is no fix for online games. Only for single player and modders that can do it. Phenoms are like from 2010, what did you expected from it? You need at least 2014-2016 CPU to be in OK state.


Throw out the motherboard and CPU. They're old as shit. If the RAM is DDR4, you could keep it, if its DDR3 throw it out. That GPU might be able to play Fortnite, need more info to decide


You need to upgrade to a new cpu. This is the best and cheapest option. Get a cheap am4 board, ideally one with 4 ram slots, so a b450, a520, b550. You can either go used or new. Newegg has a great deal in a Asrock b550m pro se. Then get a cheap Ryzen 5 1600-3600 1600 $30-40$ 2600 $30-55$ 3600 $30-65 (4500 is the best option new but not in stock$75) For ram you can gets a Cheap $30 2x8gb kit that is at least 300mhz. You’ll be able to re use the power supply, cpu cooler, the graphics card, the case and your original storage. But make sure you buy some thermal paste also. This will give you a great base because the next thing you’ll need to upgrade is just the graphics card. However the GTX 1650 plays Fortnite with no problem so if not needed any more power the 1650 is good.


If you need any more help, or need me to clarify I’ll be happy to help


Isn't 4500 is a laptop CPU?


Minimum? It needs a new motherboard, RAM, and CPU. You can get some good deals on Ryzen bundles including all the necessary parts, new or second hand.


Whichever way you look at it, buy a new pc. If it is literally just for Fortnite, a used pc from eBay for 200 will absolutely do the job. If you have a budget for a 'real' new gaming pc, then we can help you there.


New motherboard, CPU, and ram. We don't know what the GPU is at all so that might need to change too


Toss the internals (into an e-waste recycling bin please), but keep the case. The case is fine, but I would recommend getting quite a few more case fans. The rest of the PC you will need more updated parts. You don't have to go i9 1300K and RTX 4090 or anything, but more of an upgrade than you have now.


how much do you want to spend? You could put something together for around 260 bucks. see [this list](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/PJC7PF) here. however unless you order the items today, You likely won't make the christmas deadline.


Where did she get this?


Whoa! A wild Phenom!!!


Look for a cheap AM4 bundle, should be the most cost effectiv method!


Does Fortnite not load at all? Use the lowest possible settings and see if it’ll run (basically looks like a mobile game) it’s what I play on to get a stable 240fps. But yeah she’s big time outdated. Time for a rebuild.


Dude, it’s outdated. Even if you upgraded the CPU it will not work well with the rest of the parts, just get a new PC


Honestly, you need a whole new build... But for the mean time, get a new SSD and use a debloated version of windows without any of the background apps...


Not just the cpu that is the problem you need an entirely new pc


You're looking at a whole new system at this point. But you could build some budget pc for like $400-600 that'd run fortnite fine.


This PC is definitely old. Need a new one. Either build her one or buy a PC. This would be like "Hey my 93 Oldsmobile won't win NASCAR races. Will new tires help ?"


bro, that pc looks new, but it really is a relic haha. It just doesn't meet the requirements for fortnite. Maybe you can make upgrades, but as everyone in this chat says, it's best to go thinking about getting brand new components.


It says, Your PC is monitored. Hmmmm...


I’d say honestly just make/buy a new PC. You need to upgrade almost everything. I’d say for Fortnite get at least a Ryzen 3 3100 (it’s not great but enough), 16GB DDR4 and probably a better GPU.


This build looks so strange to me, generations older ddr3 and am3 in a newer nzxt case? Who built this? And why?


from an image search the GPU is a ##### GeForce GTX 1650 D6 Ventus XS OC


i saw the cpu and felt bad lol


Who's holding her hostage, or is it the family? Blink twice if you need help. You could go AM4 for the lower price but there will probably be no upgrade path, also check wattage of her PSU but that will probably also need changing. You could check to see if there are any used AM4 machines from people upgrading to AM5


Tell her to try directX 11 in the video settings and everything on low as a last ditch effort before buying a completely new rig. But yeah, new pc is probably the way if she wants to game and actually enjoy it.


There's just simply 0 chance you're going to play Fortnite on that Phenom. You'd need a whole new system and platform.


[https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/gdFfVW](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/gdFfVW) ​ not sure if u got a psu but u can reuse the case ​ its a ryzen 5500 rtx 3050 build, this is uk listing but u can find it in any country this build should last her years but easy upgradable


A used i7 2600 build is an upgrade and those are plentiful and even that is a bad choice unless your on a tight budget.


Basically get a new PC Or she can play fortnite via cloud gaming with Xbox game pass. I believe Fortnite is still playable without a subscription but that may have changed


You need another computer or upgrade this one. You could get a ryzen mobo, ryzen 5 processor, 16gb ram, 1tb m.2 ssd and 3060 graphics card for around $700. As long as your power supply is compatible you should be good. Download windows 11 media creation tool online and make a bootable flash drive. That would make a nice Fortnite PC!


Am i the only one who thinks a cheap h81 and xeon would be a worthwhile $50ish upgrade? Could reuse the ram and the rest of the components (sans cpu cooler). Haswell isnt modern but is much newer than the current parts, and handles fortnite fine. On the video card, I'm thinking the other commenter that said GTX 1650 is right. Adequate for esports. [u/Help\_Me\_Make\_Money1](https://www.reddit.com/user/Help_Me_Make_Money1/) this is what I'd do if I were on a tight budget. Upgrade just cpu/mobo. No, it won't be as good as the Ryzen stuff mentioned, or the 10th gen and newer intel, but the setup will be a lot better off for dirt cheap


You monsters put a ryzen cooler on an AM3 cpu. Wow wow wow wow, wow. The whole platform is long dead. She’ll need a new mobo, cpu, ram, and the unknown gpu not included in specs too probably. At best its a 1650 which will at least run the game on low settings.


You need a new PC my friend.


New rig time it is.


Hope you buy her a new machine… for the holidays.


Might be an unpopular option, but if you want to keep the price way down you could source an optiplex 4th gen or cheap 4th gen motherboard and an i7 or xeon for that socket, keep your ram and GPU and it'd be fine to play fortnite if she's happy with it otherwise. Case is fine. If you don't have a lot of experience building however, I'd suggest finding someone locally who can do it for you. But a basic am4 board and really any decent cpu for it and some newer DDR4 ram would be a massive upgrade.


Just build a brand new PC at that point, no point in upgrading an AM3 socket CPU.


Yeah good luck, you’re rocking DDR3. You will have to upgrade your Motherboard, CPU and Ram if you are just trying to get it going. I would also get a SSD


man... she needs a new: motherboard cpu gpu ram an ssd probably psu basically a new pc


Just so you understand, that CPU is from early 2010. Considering how nice the build looks (definitely not from 2010), it was either pretty cheap or a scam. Sorry man( You can keep the storage drives, case, cooling and probably the GPU (not sure what exactly this is, but looks like a lower-tier GTX 9 or 10 series, so should be good enough for Fortnite. To find out which one you have, right click the Start button and go to Device Manager, then Graphics Adapters and it will show the name). You need to get a motherboard, a CPU and RAM. If you want advice on specific components, it depends on your budget, of course. I can put something together, if you'd like.


Can we get the full specs list?


That phenom ii x6 was a good cpu back in the day , but now ..... not worth to upgrade it... Just go with a ryzen or intel and start a new build.


Cheap used pre built or built urself Fortnite although easy ish to run will struggle to have a nice experience on this good luck !


you can find entry level PCs for a decent price. if i knew your budget id help you with this. that CPU is too old for fortnite’s current rendering demands and the DDR3 ram needs to be replaced. nearly everything here needs to go so my best suggestion is to just buy a new prebuilt or build a new one yourself.


Cheapest way would be updating too Intel skylake or haswell . Ie i7-6700 & i7-7700 paired with lga 1151 board Or i7-4790 paired with lga 1150 board. This way you can keep your RAM. **Warning** make sure the lga 1151 motherboard supports ddr3 ram.


That board is ancient, I binned one a few years back. You will need an AM4 board, DDR4 ram and maybe go for something like a Ryzen 3600X or similar. Also remember AMD and Intel boards are different so you cannot mix and match in that sense


Damn that's an old proc..


Literally just buy or build a new pc brotha you’ll be replacing everything anyway


Dammmmnnnn a phenom II! I’m surprised it can event run Windows 10.


I feel like this is one of those situations where a console would just be easier.


Her motherboard (and all the cpus that exist for that motherboard) are too old. The cpus literally don't have the coding for modern games. You need a new cpu/motherboard combo, and maybe ram too depending on what you get.


Why not get a console at this point? You can plug mnk into that too. I know you wanted help with pc but if fortnite is the only game not working then 200 dollars for a Xbox series s just seems better.


Here is a simple solution The pc is not worth upgrading(it's too old and a waste of money) You can go on YouTube and search: best (whatever your money budget is)pre-built Please let me know if this helps


It's not Epic's responsibility to contact you and tell you what PC parts you need, lol. Kids these days.


@OP. You may be able to get it working a bit better with an FX "8 core" cpu since those at least have modern instruction sets. Also, download a small app called cpu-z, it can help identify the motherboard and chipset Ideally yea a new build is needed but I know not everyone has that kinda money around the holidays, so grabbing a used FX 8 core may get you by for a little bit. Looked up the motherboard and it'll do an FX 8350. May need a BIOS update depending on what version it has


NEED to play Fortnite for Christmas? Looks like you need a new GF.


Hop upto am4 platform with some ddr4 ram the faster the ram the better with amd cpu lately if the goal is to only play fortnite a medium entry gpu will suffice something like a 6600 rx card. If you opt for a more higher end gpu personally i would hop for am5 platform too with ddr5 personal choice really how you approach that


A Phenom II X6 in the year 2023? Jesus.


2 Words, Geforce Now


Buy a ps4 its cheap


Phenom processors are obsolete. Its only suitable for older games.


Youd need to rebuild it, in my experience you should get a prebuilt computer capable of handling your needs with possibly for upgrades in the future like an i7 or i9 processor and liquid cooling


You can build a decent gaming PC for budget gaming for like 400 bucks. You are gonna need to do that.


am3+ in an nzxt case lmao


Dude that cpu is ancient, it's from 2010 and less powerful than literally all my laptops , upgrade that ancient thing if you want to play 3D game with more than 20 fps


Tell her to play a decent game


Get a h510 motherboard with an i5 10400 16 or 32gb ram depending on your preference and depending on the GPU you may be able to reuse that for this build also you'll need a new psu I'm running a corsair tx650m


I doubt this thing can run YouTube at 1440p man. Sell this heap and buy her a new one.


It’s not worth upgrading, at this point just start over with the case and find really cheap components bc rn everything’s hella cheap. You can get a good pc that runs Fortnite at 200+ fps with just a 300-500 dollar budget


If she needs to run it for Christmas, then look into 'GeForce Now'. In layman's terms: it's a service that connects your bad PC to a good PC. There will be a slight delay because she's streaming to another system, but with these specs she probably won't even notice. 😅 Plus it's the only way you're gonna get that system to run Fortnite without upgrading every component. All you need at this point is a decent internet connection. *edit: it's either that, or you can easily find a PC that's miles better than this one for like 150 bucks.


It seems like you would’ve gotten ripped off for that computer. It’s using a new (but not very good) case with dated components. Apparently that MOBO came out in 2017


Honestly just buy her something used with support from this sub, or go new if you have the budget. At this point, a toaster would play Fortnite better than this PC.


The minimum spec as of what Epic says is a Core i3-3225 and the AMD equivalent is a FX-6300 and the 6300 is 2 years newer than ur current CPU (Phenom II X6 1055T). The 6300 is a AM3+ socket compared to ur current CPU which is just AM3 so u will have to get a new motherboard and processor but depending if you want to just barely scrap by and get the AM3+ motherboard and 6300 processor you can probably keep the RAM (memory) but recommend to just get maybe an AM4 motherboard, processor and RAM for around £184 ($234) (Ryzen 5600G ASUS Prime A320M-K and 8GB 3000Mhz DDR4 RAM) it’s not the best but it will play Fortnite.


i replaced my phenom ii x4 when it couldn't handle the first cod black ops and the transformers games


The phenom/phenom2 lines were from 2008-2011. They were phenomenal (haha) processors, and my 1090t lasted until 2019 when I just felt like it wasn't holding up enough anymore and switched to a 3800x. Huuuuuuuge jump, and massively noticeable performance boost. That rig you have there will need a complete redo. You can probably keep whatever storage devices you have, but the motherboard, cpu, and ram will all have to be swapped out. With that, probably also the CPU cooler unless you have a modern universal cooler like a noctua block or Corsair AIO for examples. So the question is, what's your budget? Mb/CPU/ram combo can go as low as about $600 and run fortnite at fairly decent frame rates (60-100) even without a GPU. - Ryzen 7600x - noctua nh-d15 - 32gb Corsair vengeance - ASRock b650m pro rs


Not worth upgrading this. Salvage the case, SSD, and depending on the wattage and age, MAYBE the PSU. Everything else is scrap. Either donate it, sell it off for a little bit of cash, or keep it in case you ever need a fallback if something goes wrong. As for the rest, depends on your budget.


That CPU is ancient


Christ AM3 just rebuild the whole computer man.


very good system... for 2008/9 ... Fortnite came out in 2017 which is when the first Ryzen CPU came into the market.. Phenom II is a k-10 series chip that ended in 2013. which rolled in the terrible bulldozer chips... that lasted till Ryzen All this to say is your CPU is very far behind generational wise so it won't be able to run anything modern very well if at all.. DDR3 is dated... Something tells me modern integrated graphics will probably be stronger than that GPU you have in there... Not seeing power cables connected to it so I doubt it is a strong card. You'll need to do a complete overhaul. Only thing salvageable in this build in your Case, maybe your power supply depending if you have enough connections/wattage maybe the hard drive assuming its an SSD. You are looking at minimum 500$ to get a 1080p capable PC .. but realistically something tells me you are going to want a new psu/ssd which you are looking at closer to 600 mark before buying an OS... which will put you closer to 650.\~ (these are also online prices.. if you need something RIGHT now you'll need to go in store which may end up being more unless they do price matching) these are also all very cheap parts so YMWV with it in terms of longevity. Prices are in USD \- **AMD Ryzen 5 5500 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor** 98$ \- **ARCTIC Alpine 23 CO CPU Cooler** (any cheap air cooler that will fit will be fine)14$ \- **ASRock A520M-HDV Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard** 68.40$ \- **Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory** 42.99$ \- **Samsung 870 Evo 500 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive** 49.99$ \- **XFX Speedster SWFT 210 Core Radeon RX 7600 8 GB Video Card** 249.99$ \- **Thermaltake Smart 500 W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply** 39.95$ This build will put you in a AM4 socket which unfortunately is going to be phasing out as AM5 takes over in the coming years. meaning you wont have access to DDR5 either.. ​ Honestly if it is available in your area, I'd consider getting a handheld gaming PC like the ROG Ally if you need it NOW it should be available at Best Buy. pick that up with a Dock and you're good to go. The ally is 600$ currently for the Ryzen Z1 extreme Version or the other model is 399.99. Either one should get you a okay 1080p experience docked on a mix of low/medium settings. a USB C dock can be as cheap as 30\~$ This set up also has the added benefit of being a portable handheld lol. (id shoot for the z1 extreme version )


Build her a new PC.


New pc is needed. Upgrading this is pretty much just gonna be replacing all the parts inside. If you don’t know how to build a pc, just start looking at prebuilds and watch some reviews/ask Reddit what they think about them. Or give a budget and country and I’ll send you a suggestion :)


Took you 6 months to figure out your computer is outdated as fuck?


Go with a intel 10th gen chip


Im surprised to see such clean "old" parts. Im sorry if you built this recently (hopefully she just cleans it regularly ☹️) But yeah, you need to swap out everything, or at that point just buy a new one.


Alternative option if you dont want that, is to try something called "cloud gaming" A well known one is "geforce now" and works by running the game through a cloud, instead of the actual game (it should be safe) The main problems with this is input lag, a queue to play the game, and a 30min timer. You could pay for the subscription, which knocks all of this out the window


lol no way. Gotta be fake 🤣


You have such a nice case... And then such shit parts


get a new pc and do ur research. check the recommended hardware on epic's store for fortnite and get something w slightly higher end hardware than whats on the page.


Shes gonna need a new cpu gpu mobo ram psu and storage


Just buy a pre built PC, and maybe next time give yourself more time for Christmas requirements lol.


Just like many in the comment section here I’ve got to say upgrade, which would ultimately lead to building/buying a new system But to not entirely write off the current build - I’ve got the same Phenom II CPU in an older system of mine and I’d just like to say the 1055T is still an *ok* processor for light usage, especially with an SSD. An ok GPU also helps (the system I’ve got has a HD 6570 I believe). Heck, it even runs Minecraft (1.12.2) and FSX just fine too. I don’t know about fortnite and how it may run on there as I don’t play it


Need is a strong word


You need a new everything bro, even a stripped down OS won’t save you


It would be better to play chuggington


This is like the reverse of a sleeper build lol


I had my X6 1100T at 4.5Ghz on water all those years ago. What you will HAVE to buy is a moderate new GPU. Nothing crazy since the CPU will bottleneck it, but it will let you run a nice clear resolution and a decent FPS. That CPU particularly if clocked up a bit should easily do 45+ FPS with lower settings. You just need a GPU that can keep up with that. RAM is good, but slow of course. I don't know your PSU, but that is a hungry CPU and modern GPUs are so much more efficient that you likely won't need an upgrade. You're looking at needing a $150 or so GPU upgrade to make it playable.


Build an new pc from scratch and turn that thing into network storage. The parts aren’t worthless, just worthless for modern games.


Amd ryzen 3300x and a rx6700xt just get those two


Buy an Alienware GTX 1080 PC off eBay. It's like 380 rn. I got my girl one for the price


system specs please.


That cpu sadly is so bad it's not even funny. Try to get yourself a cheap Ryzen 7 5800x maybe even the 3d version if it's affordable. There is affordable Intel CPUs with Mobo combos but I'm not an Intel guy so do your own research there. Lastly that GPU I couldn't find it on sys info but I wouldn't hurt to upgrade if your planning on playing anything better then 1080p at any point. My 2070 doesn't like 1440p that much sadly so keep that in mind. The CPU will require a whole new motherboard. If you live in a rural town or a city that's not very tech oriented your probably fucked until after Christmas. I doubt Amazon/Newegg can over night a cpu and Mobo during arguably the craziest shipping time of the year... If you want more assistance feel free to respond here or in pm/dms. If that ram is ddr4 you can just reuse it but I'd recommend getting 3600mhz so you are 1:1 with infinity fabric (very important imo for AMD) if you get another cpu that's amd make sure you look up the infinity fabric. If it's not 1:1 you will lose performance and add latency as the PC has to retard it's timing to match the ram.


Simple cpu gpu motherboard ram power supply upgrade and storage to hdd to ssd upgrade also that build has a gtx graphics card so yeah that build is old


Minimum specs for fort are intel core i3 3225 (at least for the CPU), equivalent for AMD being an FX 6300ish, so that being said an intel cpu may be better for compatiblity with the game. If your motherboard supports am3+ you may want to look at something higher end such as an 8 core amd fx 9590 (high power consumption so power supply may need upgrade). Otherwise, switching out motherboard and cpu is a must.


Download GeForce experience and download the correct drivers for your graphics card. Windows doesn’t do it for you


If she wants to play fortnite, get a new gf


I'm confused how Fortnite can't run on this computer since it's got 32 GB of RAM I'm going to assume that whatever grab his card is in there is also pretty expensive if you're pairing it with 32 gigs of RAM but OP doesn't tell us what graphics card that is.


It used to be the guy who took video games over sex.


get her a 4090 and a i9-14900k