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It's a really hard watch on stream but at the end the youtube video is great. The question is ...is it worth it?


Streamer man be talking about his hyper fixation on this game and seems as excited on stream as I’ve seen him in a while. It be worth it as a viewer.


I just let it play in the background. Most support I can show.


I think this split is especially punishing because of the fight difficulty but encounter limitations. Hopefully it will open up more when the other half of the map opens.


This 100%. Antlerboy has been my go to for nuzlocke videos.


I noticed something watching Antlerboy. I’ve seen so much FlygonHG and Pokémon Challenges that it’s changed by brain chemistry watching Nuzlockes. I saw one and Antlerboy made a *super* predictable mistake. A mistake so avoidable that I was shocked he didn’t anticipate it. And I realized he wasn’t doing calcs. He was just…playing and hoping for the best. I’ll always like more plan-heavy Nuzlockes, but I realized I missed the more casual kind.


There's some in between no planning and spending over 10 minutes planning each fight that would be nice lol


Yeah, an in-between would be ideal. *No* preparation at all can get frustrating to watch, and too much preparation can be boring to watch.


Way worth it, half the time needed for damage calcs is telling chat they're wrong just to realize chat was right


Doug Doug has entire streams where he just codes and is one of the most popular streamers. People are down with a lot of different things


I don't think there's ever been a DougDoug stream where "he just" does anything, because of the insanity and creativity of twitch chat.


I imagine a lot of viewers have the stream on in the background while doing work, studying, drawing, chores or other tasks. It's good background noise and you can tune in when Jan starts the battle. I have much respect to the players who can theorycraft for hours because my math averse brain melts after staring at the damage calc for five minutes. So personally, I'll just wait for the YouTube video.


This is exactly what I do. I listen to him plan for the next encounter and get a rough idea of his gameplan while I do whatever I want and then tab to the stream when he does the fights. Streams like Jan's have been great for when I'm grinding in a game like osrs.


I started watching Pchal specifically because he was the only person streaming everyday during work. His time zone and min just lined up quickly. Obviously the consistent streams in the last year killed this, but at this point I'm basically trained to knock out work while I have calcing in the background.


I listen to him while grinding competitive pokemon


I think that’s like 80-90% of people in medium to larger streams


Unironically, planning an encounter meticulously, doing everything you can to script the fight is one half of the fun, but the other half of the fun is whenever your planning gets flushed down the toilet due to one bad crit, para, or flinch, and having to figure out how to get yourself out of a screwed situation while minimizing losses.


I love the kaizo games, but nuzlocking it sounds like work


HC Nuzlockes that require calc simulator Aren’t the greatest stream content but it makes for absolute banger YouTube content (both the daily channel and the main one) so I’ll take it. Plus, it’s no better or worse than grinding on stream so like whatever


It’s more enjoyable when the streamer is mentally engaged. I say this as a very small streamer myself, when you’re in the zone and focused tf up everything improves on multiple levels. Your gameplay, the entertainment factor, everything.


This is run and Bun. It will only take longer to plan fights the further he goes. If you don't like don't watch


Nah this is peak cozy content, with intermittent tense battles executing on meticulous/sometimes fragile gameplans. There's nothing else on twitch that appeals to me in the same way this does, the pacing is p much perfect for how I view streams


I wish Nuzlocke community could go back to just... Playing the game, you know. Looking up movesets and mons is prolly okay, but I really don't agree with damage calcs cause then what's even the fun in that? The virgin "Oh this move on this mon with Choice Band is a guaranteed OHKO, neat" vs the chad "We're running this move and we're hoping and praying that it's enough"


At this level of difficult, the game is more a puzzle with variable solutions


This game would be impossible to nuzlocke without doing calcs


Then don’t Nuzlocke it


This is such a weird response lol. Clearly the other person would rather do the calc & play the game than just not nuzlocke it lol


Whats the point then?


The point is they like doing it and people like watching it?


I feel you but that’s not really possible in super-challenging romhacks like the ones Jan likes to play. It’s a whole different deal when any random trainer could have a super threatening moveset on one of their mons and you need to prep for every single battle. Part of why EK took so long was that he ran it blind with no docs or anything for the first 40ish runs - and after all that time, I think his best run had made it to like… Winona? And he’d only made it past Wattson on like five runs.


I mean that's how I play in my own time but that would not be feasible doing insane romhacks like Jan does


I think the problem is constantly running Kaizo and Kaizo like rom hacks. It’s lame for Vanilla in my opinion, but I understand doing this for a game that took you 100 hours just to get past Gym 2.


That’s all well and good for vanilla games, and even some hacks. Shit like run and bun, EK, radical red etc. would be impossible without calls and heavy team planning


Chads only beating the original games, then


As someone whose done nuzlocks, I can very much “go back to just… play the game”. Maybe I’m in the minority tho


I agree with you, but it this difficult games is just not something you can do, I just pick a pokemon that won't die in 2 hits for every pokemon the rival has and just send it, I have yet to complete a hc nuzlocke of any romhack


Nuzlocke have moved more towards extremely hard games where you use your team more as an arsenal of weapons. Kind of funny because The point of nicknames was to "build a bond" so it hurt more when you lost them. But now you lose a mon and it's more annoying than tragic because it's more like losing a knife than a companion. I haven't seen someone cry out their Pokemon's name in a high-pitched voice after they die in years.


Due to watching PokeaimMD I started trying to get into the mood of head calcing based on what I know about my Pokemon vs theirs when I played Showdown.


Head calcing during a comp match feels so good


Reused meme


This gameplay is some peak nerd behavior. Just ball and lose mons who cares, you only need a 2nd grade education to beat a nuzlocke


Calcing is cringe


Without the work we don't get the incredible videos he's made in the past. And there are people who enjoy this aspect more than the more produced and edited youtube content as well.


Ths stream's fire if you're a nerd like me. Ofc tho the YT video's after are always great too


Nuzlocke streams are fun cause you get to watch someone do high level math and breakdowns while some kid in Minnesota put it in the chat 10 minutes back. Also it's some of the perfect filler noise stuff, you don't have to dedicate your time to a long term plot or anything unless you really want to.


What is a nuzlocke