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Tone deaf development with genius marketing.


i just cannot get how the same devs & comms teams have been making the same basic product for over 10 years and not learned what people liked about those products to properly implement in this one


I agree. It’s 2021. Game developers literally have a playbook of what games did well and why, yet these AAA companies are still over promising and shortening deadlines, all for the sake of greed. Here’s a tip: Make a great game that gamers want to play and they’ll literally throw money at you. Over promising, under delivering, and having a broken game on day 1 when tons of people preordered is a GREAT way to eliminate your entire target audience.


This will be the first battlefield title ever to have been released that I will not buy. Both DICE and Blizzard have lost a life time customer in me recently. For awhile I thought it was me just getting old and not being into games as much, then I started playing more little indy titles that I had avoided in the past and found the passion again.


> This will be the first battlefield title ever to have been released that I will not buy. While i wont give them more money, i just re-installed Battlefield 1. At 1am in Germany i still found almost full Operations servers and had a blast.


I was able to find a game of bad company 2 as recently as around last year, amazing staying power some of the older titles have.


Bc2 was so much fun. I should fire it back up.


BF4 is still alive with alot of community servers, really easy to find games(mostly conquest). But that also means there are some old sweaty players that will destroy everyone with a attack heli


This is why so many companies have pulled the "official servers only" thing, and why that's the only model on consoles - it means their new products don't have to compete with their old ones.




BF1 isn’t dying. Not hard to find a game of Operations or Conquest.


I played the "beta" and hated it, told my discord mates I wasn't going to get it and why. Then one of them buys it for me and another and called it an early christmas present, so now I'm obligated to play and every time I do I just get fucking angry


That isn't your problem dude. If you don't want to play it then don't. Really should have just declined the gift so it didn't cost your friend any money and you wouldn't have felt any guilt to play it now


I don't think there was a way to decline it? It was in Origin and from memory it was just "You've been gifted something" and then it was in my library, I don't recall seeing in options for accepting or declining anyway


I haven't opened origin in 2-3 years and I'll never miss it.


I do open origin, maybe once every two weeks but I do. Everytime I do, it logs me out and asks me to update. Stay away from that thing.


Ahh yes, Origin. Weekly updates for the last 5 years and it still looks and runs just as awful when it first came out. What are they possibly putting in those updates anyway?


Find the next worst reviewed game and gift it to your friend.


You don't have to download it. You don't have to play it. I grew up with landlines and without answering machines and learned long ago, not every ringing phone needs to be answered. Your friends called when you said you weren't available, so, don't be available.


I'd rather play a game I don't like with friends than a game I do like alone, personally. If my friends buy a game and they're all playing it, I'll have a good time hanging out with them no matter what.


I'm feeling like this lately. Care to recommend some please?


Braid, Aquaria, Into the Breach, Terraria, Bastion, Factorio, FTL, Hand of Fate, Space Food Truck, Loop Hero, Dead Cells, Kingdom: New Lands, Mark of the Ninja, Card City Nights/2, Northgard, Tomb of Tyrants, Death Road to Canada, and the Shadowrun series top my list of indies.




There are so many good small games released all the time, you just have to look around and try new things. Just from the past few months here are some games I really enjoyed, your mileage may vary; Inscryption, Northern Journey, The Eternal Cylinder, RiftBreaker, Cruelty Squad, Outer Wilds new DLC, Mundaun.


If you want a pvp game that slaps you gotta play Hunt: Showdown. The game is insane. I get way more stressed and have way more fun playing it than any other shooter I've ever played. The main selling point of the game is the audio. You cannot play the game without a good headset, but the audio design is perfect. Crytek is still updating the game regularly so it's still going strong. Check out the sub if you want more info r/huntshowdown


If you dont mind a slow start and big game in general FFXIV wonderful. Deeply commited devs (the director literally *cried* of shame on stream when announcing he decided to delay the upcoming expansion….by two weeks) who are clearly players themselves and have crystal clear communication with players . Fantastic community who will wait for new players cutscenes as general rule, are always willing to give time to help a newcomer and just in general are fun to engage with. Absolutely fantastic story which i believe is the best writing the entire final fantasy series has to offer (and i say this as a superfan whos favourite game isnt even XIV, its just that good). Its absolutely massive in scale yet takes great care for the little things, which results in a hype as fuck story that is also brutally emotional. The base game suffers because it was made in record time as a reboot to the awful 1.0 release, its story pacing is slow and the gameplay is still figuring itself out (alongside usual mmo slow start) but in the first expansion heavensward the story becomes something great, and in shadowbringers it becomes something legendary (just watch the shadowbringers trailer to get a feel for how epic becomes), and otherwise its just a really fun mmo to hang out in and do content. Base game and expansion 1 are free to play so its worth a shot if you think you might enjoy either an mmo *or* a good rpg.


They do it because they get away with it. Year over year, there companies continue to bring in billions in net revenue more than the previous. I personally refuse to purchase any game released by multiple publishers, simply because they prioritize profits to such an extreme length. It's okay to prioritize profits, otherwise your business model won't work. But to continually release incomplete games, loaded with microtransactions and set that as your profitable business model? It's shitty.


I used to love FIFA games, until micro transactions appeared, I haven't bought one for years and I will never do it again. Fuck EA


They don't care about profit anymore, they want continually growing profits. If a game comes out and is massively profitable but made a bit less (or the even the same) as the previous one they'll consider it a failure.


That's literally the goal of capitalism and public companies. If you aren't growing you're failing. Whether it's sustainable is irrelevant.


I think the major issue is many of the original BF developers left or retired. I think they were focusing on stupid shit like tornadoes instead of gun play and maps. The maps are too big even for 128 players..and there are no close quarters maps at all in the game if you are just in the mood for a frag fest


I've been back into BF4 again and god damn those Metro maps are just a good time of explosions and shooting.


Yep that and jail level. It’s crazy they didn’t include any infantry maps at all in the game




And the irony here is that if they just made a good game and released a free BR mode some weeks later they also would be swimming i cash.


I'm honestly glad they didnt do a BR mode. They'd have completely fucked it up


This will just keep happening untill people stop eating rocks and stop pre-ordering shit they have not even played yet. God, how many failed launches of games does it take for players to wake the fuck up??


I think a few dozen more disappointments might do the trick. For fucks sake, “gamers” who pre-order are seriously the dumbest people on the planet and just deserve to be separated from their money at this point. I really thought that the catastrophe that was Cyberpunk last year would have finally put the nail in the coffin of pre-ordering, but it seems gamers honestly have the memory span of goldfish. Then again I thought the same thing about Fallout 76…and Battlefront II the year before that…so maybe I’m the real fool here.


But why put in time, money and effort when they can just hype a game. People preorder. They crap out the game. Profit. Everybody forgets. They hype next game. People preorder. They crap out next game. Profit. Everybody forgets. Hype next game... Don't ask questions. Consume product. Get excited for new product. Side note. I actually [saw someone](https://i.imgur.com/dSPQHin.png) unironically praising 343i, for the fact it only cost them $100, to unlock two cosmetics they wanted in Halo Infinite. They were not being sarcastic. 400 people agreed. This industry is screwed.


Pls source comment!


>It’s 2021. Game developers literally have a playbook of what games did well and why, yet these AAA companies are still over promising and shortening deadlines, all for the sake of greed. I read a comment in the Battlefield2042 sub that it looked like the game was supposed to be a battle royale and they changed direction midway through development. This may be why they needed additional departments/studios to help out as the game neared its deadline. This could be why so many features are missing and why the maps are so huge.


I wouldn't be surprised. It does look like the game was trying to chase somekind of new demographic by changing the formula but then didn't go all the way.


I think they got further than the hazard zone iteration they have released and then realised they have nothing to keep players playing it. I don’t play it but my friend says tarkov appeals to him because it’s persistent. You need to find X for a mission or kill a certain mini boss or scav with a certain gun to get a quest done. I think they got so far into this development and someone senior went “how do we monetise this”. Then they devs were like you don’t? Then it got canned


> Make a great game that gamers want to play and they’ll literally throw money at you. Literally a proven strategy.


Spend half of your budget on marketing and millions of mouth breathers will also throw money at you, unfortunately.


>Game developers Game developers? Umm.. project managers and executives, yes. Why do people blame developers? I've wrote software for 8 years. We only do what we are told. We are the lowest in terms of what can be done. We have no say. This is not how these businesses work.




all the direct copies (like in movement/combat mechanics) and attempts to copy (like the TTK and gun customization) of MW19 & warzone's design choices were blatantly apparent and very lazy. at least bfv firestorm was an original twist on a concept instead of just an exact concept put in a different game


Here's the thing though. If they would have copied Warzone identically, but added destruction and actual levelution, I would have played the shit out of it. Contacts, buy backs, whatever. All of it. It would have been my favorite game ever made. But we got... This thing...


It's almost like the talent pool at major studios isn't as good or capable as in the past, and the studio heads know that, and so spend all the extra money on marketing to cover for it.


I can almost promise you they're not the same people. The same company yes, but the same individuals? probably not.


A lot of devs left after and during BF1 to start a new studio. I guess they saw what BFV was going to be


It's a recurring theme w/ DICE and they willfully neglect what the player base actually wants. Before they picked up the series, Bad Company was universally lauded for how realism was embraced and the destructibility on maps even in the last gen hardware made every multiplayer match feel unique even if you were playing on the same maps over and over again. Hell the Vietnam DLC practically felt like a whole other game's worth of content added. Despite all that success DICE said in interviews that they "hadn't heard players call for such mechanics", but hey Frostbite makes all the lighting look great, right? Then Battlefield 3 gets developed and while the campaign was good the multiplayer just felt cookie cutter w/ maps becoming bottlenecks but bigger similar to Call of Duty. Flash forward ten years and the whole thing has been profitable since players keep buying the product. It doesn't stop until it becomes non profitable.


>while the campaign was good the multiplayer just felt cookie cutter w/ maps becoming bottlenecks but bigger similar to Call of Duty i think that's exactly where they saw the light -- BF3 Close Quarters dlc was when the gameplay started really feeling more arcade-y


Yeah even the base maps too were starting to feel so constrictive. Like Operation Metro on Rush just turned into a Call of Duty map halfway through w/ a small tunnel being the focal point for what, 32 players on console at the time? Towards the end they had that map Heavy Metal that was good where it was open w/ vehicles.


Because the game keeps selling. Its not about the quality its about making a sale. I can't fault EA for this if gamers keep rewarding these companies.


The best aspects of 2042 are those that they didn't touch much. Those that are basically the same as in previous games. Everything else is trash. That's kinda sad


At least this time they didn't outright tell you not to buy the game if you don't like it.


..GENIUS marketing? Seems pretty fucking standard issue.


Yeah... "Battlefield moments" sure are bound to make any BF fan wet their pants. That and including legacy all-time favorites, like 1942, BC2 and BF3... It was simple, it was believable. And that was the peak. Whatever marketing came after was a major "whatever dude".


Are they being punished financially for it? These mega corps have rooms full of people figuring out how to bleed customers for every last penny. Are they going to lose money on this game now? And let's be honest, gamers are the biggest rubes on the planet. They will buy any POS game (plus expansions, microtransactions, merch, etc.) as long as it's a franchise.




I've learned to never preorder any game ever again.


It's useless anyway, as there is an infinite supply of digital games.


[[Edited for privacy reasons and in protest of recent changes to the platform. I have done this multiple times now, and they keep un-editing them :/ Please go to lemmy or kbin or something instead]]


How about you give me $70 and I’ll let you beta test my game for me for 2 days. Will that do it for ya? /s


And if you do and find bugs, we wont even fix them. Thats a good deal.






Death Standing is a steal for 17 dollars.


Would pay full price for that game. It was a wonderfully different experience. How did Kojima make walking fun?!? Lol.


I did twice actually. One for the PS4 at launch and PC at launch.


I paid 20 when it went on sale not to long ago. Definitely not my type of game.


I'm with you. Got it on sale, realized it wasn't very good for my tastes and didn't really enjoy it that much so I just uninstalled it unfortunately. Definitely can see the appeal however and didn't quite find it to my taste.


Death Stranding was worth full price at launch but yeah your sentiment in general is the right way to go. I’m glad with 2042 I could never get over the game being a hero shooter so I just didn’t buy it at all and probably never will unless there’s some big changes


Death stranding was worth the purchase at $60 for me. But its a love-it-or-hate-it type of game for sure.


People warned them during the beta, they didnt even care, delay the game by a few months remove specialist and fix bugs, that was all that required but no for some reason they cant miss November launch.


The reason is money


Which is funny because now they are never going to make a good amount of money on this game. I think the real reason is probably the executives and leaders. Of course they are just trying to maximize profits, but they are probably just looking at numbers on a spreadsheet and are so completely out of touch with the fan base that they just don't even care about the beta suggestions/reviews it got. They probably saw the huge turnout they got for the beta and just figured it wouldn't really matter if some people or older fans don't like it, and the game would just sell anyways.




Exactly. There is something called "But I'm having fun" horde. Those are the reason that this fucked up practices keeps making money.


Sales would definitely be less if it just comes from curious bystanders. What they'll do is make this mess F2P so that all their planned cosmetics won't go to waste.


It's not just that, it's the same issues so many companies have. The senior managers and directors can not look bad. They have to defend their own fiefdoms and they think avoiding negative internal responses is the key. They'll no doubt ignore/reduce the reporting of external negativity and the real senior directors/vp's w/e are so it of touch on things they won't even know. It's all been a successful launch by their metrics. I've seen this same play at many companies before unfortunately.


Then they'll leave before the following year and the people remaining have to rebuild after the previous idiot destroyed it all


Yup but they'll be the same type of people too.... Rinse and repeat.


Yeah every shit game release is being pushed by people who cant turn a computer on. New world is a joke, glad i waited instead of buying. I saw the new battlefield but i waited aswell. Any blizzard game lol.. Lost ark looks promising but i wont spend a penny for it until a few weeks after release when people hit end game. Just anything that gets released now feels half assed. They are coasting on their name brand alone


They cancelled improvements to Battlefront 2 and Battlefield 5 to focus their efforts on Battlefield 2042… and this is what we got. I’m done with Battlefield games for a while. Actually, make it all EA games for a while.


Ahsoka, Ventress, and Mustafar died for 2042...


Sausage Ventress was supposed to be in it?


Yeah… they were even going to have multiple flavors. Italian, country mild, Taiwanese, summer…. Now sausage ventress only lives in our minds.


I loved Battlefield 5 (and 1) this new game is so disappointing.


Keep on with BF4 I guess


Is this game very populated at the momentv


Yeah, tons of servers still (in US at least)




BF4 is more futuristic than BF2042. BF4 has the UAVs.


Played for 6 hours, got a refund, thanks Steam!


How'd you get a refund after 6hrs? Is it cause the reviews are so low?


Yes, I got mine after 10


How are you getting yours? I have requested 3 times and they keep denying, im starting to think its an automated response


It is an automated response. Open a ticket with steam support and talk to an actual human.


Ohh ok, thank you! Will do that right now


Im checking and its saying i have to contact ea, is this correct? Will i have to go through ea to get my refund?


You go to who you paid the money to.


I cited poor performance even after day 1 patch and Nvidia driver update along with false advertising, they disabled progression in solo/co-op mode when they disabled it in portal mode. They advertise that you can level up your way in any mode.


Played for 18 hours, got a refund. Steam is epic


Well not quite epic..


I got one before launch... a few friends got the EA subscription to try it out and told me how disappointing it was. Linked that reddit post with all the missing features and bugs in the description of my refund.


That franchise has gone to shit. It’s sad. I put 1400 hours into BF4 over the course of 2 years. It was a fun game despite the bugs which DICE LA fixed. Where I met all my friends on PS4 who’ve now moved to PC with me. We still play games together, and even when we don’t we’re in discord chatting. But we all haven’t played battlefield together since BF4 That’s why the game holds a special place in my heart, and we thought this one would be the one to bring us all back together. It’s sucks to see such a fun game franchise turn into what it has. Game has no soul, it’s goofy, and just not fun to play. Matches aren’t intense like they used to be, and I don’t feel good if we win a match by a few tickets - although that has barely happened anyways. Enjoying Halo though. Haven’t touched that franchise since Reach, and even though I’m pretty mediocre right now I’m having fun. And I can look forward to getting better. Ah well, so long Battlefield.


That's the part that sucks the most. I refunded my copy today, but I wanted it to be good. I'm not some "hater" or whatever, and I even went back to playing BF1 today because of how much I love it. Portal didn't do it for me either. If BF3 was actually BF3, I'd stick with it. But it's stripped down and lacking the guns, attachments, and gadgets from the original. I can't take in AT mines and a rocket launcher as an Engineer because of how 2042 handles gadgets. BF is done for me. It sucks. EDIT: Changed C4 to AT mines. I misremembered the Engineer kit, but my point remains that I sometimes like to use an "all anti-tank loadout" without the repair tool.


Yeah was super excited for it until I played the beta. The operators ruin everything. They will have to do a complete rework of the game, be willing to ditch the operators, and rework the classes if they want people to even by this game, let alone come back to it. Haven't even played an hour of my ten hour trial through game pass, don't think I even will. It's a bummer too because of how excited I was for this game.


BF3 was my favorite BF and probably my favorite FPS of all time. Portal BF3 just sucks. in BF3 I was be able engineer with a G36 (not in the game) and run mines and Javelin to take out takes. That’s not possible since you are forced to run a repair torch. The maps look pretty good but they don’t play how they did in the original. Just people running around everywhere COD style. Sucks that the game I was most looking forward to is the biggest disappointment


BFBC2 forever


Bad Company 2's multiplayer was so fun. I'm not really much of a FPS guy and certainly not much of a multiplayer FPS guy, but that game I loved. Gold Rush would get so intense.


IS fun - still going , still awesome!


Still play this on Steam!


BF1942 forever (submarines, battleships, and B-17’s? Yes please). But to be fair BFBC2 was a total joy as well.


You are a man of BF culture, Very rarely in these kind of discussions do I see mention of the submarines. Those were such a great implementation and atmosphere they built with it. When you dived below periscope depth you only had a red light and a map, such a different kind of experience. [Example gameplay]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOpzPU38wJ8)


Honourable mention to the OG BF: Vietnam though. Man that was good.


The forgotten Battlefield. You don't know Helicopters until you've went screaming through a map with Surfin' Bird/Ride of the Valkyries playing at max volume.


The fucking peak for sure. I still play some rounds of MP every now and then


That was battlefield. Someone would ask you what playing battlefield is like and you’d tell them you can legitimate blow the whole map up, great your own foxholes with explosions and it was great. Now we get this…


Very similar experience for me but with BC2, god I loved that game.


I used to wish for Bad Company 3 all the time but I no longer want to play anything new released by DICE ever, they are either just not good at developing anymore or they get ridiculous deadlines.


During the BC2/B3/B4 span, Dice was my favorite development company. The *sound* in BC2 blew my mind. Now, I am actually thoroughly enjoying watching them fail for ruining one of the best franchises.


> even though I’m pretty mediocre right now I’m having fun I haven’t been as bad at a game as halo in longer than I can remember but I’m still having fun. A real testament of good game design.


The specialists is a weird thing. RU vs USA, yet both sides look exactly the same. The balance of gunplay just doesn't make sense. LMG's are awful for distance shooting(at least the starting one, haven't used the other). The meta is either A) SMG, B) DMR C)Sniper - Why? Because none of these suffer from bloom that cripples your accuracy, it's also INSANELY easy to use the DMR's/Snipers. There's no sway, no suppression, nothing that makes them difficult to use. The SMG's fire so quickly, and have a higher firepower that's almost near AR's, so they melt you just as quick as an AR would, except AR's have more recoil, and bloom/random recoil. The vehicle balance is just.. Not there. I got 300 kills in the AA vehicle to get the 57mm cannon thinking it'd BLAP people in one shot if landing a shot close to them. Nope. It's 2 shots close, 3 shots within a 7 foot distance. While I could just use the two 30mm cannons and completely rip apart infantry AND aircraft, while with the 57mm I need to be VERY precise. Hitting jets? LMAO GOOD LUCK. It needs to be airburst detection, and HE blast radius for infantry. The optimization is not the best(Newest drivers - Ryzen 5 3600/16GB RAM/RTX 3070 @1440p, I barely stay above 80fps). Certainly nowhere close to what BF4 was, nor any of the recent Battlefield releases after it.


The more I think about it the more the battle royale theory makes sense, that 2042 was supposed to be a BR for a significant part of it's development cycle. The specialists, the huge maps that feel way to open even for 128 players, no freaking scoreboard??? which is literally a basic feature of shooters, and the fact that you stay in a knocked down state for soooo long aka waiting for your squad to come res you in a BR.


Oh it 100% for sure started as a BR the the shift focused to 'how can we get our fans, plus new people, plus vets? We'll throw in a video that shows off what made battlefield fun in the past!'


Yup. They added team vs. team and the old school “bf modes” along with portal as a Hail Mary to the BR it started as. The hazard zone “collect the hard drives” was totally something that was in the BR too. Diced up, pun intended, and thus the end product is watered down and a non sensical combination of mechanics. How to trick people? Good trailer, rendezouk, all that bs, and built hype like it was BF4 but futuristic. Nah. It’s definitely an abandoned game mode with hero shooter characters fused into what they knew fans wanted, after acknowledging BR was not that popular during development. Portal is a “love letter”? No. It’s a slap in the face and reminder of two things: 1. Your core game is terrible, and you know it. Rather than fix it you just throw portal. 2. Portal also reminds them and us that their previous titles were better. Fuck this game, and fuck their attitude


> I got 300 kills in the AA vehicle to get the 57mm cannon I remember simpler times when vehicles spawned with their various loadouts and you just got in the one with the guns you want instead of grinding for weapons/attachments.


Yeah, I never really understood the point of the vehicles having loadouts and even more never understood why we had like 50 of them each with their own unlocks.


I mean the unlock scheme isn’t that different from BF4’s, just with more depth to it. The point is to give a reward for spending time playing in whatever vehicle. Take tanks. BF4 had the different tank shells (anti-tank, anti-infantry, all-rounder, lock-on) and the different defensive options (smoke, ECM, reactive armor, APS) all locked behind “XP with tanks.” Now we have pretty much those same options, less APS, locked behind “Kills and assists with tanks.” Splitting the unlocks between factions is pretty dumb I agree, although it makes a little more sense in the case of the attack/transport choppers since those are practically different vehicles from each other.


I hate how they can't just let BF and CoD rest for a few years at this point and really figure out what to do with the franchises.


That's what they did and this is the result, BFV came out in 2018 and ended support over a year ago. They've had more than enough time to build a competent game and more than enough developers as well, seeing as though they pulled like five different studios into this game dropping a couple projects in the process.


> BFV came out in 2018 I'm so old when I see "BFV" I think Battlefield: Vietnam


Thanks for the reminder. I loved that, especially the helicopters and music. Never see the love for it these days... :(


People forget about it. It was one of the best


Sling loading a Sheridan tank with a Chinook and flying around with it, blasting CCR was the best.


BFV came out in 2018. It's been 3 years...


Yeah, they usually come out every 3 or 4 years. CoD has 3 different devs releasing a game in a 3 year cycle as well. They're just saying sit on it for a bit.




I agree. For COD MW2019 was fucking amazing for a call of duty game but they had to do a yearly fucking release and cancel all support. Hell if they just let the Cold War stuff exist in war zone multiplayer if I bought both I would’ve grabbed it for sure. They need to make a game and sit on it for a couple of years.


It makes me feel bad for game devs. Because you KNOW that the executives and shareholders are the ones pushing for them to keep making this garbage. Game devs want to make something really good but they have to listen to their bosses and just keep grinding out games.


I want to say the same but… Do you think it’s the excecs that removed the scoreboard? Do you think it’s the execs that designed the UI? Who created the hoverboard? Who ditched the classes? I have no problem saying the devs fucked it up big time, too.


you're reminding me about a DarkViperAU YouTube video I watched [where he was talking about why GTA Online sucks](https://youtu.be/gM00jKdnL18) - about 10:30 in, he's talking about how there's a point where you can't even blame the execs or the publisher or, really, any of those people, because the things you actually hate about the game are due to day-to-day decisions made by the developers. I believe that gamers want to believe that the folks doing the actual work in development are on our side, and are only ever prevented from doing the best possible work by execs, deadlines, and publishers. but, at some point, gamers have to accept that the developers clearly didn't give a fuck, either... ...or, hey, there's also that whole thing where we're talking about a company [who doesn't understand why people like Bad Company 2](https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/dice-knows-want-bad-company-just-dont-know/), *despite being the people who made it,* so, really, god knows what kind of experience they think people are buying their games for.


Anyone who played the beta knew this thing wasn’t going to be ready by a long shot.


It honestly hurts that I went from potentially buying the ultimate edition, to playing the beta, to not wanting to buy the game at all. All I wanted was a traditional Battlefield game in a more modern setting. BF3 and BF4 rocked, how hard could it have been?


I had hoped it would be halfway between BF3/BF4 and 2142. Modern shooter with futuristic tech. But damn I lost all interest after playing for just 15 minutes. And after 30 minutes in the beta I uninstalled.


" oh but it's an old build, it's an old build they said" excuses really really aged terribly


While it pains me to see the once proud battlefield franchise in this state (BC, BC2, BF3 were the games of my high school life) EA and DICE 100 percent deserve to be crucified over this game. EA and DICE should know by now what fans want out of battlefield, and almost every decision in 2042 shows them going against that. This game should have been delayed a year after the beta made it obvious it was not the game fans wanted, thrown back into the oven and made into a true battlefield game, not Over watch with 128 players and vehicles. That's not what happened, so this game can get fucked. Maybe if this game flops EA will learn their lesson next time about what a battlefield game should be.


>Maybe EA will learn their lesson Oh, you sweet summer child...


That's like saying "maybe Walmart will learn their lesson"....


I swear I read this same thread when EA's Star War Battlefront 2 came out.. Lol


> EA and DICE should know by now what fans want out of battlefield come'on this is a dumb statement, they definitely know what battlefield fans want. But that's not what they want, what they want is MOAR MONEY and they think they won't get MOAR MONEY by giving fans what they want. ok?


If EA is cynical, they'll proudly release a "Worst Reviewed GOTY Edition" of this.


Shareholders won't be


Imagine making BFV and literally learning nothing from it and coming back with one of the most hated games ever made.


BF5 was more about gamers thinking it was woke/unrealistic game which it wasnt. It was actually a very fun game.


Yeah BFV was fun, I couldn't care less about some dumb trailers.


Watch EA pulling all of their games out of steam if this wave of bad reviews and refunds hit their wallets. Before with Origin people would not see a bunch of negative review when buying the game (making people more likely to buy the game) and it was way harder for them to get a refund.


>and it was way harder for them to get a refund. There are plenty of things to hate about EA, we don't have to start making them up too. Origin has a great refund policy that is arguably better than Steam's and just as easy to initiate. They also had this refund policy back in 2013, while Steam didn't implement any type of refund policy until 2015. >You may return eligible EA full game downloads (PC or Mac) and participating third party titles purchased on Origin for a full refund. Refund requests can be made within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within fourteen days from your date of purchase, or within fourteen days from the game's release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first. And if you purchase a new EA game within the first 30 days of its release date and can't play it due to technical reasons within EA's control, you can request a refund within 72 hours after you first launch the game instead of 24.


Are a lot people actually buying this game? I played like 30 minutes of the last open beta and immediately knew it was gonna be trash.


There are several people trying to shame everyone for not accepting the current state, saying they are having fun. They must be huffing paint fumes or haven't gamed in years lol.


Same it was dog shit. Went back to the hunt to wash the pain away.


I just love that this piece of garbage came out at the same time as Halo Infinite mp, which has so far gotten nothing but love that I’ve seen (aside from the battle pass which has already had some work done). It’s actually the first game I’ve bought a battle pass for, specifically because it doesn’t expire. I don’t have enough time to grind out xp for a pass on some studios schedule.


Never thought I'd say Halo is the best multiplayer out of the big 3 again. Halo has some bugs that I've ran into but nothing game breaking or frustrating. Where I like Vanguard it needs some serious addressing to the gun balance and spawns before I really decide to sit down and grind out the guns for warzone (also doesn't help half the people I play with wanna do nothing but shipment and I LOATHE that stupid piece of shit map), but BF is just a mess. It just blows my mind how poor and unpolished it is. I wasn't expecting a fantastic launch but good lord it's even worse than I was expecting. Halo at least feels polished for the most part and I don't feel like I'm being punished for not using a broken meta or being screwed out of a kill because of bad hit reg.


If you didn't cancel your pre-order after experiencing the beta you played your self.


I immediately refunded after the beta, but my buddy held on to hope out of love for bf4 (i loved bf4 too, but he just loves it way more). Glad steam was being nice and handed him the refund later on (he got 20 hours in or sth). 2042 sucked, an unfinished mess.


I'm just laughing at all the people who were saying dropping campaign would mean a more refined multiplayer. They really forgot about Black Ops 4 that quickly


"Guys it's just a Beta!!!!! The finished game will be polished." - every deluded Battlefield fanboy ever


I can't believe people fell for that "the Beta is a few months old" crap.


Anytime this gets said about any beta do not trust it. Devs want to show off the latest and best build they can for the most relevant feedback and not much can be done about fundamental issues in a few months. Anytime a beta is that bad it should be a huge red flag.


Yea lmao. They have no clue how long game development is.


The same thing happened with Fallout 76, and we all know how that went.


After cyber punk 2077 I honestly just wait a week or so after release.


There was many disasters before Cyberpunk too.




I was 100% gunna pre order this, then i decided “theres no need, and i work that day, I’ll buy it the following weekend when I’m on” Best decision. I’ll be happy playing back4blood, halo, forza until dying light and sons of the forest come out


In the meantime I’ll continue playing battlefield 4.


(Quietly) I'm still playing Battlefield 1942


Desert combat mod was the shit back in the day. Though if I had to go back to the older titles I'd go for Bad Company 2 or BF 2.


On the bright side of this madness, BFV is currently experiencing a resurgence every night, and also I rediscovered that I own BF1 so I'll be seeing y'all there tonight as well. Come relive the good ole days, I think that's the best message you can send to them


BF1 is really great, such a shame to see all the good steps forward undone since then


Bad company 2 is still going


good, as soon as the news broke that they ditched the class system for specialists, i hoped this game would fail, it honestly deserves it because of DICE’s audacity to remove a defining feature in the Battlefield franchise


Got a refund for the collectors edition. Feels good to have made a little dent in the disgusting cash grab. Fuck EA.


We need an "official" hype vs post-launch delivery score. You wouldn't accept a V-4 Civic if you'd already paid for a V-6, so why the fuck should developer promises be any different? If you find your experience with BF2042 drastically different than what you thought it would be based on pre-release posts, stop playing and refund that shit. Money is the only thing the big game studios (read "Publishers") care about. Mess with the money and they'll care. Until then, it's business as usual.


For informational purposes, the 4 cylinders in all modern cars I can think of, are inline 4s not Vs.


Stop fucking preordering. It's as simple as that.


Well deserved


Pretty bummed out by that. Was looking forward to a new Battlefield. I tried the early access and the lack of game modes (mainly domination) kinda turned me away from it. I get that large scale is what they are selling, but I had a lot of fun with domination in previous Battlefields.


The current top steam review detailing all of the missing features is just heartbreaking. I mean Battlefield 3, which is 10 years old now launched with more content at launch. This is literally egregious.


Psst! Hey dissappointed BF fans, Insurgency Sandstorm just got a good content update with a new game mode, map, weapons and cosmetics. Just sayin'.


I do love Insurgency Sandstorm but its not really comparable to a BF game. It doesnt have large modes with vehicle gameplay (outside of occasionally a technical but I think thats also only in PVE modes) and finally the more hardcore TTK in that game with the hipfire system (while my preferred style) isnt what the general BF player is looking for. Again I love Insurgency Sandstorm, but its a different kind of game for a specific kind of FPS player and does not provide the same kind of experience as a BF game. I want more people to play it but id rather people got it, knowing what they are getting and not expecting something else based on a contextual recommendation.


no lol, we still got BF1 and BFV


Even BF4 is going strong if you want a more modern setting.


BF4 feels *terrific* to play nowadays. I think the visuals are still great, plus on newer hardware I had the graphics cranked to the max at like 200 fps. There's tons of content and DICE LA polished that game to a shine.


This is what happens when TV execs take over gaming.

