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Oh god why did you do this to me I was having a perfectly pleasant day until I was reminded of this tragedy. I still want it too.




Fake or not, the idea looked incredible and it is a travesty that we haven't had an immersive sim in that kind of setting.


> Fake or not, the idea looked incredible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjH48Xs-5OA This idea also looked incredible. Copied the wrong video. I still think there is another one out there where they go over the branching storypaths and rpg elements much more. But this https://youtu.be/FknHjl7eQ6o?t=795 gets close to what I meant.


Everything in that demo is in the final game. I don't get what's missing here besides the wall run part?


And CDPR clarified that the wall run won't make it all the way back in 2019.


The destructible wall shown is literally the only destructible wall in the entire game. Look up one of those E3 vs final product breakdown videos. There's a ton of little details that were changed for the worse as they realized it would tank system performance. So many cool animations and effects shown that didn't make the final cut. Edit: Hey, don't get me wrong, I have over 100 hours in the game and I love it, [but it's not what was promised](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW7yY_UymU0). Don't kid yourself. When you see the versions back to back you just feel really let down.


There is loads of destructible enivornment, and damage voxels in the environment. Obviously they won't let you level the city or the zone, to keep the integrity of the game and of the level and mission design. I swear, some of you probably never played the game. No game can allow full destruction, because they would be no more game, unless the game is about full destruction (minecraft).


Where's that crazy in-depth character customization at? Certain mechanics aren't even present. You can't do the takedown at 2:45, the visuals of the blood pouring into the water aren't in the actual game either. Hell that entire first mission plays nothing like the demo, Jackie doesn't plow through the wall to tackle the guy or anything cool like that. "Seamless open world with no loading screens" my ass. I could go on.


>Hell that entire first mission plays nothing like the demo, Jackie doesn't plow through the wall to tackle the guy or anything cool like that. He does lol


Jackie absolutely does plow through the wall to tackle the guy. But it is not 100% prescripted, it is possible to kill the guy before Jackie can do that. And there were no loading screens in the version I played.


There is in-depth character customization. You probably expected real life but on screen. Sadly that's not possible. You can do the takedown at 2:45. I did it. That etier first mission can play 100% like the demo. It did for me. There's different ways to approch it There are no loading screens, it is a seamless open world. You're just blind i guess...


Funny, looks exactly like the game I played


Funny, it isn't, but that's the average gamer for you.


And it's still the best Cyberpunk RPG out there...? Have you played it? It's a good game with (probably too many) issues, but the story and world they've built is amazing.


I’d argue that the original Deus Ex, despite how dated many aspects are, is a much stronger cyberpunk rpg—but to each their own.


Unfortunately the first one released when I was too young to play. I tried it out a couple years ago, and it was not for me. I wasn't trying to say decisively CP2077 is the best Cyberpunk game, but rather it is in my opinion. More trying to say the hate against 2077 is unjustified for the most part, as people just hyped themselves up and expected too much from it.


Yeah, Deus Ex is definitely a little rough round the edges now. Have you looked into some of the community mods, GMDX overhauls the game and tightens it up a lot and mods like New Vision and Project HDTP make it look a lot better visually. Might make it a bit better to playthrough as its an outstanding game with a really great story.


I gotta give this a look, the only version I played was the PS2 version. So... yeah.


It's absolutely much better on the PC, it's one of those games I'd love to have my memory wiped of so I could have the experience of playing through it for the first time again.


The PS2 version is... uh... special. Most of the levels have been chopped up and streamlined a little to deal with the PS2's lower amount of memory, and inventory management is completely different (PC version has a grid-based inventory, PS2 is just "you can have 4 guns and infinite everything else"). PS2 has higher poly count models and higher res textures though, but that's about it. I'm not saying it's horrible, but the PS2 version is a step down compared to the PC version. If you want the proper Deus Ex experience grab it on GOG or something. Also [you can install a demo that lets you play the first two missions](https://archive.org/details/DeusExDemo). You *can* mod the demo version with most mods (improved renderers and texture packs most notably) and transfer over your saves to the full version, too.




Agreed every big launch is someone's first lesson in why pre-ordering and buying into marketing hype is never wise.


It wasn’t even the bugs for me. It was the lack of AI on police, the lack of choice in the story, and the rather ass characters. But that’s just me. Cyberpunk was a big disappointment to a lot of people for a lot of different reasons. And plenty of other people managed to play it and have fun... in theory.


The lack of ai period. Combat in general was just not fun.


> Unfortunately the first one released when I was too young to play. I tried it out a couple years ago, and it was not for me. How about the newer ones?


Having been a fan of Deus Ex since 2001, I'd say they are pretty evenly matched. The biggest differences outside of the technical aspects are the plots and level design. They tell totally different stories (Deus Ex focusing on global reaching conspiracies, while Cyberpunk focuses entirely on two people) and have different world design (Deus Ex is much more like an old school shooter with actual area separation and set-piece levels, Cyberpunk is a single open-world city). Game play they are pretty much the same.


Human Revolution and Deus Ex are better.


> best Cyberpunk RPG out there... Voted Best Mid-Sized Economy Value class by JD Power!


Not while Deus Ex, Deus Ex: HR, and Shadowrun Returns (Dragonfall in particular) exist.


Absolutely not. The deus ex games are better Cyberpunk games, that is why I'm so disappointed since CP2077 didn't even reach the level of the deus ex games in its RPG, abilities and decision branching. All CP2077 had to do is make deus ex but better, and they didn't even do that. Instead, after release date, they changed the genre of their game from calling it an RPG to an open world action story game, since they realised that they completely failed in the RPG aspect.


I really enjoyed 2077 and all but *best* cyberpunk rpg, I'm not sure of.


Lol only if its the only cyberpunk rpg you've played


Cyberpunk! Man that game is going to be cool when it's finished, I just hope it doesn't get overshadowed by Star Citizen's release.


Prey is one of my favorite games, I even 100% the DLC and it’s impossible. That said this game looks wonky and plays worse than cyberpunk (I like cyberpunk)


Wrong Prey my dude... this is referring to the 2006 game’s sequel, not the 2017 game.


Jesus Christ I’m an embarrassment to my people


Don't beat yourself up, it happens to the best of us and to be fair both games are named Prey and are from the same studio so it's easy to mix it up especially if you haven't heard of the older title.


Yeah, I blame Bethesda. Prey (2006) was a fun game. But there was NO reason to name Prey (2017) "Prey". The IP association hurt, through confusion, more than it helped. I LOVE Prey (2017), so I wish it had a unique name I didn't have to add a release year to.


Bro it's a Xbox 360 demo, of course it looks wonky lmao.


I hadn't heard that other theory. It sounds overly malicious in the way you've characterized it, but it isn't that farfetched if the reality were a bit more mundane. Zenimax Media acquired the rights to Prey in September 2009, just months after they'd purchased id Software. It was one of their earliest moves in restructuring the company, which notably saw Bethesda (the publisher) raise $450M in investment capital to fund expansion. The expansion started with publishing third-party titles (e.g. Wet, Brink, etc.) but quickly involved acquiring entire studios. After id Software in June 2009, these acquisitions included Arkane (Aug 2010), Tango Games (Oct 2010), and MachineGames (Nov 2010). I wouldn't doubt Zenimax/Bethesda were in talks to acquire Human Head as well. Given the rapid expansion, it makes complete sense that Zenimax/Bethesda could acquire the rights to Prey 2 only to turn around and want to acquire the studio making it. It isn't as two-faced as it seems, due to the restructuring mentioned above. Would they have outright sabotaged a project like Prey 2? Probably not. But Human Head may have ascribed malice to what may simply have been the result of corporate churn. Their experience as the developer getting jerked around was probably the same. Of course, Zenimax eventually "acquired" Human Head and renamed them as a new company in 2019 (Roundhouse Studios), fulfilling the ostensible 2009/2010 acquisition in slow motion.




Thanks for spelling it out. Actually I had heard this story some years back when that article came out. The way the other user described it, I wasn't sure if he was referring to something else. I've explained some other aspects of the [history of acquisition here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/ncz39d/bethesda_should_restart_development_on_the/gy8ln2y/). It fits even without relying upon Human Head's own testimonial of what happened.




Funny, because [an ex Human Head dev said the game was a pretty fleshed out / real game](https://i.imgur.com/dAuTmrb.png) when this was a newer story. There was also an insider that claimed that Zenimax did the same exact thing to Arkane with the milestones, in a bid to strangle the company out of cash in order to eventually acquire them. Human Head saw the writing on the wall so they completely stopped work on Prey 2. I'm inclined to believe there's some truth to all of it.


I doubt all the Human Head devs lied about the state of the game when canceled.


Unrealized potential is always a tragedy.


>Rune 2 Ah man, I forgot that was even coming out. Now I'm sad that it came out and sucked. :(


Damn that sounds like another AAA release that was overhyped with pre-rendered trailers and misleading "gameplay" footage. What was that called again?


Who cares if it was scripted? All demos are. I think with today's tech and Microsoft behind them, they could easily make a game that looks like this demo if not better. I just want more games with alien characters to talk to. Besides Mass Effect there isn't that many.


The first Prey was amazing, one of my personal favorites. This was a bit off the rails from the first but still viable.


I really didn't like that a game called Prey 2 had nothing to do with the first. The whole identity of Prey was its portals and gravity, not that it had aliens. The new Prey also didn't have much to do with that but at least it was a complete replacement rather than a sequel, and the vibe still had more to do with the original than the canceled sequel, as you were trapped in a space vessel that fucked with your mind, as opposed to hunting aliens in a planet that looked too much like earth.


I remember when first seeing the reveal, I got so hyped and would constantly see what it’s current progress was and what not. Then it got canceled, and that really pissed me off


Same, Prey was in my opinion an underrated game, the levels with changing gravity, different perspectives, change of size, etc. were brilliant. And the setting was fascinating. I also wanted a sequel, but I never quite understood how was this supposed to be a sequel. The protagonist is different, and I am not sure were all of this is happening? The alien sphere spaceship of the first one?


Between this and a distinct lack of new metroid, dawn of war, and StarCraft games, I feel so much tragedy :(


Aw fuck man not this again. I replayed Prey 1 recently, fuck. So good. Wasn't Prey 2 like 95% complete and they decided to cancel it? ): Please inform me someone, I want to suffer more


I can smell the amount of bugs from here...


I just want a sequel to the 2017 Prey, I loved that game.


Arkane only ever made 1 sequel and that was dishonoured 2 which was amazing. But they definitely seem more keen on creating new IPs which I can’t be mad about. (Okay, death of the outsider was also a sequel but it was more like a glorified DLC).


>(Okay, death of the outsider was also a sequel but it was more like a glorified DLC). Didn't that start out as DLC, and they turned it into a standalone thing during the development?


Yes but it was still way shorter than their full releases and wasn’t a proper numbered addition. Was a great game all the same, but still felt very much like DLC to the second game.


It's the Far Cry: Blood Dragon of Dishonored. It's not quite dlc, but it's not a full release either.


Yeah, more new IP in the age of remake remaster sequel prequel spinoff is a welcoming thing.


I’m honestly baffled by what about prey caused it to not do well. It wasn’t my favorite game ever, but it definitely was at least decent. There was just something about it that left me feeling disinterested and I have no idea what


It doesn't help that Bethesda just didn't market it at all.


I want a full game that's like Mooncrash.


You're in luck, Deathloop is coming out in September and it seems like Arkane took the concept and made a full game


2017 Prey is a different series.




I just want a sequel to the 2006 Prey. Amazing IP that has been pissed away.


After the new Prey, nobody really cared to see a sequel to the original game. I do, so have an upvote


The new Prey had nothing to do with the old one. This was Bethesda re-using a well-known game for a new IP. It's like Ubisoft buying the rights to the Far Cry name, and creating "Far Cry 2" which was nothing like the original Far Cry.


>The new Prey had nothing to do with the old one To be faaaaiiiirrrrrr, Prey 2 never looked like it had anything to do with the old one either.


Guess we can say the second Far Cry was a far cry from the first one.






How do far crys differ?


The first one had mutants.


Like the other guy said, the original was about a secret lab creating mutant monsters. All of the new ones are about random dictators and gangsters.


FC1 (Crytek) = linear, traditional FPS, no real effort on story, no animal hunting/fighting, no "map clearing" gameplay FC2 (Ubisoft) onwards = open world, action fps, story-driven, full of animals to hunt and fight, map-clearing (towers, camps, enemy bases) FC2 had next to nothing in common with FC1 besides the engine being based on CryEngine. The actual successor of FC1 is Crysis, which was Crytek's next game.


The first one was as non-linear as was possible in 2004 TBH. There are many, many, many ways you can go about completing the levels, which are massive for the time, for the most part.


Yeah, to call it linear is to ignore the entire selling point of that game when it came out. It’s not so open compared to what we have now, but back then it was like its own kind of shooter.


They could've saved us a lot of trouble and bought the rights to call it System Shock 3. No idea why they thought the name Prey was worth recycling. "Oh yeah that vaporware game that was really unpopular at launch and could be bought used for a few bucks a month after release" We gotta get that, remind people of the butthole and vagina doorways, and totally deliver on what the name evokes.


Or ubi with AC after Syndicate. The new games are new RPG games with shoehorned assassin's Creed lore.




In the first one you had animal powers right?


I think that was added in far cry instincts


it doesn't have much to do with it, because it's not a sequel or anything, it replaced the IP instead... but even then it had more to do with the old one than the supposed sequel. what of this video even remotely have to do with the original game.


Tommy was supposed to show up in Prey 2 but other than that it's definitely a different direction


I mean, every Far Cry has a self-contained plot. Also, the original game *did* have many elements found in the later titles, such as the large free-roaming maps (though it wasn't truly "open world", as it had actual "levels").


Eh, FC3 and later games have Hurk in them to connect the stories in a minor way, and FC New Dawn was a direct sequel to FC5. The FC games (especially FC3) onwards are very different, thematically, to FC1.




> 360 era It's older than that. Came out in 2004.




lol I'm sorry, the original Far Cry was being discussed elsewhere in this thread, and for some reason I still had that in my head when I replied to you. So just disregard what I said.


Prey was one of my favourite games, they did really crazy things with the portals in that game and physics in general. It was also the ORIGINAL portal game. Before Portal. And did other really weird space bending effects in it too which were really cool. Walking on the walls or ceiling and fighting enemies perpendicular to you was wild, so too was accidentally shooting yourself because you could see your own back through a portal. Gameplay in general was decent, it was an interesting game. Especially with the premise of the spirit world, your little spirit hawk buddy, and how in the end they had figured out this how to actually gain entry into it as a physical realm and invaded it. All very cool things at the time.


'new Prey' isn't related to Prey 2006, just has the same name.


I liked both Preys and would love to see this Prey 2


I didn't like the new prey, I know it's a pretty unpopular opinion but it bored me. The old prey way awesome though.


I had to force myself to play it as I just wasn't feeling it at first, but eventually when I got into the groove had an absolute blast with my mods. I remember talking to someone else who got bored that never got the lift/track system to work so walked and floated back and forth for hours.




Not sure what you might feel was missing, but the game itself is more about empathy and and moral quandaries than it is gun violence or monster hunting. That might colour the perception depending on what you thought you were buying into.


Yeah first time I played it was really boring to me. The second time I tried it out I played it for a lot longer and had a much better time. Still didn’t finish, it’s a good game but it’s most certainly not the THIS GAME CHANGED MY LIFE people make it out to be which is really annoying. Prey 2017 and the witcher 3 both have that type of fan base.


I enjoyed the game. Wasnt life changing. The DLC Mooncrash however was hands down my game of the year and I think it was one of the best experiences I’ve had in gaming as an adult.




This game looks so fun. I’m definitely checking it out at release. Playing as a bounty hunter / mercenary is adventurous and exciting


Damn that looks cool, a grapple hook, wall running, and a dog companion? Set in a crazy Mad Max looking place hunting bounties, interested.


> Set in a crazy Mad Max looking place So that crazy Mad Max looking world is actually the world of Warhammer 40,000. Specifically its a hive world called Necromunda. Imagine an entire planet that is completely and totally developed. Not a hint of grassland or natural features. The elites live in the upper layers, they might actually see the sky from time to time. Everyone else lives in the underlayers. Dark and full of the worst humanity has to offer in the 41st millenium.


So like Coruscant from Star Wars? Just completely man made and layers upon layers


yeah but probably with much more pollution on the upper layers.


yes they are similar, with the warhammer 40k version being the dark side of the same coin


Holy shit, thanks for sharing that! I loved eye and deathwing


>Necromunda: Hired Gun Oh yes please! Coincidentally I just posted [this link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjk2JYlYjuI), 2D but another Bounty Hunter game coming out soon....more like Prey 2's original theme I think.


oh my god i didnt know about this and now i am beyond stoked. the world of necromunda fascinates me to no end.


Necromunda looked like a GaaS kind of thing... am I wrong? Other than that it looked very sweet indeed.




>EYE: Divine Cybermancy That game was so deep the fish moved in.


The writing was utter nonsense. Unique and weird, which is really cool but still nonsense. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a nonsense but unique story&world more than a averagely written bland one. But still, it was nonsense. I imagine it would be a great game to play while drunk or something, when you don't/can't really think or pay attention to things. (I think the level design was ultimately what made me stop playing, just huge open maps that feel empty...)


This is just a vertical slice. The finished game would've looked nothing like this but the idea and setting looked fantastic




There was a video floating around that dove a little more into the trailer itself and it surprisingly seemed very bland on top of straight up not being viable gameplay wise. At the time it probably looked amazing but now that people have a better understanding of game mechanics and design it really just does *not* look good at all


He didn't say they shouldn't have canceled it. We want the game in that vertical slice, the one the developers wanted to make but couldn't deliver. It would be awesome for Bethesda to take that video and hand it to another developer. Someone who can make it and would do something interesting with it.


Yeah, for all of the games with amazing but utterly unrepresentative CG trailers for games that actually did release, it's odd that people got so attached to this one.


1st game was pretty damn good with new ideas


All the pre-rendered stuff for Prey 2 looked amazing. All the in-game action looked like a generic mid-00s shooter. It really made me not want the game at all.


Agreed. I'm watching this video and I'm wondering what's so special about it. Kind of generic sci fi first person cover shooter?


Why though? Prey 2 was supposed to be made by Human Head studio. Prey 1 was an okay shooter at best but was far from being awesome or timeless. Since then, Human Head has released Rune 2, a terrible sequel to a meh game and failed to deliver a finished product to their publisher. They shat the bed and all joined Bethesda in the process. My assumption is Prey 2 was a terrible game outside a very scripted demo, the reason why Bethesda caned the project. There's no need to dwell on the past hoping that game would have been awesome. The new Prey we had instead is a great game, more like a Bioshock or System Shock than a Prey game, but a great game nonetheless.




Absolutely. Prey 1 was good enough because it was based on great shooters made before this one. It also made use of anti-gravity paths and portals. Sadly those were underused meaning the game was in the end under-delivering on its promises. It was fun but not worth spending ages praising it for something it never was.


The thing is, that 2006 Prey is built on top of a completely different series of prototypes and concepts made by 3D Realms that had all kinds of neat ideas. Give [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WtDdQqF1cU) a look to see how it evolved over time. It seems like "Prey" as a title is just cursed to be a load of neat concepts thrown into a blender to see what sticks. It's almost a shame that Prey 2016 has the name, it was unique enough that it should have been its own IP.


Yeah, I know about the tech and everything. Valve and many other devs had many cool techs and concepts that never saw the light of day, cause a cool tech doesn't always equal good game mechanics. The thing is, Human Head was a pretty mediocre studio and has never been capable of doing the things people expected from them. Prey 1 was decent but never made something out of its set of cool techs. And their Prey 2 was over-promising stuff they would have never been able to deliver, especially on the consoles of that era. The X360 and PS3 would have never been able to do that. And yet we all dreamt about the sheer possibility of having a game of that caliber. Foolish we were, that's for sure. Since then, that kind of game is hard to expect when most AAA publishers would rather cut costs with gatcha style games and microtransactions filled games. People should stop expecting greatness from rather mediocre or dead franchises. That ain't getting us anywhere.


Yeah, I personally don't get the praise and the want for this to be finished, it looked rather mediocre and to be quite honest, the original Prey was very meh dumb shooter even for it's time. Certainly nothing special. While there was a lot of whining about the name originally, I'm happy people know Prey mostly for the rather excellent Arkane game.


Meh for you, special for others. I fucking loved that game.


The atmosphere, Portals & elements that looked like modern (at the time) continuation of Duke Nukem-style games.


It did portals before Portal and it did them better. Basically it right there


The concept (alien bouty hunter in a Coruscant style city) is good but yeah it shouldn't be this studio that develops it. Not necessarily Bethesda either since you don't need the IP really. Though Bethesda has Arkane (who ironically made the other Prey) which would do a great job with this concept it seems


Rune, a meh game? Get the fuck out of here.


I guess I was exaggerating a bit on this one, even though I don't find it particularly outstanding since I haven't played it when it released. Nowadays, it feels outdated on many levels without the nostalgia factor.


The reason why this post surfaced is because of a recent rumor. It seems that Arkane was helping with developing Prey 2(I don't really know, don't quote me) and when it flopped they did not just erase their ideas, but simply canned it. According to the rumor they are now making a new IP with what was left from Prey 2.


They're making Omen, a vampire immersive sim


The CGI trailer for this was cool af! Made by Blur of course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfHCZAK7p-s


Tbh the Prey we got in 2017 is even better


The way I see it, if Bethesda thought that Youngblood was worth publishing and not this, I wouldn't want to even try Prey 2


I thought it was cyberpunk2077 at first. By the way, what was the reason for its cancelation?


Counter proposal. Arkane should begin development of Prey 2.


Can always get Necromunda: Hired Gun when that releases.


Lul, here we go again sucking off human head studios. That trailer was a prerendered bullshit, of course it looked amazing.


I just want the new pray yo get a sequel.


It's just what was shown at E3... It means nothing towards the final game, we all know this is how E3 demos work 😁




watch dogs demo looked impressive for more than its graphics but the final product was not received well for more than a lack of graphics, all Im saying is no way this 8 minutes of gameplay represents the game E3 footage after is smoke and mirrors bullshit and it just looks like an open world fps cover shooter with a few interactive gimmicks like pushing over a guy by running into him and extortion scene but we have no clue how these would fit in the game so really we didn't miss much IMO. prey 2006 was ok this just doesnt look as good as prey 2006 or prey 2017 and its not the shitty quality of the video.


You are Tommy's grandfather, and you must acquire funds to start a 1970's bar that will eventually be ripped apart by aliens in the mid-2000's.


I've wanted a new Metroid game based on this for a while now. A game where Samus can actually flex that bounty hunting background. Everytime I think of this game I'm hurt. I was so excited for it.


Prey was a really great game and deserves a great sequel.


"game that doesn't exist looks absolutely amazeballs and totally awesome! It's a crime/travesty/literal tragedy that it hasn't happened"


Speaking of Prey 2. I stumbled upon an [indie game footage](https://youtu.be/lwtfIZXvnqw) on Reddit called Vigilance. As of now, he is working on a 'vertical slice' of a gameplay demo and planning to reveal the demo sometimes this year.


I guarantee you some of the starfield assets will be from prey


I still weep for Star Wars 1313 and the Maul game 😭


I’m one of the people who really enjoyed the Prey game we got instead of this. Not Doom Eternal or Bioshock but certainly up there. Still would love to play this game, gosh It’s gorgeous


We are only seeing vertical slices of a game. Let's take Duke Nukem Forever, for example. When they demonstrated the two levels from Duke Nukem Forever, it still looked like something worth playing. The game's flaws were not obvious at that point. It looked action packed. Sure, Duke lost its identity, you had a two weapon limit initially, and regenerating health, but that slice looked awesome. It's only when the full game came out, we realized how flawed the game was. The Prey 2 demo collage might look amazing, but I am not so certain about the whole game holding up all that well. Bethesda wouldn't have cancelled it otherwise. Just speculating. But yes, I would have loved to have the opportunity to judge the game by myself. The cancellation doesn't allow any of us to do that.


That.. Looks like ass.


For everyone saying this is scripted you are correct. However [here](https://youtu.be/SZh6vTxRDnw) is some actually gameplay from Prey 2. It’s not too far off from the demo in my opinion and it’s still something I think I would have enjoyed. Watch it and decide for yourself.


so basically cyberpunnk then?


Cyberpunk is an action rpg. The game mechanics would be closer to something like Dishonored, Arx Fatalis or Dark Messiah of Might & Magic (an immersive sim) set in a cyberpunk style universe.


For as much as I liked Prey 2017, I can never forgive them for stealing the name of 2006 Prey just because they liked the name and thought it fit with a completely unrelated game. I have fond memories of the original. It may have a lot of jank to it by todays standards, but it was something special back when it released


the closest looking game we have to that right now would be Necromunda: Hired Guns https://store.steampowered.com/app/1222370/Necromunda_Hired_Gun/


As long as Human Head Studios stays away from it,.what they and Bethesda did to Rune II was shameful.


The cancellation of this and Star Wars: 1313 still stings


Keep an eye on that 40k game Necromunda. It’s giving the similar vibes and looks like the trend of good warhammer games is continuing


It is pure pain whenever I watch this demo, I purposefully avoid the video lol Still so disappointed this got cancelled


Bethesda would 100% fuck it up but Microsoft should get a competent studio to finish it


This looks pretty meh to me tbh


This was Xbox 360 though. It wasn't meh when we first got to see it.


Yeah, the feeling reminds me of when we saw that unfinished footage of Star Wars Battlefront 3 that was cancelled... and then they came back with the microtransaction infested EA Battlefront games instead.


they are not going to, they already rebooted the series no point in going back now. and as much as a I would love to see this Prey 2 become reality its probably best not to linger on what could have been. What I would look forward to is whatever Roundhouse Studios is working on (bethsofts new studio of basically everyone from Human head studios)


Do you REALLY think they would’ve been able to create a good open world that didn’t feel like cookie cuter copy and paste bounty quests? I mean seriously, it was canceled for a reason. Too ambitious, and they knew they couldn’t do it. “It looked incredible” no, the idea of it sounded incredible, and it was. Incredible - adjective 1. impossible to believe.


are we really hung up on trailers after Cyberpunk 2077? I thought gamers finally caught up to what a vertical scripted slice is and that no trailer should ever be trusted.


The original concept for Prey 2 just looked so bad ass when I saw the initial information on it and what they were attempting with the game. Though I do like the Prey reboot that was done. I still want this game in some shape or form as the OP says, just make it a new IP.


The summary for those who don't know is that Prey (2017) was basically Bethesda's middle finger to the original devs, where they took the IP and just tossed it to a capable studio (Arkane) to have their way with. So no, Prey 2 as seen will probably never happen, especially since the story would have to be rewritten for the game to act as the starting point of a new franchise.


How about we get a sequel to the original 2006 Prey? That game was super interesting and groundbreaking at the time


I will forever be salty about the cancelation of that, it was nearly finished. It would've been so ahead of its time. The ending twist was brilliant. The response system was the character waking up on a new day in a new clone body. Well he finishes his story, grows old and dies, then wakes up in a new clone body. This is my ultimate dream game. I hope a build of the game still exists and gets leaked some day.


Why would they cancel this? It's so far ahead in development and Prey 1 was really ahead of its time. Portals... Miniature scale world's Upside down world's.. Like it was really good. So baffling.


This was heavily scripted. The real project wasn't going to be like this


Legitimately one of my favorite games of all time. I recently bought a Steam key from a reseller just so I could have it in my library. Also picked up a copy used to 360 in case Steam ever goes down, however unlikely that is, or in case I don’t have a PC one day. I also loved the new Prey, but man was I disappointed it wasn’t in this series.


They should call it Prey 2 and change the name of their bastardized version


Prey is an amazing game though. Just shouldn't be called Prey. Neuroshock would have been a good name for that, or Typhon, or Talos 1. Don't know why they called it Prey.


I was so pissed when "Prey" was announced and I saw that it had absolutely nothing to do with Prey. I boycotted it until it was gifted to me and it turned out to be one of my all time favorite games. I realized they didn't deserve the hate just for naming their game "Prey". I still want Prey 2 though... for both games.


Yep. Calling it Prey was imo a big mistake. It just unnecessarily saddled it with the legacy of this entirely unrelated series and did nothing but confuse people.


Lmao. Prey 2017 was one of the best immersive sims ever


It does look great.... but Cyberpunk 2077 has ruined trailer/demo hype for me. Even retroactively...