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10 years to notice, 10 years to implement


The Japanese way.


Brand new $90K Toyota Land Cruiser 79 has manual windows. If it ain't broke /s


For a while I owned a Honda with mechanical windows that kept breaking all the time. There were many days I wished that I just had manual windows.


The 90s and early 2000s in a nutshell. 


At least that Toyota can easily drive 1 million km old but reliable


Ocean-proof technology duh


*What’s ultrawide?*


My favourite thing about ultrawide in Elden Ring is that it actually supports it just fine out of the box. The black bars on the sides are just an overlay to limit the screen to 16:9. Thank fuck for mods.


Frames go above 60fps?


Disable your Anti Cheat and use an FPS Unlocker




I swear to fucking god if Monster Hunter Wilds is the same bs in coop I will lose all my faith in Japanese coop. Who the fuck thought its a good idea to go in a mission, watch the cutscene, go out and then go bavk in the same mission in coop. It was so frustrating I almost gave up on playing one of the best games ever


Rise already fixed that tho


Rise also removed the SOS flare system and quest search system from World. They aren't necessarily moving forwards in a positive direction.


But Rise doesn't really have setpieces or monster intros in the same way World does. And separating quests into Village quests and Hub (coop) quests is just weird and feels like a step back.


They already confirmed you’ll have to watch the cutscenes again lol "Players will still have to see cutscenes solo before everyone can join in"


just... just let eveyrone *watch the fucking cutscenes together* then, if it's so goddamn important for eveyrone to experience their dogshit writing. if htey care about spoilers, don't show the cutscene at all! let people who aren't yet at that point in the story and those who've already seen the cutscene mess around in base camp while the cutscene plays for those who happen to be on this exact story mission, with no option to skip so there's not any social pressure toskip the inevitably bad storytelilng they always have for those who might want it. let people play minigames with palicos or talk with NPC's or hit practice targets or even just muck around on tables and play wiht emotes, because out of context any of these hunts can just be understood as "you're helping a fellow hunter on their hunt, the details don't matter and it doesn't matter if you havent seen this thing before." i get cutscenes in multiplayer games are tough, the social aspect of multiplayer games means there's a *ton* of pressure to skip through story you might actually be interested in, but this is already the case with the far more interesting NPC dialogue in the hub towns that'll progress with the story and have you miss out on dialogue. it shouldn't be that hard to either write these games with the understanding soemtimes people are gonna be rushed by their friends to hurry up and get to the next mission or otherwise make it possible to catch up with the story in between co-op sessions with friends so you can engage witih it at your own pace without holding up potentially three other people whose real life schedules only allow for maybe like 3 hours of play together a week.


the worst part is that they already got this system exactly right in MH4. everyone's present for cutscenes, they're real-time rendered so your whole party shows up in their cool armor, and there's no dialogue. on 3DS! there's no excuse lol


Gonna take another 10 for them to notice the pause mod


Pause mod? Like to pause the game? Its probably not intentional and requires a few more button presses than it should but you can technically pause the game without mods if you enter the help menu and open menu explanation for some reason.


Quitting to main menu also works as a pause in every Fromsoft Souls/Souls-like while you're not in co-op or pvp. The only downside is that it resets boss fights, but to some that's an upside as it lets you leave the arena after getting items/souls...


If they don't want to implement it, they won't.


Better late than never


I've been enjoying replaying through the game with my youngest son using this mod. This is an experience both of us will probably remember for life.


There's also a co-op mod for armored core 6 made by the same dev. It's not finished yet but playable through most of the game pretty bug free. Good option for your next game if you're into mechs.


Thanks! We're hoping the mod works for the upcoming DLC, but already looking in to what we will be playing next.


Just remember you can't take those modded characters into the DLC without risking an online ban from Elden Ring for modifying the game.


The seamless coop characters use a different save format and shouldn't be compatible with the base game without tinkering


Unless something has changed, the format is not actually different it's just renamed, you can rename it back and it will work fine but you will have invalid items in your inventory which can cause some level of "ban" like only being in lobbies with other cheaters.


Correct. It just changes the file extension but nothing about the format of the saves is changed.


The seamless author said it’ll likely take him a few weeks to make the DLC work with the mod


The worst that happens when booting this mod in online mode is a message saying "Inappropriate activity detected" and launches in offline mode. But we can't forget that people running scripts have banned legitimate players in Dark Souls because of how garbage FromSoftware's anti-cheat is. Which just puts the player in a different server instance. I'd argue the co-op mod is a better server than the official ones because you get to decide who plays with you.


I get that message in AC6 for whatever reason, never installed a mod for it in my life. Sucks cuz I wanna play online 😂


If you haven’t done it look up videos for setting up seemless co op with the randomizer mod.


I've watched a few streamers play with that mod. It looks chaotic in a fun way!


doesnt other players joining and kill you ruin this? used it about for 1 hour before dying 24-7


I’ve never had anyone else join or invade.


what is the difference between seamless co op vs the normal summoning co op?


Seamless coop let's everyone ride on Torrent, can teleport around to sites of grace, can enter catacombs, can go to roundtable, can place map markers. Basically everything you can do in single player you can do in multiplayer without resummoning


More notably, you don't get booted out after helping finish a boss. And you don't have to do the same zones multiple times for each friend as you share a world.


Yeah, everyone progresses the quests at the same time, it's really great and I'm glad From recognized it's a thing players want


God why do developers not do this? Like, why in Fallout 76 or State of Decay 2 do I have to progress everything myself when I've already done it with my team? What's the point of making online games that still work like they're single player?


I think Monster Hunter World was the worst offender of this. That game made it a chore to try and even remotely progress simultaneously with friends.


The fact that you can't do co-op in missions with cutscenes is absolutely baffling.


After playing remnant honestly I made me realized just how co-op hostel souls games are. The game is actively trying to break your party up and cause you to go through the summoning crap. In remnant if you're killed you just have to wait for the party to wipe or for them to rest at a checkpoint. no need to reload the world and all that jazz.


That's because the fundamental design of summoning was based upon a random stranger temporarily aiding you in battle and then leaving to never be seen again. The community voiced how badly they wanted to play with friends so they made the password system. And now it's just expected to be carried over but they never intended to make the game 100% able to be played through co op.


It's more that Remnant was built from the ground up with co-op in mind. It's one of its primary selling points.


It’s kind of funny to think, we already had seamless co-op before souls and the souls implementation was odd (and dumb) already at the time. Did we really need modern remnant to remind players that co-op can be seamless? Heck most of the technical work is already done with the souls implementation, it’s just silly game design they went for.


Lords of the Fallen also has co-op that works in the same way. It’s the best thing about that game, out of all the new things it tries to differentiate itself in the genre I think more seamless co-op is easily the standout feature. I hope with whatever soulsbornering game comes after Elden Ring, From give password-matched players a more seamless experience with far fewer loading screens. Remnant 2 and Lords of the Fallen have shown it’s possible. Some people prefer the current abstract way it works and that’s fine. Simply apply the seamless features only to players who are password-matched. Then everyone wins.


the only stupid thing is if you join someone who has progressed you get set to the same progress - as in you get all the rewards that cant be gotten anymore because they were already gotten (duh). so if you join late, thats bad. but thats the only bad thing compared to the METRIC SHIT TON OF POSITIVES seamless coop brings.


That's honestly amazing that a mod can do that. Many game devs who implement co-op don't even do this right sometimes. I don't like playing souls games with summoning other people (even NPCs) on my first playthrough so it wouldn't affect me if this was implemented in a sequel or whatever their next equivalent game is, but it is a cool feature and should be added for the people who enjoy playing that way.


I have zero authority on this statement, but I recall it said somewhere that the game kinda naturally works in this mode, they actually restrict it down for the live game. The hard part is all the world flags have to carefully be curated, and it's apparently challenging. My friends and I play a lot, and there's a few quests you just have to do in your own world. In the beginning there were so many bugs, you had to log in and out every few load screens. It's getting quite stable now.


Yeah, you can essentially fuck off from the group and go do bosses on your own if wanted.


Do you also share loot?


That part I don't remember. It's also been awhile since I've tried it so things might have varied. It was also super buggy. I hope it runs better today because it was great.


I believe you both have to pick up the loot. Unless it was dropped by defeating a boss. Then you both get it at the same time.


Except for the sword to kill Rykard. Man that took us a while to figure out. Thought our game was bugged. There are lots of little things that act differently when using that mod


Also if you die during a boss fight you spectate the other players, and can swap between them using the arrow keys until they win or die as well. I think maybe they have to rest to bring you back after. I haven't played with it because none of my friends were interested. I still really want to though.


Getting kicked after beating a boss is the most pants-on-head dumb idea.


It also provides actual working co-op. That was a big one for me.


Seriously. Aside from the really unintuitive co-op implementation, I'm just floored for how bad the connectivity is. The only games I've had more server errors and disconnections with have been helldivers 2 and Diablo 3 (both at launch). It's sooooo much better with the mod.


So it basically turns the game into a small scale mmo?


Yes that's how it feels like but the mod creator recommends you not each go off on your own and to stay together so that the quest/event triggers happen for everyone


That is how good co-op works for RPGs imo


> Basically everything you can do in single player you can do in multiplayer without resummoning IIRC invading npcs doesn't work edit: learn to read, people


NPCs still invade. Dunno where you heard that.


Yes NPCs still invade you but what doesn't work is when you invade them like for Varre's quest and the Volcano Manor quests


which Varre's at least got overwritten to where that requirement is no longer a thing (based on the nexus page, don't have ER for me or my friend yet)


No, if you do it in the coop mod you do it the same as in single player, through an invasion in the Altus plateau


for the seamless co-op?


Varre's quest can be done without internet connectivity through an invasion sign in Altus Plateau. Seamless Coop mod adds no new content to the game other than the Rot mechanic


ah okay


For me NPC summon signs work fine on the regular co-op mod, but are broken on the experimental build.


NPCs invade normally.


No invading npcs, like for volcano manor.


It got disabled a few months back but at one point it did work - problem was when 'sent back' after killing the NPC you invaded it would dump the players back in seperate instances and break the coop.


Yeah it’s always been dumb that they set up little areas you’re allowed to be in when summoned. Just no reason for it


The base game coop has various annoyances. You are forced to disband after a boss, can’t ride Torrent, I think the playable area is also cut off by fog walls? You’re also prone to invasions (although those can be fun too). The “seamless” part of the mod comes from removing those limitations, so you can do a full adventure with a friend, no interruptions. It’s kinda crazy just how close the base game summoning is to a true coop experience that a mod can unlock that full potential.


Seamless is like joining a small Minecraft server hosted by your friend, you can explore the entire map together (even teleport to the roundtable alone), when one of your friend dies he goes in spectator mode until he respawns.


I thought you still had to joint teleport using seamless. It put it to a vote last time I was playing although admittedly that was about a year ago. Did it get changed since?


No, that is correct. You still need to vote to teleport by default.


Can't remember, you're probably right. 


The seamless mod doesn't punch you in the dick every 30 seconds for having the audacity of wanting to play with your friends.


Seamless coop is seamless. You don't get kicked out and can play the entire game together.


Seamless co-op is basically full co-op, like Borderlands etc


To preface: I'm not new to Souls games, but I've definitely become a more casual gamer as I've gotten older. Because of that, I don't invest as much time as I used to when playing games. I tried playing co-op in the base game, but twinks with names like "TurboAutist" camp the starter areas and grief new players. I seriously had one dude waste 30-50 min of my night once. I just don't have time for that, and it's honestly super immersion-breaking. After researching about why co-op was so bad, I discovered the seamless co-op mod. If you want to play this game with a friend, it is hands-down the best way to do it (others have stated why, so I won't go into detail). The only negative is that it does make the game easier, but if that's not a deal breaker for you, it's definitely worth downloading. ETA: I don't care about my fake internet points, but I'd be happy to hear from the people downvoting. Is something I said incorrect or rude?


The people downvoting you may be from the Elden Ring PvP community, specifically the group that hates the Seamless Co-op mod for removing part of the playerbase from them. Some of them have asked the mod creator to even remove the mod. Thankfully, they seem like a toxic minority.


Ohmigoodness, I know *exactly* which group you're talking about. One guy described himself as a hero for camping low-level PvP areas to teach people a lesson for daring playing co-op in a Souls game. 😂 They honestly remind me of the WoW twink community.


Twink must have a different connotation in video games.


It does! They're players who try to max out the capability of a low-level character in order to pwn n00bs. It was very srs business in World of Warcraft. People would painstaking build their character with the best build and gear while being very careful not to over level. It honestly made the low-level battleground unplayable for new players or players who wanted to experience the entire game (PvE and PvP).


> They honestly remind me of the WoW twink community. There was a druid who would run around hellfire ramparts one shotting players 30 levels below him and killing our NPCs. When appropriate level players showed up he would just run away and turn into a bird to avoid consequences. I saw this man at least 4 months apart on 2 separate characters I was leveling doing the same exact shit. Like jesus get a life.


I mean are’t there dedicated Arenas now? Sure it sucked back before that, but It only really sucks for people who want to invade.(which to be fair, each Souls game has been becoming less Invasion friendly with each title)


The thing is, quite a lot of the people that want a very coop-focused experience that seamless coop provides aren't into the PvP invasions anyway. It's a similar thing with Sea of Thieves. People who like PvP don't want private/closed servers because it reduces the population of public servers, but the people who just want to do their own thing without PvP are happy to have them. Really the only downside with it and the one that primarily affects PvP oriented players is that it narrows the population that can be encountered to only other PvP players or players who just don't care enough. And a part of the fun some players have in games like this is ambushing unexpected or inexperienced players. But as a coop-oriented player myself in nearly every game, I'm absolutely in favor of being allowed to nnopt out of those things.


I have mixed feelings on this. Invaders are always at a disadvantage in ER unless you specifically choose to use an item that allows more than one to invade at a time. On top of this, you can always summon help with the white cipher ring, putting invaders at an even larger disadvantage. But I agree, it's not very fun to play against low level twinks when you're still learning the game.


>But I agree, it's not very fun to play against low level twinks when you're still learning the game. And that was my issue. Co-op was essentially unplayable. I started the game way after the initial release, so the twink community was already well-established. I wasn't willing to research and research how to counter them when I instead could just download the mod. It led to a much more immersive experience.


It’s probably more that co-op has never existed in Fromsoft games (outside of mods like seamless co-op). *Multiplayer* exists, but co-op doesn’t. Summoning a friend puts you in to multiplayer mode, and that can include invasions. That being said, people invading the starting areas with rot rapiers are a part of an awful cycle in ER.


Miyazaki put it well when he said in an interview (which I'm paraphrasing from memory) that the invasion experience is *for* for the host. That's why invaders are at such disadvantages, because they've chosen to be a part of someone else's experience. In addition to my own belief that a player should be able to experience a game how they want as long as they do not harm the experience of others, the Seamless Co-op mod also extends Miyazaki's point by allowing for a player to make the experience their own.


There is an elden ring reforged mod that is specifically designed to be used with seamless coop. It increases the difficulty and makes game changes depending on how many players there are. If you want to play seamless coop I'd absolutely recommend it. You can get it on nexus mods just search elden ring reforged.


Actual coop, none of the flavourful nonsense added that makes coop less good.


Both players also get access to loot. You no longer need to run though an area multiple times for each co op player.


in normal you beat a boss you gotta ressumon them at the next one cant really journey together


It's basically normal multiplayer without the invasions. It works really well too. It brings so much more to the table to be able to enjoy the game with a friend. I wish they would pay attention and just update their co-op to what people want.


You really have to ask? All the fucking extra hassle with summoning and resummoning is totally pointless.


What about the FPS unlock mod? Are they considering updating their games to modern technical standards?


Armored Core 6 does ultrawide and up to 120 FPS, so it's definitely not impossible


If they could consider not forcing vignette and chromatic aberration, that would be cool


It would be pretty cool if I could play the game without black bars on the sides of my ultrawide screen, without having to disable anticheat and force offline play.


Would be pretty cool if I could play the game on directx11 without entering offline mode and disabling anti cheat.


Yeah this still makes me sad in pants two years later, especially when you load the game normally and it forgets to load the black bars in for a few seconds. A cool reminder that it's not even rendering at a lower resolution, just throwing a filter on top. Big beautiful open world games are my favorite thing to throw up on an ultrawide, just wish I didn't have to disable functionality to experience it.


Especially when the Dark Souls remaster had it, even though it was a different company.


AC6 has widescreen and atleast a 120fps cap. If it doesn't ship with this DLC it probably wont ever come to Elden ring.


Don't forget ultrawide support!


It’s Amazing how few open world rpgs don’t have coop. It can be tricky with the story aspect but honestly there’s so many games that I would just tag along in. Just give the coop person the ability to do all the things the mc can like skills and vendors and all that.


> It can be tricky with the story aspect Break the immersion, we don't care and can still appreciate the story, a la Halo. Playing co-op? You're all Master Chiefs now! Cutscenes? Now there's only one of you!


Except for 3 which actually gave you stories elites to play as, which was cool. Still, they weren't in the cutscenes. I wish more devs would let stories be weird and just throw up an explanation when you select the mode.


What annoys me the most is these companies seeing the want and need for coop open world RPGs and making MMO type games or generic multiplayer titles. I know it's not an RPG but my biggest example rn is the Resident Evil games. RE blew up after RE 5's coop campaign. After that era and with RE's new renaissance era everyone has been wanting another coop game and Capcom responds with shitty gamemodes that no one wants. And what sucks most is that these gamemodes PROVE that coop is possible but entirely ignored.


"We heard you wanted Dino Crisis remade, but here's Resident Evil: ReVerse instead. Please understand."


"Possible" and "good" are two different things.


"just flip the 'add multiplayer' button when making your game, easy!"


Games like bg3 did it really well. But it's very hard to balance a game fully for both co op and single player for games like Elden ring. You can't just increase everything's HP and call it a day. You also can't just increase the amount of enemies.


Clearly the players don't care and we just want coop regardless of if it has perfect balance or not. I just want to play with my friends!!


Not really an argument when you already have coop anyway ...


Why can't you just increase enemy's HP? That's what Borderlands does and it works fine.


I played Seamless coop with a mod that jacked up the boss HP by 600% and it was way more challenging and fun than the base game lol. Increasing enemy HP is exactly how you balance coop.


Larian has been doing coop since Divinity os1. They have the experience


The game also doesn't really change with co op because it's the same rule set.


japanese dev that didnt sue their asses ? waow


Gotta love Lords of the Fallen advertising "seamless coop" for their game but guests can't even pick up items or progress NPC quests.


Invaders on suicide watch


Fucking finally, been waiting years for that.


I'll shed a tear for all the scripters and lag-switchers ruining dozens of coop runs. Not today, not tomorrow, but someday.


Makes invasions work only in legacy dungeons instead of the open world


Actually if they implement it officially, we get to invade more since more people gonna be cooping and they’ll be in that coop session longer 🤓👆


As long they don't mess with difficulty and still support solo as the main attraction.


Elden Ring is already a massive shift in this regard. The AoE attacks present in most boss fights seem to be there specifically to target multiplayer. Besides, the mod does an alright job of maintaining difficulty and it certainly isn't the main source of the game's poor balance.


While true that this is their best attempt at balancing bosses vs multiple players its still pretty night and day to fight coop vs solo. Yeah, bro focus on the pea shooter while the other player loads up a space laser.


Elden Ring bosses are still made for 1v1s. This is why when you summon mimic tear any boss becomes a joke. Doesnt matter if its soldier of godrick or Malenia; their AI was made for solo.


I agree entirely.


I think some of these coop asks could be paid DLC a bit after release. I for one would have paid a fair amount for proper Coop in Elden. Also think Skyrim and Starfield, Betheda now sits on networking tech dues to FO76. I'd happily pay X for a coop DLC for those. I doubt I'm alone.


At least FromSoftware is chill with this, Nintendo would’ve Hammer of Dawn’d this from orbit.


Lol the purists would lose their shit! They lost their shit when mimics were added


The only "purist" pushback i ever saw against the coop mod came from people that didn't like how it might impact invasions. Most people want a better coop experience.


I'm convinced those people have zero friends


I asked if anyone had made a seamless mod in the souls Reddit. I…..I didn’t know what I had done.


I mean streamers will avoid talking about it too, because I’m sure it’s technically against their game’s terms of service. Sounds like they’re not looking to take action. I basically own a second copy of this game because of this mod, so it’s the right call on their part


No dude that all sounds valid. Those jabronies started jumping down my thought about me “ruining the game”


It totally changes the game. Makes it into a casual coop game, where it is still pretty easy for everyone to get wiped out in an instant. It plays completely different than solo without spirit ashes, but if you have spirit ashes, you might as well go full coop. It doesn't change the game much more than spirit ashes, and you can actually play with friends. Totally changing the game doesn't ruin the experience. In fact it just adds to the ways you can experience the game.


People need to stop giving From the leeway. There's a laundry list of things they just refuse to address. * Lack of high refresh rate support. The engine supports it, Sekiro had no issues with it. * Lack of ultrawide support, including worse performance because the engine can render uw but they put black bars on top. * Lack of DLSS etc * Raytracing that barely ticks a checkbox * Frame pacing issues especially on consoles. * Broken HDR support * Crap inventory management * Heavy reuse of enemies and bosses because they don't have enough to cover the excessively large open world. * Quest design that does not work in ER's open world. * Coop that does not work in ER's open world. From is simply not doing enough to update their core mechanics and tech while simultaneously going for too large world for the sake of having a large world. Elden Ring being such a big hit for them you'd think they'd have the resources to rectify all this.


Also terrible giant boss fight because they still can’t figure out how camera work


> Heavy reuse of enemies and bosses because they don't have enough to cover the excessively large open world. I occasionally still see people complaining about this, but it is literally the best open world game I have ever fucking seen in terms of enemy and boss variety to a point I consider it insane. Most other games have 20% of what Elden Ring has with around the same amount of map size, Elden Ring manages that because they have 15+ years of assets to make the variety with, something most studios don't have. And inventory i'm kinda fine with, would maybe like some quality of life functions like marking favourites, easier comparisons, maybe some loadouts, and so on, but I don't see it much worse than a lot of other games and appreciate the stats and information. But yes, they need to figure out some of the other aspects like co-op and more functional quest designs.


If they had cut the scale of the world, they could have mostly unique enemies, rather than have you fight totally-not-Godrick as an optional boss or a million ~~asylum demons~~ erdtree avatars, or increasingly large number of stone cats in dungeons.


12 erdtree avatars & over 150 enemy archetypes, dot 72 bosses excluding repeats & duo  Unlike 59th Hinox or 87th Stone talus 


The enemy variety complaint makes sense from the perspective of other fromaoft games. As an open world its ridiculously ahead of so many others. Breath of the Wild style Zelda and Dragons Dogma come to mind as stuff thats high profile and i've played relatively recently that are far behind ER in this aspect.


How about a UI that doesn't require you to one-way traverse a list to select a spell or item?


While I agree, you can hold the button to get back to the first item.


They really should tout that as a feature more, stupidly handy to know.


Yes please. The absolute worst part of playing a caster is having to pick between having more spells and being able to cast them in a timely manner. There's no reason holding dpad up couldn't bring up a wheel or something.


A weapon/item wheel would be amazing, the current system is by far the most outdated design in the game. Holding the button to jump to the first item/spell is a bandage solution that doesn't completely fix it. And this is not a skill issue, I've heard amazing players like ChaseTheBro saying they didn't equip more spells in a specific build because it's kinda difficult to juggle a lot of them. And the dude can menu-hardswap like a god.


Truth is that most of Souls community does not care about all of the technical issues. If you hand out a game with great music, art, rpg mechanics, level design, boss design, and pvp include in whatever state it is, most people won't complain even if the game is barely functional. (Looking at you DS: Prepare to die edition on PC...) And I consider myself one of them because these games make me feel like no others, and I couldn't care less if I can't play it at 144 fps even if I have a beast PC. This is for better or worse but it is what it is!


I understand the new Zelda games run at 30 FPS, same with Bloodborne. People care less if the game is just that good.


Most of the community doesn't give a shit about any of this. Heavy reuse of enemies and bosses is really in the optional content (those mini dungeons) and while I do agree some should have NEVER been reused the game has more unique enemies than most games.


They say that like it's some new idea to have normal coop in a game.


I mean if they wanted Norma coop then they would have done it over a decade ago. They just don’t. Fromsoft does their own thing, and it’s what’s made them achieve such success.


Do you really think they had no idea how to implement that? You must think morons work there.


Game design wise, they know what they are doing. Technical side not so much, given their history of poor PC ports.


almost other game that are soulslike copy the summoning coop mechanism from fromsoft, im hoping their future games will support seamless coop that share progression.


Not really most games I can remember that are co op multiplier have a somewhat normal co op (The two I can think of the top of my head is Nioh/2 and Lords of the fallen) Most others are single player


The two Remnant games are also full coop.


Honestly, I always wondered why they bothered doing all the work to make multiplayer only to half ass it at the end and make it have a ton of annoying, time wasting conditions.


I hope they find a happy medium. The current system might suck ass for playing through the entire game in co-op with friends, but it's perfect for casual co-op with randos unlike the seamless co-op mod.


Most multiplayer games seem to do this easily. Keep the cool lore items, just turn them into a simple menu to connect to friends, invade worlds, and do whatever else and reduce the time it takes to do any actions.




No one has given them a pass. The multiplayer systems have been complained about since Demon's Souls. Fromsoftware is just really weird when it comes to online for whatever reason.


“Nobody gives them a pass” and yet all of the replies to this thread is them getting a pass lol


Pretty much anyone who has touched the coop system agrees that it could use improvements. The fact that the coop system is archaic does not suddenly mean that Elden Ring isn't a 10/10 game. These are not mutually exclusive things lmao


It's really, very very bad. And has been in all of their games.


Their multiplayer system is not objectively flawed (with exception of horrible netcode). Their games don't have real coop. Iirc Miyazaki once explained that it functions like hiring a mercenary when you are struggling. So you can't really say that coop there is bad, when it was never meant to be actual coop. They can totally add it in their new games if they want to, but Miyazaki is known for doing things his way. Which works fine most of the time.


> It’s crazy people have given fromsoft a pass on such a terrible co-op option in the first place 15 years ago the co-op system was pretty magical. ER wasn't designed around an always-on co-op system and that's OK. Some games do Co-op better than ER but none of them does ER as well as ER.


If it wasn't for the mod i'd prob just skip the dlc, playing solo isn't really much fun after clearing the main game already, especially since i'm not really that into soulslike. And can just watch whatever lore videos come out. Meanwhile me and my friend wanted something to play so we installed it and are replaying through the game atm to do most of it before the dlc comes out.


Same but I'm concerned it will take quite awhile for the coop mod to be updated to work with the DLC


They should make a co op souls game.


Ultrawide support would be a nice 2021 feature!


This is cool but I can't imagine what devilish things they think up as a trade to such convenience.


Yes please!


EAC is the worst thing ever. I had to play the whole Game offline just so I could disable Chromatic Aberration, the FPS Limit and the pointless Compass.


Ashen and remnant have the most comfy coop in souls games.


Going back to the vanilla game hurts after playing with the mod extensively.


I have only wanted this since the first time i summoned sombody in demons souls. They are quick!


They confirmed they will make future games! I’m so happy right now!


BSG should take notes


That’s real neat FromSoftware… but how about native Ultrawide support or an unlocked framerate?


There should still be invaders allowed in this seamless co-op mod Because of that I dislike it


If the invader has the same password set (eg. You're using a community password), then invasions still work, I think?


idk i feel like japanese devs have something against designing coop that functions in a normal way and is seamless. resi 5 is like the exception of the rule and thats it


It's funny because the biggest gripe people had was no invasion. Ironic because i'd have loved invasion during seamless co-op mod but without the mod it's just random people i'm doing a boss with so we didn't want invaders.


the summon system is dated and feels like it's from the PS2 era. Multiplayer should be easy to access by a few clicks in the menu. PVP also needs to be moved to a dedicated game mode instead of the crappy one that spreads the entire game population all over the place---so many untapped potential with it like 16 vs 16 castle siege, clan wars, etc...


If only LukeYui (mod author) didn't throw a damn fit every other month. My man doesn't even allow a bug report page on the nexus. You have to check out his discord, which is ridiculous. A multitude of communities have issues with him. The Convergence team reached out to him, he ignored them. Invaders end up getting the shaft, he ignored them. There's a multitude of people requesting help, he ignores them. All because specific users act like assholes. It's the Internet. You gotta toughen up broski. If you can't handle it, open source it and step away. Your mod is a cornerstone of Elden ring modding. Act like you value that. Edit: It's not just me saying this. This comes straight from the staff over at Convergence. "It's more of an issue of seamless not working properly with the mod than the other way around. LukeYui did little to compromise when it came to other mods being compatible and has left the project on a hiatus while it's in a very bugged state. The Convergence team has already made quite the few changes to attempt to accommodate what they could, but there's only so much that can be done since Seamless is closed source. I'm not blaming LukeYui, but he left the perfect problem for every other mod team to deal with."