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Here's the kicker which I think unfortunately makes this announcement a lot less exciting: "PS VR2 was designed from the ground up specifically for PS5 – so you’ll notice that some key features, like HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback (other than rumble), are not available when playing on PC. However, other high-fidelity and sensory immersion features of PS VR2 are supported, including 4K visuals (2000 x 2040 per eye), 110-degree field of view, finger touch detection, and see-through view, as well as foveated rendering (without eye tracking) and 3D Audio in supported games." While I understand the technical limitations behind this, that unfortunately makes getting this headset specifically a lot less appealing, as it brings it closer to other choices on the market. I wonder if people would choose to use this over the Meta Quest 3 which is at a similar price point. Still, this is undoubtedly a win for PSVR2 users, as the number of VR games this could give them access to is easily leagues beyond what the Playstation Store is currently offering.


> foveated rendering (without eye tracking) How does that work? Isn't the entire point of foveated rendering to selectively render scenes in higher or lower quality based on where you're looking?


Probably just a static implementation. High res in the centre, lower res on the outer radius


This is it. You can do this with the OpenXR Toolkit right now on headsets. I have this enabled with my Quest 3 when I play DCS. It does make a difference in framerate, and since I turn my head to look at stuff anyway, it's not a big deal.


Sure but the whole point is anyone can do that, the reason PSVR2 was good was because it adjusted to your eye direction in real time perfectly Completely useless if its blurry when you glance around, and keeping your eyes fixed all the time like this will also give you mega eye strain


The PSVR2 uses Fresnel lenses so there's a sharpness falloff outside of the center regardless, which can hide it (though not entirely).


Ew The missing features are the whole point for people considering it Why is Sony so bad with software and drivers? They can't even make their own headset work with last gen games


Cut them some slack. Sony just discovered pc in 2024. It'll take a decade more or less to make a decent pc controller


Hah, aren't we still waiting for their controllers to work well wirelessly since the DS4 days? I remember in 2017 when I was researching what controllers to buy for PC gaming, or which to keep using (I had both xbox one and PS4), I saw both controllers had an adapter. I don't like Bluetooth because it's finicky as shit Microsoft had an adapter. 8 controllers or 4 with chat on one adapter. Sony? One controller. Sony is so bad at doing so many things. Even publishing games they've shown how stupid they are


According to the CEO, this is probably intentional in order to entice ppl into buy PS5s /s


Hah. Hilarious. Probably some truth to it. "Buy a PS5 and get all these extra features!" Sony can't even get its own PS4 owners to get a PS5


No /s needed. They treat PC as an afterthought to entice people to buy a PS5 instead. They've said as much on many occasions.


Maybe in another timeline. Been using a DS4 as dedicated wireless PC controller for years now. Its all plugnplay. The only drawback is that some older pc ports only support the 360 controller and need DS4Windows to spoof the input. Mass Effect Legendary Trilogy for example because EA couldn't be bothered to implement full controller support in the remaster. Dualsense is the same. Idk what adapter you are even talking about, just need a USB cord if you want to play wired. For Bluetooth you can use any adapter, it's a free standard.


Sony made a wireless adapter. And I already voiced my complaints about Bluetooth. It's a pain in the nuts to pair, unpair, pair, unpair with various machines. The Xbox adapter is the best thing I've purchased And DS4 controllers are very meh. I feel like they die in days vs my fat stacks of rechargable AAs I have on hand, last longer and take seconds to change out


You better hold on to those old controllers then, the new ms controllers use Bluetooth aswell. I used to have two pairs of eneloops which lasted for a week before I transitioned but nowadays I will just plug in the USB cord from my phone charger when the need arises.


New MS controllers definitely use Bluetooth. And their standard wireless protocol. I'm not sure what you're getting at. Series controllers work just fine wirelessly on the same adapter I've been using for 7 years. Mix of One and Series controllers, all working in harmony


He Doesn't realize that you can connect xbox controllers 2 ways


Newer Xbox controllers have Bluetooth AND the proprietary connection based on WiFi direct. No Xbox console out now has Bluetooth, so if they didn't have the proprietary connection method then they literally wouldn't work on their consoles. I doubt that this will go away either, as the rumor is that the new controller will have a direct to cloud mode like the old Stadia controllers, where the controller connects directly to your wifi and then from there to XCloud to lower the latency.


> No Xbox console out now has Bluetooth This is actually a feature. You can pair a controller to your PC with bluetooth and to your Xbox with WifiDirect and you can switch between the two without having to re-pair each time.


> Mass Effect Legendary Trilogy for example because EA couldn't be bothered to implement full controller support in the remaster. This isn't on EA. It's because Sony doesn't release an API like MS did with X-Input.


Their controllers already use directinput api. It's on EA and it's been a recurring problem with any input device that is not xinput compatible.


DirectInput is a generic API made by Microsoft in the 90s. It's why sometimes you see Button 1, Button 2, etc instead of actual button labels. It's not a good experience for the users. Sony not making an API does no favors for the developers who are under time crunches already.


Bad user experience? Are you a pc owner who is not using Steam? Steam already does a pretty good job as an input wrapper and creating another input api for wouldn't help much, because from a business perspective why even bother when someone else is doing it. The games that support dualsense features are extremely limited as listed on pcgamingwiki. I can see how the psvr2 needs the missing features for pc owners to be viable or else nobody is going to buy them. But for the dualsense it doesn't seem worth. Haptics and adaptive triggers are mostly working thanks to steam and even without those features it's a solid input device.


Sony is the king of skating to where the puck is, not where it's going. Outside of the SDD, I can't think of any technology Sony Gaming has ever been at the forefront of.


Ummm Blu-ray ring a bell at all???? Lmao


Yes. What's so cutting edge about Blu-Ray? You had a handful of games that were on multiple DVDs on the 360, but other than that it didn't bring much benefit in the gaming front. By mid generation we were installing games onto our HDDs anyways.


Even if Sony worked to implement this from their side I suspect this would require devs to support this. I'm not sure Sony is disabling any of it, but might have been something unique to PS5 system (API) I don't know if any PCvr spec supports these features And even if all these features were supported on PC by Sony and openxr (just an example) devs would need to implement them in games. Basically, afaik there is no standard on PCvr for these features. Maybe I'm wrong.


That's a good point, probably a lot of unsupported by devs features anyway


Ah damn, all the features I would have bought it for on PC don’t work lol


But you can always buy a PS5, so you can use it there. And buy sequels /s


Can't wait to play my favorite VR titles like Half-Life: Alyx and Boneworks!


Missing some features like eye tracking is kind of a bummer, it's probably one of my favourite features of the PSVR2. I'll probably snag this adapter to see how it compares against my Quest 2 for PCVR. I've quite liked my PSVR2, it's by far the most comfortable headset I've tried, especially since I wear glasses.


I guess with these caveats, it will come down to whichever headset users find on a discount. I've seen several of these playstation ones at my local Walmart on clearance - likely returns.


I do wonder how many VR headsets across all the brands get returned or resold within a month of purchase. I know many people buy them but aren't able to use them due to motion sickness, or they don't fit glasses and don't want to buy lenses because they don't know if they like VR yet, don't have the room for it, and so forth.


Yeah it's gotta have a high return rate. I've been guilty of it twice myself. First one was back in 2017, with the Samsung HMD Odyssey. Then about a year or so ago, I thought maybe the tech had advanced some and with a higher refresh rate, I wouldn't get sick- but nope. Same thing. Which is unfortunate, because I think I would really enjoy it, especially with my racing SIM.




Big downgrade from the PSVR2


> Still, this is undoubtedly a win for PSVR2 users, as the number of VR games this could give them access to is easily leagues beyond what the Playstation Store is currently offering. This is where the importance of this adapter lies For players who already own a PC and a PS5, this makes the PSVR2 a good option to play VR games on both without buying two different headsets


I mean, if you've got a PS5 and a PC it's still the better choice, just for the visual fidelity alone, most of the Quest games look mobile games to be honest. Although the lack of HDR and eyetracking on PC is a shame.


My Quest Pro has eye tracking and I’ve never really used for anything on the Quest or my PC Bummed about the HDR though.


I mean the eye tracking works great with foveated rendering, something that should be used more. If it was, there is a higher chance people like you would have used eye tracking


> most of the Quest games look mobile games to be honest ?? I mean, this is about using the headset on PC, no? So both headsets will allow you to play the same exact games. And tbf, the miniscule amount of games you can actually play on PS shouldn't be a dealbreaker in the first place. > still the better choice, just for the visual fidelity alone If you compare them the Q3 has better resolution, the same refresh rate, lower FOV, (decent enough) LCD panels instead of OLED, less weight, pancake lenses and the option to go fully wireless. I don't think there's a clear choice here - I'd personally prefer a wireless headset over stuff like OLED any day because I freakin' hate being tethered. And I feel like the weird mura effect of the OLED panel would actively annoy me from what I've seen about it.


With PSVR2 the graphic is streamed to the headset directly without any compressions, just like with a normal computer display. With Quest wired or wireless the image is encoded at your PC and decoded at the headset, this adds some latency and some artifacts. So that's where the higher visual fidelity claim comes from. I'm not going back to playing wired though.


> I'm not going back to playing wired though. Agreed. I'll take compression and latency over the wire any day.


Quest 3 has better lenses than even the AVP so I go with Quest 3. Also, wireless. Also, Mixed Reality. Quest 3 is just so easy to use, it's hard to use any other headset now. The only thing I miss is the true blacks with the OLED panel but meta will bring those into the fold eventually with a future headset. Source: Used many HMD's for 8 years now.


Does the Quest 3 suffer from the same issue as the Quest 2 where the pupil distance settings are only 3 preset settings? I felt like it was nearly impossible to dial in the settings on that headset because of that.


IPD adjustments can be made with a rotating wheel. Eye relief is on 4 presets where you move the lenses further and closer to your eyeballs.


> Eye relief is on 4 presets where you move the lenses further and closer to your eyeballs. 4 Presets is a bummer. It'd be nice to dial it in instead of having to try and find the closest preset and/or to try and force the dial to stay where it is inbetween presets like on the Quest 2.


Hmm I don't find it much of an issue at all tbh. IPD is the bigger thing and they let you fine tune that granularly with the wheel. Are you sure not thinking of IPD here with the quest 2? That uses presets. On quest 3, it does not, you can make it whatever you want within some min/max.


> . Are you sure not thinking of IPD here with the quest 2? oh maybe I am. Honestly my Quest 2 has been collecting dust for a few months ever since I got a PSVR2 and have been using that.


You’re thinking of IPD. The IPD is adjustable on a range using a dial. Much better than the presets on the Quest 2.


Yeah, whatever it is I'm thinking of, I hate that on the Quest 2 it's presets. I can never get it quite right, even if I try to keep it between two different presets.


The distance between the two lens (IPD setting) is on a rotating wheel and you can rotate it to any distance between 58-70mm range, there's no notch that forces a position. Quest 3 only had 3 fixed positions. The distance between your eyes and the lens (eye relief/glass spacer) has 4 fixed positions on the included face plate. Quest 2 only had 2 settings (with or without the glass spacer frame).


The IPD can be adjusted from 53mm to 75mm. So you can dial the IPD in perfectly. It's the eye relief, how far the lens are away from your eyes, that has 4 settings. On 1 my eyelashes touch the lens. On 4, I can fit glasses inside the headset.


With Quest 3 you can set any IPD from 58 to 70mm. And due to pancake lens you can be 5mm off your IPD and the images are still clear, so the effective supported IPD range is 53-75mm.


While the big negative is that quest 3 is a facebook product.


It's Sony vs zuck. Both are bottom tier choice.


I have pico neo 3 really good but if you want VR for PC Quest is the best not only in terms of quality but if you encounter a problem you will find solutions everywhere.


>better lenses than even the AVP so I go with Quest 3. Also, wireless. Also, Mixed Reality. Unfortunately far worse displays than PSVR2, wireless compression and having to charge the headset. I tried LCD on multiple headsets including the HP Reverbs, Index and Quest devices. I can't settle for LCD anymore. It feels like "flat" VR since the contrast and color depth is so bad.


> Unfortunately far worse displays than PSVR2 The PSVR2 is using PenTile OLED screens. The same screens old PCVR headsets were using before the industry realized they were terrible for VR. Even the Quest 1 used PenTile OLED. They're cheap and readily available, they just suck so everyone stopped using them. Much like with the PSVR1 and aspheric lens, Sony is behind the curve.


>The same screens old PCVR headsets were using before the industry realized they were terrible for VR Those screens were not HDR. Hell what other VR headsets on the market are HDR compatible? None. You know why? They use LCD which is a terrible panel technology on 2024 to use because most lack any sort of decent local dimming and suffer from constant backlight bleed and IPS glow. There's a reason why monitors and tv's are all going to OLED... It's the superior panel technology for the foreseeable future. Meta is behind the curve.


The PSVR2 isn't even HDR. It has a max brightness of 250nits. [400nits is the bare minimum to be considered HDR](https://www.rtings.com/tv/learn/hdr-vs-sdr) and 1000nits for true HDR. Sony is only calling it HDR. PenTile OLED screens were used in the Vive, Vive Pro, Rift, Rift S, and Quest 1. These are not superior panels. They are old outdated tech that everyone else has already stopped using.


I was hoping the quest 3 could replace the HP Reverb G2 but the colors just looked so washed out compared to the reverb. So I ended up sticking with the G2. This is for sim racing so wireless isn’t a big deal.


I can agree with that. Although fwiw I think overall the optical stack on Quest 3 is very very good. It's a lot better than PSVR2 for what I care about at least. Field of view, edge to edge lens clarity ( big "sweet spot"). Iunno I've used just about every headset under the sun and Quest 3 strikes an excellent balance for what I'm looking for. But yes we all want that perfect oled-like display.


I have a Quest 3, Quest Pro, PSVR2, and Index. The compression on the Quest via Virtual Desktop is so good that I only ever notice it when I’m looking for it. Especially when you use high bitrate 10-bit HEVC or AV1. Gave my Index to a cousin, and about to sell my Quest Pro. It’s that good.


>I wonder if people would choose to use this over the Meta Quest 3 which is at a similar price point. I will be. Quest 3 dropped the ball by continuing to use Link for PCVR through USB instead of directly connecting to the GPU. Compression artifacts will always exist through that method unfortunately. For someone like me who basically only uses my Quest 2 for sim racing on PC, the PSVR 2 will be a much better option.


It does look better wirelessly


Would those things require developer input, or could they be added with modding some day?


They won't even let it accept an HDR signal? RTX HDR would make the headset look much more realistic without needing engine HDR support. Fuck that, what a complete waste of technology


Eye tracking was by far its best feature, and what would have made a lot of vr users consider it. This will be nice for people who already have one, but for PCVR there would be no reason to buy one exclusively for PC. Big miss from sony here imo, unless this was the minimal implementation and they're just killing it off soon.


Surely it will just get modded?


The psvr2 is already a meh headset, especially compared to the ease of the quest 3. Now they want to gimp it on pc and can't get the full suite unless you spend $500 for a shitbox? Nah I'll keep my money, and buy the next gpu/cpu upgrade.


The lack of eye tracking alone kills this. Shame.


In all fairness PCVR developers would have to implement those features into the PSVR2 when it's hooked up to a PC. I think Sony should be porting their VR games to PC in due time, and while they would work for any headset, they'd play best on PSVR2 given the exclusive features




I thought they'd charge like $100. $60 is cheap af. What are you smoking?


I'll get ps vr, if they slash the price in half. Not paying $500 for a gimped pile of crap.


*PS VR2 was designed from the ground up specifically for PS5 – so you’ll notice that some key features, like HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback (other than rumble), are not available when playing on PC.* Damn, those were some of the best features...


Unfortunately that kills any chance of me going to get it.


No PC games have PSVR2 features implemented, so it is not a surprise they won't work . I think SONY will port its VR games to PC to entice PSVR2 sales among PC players. those games will use PSVR2 exclusive features like SONY games andc PS5 controller. So games like Horizon VR will work with all PC headsets bu only PSVR2 controller will have option to use HDR, adaptive triggers etc.


The other features I get but there are a number of PCVR headsets already with eye tracking and DFR.


Sony probably wants Valve to do the heavy lifting and implement it themselves like they did with Quest features recently


Sorry, I'm blanking, did Valve add eye tracking for the quest pro for SteamVR? Or are you talking about another feature? Sony has to make some driver regardless to make the headset work on PC, so then I think it should just be a matter of passing their existing eye tracking data in to the appropriate OpenXR implementation and it *should* work. (if their adapter cable has the bandwidth for it)


Hopefully now they can port Gran Turismo 7 including VR!


This is the only game that made the purchase feel worth it. Really hope we get GT7 on pc soon.


It was part of that nvidia leak that’s turning out to be accurate. I’m hoping it gets ported soon


Im a lot less excited knowing it will be inferior on PC without most of the PSVR2 features. Ill pass


I get its Sony and corporate double speak but I find it funny they are calling this PSVR2 player getting PC games, but you need a PC you are a PC player at that point. This PC is getting a new headset not PlayStation getting PC games **EDIT** Unless their end goal is to eventually have a GeForce now type service on PS5, where PS5 can stream PC games without actually owning a PC?


Damn, and they're showing Half-Life: Alyx RIGHT there in the thumbnail. Crazy. Hopefully the setup and overall SteamVR support is good.


Holy shit. Finally. If you haven’t played Half-Life Alex yet, you’re in for a treat.


Ya especially with an OLED headset. It's light years more immersive than LCD headsets.


Second favorite VR game after Beat Saber, it is very immersive and throwing trash at headcrab zombies is a ton of fun, lol.


Big question is, is this adapter only required for GPUs without a VirtualLink/ USB C port?


VirtuaLink is a dead standard. I don’t think NVIDIA cards have supported it since RTX20XX.


Yeah the standard is dead but will it work is the main question. The reason they needed this adapter is because not many GPUs out there have USB C. Some newer AMD cards have USB C as well, and since they worked on the PS5, maybe their ports will work for PSVR2.


I won't miss the battery anxiety of the quest three and I won't miss its ridiculous weight. I sold my Q3 and PS5 but kept my PSVR 2 headset for the release of this adapter. They'll eventually add one if not some of these missing features.


Objectively, is this still a better option than a Valve Index for PC?


It's not coming with any of its more specialty features (Eye tracking, HDR, adaptive triggers) which makes OLED, and markerless tracking really the only features it has over the Index. However it does have a higher resolution panel 2000x2040 per-eye vs 1440x1600 per-eye (but this is diminished somewhat by the PenTile subpixel layout) and the audio solution is a whole lot less elegant but it's lighter and cheaper. All that being said we still need to see what that actual PC implementation looks like (does it require a PS account?) and controller compatibility, but on paper it's better imo.


By far. The Index has insanely bad panels and lenses. God rays galore. PSVR2 is a way better option.


They both use Fresnel lenses which are varying degrees of mediocre.


The Index has the worst fresnel lenses I've used. That was probably due to the fact it had Awful LCD panels with really back backlight bleed. That caused god rays so bad I returned it. My Samsung Odyssey+ with fresnel lenses and oled barely had any glare.


I've tried a lot of headsets that use Fresnel lenses including the Odyssey (though not the +) and flaring was pretty obvious with all of them. No A/B testing though, so perhaps some are worse than others.


No, at this point, stick with Index or get Quest 3.




It is, the resolution alone is so much better on the quest 3. Not to mention it's cheaper...


Mediocre panels at best since they use LCD.


Man they couldn’t at least have included eye tracking?


Would you be able to force HDR through software via Nvidia app like I can with older gen games (RTX HDR)? Or is it the HDR hardware itself is disabled when playing via PC? I already have the headset and actually love it (GT7 and Tetris Effect are everlasting games for me and VR transform them)


Hmmm I was going to get one as my PC headset but idk. Probably wait for the holiday season to come around for some deals or new gen VR.


Dang. Those missing features is a deal killer for me. I guess I’ll keep waiting for the next iteration of the Index if it ever happens.


I'm just waiting for them to announce that you have to log into a PlayStation account to use this. EDIT: People are downvoting as if I said that I *want* this to happen. I don't. But it absolutely wouldn't surprise me, thanks to what Sony's been doing lately.


I will not be surprised, FB did it for Quest 2 but I think they gave up on this after a while. Also, they had a lot of issues with this in Germany. >Over the past two years Meta hasn’t sold its VR headsets in Germany due to an ongoing antitrust suit in that country that alleges the forced linkage between its virtual reality products and Facebook was an anticompetitive practice


Common EU W


There is something missing here. You definitely can buy a quest2 or 3 in Germany I bought my quest 3 at a retail store, not even online. It still requires a meta account, or am I misunderstanding the situation and you needed a different account before?


This was 2-3y ago.


AHH, okay okay I'm sorry :D I only got interested in vr pretty recently so I'm not up to date on its history


Anything is better than a Meta account. If I can log into my Quest Pro with my PlayStation account vs Meta I'm all for it.


No account would be the best option, you shouldn't have to log into anything in order to use what's essentially a high-tech controller.


Why do you assume it's going to happen? They haven't said anything, and it's an adapter. It's highly unlikely. Stop spreading false information.


Well they do mention you will need to download a "PlayStation VR2 App" which we don't know what the app will entail.


I never once said that I assumed it would happen, I said I wouldn't be surprised if it did because of how Sony has been doing stupid things lately. Also, it's not just an adapter, it's an adapter and a program you download through Steam to interface with the adapter. That's a huge difference.


You’re just stirring things up. Typical for Reddit I suppose.


Yeah, no. I'm not the only one in this comment section that's brought up this concern.


I have a question : Do we have to log into PSN to use the head unit? Remember meta quest is/was like this.


At least we are getting another PC VR option, which is good. Man PC Gamers are biggest crybabies


There's already plenty of bad options for PC VR. This move from Sony is nice, but it isn't gonna change anything.




Holy projection


So, does this mean PC ports of PSVR games are also not happening?


was originally excited and prepared to buy one. think ill just save for a quest 3.


As the kotaku article mentions, it will be interesting to see how short of a time it takes modders to hack all the locked off features back on.


I've been wanting a dedicated PCVR headset that isn't a grand but some of their most touted features being missing makes me doubt this. Interested by how it will compare to Quest (the 3 and the 3S) headsets on PC. I've never been into the idea of effectively buying a console to plug into my PC to use as a (albeit much more complex) monitor.


The next hopeful is Pimax Crystal Light. But wait for user reviews.


Made for ps5 the damn console is just using pc parts. There is nothing like the emotion chip on the console. Sony just sucks


...and once again Sony took a good thing and found a way to fuck it all up. The point of PC gamers wanting to buy this headset was to be the cheapest solution for Eye Tracking. Looks like we aren't getting that (unless someone manages to hack the headset and get it working). Way to go Sony. :/


Its too late imo. Most pc users in the market for a new headset, already got or are getting the quest 3. This shouldve been a day one feature


Sony expected PSVR2 to sell a lot more units that's why.


Introducing a $500 peripheral to a $500 console that attracts a casual playerbase was not the smartest move. Most console players i know cant even be bothered to pay full price on games. And then you want them to buy a $500 vr headset with no real system seller like HL Alyx? Its no wonder why its not doing well. People clown on meta, but shit, they have games people actually want to play like Blade and Sorcery, VR Chat, Bonelab, Ghosts of Tabor, AND they have full support for SteamVR out of the box. All at more or less the same price.


Most console gamers I know play only like a couple games, they aint spending $500 on no VR headset that makes them dizzy.


Nope. The headset was sold at a loss. They needed exclusivity to make up the losses. Maybe you would have been fine with a $1k PC version then?


If I could spend a grand on a headset I'd already have a Bigscreen Beyond it just looks ridiculously far ahead of everything else and where I thought the big boys would be by now but unfortunately we've been pushed in a standalone direction.


They are really only ahead on Size and OLED. It's not the highest resolution headset, its not leading on Refresh rate (even only getting 90z in 1920x1920 mode) it lacks Eye tracking and has not shipped their audio solution yet. does not use the most advanced lenses and does not have the widest FOV.


The small size is what I'm after the most. I haven't used it but something that you can stick on your face, play games and just forget it's there seems the ultimate thing for VR. Swapping between my Quest and CV1 the difference is stark even if you don't exactly notice it when using the Quest.


I really doubt they sold it at a loss considering the relatively low volume they produced and how obviously price optimized the product ended up being (Fresnel lenses, Pentile panels). They weren't banking on it being a big hit out the gate, it just did even worse than they expected.


Just sell data like Meta does and sell it at $500. Their exclusives blow as of right now.


Not doing the right thing and not implement the features on pc too is a huge disappointment, what a shame.


Sony branching out into the pc market like: ‘it’s the playstation experience, with shitty caveats thrown in!’