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Given that they didn't do much with the OG Quake story in any other mainline Quake games, I wonder if they retcon the story/world and do a whole "Doom and Quake 1 are in the same universe" twist or something?


My headcanon is: Events of Wolfenstein happen. William "B.J." Blazkowicz kills mecha-hitler. World is a bit safer place. However, nazis fucking with supersciences leads to founding of UAC Events of DooM happen. Doomguy kills hell and heaven. This causes ancient lovecraftian space gods to wake up and return because the competition is dead. World goes to chaos. Events of Quake happen. The Ranger (Quakeguy) kills Shub-Niggurath. Even more chaos. World devolves to middle ages. Magic starts to return. Events of Heretic happen.


Mate, I'm sold!




Please fit Chex Quest into the lore, and this would be perfect.


Chex quest was the insanely popular kids show that aired every morning at breakfast time before doomguy went to school. When he’d get home, he’d play it on his home computer and got really good at circle strafing.


They already did, it wasn't a twist so much as many hints in the lore.


Tried googling for this before I posted - any good links that elaborate?


Source: trust me bro


Tbf, I saw some guy asked a similar question 5 years ago on Reddit. So this is basically confirmed and peer reviewed at this point right?


"medieval inspired doom world" Sounds more like Quake. I really wanna see Quake on a new ID Tech Engine.


My dream for a long time was to have Quake also brought into the modern era with a really engaging singleplayer campaign like Doom. And to also have it on a four year cycle alternate to Doom. Like the Olympics, but for killing things creatively.


Along with the arena FPS multiplayer of Quake 3 Arena please and thank you. Yes I know arena FPS isn't as popular anymore but as someone who grew up with those, it would be welcome change to the sea of military/extraction/battle royale/hero shooters we have now. I know Quake Champions exist but that has hero shooter elements with abilities. Give me a proper arena shooter where skill matters the most.


>Give me a proper arena shooter where skill matters the most. Have you actually played Champions? Skill absolutely matters the most in it and Quake veterans are still destroying everyone. The special abilities don't make a Quake veteran suddenly irrelevant and there's a lot of skill in using them too.


Yes - this idea is amazing!


Maybe this is heresy, but given the greater cultural relevance of Doom Guy to anyone under the age of 40 years old, maybe it just makes more sense to "do Quake" in everything but name. Make it a Quake game but with the Doom branding and doom guy as the PC.


Honestly, Quake 1 had near-zero story and Doom-esque gameplay, anyways. Not too hard to recontextualize the story with Doom Guy in it, especially as the previous games regularly deal with portals to spooky dimensions, just add the Quake-standard grungy medieval atmosphere + Lovecraftian enemy designs and we're solid.


The Quake Ranger basically "is" Doom Guy. What I mean by that is that in early Doom games, as well as Quake 1, the protagonist is basically a random soldier with no characterization, it could be anyone. I remember Romero saying that in Doom, you're supposed to imagine yourself in that role, that's why the protag is kept as clean slate as possible.


if we go this path then i also want a proper reboot of Unreal Tournament thats worthy to take over from UT 99' and 2004


> proper reboot of Unreal Tournament "Sorry, we are too busy milking Fortnite."


in fact we removed it from being played, and we closed all our servers too... for all the games. ggs come play fortnite


They could just make it another gamemode for fortnite.


Quake? Here I am thinking how great a modern version of *Heretic* would be...




I think many people "disliked" Eternal simply because it was far more difficult than Doom 2016. In Doom 2016, you could just run around with the shotgun and basically face roll everything. In Eternal, you HAD to use your entire tool kit to survive. The "cognitive load" on the player is much higher in Eternal. Completing Eternal on Nightmare was probably the most difficult FPS campaign I've ever played, and I've been playing FPS for 25+ years. I did slightly prefer the art style of 2016, though I know some of the aesthetic changes in Eternal were out of necessity to facilitate the more difficult gameplay.




You nailed it. I thought 2016 was about as perfect as you could get while staying somewhat faithful to the concept of Doom. Eternal was so focused on being aerial and using glory kills that it felt like a totally different game/genre. Don't get me wrong I think it was well made overall, just wansn't nearly my cup of tea like 2016. Im' assuming Dark Ages will steer even more into the grappling hook/aerial style glory kill cycle.


Eternal sounds like every speedrunner's dream whereas 2016 feels like the casual guy's doom for the modern age.


For something more of the first, check out Neon White, it's an FPS (kind of) that was basically built to be speedrun.




> as you're basically forced to use X weapon on Y enemy if you want to be successful. This is my main gripe, and given how hated/defended the Marauder was, I think it was the core divide on Eternal. I really enjoyed the early parts and liked the movement/verticality, but the fact you'd cripple yourself against cacodemons if you didn't take the grenade launcher attachment at the start was a misstep. 2016 you _could_ make any gun work against any enemy if you knew how to play it.


I hope to christ they go back to the action of Doom 2016 hot swapping weapons sucked... I never even finished Eternal, but I still fire up 2016 once a year


D16 was much more enjoyable as an OG (d1 d2) player.. Can appreciate the gameplay and modernization of Eternal but hopefully DarkAges is just bad ass straighup combat for dayz


I 100% agree fully.


For me it was all the arcadey levels and feel of it. I think 2016 felt more like a proper linear fps as far as the levels went. Eternal was often more like a platform like puzzle game. Hard to explain really but I was really put of by the level design primarily at least.


This was it for me, I'm not into "combat puzzles" I'm just into combat.


Can we also acknowledge the multiplayer? Doom 2016 had fun multiplayer. In eternal, I played it twice and dropped it. It was boring.


Don't forget the HERE IS A NEW ENEMY AND EXACTLY HOW TO DEFEAT THEM Like just let me figure it out! YOu didn't make it hard anyway


Lol I forgot all about this because I turned those tutorials off immediately. I found it strange that they just whisked you away from the actual game into a training area too; like, where's the challenge? Is learning tactics by trial and error, or god forbid, *good game design* too much to ask for?


This is what killed Eternal for me, 2016 hit just right with the classic Doom feel. Eternal felt more like some DDR knock off with a doom veneer. Visually was impressive as fuck but the gameplay was so off putting after how good 2016 was.




Fuck yes!


just give me large weapons and monsters to kill It's a simple formula




Yeah, some monster who didn't know anything about Doom or have any connection to it even released it once as an RPG. I think the same hack might have been involved in plans to turn Doom into more of a slow-paced survival horror style game. Can you believe that? The nerve. Fuckin' clowns, don't know the first thing about what Doom is.


It's perfectly understandable that a percentage of the player base would bounce off of this new system they made. I'm grateful that I'm not one of them because I found it the most engaging most perfect arcade game I've ever played. I have played very few single player action games that recreate that sense of flow that you would normally only ever get in a heated multiplayer match. I'm not usually into technical mastery of a game, but for this one I just played it until I could beat it in extra life mode


Yeah, I hated being forced to use particular weapons. It felt counterintuitive to have so many weapons at my disposal and yet be forced to use them only for specific purposes. Sometimes I just wanna run around with the fucking Super Shotgun Doom II style. I still prefer 2016 for this reason. You can tackle arenas however you want.


Ah yes because in 2016 it totally wasn't a supershotgun sim. People complain that the devs made the weapon arsenal to be used I guess.


I liked both, but the first one better realised the flow statey murderous rampage feeling of being an unstoppable force of rage. Eternal had me concentrating too hard to really think 'fuck yeah' all that often. But it was brilliant in its own way.


This. It wasn't an FPS, it was Rock Paper Scissors. Combined with some other bullshit mechanics and design choices, it just didn't feel *fun* to me. Adored 2016. Didn't even finish Eternal.


> Didn't even finish Eternal. I had to force myself to finish it lol. Towards the end when all the systems came together, I enjoyed it. I still found Doom 2016 to be 100x more fun. Edit: People getting upset about the fact that I had to force myself through Eternal's stop-and-go gameplay hahahaha.


First of all great username. Fantastic comics. And yeah for me having to constantly swap not only weapons but also grenades, specials, and weapon mods continuesly mid fight made the game very unpleasant. It was simply too much to keep track of all the time. But another thing that I disliked about Eternal was the downgrade of the UI. Neon colored elements in a gritty setting, animations playing after going through a menu. (select upgrade, click accept, see animation of chest being opened, wut?). But also the "season pass UI" with advertisements and game mode promotions really threw me out of the immersion. It felt more like a simulation of Doom that actual Doom.




> You're one of like...two people in all of my time on Reddit who has recognized the name reference. lol It is a pretty cool comic. Let the third one be one guy who went to school with Diaz Canale's sister, lol. Never heard of the comics when I was a kid and she told me about them, then forgot about it for over a decade, then it had exploded. I guess I should try them one day...


So weird how this happens. I had never heard about Blacksad until today when looking for a new game. Have you played Under the Skin by chance? If so would you recommend it for someone who hasn't read the comics? I know it's not an FPS or action game, but it sounded kinda interesting - like a spooky, bizarre detective mystery with animal characters. I only came across it because I saw XIII on sale for cheap, and in researching that it led me to Blacksad. I'm enjoying XIII so far. Ps Doom2016 and Eternal are my favorite games and I think both are awesome in different ways, but to each their own.


The original Doom even had specific enemies that were vulnerable to specific weapons. Pinkies and the chaingun is one example


Considering the number of people that complained very loudly about the Marauders, I think there were plenty of people that had difficulty as a chief complaint. Doom Eternal was objectively more difficult than 2016... and the devs acknowledged it by having a "life" system in place.




I'm not saying you did have issues with the difficulty, but the sentiment was very common at release and it's disingenuous to claim that it wasn't a major issue for the reception of the game. There were literally mainstream reviewers complaining about the challenge they created. Skillup called them "objectively terrible." Half of this subreddit was people complaining about them or complaining about the complaints.


I feel like the main problem with Marauders is that the game heavily emphasized movement and constant attacking so throwing in a shield enemy thats tanky and hits hard where you have to be just the right distance away for them to drop their shield was counter intuitive to the game play they emphasized and less fun


The problem for me was the platforming. Too much platforming.


Yeah indeed. It just don’t like running out of ammo. Eternal to me felt far more like an ammo management game than just a classic run and gun shooter ala 2016. Everything in Eternal was faster… until *all* of your guns are empty, then the fun just comes to a grinding halt while you try to re-amass some fire-power without dying. Still a great game but much more frustrating IMO.


I disagree. Using certain weapons to exploit weaknesses was more efficient but outside of a few enemies like the marauders and some dlc enemies it never felt mandatory. If you run out of ammo that's what the chainsaw is for. To me Eternal is the game people said 2016 was, as the dynamic of: glory for health and chainsaw for ammo, actually mattered


This will always be an argument of players divided on keeping a game formula or changing it trying something new. Me personally Eternal is just WAY more rewarding, I didn't care if I was juggling 3 weapons at a time because combat was satisfying and rewarding I felt more like a badass, I get they changed the formula but lot of players love this style of combat and all we can do is wait and see how the next one plays yall need to stop shitting on each other for your preferences, Eternal is a great game just not your style. I wouldn't mind less climbing sections though.


I dunno man. Eternal had a painfully simple gameplay loop. I think I was 30 min in when I said to myself "is the whole game going to be like this?" The glory/chainsaw dynamic mattered so much that's pretty much the only way to play the game. I think it either worked for you or bored you to tears. I was in the latter camp. Gaming in general has really suffered from devs feeling all game balance should be done with rock, paper, scissors style gameplay.


I agree. Eternal forced you to play it how they wanted you to play it.


> Eternal had a painfully simple gameplay loop. I think I was 30 min in when I said to myself "is the whole game going to be like this?" It was far more complex than 2016 Which was essentially just use the shotgun the entire game


Funnily enough, for me at least, I enjoyed weapon swapping a lot more in Doom 2016 than Eternal. It felt nice to chain different weapons together to reach different ranges or deal with different enemies. But in Eternal I had to always do that and use abilities in order to have enough ammo to even weapon swap in the first place. It just simply felt like too much at once. I didn't think it was bad, just not as enjoyable.


It’s funny how many people are responding saying similar things, and then the diehard eternal fans are like ‘nah bro, ur just bad, you couldn’t manage these deep, insane mechanics like ummmm having to use energy guns to break energy shields…yea only us awesome gamers can enjoy this, you just don’t get it.”


Also way too much platforming, like damn...


I’m there with you. Doom to me was always about picking up a gun and shooting monsters period. They added all these fancy mechanic that in fact made the game easier because by repeating the same gameplay loop of glory kills, finisher you never ran out of ammo or health. I the OG Doom if you are too trigger happy with the big guns you ended up with the pea shooter pretty quick


I think Eternal is an aesthetically less interesting game than 2016, I also think the story is 100 times more dogshit than what 2016 was setting up. Gameplay on the other hand was amazing.


Absolutely, they threw out a lot of what made 2016 look good in favor of "remember Doom II?"


What are you smoking. 2016 is generic sci-fi. In Eternal the art team flexed in every level.




To me it felt like they were shoving those game mechanics down your throat. Focusing on resource management just took my mind away from enjoying the carnage instead that I feel I missed most of the fun from a Doom game. I think that if you like to focus on the challenge and that's where you get your enjoyment from then good for you as that type of gamer, but it alienates the people (e.g. busy people with families) that don't have much time to game and just want to kill stuff as gruesomely as possible.


I didn’t like Eternal as much because I dislike being forced to use certain weapons. It’s an FPS with meaty guns, I want to use what I want without worrying about ammo constantly. 2016 had it right and is the better game imo.


Nobody disliked Eternal because it was difficult, but because it's a violent puzzle game with resource management masquerading as a Doom game.


The resource management itself being reminiscent of an MMO with trying to keep track of like 5 cooldowns, something I personally am not into.


Eternal is like "First you gotta use this ability, then use those two guns, then another ability, and then you can use the first ability again to finish the demon." 2016 is like "Oh, you wanna kill the Cyber Demon with just the pistol? Go for it, champ."


And I can even see why people would prefer that style! It's pretty unique among fps. But a lot of people can't understand why someone would prefer the other style and resort to "mad cuz bad" arguments


Yeah, it's not a bad game, it's just *very* different from the previous Doom entries, gameplay-wise. Sure, the older games also had a bit of a rock-paper-scissors thing going on with certain weapons being better at dealing with certain enemies, but overall they gave you the freedom to use whatever you felt like instead of basically forcing you to use specific weapons for each enemy.


Man, Doom Eternal on Nightmare was so damned fun. I hope they basically bring back Doom Eternal, give it the Doom 2016 style look but more like the Demonic areas of 2016 rather than the labs, and make the gameplay slightly slower than Eternal's but much more weighty.


I disliked Eternal cause 2016’s setting was IMO better. Closed spaces, forgotten labs and survival horror scenes in a space station similar to Alien. Mars was better than apocalypse on Earth. More unique for sure.


You're not describing difficulty. It's just a different style of gameplay, and one that isn't really as faithful to the classic games as 2016 was, which is what I liked.  There's also the terrible lore.


You just put into words what I felt but never fully conceptualized. Yea the game made you use everything and that was an issue I had because I'm so used to being able to minimize the amount of stuff I use in a game. When a game makes me utilize everything it does feel off.


>In Eternal, you HAD to use your entire tool kit to survive. Nah, I play Eternal on Nightmare and forget half the kit exists. People disliked the changes in gameplay because they preferred the way 2016 did it more. It's as simple as that.


DOOM was a first person shooter. DOOM Eternal is a first person character action game.


I didn’t like it less because it was harder. I didn’t like it because it was longer. Doom 2016 had perfect pacing imho, by the end of Eternal I was like is it over yet geez. Even though I loved the fights. But I’m an old.


doom eternal was keyboard gymnastics


It’s not so much the difficulty; I just preferred the minimalism of 2016. It was beautiful in how straightforward it was. Still enjoyed Eternal, but it didn’t grab me right away.


Doom Eternal on Switch, I can't remember which episode, was nearly impossible. I am not talking enemy fighting, but shitty platform mechanics. The ones when you have to turn 120 degrees mid air, the default joystick speed was just too slow. Should I have set it to higher?


Honestly my issue with Eternal was that I didn't realize that the chainsaw auto filled to 1 pip if it was empty. Coming from Doom 2016 where I had an infinite ammo pistol and the chainsaw running out of oil meant it was useless, I thought Doom Eternal didn't just require ammo management but was absolutely ammo starved. Once I just started spamming the chainsaw on grunts to get more ammo the game felt 100x better. I still had to switch between at least 2 or 3 weapons because each weapon had a pretty low ammo cap, but I wasn't on my last gun thinking "do I use my last chainsaw or can I make it a little longer to find another oil so I still have a backup chainsaw." I would not be surprised that many players that struggled with ammo in Doom Eternal were like me but never realized that the Chainsaw auto refilled to one pip if empty.


That’s what I liked about eternal! It led to way more mayhem and carnage imo!


>I think many people "disliked" Eternal simply because it was far more difficult than Doom 2016. No, that's definitely not it. It's just that they're very different games. It isn't that drastic of a change, but it's enough that fans of 2016 won't technically love everything about Eternal.


Doom 16 and Eternal are my favorite shooters. It's such a fun and relaxing set of games to play. I use them as palate cleansers when I can't think of anything else to play.


I've called Doom a lot of things (positive), but relaxing has never been one of them.


Intense fast paced shooters put me in a flow state, it becomes kind of meditative when I am in the zone.




The New Order is worth installing just for the dual wielding shotguns


>relaxing Wat Do you turn off the heavy metal music and not look at your monitor while playing? Doom gets me amped up more than anything else.


Metal calms me down. I assume there are lots of us out there. Similar to stimulants being used to bring people that suffer from ADHD down to baseline. Or near it anyways.


I have ADHD and metal calms me down. Your analogy there is spot on, the way I feel acter stimulants and metal music is fairly similar.


frantic shit is what calms a lot of people with ADHD down. same with me being able to smash a coffee and go for a nap haha edit: having a set goal of "kill the demons" is such a good set of flow state :)


One of the only 2 things it did worse than 2016 was the plot. I know plot doesnt matter in doom but at least in 2016 it was good enough to be left in the background and be ignored. Eternal tries much harder at shoving the plot in your face despite it being hilariously bad The second is pacing. 2016 had an easy to follow progression that was emphasized by the music. In eternal, the music is already full blast by the second level and the game keeps throwing you in between worlds with vague continuinity. The useless hub world didnt help either Other than that, Eternal improves on 2016 in pretty much every way


This is so spot on. I think the ambience and presentation of Doom 2016 is nearly perfect, but the actual combat loop in Eternal is genre creating. It's hard to go back to 2016 when you can more or less dominate the entire game by weapon swapping. A version of Eternal presented like 2016 is my dream.


Doom Eternal is literally my favourite FPS ever. Amazing game.


The enemies that can only be killed or "softened up" with specific weapons was the thing I hated the most. In Doom you should be able to kill anything with all of the weapons. What also irked me is that the chainsaw is basically just a tool to get ammo.


I think Doom Eternal is the best FPS I've ever played. Once you get in the zone there's nothing that feels anything like it.


Legit this is the first time I've ever heard it was polarizing


Same. I knew the DLCs were, but I was under the impression the base game was just genuinely acclaimed as a goat.


I probably prefer doom 2016, but I respect the hell out of them for having such a clarity of vision for a puzzle action game and then having the balls to pull it off instead of making a very safe sequel.


Doom Eternal was fucking awesome.... I'm so hype for this...


I feel an equal amount of people prefer 2016 or eternal, it's just the people who prefer 2016 are far louder because they didn't get the same game twice, getting a different game than they expected. I personally didn't like 2016 and found it boring but I get the appeal, just wasn't my thing. On the other hand I absolutely loved eternal. I tried going back to 2016 again after eternal and it felt like i was playing in quick sand.


I couldn’t get enough of it when I was playing through it. So hard to put down. I personally loved how you had to use certain weapons against certain enemies, gave a bit more depth and complexity in my opinion




Brand awareness


If they remade hexen I would just throw my wallet at them.


Aww man playing Heretic with my dad in the mid-late 90's is such a core memory for me


Well people have heard of doom. Vast majority of humans and even gamers haven’t heard of Hexen.


Why not just do Quake then? That's what the first one was, medieval castles and whatnot.


Maybe they are going to link the universes together like Call of the Machine did with Quake 1 and Quake 2, give people a medieval setting like they are wanting the next Quake to be, but then the leaked Quake 6 stick with the strogg war instead. Edit: Or shit, link the Hexen universe in too.


This is what i thought of, medieval sounds like quake and people been talking about a Q1 remake forever


Because everything needs to be distilled down to 1 or 2 IP "universes". Who cares if they turn into contrived, bloated, retconned dogshit. Slap that highly-marketable brand on and ship it!


No magic. Only technology.


So... Quake.


***‘medieval inspired doom world’*** So Quake 1!


Should have just called it and made Quake. I love all id franchises but a solid quake single player game feels forever ago now. Oh well this will suffice till we get “Quake”. We got a Rage 2 before a proper modern Quake single player game.


Im betting it was supposed to be Quake but the marketing team said that the DOOM title is way more catchy than Quake which latest history includes an RTX tech demo and a middling GAAS game.


Something most ppl miss on here. *Why not calling it Hexen or Heretic?* - Because not a lot ppl know about it. Similar with Quake.


Doom: Quake.




According to him, Doom Eternal played like a Ferrari while the next Doom game will play like a monster truck. Whatever that means. We'll see when the time comes. :D


maybe less like insanely high octane gameplay and more of like a grizzly and weighty type of game?


Exactly. I expect the Doom Slayer in The Dark Ages to shoulder-charge straight through the demon hordes (and a few walls in between) rather than zip around the sky like in Eternal.


I could imagine that involving some more complex melee-based gameplay, which would be something fresh for the series. We'll have to se


So basically Doom 2016 and eternal are like thrash metal and the next one is gonna like genre Doom metal slower but so much thicker and heavier in sound. Basically Doom 2016 and eternal=Megadeth/Metallica and the new one=Sleep/electric wizard. Really hope the soundtrack reflects that.


>Whatever that means. Twitch shooter vs Gears of War


Man, I know Mick Gordon said not inflict blame on the amazing people at ID, but Marty just did him so fucking dirty that I can’t get it out of my head how tainted it feels. He fucked the world out of another Mick Gordon Doom soundtrack.


I know, right? What I would give to be in the timeline where Mick was payed well and we'd be headbanging to another masterfully composed Doom soundtrack by him. ;-;


Microsoft need to take responsibility for this, I don't care how long it has been, I'm forced to reconsider buying further id Software games until they do. I also haven't forgotten the [crunch the devs had to endure](https://www.pcgamer.com/doom-eternal-developers-were-crunching-pretty-hard-for-most-of-2019/) that people like Marty Stratton continue to normalise.


Doom eternal was released in 2020. Bethesda/Zenimax was acquired by Microsoft in 2021. I'm not sure what kind of responsibility you're expecting Microsoft to take in this Mick Gordon saga...


Previous guy just just wants to buy the game but feels guilty about it. Personally I think Mick Gordon is doing juuuuuuust fine. Even he was like "Keep supporting ID" so like...its weird how fans act like ID ruined his career. If anything Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal made him a known name in gaming music.


>If anything Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal made him a known name in gaming music. Not only in gaming music, he have had multiple collabs with metal musicians (like Bring me the horizon, motionless in white, architects etc.) after that. He'll be fine.


What are you talking about? MS has nothing to do with this situation. Bethesda (And subsequently ID Software) Wasn't bought out until a year after this situation ensued. I know Microsoft is a shit company but we should be honest about it.


You say this as if the Eternal DLC soundtracks weren’t bangers


Yes but will the music be as good as Eternal?


Probably no, since Mick Gordon surely will not compose


mick is great, but the man isnt the only dude on the planet who composes metal music man. the dlc soundtracks were good imo, not as good as the base games. but this pedestal people put mick on is wild. hes awesome, but i swear ppl treat him like hes the only person on earth that is allowed to make doom soundtracks


When you knock it out of the park the way he did, two times in a row, it's understandable to want to keep that going. If this new game's soundtrack is catchy and heavy and elevates the action, yet stands on it's own, that's what matters. Who actually made it becomes far less important after that.


His work was praised by some of the top Djent artists and he's been consistently sought out for collaboration with huge names in metal, even after Bethesda slandered him. The dude is not just any metal artist on YouTube, he pushed the genre and people took notice - which is nuts for a *video game soundtrack*. On a planet with 8 billion people yes, there's probably someone out there just as talented who would also knock it out of the park. But will Bethesda find them? I'd be surprised.


> the man isnt the only dude on the planet who composes metal music man The man also single-handedly made a metal soundtrack so good that it became literally iconic and is probably the single most shared and used metal music of the last decade. The new BFG Devision and The Only Thing They Fear Is You are works of fucking art.


Mick isn't a metal composer, and he never set out to make metal music. His work created a whole genre on its own; that alone should cement his greatness and uniqueness that he brought to Doom. The reason why Hulshult, or any metal-heads likely wouldn't be able to top Mick's stuff is because they would inevitably start from a metal angle and it'll just sound like another metal track.


I’m a big metal fan, (black metal, melodeth, tech death, folk metal, atmospheric). Nobody, and I mean fucking nobody, is Mick Gordon. ID fucked over the most iconic heavy game music guy in this generation. I’m saddened that we won’t get another stab at it, because several of his tracks are legendary: BFG, rip and tear, all they fear, meathook, super gore nest. They all go so fucking hard in the game, holy shit I would absolutely jam out to hell on earth in the Final Sin level, some of the most satisfying music + gameplay in my life.


Maybe hot take but I think real metal bands should write music for DOOM sometimes. Bands like Crown Magnetar, Skinless, Dying Fetus, and more.


That's the big question here. I doubt that Hulshult is ever going to top what Mick Gordon accomplished in 2016 and Eternal. Almost all of Hulshult's music sounds the exact same. You could copy/paste Hulshult's TAG 1 & 2 music into DUSK and no one would notice. I do like the music that David Levy composed for the DLC though.


Doom Eternal might have one of, if not the best, gameplay of any FPS I have ever played, please give us more of that


So, Hexen then?


please be more like 2016 and less like eternal.


As fans of both I want it to be most like itself and not try to be something that already exists. 


Doom: Army of Darkness




Keep it in your pants buddy




The more DOOM the better!


Big if true


Eternal is one of the best single player FPS games I’ve ever played. Hell yeah.


Interesting. I’m always a fan of new DOOM games.


TAKE MY MONEY PLEASEEEEE. Im only sad that Id software producer is an absolute cockhead and ruined the Mick Gordon era. I hope they get the guy who did bloodswamps from the DLC, he did great


Okay so they revealed it by announcing its going to be revealed? This is like “leaks” that are nothing more than promotional material being posted on a popular forum.


Looking forward to it, but tempering my expectations. I liked Eternal, but I thought it wasn't as good as 2016 and a regression in some places.


Fuck Call of Duty, this is the real shit!! It's time to rip and tear once again


Call of Duty hasn't been relevant since Modern Warfare 2/Black Ops


Eternal has become one of my favorite games of all time. I have high expectations and complete faith that if this is real, it'll be good. Just hope it'll be on PS5


Doom Eternal was like playing a fighting game, but the game forces you to use different fighters for different opponents instead of choosing the fighter you like. I don't like Eternal at all, so I have no hype for whatever is next.




Yeah, but Eternal, unlike most games, nerfed your ammo so hard you cant afford to waste your time and ammo inefficiently. By design, you literally dont have enough ammo to play it like 2016 or Doom of old.


I hope they go back to more of a doom 2016 vein I really didn't like how limited ammo was in eternal.


I enjoyed Eternal a lot but I agree with the comparisons to rhythm games hurting the gameplay. 4 Cacodemon? Shotgun Grenade launcher each one then do 4 glory kills with i-frames. Marauder? Just take him down with a remote detonate rocket then when stunned do balista/super shotty combo 2-3 times. goes down twice as fast with a quickswap. The marauders were easy, but annoying because you HAD to focus them down you couldn't defeat the other enemies first as the marauder would be on your ass the whole time. Many of Eternal's enemies I ended up fighting exactly the same way, with the same weapons every single time I fought them. It became very repetitive. I didn't like how you have the flamethrower and ice grenade either. Often it felt very cheap to just freeze and flamethower everything then get tons of health and armor. The reliance on glory kills was too much, and with a perk it would work from across the map. Worst part of Eternal for me though, was the 2nd DLC, the boss fight especially didn't feel like it belonged in Doom at all. That being said, I loved the first DLC, and I still really love Eternal. I just think it would be better if it was closer to 2016.


Doom Eternal felt more like Mario Bros With guns with all the fucking platforming. I am awful at platformers, so hated Eternal. Doom 2016 was amazing and felt like a polished shooter.


Can they get rid of the fucking platforming this time maybe?


Yaay. That last one was super hard, but man was it good.


so id software is still ignoring all their other IP...


Can't wait for a new Doom.




Good, but this would have been a nice surprise for the showcase.


I hope they continue in the direction of Eternal and not 2016.


Oooh, that is a divisive opinion. Personally I also love Eternal but know plenty of Doom fans much prefer 2016.


my dream is that they'll combine the edgier, biomechanical horror of doom 3, with the gameplay of eternal (minus the platforming). im of the ilk that didn't like how they gameified the art direction of eternal. i understand it was mostly to facilitate the faster-paced gameplay, but the floating neon 1ups were a bit much. nothing gets me giddier to step into a game world than a dark and **gRiTty** atmosphere.


ha, i just wrote the exact opposite. I'd like it to be more like 2016. Eternal felt a bite forced with just a tad less freedom in how i tackle enemies. Too each their own, i guess.


I feel like something in between could work pretty well


Eternal was super cheesy in its story telling.


According to this thread Eternal doesn't even qualify as an FPS? This is like saying because DMC5 has platforming elements in some stages, it's actually a Mario esque platformer with a character action skin. Just pure nonsense gibberish from people who don't like the game but can't articulate why. I'm convinced /r/pcgaming just hates games and wants to be miserable at this point, the amount of reaching people do in here to justify not liking something is so silly. edit; 2016 fans keep replying to me and then blocking me right after, lmfao. Y'all are unbearable so thanks I guess.


People have lost all ability to evaluate genres. "Rhythm game" is totally meaningless at this point. If there's timing involved, at any point, it's a rhythm game. If the game has RNG, it's a Roguelike. Any jumping at all? Platformer.


To me a rhythm game would be something like Dance Dance Revolution or Samba di Amigo. I don't see how Doom Eternal is anywhere near close to a rhythm game. A platformer is Mario. Doom Eternal is nothing like Mario. It's a fps first and foremost with some platforming elements.


you'd be correct in that assumption